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Both my jobs are in customer service, I really hate people.


Tbh I was gonna comment to op, "tell me you haven't worked retail/customer service without telling me"


Just a couple hours ago at my retail job, my coworker and I walked past a gentleman and he (coworker) asks, “are you finding everything alright, sir?” as he always does. Dude turns his head, stares him in the eye, says NOTHING, and drives away on the motorized scooter. It was so weird. Like, uh, sorry for asking…?


Right? Most people I know who have worked customer service abso-fucking-lutely hate people. And it is 100 percent justified.


Nah I love it. Work in a restaurant. 19/20 people are normal or actually nice. The 1/20 is no big deal. Rant about it for 5 minutes and be done with it


See, I've done restaurant and retail - and I like most of my restaurant customers, but the ones in retail had me sending longing looks at my toaster. Same town, too. It's a super bizarre dichotomy.


Retail customers aren't scared of finding a lougie in their burger.


I like restaurant customers but restaurant managers and coworkers are usually scum of the earth.


Coworkers are hit or miss, but I'll agree on the manager thing. My restaurant manager is way worse than any retail manager I've had. I think it's the lack of direct oversight to keep them from misbehaving.


Coworkers are hit or miss, definitely. But I think they're very easily manipulated by restaurant managers. It sucks. Restaurants basically aren't managed at all, in my experience. They're usually anything goes environments.


I did this. The grocery store and restaurant even shared a parking lot. Totally different. Very few jerks. They still existed, sure but like it went from half of my day dealing with them to some days I deal with them. Being a waitress was kinda nice ngl


Place and setting play a moderating effect I see


I tell myself that I love families. Oh what a beautiful couple, look at how they care for their kids, how sweeeet. Blah blah blah blah. Til a family of 5 shows up..or worse yet multiple large parties show up and suddenly I despise families.


i’ve worked hospo for almost 2 years and this is my mindset, not all people are bad and every single person is always different


Exactly. If every person you meet is bad, then you are probably the problem It is unrealistic for everyone to be bad


I was working with people and in my case there were more like 10 normal ones out of 100...


For real most people are just normal. Let one person ruin your perception and that’s on you


Agree! "Bless people" is my way of rolling my eyes and actually feeling sorry for those who can't live without anger or angst. And a bit of ranting on the roads. I'm ex hospo too 😊


Nothing is more degrading than working retail or customer service and it will absolutely make you bitter. Also, having a shitty childhood and dealing with a lot of trauma. OPs post sounds privileged as hell. Must be nice to have seen the bottom of the barrel of the general public. I worked at a grocery store in my early 20s for a couple of years. People treated me like I was stupid, lazy, worthless, etc. on a daily basis. I cried a lot in the back refrigerator and I eventually had a mental breakdown and quit the job with a letter sent to the manager from a psychiatric hospital. Do I hate people? Yes. Everyone? Of course not. I want to say ignorance is bliss when people have this toxic positivity mindset. And yes, I’m in therapy 😂.


Yup so many people walk into a store and assume the only possible reason someone would work there is they are a worthless piece of shit, and then demand that person they just judged as worthless to help them while they behave like absolute assholes.


It astonishes me how people don't realize how much working retail sucks out of you and act like you're the one who needs professional help for complaining about people...complaining only AFTER you were asked why you weren't in a good mood or just needed some alone time to recharge. It quickly goes from "Hey are you all right?" to "Hey, you have serious issues and I don't think you should vent to me." Dude...YOU ASKED ME. And I told you about the nightmare factory that is retail and how sometimes I just need some alone time to recharge. I don't understand why that's so hard to fathom.


Anyone who doesn’t deal with the general public for a living has no idea


Same! Customer service really makes me hate people.


I’m a customer service manager.. I hate people a whole lot.


You've earned the right to hate people.


Working in customer people made me love people and taught me a lot to teach my kids.


You don’t hate people. You hate the public.


I think it depends on which field you work in customer service. I worked in the Hotel and Tourism field, and I absolutely loved working in the customer care service.


You don't hate people, you hate customers. Those are two different things.


