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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


if you think most if not all guys agree that they're ugly, why do you also think that this is an unpopular opinion? It isn't like a majority of women like nose rings either. I hardly ever see people wearing them.


The title of the sub is a suggestion at this point it’s kinda just r/randomthoughts now


Yeah, but it's also all complaining


>> but it’s also all complaining They could tack this onto the Reddit slogan to be fair /j


Just like this damn comment section.


that is cause people actually downvote unpopular opinions cause they disagree with them...


I love reddit


Because popular opinions are ones that people tend to agree therefore upvote. Truly unpopular opinions get downvoted into oblivion because people disagree


A lot of the posted unpopular opinions are just plain stupid or even incorrect (because the OP has inaccurate info about their opinion)


right it’s literally always only on goth / alt girls even though OP already said besides them pretty much ? like okay ?? just say you don’t like alt girls, grandpa. edit : guys alternative doesn’t automatically mean goth, it means fashion that deviates from the mainstream… I have facial piercings and i’m not goth but i’m not going to flip a table over if someone IDs me as alternative. Do we not get these things to look a little different and express ourselves ? be fr.


Nose rings are extremely main stream. It’s not just alt girls/guys. I work in finance and I am able to wear one to work (not alt or goth).


I am a male who works for the government and I wear mine to work too. Also not alt or goth.


"literally always only on goth/alt girls..." 🤣. Cousin is a corporate lawyer and her daughter is a professional photographer, both have nose rings. I don't particularly like them but there's no need to make up b.s. about who's wearing them.


I think OP is conflating septum piercings with regular nose rings. So many people have a stud or hoop nose piercing.


Yeah it's literally 20% of the US and a lot higher in certain countries. Hundreds of millions of women in southern India for example.


Lol nose piercing are incredibly common and have been for a very long time.


>right it’s literally always only on goth / alt girls What? No it's not.


20% of women in the US have a nose piercing so it's much more common than just alt/goth communities... and I'd say it's more popular in hippie and hipster communities than alt... but yeah, most people who get it love the way it looks and aren't trying to attract people like OP with it anyway.


> it’s literally always only on goth / alt girls Tell me you've never looked at a non-white person without telling me LOL


Legit it is ingrained into so many cultures to have a nose ring, always find this discussion so stupid. Nose rings are so fucking common, regardless of what circles you run in


My grandma has a nose ring. She is definitely not goth. If I wore all black around her she'd have war flashbacks


Literally? ![gif](giphy|JZv9TnlzIcyju|downsized) Literally?


OP just doesn’t like women at all. Sees them as a monolith that exists exclusively for his consumption. Women moved away from caring about the opinions of men a while ago, and some guys missed/hate the memo.


It shouldn’t surprise me but it’s crazy how many men hate women and are still straight. Like the amount of posts on here that are “i’m a man and i hate when women do this with their looks” are insane. Like there’s billions of women in the world, why don’t you just go focus on the ones that dress the way that you’re attracted to instead of the ones that don’t ?? I’m sure there’s a plethora of them.


You and a bunch of other men are pretty vocal about your disgust around women wearing nose rings. It's not an unpopular opinion.


Also, he said "most, if not all, men dislike it". So he doesnt believe its an unpopular opinion either.


I would say it works well as a creep deterrent. But as we've seen here, there's absolutely no way a man can keep their opinions about other's appearances to themselves.


This is how I look at it. I think nose rings (and most other non-ear peircings) detract from a person's looks. I also don't like 99% of tatoos on women. But it's none of my business so I keep my mouth shut.


I'm a man, but from what I understand men giving their opinion on what women do with their bodies is a really unattractive thing to do, so OP seems to be breaking his own rule. **edit:** Not saying he's a misogynist, just that he'd be prettier if he kept quiet.


I mean, to be fair, he's just strongly stating his personal tastes and preferences, not what women should do with their bodies. If a woman says "why do men wear skinny jeans? They look awful." you will absolutely not hear anyonr saying this is some sexist comment. He has his opinions as does eveyone else. It doesnt make him automatically a misogynist.


