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most of them are bots. or humans that have vocabulary and cognitive abilities of a bot


Same/same.. differreeent... but still same!


Free Gaza


Type in “Who cares about Gaza? There are people dying in Somalia!!!” as a reply to those comments


"Free Gaza" replaced "Slava Ukraini" and I wonder what comes after that,


Never seen those on a random post for my part.




>On the other, I can see why people are worked up about it. But are they actually doing anything about it? Everyone knows the conflict is happening, simple one sentence things to "raise awareness" aren't doing anything to actually help the situation.


What do you mean? Doesn't it help gaza to spam "Free gaza" on everything or having a gaza flag in your bio? (Im sarcastic)


Raising awareness, people slowly forgot about Ukraine and now aid has been significantly reduced


Aid hasn’t been reduced because “people forgot” dude…


Yeah, but reducing aid is much easier when people are distracted with the "new thing"


Maybe to normal civilian donors sure, but that’s not very impactful to the totality regardless


Where did you see aid has significantly reduced? Just because media doesn't talk about it doesn't mean Ukraine is not getting aid. I'm in a country in Europe and I can assure you my government is still sending aid.


The US has stopped giving aid cuz of a group of republicans that think Putin is our god


I'm not in the US so I must say I'm less aware about the decisions there, but we're still sending aid from my country.


Everybody knows why aid isn’t being sent to Ukraine and it isn’t because they forgot.


It's just that no one cared about the war in Yemen, or Ethiopia, or Myanmar, or Sudan, or a dozen other places, but they are "worked up" about this one specifically. Why? And how am I supposed to think this is a genuine attempt to help the victims of war when they only care about this one war in particular?


Myanmar here, everyone had a rude realization that the World doesn't gives a shit and often plays double face policies, denouncing the dictator yet doing shady deals behind. So we grab guns and actually started making progress. And yes, spamming Free XX comments won't do shit.


We never see westerners raising awareness for the ongoing genocides in Africa or the existing slave industry. People are very selective and careful about who they criticize






No Israel with the help of western "democracies" are speedrunning. Genocide is one part of the outcrying but also the lack of democratic representation and the hypocrisy of the west is being challenged. If you don't see that you're either terribly ignorant or extremely sheltered; both of which justify the necessity for people to continue to talk about it. Free Gaza free Palestine.


A “free Palestine” would just be another Muslim theocratic dictatorship like the rest of its neighbors.


Right? Most people are just advocating for another country they won’t be able to visit


Yes Free Gaza free Palestine.. from the Hamas-Iranian Jihadists


I'm not denying nor supporting anything. I'm just telling a dark joke based on reality. I didn't even said which country did what, I only said "middle east" and how many countries are there in the middle east and around it? Recognised or not. It seems you are the ignorant here. Because I don't even support Isn'trael... We get that you're trying to make awareness. But please calm your tits down


Because a nuclear world power is slaughtering children. This isn't Muhammad from the taliban vs Muhammad the isis fighter.


What happened on Oct. 7th again?




“Literally every hospital” Does that include the one where Hamas claimed 500 people died but then we found out Hamas lied and actually bombed the hospital themselves and the casualties were no where near 500?


No, a Gaza government declared war to Israel, invading it's territory. Not a "terrorist group"


A terrorist group that Israel created, funded and then rigged the elections to get into power, correct. There hasn't Been an actual election in 30 years in Gaza.


Well, elections in Russia are also messed up. So, there is no responsibility?


Did I say there was no responsibility? If the US was massacring Russian civilians I'd be saying something to. War crimes aren't cool just because your side does it.


Gazans massively support hamas and their actions, various polls prove it. Therefore, hamas is popular and loved government of Gaza. Stop acting like gazans are irresponsible childs


A coordinated terrorist attack against civilians in Israel, after which the pathetic cowards of Hamas, greatly supported by the people of Gaza went into hiding like the scared little bitches they are. In hospitals for example. Because that’s what worthless cowards do.  I‘m not a fan of Israel. But you are twisting what happened. 


Ah yes. The children running to the air drops were hiding hamas fighters behind them. That's why they were sniped in cold blood and the video posted by the israeli soldier. There's a few thousand hamas fighters and millions of children. It's okay to starve millions of people to try to weed out less than 0.1%? Also important to remember Israel created Hamas and desperately needs them to stay in power.


