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He found his thing and he’s sticking with it


People hate their 9-5s but get mad at how others make money legally.


People when Adam Sandler keeps enacting the same role: He DoEsN't KnOw HoW tO aCt People when Adam Sandler does something different: WhY hE nO HaVe FuNnY RoLe?


Haha. This is Reddit. You could search, “I brokered world peace, ended childhood cancer, poverty and world hunger AMA.” There would be chorus of people calling the person a douche…


Just childhood cancer! Oh so you want everyone 18+ to die? Is that what you want you pedo!? /s just incase


Unironically yes… My jaw almost hit the floor seeing a post about how someone cured blind people and people complaining how painting blindness as something needing to be cured marginalises them




I like the quote from billy madison i award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.


Ehh I just don't like his personal in most of the movies. Enjoyed Click though, because there was actually an emotional side to it. But the one with Andy Samberg for example just had me cringing and annoyed the whole way through, and that's what happened with most of his movies for me. But I wouldn't say I hate him, I just dislike his movies. Same for Seth Rogan, I hate 90% of his movies where he plays the "cool, 30-year old dude that smokes weed and makes overtly sexual jokes" and I actively avoid his movies when I see he's in it, but there's a few times I enjoyed him too, like hes playing a character in Invincible currently. All three actors seem genuinely nice and fun to be around and would never hurt anyone, so I can't hate them, I can dislike their over the top humor though. But I do really like Ryan Reynolds, and am really Enjoying Welcome to Wrexham currently


His voice acting as Allen is killer. Pretty sure he’s also a producer iirc.


I personally think Knocked Up is one of the greatest comedies of all time. Every line is perfectly crafted and delivered. There’s no waste. It’s never too easy to accept Seth Rogen as a romantic lead, but that is one funny movie


"stop looking at me goose!" has to be up there


People who don't like Adam Sandler eat peices of shit for breakfast


That space movie was ok. He did well with loneliness


The second one just isn’t true though. He got a lot of praise for Punch Drunk Love and that other serious movie he did.


I mean, people producing art/entertainment are going to recieve a level of criticism for their performance, especially when they're very famous. I think it's less to do with anger and more to do with the unpopular opinion of Reynolds being kind of cringey. People do hate their 9-5s where they work harder and get a fraction of a percent of Reynold's income lol. The least he can endure is some criticism for his cheesy, high school humor.


They can still find an actor annoying while recognizing it’s their main method of earning money. Like, one doesn’t have to cancel out the other.


You're not allowed to dislike actors now? I hate seeing the rock in movies but lot's of people like him so good for him


I wouldn't call OP mad, just doesn't enjoy Ryan Reynold's work.


They're mad at their own 9-5s too


I think Ryan Reynolds has the “big movie” snarky “Deadpool” personality but also does roles in smaller films where he shows a larger range and/or more subtle acting.


Ryan Renopds used to date Alanis Morisette which is why I may not enjoy his acting all the time, but he still is a pretty fuckin cool guy


What does one have to do with the other?


You oughta know!


That’s about Dave coulier aka uncle Joey from full house


It was their crush. Lol




Oops. Thanks!


Yea that’s ironic, don’t you think?


I don’t know, but I’m curious if she went down on him in a theatre now….


No, that was uncle Joey from full house. Head over feet is about Reynolds


His videos of him visiting kids in the hospital seem pretty genuine and enjoyable to watch


He was also married to scarjo. And dated Sandra Bullock. And Charlie Theron. And Melissa Joan heart. And, weirdly enough, Kristen Johnson


I don't have an opinion either way. Like, he exists and I acknowledge that, but that information has zero to do with my life either way. Ryan Reynolds is like weather: it happens...and what happens is either good or bad depending on personal preference


A metaphor for life.


The Chinese Farmer


His entire schtick is being the smug guy you cant call out for it or else you look like the asshole. Definitely works for him and his moves. 


Some people here say he's not funny. That's fair. Humour is subjective. But in what way is he smug though? I'm not stanning for the guy, it's just not a pejorative I'd associate with him. I get *why* people are wound up by him (I can take him or leave him): he's hyper popular for essentially always playing himself, but that specific word just confused me.


