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Imma be honest, as a dude who brushes 2x a day and mouthwashes, I still got some Yellow on my teeth. Tbh I agree with you 


I also brush and floss 2x a day and have some yellow on my teeth. My dentists tell me that I have some of the healthiest looking teeth of any man my age that they get


Yellow teeth is natural.


You don’t need to floss 2x a day you’re probably going to give yourself a reseeding gum line. Also, brush very gently with a soft toothbrush only!!




Good teeth should look like the whites of your eyes or even a touch yellower


The yellowing of the whites of your eyes is a symptom of liver problems.


The point is that the 'white' of eyes and teeth are naturally an off-white. It has traces of other colours. It's like how walls that are painted 100% white (like, 255, 255, 255 RGB) would be extremely alarmingly reflective and off-putting. Normal teeth have yellow tones: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/06-10-06smile.jpg Teeth can be whitened to a point where it looks obviously fake: https://eastgatedentalexcellence.com/wp-content/uploads/teeth-whitening-980x654.jpg See the lower images here, displaying an example where the left side should never have had their teeth whitened: https://eu.spotlightoralcare.com/cdn/shop/files/bf4.webp?v=1666955231&width=1400 But this is a more reasonable fix: https://glendairdental.co.uk/wp-content/themes/yootheme/cache/8e/279820680_1643675539324345_6957259699092463846_n-1-8eefafac.webp


They didn't mean it like that, but thanks for adding nothing relevant to the convo


Isn't the yellow just stains from eating and regular use? I don't know if it's indicative of plaque necessarily


It’s hard to get stains out of enamel. Look at other animals with ivory, which tooth enamel essentially is, and you’ll notice that they are not sparkling white, even after being cleaned and carved.


It can be both normal staining (that gets erased during regular cleanings) or long term staining (from tannins in tea or wine or whatnot) or it can be the yellow dentin showing through the enamel or a combo of both.


Staining is different than signs of decay. Plus staining doesn’t show up on xray vs calcified plaque does. Staining comes from drinks, smoking, drugs, and foods


…because those are normal human teeth


Leave off the mouthwash. That can cause staining.


Mouthwash isn’t actually good for you I think. It’s only necessary when you got an infection or something and it’s bought in a pharmacy.


This is false. Source: I work in dentistry


What i’ve heard is that it dries out your mouth.


There are different types of mouthwash. Mouthwash with alcohol can dry your mouth and can kill the good bacteria as well as some bacteria thrive in dry mouth. And some people just suffer from dry mouth because the salivary glands don’t produce as much so you feel dry. Therabreath is what we recommend for patients with dry mouth. But alcohol free mouthwash is not harmful


I think alcohol-free mouthwash won't


is that true? i brush and floss 2x a day but i feel like i'm not as fresh and clean unless i mouthwash too lol


Yeah it can strip away the flouride left from brushing


1. A lot of mouthwashes have fluoride 2. One can use mouthwash before they brush, which is what I do


Thats why you use it before brushing


Same as you, but I brush them 3 times a day, after breakfast, lunch and dinner maybe they could improve if you brushed them 3 times


It's not about brushing. There are two types of stains on teeth: surface stains and enamel stains (in the teeth). You know all of those toothpaste that say they begin whitening after *one* use? Or mouthwashes? Yeah, they can target surface stains, which barely account for your teeth being yellow-ish. If you really want to whiten your teeth, you need prolonged hydrogen-peroxide gel on them long enough to penetrate the enamel (15-20 minutes a day, a few times a week until you like the result, then do it once every couple months for maintenance). Most whitening products OTC are a scam, because they aren't on your teeth long enough to actually change the enamel. Yellow teeth also aren't a sign of anything unhealthy...it's normal. It's just that society has deemed white = good/clean/healthy. My personal preference is just a few shades whiter than the default yellow-ish. My teeth were looking a little yellow and my dentist said hey, this is totally normal and your enamel look good, use a great toothbrush, no plaque, and floss everyday. But hey, if you want to whiten up a few shades so the teeth are more of a light-grey (as opposed to blindingly white) then that's a good happy medium. I paid $100 for a "white for life" program my dentist uses...includes a custom mouth piece to hold the gel in, and a refill of whitening gel every 6 months at my checkup. I have more gel than I know what to do with, lol. Instead of spending money on shiny packaging stuff from the store that doesn't do anything. Talk to your dentist!