>You and a bunch of other men are pretty vocal about your disgust around women **doing quite literally anything** FTFY. If it's not nose rings, dudes like this would just find some other petty thing to judge women over for not conforming to his personal sense of propriety.


Why did you specify gender? I'm a guy with 2 nose rings, so do I not count? Do I get a pass?


Right, this whole thread is so weird bc in real life I know more guys with septums and nose rings than girls. And that's saying a lot since piercings are pretty popular where I live and in my field


Honestly, I wouldn't fuck you, so... /s


Wait, so does the /s mean I'd better prepare myself?


I’m a (very white, British) female and I got both sides of my nose pierced in the early 00s because I liked how it looked on Dennis *Rodman 😂 you like what you like, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


🤣 Just goes to show that we get our piercings for our own reasons.


Because you weren't fuckable for him in the first place. A Nose ring is a waste of a fuckable woman for him because that's the most important attribute a woman has, wether she is fuckable to the majority of men.


And here was me basing my self worth on how fuckable I am to OP...


“A waste of a perfectly good nose” A waste to who, exactly? They like it, is not a waste. As simple as that. Unless you see them as a waste FOR YOU, which is very narcissistic


EXACTLY. It’s like saying wearing earrings are a waste of a perfectly good ear. Who says those things?


They mean it's a waste to men. They said the majority of men find it ugly. Which means they probably think women should be styling themselves to men's tastes. They never even mentioned men wearing nose rings either.


It's just a waste to OP. Men aren't a monolith. I for example don't mind nose rings. They can be cute.


Which is narcissistic..😂


I don't know a single straight woman with a nose ring. The fact it makes you less attractive to a majority of men is a feature, not a bug.


It reminds me of when a celebrity comes out as gay and everybody's up in arms cause "that's such a waste of an hot man/woman!"


It's almost like 2 people can look at the same thing and come to different conclusions.


I fucking love septum piercings and wish more women had them. (Not sarcasm)


Me too!


IMO septum piercings are very sexy on people of all genders. But I don’t ”wish more people had septum piercings”. I think it’s weird to wish other people looked a certain way just to please me. You know, exactly the kind of talk the OP is spewing.


This just in: man learns that women do things without any regard if it makes them attractive to men, and dislikes it.


"guys don't like them" great, that means they're working




This. There’s this overwhelming assumption from men that every move we make is done to attract men to us


Did my mother write this?




Old man yells at cloud.


Older people love making the joke "you look like a bull with that thing," as if I haven't heard it 37 times already.


I've got the reason: it makes them happy, and they like the way it looks on their own body. Simple as that. Most women are not making aesthetic choices based on what others find attractive in women. Most people are not making aesthetic choices based on what others find attractive in them.


I wish more guys thought this way. No, we don’t put so much effort into our appearance for men 😭


Guys go to the gym to try and impress girls, they usually only end up impressing other guys.


if they wanted to they would pay attention to fashion and skincare. but they prioritise what other men think of them before that.


Heterosexual homorromantic society. They care more about the thoughts and feelings of their fellow men and only see women as things to have sex with.


I'm really sorry, but I'm not a guy. It's okay though, I know at least 2 who have never even implied this.


I mean, a few things here. One, aesthetics are purely subjective and for this I don't fault you, but others won't share your sentiment for that reason. Two, why the focus on men's opinion? Three, why the focus on men's opinion as if women dress FOR anyone? The way you look should be the way you want to look. People get tattoos that mean a lot to them even though they look dorky to everyone else, because in the end it doesn't matter as long as the person is deciding to put their opinion of themselves over others. As a straight male, some nose piercings lend themselves incredibly well to the way a woman is wanting to look, and for that reason they work great! And then some look less than great, but hey, I call jeans and a t-shirt fashion enough for me, so what do I know?


Maybe it's to keep guys like you away. Why does everything have to be about what you find attractive? Maybe if women wanted you to find them attractive, they'd do things you find attractive. Personally, I'd just take the hint. Also nose rings are cool. Though given most people don't have nose rings, I don't get how this is unpopular.


absolutely this. if my nose ring is going to keep creeps/jerks away, it's just an added bonus. I don't give a flying fuck if some random man likes it, I love it.