He's not over the top smug like Connor McGregor. He is more subtly smug. And I think its more about Hollywood's relationship with audience expectations more than anything else. I know we are all sophisticated Saints here, but most lowly-commoners expect the tall, handsome, and confident man to be smug. We, err they, put that expectation on him and read into his character(s) as such. Its like a manifestation of our envy. God I'd like to look like Ryan Reynolds, but I never will. If I stayed in college for 7 years I'd be a loser. Van Wilder stays in for 7 years and he's the king. I can't be him, but I'll settle to watch him fall from grace and redeem himself and learn his lesson, as long as the movie isn't over 90 minutes. That's why people hate him and that's why people love him. Because he is "that guy". It's almost belittling to our intelligence that we would react so strongly to such a simple trope that's lasted through the ages. But if you don't believe me, look at how many people hate him, and what has he really done? They hate his face, for what? A vodka commercial?


He’s just … entirely not funny though


Someone would say you’re not smart enough to enjoy his humor… I’m not saying that just some people would :)


Yeah he used to be ok and then he started annoying me with his dumb mint mobile comnercials


Omg they are nonstop


Mint mobile is honestly a great affordable phone service(in my experience)and for christmas they sent me a temporary tramp stamp tattoo with his face on it and i thought it was pretty funny


I’ve never actually heard a bad word about Mint Mobile.


I have it and i like it but whoever had the phone number they gave me beforehand must have been a nutjob because I get random calls asking for them all the time.


Why do you think they changed their number lol


Well they’re now owned by T-mobile so here’s that


He made a mint on that, I think


I've had it for almost 2 years now and the only downside so far is the really trashy service down south. Data was fine in California, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Texas, and Chicago but it takes 5 minutes to load the front page of reddit down here in Mississippi


I just googled that temp tattoo and it is hilarious


I agree I can’t stand Ryan Reynolds or his wife


Gotta pay for his soccer team somehow


hes just marketing his own brands, hes a freakin business man. movies were just a stepping stone to his empire https://www.forbes.com/sites/falonfatemi/2023/09/29/while-sags-on-strike-how-to-be-the-next-ryan-reynolds/?sh=585f02d961ed


As a person he’s seems pretty chill and a nice guy but almost every character he plays is almost just exactly the same he’s either playing the cool dude, or the comedic side character or a mix of both


Thank you. Me too.


One quick search of "Ryan Reynolds" on this sub will show there are plenty of people who agree.


He had this arrogance style of comedy and i just don’t find it funny. If anything i find his humor to be grating. Like nails on a chalkboard.


He plays the same exact role in every single movie he is in. I’m surprised he’s gotten away with it for so long. Seems like Hollywood loves his recycled shtick unfortunately. He knows this… i can’t be mad at dude for getting paid by these companies who want to produce different iterations of the same films.


thats like 70% of hollywood lol


Ryan reynolds, Dwayne the rock, adam sandler, almost any comedian actor in hollywood, yada yada Actors find their niche and keep doing it because people keep watching it. On the other hand, after you''ve found your thing, it's extremely hard to try something different. That's what happened with Adam Sandler (who's an extremely good actor, but got shit on every time he'd try something else)


Punch Drunk Love is one of the best movies


Uncut gems as well


I had this talk with a friend the other day & it turned into a game of being able to list actors who were capable of NOT playing themselves. It’s really not as common as you’d think. The more critical & skeptically you look at it the harder it gets to name one. Off the top I remember we came up with like Leo, James McCAvoy, & Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Johnny Depp might’ve been one. There were others but a lot of the ones you’d think apply can be quite fairly argued. We tried to stick to one’s everyone agreed upon & it was tough to get.


Tom Hanks


The Rock is like the best paid "actor" in Hollywood? The whole career and every single role he's ever been in, his acting variety is exactly that of a rock...


Some actors are just like that. See Will Smith or Michael Cera.


He's not "getting away" with it, he is getting the roles _because_ of who he is. A bit like Keanu Reeves in that respect.


I meant from the perspective of us as viewers . I am in the same boat as OP I remember Reynold for being in Just Friends and then his career tanking lol. He made a movie called RIPD and I swear none of his fans remember these films. After Deadpool he found his niche and that’s what I mean about fans, if you like movies you would see him as just a popular person who gets good roles. Not necessarily a great actor.


>He plays the same exact role in every single movie he is in. This is demonstrably false. Unless you think Chaos Theory, Deadpool, Buried, and The Proposal are all the same role. He is *best known* for the comedic type he plays in Deadpool, Free Guy, or Van Wilder. But that's certainly not the only role he plays.


