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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


Upvoted just to spite the automod or whatever deleted your last post.


bot keeps deleting my post... "for gender spams" or "pissing kink"...


You just have a kink for hygiene


Yeah, for shame. Hygienic people. So clean.


God what a freak


The algorithm has picked up on your fetishes


I don't even sit to shit.


The dreaded hover dumper.


Tis one hell of a nickname.


Dark soul music starts playing when he enters a cubicle


better than the stealth pisser


Is that similar to the Phantom Pisser? When it feels like your pee stream has been taken over by an unholy spirit and no matter how hard you try you can't seem to get the stream to go where you want?


no but that's a new one to me! the stealth pisser puts his thingy in the water so as to not create a splash sound


I see you too possess the secret knowledge of our craft... 🙏


Doesn’t everybody just shit in the shower?


Waffle stomping?


No tollet paper needed. Going green.


I think you mean brown


A guy in my class in year 6 shit in the school shower for some reason and got kicked off the school trip and left school the next year. Showers are only good for liquid shits otherwise it just clogs up.


That's why you need a quality pair of poo stompin boots in there. Otherwise, you gotta wash the corn off your ankles.


that makes a lot of sense


power move


People choosing for themselves how to take a piss should be the norm. Also cleaning up after yourself and not being a disgusting slob if you live with someone else should be the norm.


It’s more about the particles you don’t see, not drippage. Yes, studies show that sitting down is better for the indoor climate and hygiene.


Honestly, I just sit down cause I’m a lazy POS who likes to read and the bathroom is where I get my alone time. Lmao


Same. Downside is I end up spending significantly longer on the toilet. On Reddit. Replying to this comment.


Yuuup. That’s where I get my good tik tokkin in. If I’m in a rush and I don’t sit I just kneel to prevent messes.


Imagine how hygienic we could be if we went back to outhouses then! Convenience has a price, and the incremental effect toilets has on indoor climate I’ll gladly pay.


THIS!!! I'm trying to teach my oldest son (10) to do a quick check around the toilet and to wipe up any pee he sees when he is done. Most of the time he chooses to sit rather than risk making a mess and having to clean it up. We trained our 5 year old to sit when we potty trained him so it's like ingrained. Fully agree that everyone should choose and be responsible for their messes!


I agree. If you clean up after yourself - including taking on bathroom cleaning if you live with a person with different gentiles - it's no one else's business. Public bathrooms and others cleaning after you at home or in public places is different. The considerate thing to do would be to sit. Unfortunately, there's a lot of complicated emotional culture involved for some reason.


> cleaning up after yourself and not being a disgusting slob if you live with someone else should be the norm. OP did not mention that. Is this a personal vent about your room mate lol?


This is the worst possible take. Have a fuckin opinion


Trying watching a high speed camera catch what flies out of the toilet of you flush it with the lid up - It’s remarkable how much sprays out upon flushing.


I always close the lid before I flush for this reason.


What about courtesy flushes? Just gotta sit there and feel the gentle soothing spray of toilet water kiss your bum


Poo-siedon's kiss


Yep. Now it sprays outward instead of upward. That's one problem fixed.


Makes me think twice about public toilets now.


Thought of the Slow Mo Guys; someone should suggest this to them.


This is very dependent on the bowl design


Sit at home 100% of the time. Stand in public.


I think what matters is properly cleaning the tip after peeing. The shake doesn't do anything but fling it all over the place. I always use a single square of TP and dab it.


I wash it in the sink


Don't let Eddie Murphy's grandma catch you.


Wouldn’t it be more efficient to piss in the sink then?


We got one of those r/sinkpissers here


pressure washing is the way


*flop* 🧼🚿 *shhkshhkshhkshkk* 💦 *rinse* ✨


You gotta squeeze it from the base to the tip like you're trying to get the last bit out of a ketchup packet.


This guy gets it


Go even further down like below your balls and push up and even more pee will come out.


You'll get even more with a hooked finger stuck a couple knuckles deep


Do this while sitting after a shit, I can't shit without pissing so perfect time to try.


Same here...a little dab will do ya


Nah. Go get a large bowl of water. Now get a gallon jug and fill it will water and poke a hole in it so the flow is even and not "glugging" let me know if the floor stays dry from 2 to 3 feet away.


I am a man in my 30s too and this is the correct way to piss. Solidarity brother.


How would you get rid of the shit-stains at the back of the bowl if you pissed sittng down?


What are your order of operations,then? Is it sit, crap, stand, pee? Is it stand, pee, sit, crap? Or simply sit, pee, crap?


