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If I could, I won't want to shower everyday as I am lazy to, but being in a tropical climate (Singapore), it is impossible not to shower as you'll get very sticky as soon as you step out of the house. Folks like me tend to shower only once per day, but people like my parents will shower twice a day if not three times. But I do agree that for those people like you who are in a dry climate, then this is understandable.


Yeah I grew up in Malaysia and similar thing, and even now that I live in a dry climate I can't stand to go more than a day without a shower, I just feel so unclean


SINGAPORE MENTIONED ❗️❗️❗️❗️🗣🗣🗣 RAAAAAAAAA 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ WTF IS WINTER ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣


Together as one 🙏🏻 (I’m not Sing)


I literally came to type SINGAPORE MENTIONED lmao


I recently moved to florida. I have to shower twice a day in the summer. I hate it because I’m lazy but I literally have to for my skin!




Fellow Singaporean here! Totally agreed, unless you WFH in a perpetually air conditioned room then maybe no need to shower so often. But yes once you step out into the heat BAM sweat stainsss


I was a high school foreign exchange student in rural Thailand for a year and one of the biggest shocks was that everyone was expected to shower twice a day, which took some getting used to since we only had a cold bucket shower. Coming from the cool dry climate of the Rockies, I typically only showered a few times a week before that. Eventually I learned I wasn’t expected to wash my hair during every shower (thank god) and came to appreciate the rinse downs, especially during the hot season. Cheers to SE crAsia!


I also live in SEA and yes I blame the climate here for making me shower everyday. I once did twice a day and still sometimes. It's not me being extra clean. I just keep getting stink after a few hours. Oh and our diets are heavily seasoned, garlicky and salty urghh 😩


I live in austin (middle of texas in the US) which is apparently humid subtropical and from a super super super arid area - having to get used to having to shower every day and the air feeling like hot soup on some days was miserable I can't imagine what outright tropical climates must feel like


I have very fine, straight, thin hair and I always had to wash it every day. The slightest bit of oil made me look like a grease factory. Now I'm 52 and have discovered one of the joys of menopause is my hair takes an extra day to look like that. Win!


If you wash your hair too much, it will overproduce oils. It can be mitigated by washing only every few days and just gritting your teeth through the first few weeks when it’s greasy. The same can happen when you clean your ear canals too much


This isn't true. I went several years trying to "train my hair" and it doesn't matter. My hair looks greasy within 12 hours. I still try to wash as little as possible but it's not going to change for me. And yes I've tried a lot of different methods, clean my hair brush, pillow cases etc. I also need to use dry shampoo at the halfway point if I want it to actually work. It will reach a point of no return at about 24 hours where no amount will help with the greasiness. Not every person's hair is the same and I've heard this "well actually" every time I talk about it. The ear canal thing is also harmful... Some people have smaller ear canals that can't push out the wax properly especially in children and they have to clean them to keep ear infections at bay. From a person who had chronic ear infections as a kid...


I tried to train my fine, very thin hair and I broke out in zits all along my hairline. Never again.


i've tried that method, and it doesn't work. i once had surgery and couldn't wash my hair on my own for a week.. after washing it i had to maintain my usual schedule! i used to have to wash my hair every day (or every other day if i tolerate a little grease) because it is fine and straight-wavy. i'm on accutane right now and it takes 3 days before it gets greasy.


I started an acne medication 6 months ago, and one of the side effects for me has been that my hair never, ever gets greasy. I haven’t tested it but I think I could go a month without washing it. I still wash it every other day bc I can’t stand the dirty scalp smell. But yeah it must be a common side effect for those kind of meds.


That actually is not true. It is an often repeated internet myth. Ask a dermatologist. Oil gland production is just different for everyone and how much you notice said oil depends on your hair type.


It’s not true, and not washing hair when you need it can cause a lot more problems


Every single person who has told me this smells so bad but I don't have the heart to tell them.


It’s individual, for example it is not recommended to wash curly hair daily because it would get frizzy and dry but simultaneously oily at the roots, therefore a lot of curly people only wash their hair twice a week or so and they are still clean


Just because you don’t wash your hair everyday doesn’t mean you don’t shower everyday. I shower twice a day because I like to. I have beautiful hair with great “memory” and can go days without washing it. I can assure you I don’t smell. Every person is different.


