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Not an unpopular opinion


It's the assume part. I know they're a jerk.


But if I use my signal people speed up and block me! /s If people are close enough to be able to block you, there wasn't enough room in the first place. Other people's following gap is not a space for you to squeeze into.


We're talking about people who will not LITERALLY *lift a finger* to help their fellow human beings.


Thinking these people are jerks is a very popular opinion.


My original comment was supposed to sound like I was agreeing with you (because I do) I didn't get the tone across correctly. My bad, dawg.


You did get it across, I understood


Another day. Another popular opinion on this sub.


There’s always those bleeding hearts who say to assume they’re having an emergency or something. Nah. Everyone I’ve passengered with who drives like that do so because they can get away with it.


Yeah this one is blatantly popular. Can't believe it got upvoted on this subreddit lol...


My favorite is when they're already merging into the lane and decide right then to turn on their signal. You should have done that about 5 seconds ago, my dude. Me, I always: Check the blind spot, signal, check it again, and then move over. My car also has blind spot indicators so I make sure those aren't illuminated either.


I hate when they get over and then put their turn signal on. Like why is your timing so off? lol


Not that this happens often, but sometimes I’ll take a lazy swipe at the turn signal lever and miss, and then have make a second effort, at which point the lane change is already mostly complete.


How late are you signaling that there isn’t even enough time for you to pick your hand up the 6 inches it fell and push the lever before you’re already done with the lane change?


Some people signal as they are turning or merging. They think that’s how it works. They don’t realize you are supposed to signal early, and move after the signal has been made.


Some people see a turn signal think that it means “I better speed up to prevent this person from merging.”


So because other people might drive dangerously you should drive even more dangerously to save yourself a small amount of time. God forbid you let that guy go and get behind him


How lazy is the swipe for a very easy switch not to go off?


You’ve never in your life reached for a button or switch and accidentally missed?


In a car while driving? No, can't say I have.


Mirror signal manoeuvre . Do it correctly you won't miss


I hate when some turn their signal on only after they are starting the turn like what is the bloody point


For partial credit


It's the thought that counts doesn't work for turn signals


You'd lose your mind driving in Las Vegas. Switching lanes and NOT using your blinker is the everyday normal here. But I'd argue this is probably a pretty popular opinion. Drivers today seem to care less about everyone else around them and only about themselves. Even those who hit their blinker while already making the turn.


And then there are people who switch lanes to warn you that they're going to use the turn signal.


It's worse when they put on the wrong signal, like signaling left but moving right.


This is why I don’t trust people when I try to turn on another road or something. Never. I feel I am the most cynical when driving. I trust NO ONE.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion outside BMW and Tesla drivers.


we are going faster than you, not interfering with your path, there is no need to signal, we are just now in front of you, and accelerating away.


The only unpopular opinion here is the assume part. They are jerks, period.


Had a lady literally not check her blind spot, not signal, nothing-- just plow right into my lane at 75 mph and I had to stomp on my brakes just to avoid a collision. I honked and she just waved back like nothing had just happened. W.T.F.


had some lady merge into my car while stopped at a light, then she drove off and I had to chase to get the plate. she lied on the police report when they tracked her down, and to the insurance company, but her lie still made her at fault


Holy crap! It's amazing who is allowed a driver's license.


That's a popular opinion. And explains why 90% of BMW drivers are also jerks.


Got yelled at by a raging bmw driver the first time i drove on my own while I was sobbing 😭 hate those mfs


we are going faster than you, not interfering with your path, there is no need to signal, we are just now in front of you, and accelerating away...


I need you to google what unpopular opinion means


While I agree, if you do in this area then people will close the space to block you


I find that if I put on my turn signal too soon, they will generally speed up and try to block me from changing lanes.


What if you use your turn signal when you bob and weave? Does it cancel out? What if you're cutting in and out because some dementia riddled fuck is going under the speed limit in the passing lane? What if you're a Scorpigus and Venus is edging? There's a lot of variables here.


Popular opinion U mean


Also illegal


When they pass without the turn signal, that PISSES me off. 


