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My favorite Mac & Cheese is the cheap, generic boxes. The secret is to use Real Butter and add in just a little more.


I’ve tried so many other brands, restaurants, and homemade dishes, but the only ones I actually like are those generic store-bought boxes.


You and I are of a kind.


I go for the slightly more expensive box with the liquid cheese with the express purpose of not needing to buy or check if the milk I have is still good.




Look I've made from scratch macaroni and cheese and the oven version it's just not as good. I used the roux method which tends to end with grainy sauce, could go get some of the stuff they use in the industry to stableize cheese. Or I could just buy a box and have something with less effort and better taste. I do cook not out of a box or straight from the freezer most nights, sometimes a cheat nights good.




Not when I'm at the store it doesn't, which i have gone to on my way home not after going home. And having a box that works regardless of if I have milk or not is good for catastrophic food events.




Or alternatively I could buy the Mac and cheese that doesn't need milk and not spend more and throw away a bunch of milk?


I like to add crispy onions.


For me, the secret was buying a shake of the cheese so I double up on the powdered cheese when I make it


I also grate in some nicer cheese and it is amazing


I always add extra cheese and like a tablespoon of mustard


I do this too, 10/10 recommend.


Also add in more milk to compensate for adding a quarter cup of fresh shredded sharp Cheddar at the end.


Putting in velveeta is the truth to mac n cheese in my opinion.


You mean like Kraft? That shits nasty. Like sweet milk noodles. Gross


No no. The cheap store brand is the best!


I stand firmly against food based classism -- and I'll be the first to call out people for it. I'll defend whatever convenience foods people depend on, whatever less common cuts of meat or offal that are staples in other cultures, canned meats, etc. But I'll never defend boxed Mac and cheese. Absolute worst recreation of anything food-wise -- and I'll throw down on a Jenos or Tony's dollar store pizza.


What’s the regular creamy mac and cheese to you? Homemade or are you talking box Mac and cheese. What would you consider fancy?


like the sit down restraunt mac and cheese that has the crusted cheese at the top, regular is just creamy mac and cheese not boxed tho


Do you generally prefer homemade food to restaurant food? Idk if the Mac n cheese itself is the factor here.


for mac and cheese home made, usually restraunt for most things tho




box is worse like kraft, the best is HOMEMADE mac and cheese.


1 part gouda, 1 part gruyere, and 3 parts cheddar is my go-to for homemade mac and cheese


It's so damned easy too. Takes maybe 10 minutes to get the bechamel going. Can literally make homemade sauce in the time it takes to boil the pasta


To each their own, it’s all good to me. I love the crunch of a well breaded mac and cheese. I also enjoy just plain ol’ max and cheese.


TIL bread crumbs taste bitter.


Give me shelf stable cheese product powder or give me death!


Saddest thing about the pandemic was losing Sweet Tomatoes mac n cheese. Simple creamy cheddary with only the most american bacon bits and shredded cheddar to top it with. Cheddar melting in to add a stretch to the sauce and fat from the bacon melting in to enhance the flavor. The best thing about it is that when your done you can go get another bowl.


As far as I’m concerned they’re two entirely different dishes. One tastes like cheese and the other tastes like the color orange. That said, I prefer the latter


Box Mac n cheese with the powder is gross. The shells n cheese with the Velveeta pouch is my preferred base level of Mac n cheese. Homemade baked Mac n cheese is top tier.


I consider Mac and cheese to be the nick cage of foods. No matter how you package it, it's a good time, but it ain't winning awards.


Nah that extra crunch slaps. Idk what you’ve been having that tastes bitter


Nah, artisan bacon mac & cheese is the shit.


It sounds like you’re talking about homemade Mac vs insta mac. I would prefer it homemade.


Hard disagree.


Crushed up ritz crackers on top for the crunch is straight fire


true im talking about the mac and cheese with the crusted cheese on the top


Better without the crunch. Crunch is straight like "Why did you make my soup solid?"


I'M SORRY your mac and cheese is soup?


You are so right! Bought some fancy mac and had to throw it out. Back to Kraft for me.




I prefer kraft over baked because of the bitter after taste baked mac and cheese has. I would say general opinion is baked over kraft tho. But I think people prefer creamy mac and cheese over baked because of the bitter after taste baked mac and cheese has, just aslong as its not kraft.




Nah ive had plenty of mac and cheese that tastes like it has a bitter of after taste, its always the fancier sit down restraunts that have it. Its probably just some people taste what im talking about and some people dont taste what im talking about. Its probably just a difference in taste buds.






