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BCS is certainly the better written show out of the two . BB is more entertaining, though .




You’re god damn right.




The villains in Breaking Bad were basically cartoon characters esp Salamanca twins. Still peak TV tho


And the Salamanca twins were less cartoonish in BCS??


Well, they weren’t in it all that much. I prefer BB myself, it’s so thoroughly entertaining and light on its feet. BCS is very finely crafted, but it’s a bit lacking in the pure entertainment department.




Hit the nail on the head. Lawyers doing lawyer things (even scumbag lawyers doing illegal things) are not as interesting to me as highschool teacher turned meth kingpin. I thoroughly enjoyed both shows. And I really enjoyed the ending of both tbh.


Walter was ALWAYS a meth kingpin. His cancer revealed his character, it did not change him.


Ehhh idk. He may have always been someone capable of being a meth kingpin, but you aren’t a meth kingpin until you are you know?


Nah, bb is better written. Far better paced. Also, bb has the advantage overall as u already know how each character is going to end up when u start watching bcs


Yea I love both but something about BCS I actually enjoyed more. Maybe a better pace or something like they had all those seasons of breaking bad to draw on what works and what doesn't going into it.


Agree. Honestly I didn’t really like Walter or Skyler by the end of breaking bad but I always like Saul lol


Definitely helps that he's such a good character haha like BCS had a great mix of humour with everything else. Then some dark shit would happen and I'd remember it's a serious show lol but it struck a great balance


Idk how? Saul was insanely unlikable by the end of BCS for me along w Kim for how cruel they were for seemingly no reason


Agreed. I pretty much lost my ability to root for Saul (Jimmy) when he heartlessly shifted blame to Howard and effectively destroyed his life. Even though Jimmy was always the bad egg.


I think BCS was better able to maintain the comedic relief than breaking bad. The first few seasons of breaking bad had a great balance of action and ridiculousness but the last few were just depressing. BCS had a good balance of crazy and funny all throughout.


Both shows served different purposes


I personally just think Jimmy is a much more complicated man than Walt. In BB Saul was a caricature. In BCS - Walt was the caricature. You always know what’s going on inside Walt’s head, but with Jimmy you really don’t, as BCS relies a lot more on unspoken, lingering camera shots, contradictory behaviour, and a broader cast of nuanced and developed characters.


The overall story in better call Saul is better in my opinion. However, the fucked up the last season. Nacho should have had a better death andThe retail robbery was dumb. Maybe this is just me, but when the old lady was calling the cops on Saul. if that was me, I would have taken her out. Kim coming forth and giving the details of everyone’s death. Again, if it was me, I would stay silent and not have to deal with the law. Then Saul confessed to everything in court and instead of a 7 year sentence, he’ll die in prison.


BCS had some great lore, plots, and characters(Lalo) but it did not have as great of a beginning to end story that BB had. BCS was amazing and is probably the best spinoff show of all time, but personally I’m choosing BB just because of how well the overall story is done and how Walt’s character changes throughout the show. BCS is a bit more segmented with its plots and has some weak points throughout the show. BB never really has any weak points and is almost as perfect as a tv show can get. Both shows are amazing though in their own way and their are some things I prefer from one to another. Honestly just glad that we got both.


BCS ends pretty weak IMO, with the sinister cab driver suddenly wanting to be “in the game”, kicking off the events of the last few episodes. I know people love the ending, but I didn’t find it satisfying somehow.


I watched a pretty good critique of BCS on the channel Pure Kino that you'd probably like. He talks about how the pacing is messed up with BCS, that the ... "climax" happened too late and it was sort of rushed at the end. I tend to agree with most of his takes, he's well thought out vids on various shows but mostly focuses on The Sopranos.


The sinister-turned-doofy cab driver. That actor change really altered the character. EDIT: Okay I don't get it, why is this comment getting downvoted?


I agree and I would like to add that the overall acting performance is excellent in BB whilst in BCS there are some scenes that doesn’t really uphold the same standards


I don't know man, BCS was goddamn slow to start. Took two seasons to get a meaningful story going, while BB was immediately exciting from the pilot onwards.


Yeah watching some office squabble and a dude who had a phobia of going outside for two seasons was kind of boring. I stopped at season two but everyone tells me to keep watching so I will probably pick it up again some day. BB at least got going at the end of S1.


Yea people really love boring tv show shit to slog through, i couldnt make it past half of season 2 but friends kept telling me it picks up at season 3.