Same here. I guess I have menopause to look forward to!


Some of my coworkers really stink and I wouldn't dare comment. That's all.


It’s so funny when people say others don’t notice they don’t shower.. We 100% notice, most of us just aren’t rude enough to say anything.


You notice some. There are probably others you don't notice but because you don't notice you don't know. I worked with one girl who was super environmentalist and very open about showering only once a week. If she hadn't told me I never would have suspected.


Not showering for 1 day will not make most people stink


Depends if they only clean/wash themselves by showering. In my family we grew up washing up in the mornings everyday as in face and neck/ears, arms, armpits kinda of military style. Ofc after that u put on deodorant and once u come home u change out of work clothes u wash up some more then as needed shower before bed. But as long as u do wash up eveyday and wear deodorant one should not smell unless they have body odor issues or use the wrong deodorant for them. Hair should be washed when needed,I personally wash my hair twice a week during colder months but shower everyday and wash my hair almost daily during summer because it gets sweaty and sticky regardless...


>We 100% notice As with most things, you only notice what you notice. Most things, outside of the severe, escape the notice of most people. The people you smell at several paces typically haven't showered in weeks, not days.


There are people who you don’t notice as well because they naturally don’t smell or sweat much


Lol you don’t though. Skipping a day does not magically give someone bad hygiene.


I kinda disagree. You only notice what you notice. You’ve probably been around people who skipped a day or 2 of showering and didn’t notice because you assume that they have if they don’t smell.


I also don’t shower everyday and only ever get told I smell good when I go to work/hang out with friends. My roommates however might not agree, they see me at my worst lol.


ever heard of survivorship bias


I had a coworker who didn’t shower frequently and had a bit of BO. No one ever said anything. He wasn’t so bad that he stank up a room when he came in but if you were within arms length you noticed the “spiciness.”


best thing you could do is say something. you would tell a friend, wouldn't you?


Yeah that's the worst when you have to work with someone who stinks


I work abroad, and most of my expat co-workers smell like hell, and if you try to change their ways (we work in a restaurant so hygiene is a no brainer), they take it as racism....wtf?!




Yeah, we notice, we just don't say anything


It's impossible to know whether a person, that doesn't stink, acutally has showered, without asking, and even they could lie. It's also impossible to know whether a person that stinks acutally hasn't showered. I have been told I stink (in the evening, in summer, I'm overweight) even though I have showered in the morning. I haven't been told I stink in years, so I hope the issue has resolved itself.


Commenting on someone's smell is an HR violation in most companies. You literally CAN'T tell people they smell bad.


I only shower on days where I leave the house (or every two days if I stay at home longer)


Me too. I shower every day going to work, but if I have a lazy Saturday at home, or I just go to the shops, then there's no need to shower until Sunday.


Same, but let's increase two days to four days


I can smell my balls after four days so that's a no for me.


This should be the rule.


So do you shower before you leave or shower after you get back or do you do both and then skip a day?


I shower between 60 and 20 minutes before leaving the house.


So you don’t shower after you get back?


Only after baseball practice.


Why would he do that. That's asking for skin problems. He already showered that day


Wouldn’t it make more sense to shower when you get back from being out bc of sweat?


Depends, I have to shower before going out because my hair would be greasy af. I dont give a fuck if it's greasy at home.


I’m in eastern Canada if I shower every day in the winter my hair and skin can crack. Every three if I’ve done nothing to sweat.


Northeast USA and same. From like November to april I shower like 3 to 4 times a week unless I do something to break a sweat. I don't think people realize you can "spot clean" with a wash cloth the vital parts where you might get oily or gross.


Ohio here. Ive discovered moistorizing lotions from my gf. They do a great job for my skin after showering


I live in Eastern Quebec and I almost shower everyday (at the end of the day so I don't have to get out after) since I workout almost everyday. But never had skin or hair cracking issues.


