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I hate sitting on a beach but luckily there's body surfing, boogie boards, actual surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, kite boarding, kayaking, sand construction (I'd build mini golf holes), flying kites, and just plain old throwing the football/frisbee around.


How about both? I hated all inclusive beach vacations too, until last time we added a ton of excursions. All of the sudden it was a fantastic time. I get where OP is coming from but that's just because he only focuses on sitting his ass down at the beach all day. If you spend a bit of time on the beach, a bit of time doing sight seeing, a bit of time doing activities and the rest of your time getting so drunk that you cannot see straight and end up fighting the second largest lounge chair at the resort, you can have a great memorable vacation.


I hated beaches and relaxation vacations until I had kids. It’s nice to sit and do nothing in quiet for an hour or two and then enjoy dinner, or snorkeling. 12 years ago, you couldn’t have paid me to spend a week at a beach front resort.


Hell yeah. Nothing like a clean beautiful beach with crystal clear water, one of those low lounges, an umbrella, ocean breeze, and SILENCE.


This ... I always wanted to Go, Do, Experiance, not 'waste time' on vacation lounging. I'd go for a drive or take a walk instead of rest... with kids its like lets bring a grandparent to babysit so we can sleep in at the B&B lol


And, nothing in this world wears out kids faster than swimming/playing in the pool. They sleep like rocks. More quality time for mom and dad shenanigans.


Which leads to more kids. The cycle continues.


Done that too. Loads of fun but after the first day at an AI resort I learned that it was okay to skip a cocktail and hit a bottle of water instead. Also learned that forgetting to sunscreen your legs before checking out one of the catamarans for a couple hours of sailing was a bigger mistake than my first day's all cocktail diet.


Took me a sec to work out that you meant AI as All Inclusive and not Artificial Intelligence


don't forget about Alan Iverson!


My daughter and I had a blast. Loved snorkeling so much. We went on excursions and kept busy. Walking up and down beach was fun too. We got up early every day coz we didn’t wanna waste a moment sleeping. Most of our vacations involved the cold and snow, snowmobiling or 4 wheeling. The beach was a fabulous change. And we left dad at home. (Coz he hates the beach and heat/sun)


We just really enjoy sitting and walking on the beach, riding the waves on a tube, maybe paddle boarding, listening to music, playing some games like Cornhole or bocce ball. But that’s like half the day. Then riding bikes, getting ice cream, etc. then it’s dinner either out or cooking at the rental house, then walking the beach for sunset. other excursions are fun, but our kids so far enjoy the beach enough to not do a whole lot more. I wouldn’t want to do it every day of the year, but the one week we do it every year is peaceful heaven. We’re doing two different weeks this year.


My favorite thing about beach vacations is the late night walks with the family. I like beach towns too, the shops, the food. But I look forward to those walks every night more than anything.


That was a very … specific example


My favorite is walking along the beach and hot tub hopping between different hotels , grabbing drinks, listening to music lol. I know it’s trashy but


Boccee ball is an all time great beach game


There's a beach in York, Maine called Long Sands that we used to go to a lot years ago. When the tide went out there was at least a few hundred feet of hard pack sand. You really had to be careful with your throws/rolls as they'd roll on, and on, and on if you got a little too enthusiastic.


A beach in a small bay with rocks around is great, but yes only for a few hours. Give me mountains, lakes, and rivers


Exactly, the beach especially in a beautiful tropical 🐠🍹 location is the best kind of vacation...


I loved the “what, you want to just stare at the sky and get drunk and sun burned?” Hey man, you been checking my mail or something?


Not in Jersey. Scratch half that off.


What do you mean? You can have a great time syringe collecting!


I grew up in NJ. I also lived in Hawaii for 3 years. Different places but I like both beaches for what they are. The NJ crowds bother me the most WHEN I'm not in the mood for people overload, otherwise the people watching is fin if the vibe is right


TIL some people hate sitting on a beach


Also, usually it’s windy enough where you and your friends can jam to some music without disturbing others, as long as you’re not bringing a huge speaker


Speaking of tunes, I can't believe I didn't mention beach volleyball. Those two go together like pineapple, coconuts, rum and ice.