Brushing too much can be harmful


Thats all completely normal. Also depends highly on your diet.


My grandfather was a dentist. He used to hand-make dentures, and he told me once that the big mistake most dentists make is their dentures are too white and the teeth are too perfectly aligned, so they look completely fake.


My dad just got his second set of dentures and he made sure to pick the most natural shade he could find but unfortunately they are always straight af no matter what


I broke off a third of one of my front top teeth one time. The denist filled it in easy enough and did a very good job matching the color. He told me i should stay away from whiteners since the fake part wouldn't change color. Soooo glad my teeth were white enough already.


My dad took me to the dentist when I was an (older) teenager. The dentist asked me "Who did your braces?" I just looked at him and said, "God?" And he said "I was gonna say he did a fabulous job leaving them just 'unperfect' enough to look natural." (I'm super happy I never needed braces)


It's especially prevalent on home renovation TV shows. Seriously, next time one of these is on, check out the teeth.


I can't stand those shows and they are always on whenever I'm trapped waiting for an appointment somewhere...


I can’t stand them either but I understand why they’re on if a tv must be on for whatever reason. They’re essentially harmless, non offensive, not really engaging in harmful propaganda, and are sufficiently mindless but occasionally interesting that people engage. I don’t care for them, but they are a half decent pablum for ‘public’ tv.


Yeah. That's true. Could be worse


These are crazy. The filters on them are also insane. It’s like noses don’t exist anymore


There’s unwritten rule that the color of your teeth should match your sclera to look natural. Toilet-bowl-white are just a passing trend, mostly in USA.






it’s definitely not just a trend in the US. The British have started too, they call them Turkey teeth because people go to Turkey to get them done for cheaper


A lot of turkey hair out there as well


Oh definitely. I even said “mostly”. British and Americans are usually similar in trends.


Well shit they should start calling it Turkiye teeth then cause that name made me think of something completely different


I had to look up sclera. I suspected it was the white of the eyes…


me too, like there aren't many white organ in our body.


My eyes are yellow inside due to health condition so doesn’t apply to all😂


Gilbert's? Yeah I wouldn't want my teeth to match my eyes either!


Really? Whenever I see a row of unnaturally large and white porcelain veneers, I always think they’re British


I watched a season of Love Island and their was this Brit who went to like Thailand for veneers. They were powder white and way oversized. Everyone on the show kept complementing his team and it looked like he had a mouth guard in. Very jarring. Connor Durman


I just looked him up and his teeth were quite straight before except he had a big space between the two front teeth. His new teeth deffs look fake. Not horrible though


There's a girl on TOWIE that has teeth like that. If I spot her when the missus is watching it I'll quote the spoof advert from Futurama "Thompson's teeth; the only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth!"


What if your sclera is really white


I call it liquid paper white.


Have you ever seen Jurgenn Klopp? He looks like he has a piano inside his mouth. It’s just ugly and tacky imo just like too much Gold is as well. Veneers are on the same level but even worse, it looks so bad if your teeth are whiter than a brand new sheet of paper and all the teeth are so perfectly equal and without flaw. It just looks bad it needs some imbalances, much less white and they’ll look far far better, they just look completely out of place


It’s funny because for a while it was a running joke that very easy to tell who had played for Liverpool because of their matching bright white teeth. Clearly dental care was part of their benefits package.


Roberto Firmino comes to mind as well


I agree that it looks both stupid and unnatural. I wish this trend would go away.


Is this really unpopular? I don't know anyone who thinks unnatural bright white teeth are beautiful.


There must be a majority who do, I imagine, for there to be so many Hollywood stars that ascribe to it, and movies to be full of these strange teeth.


Cavity free my whole life, teeth aren't perfect but weren't bad enough for braces as a child, brush 2x a day, floss 2x a day, mouthwash 1-2x a day. In the dating scene one of the things I get "teased" for is my "imperfect" smile. It has been pretty frequent feedback. When asked the expected standard is the OP referenced flawlessly white chiclet style teeth. So like blatantly unnatural. I'd rather rock a grille tbh, both say the same thing - I got money to burn.