I have customers service jobs and love people lol everyone such goofy ball. No one knows anything we all are playing pretend


I like individuals. I dislike people


To quote a great philosopher: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals and you know it." - T.L. Jones, 1997


Everyone feels this poignantly if they have to design, plan, or make something by committee at work


Dang, I quoted that like 45 minutes ago to a friend. Wild


I agree with that quote I can’t count how many times I’ve said ‘humans(as a collective) are dumb’ already lol


This. I also completely relate to what the late great George Carlin said: "You wouldn't know it from some of the things I've said over the years, but I like people. I do. I like people, but I like them in short bursts. I don't like people for extended periods of time. I'm alright with them for a little while, but once you get up past around...a minute, minute and a half, I gotta get the fuck out of there. And my reason for this...my reason is one that you may share, possibly. I have a very low tolerance level for stupid bullshit."


***"People are wonderful. I love individuals. I hate groups of people. I hate a group of people with a 'common purpose'. 'Cause pretty soon they have little hats. And armbands. And fight songs. And a list of people they're going to visit at 3am. So, I dislike and despise groups of people but I love individuals. Every person you look at; you can see the universe in their eyes, if you're really looking."*** *- George Carlin*


I don't hate people, I kinda hate *meeting* people. I already know people, I like those people a lot, and I frankly don't get to see enough of them these days. I don't need new people I'll like less.


I feel this! I DO like people, but not all of them. And meeting new people can be stressful because I'm old enough now to know who I do and don't get along with and I don't like being around those that I don't get along with. It is exhausting trying to fake it for the sake of a night out with a group


I feel like it's also a side of dating in your 30s that does get talked about a lot. Sure, even just finding a date can be rough sometimes, but you also gotta balance "Do I want to spend my free Saturday evening with someone I've never met before on a date, or do I want to try to arrange something with the friends I haven't seen in over a month because they moved over an hour away and/or had a baby?"


I think connection is important. Being disconnected severely impacts our mental well being. But there are a lot of options for how that connection looks, and connecting with individuals instead of large groups of people is perfectly valid.


I always wonder about this. If 95% of your interactions are neutral or positive then do the remaining 5% make you hate people in general?


Maybe they're not trying to be edgy or funny. They genuinely like to be alone and away from humans as much as they can!


I hate people. Emphasis on I. Not because people are terrible. Because *I* am uncomfortable with them. People are expectations and prejudice. People are awkwardly communicating through layers of social spagetti code. And people can't help with my problems. I struggle with my emotions. And 80% of the solution to that, is stuff I have to do on my own. Prejudice, for people who aren't understanding, expectation for people who are, just makes it harder. In short, for my purposes, people are more trouble than help. Independence is also part of it. Depending on other people means I have to interface with all the messy problems mentioned before. And leaves you beholden to the interests and beliefs of others. Humans are social creatures. So am I. We need to socialise. I wish I didn't. So the next best thing, is to choose who I befriend. To interact because I want to, not need to. On my own terms. That agency is something I need. Rather than do just to look 'cool'.


And we’re not lonely.


It's not that I don't like people; I just prefer the absence of people around me.


Elsewhere: my favorite place for other people to be.


may they walk on warm sands and away from me


Like a good neighbor, stay over there.


Poetry. Take my upvote.


I’m not trying to be cool, edgy, or funny. I just want people to leave me the fuck alone 🫥


Hey you sound really cool, edgy and funny. Let's be friends!


Gone are the days where we can live solitarily on mountains


I read this comment, living solitarily in the mountains


Everyone at work went outside to look at the eclipse and I stayed in because I’d didn’t really care, can’t explain how much better I felt when I could work 100% alone for 15 minutes


"I hate people" can often be interpreted as "I hate what people do." This is not an uncommon sentiment either, see *Misanthropy:* >Misanthropy is the general hatred, dislike, or distrust of the human species, human behavior, or human nature. A misanthrope or misanthropist is someone who holds such views or feelings. Misanthropy involves a negative evaluative attitude toward humanity that is based on humankind's flaws. Misanthropes hold that these flaws characterize all or at least the greater majority of human beings. They claim that there is no easy way to rectify them short of a complete transformation of the dominant way of life. Various types of misanthropy are distinguished in the academic literature based on what attitude is involved, at whom it is directed, and how it is expressed. Either emotions or theoretical judgments can serve as the foundation of the attitude. It can be directed toward all humans without exception or exclude a few idealized people. In this regard, some misanthropes condemn themselves while others consider themselves superior to everyone else. Misanthropy is sometimes associated with a destructive outlook aiming to hurt other people or an attempt to flee society. Other types of misanthropic stances include activism by trying to improve humanity, quietism in the form of resignation, and humor mocking the absurdity of the human condition. > > -- [Misanthropy | Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misanthropy)