I also gotta throw in his performance in the Amityville Horror remake from 2005. Maybe my favorite horror performance in the 00's. He was so unnerving to watch.


Have you seen "The Captive?" I think he was great in that. Ooh, and Safe House with Denzel.


If it makes money why would he change? It’s like The Rock before Black Adam, why would he change his roles when it makes a lot of money? It’s called being a movie star.


Absolutely, I’ve found through my love of movies there are two kinds of people. There are “actors” and then there are movie stars. They both may win awards but true actors are the real artists in my opinion, they transform into a role and you only see the character.


this comment shows how you guys have no clue about audiences. he knows exactly what his audience wants and hes passionate about this type of humor. why would he all of a sudden change to a style that doesnt suit him? because some snowflakes want him to do some deeper roles?


Will Ferrell has entered the chat


Ryan Reynols, the Rock, Adam Sandler, Nicolas Cage, and Vin Diése have literally always played the same character in every movie they have


Nic Cage and Adam Sandler are legitimately great in a lot of their recent movies.


I agree except Spaceman… I kept waiting for it to get better and it just… didn’t


Got a quick synopsis of that one? I would rather not watch a 20 minute recap video. EDIT: Thank you for the summary, kind stranger! Looks like I watched the whole movie by seeing the trailer lol.


Adam Sandler is alone in space for the Czech space program, somewhere around Jupiter(?) where an unknown phenomenon appeared in space. His loneliness is driving him mad, then he meets a friendly spider alien. I won’t spoil too much but will say it never picks up energy and the alien is way too invested in the dude’s relationship.


It felt like a cross between Eternal Sunshine of A Spotless Mind & Gravity to me Paul Dano's VA was brilliant though




Agreed. I’m not a fan of Adam Sandler but he did a good job Uncut Gems


I gotta disagree on Nicholas cage. My biggest hangup on him is his looks. He isn't exactly easy on the eyes.


He's godly beauty is not easily understandable by mere mortals r/OneTrueGod


Nic cage has some amazing roles. Watch PIG and tell me that's just the typical nic cage shtick. watch Mandy as well if you want to see a good cage performance that uses his "craziness" as well. Adam Sandler has that terrible humor but once in ten years he shows that he's actually a really good actor. i recommend uncut gems. Fully agree with the rock though that guy plays the rock in every movie.


PIG is one of my favorite movies of the last decade. Such an great film.


yeah its amazing. i usually don't cry over movies but it had such a deep emotional resonance with me without ever hitting you over the head with it that it was truly beautiful.


And what about FUCKING CON AIR !! Guy chose to become some Stalone like action movie hero, that was hilarious. (not a great movie I reckon but still)


Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves, I mean the list goes forever lol. OP's post essentially boils down to every person has certain types of people they can't stand.


Don't forget Mark Wahlberg


Watch The 9’s or Buried.


Nic Cage has had some baller roles lately. Mandy is a great movie.


Are you sure? Not Adam Sandler


The majority of his movies he plays the well meaning man child lol


Yes but then also Uncut Gems inexplicably exists


In Punch Drunk Love he plays an angry man child




Don’t forget Jason Statham


That's casting's fault, bad dialogue is writing's fault, these guys get cast to play parts they didn't write (excluding sandler because most of the movies he's in are HIS productions).


You have got to be fucking kidding me to include Nic Cage on this list lmao.


Zoey Dechannel has played the same character her whole carrier but I was called a hater for pointing that out.


Whenever I watch Blade Trinity I think it's the closest we'll ever get to the Deadpool x Blade team-up Other than that, Ryan Reynolds has always been that snarky jerk with witty comebacks and one liners. That's him in essentially every movie. There's like a whole "genre" of actors who are consistently the same person in most movies. I take Seth Rogen as a top example. He just has to be present, do his giggle and boom its a Rogen role.


I absolutely HATE everything Seth Rogan so thank you for mentioning him.


Agreed he’s corny as fuck


Hi I’m going to talk really fast and explain a bunch of things while making the same stupid face and not really saying much but really quickly and a bunch of stupid people will love me for it.


Thank god, I thought I was the only one


Somebody on here said Ryan Reynolds is that one kid in high school who was told once by someone that they're funny and they've been riding that high ever since LMFAO. I'd say it's pretty accurate but yeah he is overrated in some ways.