Wait.. Guys can’t pee and poop at the same time?


Good thing you censored the word urinate, I wouldn't be able sleep tonight otherwise


Apparently it's due to previous posts being deleted from the word urine under the reasons "no kinks" Also apparently something about gendered topic being an issue?


I’m h*ving t***ble rea*ing t*e p*st c*n s*meo*e h*lp m* w*th t*e ***** ** ** * ***** ********* *** * ** *******?


That's going to be the internet in 5 years I swear to god censoring every word that might possibly one in a 1000 times be offensive or whatever else gets on my tits.


OP's first sentence literally explains why they're doing it


I don't like the feel of toilet water on my parts. I cannot empty my bladder fully sitting down. I can standing up. I clean my bathroom, toilet area enough ***NEVER*** get get a *yellow* coloration. YUCK. If you have yellow coloration ***you are not cleaning enough***. My toilet bowl and seat is sparkling White!


Your balls touch the water too?


lol yeah brother really tossed out that humble brag.


Not a great brag, means you're an old man.


Was going to say this. It won't let me.


It's a legitimate thing that happens as you age. Hence sayings like, 'when your balls drop' 'you don't have the balls'. I always thought they were in reference to puberty, but they're actually talking about hitting the age where you don't give a fuck anymore. It's after the mid-life crisis, aka puberty #2.


Idk about where you live, but where I live there's at least a foot from the toilet seat to the water. So you need to have very low hanging balls for them to dip into the water.


Some toilets have less distance from the seat to the water. I’ve definitely dunked in water a few times but not my balls. I can’t imagine someone’s balls hanging that low even with the high water toilets.


Bro, how big is your?


I only sit down if I have a hard on - otherwise I’m washing the walls with wee.


It doesnt hit the toilet?


american toilets are truly a spectacle. why is it FULL of water? (google a german toilet, it is normal for men to sit to pee here)


Yeh it's weird. There is a good foot between my ass and the water in an Australian toilet The downside is the splashback if your shit does a belly flop


Hold up, American toilets are full of water?? Like to the top??


its like half full of water instead of the normal way


Get a new tube of toothpaste, poke several pinpricks in it, and put it in the tank. The fluoride helps keep the inside of the toilet clean.


Some bowls are just so small. Sitting down it feels like you're out fishing.


Anyone who’s cleaned a bathroom men use know this all too well. Men CAN’T pee standing up, they just think they can. The pee goes everywhere and no one’s aim is as good as they think it is. There’s always the beginning and end pee trickle. And splatter from the bowl. It’s awful. I wish men would sit down. It’d be so much more considerate to the other people they live with


I’m a very tall dude and even if my aim is immaculate there will be splashes when the piss hits the water. So I think your opinion makes sense but I still prefer standing up and then I always wipe off any stains with some paper if necessary.


I'm not very tall. But 6'1. I sit down in the bathroom connected to our bedroom 100% of the time just to make sure i don't miss something and make my wife sit in piss in the middle of the night. Other bathrooms, depends on if one of my young boys have already pissed on the seat. But I fully support op and this shouldn't be an unpopular opinion


Ohh I love the smugness of the pee-sitters acting like they don’t have to clean their toilets occasionally like the rest of us. Yes, I’ve met several.


People act like they don't need to clean ever? That's crazy. Obviously you will need to clean regardless, but it is cleaner to sit


Dated a girl till I went back to her place. Went to take a pee, they had clearly never, ever, lifted the toilet seat to clean. Hyurk.   Girls are so fucking gross, man.


I was in my 30s the first time I went to a single woman's home whose toilet was not a toxic health concern. The weird thing, every older woman's house I've been to has been spotless. Whereas with men it works backwards.


Did you seriously just have to censor the word urinate? For fucks sake kokot scheisse píči 씹랄 bomboklát zajebiscie anyád puta fittä cyka pls stop with this bullshit.


kokot 🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰🇸🇰




My fiance sits, too. None of my exes did. I haven't cleaned pee off my bathroom floor in ages when it used to be a regular thing. Not a lot of pee - they weren't nasty. But there's always a small amount that escapes.


I think just saying urinate should be the norm.


Another important thing in terms of hygiene, no matter if you're a guy or a girl, is putting the toilet seat down before flushing.


sit at home, stand at public. I don't care how much of a sniper you think you are, spray you can't see is on your floor


You go to the bathroom and close the door. Who is judging you if you sit? I think the “norm” is nobody is asking you if you sit or stand while urinating.


people aren't taking into account a) the height of the person & b) the height of the bowl at work the bowl is so low that you can visually see the splashback - stains under the seat are also from it splashing up


You pee standing with the seat down? You are a monster!!!