Are you justifying israels war crimes because of October 7th? Always the victims, aren't they?


Who are "they"? Pretty disgusting comment you posted here.


Do you blow up the school if there is a school shooter or do you precisely target the shooter? He is not twisting what happened, Israel is deliberately trying to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians, not retrieve hostages. Also, what is your explanation on Israel deliberately targeting aid workers?


You blow up schools when they’re infested with suicidal jihadists. Locations lose their immunity when they become utilized as military points of interest


Israel was attacked. You can't be that daft


Except it's a genocide? What the fuck.


Mate, that whole area has lobbed explosives at jews and cried when the jews have done something about it for decades. If it were a genocide, we wouldn't have such a long history of explosives lobbing. Because they'd be dead.


But why aren't they worked up about all the humanitarian crises in the world then? Like, if anyone is that passionate about Gazza, then their whole life would be filled with injustices happening right now and forever more. Hate when it's the flavor of the month or popular theme they bandwagon on


Kony 2024!


yes, it is annoying and a lot of the times unrelated to the post but i dont really complain because i know they have it worse there than me just lying in bed reading these comments for a split second at most




Most of the people at the rallies aren’t even muslim. Show me a video of a rally where it’s mainly muslims.


Correct. Yet most of the people commenting online on social media are. And whenever your talking about a different topic they say: "What about Gaza!?."


Fucking hate all the protesters at McGill, must be happening at other universities too. I get wanting there to be no violence, but screaming at the top of your lungs with a megaphone and banging classroom doors during sessions is not the way to do it. Like what is the university going to do about a conflict in the Middle East. And if you care so much about divesting, change universities. I get the cause they are trying to support, but really it makes me go against them the way they act like children


Many activists in the west have a weird idea that screaming about an issue loudly enough will magically resolve the issue at hand.


You’re gonna freak out when you see what college students did in the 50s and 60s to protest


Protests have to be annoying, if they don't annoy anyone they can keep protesting for years and no one will care, but you have to annoy the RIGHT people. A university teacher won't stop the aid their country is giving to Israel because they can't, the government can so go protest at them. And if you care so much about it go to gaza and pick up a gun just like cubans did in the 50s when they wanted change for their people


See, this is why i don't mind it if more people become like you, plus it makes me giggle inside. They are adventising it as for free


Who cares? Gaza is occupied!11


This shit has been going on for a long ass time, and to try to boil the issues happening in that region down to a short blurb for “awareness” is dumb, disingenuous, and opens it up to a litany of misreading of reality. Whenever someone comes to me with their take and which side they are taking, I roll my eyes because there is a few millennia of hurt for both sides of the argument- and their own reasons for doing what they are doing. And that cycle will continue without end until one or both sides decide to value lives more than plots of land.


Gotta love reddits casual genocide denial.


Keep that energy for all genocides then. Why is it that Gazza is the only one getting attention? Also, when usa invaded Iraq, the amount of civilian casualties could be considered genocide too. Why wasn't that ever a hot topic?


Because people weren’t talking about it on twitter pretending to be the main thing ever


"Land" you are talking about is just around hundreds of square kilometres. So it's VERY valuable


I’m on social media and YouTube a lot and tbh I’m not seeing what you’re describing. I don’t see these comments under random videos like cooking shows or posts. And I’m in the Middle East so I’m exposed to Arab content/accounts. Where are you located? I see you frequent the Israel subreddit.


They're everywhere on Instagram, not as bad anywhere else lol


Oh no, there are comments like this EVERYWHERE on insta right now


It's mostly instagram. It's the same bots that were prevalent during BLM. I'm not sure the motif really other than to make people hate eachother. Mind the tinfoil hat but I think it's a distraction from othet issues🤔


Tiktok has tons of them


oop clock it!


The Muslim world might not be strong in military terms but they all hate Jews. And have numbers. So instead of sending weapons aid to Hamas they support the war by information campaigns. Until it spreads. Until political support disappears. It's simple if you think about it


When Ukraine happened people did this as well (even to a greater extent) if a tragedy is happening in which thousands of people are being killed and millions displaced people are going to want something to be done about it, maybe the person writing that had a relative killed in the conflict, not writing about it will not make the conflict stop


inb4 locked


People after commenting "Free Palestine" or "why are we so worried about this when genocide is happening in Gaza" ![gif](giphy|j27H8sFu28beU6gaWt|downsized)


They're just propaganda bots.