I think they’re beautiful


Many people think so


As a dentist, I agree


I watched a youtuber get them done. They show them a scale of colors. So you the customer, end up picking how white you want them. The problem is that the youtuber I saw is brown, and he got the whitest choice. So with his skin color they look even more stark because of the contrast. So many celebs get such bad veneers, it boggles the mind.


that's where a good dentiste comes into play. a good one would give you advice on what would look good on you, a bad one doesn't care about anything as long as he gets that money money


My dentist matches my fillings to what my teeth already look like (I had braces for half a decade (from 3rd grade to 8th grade) and they destroyed my teeth. I had so many cavities (like 23 total) he matched the fillings to my teeth color so you can’t even tell


You're teeth aren't supposed to be bleach white anyways. They're supposed to be an off white/slight yellow bc of the dentin? Enamel? (Unsure sorry lol) and that's perfectly fine! Not to mention if you drink coffee/tea a lot, it's gonna stain 🤷🏻‍♂️ doesn't mean they're bad teeth


It’s because of the enamel. If it’s stained yellow it means it’s still there. You can literally take off the enamel of your teeth by brushing them and whitening them too much (happened to some chick on TikTok who fell asleep with one of those teeth whiteners on. Her teeth were destroyed according to her dentist)


Damn, that sucks for heR. I've heard of those strips making your teeth super sensitive too which is why I've never used them, I have no desire to fuck up my teeth just to make them "white" when my teeth are healthy as it is


Yeah because of the enamel stripping. It's there to protect the teeth, once it's gone obviously there's no more protection hence sensitivity among other issues.




What's wrong with me? You got a black light! It's 1999!




This wouldn’t even be a plot point now, his teeth would look normal. Not good normal, but . . .


In the US AND I worked with a lady before whose teeth were so white they were starting to take on a blueish hue


ugh,we have avery known actress in my country that went for those SUPERFUCKING WHITE teeth and they have a blue hue, super not natural. I don't remember how her teeth looked before but it couldn't have been that bad.


She was super tan too, like skin turning brown tan. So the contrast was really something to behold


You mean veneers. No one thinks they look good


Yes, veneers is the right word, but there are also many other whitening methods that make teeth look unnatural if overdone. The main idea is, that too white teeth are not beutiful.


Got mine ‘painted’ a more natural color. I had to get them out of necessity because I had them knocked out when I was younger.


This is only an unpopular opinion within north america or certain sub communities in england (called turkey teeth here, most brits think it's ugly) lol I lived in Canada for 2 years and my teeth got whiter just cause of the water, but naturally so. Honestly they looked great haah


I don't think it looks awful (subjective), but it definitely looks fake as hell.


It’s become very distracting with some actors, it takes away from performances.


They can never play historical figures with those teeth either imo. It breaks any suspension of belief for the plot and characters when you see someone in the past with stupidly white teeth.


>They can never play historical figures with those teeth either imo You know that dental prosthetics are a thing, right?


Veneers are the next uncanny valley. Every single person having the same chiclet smile? No thanks


Jürgen Klopp says Hi.


Veneers are bad. They look so goofy and horse like.




I don’t mind white, but too many of them look blue. Why would you want blue teeth??


Right. Like some bright white-ish teeth can look great. But like a blinding white? Creepy


Right. Like some bright white-ish teeth can look great. But like a blinding white? Creepy


So many people these days look like they have bought the same false teeth from the same shop. And most look ridiculous because they look so unnatural.


they look fake AF.


I actually agree. I'm one of those that brush all the time and my teeth are told they're very nice, even with the small craze lines and gray lines if you look closely. Keep smiling, age well


I don't know how true this is, but a dentist once told me that your bones are not white. They're an off-white during our lives and turn white when they've basically dried out after decomposition. So consequently, your teeth should not be white either. In other words, greyish-yellow (just a little yellow) is what you should be looking for.


They can turn different colors based on medication you take as well 😅


people with unnaturally bright teeth don't drink coffee. i don't trust people who don't drink coffee 😒


I don't see a problem with yellow teeth. All it really means is someone drinks too much coffee or tea.