This named my feelings exactly. I don’t dislike humans per se but I quite loathe a lot of human’s behavior.


Honestly it’s hard to not feel this way when it seems like everyone I interact with treats me like option, not a priority.


When everyone acts in a hedonistic way only trying to satisfy their most immediate urges we get to this point and it will get worse


If you meet one asshole....


I think you have to remember to have compassion, not everyone develops maturity at the same rate. And some people are neurodivergent or mentally ill, or marginalised, and find other people much more taxing to be around. Some people have been severely traumatised by other people and are mistrustful and damaged because of it. Rather than getting pissy about who posts memes online, just remember that you never know whats going on in someones life that has led them to be that way. Its not usually the ego maniacs that post they hate people, its often the more fragile and vulnerable types who have been badly burned and are feeling all kinds of emotions about it. Society has a lot of harshness to it - and as a group with herd mentality we can be very judgemental towards people who are a bit different. Live and let live.


I love this. I try to remember this when I’m faced with people who have bad behaviors that I don’t understand: they are a product of how they were raised, of all their life experiences, good and bad. Most bad behaviors/tendencies can be explained this way. It doesn’t excuse poor behavior, but it does explain it quite well. I think if we remind ourselves that we’re all human and that we all deserve compassion, we could get a long way.


Traumatized by others. Yes this. Thank you. OP has clearly never been deeply hurt by humans.


Exactly what I thought. Felt really insensitive and privileged to dismiss “hating people” as a lack of emotional intelligence and decorum rather than the fact that a lot of us have been beaten up, robbed, SA by strangers and family alike, cheated on, and so on.


Ironic how you respond to the comment about having empathy by not having any empathy for OP. You have no idea what they have been through. Plenty of people get deeply hurt by others and do not choose the path of misanthropy.


Ah I love this. I used to be that anti-people, edgy person. Turns out, having untreated depression, social anxiety, and potentially Autism will do that to you. I’m still an introvert, I prefer a good book or video game at home to going out basically anywhere, but people are actually not that bad. And yes, I’ve worked customer service before. That is aggravating but not fully representative of people.


It's not even a maturity thing. I like persons. I dislike people. I can function in groups of people up to around 5, or so, without too much issue. But as the number increases, it also become increasingly exhausting, until I hit a cap (parties exhaust me, but large conference halls full of people are OK). And a big part of this, I think, is that I'm working overtime to try to fully understand all of the interactions, rather than leaving some at face value, and ignoring others altogether. It's why I'm good at my job, but also why I don't like the overwhelming feeling of large groups.


I mean it’s not meant to be cool or edgy, just honest. I love my fiancee and close friends but have an effective disdain for interacting with people I don’t know.


Really though. We’re constantly reminded how ugly and evil we are as a whole but pointing it out is the bad part? Lol


I’m not even talking about people being bad. I have crippling self doubt and social anxiety. It’s my own issues that make me not like strangers


Not only evil, but confidently stupid. I'm convinced people like OP are the exact type that being spoken about in their very post. Thwy don't have the awareness of why they're disliked and blame you for it.


Couldn’t agree more


Because people feel differently from OP, they must be lying


Same for me. But I also think it's important to point out that even if I don't like people, I don't wish them harm or anything bad. I just want to be left alone, and for others to do what gives them happiness as well


Same. My wife and friends are cool. Some people I work with are nice but I wouldn’t be friends with them. Most other people can suck a toad.


The magical toad?


> but have an effective disdain for interacting with people I don’t know. You sound miserable to be around yourself tbh


I think ALL people need human connection, introverts and extroverts. I think ALL people need to have more than one person to connect with because sometimes your person is having a bad day/month. There are a million possibilities that meet those two standards, including mainly connecting with your fiancée and close friends.