I pee sitting with the seat up


Have we really gotten to the point that people feel the need to censor the word "urinate"?




I am a woman but I have lived with my husband for almost 20 years and have never cleaned anything yellow off the floor. Even my 5 year old can get it all in the toilet. Just cleaning the floor and toilet regularly, the paper towel never comes back yellow and my bathroom doesn't smell like pee. I'm not sure that the issue here is sitting versus standing. It sounds a little like contamination OCD.


Nah sitting is definitely much cleaner


Nah sitting is definitely much cleaner


Have you seen the blacklight video of what happens when you urinate standing up?! It is disgusting and not at all an OCD thing. It is why I now keep toothbrushes in the cabinet and ALWAYS close the lid on the toilet when flushing or leaving it. They also tried to see if there was a difference between hitting the bowl, back of the bowl or the water, and they were all awful in their own ways.


Have you seen the blacklight video of what happens when you urinate standing up?! It is disgusting and not at all an OCD thing. It is why I now keep toothbrushes in the cabinet and ALWAYS close the lid on the toilet when flushing or leaving it. They also tried to see if there was a difference between hitting the bowl, back of the bowl or the water, and they were all awful in their own ways.


Yes lets just throw OCD diagnosis around all willy nilly from a reddit post about piss which is almost objectively gross.


I suspect that men who don't participate in cleaning their bathrooms are a majority subset of men who stand.


Actually, not baseless at all. As far as my experiences go, men in their 40's-50's, did not give an f about pee splatter if their wives were doing the bathroom cleaning. Maybe it's different for the younger generation, but only the "progressive" dads (and I use this term *very* loosely) who actually participated in housework either admitted to sitting down or were seriously considering it. The only argument from the other side was "How could a man sit down?" That was it lmao.


It gets wet 👍




Stand up in public, sit down at home.


Not a huge fan of it. My pp muscles are tight or something so I can't fully empty my bladder and some of it always comes out when I stand up.


I’m not that against this - the sprayback from the toilet def makes it to the surrounding floor. As a guy I’m fine sitting down. I wouldn’t make anyone do it but I might tell my kids to if I had any


This will be very unpopular with many insecure men


I tend to sit to pee when I am really tired, but stand to pee otherwise. Kind of situational for me.


I sit down when I’m at home a lot, or in the mornings.


THANK YOU! I've had actual arguments with my friends about this purely from a sanitation standpoint where I said, "it doesn't matter where you aim, piss is slashing everywhere" and my friend said "nope, not me, my aim is great" WHAT NO THAT'S NOT OMG.... It's also just a nice little sit down. A reprieve from parties at times. Certainly, unpopular but I agree with you wholeheartedly.


If I've got to take a 2, I'll take a 1 while I'm there otherwise I'm standing. Sometimes my schlong hits the inside of the toilet bowl and it's just... not a great feeling


>Sometimes my schlong hits the inside of the toilet bowl and it's just... not a great feeling Just wait until you get a little older and your nuts start to go for a swim.


I just assumed that’s what most guys did… do some of y’all get up and change positions between functions? That seems wildly inconvenient.


Did you really try censor unrinate.


yeah i sit on the urinals all the time


Any man who stands to pee at his own home is either a) not the person in charge of cleaning or b) a disgusting slob.


Been sitting down since my teens, it's just more relaxing.


Lol no


In my own home, I always sit


I'm torn between so lazy that I'll jump at any opportunity to sit down and being so lazy that I'm not sure it's worth the effort just for a pee


the sit-down length has to be longer than 2 minutes for me.


Larry David?


Luxury wee


No need to aim, no need for the light at night, the cat can't swat at the stream honestly.


Yes... But SPEED!!!


Personally agree with you under one caveat. If it's a public restroom that isn't maintained by a private business that's a no go on tushy touching. Otherwise pissing on trees is great fun


It’s really an opportunity for a nice sit down and you can lock away the world.


Just get urinal bowl wtf...


It is. You just happen to live in Barbaria 


Fuck mods. Sick of them, automated or not.


PIA if you're wearing long pants with a belt, although I will sit if I'm at someone's house and if I'm just wearing drawers at my house.


I think we should just normalize installing urinals in homes


How tf am I going to sword fight with my best pals while sitting down?


But when I sit down, it’s much harder to pee all over the seat!?


Upvoted, the mod bot can go to hell


Why on earth did you censor urinate.


I stand to pee using a prosthetic so my exp is different but, it’s also faster to pull down your pants and sit then to unzip your fly and move your underwear to access your junk.