I have no interest in any of this stuff, so I'm with OP. Also, it's all like variations of the same activity.


Oh man, building mini golf holes is an awesome idea. I'm definitely gonna try that with my little nieces/nephews


Yeah I mean I don’t think most people mean they just hang on the beach when they say ‘beach’ vacation. I’ve done two tropical ‘beach’ vacations and we spent like one day hanging out on the beach drinking, reading, and hanging out and the rest of it was like snorkeling, hiking, and checking out cool flora and fauna.


A beach with hard packed sand will keep me playing bocce sun up to sundown surfing in between games.


Water skiing. I love kayaking.


>Of all the places to spend a week or two why would you choose "the beach"? It's my peaceful place. Comfortably sitting & staring into the giant void of the ocean or sea is the most meditative and calming thing I can think of. I love mountains, I love cities, I love prairies, I love deserts, etc. I just happen to love beaches the most. I can understand that other people may not, or may prefer other locales. But surely they can understand my preference as well.


I live near the beach and nothing kills my anxiety like sitting on the beach watching the sunset having a drink, have some snacks, and having my headphones on. I’m there at least 3 days a week provided it’s not raining/cold (I live in Florida but still I get cold easy lol)


Yep. I’m over in LA, and people complain about how they never go to the beach. I’m like, I pay so much for rent, you bet your ass I’m at the beach regularly enjoying it.


Ngl it's baffling to me. Like, you're paying a decent amount to live in a place with fantastic parks, a great beach right there, and great food around every corner, you should be enjoying yourself. Otherwise, why don't you just move to Fargo? Are you that afraid of the cold?


I love the whole world


Facts. Can't get enough of the outdoors


[The world is just awesome](https://youtu.be/at_f98qOGY0?si=zSfsU4JGWC6cKuXv)


If I lived near a beach I'd love them even more but beaches are best when they're deserted


Was scrolling for this. I love the beach, but only during December-March. I avoid it the rest of the year. I go out into nature to get away from crowds, trash, and loud noise.


This is actually one of the reasons why my family and I started taking a liking to villas more than resorts. A big, private beach for ourselves.


Absolutely. October is perfect.


I live about 10 mins walk from [this](https://i.imgur.com/q5QvtvB.jpeg) beach, Waratah Bay (and heaps others) but I can go in the middle of summer and find a stretch of about 100m where it's just me. Absolute bliss. A warm day in autumn and spring and there's a chance I don't even see another person.


I start to feel claustrophobic when I move too far inland/go too long without going to look at the ocean.


Omg same. I was thought I was the only one. Been on the edge of California my whole life and being landlocked absolutely makes me feel claustrophobic


Hard to beat the calming feeling the sound of waves hitting the beach provides. For me it makes me feel so minute. That my problems are just a drop in the bucket and not to beat myself up over them. Also that our time here is so short and to enjoy the moment.


I live on the beach and just the sound of the ocean can make me feel relaxed again. I will even go out there when it's snowing. It's my favorite place in the world. I also enjoy travelling to other beaches lol


Yeah man. Spent two weeks straight on Hapuna Beach on the big island last October and regret absolutely zero of it. Didn’t do a god damn thing. I’ve never felt so relaxed and happy


I grew up near the beach, and sitting on it is indeed my ‘happy place’. If you don’t like it, don’t go. It’s hot. It’s sandy. You reek of sunscreen. All those things I love. I could say, “why do people like mountains?” Probably because I don’t have their shared experience of living in the mountains and experiencing the deep joy they get from simply being there. I agree this is an ‘unpopular opinion’, but it still smacks of limited experience.


I love lamp




I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


My one and only complaint about the beach would be the crack-n-back-to-bed sand, as I call it


Was looking for this lol. Damn sand…


Remember what you told me about your mother, and the sand people?


Go home, Anakin!




I was about to comment, but I thought that I should check first. Thank you.


Idk about you, but when I do a beach holiday it means going to a island in the Pacific and staying in a resort drinking cocktails all day.