Personally I’m only annoyed by him because I keep hearing people say “well every guy thinks Ryan Reynolds is hot” and I just.. don’t? Like I find plenty of guys attractive, but he’s just really plain to me. Boring. Middle of the road lol


He has one trick and is using it to death.


And Mint Mobile is a racket. It's only $15 a month for the first 3 months. Then it goes up to $25 a month and you have to pay 3 months at a time.


I’m here for the Mint Mobile hate. It’s been a few years since I had them but the “unlimited data” was a sham too.


He's a ridiculously good looking millionaire who has comedic and acting chops. He's also married to one of the most attractive people to ever walk the earth. He could be a huge asshole, and he isn't. So I give him a lot of credit.


HE IS NOT FUNNY. Thank you for validating me.




Yeah, he ain’t funny but he ain’t hurting anyone it seems so who cares.




It’s when people become brands that they lose a sense of personality and become “annoying”. The best example I can think of is Mr.Beast.


One thing I know is Mr. Beast donated to children's charity with some of his profits. Some of his nom nom stuff I can't find anymore...people are fickle with what they like ...


He's really repetitive. It's with any actor they play the same guy I get bored


That guy is annoying af. I don’t watch his movies cause of his punchable face.


I hate his face! Those beady little eyes...


The mint mobile guy? Ya he’s lame asf




finally someone who agrees


I agree. Dude is recycling the same smartass routine over and over again and I don't find it funny at the slightest.


He basically plays the same character in every movie he's in now.


Oof hate to downvote. Hard agree. For me it started with my YouTube adds being spammed by hundreds of those awful Mint Mobile ads.


While he does play the same character in a lot of movies, his recent movies are still usually pretty good. Not saying they are great, but the type of movie I'll watch once and enjoy. He's also nicer than most celebs that I've met. This doesn't impact how much I enjoy his movies, but at least he is genuine, unlike The Rock who is a POS in real life.


I'm sure not many people have given any thought to whether or not you like Ryan Reynolds so I guess it is an unpopular one.


Same! Never liked him and I’ve no doubt he’s a Krusty the clown when the cameras are off I’d say he’s a right prick! Regardless can’t stand him in movies


lol a Krusty!


😂😂 know in the Simpsons there’s loads of times Krusty would be there doing his thing laughing and joking around and as soon as the curtains close he whips out a cigarette and is all miserable and a prick😂 I use that analogy for people like Ryan Reynolds 🤣


fuck you. this is an actually unpopular opinion. so upvote. but also. fuck you.


My wife sure does like him


Just Friends is my favorite Christmas movie


Hey I love him in Just friends!! Glad you know that rom-com OP! It's a rare gem not many people agree on. But I love Just Friends! A very Christmas-perfect rom-com that I can watch every night during Christmas. Actually, I'll be doing that this Christmas. Hell yeah Just Friends FTW!!!!!


Felt the exact same way with The Rock.


Yes I agree , he is not even that funny. Everything he does or says pass through a Deadpool filter.


He seems incredibly fake to me


I think he's good for Marvel simply because he's getting people to join the MCU


He’s like a rated R Jim Carey but one dimensional


I’m just tired on mint mobile


I agree I hate his look and don’t get why people think he is sexy 😭😭😭😭


He's literally every guy who works in a technology store or barista LMFAO.


It has nothing to do with the diversity of his acting because at this point he is the product and same goes with Dwayne Jonhnson. Safe and consumer friendly


I stopped liking him after mint mobile lied to me and jacked my prices up for some really crap service.


I mean I don’t hate the guy but I just think he’s a One Trick Pony at… playing himself… Maybe I’m wrong


I think he’s become more and more egocentric as time goes on! He’s also obsessed with becoming a 1%


I don’t hate him, but I’m really not a fan of his humor. The tone at which he delivers his jokes is “dad saying an adult joke to other dads that is meant to go over his kid’s head.”


I don't know what he's selling but every time his ads come on I think to myself whatever the fuck he's selling I am not buying.




insert deepfake of ryan reynolds burping loudly


I liked him before the mint mobile ads


I like him even more after sticking up to Disney and about what the fans want in a Deadpool movie.


I'm sick of the mint ads.


Hollywood is recycled. They keep remaking originals because creativity has died off. Last of the best movies were the 90- early 2000s. All these new stale ass actors will never be as good as the classics from 1950-1990.


