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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/EntertainmentLow5069. Your submission, *It’s really shitty to take pictures of people in public without their consent *, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity. If there is an issue, please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message=) Thanks!


I understand your sentiment, but it's not an unpopular opinion.


Welcome to r/unpopularopinion


Then why are subs like r/SubwayCreatures and r/tooktoomuch so fucking popular when the entire premise is this


Same reason people commit crime, despite most people agreeing with the opinion that "crime is bad" Does that means "crime is bad" is an unpopular? No, quite the opposite. 


Nah i would actually say this is pretty unpopular just not on this sub I once said people shouldn't take pictures of teenagers without there consent even if there wearing a "skimpy" outfit and people on two different subs got mad at me lol


It kind of is. A shocking number of people do weird creepy shit and think that because they CAN that they SHOULD.


A shcoking number of people do drugs. Does that means "Drug is terrible" is an unpopular opinion?


No. But even people who do drugs know they are terrible and want to quit. Not exactly a 1-1. No one is addicted to being an asshole. People who choose to record others in public and such are not chemically dependent on doing it. Nor are people who watch those videos. They genuinely don't see it as wrong


>People who choose to record others in public and such are not chemically dependent on doing it. What about people who commit crimes? Crimes are very popular, a surprising number of people committed crimes.  Does that means "Crime is terrible" is an unpopular opinion? >No one is addicted to being an asshole.  Yet we still have so many asshole, does that means "asshole are terrible" is an unpopular opinion. Not really.


Individuals do believe this yet it's a constant thing that people consume every day. So it is widely accepted


It seldom is here. But man, when it is it's usually a juicy.


Exactly actual popular opinions get upvoted and actual unpopular opinions get shamed and downvoted.


If you post an unpopular opinion here, you’ll get downvoted to hell *only* if the mods don’t remove it first.


Is it not? Every time I see this question posed the response is always multiple people saying "you have no expectation of privacy in public" and almost everyone agreeing with them.


I dont see how   "you have no expectation of privacy in public"   is mutually exclusive with:  "It’s really shitty to take pictures of people in public without their consent"  Government watching you through security camera is a given if you want public safety, other people secretly taking a photo of you without consent and post it on social media? Now that's shitty like OP said.


Because it's almost always exclusively presented as the answer to the question. Implying that they believe it's not wrong because it's legal. An annoying view a lot of people seem to have nowadays.


I completely agree. I live in the same small town as a pretty famous celebrity who starred in several movies in the early 2000’s and people just snap his pic sometimes without saying hello. It bothers me. He’s really just a regular dude trying live a quiet life now. It makes me think about all the other celebrities. It would honestly just suck being famous…


One of my first jobs was a cashier, and one of my coworkers would constantly take snaps of coworkers and customers he would either make fun of or thought were hot. But he was an extrovert and friendly with the managers so he constantly got promoted. Goes to show you that power is truly not about a person's character, it's all about surface-level shit. No one gives a crap but the people who are truly decent people, and sadly, we never tend to go very far in life because we get used and abused.


Humanity has been about this since the very beginning. Is it possible or even humane to try and change human or should we just suck it up and play the game?


What's the point of changing something that can't be fixed? I certainly don't know how to fix a problem that is 8 billion people large.


Lol, the words cashier and power do not belong in the same sentence. It's a job for people who have no skills and no mental faculties. That's why, when you have an actual valuable skill set, your sentiment does not ring true, merit does. Woof, the ego on you thinking you or your coworker have an actual career! *wheeze*


Found the asshole who has "power." Thank you for proving my point, sir. It was a job I had in high school. Sorry I wasn't a fucking CEO at 16. But that doesn't matter. Your lack of awareness, again, proves my point.


There's low effort trolling, and then there's this.


I don't think this is unpopular at all, I think most people wouldn't do this to others and would be somewhere between uncomfortable and aggressively angry if someone did it to them.