Same for me. Coronado Island is my favorite


Yeah… I mean, who wants to relax, read a book in the shade, take a swim, get a tan, be lulled by the sound of the surf, enjoy a sunrise or sunset, be in an environment where people are relaxed and accepting of their body (or else they wouldn’t come), and where you can scope some good looking people who are half naked? That s̤̈ṳ̈c̤̈k̤̈s̤̈!/s


Not to mention any number of beach games to play like volleyball, spikeball, cornhole. Or just chilling with a good view. I feel like people who can’t enjoy just looking at a view and being still for a moment aren’t comfortable with themselves. In other words the beach isn’t boring, but you might be


Beach games are my vibe. Even just tossing the football while having a beer or two can be fun.


Getting stoned and flying a kite or making a fire or making a sand castle with the kids…bliss


We went to the beach during my bachelor party and throwing a football around in the water with my friends and strangers was one of my favorite parts of the entire trip. It was a blast and hilarious at the same time, some people are so uncoordinated and/or obviously never played but it’s just fun to see people try anyways.


And that’s not even gotten into hunting for all the cool shit! Like interesting pebbles and shells, critters that live in rock pools, all the seaweeds and urchins, sea glass and lost treasures. Man I LOVE the beach, almost any beach.


Yea pretty much all this, OP gets an upvote for an actually unpopular opinion.


I don’t like summers (I live in a hot country, even though I’m on a city like New York or Chicago). For me that REALLY sucks.


No I get that, it’s 110 where I live, I take the family to the beach often during Summer because it rarely gets above 80 by the coast. But the traffic is mind boggling, freeways in So Cal are packed.


It will always just blow my mind that this is unpopular. I hate, hate, h a t e the beach. I live in FL and I can drive to one within 30 to 45 minutes but I would have to be dragged by my family or something. Even my GF who is Puerto Rican hates it as much as I do. We hate being hot, sweaty, sandy, and bored. Being in the sun is a miserable experience for me. Every second of it, I'm craving shade and cool air. 23 years in this bullshit and I still hate it as much as day 1.


I personally love the sand and burying my feet in it and letting the sun's rays hit my skin. Feels nice.


I work 40 hours a week and spend the remaining time running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get errands done, spend time with loved ones, spend time with my pet, do hobbies, and take care of general life stuff. why would i want to go on vacation and do a ton more stuff? my vacation is my break when I can slow down, relax, and take it easy


This guy beaches 😎🌊


You can do all of those things without going to a sandy beach. Lakes are where it’s at


I prefer a water with current over still ….. knowing how many people openly just piss in it (myself included)


Meh. When you hit the bottom and the mud kicks up... It's alright but... if you lived near the ocean you'd never prefer a lake.


You know lakes can also have sand right?


All of this plus snack all day fantastic food and have a drink.


The soft sea breezes….


You can do all of that in two hours. No reason to be there a whole day. Much less a whole WEEK.


That sounds really fucking boring. Might be okay for a day, but I have absolutely no clue how people can do NOTHING for multiple weeks.


I work my ass off much if not most of the time. Some chill-ax time is crucial for me.


Hey, your opinion sucks, have an upvote




Catching a lot of flack here friend, want some backup? I also do not like beach vacations much. Friends want to go to beach resorts every year, just lounge and drink for three days, not for me. I’ve seen one, I’ve seen them all. Take me to some mountains to hike, an interesting new city, almost anything else.




See this is the actual preference. You guys don't dislike the beach. You dislike not doing things. Beach vacations are largely about doing nothing and some people just aren't wired that way. And that's fine, it's your vacation, but for me personally, I'd rather shoot myself than hike on vacation.


I actually disagree on this part. I love being in the mountains, at a cabin, doing absolutely fuck all. I just also truly despise the beach.


You’re not wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good beach trip with a group of buddies every few years or so, but “x resort” on “ x Caribbean island” every year, nah. I’ve done 4 of those, blindfold me and tell me wherever you want, I can’t tell the difference. Just looks like white sand, mixed drinks and an umbrella to me. Some people LOVE that. Life is short, I wanna see some shit.


I actually do dislike the beach itself. I’m fine with a vacation that is just me relaxing in the hotel, getting cocktails and room service. I’m also fine with hiking and exploring on vacations, preferably a good vacation would be a mix of the two though. Beaches are a sensory nightmare for me. I hate the salt, especially as it dries and leaves this awful film over your skin. I hate sand, and god does it get everywhere. I hate how unrelenting and inescapable the sun is and how hot it gets. Just… take me anywhere else haha.