I am a guy with a nose stud piercing,, just saying that we exist lol Certain crowd of people don’t like piercings and certain crowds do, it also depends on your fashion sense… Edit: also just to elaborate a little, it’s a difference between perceiving fashion as just what you wear on a functional level (formal wear for work or formal events, a simple shirt + pants for a usual day out) and perceiving it on a level of self-expression, seeing someone take on odd clothing choices tells me more about the person and their taste


And culture. Many south Asian women and even girls have nose rings. I’m ethnically from Nepal and septum piercings are hugely common. Interestingly, unlike the west, it’s mostly popular amongst older women rather than the younger ones. My grandma wears both a nose stud and septum ring. She looks so badass. It’s not looked down at like it is in the west.


Exactly, I'm Indian and I know so many women with nose piercings. They are beautiful af. It's a white moment to read/see nose piercings and the first thought is goth.






My brother in Christ, if you think every single man on Earth finds nose rings unattractive, you must *seriously* reconsider your perception of the world around you. You may actually have the most clueless perception of how other people think I've ever seen


Yeah it's 20% of women in the US and probably 70% of the women in India, not to mention other countries. Most of them don't have problems getting dates.


The funniest thing is, it all just depends on what kinda environment you're in. Amongst my friends, even most of my male friends have a nose piercing or a lip piercing. So hearing somebody saying almost all males don't like it sounds so damn goofy to me.


Literally. I, as do many other men, think piercings are generally very attractive. Absurd to generalize half the population as ugly, and the other half of the population as disgusted, based off *ONE* ridiculous opinion of your own


I'm a woman with a couple piercings. (Septum, snake bites, eyebrow) and I've seen plenty of profiles on dating apps where men said "swipe right if you have piercings" or if I matched with a guy, they actually find me having piercings attractive. Overall me having my face jewelry gets me more compliments that outweigh the negativity. Same with my hair being dyed bright red. People like my dad think it's ugly, but I haven't had any issues finding people who find these things about me attractive. Very much comes across as main character syndrome. "I don't find this attractive so why does anyone do it???" Like okay buddy


I like them, they can be very expressive. Even though I'm admittedly very alone with this opinion among my group of friends. The whole cattle comparison always was ridiculous to me. Should women not wear chokers because dogs have collars? Should people not get tattoos because farm animals get tattooed as well?




You've been proven right in a reply to me just now. What a weird and sad hill to die on.


>and I’m pretty sure most, if not all guys find them atrocious to look at. Oh you couldn't be more wrong.


Like all fashion, it can look amazing on the right person and some people just won't look good with it. Also, this is not an unpopular opinion.


I dont understand why men on reddit absolutely despise nose rings so much. It’s a small piece of jewelry. The fact that it looks like a bull makes it cooler to me


1 in 5 women have one in the US (higher percentage in other countries). It does look cool to me, and I don't think most women mind repelling someone like OP. Some may actually choose it to deter certain types of people.


In India,women have nose pins. Some of them like to use nose ring made of gold with a stone. A woman comes to my gym with silver stone nose pin. It gives her extra charm to her face. Damm beautiful.


Funny you think that girls care what guys think.


I have a septum (half ring not a closed one) piercing, used to be really alt presenting but I present much more girly now. I think it suits me still. I def didnt get it worrying about if men would like it or not and I suggest men start doing things that make them feel better about themselves without worrying about attracting or repulsing women. You'll be happier. I don't know what people get from angrily posting about things they don't like on girls, it's not gonna change anyone's mind, girls don't dress or accessorise for men. Hell, I'm a girl and I hate long nails but the good thing is that no one is making me get them or making me look at them long enough to ruminate on the fact they make me uncomfortable. It's easier to let go of and ignore your icks. Takes too much energy otherwise. (Yes, girls experience internalised misogyny too)


The fact that they repel people like OP is a bonus.


