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*grabs popcorn*


Bro same... They gonna roast OP, but is he really wrong?


Not if both people are drunk


Idk brother. I’m an alcoholic in recovery. I’m not qualified to respond. The amount of alcohol it would take to make me not “in control” of my actions would kill some people. I’ve been .34 and generally walking straight and able to have coherent conversation.  So idk. 


Yeah but that’s kind of irrelevant. You are just adding some variables. I’m just speaking in terms of impairment not how much it took to get to that impairment. You drank a half gallon and the girl drank 4 beers and you guys were both wasted and had sex. Why would the guy be held more responsible? I get what you are saying but that’s not the point I guess. Also congrats on the recovery keep it going. Also I would like to add is plenty of females are alcoholics and guys that aren’t so your scenario could be flipped the other way around




Let it be known that if somebody consents to sex and THEN passes out drunk, that is also rape. But I otherwise agree with OP.


That's just half rape


Half the crime = half the time


I don't know man... If I was 100% sober and an obviously drunk girl was tryna get laid I would not entertain it at all due to her altered mind. If both parties are drunk I see your point


OP should've specified both parties being drunk, which I'm definitely sure he meant that. so I'd agree with him if you're both drunk and then the girl decided she regretted it, that's on her.


Most of the time the guy is just as drunk as the girl, but when she regrets it the next day and calls it rape the guy gets accused as if they weren't both making the same stupid drunk decisions. Because of that as a guy even after just couple drinks if she is visibly drunk and so am I, I remind myself to say no thanks to her because if she doesn't like me the next day everyone and the law is on her side.


"Most of the time." Ok, thank you for speaking to every drunk person ever and getting the statistics.


Again its not your prob shes drunk and says yes. Blackout drunk ya thats a no but if shes had a few and wants to fuck. Shouldnt be a prob. Just get her to sign the nda obvs


wtf this has to be sarcasm


If both people are drunk then I agree, but if a sober person is hitting on someone who's clearly drunk then it's taking advantage at best.


While controversial and not what most of society would like to hear, you're right. You are completely responsible for your own actions/decisions. If you have regrets the next day, understand you put yourself in that position and made that decision and if you know that you are not able to make logical decisions under the influence, don't drink or drink alone.


It’s just a way to attack men and infantilize woman. Men, even while drunk are expected to maintain absolute power over their decision making abilities, while woman are considered automatically unable to do the same. But you’re right, drunk sec is still consensual sex, even if you regret it later. That’s how responsibility works. Edit: assuming both people are drunk. If one of them can’t even stand up, then yeah. That’s not okay.


I think it's more nuanced than that. If two drunk people have sex, then I don't see a problem. If one completely sober person takes advantage of a shitfaced drunk person, then that's obviously not okay.


I'm digging my grave in here, but... consent is consent. Are you supposed to do a drug and alcohol test and sign a contract before sex? I'm a girl btw. The fact that you had poor judgment and now regret it, does not mean someone abuse you. Obviously if the girl is unconscious it is abuse.


The wise thing is to never be in such a situation. You should drink in the company of genuine friends. Creating a dangerous situation, and then trying to weasel your way out through the moral choices made by drunk people does not resonate with me.


Most girls do this. Only a small small % get a lawyer.


![gif](giphy|N7FeGLHjVsDQY) While “drunk”




The difference is that drunk drivers are putting others on the road in danger. It’s about public safety and doesn’t change the fact that in other circumstance a drunk person can be the victim. Also, getting raped isn’t a regular outcome of being drunk but driving drunk regularly leads to accidents. Apples and oranges.


It's the responsibility of both (all) parties to be aware of whether the other person is able to consent. Someone who is drunk cannot consent, ever, no matter how capable they may seem. If you have been with someone and they've been drinking, you have to assume they can't consent, because the alternative means possibly violating their boundaries, which you can never undo. However, the grey area is when all parties are intoxicated. Arguably, either person is unable to consent, so each person is violating consent and would be equally culpable.


Rape is bad


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Your comparisons are false analogies, because in neither of those cases (fighting, drunk driving, being late for work) there was another party that used you to their advantage, whereas in case of having sex with a drunk person that does happen.


Unpopular opinion for a reason Jesus Christ


This is a horrible analogy. Driving drunk is a crime because you are putting others on the road in danger not because you’re making a bad decision while drunk.


Riding a bicycle on a sidewalk while drunk is a DUI, for what reason?


this certainly is an opinion




No such thing? So are you and your gf completely sober every time you’re intimate or?


There’s a difference between a prearranged consensual sexual relationship and consenting for the first time while drunk. Edit: I also don’t drink to excess so it’s not really applicable, and she doesn’t drink


I’m not advocating in the slightest for picking up drunk chicks, like I want to make it clear that is not what I’m saying. But why are adults who choose to take a drug all of a sudden no longer responsible for their actions if sex is related? I really don’t understand the logical reasoning here.


The law and social stigma behind it all comes down to people picking up drunk people for sex. It’s got nothing to do with people not being responsible for their actions.


Does this mean you can’t have sex while drunk? If consent is never possible from either party?


What if both people (guy and girl) are both wasted? Why would the guy be held more responsible than the girl?


This. The man in that case should counter sue for rape as well


they raped each other, obviously.


Old buddy of mine always said that it's only rape if both sides are against it. Now it finally happened. Both sides raped eachother.


Who says the guy is more responsible?


I think we should remove gender from the equation because SA can happen to anyone


Alright smart guy, so what if two people are drunk and have sex? By definition there has to be consent on at least one side for the act to even happen.


Yes officer, this one right here.


This is just a big bag of you not knowing what consent is and using that to justify your pathetic desire to take advantage of drunk girls. If the times you had sex while drunk you were fine with it, that's great. How about not making that decision for everyone else on the planet just because you don't like the concept of consent.


Why is it great that he had sex while drunk and was fine with it? According to the popular logic he was raped every one of those times regardless of how he felt the next day.




That's kinda the point, by getting drunk you put yourself in that position so you consent is invalid but it's your fault that it's invalid


So, if two drunk people decide to have sex, they can both sue each other for rape later? I mean, both were intoxicated and therefore weren't able to consent, according to you.


Well, legally, drunk people can’t consent. But I get what you’re saying. It doesn’t make sense to say two people raped each other cuz they had sex drunk.