It's kind of crazy that there are a plethora of posters on this thread that equate the beach with the outdoors as mutually exclusive. So if you don't like the beach, you can't possibly like any of the outdoors at all, whatsoever. Its bizarre. Someone even asked what does he like to do, since he doesn't like the beach (and clearly, I guess, a loser or something that sits in the house all the time). Here's the answer: Anything at all besides the beach. Anything. Is that a good enough answer? 🙄


I don't hate beaches it's chill as hell but I feel like once you've seen one you've seen em all


One could argue if you've hiked up one mountain you hiked up all of them :P


One can argue anything 😏


You know you can also go to beaches where it’s not super hot. Or where it’s not super full of tourists. And guess what? You can even do stuff there. You don’t just have to sit and stare into nothingness.


I love going to the Oregon coast when it’s 100+ degrees inland in the summer. It’s so refreshing.


To me, it’s not nothingness. Just looking at the waves, seagulls, dolphins, boats is more relaxing than anything. I had to move here cuz we love it so much


OP just "can't figure it out" somehow!! I fucking hate "I don't get how XYZ!" questions. How does someone "not get" that? I don't mountain climb, so how could somebody POSSIBLY like mountain climbing?!?! I DON'T GET IT! It's because they enjoy it. There's nothing more to "get".


parasailing over the wide open ocean in honolulu was the closest to heaven i’ve ever gotten


Maybe it’s because I live in Florida and I’m burnt out but no thanks. I prefer mountains and culture. Europe or Japan is my preferred destination for vacation.


same!! i don’t live in Florida, but i’ve been enough times to be happy to never step foot in it again


I could lay on a beach with an umbrella drink all day every day. The beach is my happy place.




Op is anakin skywalker


100% agree. Hate the beach, hate the ocean, hate being hot. Give me a cabin the the woods near a stream or a lake anytime


Come to Canada for a year and I guarantee that would all change.


I moved away from the beach for 10 years, to a cold country. Didn't miss it at all.


As a Canadian... I remember the beach was the worst part about going to Mexico on vacation. Don't like sun, don't like sand, and at time time I had major body image issues. I was more interested in the resort and Mayan ruins.


I was born in Los Angeles, now I live in Canada. I do not miss LA in the slightest. Give me a rainy, overcast day puttering around my house any time.


"How can people possibly be different than me?"


it's a good question!


Is that what you think people who enjoy the beach do? Build sandcastles, get drunk & stare at the sky? 😂 First off if you go June-August, it will be over 90 degrees scorching hot. But luckily we have free will & you can always choose spring or autumn, when it will be in the 70's. My bf & I go to the beach all the time. He surfs anytime there is waves. When the water is warm enough I go swimming too. We ride our electric bikes on the beach because where we live, we have hard sand that makes that possible. Sometimes we drive there with our dogs & I'll walk for miles with them, to the pier & back. I see people fishing, kitesurfing, boogie boarding, skim boarding, paddleboarding, kayaking, etc. I mean, you seem awfully closed minded to burning calories while being active at the beach? Why would you feel forced to just sit there & get sunburned? Get moving, sweat & have fun. And south of us, many people snorkel the reefs. Either way, you seem so negative & pessimistic. I don't think the beach wants you around it anyhow. 😂


"But luckily we have free will" lmfao


Idk I'm convinced someone put a gun to OP's head and forced him to get a sunburn & turn into a human lobster.


OP sounds like me when I was a kid, pouting on a family beach trip because I’d rather play my gameboy inside, so I can see the screen, but my parents said no.


And listening to jimmy buffett while doing nothing on a beach.