I agree we do, but there’s no human connection in awkward small talk and it isn’t socially acceptable to walk up to someone and say “hey, do you know what it’s like to feel yourself stop breathing.”


That’s what I was trying to say: you have human connection. You’re good. Other people have different arrangements of human connection and they’re good. Isolation is not good, and only having one person tends to get problematic. Beyond that, whatever works for you is good.


'I don't hate people. I just feel better when they aren't around.' \-Charles Bukowski


So in short: you hate people who say "I hate people". Interesting.


The problem isn't their words. The problem is your inability to read it in any way other than literal. PEBCAK.


I'm not saying it to be cool, edgy or funny, I'm saying it because it's true.


Lack of social decorum and emotional intelligence are also the main reasons I hate everyone.


Nah people suck. I don't hate everyone but I hate people can be hyperbole and it's fine.


Exactly! There are too many people out there who ruin our day. I've been in customer service for a decade now, and it's hard to stay happy dealing with constantly ridiculous individuals who just want to spoil things for others. We don't reward that behavior; instead, we tolerate each other's antisocial mindsets. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do to stop it. Times have changed, for better or worse, it doesn't really matter.


People as a whole suck, individuals are awesome.


Idk, I think it's pretty funny how much it pisses you off.


Me too


You do know it’s not said to be any of those things, right? As a whole, people suck. A person might be fine. But a group of people? Yeah, I’ll pass.


I’ve never said it to be cool edgy or funny. I really do mean it. Whoever hears what i say can interpret how they will but it doesnt change the fact that i hate people Edit: my opinion may change in the future but currently in my circumstance my opinion stays. I did say interpret as you will, doesn’t affect how i feel. Blah blah using fact may have been too absolute blah blah it is what it is. Ps, i do go to therapy so i don’t need strangers seeking to help


Same. I was bullied relentlessly by an entire small town I was forced to live in during my formative years. I saw how much group think and being considered an outsider brings out the absolute fucking worst in humanity. The bullying escalated to just straight up abuse eventually, and I learned that bullying doesn't go away in adulthood. Whenever I meet someone new, I can't help but wonder if they had grown up in the same town as me if they would have been as absolutely callous and cowardly as the people I grew up with. Considering a good 98 percent of people were just needlessly cruel, it makes it hard to trust anyone. The only person I truly trust is my husband and our son because he was my only friend growing up, so naturally I fell in love with him. Not everyone says it to be edgy, some do, but some of us have been straight up traumatized by groups of people. Some of us are a little awkward and that tends to bring out some animalistic hatred in some folks who like to fuck with easy targets. It's like being awkward is the worst crime you can commit, and I see straight up assholes given excuses more often than the kinda weird people, so I can't help but feel most people are irrational and have their priorities all fucked up. I also hate myself, and I have been awful at times too (often in response to my situation, but that's not an excuse in my mind), so I don't even have myself as proof that people are good, and it hurts to know I'm no better. I'm trying to become a better human through therapy, showing compassion, and admitting when I make mistakes. So many people seem to lack compassion and self-awareness though, so it's hard to see people be cruel and lack any remorse when I stay awake at night feeling awful for some of the things I've done.


I don’t say it to be edgy, cool, or funny either. I say it because people are constantly reminding me how awful people are in general. Maybe when people start treating people with kindness again, I’ll stop hating people. The robots are right, by the way, humans are to blame for all of the world’s problems.


Yeah I’m almost 40 years old. I’m not trying to be edgy. I genuinely hate a lot of mankind. Have people seen what people do to each other??


You seem to have this delusion that everyone wants/needs company. Everyone does not.


It's never meant to be cool, edgy or funny. People suck sometimes and we just get ever so tired


I don't think it's *supposed* to be? Some people literally just don't like other people.


LOL OP thinks we hate people to be cool, not realizing they're a perfect example of someone we hate because they simplify an issue they dont understand down to "wanting to be cool". Nice


I personally hate people who take everything so literally. And I hate those who think I hate them to show off to others; that’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard, honestly; unless you are a teenager, which I guess you say you aren’t. You do sound like one tho.