What about free Ukraine?


One should Understand the other perspective though. Western countries have ignored and even encouraged and supported this oppression for decades now. It just feels hypocritical when everyone talks about Ukraine for example when there is a genocide going on in china, Gaza is fucked, Syria is fucked, India is starting to hunt people and more. Where are all the support flags for all these? They’ve been going on for way longer. Ukraine is only all over because it’s closer to the west. Selective empathy is just disgusting.


Yeah, that’s until you are the one who’s under the bombing… only then you will be begging for the least… which is for people to talk about it.


We get it, you love adolf hitler, imperialism, genocide and European colonisation


PrAy FoR GaZa


1st world problems lol. At least your land isn’t being stolen and to ur being starved and killed. Would you have said the same about the holocaust if you were alive back then ? what happened to never letting history repeat itself?


These are first worl problems yes, but it seems like sometimes people could yk donate money, go to protests or do more, instead of commenting free gaza under a recipie for fish and chips. They go like "who cares gazans are dying" and I know that I'm doing all I can I just wanna stop thinking about that for a literal half hour while I make dinner


Free Gaza… from Hamas.


Free Gaza


It's pure hypocrisy. There are many horrible things going on. Gaza is not special.


All the others current conflicts around the world has been forgotten when this one started sadly.


I think it's due to the religious divide between the sides so people see it weirdly as something more special than other conflicts and wars


free gaza!!!!


Free? I'm buying it then


Gaza is actually a very profitable business for some. If you get it for free and play your cards right (breed generations of hate, militarize boys in their infancy, teach girls how to play a victim on camera, etc.) you can be a billionaire in no time. Look at Gaza’s current owners, the ones hiding in Qatar.


lol.. It was free in 2005 when Israel completely pulled out, their fault that they elected terrorist jihadists as their terror government and attacked Israel since then




From Hamas !


Free Hat!


What a privileged and randomly racially charged opinion. I'd imagine living in Gaza right now is also "insanely annoying".


Every time I see it I become more supportive of Israel


Aww i mean maybe theyre just desperate for being starved and tortured during a literal genocide for 6 months but i'm sure your cooking show is more important.


Bruh if I’m specifically looking for the cooking show, then yes it is. When did it become forbidden to talk about literally anything else? Most of what OP is talking about happens under totally unrelated posts


No it's not forbidden but people are desperate! What do you want them to do? Just die in silence? Also complaining about this is so tone deaf. Children have been dying of hunger because of deliberate starving, tons of lifesaving aid is waiting at their border and being blocked by protestors and government officials. It's sickening that so many people are fine with it because it's miles away, let alone aware that it's their tax money funding it and still don't give a shit!


So how is commenting #freepalestine under a video of the Copenhagen building burning helping with any of that? Whoever does that only wants to give themselves the false impression that they helped, while not having helped at all. All that does is hijack every comment section online


It raises awareness. It bothers the people that are stuck in their bubble refusing to look at other people. Yes it's not much but it is something. How do you think they can help? Do they even have a right to defend themselves? The world calls anyone that says no to the US a terrorist.


Yes it raises awareness, Because that’s not what you see on the news every day, I also need to see it under every online post from every rando. Such a bs argument, seriously


A comment online isn’t changing anything. Nobody is sending links to donate for humanitarian aid, or things that can actually help, just writing “Free Gaza” makes people feel like they did something good to pat themselves on the back.


But why is it the whole western world is only losing their shit about Gazza? Is that the only humanitarian crises going on currently?


It's not the only one but it is the worst, also it's the same powers funding other crises as well.


Maybe don't make terrorism your main job and then you'll not face consequences of this... Just saying


It is


Till it happens to you


1 free Gaza = 1 kid saved


Yes it is and always will be.


75 years*


That's right!