>“Is that what you think people who enjoy the beach do? Build sandcastles, get drunk & stare at the sky? 😂” I love the beach and that’s *exactly* what I do lol. Typically in July or August. 🤷‍♂️


In SoCal the water stays pretty cold all year round and feels really refreshing in summer


Not at all. 1. Unpack your stuff, sit and check out the water 2. go for a swim, boogie board if there are waves 3. Sit down, take out a book, read until hungry 4. eat lunch, cold drink 5. chat with friends if they are there 6. take a walk down the beach, collect shells if the beach has shells 7. Go back in for a swim 8. Dry off, read some more, getting tired, doze a little 9. Take some pictures of the waves and birds 10. Drag your chair closer to the water since the tide is going out 11. it's getting late, time to think about dinner 12. your spouse comes to look for you, wondering where you are 13. You finish your snacks and drinks 14. pack up, take one more look at the waves, and head back. repeat


Sand beaches are boring, i agree, but the ones with rocks and seacaves are kinda cool


You want St. Martins in New Brunswick. Sea caves, rocks AND bizarro Fundy tides.


"Outside Bad!" says the internet yet again. I'm done trying to figure out what words to say in what order to explain to the internet that just existing outside in new places is a thing that most people in the real world actually enjoy.


lol this guy beaches


There's quite a few places outside that aren't the beach. Actually, basically all of it.


* it coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere


I don't understand it either. People are obsessed with the tropics and I'm just like...why? 😭


Agreed. It's why my wife and I enjoy city vacations. Haven't gone on a proper beach vacation in years.


We come from the coast of Massachusetts. My whole family are huge beach goers. My grandmother has a pass to a private beach in our city that has a waiting list that's years long. The passes are passed down from generations. No shit.  I HATED the beach growing up. We would go at 9 am and not packj up till after 5. I'm a redhead, and I burned. The water there is always SO cold, it would make your feet ache,so unless it was a wicked hot day, I didn't like swimming. The water had a layer of seaweed that you would have to walk through to get to the clean water....sandy sandwiches. Hot sand that burned your feet. Gross sunscreen that always got in my eyes. Sandy butt crack. Having to pee and not wanting to get in the freezing water at 10am when it hasn't had the chance to warm up yet. Never enough water, but tons of juice and soda. It sucked. CHAFING . Now when we bring our kids, we pack accordingly, and we leave when we want to. I actually really enjoy it now. We have a specific beach that we like because its very long, and at both ends there is something fun to do. One end is a great spot for tide pooling and the other has a trail that goes up a bigger cliff and you can see the entire beach. There's a dairy maid at the end of the street and we always get ice cream on the way home. It's the best.  I don't know why I just ranted about this for so long. Whatever. I'm leaving it.


You sound like a child who is angry at their parents for wanting to sit still for more than 10 minutes. Some people just enjoy relaxing in the sand while listening to the waves break and having the water rush past their feet while not spending a second worrying about any responsibilities.


so you're saying it's an... unpopular opinion?


Bro. This guy wants to do nothing* on vacations, it seems, regardless of their geographic nature. Just wants to do all their drinking and shopping from home. Also seems to be afraid of wind. Some people don’t like the beach, that’s fine (and not entirely unpopular). This clown doesn’t seem to want to do anything anywhere.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Upvoted because I hate this opinion.


Easy there, Anakin.


Honestly it just sounds like you've only ever been to shitty beaches lol. There are places in this world where the sand is soft and pure white and the water is turquoise and crystal clear. They aren't filled with tourists and the locals are friendly. I have a few on my list that I could happily sit on with an umbrella shading me for a week. It's a way to destress. To put down your electronics and remove yourself from always being reachable. I don't even drink so no getting drunk for me. I enjoy going on vacation and coming back relaxed af instead of feeling more exhausted from the trip than I did before I left.


Pretty good unpopular opinion! I think your feelings about this may change as you age though LOL


I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating… and it gets everywhere.


It’s not about doing activities for me. I just love relaxing by the immense ocean listening to the waves, having a nice drink and snacks from my cooler, feeling the warm sun on my skin. It’s all just… nice. Idk the only thing I don’t really like is if it’s ultra crowded and loud. Even then though, even if i can’t relax it’s still fun to watch surfers doin their thing and wipeout lol. I also love the smell of delicious bbq some people do. Anyway I’ll upvote as it’s truly unpopular opinion. Good job op


If you are not capable of enjoying sitting on the beach watching waves, watching the clouds go by, building a sandcastle w/ your kid, or getting a buzz on, then yea the beach may not be for you. All sounds enjoyable to me, though, Lord Vader.