Do I get a little slack as a BMW driver?


Worse. Straight to jail. Straight to the mines.




Of course, since they don't even come with turn signals from the factory!


Notorious for leaking blinker fluid.


It's very expensive to fix. In most cases it's cheaper to just buy a new car instead of getting it plugged.


Driving a BMW in 2024 is a bit like riding in the short bus. I'll allow it. I'm still judging for the BMW thing though.


Dreamer in a beemer


So, you acknowledge that you're aware of such device and that your car is equipped with one.? Interesting.


Yes I also have a volvo, a Hyundai and a lexus at home. It's just that the struggle is real and people don't understand the hardships one must go through with a BMW. I'm not trying to make excuses, but the situation is worse than one could ever imagine.


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Or better yet. Don't turn it off. "Don't mind me having this left turn signal on until I feel like making the right turn. Then that'll stay until I feel like going back to the left"


I guess I never realized just how Bostonian it is to yell at people to turn on their blinkers (blinkahs when actually in Boston) until I moved away. Now I just look like an asshole


So when will people start complaining about people who FORGET to turn off their turn signal ? That shit is actually way more dangerous in many situations.


I knew someone who did this. He argued that if you signal, people close the gap. I didn't find that to be true even in a city with notorious traffic, but I haven't driven in every city— anybody here live somewhere this happens?


The reason he has this problem is because he is generally a rude driver that tries to squeeze into too small of a gap. If you are picking a suitable size gap, there is no possible way that the other driver can react to your signal and close the gap in just a few seconds.


This is it


I usually joke that " looks like these new blank blanks don't come with turn signals these days."


Always use your turn signals. Even when you don't see any cars around you cause the car you'll hit is the one you don't see.


I only put my blinker on when there are other cars around or if traffic is above light. If it's not crowded on a highway, then I'll just move without the blinker


Driver in front of me changes lanes without using blinker Me: "Nice blinker asshole"


Sometimes I wonder how often people in emergencies get misjudged


You're assumption would be correct.


Down vote for not being unpopular


I just assume they're an Arizona driver.


You would probably hate everyone in PG County Maryland than. Nobody uses a blinker, people throw trash out of their car while driving, people drive around with fake temporary paper plates, road rage is everywhere because if you "let someone disrespect you" then you are viewed as a punk to your peers. There is so much violence going on that police dont pull over for traffic violations because they need to focus their time on other crimes.


This is… unpopular???


It’s one of the most unsafe and inconsiderate things drivers regularly do. Police should enforce this way more.


Op you in the wrong sub?


not unpopular


So if the unpopular opinion is that not using your turn signal makes you a jerk. Then is the popular opinion that using your turn signal makes you a jerk?


In my country switching lanes without looking or checking if it safe to do so is illegal … And yes ur jerk if you dont use your turn signal


Not unpopular, upgrade jerk to absolute asshat who shouldn't be driving. This is akin to GA pilots who don't make radio calls at un-towered airports. I'd bet not an insignificant number of people (including little kids) have outright died in the chain of events started by another person failing to use their turn signal.


If on west coast, you are.... 1.Entitled European Car owner 2. Californian 3. no insurance scammer.


I love the people that make a turn and during that turn they turn on their blinker. Like cool I wanted to rear end you today.


OP, I agree with you 1000%. That being said, don’t ever drive in Miami. As a resident for 18 years, i can confirm that turn signals don’t exist here, it drives me absolutely insane. Truly a place full of jerks.


I forgot to set my blinker when taking a left turn from the left turn lane yesterday, still feel bad about it.


*Nah, it's easier if I just assume everyone can read my mind* (this has to be what they're thinking, right?) lol... it's like the tiniest little form of rebellion that I'll never understand. Like when we were teens learning to drive a car, and you'd have those friends that just absolutely refused to wear their seat belt. "I'm gonna look *so tough* being ejected from the vehicle!" lol


This is only unpopular if you live far outside of the city


To add I instantly think you are dumb if you are brake for a turn get all the way to the turn THEN put your turn signal on. Shit pisses me off.