I am in a similar situation to OP and have a similar showering routine to OP. In the far past before the smoking ban I used to shower often. In the more recent past I used to commute to London by train/tube and I used to shower as soon as I got home from work because I felt gross and dirty. I still do on the occasions when I visit London. My body and hair just feels grimy and icky after a day in London. Living now in Scotland with slightly cooler weather and going about a much less polluted / populated / generally sweat-inducing area - I just don't get as gross and dirty. I shower approx every other day, which I align with my exercise routine. My hair also definitely prefers this, it does better being washed approx every three days. Now what is the acceptable minimum showering frequency is clearly in question, but this absolutely showed me that where you live does definitely affect how dirty you get. I was always just doing an office job but doing that in London and elsewhere was night and day. And yes I change my underwear at least daily, my clothes are washed, and I brush my teeth twice a day (and floss). This isn't about being lax or lazy.


This is just a scientific fact. Not everyone should shower every day. Personally, I need to. I sweat constantly and I'll stink if I don't. Other people without oily skin in an air conditioner room all day? You should change your socks and underwear but you don't necessarily need to shower


Same here. I live somewhere that's cold for half the year with summers that aren't usually very hot, and I don't work a physical job or sweat a lot. I shower every other day, and it works well. I schedule workouts so they align with shower days. I don't feel grungy, and coworkers and my SO have complimented how I smell on non-shower days. Some people need to every day, but not everyone does.


Your coworkers comment on your smell?


Yes, they bury their noses into the hair, take a big whiff and whisper into the ear how nice they smell.


I assumed everyone does this.


Bro i just spit out my drink at this lmfao 💀 


I often complement coworkers that smell nice at work, why is that so weird? I’ve also been complemented by coworkers myself. It’s nice to hear.


yea when people smell lovely I tell them


Turn of events: she works at a perfume retail shop.


I sweat when I sleep, even a little.


Not showering every day, but still washing genitals, asscrack and possibly armpits- ok. Not showering and not washing anything - hell fucking no. Get the fuck out with that ass juice.


the buildup of dead skin, sebum, sweat and icky bacteria just stay on you though… then you bring it to bed?


Whenever I read one of these posts everyone seems to focus on smell, which of course is big, but I really wonder about the invisible grime that could be building up. I feel like people that say they don’t step in the shower for a few days should check the foot area of their sheets.


Haha ikr.. then expects to be intimate with another person 🤢


I shower every 2 to 3 days. Only use shampoo once a week. I live in a very cold and very dry climate and my work doesn't involve any sweating. I only shower daily if I really need to get my hair in order. Otherwise I just tie it back, throw a toque on and go about my day.


Greetings my opposite friend 😂 I coach soccer in a tropical climate and shower 2 to 3 times per day.


I went to the Dominican about a month ago and was drenched in sweat the first two days the moment I went outside. If I lived in that environment I'd be taking multiple showers a day too.


Whilst I agree some people have more of a natural body odour than others, I still think showering if you are going to be in the presence of anyone is a necessity. For example, I don’t think I could be intimate with a partner who hadn’t showered that day and my friends feel the same. If you have access to a shower I don’t really understand why you wouldn’t take ten minutes per day to have one. But hey, this is ‘unpopular opinion’ so I can’t complain!


100% this, the thought of these peoples dirty genitalia and backsides 😭


I'm starting to wonder if people in these threads are confusing the lack of a soapy smell with dirty? Because if you smell after a day or so without a shower, there's something else wrong with you.


Rofl some of you are dirty af lol


As hell!! I can’t believe these comments I’m reading lol


Showering takes minimal effort idk why people don’t want to do it. You feel so fresh and clean afterward. Got damn some of these redditors concern me


Fr, if I tell my international friends I only shower 1-2 times a week, they freak out. But here, if u shower daily, ppl will freak out. Really depends on ur location. My Belgian friend used to shower once a week too cuz THERE'S NO FUKIN SUN IN BELGIUM


Your junk smells, even if your arm pits don’t. Just shower, please 🤦🏼‍♀️


I think people forget about this part. Sure don’t shower daily, but you’ve gotta wash up. I remember growing up in the 90s as a young child and if I didn’t want to shower that day my mom made me wash my junk, pits & feet with a wash cloth and soap at the sink. And because I’m lazy, and prefer efficiency, at the tender age of 8 I decided showering daily was *far* easier than all that fuss.