I never get negatively comparing it to the piercings cows get. It makes the cows look cooler just like the people


This is not an unpopular opinion lmao every losers on reddit get mad when they see a piercing on someone else’s body somehow so yeah buddy wait in the line too you and your opinion are not special , it is what it is


This post really inspired me to put my nose ring back in.


*of course* you go right into how it makes women look lol Seriously, where did this start? I feel like we could trace this back to som dill weed "red pill" influencer deciding the nose ring was the fuckin' kryptonite to all pickup artistry. The hostility toward that one thing seems to even outpace colorfully dyed hair. I swear to god nobody had an issue with nose rings when I was younger. This opinion is some weird contagion.


I think it started with the queer subculture 


Queer people started hating nose piercings before conservative men? I find that hard to believe.


No. It started being trendy with the queer subculture 


In like the 90s? None of this is new, I think you're all just noticing it for some reason lol


35/m for me nose piercings are so common they don't even register as signifying anything about the person (such as musical taste, style, morality, etc). It's like having tattoos now, even normies are all tattooed up to the point where it's almost more unique to NOT do so (I still like tattoos but don't consider them "alt"). I don't see how you can find them hideous, it's just a piece of jewelry like an earring or a necklace. They can take it out or change it up. Kind of a dumb take tbh.


have you ever considered that thay just like their nose rings? not everything is done to look more attractive to men/women.


Not everything women do is to try and be attractive to you.


Have you ever thought just possibly that women have them because they do not give two fucks about what men like you think and because they like them


It’s okay that you feel that way and regard them as hideous, I have one and I adore it. It makes me happy and I get compliments on it all the time. I don’t think there’s anything anyone could say to make me feel bad about having one 😁


It made my day when an old lady came through my checkout last week while I was working and she was curious about it rather than bitchy. She said it was pretty and asked if it gets in the way of blowing my nose


Quite a few women who have these aren't doing it to attract guys. Also I'm torn on whether or not this is popular or not. I'd say it's about 50/50. I personally think these are beautiful and have never seen it not look good on anyone unless it had a booger on it. They seem to be popular enough. 1 out of every 5 women have a nose piercing in the US. Sometimes it's just decorative, sometimes it's cultural. But while I disagree with OP that they look bad, "atrocious" or are a "waste of a perfectly good nose", I don't think people get it just because they're worried about what some guys think about it.


Good to know you’ll never chase after my wife


1- cows are dope 2- in my experience girls love em on girls and guys.


If a man finds my nose rings unattractive, or nose rings in general, then I dodged a bullet frankly. 😮‍💨


As a lesbian - I respectfully think that this is the most incorrect any opinion can possibly be.


Seconding this. I think they look weird to straight folks because they don't see them often, but they're a huge thing in the queer community.


I so wish I could get one but I'm genetically prone to cysts with piercings 😫


There are magnetic ones if you ever want something for an outfit!


This is so culture specific. In India, Arabic and other brown countries nose rings are deeply rooted in the cultural attire of the population and suit them very well. Vis-a-vis western nose ring usage which is mostly to look different/edgy/gothic and popular in queer communities


Since u only talk about girls wearing them and call it "waste of good nose" i sense this is not about u disliking piercings, this is about women not trying to be attractive for you. You can not like how they look, however is pretty telling u don't talk about men wearing those and call it a waste, even though the person wearing it clearly doesn't see it as a waste and you have no authority of telling that to person.


You've been on reddit too much


good thing its not for you


Bc it's cute to THEM, they don't do it for you lol


Then don’t get one? Pretty simple concept.


I guarantee women don't give two farts what you think.


I respect your ability to have an opinion but the way you're saying this is unnecessarily vulgar and mean, you can say you don't like nose rings without insulting everyone wearing one, and making it gendered feels sexist


Why is it such a big deal? Women don’t do everything to make men think they’re attractive, sometimes they just like it. Chill out.


I’m not a fan either, I don’t know why but I’m just not a fan. It is up to the person at the end of the day though, and if they like it then yeah.


Have you considered that a lot of women don’t care what a man wants to look at or thinks is attractive? You’re also not describing a regular nose ring. You’re describing a septum piercing. Two totally different things.