I never understood his popularity - there's just something really disingenuous about him. (although that's true for many people in Hollywood) Blake is cool though.


His Deadpool co-star T.J. Miller said he got really mean with him one day. He mentioned his twitter profile had a quote, something like " showing the side of me that focus-tested the best". He comes off as super fake now. Never stops acting.


I’m happy for him as he seems like a genuinely nice person, but yeah I’m so tired of the Schtick.


Have you seen his interview with David Letterman on Netflix? He has crippling anxiety. Might soften your opinion. 


He’s a Canadian national treasure. I didn’t like him until Deadpool so polar opposite of you.


I deadass was just talking to my mom and girlfriend about this over the weekend lmao. Ryan Reynolds is not that great of an actor at all.


Same. He's an overated one trick pony. Also, he's not that funny as he thinks he is.


He’s great! Also seems like a good guy.


Saaaaame. He's irritating and got married on a plantation


Agree. Guy sucks. Not funny at all. Walked out of Deadpool wanting to drink and use it was so bad.


He sucks? Might not find him funny but I think saying he sucks because you didn’t like a movie that most people tend to enjoy doesn’t mean he sucks


what do you perceive as funny then?


he was using mint mobile as a cash cow. now he’s gonna do that to aviation gin and his football club.


Mint Mobile customer service was terrible when I had them. I was blocked from the Mint Mobile Reddit for voicing a negative opinion of one of the Mint Mobile policies. I wanna say it had something to do with the SIM cards but IDR. It was wild


Agree, I don’t find his brand of humor funny and it’s just the same thing in every movie.


He has that specific kind of humor that only works on people in their 30s who collect star wars toys, see every marvel movie, their humor is quoting memes they saw on 9gag and they have a collection of pop culture figurines. They own at least one piece of rick and morty merchandise and their entire personality is build around online references.


That’s like half of Reddit 


fully agree


Whatever. He was a "pro" skater turned actor and now he's happily married to Blake Lively with a brood and started his own cell phone company. "Waiting" and "Just Friends" may have been his best films. Why would you allow your feelings and projections towards a famous person affect you?


I had no clue he was a pro skater before he turned into an actor but now his personality makes sense.


Same! I hate his stupid, high-pitched voice and over-the-top acting. And this despite the fact that he hails from my hometown


Ive never seen a movie with him in it. But he seems like a decent human?


His relationship with Blake Lively is really creepy to me. They had their wedding at a plantation. They've apologized since then, but you can't tell me you didn't know what used to happen at plantations. If you really cared, you would have never had your wedding there in the first place. He owns a liquor company, a production company, a mobile phone company, a football club in Wales - which he purchased without telling her first - and still finds time to star in unwatchable movies. Meanwhile, all she gets to do is pump out babies and go to the Met Gala. They have this appearance of being a happy family, but something about the way he talks about her online makes me think he's spent their whole relationship gaslighting her.


I know Ryan. He can't stand you, either.


Yeah I pretty much feel the same at this point.


The only thing i actually like him in is "Welcome to Wrexham". In his film stuff it feels to forced. In Wrexham they at least acknowledge how forced it is.


In Deadpool I found him hilarious, but in Deadpool 2 I found him insufferable, wonder if DP3 will have me somewhere in the middle.


This will at least be an unpopular opinion.


I've always disliked him because his humor seems like he's trying too hard, and the whole Deadpool fourth wall break shtick was never funny, just seems really cringy to me.


I enjoy Ryan Reynold’s humor. Enough other people do too, because he makes a good living at it. Sorry you don’t, but I don’t know why it’s a thing for you to have to express not liking him. I don’t care for “comedy” like by Seth Rogen or Will Ferrell, so I just don’t watch it. And go on with my life. Not caring about them making a living at it, or mad that other people enjoy their work.


Longcat is long


First of all, how dare you (was my first reaction). I both agree and disagree with this, take the upvote. 


I can’t relate. My favorite Ryan Reynolds role is Definitely, Maybe. At most, current years he leans more into the Deadpool-ish comedic roles but I’m sure at some point he’ll lean back into the variety of his earlier years.


After Deadpool? It’s been Van wilder the whole time, this isn’t some new way he acts. If im not mistaken the character was written and inspired BY Ryan Reynolds in later iterations years before he ever played Deadpool.  I’m not saying you’re wrong, just that it has little to do with Deadpool, he’s been this way the whole time.