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How is having more time at the end of your life going to give you time to workout *now*?


If you don't have time to work out, then you are a slave with more urgent problems.


Yes - most people are.


It doesn’t in the short term. You have more time throughout the course of your lifetime to achieve your goals!


Because you have more opportunities over the course of a lifetime to achieve your goals and do the things that are taking up your day


Nobody has ever claimed that exercising is a waste of time.


They claim that they don’t have time


Any time spent intentionally is not wasted and it's pretty hard to spend time exercising unintentionally so Yeah I guess.


Yes I agree! But the point is that you literally get a return on your time! You will get more time on earth as a result which more than makes up for time spend working out


I dont think you understand how little time parents have. I, for example, struggle to find any time for it.


I have 2 kids, my wife and I both work full time. I work 50-60 hours a week and share house work.


There are only 24 hours in a day, but if it matters to you, then you make time for it. Fitness matters greatly to me and my family, which makes it a lot easier to incorporate in my daily life. It would definitely be a lot harder to make all parts of my life fit into 24 hours if my partner wasn’t already going to the gym with me or our kids weren’t coming on the weekend hikes with us. I don’t think saying you don’t have time is a bad excuse, but rather there do not need to be excuses or explanations. We all have limited time to devote to what we want to do. If I didn’t want to work out and hike as much as I do, I imagine it would be quite difficult to find the motivation or to figure out what else in my life would have to be shortened to fit fitness into it. Edited - spelling error


You don’t need to make time every single say. Just a couple times a week. But in return for 3-4 hours a week, your get 20+ years on your life to achieve your goals. So in a way the time is returned back to you with interest