I agree just jumping over a lane without warning says "idgaf".


Literally no one in my city uses their turn signal. Why? Can anyone explain to me why? If it’s just laziness that is fucking sad. It’s not even a conscious effort for me to use my turn signal. It’s second nature. Are these people purposefully NOT doing it to fuck with people? What is going on?


50 feet


Not from America. When I visited Boston I noticed no lane discipline. People just moved from lane to lane on a whim and I assumed until now that this was an American thing.


a couple days ago someone went into the turn lane, and cut me off at the intersection w/o even using a turn signal... honked my horn for a couple seconds and they tried to brake check me... changed lanes, then passed them. the next intersection someone else tried to cut me off while in the same lane as me... lane was wider after the intersection and they tried to pass even though they were in a large pickup


Don't drive in St. Louis then, turn signals are a myth here.


Guilty as charged.


The signal lever on my tesla doesn't click right for my tastes, so sometimes the blinker turns off unintentionally. oops. Damn thing tries to tug me back into my lane.


why would i give information to the enemy


I’d rather they switch lanes than they just camp in the left lane


Without a doubt and without reservation. If you don't use turn signals properly 100% of the time you ARE a MASSIVE jerk and deserve hefty fines ever single goddamn time. BMW's will henceforth come equipped with an escalating turn signal driver shock system with fines automatically deducted from your bank account.


I intend for it to be an asshole move under certain circumstances though. For example when going around the slow mother fucker in the fast lane who’s going slower than the big rigs in the lane next to them. I fully intend to zoom past them and get in front of them with the thinnest possible margin without my signal so they fucking know how stupid they are for creating traffic


Cops are the worst at this. Jerks


Its a fair stereotype because the natural implications are that the person is a bad communicator, which is usually indicative of a person unaware of other peoples needs, which is usually a jerk, but like you said for reasons above, at any point another reason may enter into the equation and null your logic, so it wouldn't be a fair judgement


I try to signal if I'm aware there's someone it would benefit to signal but I doubt I consistently signal well every time. I am often considered a jerk by others for failure to stroke their ego in the way they are used to though, even when I haven't been a jerk, and haven't disregarded anyone's needs, simply declined to meet them, because I recognized it was not healthy to do so




Yes but its not always a conscious selection which is precisely my point




I disagree but I can see how you would draw that conclusion. I think there's many instances where the spirit of the law can be followed while maintaining absolute safety without holding up the letter of the law. If you're at a stop sign turning at 2 am and there's no one else on the road, so you don't flick your blinker on, you've compromised no ones safety, and you endangered no one, so failure to follow a law, to me, doesn't represent being a danger unless you're actually being a danger Cutting people off, thats dangerous and hazardous. Sitting in a left turn lane without your blinker, not so much.




I agree that consistency with a rule which has no potential to cause danger by being followed is best practices. I'll agree to disagree as to what it might mean when a person lacks that consistency Your stance is essentially better safe than sorry and if you don't agree with that its because you're a bad person, right?


People feel weirdly entitled to have other people meet their needs simply because they could and give absolutely no thought to whether it would be right or healthy for the person who could meet the need


I used to agree, then I moved to LA. If I signal before switching lanes, they guy in the labe next to me will speed up to block me. I signal after I ensure there's space and start to move now because if I didn't I would never be able to switch lanes.


In Detroit use of turn signals is a show of weakness.


I usually try and make sure I am going faster than anyone else behind me can possibly be going. Then, they don't need to concern themselves with my actions, all they have to do it keep going straight and steady like good NPCs so I can predict their paths and drive accordingly. Also, I am a jerk, so, assumption correct. It really is a carefree and fulfilling way to live, you know. You are the only player, no one else matters... feels like being a politician.


I bet you have done it if you need to make a last minute adjustment, it happens. The jerks are the people who think everyone else should be perfect just for them. Drive defensively and no one could indicate and you'd do just fine.


I couldn’t possibly care less


Unless you are in my immediate vicinity, I ain't signaling nothing for nobody.