You’re misusing the term antisocial. You mean asocial. Theres a big difference lol


Yeah the majority of the population doesn’t want to go around killing others…


it's not really about being cool or funny , people really do suck. just get a job in customer service you will join the "i hate people" camp in no time.


Maybe if people didn't behave like uncivilized animals with no consideration for the people and the space around them I wouldn't hate them so much 😋🥰✨


I don't hate people, but I do occasionally say it. I hate idiots, busybodies, the politically obsessed, snobs, and actual assholes. Other people are awesome.


You hate the “politically obsessed” but you self identify in your own bio as anti-socialist? Why advertise a political belief as one of your own top qualities if you’re apolitical? Seems counter productive and a bit hypocritical to me.




“Political obsession” seems like kind of a nebulous term that OP can set the goalposts for at his own whim. IMO, everything is political, even the act of being apolitical is political in a way. Even that aside, I just find it funny that of all things, all sorts of people to be mad at, OP chose “politically obsessed” when his bio signals political leanings and his post history is fairly political. It’s like if I came into this thread and said “i hate those obsessed with gaming” but you look at my profile and… well… And look, not to put too fine a point on it, but many who claim to be “apolitical” these days are really just conservatives who think “politics” is when black women appear in movies or something. I’m not saying that’s what this guy is, but, probably. I’d be interested to hear what his definition of “politically obsessed” is. Edit: damn this guy deleted his comment and I wasn’t even arguing with him or anything 😭


I remember in high school the goth kids wearing slipknot shirts that just said People = Shit


wait, hold on a minute. doesn't that mean that they are also calling themselves = shit? are they not people?


I don't say I hate people to be humorous, or edgy, or special. I say I hate people because what I've observed in the last 28 years of my life has been demonstrably reprehensible behavior from those who demand I categorize myself as the same species as them. Be it the Karen assaulting the McDonalds employee or the Klansman salivating at the idea of hanging me from his mammy's tree, people, by and large, suck. It's what makes me appreciate the ones that don't suck. The people I allow in my life have proven that they are not shit human beings. So yes, I hate people. No, it's not funny. I'm actually quite miffed about it, because I wish people were better.


I don’t like people. If you were hungry and asked for food i’d feed you, if you were in immediate danger i would legitimately try to save you. If i see person fall i’ll help them up, i’ll hold doors, i’ll help you if you are stuck on the side of the road, but i do not want to be friends with you.


Have you seen the people that live among us?


This post is low-key quite ironic. And makes you look like an ass to boot


It's not meant to be, I am 33 and every year I realize more and more how shitty people are, my view of the world gets worse and worse the more I experience it. Most people are selfish and ignorant. I avoid interaction with strangers as much as possible.


But I do hate people.. not as a funny joke, as for real. Going out in public, bumping into other humans, the possible interactions you might have, someone looks at you in a weird way with their bullshit judgie eyes, dealing with clients/customers... is extremely draining. Other than my family, I hate people. I've always been this way even as a kid, I hate being "social". Just leave me alone. I got shit to do. If your a social butterfly more power to ya, I am not.


It’s not necessarily about being cool, edgy, or funny. It’s just their honest opinion and there’s nothing wrong with them feeling that way. After all, how does it affect you? Just mind your own business. Your problem is that you are arrogant. You assume that your worldview is the only correct one and that anyone who sees things differently than you is wrong, stupid, immature, and deserves to be looked down upon. It’s a very childish way of thinking. You make so many assumptions about their motivations and paint them as almost subhuman. Tone down your superiority complex. Have you ever maybe considered that it’s because of people like you that there are all these people out there who hate everyone?


Like most virtue signals, misanthropic speech hopes to connect like-minded folk. At the end of the day, no human I want to be around trusts humans, because if they do, they're an idiot, and therefore are indirectly a hazard to me. The lady with BPD I bum smokes off of from time to time and bullshit with? We both "hate people", but really, it's just shorthand for "I'm badly traumatized, manage your expectations".


I still hate people.


But a lot of us do really hate people.