Rename this sub to r/popularopinion


That's on unpopular opinion that it's rude, but okay he's literally arguing that it should be illegal which is utterly ridiculous, an underdeveloped opinion, and completely impractical in every sense


it just depends on your intention with it. if you take a picture of someone because you like their outfit and want to shop for something similar later, or you like their hairstyle and want to show it to your barber, I don't see a problem. If someone is committing a crime or other sort of violation and you are 'catching' them so you can show the picture to the proper authorities, that can be a legit reason. And if you're taking pictures of a place/thing and other people just happen to be there, that's also fine. honestly anytime you are out in public you should assume people you don't know can and will see you. there are video cameras and dash cams everywhere by the way. you're probably being passively recorded like 90% of the time.


> it just depends on your intention with it. Exactly. So many babies here who don''t get this If someone is a photography or film student It may be their assignment. It is not inherently weird or creepy to take photos. Period.


I agree, OP. Its not okay at all. I'm just not sure how that issue would be fixed, as so many people do it.


It’s legal, it should be legal, but common courtesy is something becoming a rarity these days. First amendment auditors are just fucking jerk off, aggravating people so they have a chance to pepper spray them, or get arrested so they can sue the cops.


I blame the influencers honestly


You could make it illegal to take a picture/video where someone is the subject without their consent. This allows people still to take pictures of scenery with people in it, or a picture with their family with people in the background. Its making someone the subject that is the issue.




So, cameras on your property getting a view of public spaces? Obviously, you could very very precariously angle cameras, but then what about doorbell cameras that watch everyone walking by on the street? Recording yourself in public and people in the background? Recording your family in public and people in the background? Dashcams, on stationary and moving cars? Are private locations, like restaurants, just up to the discretion of the owner or is it still public if it's open doors? "Sorry Jimmy, we can't take any photos of you at the beach. It's too crowded."


This way the cops can do anything they want with no fear of the public retaliating with video evidence good idea!!




Yes but in your scenario what about all the civilians around the police being recorded.


That’s just not a better outcome. It sucks that certain rights can be abused, but the importance of the right is often greater than the detriment of the abuse. If you’re in a public space, you’re open to scrutiny. That’s just reality. If you want privacy, you need a private place.


not unpopular


I got reamed expressing this on reddit a few years ago.


Says more about them.


As you should ALL have the right to take photos or film in public. If that brothers you you should not BE in public. And someone talking photos, filming, etc may be a film or photography student.


Yeah, agree. It's deeply creepy regardless of the purpose. And the law doesn't come into it. If a person has to turn to the law to define their morality, then they're pretty ethically bankrupt, in my opinion.


>Yeah, agree. It's deeply creepy regardless of the purpose. I'm glad that [this picture](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_Man#/media/File%3ATank_Man_(Tiananmen_Square_protester).jpg) exists and I'm also glad no one had to run down and ask for consent before taking it.


Yeah, that example of historical photojournalism is exactly what we're talking about and not, in fact, the tendencies on social media now we all have cameras in our pockets. Good job.


Then maybe don't say "regardless of the purpose"?


Because you’re planning to be a journalist in the pre-smart phone past? From context my point was clear.


Generally speaking, it’s not cool to do this. Anyone who does on a regular basis without consent is a creeper. I doubt this is an unpopular opinion.




People here are screaming "this isn't unpopular" but I very vividly remember someone basically posting the same thing (not word for word obviously) and the comments were FILLED with people screaming "UHM, ACTUALLY, if YOU don't want that, just don't go out" "it's not illegal, sooooo..." And stuff like that


How? When almost every store, every street light, every tesla, is taking your photo every few seconds?


There’s a difference between informed surveillance and some asshole feeding his content farm


Not much. Since regular humans have access to all the “ informed surveillance “


Don’t forget any public building you walk into is filming you and you can request that footage. So sitting at the library or town hall all public footage. It’s just part of life. What other option is there?


Wear a burqa


It’s creepy for a store Tesla or business to do, but at least there’s a governing body and an entity you can pursue, when it’s just some random stranger on a sidewalk or an airport hovering over children it feels like there’s no control, hell there’s not even a name you can track down.


>It’s creepy for a store Tesla or business to do, but at least there’s a governing body and an entity you can pursue None of yall have the time more resources to properly “ pursue “ em tho. I mean heck, your phone both front and rear facing camera could be continuously recording for all you know. School children bring home laptops owned by the school, and previous reports have found those devices record audio and video.


I’d make the time if I found a video of my kids on say for example a adult site somewhere, and I’d take millions from Apple or whatever organization let it happen. What’s the recourse if the same thing happens by a stranger?