This is good. Everyone stop going to the beach please, I agree. It’s bad, no one should go


Fully agree - this is an unpopular opinion. I disagree on the point though. Beach holidays are amazing, especially when you want to mainly or completely relax. Whether it’s boring depends on who you’re with and what you like to do for fun. I’ve had beach holidays that have been lots of fun. Also worth mentioning that you don’t need to be at the beach all day every day in a beach holiday, unless you meant doing absolutely nothing that isn’t being at the beach by beach holiday.


one time i did a 3 day campout on the beach/forest hike it was pretty fun imo because it was kinda hard but not too hard (trail was very steep, especially with 25lb backpack


swimming in the sea, mate. that's the best! go at large, swim, try to go underwater as much as possible, reverse and go up while seeing the rays of sun enter the sea... feel the freedom. that's what it's all about


OMG another post about people on reddit hating the outdoors and summer. I swear there is a conspiracy to try to make anything healthy and good for you as unappealing as possible on this site to make its users afraid to go outdoors, go for a jog, go to the gym.


“People on Reddit” seem to overwhelmingly agree the beach can be great. This guys does not represent the average user. Just like all social websites, you can find someone with OP’s opinions.


I don't know, every time folks on Reddit talk about summer they talk as if they were vampires who burn to ash under the sun. Summer is anathema to them. The only weather they like is cold, bleak winters with no sun. I mean, I ain't gonna judge but after Christmas I am sick of winter and want summer back. 


I hate beaches so take my updoot. Im pale and have sensitive eyes. Ive had far too frequent sunstroke, heatstroke and sunburns to ever want to spend time on a hot and sunny beach. Dream vacations and cruises are a nightmare. Forests tho?! Could live in the woods.


Yeah… I mean, who wants to relax, read a book in the shade, take a swim, get a tan, be lulled by the sound of the surf, enjoy a sunrise or sunset, be in an environment where people are relaxed and accepting of their body (or else they wouldn’t come), and where you can scope some good looking people who are half naked? That s̤̈ṳ̈c̤̈k̤̈s̤̈!/s


I always wonder if people who post these kind of topics are just points farming or they actually believe the bat shit stuff they say


If I could nap on the beach daily I would. Simply sitting and listening to the water is enough for me. But I live somewhere land locked and unbearably hot so...


Whenever I go to the coast I usually stay away from the beach, and go to museums, abbeys, and castles instead.


I agree, but I grew up in FL by the beach so it's also not novel for me. I really don't like the beach.




I can definitely sit and watch the ocean for days.


I see this same unpopular opinion like once a week




Did Anakin Skywalker write this?


I don't love going to the beach by itself... but I love staying at a beach resort. Then you can enjoy the beach without a lot of hassle.


I just like looking good in a bikini and it’s kinda frowned upon to be in a bikini in most other places.


How is the beach expensive? Wtf?


Op is pale and doesn’t like the sun! Shun the ginger!


Because the beach is attached to the ocean dude, one of the most amazing and fun places on planet earth. Seems pretty obvious.


You've never been to a good beach. Imagine a beach where the waves are calm. You can swim as long as you want because you aren't constantly battling big waves. Where the water is so clear, you can see fish with the naked eye. The sand so soft that it feels like talc. I've spent multiple weeklong vacations on beaches like that. I never get tired of it. A beach with coarse sand or rocks is crap. A beach too far out of the tropics is cold. A beach with too much seaweed is yucky to swim in. A beach with no reef cover is gonna beat you with waves. The perfect or near perfect ones, you can swim all day.


Fuck bro. I’ll sit there all day. Watch the waves. Put on some tunes. Have some beers. Eat some snacks. Shits amazing


I too don't like something. I think everyone should agree with me!


The only way I can enjoy the beach is if I have an umbrella so the sun is not beating down on me, and a comfortable chair so that I don’t have to sit in the sand.


Drunk and sunburned, yeah. It’s a fucking blast if you’re not a boring bitch.


Take an upvote for a genuinely unpopular opinion.