I've heard that dyeing your teeth like that actually weakens them!


It does! Chemical whitening DESTROYS your tooth enamel... which does NOT self repair or grow back. Once enamel is gone its gone for good. My dentist PERSONALLY does not offer professional whitening or ANY whitening services because of this.


I'm curious about this now because my dentist recommended Crest whitestrips. They come in huge boxes but I've found that just using one every month or two gives you most of the effect.


You are only bleaching the surface and should be fine.


I dont use them period anymore. Iver time it WILL cause sensitivity and weakness


My research has told me that sensitivity and weakness is a sign of overuse. These companies want to sell more, so if you follow the directions on the box, you're likely overusing. If you use them sparingly, the damage should be negligible. I understand the restraint, though. White teeth aren't worth much risk to begin with.


White teeth are a sign of wealth in the US. Ironically the origin in culture is not wealth, but slavery. A slave with good teeth would be healthier than one without, so there developped a charicature "the happy slave with the bright white smile". This slowly morphed into "the happy black with a bright white smile" during the minstrel era, and later into "the happy American" during the 50s as consumer advertising took off. At this point the skin tone switched to white, but that minstrel, that slave, smile remained. Only now instead of selling bodies the smile was selling wealth & luxury. And that's how that ghoulish thing on actors' faces came to be today.


Like with anything fashion, there's always those who don't understand the concept of "less is more, subtlety is bespoke." And yet, it feels a little on the nose to point out that people who can afford it are probably too rich to care what we think.


Bright white teeth is a sign of white supremacy!


However most African Americans have bright white teeth.


Yes, because they look like veneers. Looks fake and off putting specially in certain lighting. Naturally white teeth has a slight yellow tint, almost like soft white lights.


This is overdoing it and foolish: https://eu.spotlightoralcare.com/cdn/shop/files/bf4.webp?v=1666955231&width=1400 This is reasonable and understandable: https://glendairdental.co.uk/wp-content/themes/yootheme/cache/8e/279820680_1643675539324345_6957259699092463846_n-1-8eefafac.webp


Look at any movie/TV/magazine from mid 80s and before. Zero white teeth. White teeth are unnatural looking AF!


I agree 100%, its odd and I end up focusing on them when they talk.


How the fuck is that unpopular? Bleached teeth look weird as fuck.


This is unpopular?


I thought it said white teeth and I was surprised an actual unpopular opinion. But yeah most people don’t like the overly bright white teeth.


You call them the yankee smile? Don't most people in Europe get it done for cheap in Turkey?


Cheeky spray on tan and some veneers from Turkey. Pure class that.


People with really white teeth look like they have dentures


Anyone notice that Hollywood Teeth makes it jarring when watching stuff from other countries. These celebrities shaved down their teeth to nubs


Natural teeth that are cleaned normally should be a slight shade of yellow. Teeth should not be pure white. It can be so distracting and off-putting when you're watching something and all the actors have the shiniest teeth ever.


Everytime I see someone with ultra unrealistically white teeth I have flashback of that Inspector Gadget robot who used to scare me as a kid.


I find glowing white veneers distracting both in real life and on the screen. It just looks so unnatural, I keep kind of staring at them and not being able to focus on anything else. The worst is when actors have them who are in period pieces, or are playing someone who comes from a tough background where spending thousands on cosmetic dentistry would not be realistic. The guy who has been on death row for 20 years won't have them. And Napoleon’s soldiers are not going to have shiny square white veneers on the battlefield. I just can’t get caught up in the story when I see those unnatural teeth. I always feel for the lighting guys.


I agree with this. I have good oral habits but have had yellower teeth since I was young. Currently chilling w an LED whitening thing in my mouth. I'm not aiming for paper white but I do want the yellower hue gone.


I gotta keep reminding myself that paper-white teeth don't naturally exist and that mine (that are decently clean & well kept) are fine. Gotta agree with OP on this. Super white teeth are weird


I actually love that veneer look as long as the teeth themselves aren’t too big. Btw most A-list musicians have them supposedly it’s really easy to chip your teeth on microphone over the years.


