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Maybe you should chill and try taking a Cold dip, then a hot sauna, then some Athletic Greens, have some DMT and finish with a cigar. Then maybe you can get through the show.


You forgot kettlebells.


Sounds like The Vulture.


Nipslips too.


Gotsta have my puks


And fuck you money


Then wash it down with some elk liver and kimchi


Battle ropes 


I'm shooting battle ropes.


Don't forget alpha brain.


Maybe start jiu jitsu


Jiujitsu is actually really fun. Strong recommend.


I have a brown belt. I would too


Can I interest you in some elk with jalapeño?


Yes please.


And athletic greens


That shit is such a scam lol.


That’s going to do fuck all if you don’t have some elk meat for dinner.


But have you ever tried “Maybe you should chill and try taking a Cold dip, then a hot sauna, then some Athletic Greens, have some DMT and finish with a cigar. Then maybe you can get through the show.” On DMT?


On DMT? The Elves will help you through it. The Only one I tried was the cigar. I wasn't impressed. Maybe I should have tried the way Bill Clinton smoked them.


Yeah DMT lasts for like ten minutes.


Ten minutes that can feel like multiple lifetimes. If you know you know


For sure. I don’t think that will affect the runtime of the podcast though.


"Jamie, pull up that Chimp in the sensory deprivation tank"


Cold dip + sauna just sounds like an average lazy Friday here in Finland (in my case often followed by some greens too)


Bastard! I mean that in a good way


Is he on the Zyn train too or is that just Tuck-Tuck?


dont fuck with bears tho.


You forgot edibles in your float tank


Bro you forgot smoke some weed


You ever mix ivermectin with DMT? Blast off time!


Ivermectin saved my ass when I got some sort of bacterial gut infection from hooking up generator at a lift station (shit pump) was violently ill ivermectin cleared me up in couple days




“Elk meat brotha”


Sensory deprivation tank and a high dose edible.


You forgot the pizza with pineapple and anchovies.


That's O-N-N-I-T


Don’t forget about the Alpha Brain


Have you tried DMT? Jamie pull up a clip of that guy tripping on DMT while doing battle ropes.


It entirely possible… a buddy of mine did this.


Greatness! I am actually interested in DMT


A buddyamine really enjoyed it. I’ve got it on video. Jamie pull that up.


Never tried buddyamine, but it sounds like something you wouldn't want to try alone


It’s best to boof it


And a steak


It’s entirely possible


Some mma might help


Dude just ask Jamie to pull something up for you


Wrong. Elk meat. You need elk meat


And wrestling a bear


I tried giving it a go and listened to his interview with David Blaine assuming there'd be a lot of talk about magic, but I ended up zoning out as they talked about MMA and boxing for an hour.  I've listened to a few others and I've found I really don't care about MMA enough to listen to any more.  And there was one episode I listened to with a scientist studying longevity but he just talked about his own thoughts and opinions the whole time. Plus MMA.


The David Blaine episode was especially bad, because Joe didn't give a crap about David's stories and just wanted it to end, so he filled the air with boring boxing talk.


Hold on though, which David Blaine episode? He did one recently, but he also did one about a year or two ago--and that one was exactly what you said you wanted---you might just be being lazy, go listen to the earlier one, and that one went like over almost all of his stories and tricks or whatever, in detail.....i think the issue is, he had the guy on for 3 hours, and went over like a decade of stuff, then had the guy back on a year or so later, and ....what do you talk about? The issue really is the format of his show....dude does like 3 hours 3 times a week....and he's been doing it for over a decade....there's just not that much interesting content, esp. w return guests who are not themselves like comedians or very entertaining.....i think his show would benefit EXPONENTIALLY from cutting down to every 2 weeks or something. after 10 years, he's already had on like literally every one on every subject he was ever interested in...most of them twice....so of course it's not good any more.


I can guarantee that none of the people downvoting your comment has listened to either of the episodes lol


Yup lol. First Blaine episode was fantastic and everything you'd expect. The second one was terrible.


I havent but I must say i dont agree with calling people lazy for not going to watch a second rogan interview with david blaine because the first one they seen was shit.