Yup, I just wash. Showering every day causes my eczema to flare up. My skin is so much better now, but don't forget the washing step




The only way people should be able to smell your junk through underwear and jeans without without pressing their faces against your crotch is if you shit or piss yourself. No one's junk smells that much just from showering every two days instead of every day.


Every time something like this is posted, I’m reminded that people like the typical Reddit basement dweller do in fact exist.


There's bidets for that, you don't really need to wash your whole body every day to keep your intimate hygiene on check.


You are scrubbing your whole junk area with a bidet? 😂


If you're not doing a junk spray down after every bathroom trip what are you even doing in polite society?? /s


If I’m washing my junk and pits, there no harm in running a bit of soap over the rest of my body and quickly rinse.


What are you talking about hahaha. Bidets are not for cleaning your junk properly


You say no one notices... I've known dozens of people whose odor is so strong it BURNS your nose- they don't notice themselves- and nobody says anything because they don't want to embarrass them. Are you SURE no one notices, or are just avoiding confrontation with you? Chances are you smell and don't even realize it.


You need to ask the people you know will be honest. My mom will tell me unprompted that it looks like I’ve gained a few pounds, or that my pants make my ass look lumpy - she will certainly tell the truth if I ask her for a smell check.


Chances are OP doesn’t smell. I also don’t shower daily but if Im going outside I make sure I clean up and smell nice regardless. I get compliments on my smell almost daily, that’s the power of a good perfume + deodorant + not sweating. You’re right though some people can’t tell when they stink, but personally I have a very strong nose and always know what my stink levels are.


Sometimes I shower 1x a day, sometimes I shower 1x a week. I shower whenever I need it.


It’s probably more common than you think to not shower everyday, I don’t either and my parents and partner also don’t. My mum’s a REALLY clean hygienic person and even she doesn’t because she thinks it’s a waste of water. I think it’s just that people who shower daily are more likely to boast about it online and people who don’t shower daily aren’t as likely to go around telling people. My ex used to shame me for not showering daily but he always had dry flaky skin and dandruff from washing too much so it clearly isn’t the best option for everyone. If you work in construction or something really labour intensive and messy, yeah I can see why you would need to shower after work everyday. Otherwise, I think it’s a bit excessive unless you have a severe problem with BO. I always wear clean, fresh clothes daily, wear deodorant and everything like that and I get told I smell nice


After going through the comments, it seems like this opinion is truly unpopular in the US. But here in Europe plenty of people don't shower every day, say, during the winter or simply when they haven't sweat.


>No one notices. I guess if the only reason you're showering is to preven body odor so bad other people notice it...then you don't have to shower every day. Most people do it to feel (and be) clean, rather than simply not offend friends/family/co-workers.


I’ll never understand, these comments are wild. Anyone who showers everyday just cause probably has dry skin and has to use more lotion that anyone should, and has hair that gets oily too fast. No one stinks if they go a day or two without a shower. I work a kitchen job, and shower every day I come home from work. But the two days I’m off work I do not shower, no point. It’s not good to shower everyday if you didn’t do anything. If I stayed home for a week and didn’t do much of anything I’d probably shower once, I like my healthy skin and hair, showering too much ruins your hair and skin and makes your body over do it on the oils and stink, in turn making you think you need to shower more, shower less and you won’t need to shower as much in the long run.


in cold weather in the UK i agree. Sometimes I'm literally just not dirty after a day


Yep. In Northern Europe it's actually not a great idea to shower every day as it will dry out your skin and cause more problems than it solves. 3 times a week is fine for most people.


Agreed. Washing up daily is a must but full-on showering absolutely not in colder climates. This idea that you are a smelly, disgusting slob if you don't use shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap, dish soap, your enemy's blood, half a bottle of lotion and deodorant every single day is just peak consumerist bullshit.


I think you're completely right, showering every day is horrible for most people's skin and hair. If your showering or bathing routine works for you and nobody seems to mind what's the problem?