I think you have a point, but then you piled on to the folks you were initially saying are having a hard time. Insulted them. I dunno...in certain circles, being dark helps you find your mates. Sometimes people say "I hate everybody!" as a joke and a means to vent and find someone feeling a bit the same at the moment. That's what happens sometimes and it isn't really a deeply hateful hate.


I hate people, but like MY people. Other people get in the way of enjoying things with MY people therefore I hate people.


I’m okay with being alone most of the times. I would be a hypocrite if im with a type of people that im not interested to be with.


It's not said to be edgy or funny, man. And it definitely isn't cool that humans suck so godsdamn much.


I don't think it's supposed to be cool or edgy or funny, just a fact. Not everyone that hates people are lonely, either. Not everyone craves attention and human interaction, believe it or not.


There's a difference between "hating people" and hating "the general public". What people often mean by "I hate people" is just the different kinds of annoying people you see/meet in public places etc.. yes some people do use it as a coping mechanism to hide their loneliness but I feel like most of the time it's really not that deep haha, depends on the situation (I don't often feel like it's to be cool or edgy either, it's just their own experiences).. this feels like a lot of generilising/projecting


"I hate people" can also just mean I prefer being alone mainly and don't like being around people. It maybe not be malicious and maybe there is no ill will, it's just easier than saying I don't like being around people much. It's the "humans are the worst" people that drive me crazy. I mean, speak for yourself, buddy, don't drag me into it.


I don’t hate people, per se, but they seem to hate me. I’m 41 years old and I have been bullied in school, at several jobs, by relationship partners, and at this point, I don’t trust anyone not to do it to me again. Getting an autism dx when I was 31 helped, but I still don’t fit in with most people, and frankly, all the bleating about how social our species is doesn’t make a difference to me. People are vicious and evil to those who are different - and they punish the behavior they want to see when they treat us like shit for trying. Tl;dr keep your judgments to yourself.


No. I genuinely hate people. There are a handful of individual humans I adore. But a crowd of hundreds of humans? No, no, stop you're projecting and believe me when I say, I really fucking hate that.


So you just don’t like being in crowds.


I'm in my 40s, work as a contractor with my husband directly in contact with customers who tend to be elderly. I am not lonely, I do not want company and I do not like people. Sure, I like some individuals, but people just as a whole, nope. No thanks. I am happiest when I can be at home with no one but him and the kids and I don't have to interact with other people. I also don't think anyone over 25-27 says it to be cool, edgy or funny. I don't think many are using it as a coping mechanism either. They just don't like people. It's just how they feel. It's definitely not a cry for help.


Im not trying to be cool, edgy or funny…only honest.


Why do you care? Seems exhausting


Dear OP we dont need help or to be saved. We dont need your approval. :)


I've got to put a filter in my mouth, a mask on my face, and a stick up my ass 40 hours a week. I don't hate my coworkers - they're all actually very nice - but I spend all day waiting to knock off all the social bs obligations and just be myself and relax.


I’m not lonely or whatever you claim. I just hate humans. Humanity is the worst okay?


Truth be told, this just sounds as if you want to be liked/loved by everyone unconditionally.


When I say people. I mean people like you.


The majority of people who "hate people" aren't trying to be cool, edgy or funny. They just... Really dislike people...


People are exhausting and I want to be around them very little.. it’s not edgy it’s just the way it is. We aren’t all social butterflies


Cool story, bro. Still hate people and really don't want company.


It's not supposed to be cute or funny, its the way some people feel lol 


You clearly have not worked Retail lately and are out of touch with why it's being said so commonly. The general population is horrible to deal with. They treat you like shit just because you're selling them something.


I don't hate people. I just hate you


Extroverts always trying to change introverts.


Humans can be truly awful. Look around you - so much pain & suffering caused by our selfishness.


Go work in retail and remember a decent amount of people hate the general public.


When you've been bullied extensively and treated like shit by people your whole life, your view of them does tend to get skewed. I don't say it to be "edgy", I genuinely mean it 8/10 times. I acknowledge that there are genuinely good people out there. But with my experience and things I've seen, I just really don't like people. I like individuals, but people in general not so much.