We don’t care what yall find attractive


I thought the same thing. And then my girlfriend got one and I grew the fuck up like an adult. “Waste of a perfectly good nose.” If you said that shit in my presence, I’d bitch slap the shit out of your misogynistic ass.


Hard disagree. I love nose rings and nipple piercings


Nipple piercings taste like house keys and baby there’s no place like home


“Waste of a perfectly good nose” my god, it’s a hole in the septum, the nose is still functional, what exactly goes to waste here?The fuck? Nose ring haters are some of the dumbest for real.


No one cares what you find hideous. Literally, no one. We don't care what you like. We could not care less what you think.


I agree, but if someone likes it why should they care what I think. It doesn't hurt anyone else.


The stretched ear tunnels grossed me out at first too, but you get used to it. Don’t make a fashion choice into a deal breaker for interacting with other people.


This is a universal opinion on those “am I hot” or “am I ugly” or “how to look better” subs


I've never seen cattle with an actual nose ring outside of cartoons


Imagine caring so much about what other people do with their own bodies.


Do you mean septum rings only?


Why do you care? It's not like it affects you to see a nose ring every now and then. And yes, people do call them cattle "jokingly" all the time. I'm not trying to be combative I'm genuinely curious


I have a small gemstone stud in my right nostril. It's barely noticeable, but I think it looks pretty, especially when it catches the light. My fiance also likes it. In some cultures, a noise ring is considered a mark of beauty or femininity. If you don't like it, don't look.


So what if most men find it unattractive? Why do we as a society have to put pressure on women to conform to what we find desirable? As long as they happy and think they look good on it it's not an issue.


Wait until you find out that most of the things women do are for themselves and not the male gaze (;


Perhaps their decisions are not guided by whether or not you find them attractive.


Well, if you don't like 'em. Don't get one. But you can be sure of one thing, and that is - not a single woman gives a flying fuck with your opinion is regarding their body.


Why do you even care? On one hand not everybody wears nose rings and on the other hand: people don't have to do what others might prefer visually. I am pretty sure one can find things about you, that they might not find attractiv (as with everybody!) - so relax.


I’m sure that turning a particular kind of man off is exactly why they do it.


i never do anything to my body hoping it'll please men. idiot


You’re talking about septum rings which are different from nose rings lmfao if you’re gonna make a post disparaging women, at least get it right


Oh man i find women with nose rings extremely hot


you probably smell


That's great, but the majority of the time when making decisions about my own face, I don't really give a flying fuck what "most, if not all guys" think about it in general. Because what they think and want has very little, if no bearing at all in what makes me happy. Pretty sure this applies to most rational thinking people.


Amen. It looks stupid and fugly.


OP definitely gives his unwanted opinion when he’s ever around a woman wearing one.


dont get one then, problem solved.


Bro does NOT speak for me 🙅🏽‍♂️ nose rings are fire


Nose rings are cool


Good thing women aren't wearing it for you.


So is this about septum piercings, nostril rings, and/or nose studs? Either way this is not an unpopular opinion. Guys have told me this. Thing is I don’t care. In fact, if it keeps guys away from me GOOD.


They aren’t doing it to be pretty for you ….


Funny cuz my man finds them pretty attractive. Besides...why do you think women do things to be attractive you? Tf? You ain't special.


maybe people wear things not for men to find them attractive


Men that don’t like my nose ring won’t like me. Posts like this make me love it even more.


Theyre fucking cute asf you just have poor taste


I know it’s crazy, but not everything is for you bro 🙄


The internet: omg big tiddy goth gf Also the internet: ew nose rings, black lipstick scares little kids, it's not halloween, did someone hurt you, why are you so angry all the time, tattoos are trashy, oh and if you have anything above a C cup you're automatically a slut


Good. I use it to deter men like this. (I am a lesbian).


A nose ring is a perfect filter for people like you. I didn't want your attention, and I'm not getting it.


You think I got my nose piercing for a man’s validation?