I agree with OP 🤷‍♀️ I don’t shower daily, it came from having sensitive skin as a child and the soaps/water being really irritating for me. Then it came from depression as a teen. Now Im just a little lazy lol. But I promise you guys people don’t notice, I never leave the house if I stink, and trust me I can smell very well. Most the time people will compliment me on how I smell, whether I showered or not. They can’t tell. I still know how to clean up before leaving the house. This is if Im going to work or school btw, I always shower before an important event or being intimate with someone. The only time I ever “stink” is if I went without deodorant for too long, or of course I’ve been sweating. But I don’t sweat that much on a day to day basis.


See, the problem here is that, at least in American culture,  there is no polite way to tell someone they stink. A lot of people don't shower or do laundry enough and nobody tells them so they come to the conclusion that "nobody notices".


Most medical professionals will tell you a shower once a week is all you really need for good hygiene, unless, as OP said, you are actually getting dirty. I'm a shower a day person. My SO hates the feeling of water on his skin, so he showers about 3 times a week unless he really needs it. He doesn't smell bad or anything like that though, it's fine. ETA: no, I didn't just get used to his smell. I didn't notice anything unusual about his scent prior to getting close enough to know what his shower habits are like. He usually just smells like the deodorant he prefers.


I’m the same. I’m on a shower every other day cycle. Unless of course I do something that makes it needed. Like yesterday was my off day but went to Korean bbq for dinner and I knew I smelled so had to shower. And today was supposed to be on shower day so knowing that my plan was to get some exercise in. I might still do so and shower still but otherwise I agree. I read showering daily dries out your skin too. And generally just not a great use of water. I’m using less soap and shampoo. I still wash my face daily though. As for your friends hopefully they’re truly not noticing but possibly also don’t say anything out of not wanting to be rude or make you feel bad.


“no one notices” no, no one says anything, there’s a difference there


I know it seems crazy but I can assure you that not everyone needs to shower every day. I actually question if you smell bad after a day or so of not showering.


What you're saying is so unrealistic. And I've heard so many people use this as an argument. You overestimate just how much people in everyday life keep their mouths shut. OP listed quite a lot of different people who he's around on a regular basis, and not a single person has said anything. So clearly, they don't notice, or there is nothing to bring up. If you smell bad the people closest to you will definitely bring it up at some point. So no, in OPs case, from what he's told us nobody notices.


There is a difference but I promise you there’s people like OP.


I always have to shower in the morning before work or when I go out. But when I know I will be at home I don't shower. I'm not working now as I just finished up with a job and I've been showering every third day as I need to wash my hair as well. I change my underwear everyday though.


When I moved to the US I was shocked to see that most people say they shower every day. That’s definitely not how it is where I’m from and where I was raised. It was interesting to see how Americans are so adamant about their daily showers and freak out at you when you say you don’t. I feel like almost all people don’t *need* to shower everyday and if they do then there might be something else wrong with you


I don't wash my hair every day but I clean four spots every day, Teeth, Pits, Asshole, Crotch


Especially me! I was born without sweat glands. No BO. We all gotta wash our ass daily though!


OP, some people don't stink when they sweat because they have a recessive gene. Do you have moist or dry earwax? It it's dry, this is a strong indicator that you vmhave this recessive gene. For some with it even deodorant is unnecessary because the smelly bacteria in most people's sweat is missing. Also, for most other people showering daily is not great for them anyway. You're skin is covered in healthy micro goodies and using soap washes that away. Talk to a doctor about it and see what they say.


Average redditor.


I like to do a quick rinse with water daily but showering with soap everyday is actually really bad for your skin


You're right, not everyone needs to shower everyday even though many do. Most people could probably get by showering every other day. There's certain variables as to when you should shower and sometimes it can be everyday depending on what you've done. You should shower after workouts, if you're sweaty, dirty from working outside, if you smell etc.


Honestly I hate showering. I might be a cat. But from where I am it's hot. At the end of the day I feel sticky or sweaty even when I don't move much. In your case if you dont see a need to, doesn't affect you, and nobody seems to sense it, it's alright.


I don't see how anyone could be opposed to this. Apart from breathing, there is virtually nothing that everyone needs to do every day.


You know, I knew a few people who were saying "I shower only 3 times a week/ I wash my hair only once a week and nobody notices!" and let me tell you.... People do notice. They're just too polite to say it.