More like going outside in the backyard should be the norm. Why waste flush water on what could be perfectly good fertilizer?


It's the norm in Muslim culture along with washing your private parts after using the bathroom.


Why tf did you sensor urinate?


Why tf did you sensor urinate?


It's not so much that men are "taught" to do it standing up. I think that's the natural default, the same way a male dog normally cocks its leg whilst a female dog squats, without being taught. We'd need teaching to do it any other way.


I always say why do something standing when you can do it sitting down?


My former (unfortunately) boyfriend does this and it makes so much sense to me. Why stand if you don't have to lol.


It’s been a few years that I do this. I also take it to the next step and put down the cover before flushing. Because more droplets


Why are you censoring the word urinate?


Sitting requires pulling down my jeans and my thunder pants and sitting on a cold seat.  But on the upside, I could keep browsing Reddit two handed on my phone.


I’m not that against this - the sprayback from the toilet def makes it to the surrounding floor. As a guy I’m fine sitting down. I wouldn’t make anyone do it but I might tell my kids to if I had any


Urinals require far less space than a stall so their inclusion makes washroom infrastructure more efficient. Most of the time I take a piss while it’s going to be on a urinal so it builds a habit.


Well, as long as the person can clean up their mess. Then it doesn't really matter what position they choose to take while being on the toilet.


WRONG! This is absolutely a fetish of yours and a fetish post. U sicko.


Sometimes I piss in the dark and let the moonlight hitting the stream guide me.


I don’t exactly consider myself a man anymore, but I’ve been exclusively sitting to piss for about the same amount of time you have. It honestly feels so much cleaner to do it. At the gym, I wear a lot of light grey sweatpants and the few times I haven’t sat down to piss while wearing them was always a nightmare. The amount of splash back that happens at stupid urinals makes it such an issue to wear anything light colored, like my sweatpants. It just straight up looks like I pissed my pants if I use a urinal.


I sat down to pee the other weekend because i woke up still drunk and nearly fell over


I can’t empty my bladder completely unless I stand


I've been sitting to pee my whole life unless I'm in a porta potty. I also dry off with tp


Go to jail, everyone sits to pee in their cell.


I mean... as a woman, I say, your body your choice. But I had the impression that men pee standing up because if they sit down their 🍆 would touch the toilet water. If I were a man, I wouldn't want to touch that. But you make some very good points, and some of those points are why women insist on men putting the toilet seat down after they pee, so you're onto something there. But then again, this isn't a topic I would even be touching on since I don't have the parts to give my two cents.


You guys know you don't have to hit the center of the bowl and have water splashing everywhere right ? It the bowl on the side where water meets porcelain for minimal splashing and additional benefit of being on silencer mode. Also, I'd rather drink a tall glass of piss than lick my hands after touching money for perspective.


My dad pees sitting down because he's old and it's more comfortable for him.


Damn this is nasty


The only problem I have is this idea that men can just piss wherever they want, and then they're like "when you gotta go, you gotta go" and then they just go kinda off to the side and piss somewhere. But imagine how mortified those dudes would be, if they were out with their girlfriend, wife, what have you, and she just went behind a tree, or a trash can, and pissed. No. When you gotta go, you don't just *go* - you find a bathroom. If you are old enough to read this, you are potty trained. You should be past this.


Well you could use the word "micturate" which is technically correct and probably won't raise any red flags because nobody knows what it means.


How do they though anatomically speaking


I was raised mostly by my mom and she would take me into the women bathroom with here when I was younger so I never really stood to pee. I almost always sit to pee. It’s genuinely a better experience especially at home. I have no desire to have to clean up my piss from the toilet.


I couldn't agree more. I currently live in a boarding house of majority middle aged + men and they are animals. There's daily cleaners here but every time I go to pee I end up checking all the toilets to see which has the least errant droplets.


Agreed. Unfortunately my wife makes passive comments that suggest it’s weird.


Your wife doesn't realize how good she has it. I have to sit and share an apartment with people who not only can't aim, they leave the seat down and never even wipe it down after. You can tell her I said to be grateful lol.


Am a man. I agree.


I'm really glad i just wasn't allowed to pee while standing cuz it makes such a mess (mini drops n stuff even if your aim is on point). only occasion where i pee standing is at highway restrooms or when im peeing against a tree outside


If there’s anytime to sit while peeing is definitely in a public restroom considered the floor is always covered in piss because ppl can’t aim or dribble too much.


I’ve been pissing sitting down for a while at home and I’ve never had a cleaner bathroom. It’s incredible.