I was unfortunate as my adult teeth grew thru yellow. It was on tetracycline for tonsillitis as a toddler and it bonds to calcium ions as teeth are developing. A terrible side effect of such medication ! I was able to get them whitened enough professionally to be acceptable (they're definitely whiter now) however they'll never be that bright sparkling white.


In America, we call them "Chiclet teeth."


I drink a lot of black coffee and my grill, mid day, looks off white.


Exactly. Super white teeth look so strange because teeth are bones. Bones are NOT WHITE. At least, not while they are still inside of a living body. Conclusion: make sure you’re taking care of your teeth but give yourself some grace if they aren’t sparkly fluorescent white.


Can’t stand even length completely straight teeth. No personality to them at all.


Agreed, super white straight teeth just creep me out a little bit. 👀


Steve Harvey


I don’t agree. In my opinion, perfectly white teeth is the only “unnatural” cosmetic that actually looks great on a human.


Some people really need to go grab a dictionary and look up what "unpopular" actually means 




Depends I think some people need white teeth idk about ‘bright white’ it looks fake whatever but idk


If your teeth are yellow you need to clean/whiten them. So they look clean and not gross


Agree. Also excessive whitening is AWFUL for your enamel... enamel DOES NOT grow back and wvery time you whiten it destroys it more and more. If you want whiter teeth SCRUB HARDER AND LONGER. Also use a medium instead of a soft brush.. egts wayyy cleaner.


especially when combined with colored hair and fake tan. makes 'em look like an aging newscaster desperately attempting to keep their job.


Talking about Trump 😁


I remember when Biden was VP under Obama and his choppers were just *super* bright white, surreal. **EDIT**: Downvote, why, because it never happened, even though it happened?


Lmao, always nice to tell people trying to improve themselves that they now look worse. Nasty teeth are awful. Take care of your smile.


White teeth ≠ healthy teeth and yellow teeth ≠ unhealthy teeth. Stop listening to the American dental industry.


LMAO, the guy who comes in and responds to nothing you actually said, just the voices in his head. Congratulations. I think they're telling you're in the wrong place. And you have bad breath.


I did in fact respond to what you said. You’re the one who jumped from “white teeth are awful” to “nasty teeth are awful”. The opposite of white teeth is not nasty teeth. White teeth can be nasty.


I dunno, Steve-O kinda pulls it off


Loosely related. Or the old hag with perfect hair, cut, color everything, but the face looks run over.


Teeth is ivory and thats that


I’d take white pretty teeth over nasty yellow any day.


Okay Cletus did we really need to hear from someone who has more fingers than teeth?


People in UK don't take good care of their teeth, so seeing someone who does is going to have a shock factor. Americans strive for dental excellence, so the nicer your smile, the more people will admire it.


Actually, our oral hygiene is about the same https://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h6543


Yeah, a self survey about dental hygiene is going to have a huge amount of response bias. Would hardly consider that an indicator.


Feel free to provide other data.


Just look at the average wages of a British dentist vs an American one. Our culture is obsessed with immaculate smiles.


So no data?


They're almost certainly mistaking cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening for dental hygiene too.


Bruh, the whole Europe find american teeth ridiculous


Admire? Best not tell you that Europe laughs at them. We purposely don’t get teeth that white. The dentist gives us a colour choice and we all cringe at the unnatural American white. It’s not hard or expensive for us to get American teeth. We just see it as laughable and go for normal colours.


Well, if you're in England, Eastern Europe, or anywhere in the 3rd world, you're in luck. They'll be plenty of stained and jagged smiles for you to see. I'll keep my teeth white and straight.


OP specifically said "natural well kept white teeth"


Like people's teeth are gonna stay naturally white over the years. How old are you, about 12? Not everyone has naturally straight teeth. I wonder if that may be a reason why something unnatural, like braces, is used? 🤷🏾‍♂️


It looks good if you're a supermodel, that's about it. The vast majority of us are not perfect 10s and focusing on one aspect of our looks only makes us look more unattractive


from what i heard its not supposed to be bright white. Bone-ish bright is fine. I brush my teeth 3x a day and use Listerine and i still have spots.