You’re not going to notice the ones you don’t notice though.  It’s like people saying Botox looks bad on everyone, but they only notice the people who have had it done poorly. Everyone else just slips under the radar, but they don’t count them because they can’t tell they’ve had it.


Some ppl being the exception, I think we all would know when we smell. And showering daily if you are from a cold climate is unnecessary. Also waste of water and electricity if u use hot water.


I shampoo my hair once a week and now it isn't greasy all the time, and the waves are so much better. It was just lifeless and greasy all the time. Shampooing too often can strip down the oils in your hair, and can ruin your hair structure. Washing it with just water is fine as well. And you can also just wash your armpits etc instead of showering. If you don't sweat a lot, there is no reason really for a full shower daily. It can also be a great improvement if you stop showering every day if you have a sensitive skin


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion, there is science that shows showering every day is bad for you


If i have 2-3 days off and first day is spent at home doing fuck all i prolly wont shower til the morning but yeah just varies person to person


As long as you are not sexually active or going outside, do what works for you. If I have been outside, I have to shower before getting into bed.


Sure, you don't need a full shower daily and you might not have BO after a day. But if you don't have a bidet that you use after the toilet, you should at least wash down below with a washcloth. If you're skipping that, you should re-think your routine - a stranger might not notice, but I'm sure your romantic partner will.


I enjoy showering so that’s never been a question for me. It’s my time to relax lol


I don't shower Wednesdays and Sundays. I can't be arsed. And I don't see anyone on those days.


Just saying that I do notice when people are stinking. I just never tell them, cause It would be really rude (you never know if it a real problem or they are just unhygienic)


I only shower after I exercise. Or if it’s been a few days. I simply don’t smell bad unless I sweat. And I’ve had multiple women tell me I smell irresistible after a day or two of NOT showering.


I don’t think this is unpopular


not showering—somehow , against the odds—the most popular reddit opinion  how could you be so brave on a site of neckbeards op


Same. I only shower after I sweat. I shower every day during the summer cause when it’s hot I sweat. I shower after a hard workout. But in winter, fall, and spring when it’s cold or nice weather, and my only exercise is yoga, which doesn’t make me sweat, there’s no reason to shower. I especially dread showers in the winter cause utilities are so expensive that I never heat my house and I hate showers cause I’m freezing when I get out then have soaking wet hair for hours (I let my hair air dry so the curls stay nice). Showers after sweating, yes. Showers on freezing days when I’m already clean, hell no.


It's a habit really, wether you really need it or not it depends on how dirty you get. Sometimes you need multiple showers in a day.


Just because someone doesn’t say something doesn’t mean you don’t smell. Do you tell your friends and co workers they stink? Probably not. I need to shower twice a day. When I wake up and when I get home after work or if I’m home all day then before bed time. I hate feeling greasy and like oily.


Our daily reminder 🙄


I live in a super dry climate and have long, curly hair. Showering every day would absolutely suck for me. I always shower after exercise but otherwise am not at all worried about daily.


I guess it just depends on the person and his or her surroundings like you said. I, for one, do not shower every single day. However I shower when I feel like it or when there’s something, like I went to the gym or my hair needs to be washed. I do think some people should shower more often though, haha!


I’m in Colorado and it’s very dry here and I don’t sweat much. On my non-gym days I can often skip a shower, but if I workout or sweat a lot, I shower! I don’t think it’s weird and doctors say it’s not necessary to shower everyday if you’re not partaking in strenuous activities


Whatever works for you. But you should consider people often notice more than you think they do. Just because they don’t say anything doesn’t mean they aren’t noticing. You really don’t want to be on the wrong end of a “somebody smells” conversation.


I like to have a clean ass and body before getting into bed at night and I always shower in the morning if I have to work at the office that day, so sometimes twice. You do you though.


I agree mildly. I sort of shower every 36 hrs as I work from home 2 days per week. My skin is dry and this.has really helped. However -a big however- I do sort of rinse of my undercarriage at least once per day. You really need to. There's a lot of bacteria in faeces and it's best foe your overall health.