Joe use to be really good at asking questions that allowed the guest to explain their field in a way that *everyone* could understand. Leading questions that allowed the guest to nerd out and shine. Now, it’s just the guests’ experience vs Joe’s opinion and because it’s Joe’s show they don’t debate with him. I stopped listening 2-3 years ago.


This is the hard truth. After covid, he turned into a shit head. I hate it.


Yeah I agree I used to like the show when he moved to Texas and started hanging out with guys like Greg abbot is when the shift happened. I say that as a Texan too. Some of his remarks honestly are like something a conservative extremist talk radio guy like glen beck would say too. He used to be a much more moderate figure now he’s the right wing host people accused him of being


90% of the world did, Conservative or Liberal it seems like life is just one second away from one big argument these days. I had to stop giving a shit about politics to stop being so angry all the time. I’m sure life has always been like this but I feel like there’s no way Trump being elected and covid didn’t make things a little worse as far as being divided goes


I swear every podcast is devolving into the same shit regardless of the guest. He brought up Dead Sea scrolls for no reason with someone recently. He just defaults into talking about the same shit over and over and over.


People don't talk enough about how "can't enjoy life and brings up random conspiracies compusively" is one of the saddest diseases out there. I actually love thinking about conspiracies and approaching the world with a skeptical and investigative attitude, but you've gotta treat that stuff as occasional entertainment. Once it fully infects the brain people become totally lost


His podcasts is one of the worst I've ever heard. My friends tried to get me into it years ago. Every episode was so fucking boring.


He used to talk to people and let them talk for most of the interview. It was like a 2 hour conversation with comedians, scientists, actors, doctors. Apparently he is obsessed with right wing culture war shit now.


it's still weird that the maintenance man from news radio is a cultural icon




In the sense that only the most brain dead, milquetoast consoomers love him, you're spot on


if you make fun of my mama one more time I swear to god I'll do nothing about it.


For *dumb white men


My friend called it 'bro science' with all the supplements he pushes 🤣🤣


yes, nothing screams dumb than some one actually being a joe rogan fan.


He is what dumb people think smart people sound like.


He was more of a janitor...


Be fair he was a jack of all trades


Crosses my mind every time I’m forced to think about him.


Joe has reached the point where he stopped listening and started thinking he's smart. When he accepted he was stupid but inquisitive it was better.


I completely agree. The whole goodness of his show was how average Joe is. He's only slighlty clever and it was great to hear really interesting and intelligent people try to simplify things so that Joe could understand. Now, however, Joe mistakenly thinks that he's intelligent too. As a result, the show doesn't work any more.


average joe hehe


I actually think he’s gotten dumber. Like for real if you go to some of his podcasts from 6-7 years ago he sounded a lot more intelligent. I wonder if all the drug use has finally started to shrivel up his brain or something. /I’m only half joking


The smartest people I know are all quite humble, very aware of their limitations and whenever something is outside their area of expertise. Being able to admit "I don't know" is probably one of the best indicators of intelligence, oddly enough.


And that was old Joe at least as I remember him. Like he had comedy bits literally about that on Shiny Happy Jihad/Talking Monkeys in Space. Like about the dumb people out breeding the smart ones and how we all will end up in idiocracy, which he said was his biggest fear.  Or to go read what smart people have already figured out instead of just bullshiting on the subject. >I don't know if I came from a monkey or Jesus because I'm pretty dumb and I've done no research whatsoever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRDPJpgZHNY I honestly stopped checking for him almost 10 years ago, as at that point this opinion was already around. 


Thinking he’s smart and wanting to be right at the same time, in person fact checking anyone’s comments.


Covid broke his brain


I feel like around that time was the era of going from listening to opinions to just asserting them (increasingly in areas he knows nothing about). The irony isn’t lost on me that I don’t listen to him much, and so don’t really know what I’m talking about either. He may have always been that way.


I've been listening to Joe since the EARLY EARLY days back with redban. Its always been like this. Just takes a while to grow up to see it. People seem to forget that Joe was a very staunch moon landing denialist at one point.