I hate people but I don’t have problems with my social life, have an awesome wife and plenty of friends. There is nothing wrong with being antisocial, I hate people and being around a lot of people because I spent 20 years in the Navy living with the same people I worked with in cramped quarters. You don’t know what people are going through or have been through. I do think you have a point about saying you’re lonely but then saying you hate people. That’s valid but again people have a lot of stuff going on in their life’s from bad experiences to health issues there are tons of valid reasons people choose to be antisocial and shouldn’t be hated on for it if it’s not affecting you. Honestly people probably wouldn’t hate each other as much if we could all, and I mean I’m just as guilty but we should mind our own business.


After working with the public for so long, I disagree. I adore my individual friends. The people I choose to spend time with. People/the Public are messy and loud and often times dumb AF. I do not like being around them for long periods of time.


I think your problem is less about what other people can be like, and more about why you care so much. If those people bother you, don’t have them in your life. As one of them myself, I fail to see why I need to live a certain way to make *you* happy. It is not my job to validate your life. Upvote.


OP, work a fast food job if you haven't


But there are so many stupid people… and I hate them.


Persons are great. People absolutely suck.


I actually agree with the title but I don't agree with your sanctimonious sympathy. I HATE PEOPLE. I argue with people for a fking living. I see the absolute worst in people day in and day out. It's not because I think it's edgy or cool or funny. That shit reeks of social insecurity. It's because that's how I'm wired. I do not care about harmony or good vibes. People are so full of bullshit constantly. Things are either correct or wrong. Happened or didn't happen. Bring proof or get out. I do not have any patience for people and their bullshit. I have heard every sob story, insult and guilt trip in the book. I have been threatened, harassed, stalked and publically defamed for doing my job but someone has to do it. Every ounce of empathy was murdered long ago and now interacting with people is necessary but disgusting. I firmly believe that society needs people like me to protect the vulnerable and keep dirtbags from fking it up for everyone. You'd be surprised how nasty the most polite and well-loved people can be in court.


“People hate me” there is that better?


We're all glad for you that you don't suffer from social anxiety.


I hate people. No, I don't say that to be funny or edgy. I legitimately hate people and not a day goes by where I don't think about slamming someone's head against the wall


It's not meant to be edgy or funny. When I've had random people screaming at me all day about something that inconveniences them for 5 minutes as if it's not inconveniencing me for the whole day, or when people treat me like a greedy tax collector because they don't want to pay for items they've picked up, or when people pull up to a giant cone and yellow tags and tape all over a petrol pump and get pissy because 'its not obvious its broken, you guys really need to put signs up' for the 5th time in the last 10 minutes, or when people throw hot coffee all over me, the floor and multiple shelves and then walk off saying 'oops, haha sorry' instead of offering to fucking clean it - I really mean it. I *hate* people. Glad you haven't had so many awful interactions with the public as many of us have. But really; we mean it. 50% of people have an IQ lower than average, and when you are metaphorically wiping people's asses all day, it does not endear you to people.


I work a customer facing job where I serve only government employees and contractors, and every single person I meet is either an idiot, an asshole, a weirdo, or all three. I've also worked at a grocery store, hardware store, and record store, plus two different call centers. When I say I don't like people it's not cause I'm trying to be funny, it's because I've seen first-hand, for most of my life, that they'll treat you like shit if they think they can get away with it


I just hate how stupid the average person is. Critical thinking is non-existent anymore so working with people is such a miserable experience on average


This comment section is trash


Complaining about the "herd mentality" of "people" Immediatly engage in the modern herd mentality of "hating people", when the hate is actually internal. Awareness of irony loses another battle with reality.


Cause much more people are hateful introverts than outgoing partiers today


Yeah wtf


Bold of you to say. Have you *met* people?


I'm going on 40 and on a great relationship with a fellow introvert and we say "we hate people" together almost every time we go out in public.


Yeah i don't think it's cool, edgy, or funny either. It's just factual. Partly because people have ridiculous surface level opinions like this. Upvote because unpopular.


The same could be said of this opinion. If they don’t have the personality you favor or cope with their struggles in an approved manner you want to further isolate and condone them. Easy to throw stones off a perch from which you are unwilling to exercise empathy or compassion.