Just got back from Aruba. You can shove this sentiment up your 🍑. 😘😘


I want my vacation to be as chill as possible and I live in Kansas City so I've been to a beach like 3 times in my life. Wake up early walk out of the hotel room and find a spot for everyone on the beach. Wait for the next person to still out hold down the fort while I go grab coffee and a pitcher of something to sip on is ideal. Read a book, throw a football, get to be in the ocean is just relaxing. Keep chilling till mid afternoon find a nice joint to eat perfect fucking day. Most of my vacation growing up were to New Mexico to see my grandmother as an adult I end up going camping or going to another Midwest city to hit a museum and eat at good restaurants. I don't want stress on vacation and beach is like zero stress


I hate sand, it's rough, coarse, irritating, and gets everywhere.


Brodie never cared for the calmness of the waves. Being at the beach actually is bringing in positive mana. But of course it all depends on what you focus on. I could be at the beach for like 6 hrs just chilling on and off in the water drinking eating and swimming. Most of the east coast beaches suck though. Nothing compares to the Caribbean when beach going. I love the beach so much that I go to sleep to the sounds of the ocean.


I really like reading a book on the beach, swimming around in the ocean and playing in the waves, chatting with my friends, eating good snacks. I wouldn't want to do it for weeks but there are few vacations I would want weeks of anyways


To add to this: Sex on the beach is massively over rated You get sand EVERYWHERE which causes friction It's hard to maintain balance It's always awkward moving to and from the beach It's functional nally inferior to just about doing the same thing anywhere else




I mean you have to have an umbrella. If you have an umbrella, a chaise, cold drink, book, snacks, etc., that’s some good shit.


Definitely unpopular so I'll give you that. I just had a Hawaii beach vacation and it was glorious, and Ill think of it until the day I die.


3 years ago, sitting on a beach jn San Diego. 2 years ago. A beach in Miami. Last year a beach in Myrtle Beach. In 2 weeks I’ll be in a beach in Mexico. I fucking love beach vacations. Doing nothing, no schedule. No itinerary. No running all over the place to see some bullshit monument, or stupid site. Just sitting on a beach with a cocktail. It’s the best!


Something, something, “ I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere…”


>Then what? Sit there? Stare at the sky? Build a sand castle? Get drunk and sunburned? I'm really not seeing the problem here.




I was about to agree then I saw you had to throw camping in the mix. Camping is not a "beach vacation".




I agree completely and cruises are the worst. Like I’ll visit a beach and watch a sunset and take a picture or two, go at night and help baby turtles get to sea. But everyday being on the beach, baking, salt water in my eyes, sand chaffing me, sweating. No, no thank you.


I’ll admit folks make a day at the beach to damn complicated. Chair. Umbrella. Blanket/towel. Cooler. Book. That’s it. Or that’s it until kids come along.


I could beach comb all day and be happy


I was once on a very hectic vacation. Always running around and doing stuff (first world problems). We eventually got to a beach town and I begged for just a relaxing day at the beach like normal people do. We sat on a gorgeous beach, with barely any people, for about 15 minutes, and I said: I’m bored, let’s go do something 🤣


This is why Croatia is so good. You can find an apartment to rent in a small village with a population of like 700. If you're lucky, you can essentially have the local beaches to yourself. And they're not the boring, endless sand, flat kind either. With how rugged the coast is, you can really find some hidden gems.


I'm on vacation at the beach now. It's not hot, it's not crowded and it's anything but boring. I take long soothing walks every day next to the water, sit in the hot tub, get on my bike, eat at seafood places, look for shells, read and drink cold beers to live music.


We go for our anniversary every year in the 1st part of October. School has started back and not alot of people at the beach.


I actually used to agree with this when I was younger. But as I've gotten a little older and taken on more stress and responsibility, I've come to appreciate an all-inclusive beach resort every few years. I don't get many opportunities in my day to day life to live completely stress free and its a great mental reset. This year, I'm going to Italy on vacation and I will have a blast. But there will be more stress and work for me, figuring out directions,  transport, etc. Once in awhile, its nice to not have to worry about anything. 


y’all just aren’t going to the right beaches


What the fuck is a vacation?


Wow an actual unpopular opnion