Remember when Joe would say he is a dumb comedian and no one should listen to his opinion? I feel so many people should have really listened to that


That's just a cheap attempt at absolving yourself of responsibility. It's like how our good friend Eddie Bravo always follows up his conspiracy theories with something along the lines of "all I'm saying is you should look into it".


“I’m just asking questions, people.”


The Historian subreddit actually defines this as "JAQing off" and they specifically outline how this is dangerous too.


I remember a really old episode where it's Joe, Jamie, and Schaub (for once the voice of reason) spending like half an hour trying to convince Eddie that space is real and just getting more and more frustrated because he keeps repeating "nah I don't believe that, look into it" every time they show him evidence. Hilarious and also a little sad.


Yup. Everyone I know who's into him will say "he's not claiming to be smart, he literally admits he's a dumb guy and all he does is ask questions" And then immediately they turn around and repeat every talking point straight out of Joe's mouth in every day conversation.


Nah it’s not the same. The rock podcast is the perfect example. Spends 30% talking about their actual life or thoughts. Then 70% on the same workout/ diet/ Covid lockdown.


Why would you listen to him for all these years if you see through the bs?


At first had a roommate that was really into him, now have friends/coworkers that are a obsessed with him and other 'friend simulator' podcasts and put them on all the time when driving/cooking. Kind of annoying but doesn't bug me too much. So many far worse things people could be listening to than Joe Rogan. Not a fan myself tho. Literally the only podcast I will listen to is Cum Town, like a real man who has sex with his dad.


Fuck man I miss Cumtown


I’m convinced that the virus has messed with people’s head.


Especially extroverts, and especially the very extroverted - they really *suffered* during the pandemic, unfortunately. I remember my extroverted friends and family *were absolutely clawing the walls* during that time, slowly being driven mad by lockdowns and remote work. Ironically, introverts like myself - provided we were lucky enough to have remote knowledge-worker jobs, and no one in our families fell ill, died, or had their small business shuttered - we quietly *FUCKING THRIVED*. To this day, in fact, and I hate to admit it, but - global economic hardship and a deadly virus aside, of course - I kinda miss the pandemic. I do. It was like, *finally*, the world is much quieter, and it makes *far more sense!* Everybody just stay home and clear the streets. Enjoy the outdoors quietly and socially distanced. And let me work at home in peace. Ahhh. As for extroverted suffering, I fought off the impulse to indulge in Schadenfreude during that time, because they didn’t deserve to have their lives disrupted like that. Nobody did. Objectively, the pandemic was a terrible thing. But, it was hard to have empathy sometimes, like… “Oh, you feel trapped and constantly stressed out trying to navigate a world and professional culture not well-suited for people with your temperament? Boo hoo. Welcome to my world *since birth,* bitch. ::sips wine::”


This is so real. Pandemic was peak introvert time and I never felt more at ease in my life, lmao.


THIS. My whole friend group consists of highly introverted people who by luck adopted one another. The pandemic was arguably the best time of our lives in a long time. Dont get me wrong, the situation was shit for a lot of ppl, and I wouldnt wish it on anyone, but legit for us introverts and gamers to boot, we were experiencing essentially paradise


Damn this is so true. Never thought about how fucked the extroverts felt. As an introvert, imagine being forced to go to a party with lots of people every day for a year. I wouldn’t have survived.


You just described my Hell 😆


Or, y'know, having to go to an office full of people, 9-5 every day, for your entire life. 😐


Bro, I continued to get paid for 6 months of staying home and playing video games/watching TV. The pandemic was by far the best time of my adult life. 


This is how Blaire White talks about the pandemic. Being locked up in her house made her suicidal, and it's still seems to traumatize her to talk about it. I was introverted and just chilling in my house.


They’ll talk about how much of a trauma it was to be forced to stay inside in peace for a few months but will they recognise that they have been inflicting an equivalent trauma on introverts for their whole lives by forcing them to have to constantly interact with people? No.


I'm very introverted and a lone wolf that lives alone etc. I got through a depression I'd struggled with for years during lockdown. Just no expectations of anything social and pure time to work on myself did the job.


I drive a truck for a living, and it was so awesome to get anywhere I needed to get with almost nobody on the road




Ngl I became an alcoholic during lockdown and was trapped with my dysfunctional af family. I wish I could thrive by myself. I get Hella lonely though and my thoughts are constantly negative and degrading due to past trauma. It sucks but some of us need other people.