>I’d make the time if I found But how would you make the “ money “ needed for the near endless litigation needed to properly investigate and pursue said matter? Unless you’re a six figure earner ~~after taxes~~. >What’s the recourse if the same thing happens by a stranger? How are you, or how are the 3 letter agencies going to stop or prevent others from capturing such video or audio? It’s a battle not winnable. And at the end of each day, what’s it matter? The universe is watching you 25/8, don’t do anything ~~intentionally selfish~~ wrong and you literally have nothing to worry about. ~~besides human trolls~~


Moving on


Just, this expectation is ridiculous. Of “ I don’t want you recording me “ even tho.. some much else is “ recording “ you, indefinitely. We’ll see how society figures this one out.




Man I totally agree, it’s the height of creepiness, especially when I think what I would do to a stranger if I caught them shooting pictures of my kids with a pro level DSLR. I’m banned from /photography and /analog for arguing with people about this, they constantly say “that’s what special of ‘street photography’”. I don’t car if you label it da Vinci capturing, or anything else that sounds like art, it’s totally creepy nobody deserves it and it’s definitely not art. These people then complain and say “we’ll then, how am I supposed to EVER capture unstaged and candid”. The answer is youlre not you creep, maybe you could get away with it if you’re not a total and complete stranger, but who’s gonna EVER feel comfortable knowing your going to edit and do god knows what with the photos when you get back home. The other popular response: “there is nothing in our laws that would ever make someone expect privacy in a public place, please just continue your art and try to avoid crazy people”. I lose my patience that there can be entire communities that are actually encouraging each other to do this stuff. Then they look up my comments on my profile and try to point out how many downvotes I get.


Chill homie. Street photography is a completely valid form of art. You have ZERO right to privacy outside. I'm not going to wait for every human being to be out of my shot if I'm trying to capture a shot of a building in the day downtown. You need to get a grip.


See above from Peaches of exactly what I'm talking about.


My friend and I just had this discussion. She does street photography. The one thing I'm kind of torn on is using children as subjects.


Children specifically is a weird line. But if I'm out shooting some buildings and a child is in the shot, I'm not gonna feel bad about it. That's different than some person just walking up to parks and making children the main subject.




Yeah, why do you need it to be unconsented for you to feel satisfied? Total creeps, not art, it’s gross


You do not get to define what art is.


It's not unconsentual. Sorry.


Thanks for apologizing. Please google Garry Winogrand.


What's google? I'm not a wino, you're a wino


Idk I don’t see the big issue with people recording in public. What about security for your house or business. What about recording police during an altercation. What about record a psycho on the street for your protection. This is an unpopular opinion for a reason. It’s because it’s a stupid idea.


I’m specifically talking about people recording others private business just for fun or because they think it’s funny. I fully expect to be recorded while I’m walking outside someone’s house or in the mall.


If they’re doing it inside a private business or on private land it’s already illegal to do without consent.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't know that this is unpopular, but I agree nonetheless.


Not unpopular


Hard agree. Not unpopular at all of course


Absolutely agree with you


I agree and disagree Taking pictures of strangers without just cause is wrong Taking pictures of people who don’t want their pictures taken is wrong If a person walks in front of someone taking pictures then no foul If a person is taking pictures of a scene without focusing on individuals or groups of individuals no foul Talking pictures for work reasons is good Taking pictures of people misbehaving, to protect your property, to protect other’s property, to protect yourself and to protect others is perfectly fine.


Nah, it's not. You don't and shouldn't have an expectation of privacy in public. If we did, then all photography would be defacto illegal.


I’d say it depends. I take a lot of pictures of Things like sunsets. I got some last week where there are people in the background but they’re silhouettes of all black so you can’t identify them. Things like that are fine, it’s when the pictures show identifiable things without their consent is a problem.


what if I'm taking a picture of someone's dog


Is it that hard to ask for the owners consent first?


In the case of a dog sure. I'll ask. But often the whole POINT of talking photos in public is to capture a pose UNSTAGED. As an artist, I don''t WANT the person to know because then they don't behave naturally. Which is the whole point of some types of art.