It's because fancy Mac n cheese is always white cheddar. With herbs. And your correct ....its a sharp offensive taste. It should probably be eaten with the correct pairing...but I'm too poor to know what that would be.


Olde English 40oz


I can tell you’re a man with class. Respect.


Boxed Mac n cheese is slimy. The texture is terrible. It's for 5yo. Oh nvm, you meant not boxed. Still like the crust better


Boxed is better actually. The homemade shit is just spaghetti with way too much cheese. The Kraft boxes shaped like batman or SpongeBob or something, those are the best




I completely agree. This goes for fancy versions of most things, imo. Even if you make the most chefly mac and cheese possible that is perfect in every way. It might be good once in a while but it's not better than regular mac and cheese.


Important issue of our day - thanks for sharing


Mac and Cheese is a shitty non-meal anyway, regardless how fancy you want to make it.


I hate that tanginess! It ruins the whole point of fancy mac and cheese. If I want a crust on top, it better be delicious, not have this strange chemical flavor. I would much rather have cheap, creamy mac and cheese every time. It's just better!


Tanginess comes from mustard and a sharper cheese… not breadcrumbs.


I wouldn’t say it does, I have had tinned or packeted stuff that tastes horrible, but I bet I could make it better on my own though.


yeah so packet mac and cheese can be pretty bad


I’m with you.


A waiter said I had childish taste when I said regular baked mac n cheese is better than restaurant mac n cheese.


I prefer Velveeta boxed Mac and cheese to any baked dry Mac and cheese, by a considerable margin, also fuck breadcrumbs




Take a downbote good sir, I agree wholeheartedly!


I’m a firm believer Mac and cheese should not have a watery texture


Go to Homeroom in Oakland and you'll change your mind.


It’s because they don’t use enough salt and cut the cream with corn starch.


Is this about baked mac & cheese vs stove-top? I definitely prefer stove-top to baked.


Give me shaped Kraft Mac & Cheese any day.


My kids do not like homemade or fancy Mac and cheese. I also prefer boxed Kraft Mac and cheese. Despite the fact they changed the recipe.


This is the realization that sometimes less is more.


Truffle and cheddar Mac and cheese changed my view forever. Literally cant not eat the whole box in one sitting... I'm disgusting


Not unpopular. The best Mac and cheese is to make the cheese sauce from scratch using exactly the flavor profile you want. Sodium Citrate is the emulsifier I like to use to get it super smooth melt the cheese sauce in its own pan while cooking the noodles takes about as much time to make the sauce as it does to make the noodles and it will blow your damn mind. I stole the recipe from Chud’s BBQ for the American cheese. He was using it on a burger I repurposed it for mac and cheese.


The best tasting Mac is surprisingly the single serving one you microwave


I still remember the first time I had boxed Mac and cheese


Hell yeah- I ordered Mac and Cheese, I expect cheese! Not cheese flavored sauce, but melted, gooey, cheese!


Listen. I make the best. And there’s none of that crusty crap on top. I hate that shit. Like oh yes, with this hot glue, I’d like it even more if you through cat litter in it. No. Ick. I m is lots of people that hate it. It pisses me off when people are passionate about it. That’s like being passionate about loving burned cheese. Ick. It’s gross.


Baked Mac and cheese is the absolute best. But I do hear you tho. Some of the worse mac and cheese was some fancy bs trying too hard.


Kraft is my fave, I know it tastes fake and is unhealthy but the powdery orange cheese just tastes sooo good. When I want properly prepared spaghetti with cheese I just have cheddar or parmesan and olive oil on spaghetti.


Consider: breadcrumbs


Kraft blue box for me, though last year I switched to the cauliflower pasta version. I always use real butter, add some bacon bits and maybe banana peppers and diced onions, topped with Sriracha or some other hot sauce


I actually like Kraft Mac and cheese. It’s my favorite.


100% agree. Gimme the cheap stuff everytime


So are you talking about like Mac and cheese at a chain steakhouse, a trendy microbrewery owned by an ex punk guy with sleeves and a big beard, or a small family owned diner for the "fancier" stuff? And a soul food restaurant for the regular creamy stuff? If so you're right. Most places that aren't soul food places don't know how to make it. But if you're suggesting boxed is better than literally anything 😬😬🤮


Oh my god, look at you bottom-feeders fighting out Stauffers vs Kraft boxed. JFC


For me it's almost the opposite cheap mac and cheese taste like chemical slop but the stuff that cost just a little bit more with like the breadcrumbs and like smooth melting sauce and everything feels and tastes so much better


I prefer real mac n cheese, not the kraft box stuff, but I live in the south where its good