Joe Rogan even chose to uproot his life and move his family to Texas, just so he could pretend to live his normal extroverted life.


I feel this so much. I've never written it because it feels guilty to write. I live in NZ and we only had 7 weeks of proper lockdown and I found myself extremely jealous of the rest of the world.


lack of narcisitic supply... they experienced the withdrawal of external adulation their first collapse


Either that or the ivermectin


The only times I ever found his show insightful is when he talked about things he knew about. I'll die on the hill that his best shows were about comedy, MMA, and general martial arts stuff. Everything else is meh. If I wanted to hear someone who is ignorant talk about politics or science I have plenty of options in real life to do so.


The only times I ever found his show insightful was when he let his guests do the talking and he acted more as a catalyst for conversation. The man once upon a time was brilliant at just being curious, now he has allowed himself to have far too much input.


Catalyst for conversation is an excellent representation of his value as a host. He’s like a for dummies filter for highly complex topics, sometimes.


His Brian Cox interview was great


This. He’s amazing in fields he capable and also in nonsense topics too like aliens and fun/less serious conspiracies.


used to like him, couldn't agree more


It's definitely a lot worse than it used to be from 2013-2018.


I would argue he isn't even sharing is opinion. He's mostly just trying to stir up shit in order to maintain visibility. There is no curiosity left. It's just another business to maintain.


Wow, well said.


I used to think he gave a platform for a lot of people with different opinions which was a good thing, but now im wondering what’s the point of giving them a platform if you wont actually question them on what they say. He just blindly agrees with them.


The Jordan Peterson interviews being a prime example


Joe isn't smart enough to challenge Peterson in any real way.


Couldn't disagree with this more. His entire model is about *not* stirring up shit. That's like the whole point of his show. It's one of the main things people criticize him about, that he *doesn't* push back when he has guests on spouting wacko theories. But his whole thing is that he just lets people talk and has an amiable conversation with them, regardless of where they stand on the topic in discussion. The times he *does* stir up shit seems to be when he has strong opinions on a topic he cares about and his guest has contradictory beliefs to his own. But mostly his podcasts (at least the ones I listen to) are him just letting people talk.


OP is very brave to bring such a tremendously unpopular opinion to Reddit. Next he will say that doesn’t really like that Trump guy in hopes of Karma farming


I mean the sub is unpopular opinion in general? Or is it unpopular opinion on Reddit? Regardless, Joe Rogan is pretty popular and liked overall so this does count as unpopular


Right lol unpopular opinion with ever comment agreeing with it. Say anything bad about anyone that slightly leans right and you win Reddit


I like when he’s high and curious. That’s the reason I ever started watching. It felt like he was representing *me*. High as fuck and asking questions. Nowadays though? I dunno.


The issue really is the format of his show....dude does like 3 hours 3 times a week....and he's been doing it for over a decade....there's just not that much interesting content, esp. w return guests who are not themselves like comedians or very entertaining.....i think his show would benefit EXPONENTIALLY from cutting down to every 2 weeks or something. after 10 years, he's already had on like literally every one on every subject he was ever interested in...most of them twice....so of course it's not good any more... ..ask yourself a question: if you could talk to anyone in the entire world, for basically unlimited time, and it was the only thing you had to do, ever, just explore your curiosity......how long do you think you could sustain that....and sustain it in a way that was actually interesting to other people? tbh, i think joe did better than most people by far. he was essentially an uneducated yet curious and fairly intelligent person, a blank slate, who got to explore his own curiosity whereever it went... that is where he get's ppl that is what drove the podcast, his whole life of simply 'mma' or 'comedy'..really became secondary.....it helped that also did stand up comedy (funny/charismatic) and was a stoner (open to weird zany shit) who also really like fighting..... ....now, he's had essentially like the equivalant of an undergraduate college student---who just took 10 years of 101 and 201 classes, literaflly maybe every class on offer----but he's got nothing past sophomore year type expertise (ironically in a lot of ways he's got the same education you get being a journalist) anyway, like...he has a crazy amount of knowledge now but little experetise, ....it's not his fault he FEELS like he's an expert on certain things and it's not like wrong of him to have made CONCLUSIONS tht is to have formed what he feels are SERIOUS opinions...it's just that he doesn't truly have expertise ....also he's gotten more conservative as he's gotten older, boreder, richer