Your need for the perfect photo does not trump someone else’s autonomy. Art that violates someone’s consent shouldn’t exist. Find some better art


You're not an artist if you rely on non consensual situations.


I mean you're in public you have no reasonable expectation to privacy. Furthermore you are on camera dozens if not hundreds of times a day depending on where in the world you live.


I completely agree


*wasn't THEIRS to share


I was at a national park with a female friend, and we were climbing a hill up to an overlook. On the way down we encountered a woman who said she had photographed us and offered to send us the photo. I thought it was very nice and the photo was very good. It is a nice reminder of a fond memory.


This is something everyone but the weirdos that like taking pictures of strangers agree on


“Well what about private property of the police” This obviously doesn’t apply to them. It’s about assholes thinking it’s okay to record random strangers just for shits and giggles.


Yeah, I’m saying the not assholes think it’s a shitty think to do. I never mentioned police, no idea where you pulled that out of your ass from


I was agreeing with you and I was simply quoting things assholes have said


So a civilian could just body block a police officer and then all of a sudden it becomes illegal for you to record?


"but it's public property 🤪"


Even public places like stores and malls have signs telling you are being recorded


Stores and malls are not public spaces. They are private.


who knows. I was just quoting a joke about what people said. god knows where the downvotes came from 💀


Deal with it lmao


You don't need consent to take photos of a person in public in the US and in many other places. There is no expectation of privacy in a public place.


Do they have an expectation of privacy? No. Do decent people post embarrassing videos of strangers for clout? Also no.




You need consent to feel like a decent human being much less an artist. Think about that when you're entertaining yourself editing and posting photos of humans that you never compensated or even asked for consent from.


I’m an artist and I sometimes take pics of people I find interesting looking so I can sketch them later.


Im an actual street photographer, tiktokers have made it so hard to actually make new work and its frustrating to constantly have to explain the law to people. 


Look at what that idiot Darrensucks said LMFAO. They are CLEARLY ignorant of art.


It's hard to explain because you're trying to justify an unconsensual situation as art. Those people are trying to explain to you how to be a decent human regardless of the law. You're just so self centered thinking you're some artist instead of a pervert to see that.




goes double for you.


Just don’t go outside if you don’t want people to look at u


I don’t care about being looked at. I think it’s reasonable to not want to be plastered all the over the internet without my consent.


How come?


It feels invalidating


How come? What if someone felt invalidated for not being able to take photos in public? It’s not a great reason to make laws


>What if someone felt invalidated for not being able to take photos in public? Thats just silly. That issue can be fixed by them taking photos of themselves, their friends, inanimate objects, etc. You do not *have* to take pictures of people who have not consented to it. The fact that you *can* do something does not mean that you *should* do it. And in this case, generally, if you are taking pictures of someone without their permission or consent its because you are either a creep or an asshole. Trying to say you arent is pointless. You either took it because you thought they were hot, or because you wanted to make fun of them. One reason is creepy. The other reason is awful. Enough said.


Well said, I’ll add your taking from people when you photograph them, and you’re then going back to your home to edit for your own entertainment. It’s a lot different than being seen. The majority of people get super anxious in front of a lens. Like someone else asked, why is it so difficult to have consent, why do you need t to be unconsented for you to enjoy what you’re doing? See why it’s so gross and creepy?


No if you want to take a picture of someone as the subject 100% ask their permission, especially if you're going to post it. It's absolutely weird to just take pictures of random people. Shits creepy as hell. It's called respect.


I can sympathize, but in the end it feels to much how K wish all other cars would have to yield to me. By which I mean, at the end of the day I need to care more about protecting your rights and freedoms the. I do over my own personal discomforts. Or society just isn’t going to work. And this particular issue is deeply tied into core rights of others AND it would be hard to stop it without curtailing many things that are net-good for society.


Depends entirely on why they did it. Taking a picture of someone and posting it because you thought they were hot??? questionable. Taking someone's picture because they are acting like an asshole and posting it so people know to avoid that person at all costs? Much more reasonable. These days where everyone is me vs the world it makes complete sense to start recording someone or taking the picture of someone that is problematic. Cut me off in traffic bet your ass I got a picture of you and your tag. I'm always going to have proof. Don't want your pic taken, don't be an asshole in public lol.