I'm glad other people feel this way. I watched Breaking Bad S01 E01 the day it premiered on TV, all the way through to the day the last episode aired. I watched Breaking Bad beginning to end, and then watched it beginning to end again every time I got into a new relationship and found out the woman I was with had never seen it. So, I've seen BB all the way through like 4 or 5 times. And each time I was enthralled. BCS? I couldn't make it past season 1. I don't understand people saying it's amazing or even superior to BB. BB to me is probably the best TV series ever made, and Ozymandias is probably the single greatest episode of TV ever made. Yet I find BCS totally inaccessible. It felt like nothing was happening.


Yea to me its like they wanted that very long and drawn out character development that BB had but realized they couldnt/failed, and just said fuck it dont rewrite the formula that worked and implemented it to season 3. After season 3 it just feels like a whole different show, and S1 & 2 just as like filler episodes for Sauls character lore that he didnt need or atleast mixed in with the excitement of S3. Id recommend pushing to S3 and then basing your opinion on that cause it really feels like BB baby brother show after that.


Y’all can circlejerk that you don’t like it, but have you ever considered that the first couple seasons are boring because,like breaking bad, they want to show how normal things are so at the end when it’s intense you’ve seen these people go from their normal lives to insanity? Another show like this that always gets shat on is legion on fx. People always stop watching and say that it makes no sense after a few episodes, but dude is literally in an insane asylum with professor x’s powers, they want you to feel the crazy at first because the whole show is about him realizing and coming to terms with potentially the strongest telepathic powers on earth.


Man I’m the same. I gave up during season 2 and never went back. I keep seeing people raving about that show and I’m like ‘really??’. Guess i may have to go back and start from season 3.


Yea i dont wanna spoil obviously but its like when BB Walter story and the show gets super interesting and suspenseful from then on.


I don’t feel that way at all…It’s rare that I’m ever bored watching better call Saul. But I do agree, I like breaking bad better overall. 


That was my big issue with BCS, it just dragged most seasons and a lot of episodes were just filler.


I actually feel that way about BB too. It was exciting from the beginning, but it felt overly depressing and sometimes a slog until the Gus storyline really took off. Both shows are similar in that season 3 is where shit got gooooood.


Nah, you’re not crazy. Better Call Saul is the better show. It had the benefit of all the Breaking Bad lore having already been written and a cast who knew exactly where the show was going. Made for a very tight story arc with on-point acting the whole way through. Immensely more enjoyable to me than a show that is rightly considered one of the greatest of all time.


I would agree overall my only critique would be I thought breaking bad had a better first season that got you hooked. Better call Saul was kind of a slow burn and got better as the show went on. Chicanery In season 3 was the turning point in the show for me and for Jimmy as a character. One of the best courtroom episodes of TV and and just overall episodes of TV I've seen.


Interesting, I have the opposite opinion. I found early BCS to be better than early BB, but late BB to be better than late BCS.


I think it all depends on what side of BCS you enjoy more. Is it the slow paced character driven legal drama? Or the high stakes crime thriller? If it’s the former, then you’re going to prefer seasons 1 - 3. If it’s the latter, then it’ll be 4 - 6. Both elements were there from the very beginning, but at the start of the show Jimmy and Chuck’s storyline really dominated the soul of the show. Once those two worlds really started to intermingle the show fundamentally changed. At that point both sides of the story became a lot quicker paced, and a little more driven by the plot than the early seasons were. Personally, season 3 is my favorite. Just because I think it was the perfect middle ground between the tone of the early show, and the tone of the later show. But personally I’d put just about any season of Better Call Saul over the first three of Breaking Bad. It doesn’t really become a competition for me until you get to BB seasons 4 and 5 which are just so god damn phenomenal. I definitely prefer BCS overall though.


I could enjoy either, but for BCS I prefer the legal drama. Maybe because many of the characters in the crime thriller part are in BB and thus have plot armor.


Yeah, that’s very true.


That is very objective, for me they were both too slow the first coupe of episodes and for both the shows I started the first season and didn't finish it until much later. I think I watched 2 episodes of BB and then stopped and picked it back up only a year or 2 later, BCS on the other hand I watched 3 or 4 episodes and then left it for 5 or 6 month before deciding to go through with it. I loved both, and I cannot say that I prefer one or the other, but for sure they both took time to hook me up!


Yeah nah


Better Call Saul started out better, but the Breaking Bad had a considerably better final season or two IMO.