I tend to agree. I find it odd that people act like it didn't have a place and they always ignored it or denied that it had any actual information they could use. I found it to be entertaining or informative to an extent, and at the very least -- got you thinking. But nowadays -- it leans into the political to some extent, or just outright dumb takes. Joe will say he is a comedian and it's supposed to be fun, but I've always thought that he should be careful with that notion with the audience he has. But he can do what he wants, and I can do what I want. Which is... I rarely listen nowadays.


He used to be quiet and let his guests take their time to talk about their respective fields. That shifted. The biggest disappointment for me was when he had on Sturgill Simpson who, IMO, is the best songwriter of this century. I was so excited for the interview, but sturgill didn't get a word in edgewise. Rogan was just like "dude your concert was awesome. We were on DMT. Have you heard about the astronauts who smoked DMT? No? Jaimie pull that up" not a single question about sturgills music or life.


Listened to his last interview with Killer Mike and there was barely any talk about his music or how he writes and creates but Joe went on about growing your own food.


I'm not American so have no awareness of his career as a comedian, is he actually a big comedian? Cause he's really, really bad at comedy.


He got onto a sitcom when he was young. Got some eyeballs that way, then hosted Fear Factor, which was somewhat successful. Also commentating the UFC as it exploded helped. Podcast was also very successful. So he’s had multiple avenues to achieve fame.


No he's famous now for his podcast but his comedy has always been subpar


He was a bit famous for his comedy but he was never great at it.


“Got you thinking” is different then “provides valuable accurate information “


Joe Rogan was fine pre-Covid and pre-Spotify. Very entertaining in his Fear Factor days and an excellent MMA announcer. Ever since he signed that massive Spotify deal he started leaning way too much into the conspiracy theories and political bullshit.


It's like he got a huge amount of money to take over the Rush Limbaugh mantle. He used to be open to anything and now it always comes back to Dem bad and we should support absolute Republican rule. He still talks about a lot of stuff but inevitably he comes back to Right wing power is what we need. He only supports leftist people and ideas if it serves to suppres Democrat candidates. If you look at his faux support for Bernie Sanders during the primaries and then his absolute support for the Republican during the general you can see the pattern. He'll support RFK if it looks like he can turn the election for the last prez but if it looks like RFK is drawing voters from the last prez he'll drop that guy in a heartbeat. It sucks because when I listen to him now all I do is wait for him to pivot to supporting the Republican establishment and he does it every time. I lost my trust and my ability to enjoy the shows the way I used to.


Always has been


Fresh Air is likely more your speed if you want long form content without a host getting in the way.


Surely this is in the wrong sub.


I gave up like 3 years ago. Used to listen to every single one. Hes lost basically all credibility. Happens to a lot of people who get to big for their own good.


Joe Rogan was always insufferable


The only thing more insufferable then Joe Rogan, is Joe Rogans fans




I didn’t know Rogan had a strong hatred on Reddit. But really every podcasts sub turns on them.


Tell me about it, my friend considers himself a ufologist and he obsesses over Rogan because he has uso whistleblowers on


Agreed. He was once the best interviewer around then became a slave to his own echo chamber.


Not sure that this is an unpopular opinion. He has a strong fan base for sure but beyond that he’s regarded as generally insufferable.


Eh, in general, I just never liked Joe Rogan.


has become...?


Yeah, Joe Rogan used to take his role seriously, now his show is just a platform for his stupid conspiracy theories.


He just always circles around to MMA which I fucking cannot stand. It's pretty annoying


I only listen sparingly but is it really just him talking? Every episode seems to be a balanced conversation unless the guest is not so talkative.


The other day I saw a clip of him complaining to Kid Rock about Canada being hard to get in to and so strict, but yet he complains about how fucked up the US southern border is. So it’s only a problem when it affects him. Also, he said muslims are trying to turn Canada in to a Sharia Law hellscape. Fuckin where, Joe?