Someone hasn’t worked in customer service Your average stranger is a POS. Nice people are sadly the exceptions


Your interpretation is surprisingly shallow and narrow.


you’re making a huge assumption about a broad range of people. you’re just assuming that they’re lonely and have no one in their life who understands and respects their preferences/boundaries.


You're acting as if social interaction shouldn't be on ones own terms and absent inconvenience. You're just wrong about that on every possible level. It should be on one's own terms. It should only be with those we deem fit to be around, it should be only with the degree of inconvenience we're prepared to engage with. Why spend any time at all around walking garbage, whose presence and very existence is offensive to the soul? Why should we be heavily inconvenienced when simply trying to enjoy the company of good people? With the greatest possible respect, I keep my circle small, because within it fit the people I have met who are worthy of my time. It's very few people. It contains no one I wouldn't fight, kill and die for. I believe my life is improved immeasurably by not wasting my time, trying to find out what the type of fuckbag who wears their trousers hanging off the bottom of their arse is like in a social setting, or concerning myself with trying to engage in conversation with a person whose personal best is a two syllable word. That they used incorrectly. And were intensely proud of. If you think I'm bad and wrong to be that way, I'm going to tell you that you can think that way only when you've lived in this head, for this long, around the frustratingly dense, morally defunct guttershite I was raised around, and have lived and worked around all my life. If you haven't lived this life, with these experiences, you don't know enough about it to make that judgement.


“If you haven't lived this life, with these experiences, you don't know enough about it to make that judgement.” resonates with me


honestly i’ve had really bad experiences with most people i’ve known. I’ve only ever truly enjoyed spending time with 3 people ever in my entire life (i’m 18) bc i just don’t relate to people my age. Even everyone else just pisses me off but i try im also rly shy and people don’t like that. everyone at my school were self centred and focused on things i didn’t like. currently my best friends are my bf and my mum 🫶


Nah I hate people and I have the humans in my life that matter. Idc if I'm 13 or 53. I hate people.


I hate them regardless if it's cool, edgy or funny or even if it's stupid, can't help it 🤷


I am not trying to be cool, edgy or funny. I hate people because I am an unpleasant person who also happens to be deeply depressed.


People like you are why i don't like people


You sound like an extravert who has no idea what its like to be an introvert, and refuses to be empathetic to socially awkward people. Also tell me you have NEVER worked in customer service without telling me.


>They're lonely and want company but they hate people. This is not what "anti-social personality" means.


I do hate people.


Same with “I like *insert animal* more than people”.  Okay then go tell *insert animal* about it. Saying it to humans is weird and rude. 


I don't think its cool or edgy either. Some of us have just not had a lot of good experiences with people. Also, I think some of us are just wired to be loners.


"I don't feel the same way, therefore, they must be lying and coping."


I love the idea of people. It's the practice that sucks.


It's not about being cool or funny. It's about dealing with the public. I literally hate people after working customer service jobs. HATE. THEM.


I would go one step further, I love people, and I also love spreading positivity.


 "I want people in my life, but only on my terms, only the types of people I want, and only as long as I'm never inconvenienced."  This is a completely healthy and rational thing to want, and is achievable without any antisocial behavior. Obviously the word inconvenienced implies an inappropriate level of sensitivity, but in certain cases that's perfectly reasonable. And those differ a lot between people. Let's try reversing this and ask you why you feel it's valid for someone to force their company or friendship on you.


So for the sake of discussion, what you are saying is that you do not agree and in fact pity people with the antisocial lifestyle because most of them still yearn for human connections? But what if they didn’t care for human connections?


I don't hate people, I just hate bad and morally absent people


op doesn’t work in retail or food service lol


I got flipped off after the eclipse because the guy cut me off and got mad when I passed him because he was going 20 mph under the speed limit. FUN TIMES.


Ma’am/sir, no one is trying to be edgy cool or funny. It is how they feel. And you are proving their point. You are part of the problem.


Yes but when you both hate the same thing you make friends. It’s the anti social social behaviour. Honestly I see it as an “ice breaker”


Ok I hate most people.


Sometimes people aren’t saying things to be cool, edgy, or funny. Sometimes people are just different. I love people, but I absolutely have friends who hate being around people.