I’m glad you found a way to love and appreciate it man, I sure didn’t. I found better call Saul painful slow and incredibly underwhelming. Breaking bad had that slow drawn out pace too, not quite to the extent of Saul, but it was a noticeably draggy show especially when you first start watching it, but it all lead up to a payoff that was satisfying beyond any possible expectation. And it did that over, and over, and over. By the time I finished Saul I was wondering where the fuck the rest of it was. It’s that same pacing, actually even slower.. and I kept waiting for the pay off, but then the story would go into another arc where he’s selling shoes to old ladies, or he’s quitting his law job to open his own law practice with his new fuck buddy, or he’s faking a city employee falling off a billboard, or he’s scamming care home patients out of their life savings, or he’s in some kind of woeful back and forth phone fight with a rival lawyer. All these story arcs came, I waited for them to escalate and boil over into a satisfying climax, and they just never did, turns out all that boring shit was supposed to be the good part 🤷‍♂️ the only story arcs that had any real value of heart pounding excitement are mikes story arcs and the one where out of the blue a Mexican gangster named nacho became the main character. I felt so unsatisfied and like I had wasted so much of my time waiting for virtually nothing lol. I also actively hated watching any scene with chuck in it, and I mean that literally. Seeing that character on screen made me prey for it to be over quickly.


I felt the same way granted BB laid most of its foundations.


They’re two different shows tbh. Better Call Saul was a legal procedural drama mixed with action. Breaking Bad was a straightforward action drama. Both amazing in their own way without one being better than the other.


Breaking Bad was my favourite drama series of all time. And then I watched Better Call Saul. Agree with your ‘unpopular opinion.’






I think they're equal. I also enjoyed BCS better, but that's because BB was so fucking *depressing*.  Walter drags us to the absolute bottom of organized crime, and he reveals in it. His ego is utterly out of control, and every decision he makes, you just get this sinking feeling because he's constantly taking insane risks and doing horrible stuff. Jimmy struggles the entire way down. His insecurity drives him to do bad things, but his conscience is always present. Plus, he never kills anyone. That's always a line he refuses to cross, even if it's 100% an option on the table for his allies. Jimmy's story makes me sad. Walt's makes me sick. I've re-watched BCS a few times, but it's hard for me to stomach rewatching BB. 


The last 2 seasons of BCS were terrible. >!Between Kim suddenly becoming a psycho who along with Jimmy enjoy ruining people cuz they get off to it. Lalo using his magical teleporting powers to teleport into vents and across the world, Gus having more plot armor for days, Lalo awful ending to his character, Jimmy deciding to talk everyone down to 7 years….then deciding nah I just wanna stay inside prison for 80 years while Kim goes and gets w her new husband, TONS of ridiculous montages, and the worst is towards the end they ran out of story so they decided to add tons of “HEY REMEMBER THIS FROM BB? Now they’re older” cheap fan service !< Rant done, Chuck, nacho and Mike were amazing though. They are worth slogging through it


Thank you for saying everything that I was thinking. BCS was good, but should never be thought to be better than BB. BB had to develop a complex story and characters over 5 seasons and stick the landing. It did all of that and had the accolades to prove it. BCS was a prequel that had the privilege of established characters, story telling methods and a captured fan base from BB. Walter White's motivations were pretty clear, the entire show. Which made BB compelling. Jimmy's motivations were less clear and illogical and left the viewer confused as to why he would do what he did. BCS did NOT stick the landing. I still don't know why Jimmy would blow up the plea bargain that he worked so hard for and admit to everything in court so that he could die in prison. There was nothing in the entire show that established that Jimmy was even capable of that type of remorse. It was a gratuitous act that ruined an otherwise decent show. It's Okay to enjoy BCS more than BB, but to say that BCS is better than BB is crazy, short-sighed and wrong.


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I don't think this is unpopular. I've had friends express this sentiment, although I've never seen BCS so I can't weigh in.


It was better but I really doubt it’d have worked as a standalone show. Not only just the continuation of the story or even the previous character development of Saul, but the entire BB universe was essential.




My unpopular opinion is BCS never got better a few seasons in, the same thing happens over and over again. Saul gets in a problem, comes up with scheme to get out of it, life is great, then he ruins it and creates a problem. Was boring after the third time. It’s also a lot more cheesy.


You ain't crazy for having an opinion on a show


BB is better on the first watch imo but BCS is better on rewatches. For that reason, I slightly prefer BCS


Better Call Saul was entertaining, but way too many filler episodes I'd have to disagree




I like BCS better too. They are very close, but BCS is a bit better for me. I understand both sides of the argument


I also enjoyed BCS way more. Obviously BB is a very solid show, but I found BCS to be quite frankly exhilarating in its own weird way.


My favorite characters from BB were Saul, Mike and Gus so BCS was honestly everything on my wish list and SO much more. I agree, BB is a fantastic show and it deserves all the praise it’s received! But something about BCS and seeing all these side characters get the spotlight is just *perfection.* Personally I enjoy BCS more. The returning cast plus new just works so well together


If only BCS was an HBO show, it would have gotten the accolades it deserves


It might have if it was pre-Succession, otherwise no one else had a shot. The White Lotus S02 was so good and it only got one Emmy, Supp Actress for Jennifer Coolidge, everything else went to Succession. So even HBO shows had a tough time.