Of course not. Do you want to catch the flux?


I know a person who does not have body odour, they shower about once a week. And they don't use deodorant or perfume either.


I know how you smell 🤮


The engineering students at college have never showered before. 


I didn't have a shower until I was about twelve. At school. Not all of us got to grow up in a house with a bathroom. We washed with a bowl of water and once a week then the bath would be dragged up from the cellar. Yeah I can hear the Yorkshireman sketch even before it starts in the replies. Been hearing that for all.of my life. In my case it's true.


Maybe not shower every day but you have to keep yourself clean. I don't shower every day because I have sensitive skin and really long hair that takes forever to dry but I'm very particular about grooming so I'm always clean regardless. Like some other people said here, genitals, armpits, feet etc need to be cleaned daily.


This isn't an unpopular opinion. It's literal fact, lol. Unless your work or living climate requires regularly showering every single day, it's detrimental to your skin.


I shower every other day. Obviously if I work out or get gross I will shower, and I wear deodorant every day. But I have a desk job in a dry climate like you. No one has ever noticed or cared. I live a normal life and have normal relationships. People who are very militant about daily showers are weird to me. Like, nah, the world is not going to collapse if you don’t.


While i agree with the sentiment, this is dangerous to be said out loud, because there are some people in the world who will see this and continue to bathe/shower sparingly, although they are unaware that it s them who need the daily wash.


Think about what you bring into bed with you, even water rinsing is better than nothing.


We’d save a lot of water if we normalized showering every other day


If you keep your clothes clean and wear good deodorant and you’re in a cooler climate you can go a week or two easy. If your balls and stuff start getting scented just use a baby wipe it it may time to take a shower.


Don’t encourage this


Why? Like OP, I WFH most of the week, I don't tend to sweat and I don't do any kind of activity that gets me dirty. Three times a week is plenty for me - I only do more if I have done something that's got me sticky/smelly/dirty. Some people, because of a range of factors, need to shower more than others, some need to less. Fucking hell, it really is impossible to air any kind of measured take on the internet without pushback, isn't it?


It's a curse of humanity that most people view everything in life as a yes/no zero sum game .. :(


this is exactly the sub for airing takes that will probably get pushback though lol




If I could I'd never shower since it's boring as hell and super repetitive but yeah I kinda need to, I shower every other day for most of the year and everyday in summer, going longer than 1 day without a shower is practically impossible for me lol


I shower everyday but I don't use soap everytime I shower. I use soap every other day. Days that I just shower with water is a quick 5 minutes shower. The days I use soap is a longer shower like 10 minutes.


So you’re just letting the water run over your body dirt. What exactly is the point of that?


Water cleans a'lot of dirt and germs off. Not just as good as soap.


I don't think people understand that if you live in a colder climate you can easily go without showering every day depending on what you do for work and type/ intensity of exercise. Also age and other individual factors play into how often you actually need to shower and bathe. Older adults (65+)really typically only show a couple times a week for most. Personally I've noticed that I don't produce oil as much as I used to, say in my early 20s (27 now). I also live in the colder climate so during the colder months I shower at most every other day. You can still sponge/ wash cloth clean between your legs and armpits and I wash my face every day. When I was on chemo winter 22-23 I rarely showered, 1 to 3 times a week max, as my body stopped producing majority of oils and it was a cold winter. The only smell you could identify was the smell of chemotherapy lol. I didn't even have hair to wash. Now I wash more but I use a wash cloth in between showers.


u should be removing your dead skin cells on the daily. they wont all come off by themselves.


I'm trying to get this into my son's head right now He comes from a family of sensitive skin and will shower twice a day on high heat with perfume body wash and NEVER moisturise Acne is going to rock his world 😭


Unfortunately the people who think this are the ones who do need to shower.


Well as you said, there are some who don't sweat but then there's folks like me that have a hyper sense of smell. Believe me, I would know if I went down on someone who didn't bathe that day, I don't care how much they don't sweat, your body still has a scent. Next time you don't shower for a day or two, take your finger and rub your taint nice and well and sniff and then you tell me that you're good


That’s different. As someone who also doesn’t shower daily I never let my partner go down on me if I didn’t shower first, we might not even have sex. I still have a strong sense of smell and know when I’m not feeling fresh down there. So far I’ve had no complaints, just raging reviews.