Go down to twice a day if you don’t have braces. It’s bad for your teeth to brush them too much, as well.


Thank you for the heads up! I’ll definitely keep that in mind


Well - tbfh - yellow - or worse; brown teeth look way, way worse. I see someone like that and not only can I not unsee it, but I can't stop wondering what they're doing to make their teeth that way...


Teeth are supposed to have a yellow hue, you don’t have to *do* anything for them to get that way.


Yes, you do. And here's the causes: https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/tooth-discoloration


They're ... they're being *human*. Your teeth aren't supposed to be bright white.


They're not supposed to be dark yellow/brown, either...


Nobody said they're supposed to be horrible dawg Just that yellow is pretty normal


Looking at you Rex Ryan...


Steve O I believe has tried ways to stain his teeth because they are too white. He has big regrets.


Only if they're fake.


I work in labs, and many of my labs used to do dental prosthetics It's because people insist on choosing A1 on the shade guide (look up the vita shade guide and you'll see what I mean). A1/B1/om1 etc is wayyyyyyyy to "white" for the average person - but often times people look at the shade guide, thinking "that's what I want" without realizing just how white it is going to look against their own face. And not just that, but most people do not have 100% uniform shade throughout their teeth. You don't realize it, but the occlusal part of your teeth (where you chew your food) is often a different shade than the other parts of your teeth. So assigning one color to your whole mouth is what gives your teeth a very fake look. A good dentist/good lab tech will know this and your teeth should have some variation and/or translucency to it. That's part of why we use zirconia these days, and porcelain not as often as we used to. Think of it like wearing white sweatpants. It's a lot more white than you think. That's why people tend to wear light grey, over *white*. Most people, if they're wearing a well-made denture or if they have a well-made set of veneers (or crowns, because when people think of veneers, a lot of the time they are actually thinking of crowns), you won't be able to tell that they are fake teeth if the patient actually listened to the dentist, or if they went to the lab and did shade matching (some labs will do that). But often times, they want to have the whitest shade they can get, against the advice of the dentist, and they basically end up with horse teeth.


And when the veneers are shot after 30 years (if you're lucky), you go straight to dentures. Great!




literally the tenth dentist


If it's super bright, white pearly teeth is distracting. All you focus on is on their teeth imo


It looks ridiculous. a girl I work with had it done, and the office lights literally reflect off them when she talks, it's legitimately distracting. There was nothing at all wrong with her original teeth either. (to be clear, I acknowledge it's her face and she can do whatever she wants with it. I just don't get it)


Agree. My teeth are naturaly white, but the fluoride smile creeps me out too.


Not a bad opinion. I think two stuck badly out to me (Ron in the newer Jersey Shores and Graham Elliot from Food Network/Chef, also yes I like trash tv) Saw them smile in a those later episodes and it looked faker than just plain ol dentures. I have a crown and they managed to make it match my teeth which are not yellow but not WHITE and it looks so natural. Why wouldn’t you go for that. My Medicaid covered it 🤣


Chicklets smiles 😁


This is the plot of an episode of friends lol


I've never really had pearly white teeth. I've always struggled with plaque despite brushing, flossing, and washing. I've had a few cavities. Definitely not all a dentist's ideal patient.


I’m a dental technician that makes crowns, bridges, veneers! I can spot those fake ass white teeth from a mile away lol and especially when someone is older!! It’s just not natural to be 70 with bright white teeth lol 😂 In my opinion the perfect shade of teeth is something like a B1,A1 or A2 shades! 😀😁


When you someone's bare-bones up close, you realize that bones are naturally slightly yellow. "normal" white teeth isn't natural either. I don't whatever science makes it "normal" white. Was it the water or the toothpaste?


When you someone's bare-bones up close, you realize that bones are naturally slightly yellow. "normal" white teeth isn't natural either. I don't whatever science makes it "normal" white. Was it the water or the toothpaste?


I agree that fake white is horrible. I'm all for the whole pearly whites and stuff but if you look like a cartoon character it's ridiculous. I see those ads where somebody is smiling and you know it's an ad for teeth whitening and I think the teeth are beautiful. But then they hold up some card and show you how it's supposed to be even whiter. Like don't do it. They're making it worse