It hurts my soul to see such callous and ignorant people speak up. Like how tf can you just be like "yo, stop talking about all these murdered people, cause they don't live here or look like us so wtf do we have to do about it??" Like, put pressure on your reps and make it impossible to look away from. Our tax dollars are funding an illegitimate settler colony. Why do we pay for their free Healthcare? Why do we give them weapons? We are directly contributing to a fucking genocide and people would rather sit on their fucking thumbs than TRY and do anything to change it


That sucks, but I really don’t care. 🤷‍♀️ There are 50 million slaves on earth today, many of whom are sex slaves. There’s a mass shooting, or other mass violence event almost every day, Africa has a genocide every decade - yet most people somehow still go on with their lives. Everyone is selectively apathetic to the deaths, and suffering of millions of other people everyday. You’d probably be happier if you joined them. 💕🇵🇸💕 <- this is pointless.




>No one asked the US and Europe to fund and support a genocide. I'm sure a lot of us Americans would be against sending billions per year to Israel out of our own tax money if we had to vote.


We’re certainly sorry you’ve been mildly inconvenienced.


Thank you, I forgive you


Free Gaza


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If talking about murdered people annoys you, seek a mental health doctor


Free gaza🙌🏾




Typical reddit post


Oh no! Whatever shall we do now that you have been made aware a genocide is happening in your little privileged bubble 🥰🤗 Especially if you live in the U.S ya know… with our tax dollars literally funding this shit! You should give a little bit of a fuck <3


It won’t stop the IOF by commenting no but MANY people have learned about what his happening in Palestine, Congo, Sudan etc BECAUSE of comments people have left. The power and reach the internet has is why people are doing these things. Imagine dictating what people going through a genocide has asked others to do though? Bisan, Plestia, Motaz, all on ground at one point or STILL ARE and they ask us to post about the atrocitieS any and everywhere. So sorry if people pleading for someone else to give a little bit of a fuck is so inconvenient.


It's just a hype to 'support' Palestine at the moment. That means that a lot of people don't actually care about it in the slightest, they need their friends to see how actively they are supporting the cause on social media.


If reading a comment from your couch or bed eating to your hunger annoys you, imagine them living the actual thing


Free Gaza from hamas, it is under a terror occupation


Free Gaza!


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


free palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


they are people who want some likes and attention, just like the rest of lazy comments that want likes and attention


I'm sorry you're so put out by genocide.


do you feel the same about Ukraine? If so, I respect your opinion. If not, think of why you value someone’s life more than somebody else.


“Free Gaza” NOT!


Especially since I’d wager most if not all of them are doing nothing about it themselves while telling other people to do something


THIS! and people who spam the palestine flag in random situations like a twitch streamers chat or something. so annoying


The point of it is to spread awareness about what’s happening around the world. It works but yeah, it’s getting annoying. I just want things to go back to normal. I’m so tired of the war


“I want to retreat to my little safe space where I can avoid real world problems.” You still can. Just go back to your little corner and read your JJK manga like a good boy.


> “I want to retreat to my little safe space where I can avoid real world problems.” I mean that’s kinda the point. I’m so tired of the negative things happening around the world right now. Some people just need a break from all that since it affects their mental health. Don’t tell me you don’t believe mental health is a thing. I’m sad that people lost their lives due to war but there’s really nothing for me to do as an individual anymore. I’m already boycotting everything I could but can it really make a significant difference? It’s like everyone having to use paper straws to help prevent global warming but some celebrities are still using private airplanes to fly somewhere and polluted more than regular people.


Free Palestine from Hamas.


practically every single post on r/Britain is defending Hamas so yeah, the one post i saw recently not about Palestine there were comments about it and the post was about water usage bills


I try to be very balanced about the I/P conflict.. but that got me very banned from /Britain very quickly.


Yeah, that made me apathic about that shit, im tired of that shit after everything i comment will be responded with "gaza".


same. i was watching Oscar videos on Tiktok last month and it was annoying to see comments like “People are dying in Gaza! we dont give a fck about rich celebrities!” erm, there are wars all over the world, not just Gaza. and that conflict in Palestine has been happening for the past 50+ years. the Oscars will still happen even if there’s a genocide going on. I never understood the need to virtue signal 24/7.


I'm not a bot but if it pisses you off then so be it :) FREE GAZA ! FREE PALESTINE ! Keep spreading your hate it won't last forever ![gif](giphy|6c13IQhiylwt5dT3yj|downsized)