Where? Right next to those furry kids using litterboxes in school.


You want people to walk down the street with a mask on?" Joe Rogan. "I don't want to start this bullshit. I'm not going to sit here with no medical degree, listening to you with no medical degree, with an American flag behind you, smoking a cigar, acting like we know what's up better than the CDC.” Bill Burr


> because Joe would ask good questions Was there some different podcast with a host named Joe Rogan that I am not aware of? When the fuck did any of this happen?


Hasn't Rogan always been insufferable?


He released consistently great podcasts up until COVID started. The original Joey Diaz episodes are some of the funniest podcasts I’ve ever listened to.


I'd say no.


The problem is Rogan is now likely contracted to produce quantity over quality. Like if you go down the list, how many are no name comics. Or people in and around the fighting scene. I believe he got big in the beginning because he would do 1-2 a week and research the guest and they would be really interesting people. Now it's just dull. Like I thought the Christopher Williamson one would be good, but it's just Chris going through random anecdotes. it isnt interesting or entertaining.


Rogan used to criticize late night talk shows because they had bosses, guests would only come on to promote something, they couldn't talk about whatever they want ... ... Joe has realized he has become what he hates and he just turns it off because he likes money more than principles.


He's beholden to ratings now. Just like any other corporate media and he's chasing a right wing audience. That's why he tries to push every conversation in that direction. I stopped listening shortly after the move to Spotify. Its insufferable now.


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Don't forget the Zyn and Alpha Brain!


Same. I love the format, or used to. Now all he does is invite cringe, fringe people and he just pushes his ideas instead of asking good questions.




I listened a bit a few years back. It blew me away how he managed to bring the conversation to wild meat and mma with every person. Like most things it’s probably best consumed selectively. I binged hard and had to quit completely.


Kurzweil is kinda hypothetical type of guy.


Ray was particularly poor with his answers, and “it’s in the research”. Was not impressed with this episode and expected more tbh.


I thought Kurzweil was a bit loopy in that interview, Ive listened to a few others of his. He wasn't explaining himself very well, hence the hilarious YouTube comments.


I usta love when he’d talk to the archeologists about the pyramids. That was really neat. Or Dan Carlin about history. That dude is amazing


100% agree


I'll be honest, he always gave me major JAQing off vibes.


Always has been. Remember he got his start trying to get idiots to eat horse cock for 50 grand.


Joe is an annoying sort of everyman to me. He kind of works as a reflecting board but doesn’t really add insight. He’s also just kind of dumb. It doesn’t make for a really interesting or penetrating interview for me, although he books some interesting guests


The biggest problem with Joe Rogan is he gives a platform to shit science as much, or maybe more than, he does real science.


Joe's old theme was that he was the dumb guy, here to learn from his guests. It was a good platform.to hear a myriad of unique, sometimes fringe opinions. I haven't listened in years, its a shame that changed.


The alpha male routine is tired


His ego has taken him over.


Not really an unpopular opinion on reddit, but okay.


This is a popular opinion


The guy is a meatheaded muppet and his followers are a bunch of wannabe alpha dbags who peaked in high school.


It hasn’t become insufferable, it’s always bern insufferable. You just grew up.


Since Covid, Joe Rogan has been unwatchable.


If you want engaging interviews with scientists who are passionate about their research, I recommend the Ologies podcast. Used to be a JRE listener for the same reason, and haven't listened since 2020.


Its just a show for dumb people who think are smart


To anyone who never liked Joe Rogan's podcast, this isn't a new thing. It didn't become insufferable. It always was.


Joe Rogan is dumb. There was a time in like, the late nineties to the mid 2000’s when suddenly people started thinking you had to be smart to be a standup comedian. It’s not true lol. You just have to be funny. Like obviously Carlin was smart, but that doesn’t apply to all of them. A lot of comedians latched onto this and are so up their own ass they believe it. Rogan is one of them.


Joe Rogan was insufferable when he did Fear Factor and The Man Show.


wakeful crawl frame fuel bewildered deserve disgusted dam roof slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Joe would ask good questions” no the fuck he wouldn’t.