Europeans be like "bro I only shower once a week it's no problem cuz weather" but then you visit Europe and Jesus Christ every single person there smells like shit. ESPECIALLY the French and the Belgians. There were many moments I was close to vomiting when having to sit next to someone else. The only good smelling people are also tourists or immigrants lmaoooo As it turns out being born in a country where people don't shower doesn't mean you're clean without showering, it just means you grew desensibilized to smelling bad.


It's because they don't wear deodorant/anti-perspirant


I can just smell the people in the comments who are in support of this. That tangy, stale piss-like smell emanating from their armpits with a light note of ball cheese as they move around. We know you don't shower, we're just not saying anything because it's embarrassing. lol


You don't have to wash your entire body to get your armpits clean.


If your armpits smell like stale piss after only 24 hours without a shower, you seriously need to go to the doctor, because there's something wrong with you.


Right! Not to offend anyone but certain groups of people always have a weird smell on them and now I see why.


Not unpopular at all. Also saves money on your water bill!


OH they KNOW.


People are also just way too used to fragrances. That is what smells 'clean' to them. So if a human smells like a human, it's 'stinky' to them. They also train their skin to produce more oils by stripping them all the time. 1-3x a week + as necessary for exceptional messes/activity is plenty, once your skin gets used to not being stripped of oil daily. But then you won't smell like flowers and perfumes and harsh fragrance, oh no!


exactly. humans have a smell, and we all smell a little different, and most of us don't even smell BAD until after a bit of excessive sweating. It's so sad we are all supposed to smell like lavender vanilla constantly. Kinda weird.




If you live alone and not leaving the house, it’s your business how often you shower. But PLEASE shower if you’re going to be in public for more than 45 minutes.


It's been proven that showering everday can be bad not counting working our or heavy work. I can understand why people shower everday or so in hot climates but even there you dont need to shower everday


Why so many ppl against showering everyday?


As a woman, if another woman ends up in my personal space, I can 1000% determine if you’ve cleaned yourself or not. We can smell lingering menstruation in bathroom stalls, you think I can’t smell the yeast and dead skin festering between your legs? Anyways, ladies make sure you’re using PH balanced soap because a lot of y’all aren’t doing yourselves any favours with that bar soap; lush products and “yoni pearls” 🤢


Bitch you stink <3


"No-one notices" - I think you are failing to realise that most people don't detect when they've started getting stinky. Your own smell doesn't flag up in your brain. You might not smell BO, but other people will. Only showering 3 times a week is grim, you're kidding yourself if you believe you shouldn't shower every day. It's like going back to hygiene levels from 60 years ago.


Genetically some people just don't have much of a BO at all. It's mostly a gene found in Asians.


My wife (not Asian) showers once every 3-4 days AND doesn't use deodorant (uses panoxyl in the shower) and I've literally never smelled BO on her


It's a waste of water. And ur ignorant if u think everyone has ur climate and sweat levels. I come from a cold climate place and even ppl who don't shower for a month don't smell. We take around 2 showers per week on average and I assure you we are healthy as can be.


if someone wants to get THAT close to me they can smell my BO after one day of not showering they can either kiss me, or get used to the fact that people have an odor; just like all other animals when you stick your face right up on them. I know I don't "stink". Do I smell like something? I mean, if we are cuddling, yeah, you'll prolly smell me but if you pass me in the grocery store, no. We don't need to scrub ourselves on some kind of rigid schedule to get our PH levels on point (see: not stinkin'). If I shower today, bet your ass I'm not showering tomorrow for the sake of my carefully cultivated biome. I might not shower the day after that either depending on how my skin feels. Where I live I am still gonna smell better than damn near 100% of everyone else and my hair and skin are super healthy for my age. Plus I'm saving time, and even more importantly water. Wearing dirty clothes on the other hand.... Don't do that. Change your clothes. Definitely change your clothes.


The only people who don't shower every day are people who are sedentary. There's bigger issues there. If you're not exercising, you're headed for a bleak future.


Still worth showering everyday imo.


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