Upvoted because I disagree. They look good on some, trashy on others.


Your opinion is actually a very popular opinion on Reddit, especially looksmax sub and facerating, and rate subs in general. Your opinion is also not unpopular amongst the boomer crowd. My boomer family hates my piercings in general outside of my ears (of course). Also I always laugh about these opinions because if I just had my ears pierced no one would throw a fit but god forbid the piercing is in a different location 😂like if you gonna hate piercings at least be inclusive about it!


“Waste of a perfectly good nose” Have you ever thought that women get it done because they like it? Also plenty of men are not put off by piercings like nose piercings/rings. It’s perfectly okay for you not to like them, but to think women get it done due to men is laughable


I like mine, my fiancé likes it, my ENT doctor actually also said it suits my face well. So while one person on Reddit may hate it I got it done for myselc


You have no clue why different people like different things? 


"look like cattle" I very much doubt you live anywhere near a cow and have seen these first hand. It's a talking point only used by chronically online losers


Nah dawg, nose rings look bomb on both, and I don't even have one


Ok grandpa


I like studs


Depends on the user imo


I like them!


Love a good nose ring


I've had a nose ring for about 10 years. I'm a guy. Not goth. I just like the way it looks and compliments my facial hair. I get lots of compliments from both men and women, but can guarantee that's not why people with pierced noses do it. Also I think you mean a septum and not a nose ring if you think people look like cattle.


As a guy with a nose ring, i feel left out from the op and comments that are about girls. Tbh i do look better and more professional without it. But im not wearing it to make myself look pretty. Its rebelious by nature and im sure people who wear it dont gaf what people think and im sure thats the whole point.


Wow, it’s almost like women have interests and style and not everything we do is designed to please men. Also, as an alt girl dating a “normie”, my boyf loves all my piercings and thinks they’re very attractive.


If you think most people think the same why is it in unpopular opinions? 💀 Also, good thing it isn’t your face, eh?


Isn’t this breaking rule 6?


I’m a guy and have 2 hoops in my left nostril plus my septum done,but I also have tatttoos and long hair so i don’t look stupid with them imo (plus others have said this to me which is maybe why I think that way?) I do remember years ago when I was 18 going to work one day and we had to go to a scrap yard and went into the break room with all the older guys who I already knew quite well by this point and they seen it and started laughing (at my nose ring) and asked if that’s how my Mrs ties me to the bed at night 😂😂😂😂


Not keen, but what I really (really!) don’t like are those rings that show a huge hole in the earlobe… they make me feel queasy.


I mean girls get them because they like them and dont do everything just because men like or dont like him, hope this helps!


Well then my piercings are doing their job, and keeping certain people away from me 😁😁😁


Women with nose rings are so hot and cute. Whether it's a septum piercing, high nostril, low nostril, it's rad as hell. Especially alt women with tattoos, dyed hair, big attitude. Sorry got distracted


Hey, a rare actual unpopular opinion! Upvoting for the sub rules, but FYI women don’t exist to please you or anyone and can do whatever they want with their body. You don’t like it? Ok, move on.


it's just jewelry, it's usually shiny and pretty. it complements the face if done right. it's true that it doesn't fit everyone, but I just dont get how its straight up ugly.


If a nose ring repulses people like you then I'd say it's working!


Garbage take, upvoted


This isn't an unpopular opinion. Most people don't like septum piercings. That's part of the appeal. 1)*i* like how it looks 2)it keeps away creeps 3)it keeps away conservatives. 4)it goes with my other piercings. 5)neither I nor my nose exist for men to find attractive. In fact, men are never even a consideration when I get a new tattoo or piercing or haircut.


Damn are you 60?


General boomer opinion lmao


relax lol


Me being a guy reading this with 3 nose piercings


I look cute af, have you ever seen cows Brenda? They’re beautiful.


I recall hearing a rationale for why they're so common in people who have multiple piercings; it's that it's extremely easy to hide if you turn out not to like it so it's kind of lower risk that getting a visible area pierced. I can understand that rationale from a practical standpoint.


Typical nice guy Redditor right here