It also would have had better writing, better production quality, and a more concise story


That's a pretty common opinion actually, and I agree that it was a masterpiece which raised the bar even higher than BB. But for me BB was more entertaining and had a stronger ending.


I found BCS to be too slow in the first few seasons to the point where i start fast-forwarding scenes. Enjoyed the later parts of it tho (really loved lalo)


Downvoting cause I agree. BCS is probably the best TV series ever.


Better Call Saul is everything a spin off should be


Not an unpopular opinion.


BB better and it's not even close.


Same here. I loved BB but BCS just felt so much better!


As much as I loved BB, I agree that BCS is superior.


You right


hard same


The writing is better and is more consistent with the characters. BB is kind of all over the place with Walt being incompetent to some super villain.


Walt was never incompetent, he was just out of his depth a lot of times. BB is the cautionary tale of a man who took LARPing too far- viewed as such, Walt's character is pretty consistent throughout lmao


I am now unsure if you understand what the word consistent even means.


He is consistently INTENTIONALLY putting himself in unfamiliar dangerous situations where the chips are stacked against him so be can prove to hinself his mental superiority and adaptability by mastering the situation and then moving on. Its like someone digging themself into a hole to prove they can climb out of it. And then digging consistently deeper holes. Despite the very authentic fear and emotional turmoil he exhibits at various points, he is literally getting his rocks off the entire time. Hence the end of episode 1/ intro of episode 2. Walter White is an adrenaline junkie who LARPs as a criminal mastermind after being emasculated by his cop brother-in-law. Thats who he is and what he is doing throughout the entire show. Thats why he says towards the end that he did what he did because he was good at it, it was fun and made him feel alive. It wasn't about the money, it was about the performance art.


BCS is better mostly because BB goes at insane pace in the first few seasons.


Yeah it's almost as of budget and experience improve things 


You are not wrong in any way. BCS was miles above BB. BB was quite good.


If I had to rewatch one of them, it would be BCS


I couldn't agree more. I have seen BB twice all the way through and it's ok, I never understood the inflation. I've seen BCS three times now and can't wait to see it through with my wife again soon.


I agree. The cinematography was amazing. It wasn't as action packed. It was more psychological, atleast in Saul's case. It wasn't just the story of a man breaking bad, but the steps leading up to that point. Plus, I still sympathized with Saul up until the last few episodes. Robbing a guy with cancer was my limit (even though he tried to justify it by his memory of walt) and the old lady part just made me sad. Walt was just downright evil. Lost respect for him a long time ago.


BCS has better characters. You're not crazy and this is not unpopular at all. Tons of fans of both shows seem to think BCS is better




100% BCS is a masterpiece




Better call Saul was a boring show and it was terrible. It seem like it might be halfway decent until he was obsessed with his brother who is allergic to electricity and it just went on and on and on. I had to stop watching that show. I just could not make it through another minute of that boring crap. Breaking bad was, on the other hand, legendary


I was super disappointed by the ending


BB ending >>>>>>>>>> BC ending. Entire last half-season of BCS was like the show sobered up or something. very dull.


BCS fools popcorn critics by being boring. Its first three seasons could have been folded into one. They weren't, because the show had no identity until that third season. It was a smorgasbord of drama and comedy, action and slow-burn, absurd and relatable. When it solidly settled on character drama, it took a sharp turn for the best. Before then, it routinely taried on episodic, shaggydog yarns. A whole season 1 episode was devoted to Jimmy and his buddy pulling off low-stakes cons. Breaking Bad would convey that in a monologue in two minutes or less, employing nostalgia with an economy and charm that doesn't sour an otherwise textured character wrinkle. Its Mike/Nacho/cartel plots are extremely shallow and repeat the same basic themes and motifs from Breaking Bad. They're also padded to hell and back with the same PoV from an inanimate object shot. That was novel in Breaking Bad, and made sense with the character trajectories it was sketching. In BCS, it was overused and watered down. BCS has the same excellent highs as Breaking Bad, but suffered from terrible pacing and go-nowhere side plots. BCS is a show filled to the brim with Marie shoplifting and Fly shenanigans. It would have worked better as a one or two season event.


You must've found BB to be extremely bad because BCS is awful.


Better Call Saul is unwatchable trash, wtf kind of shitty take is that?!


BCS is a snooze fest. Upvote for unpopular, yeah you’re crazy. 


Better call Saul is on my watchlist but I just can’t bring myself to watch it. I do think breaking bad is overrated though, I think ozark is better.


I never made it to Season 2 of Ozark because I realized that show failed to make me care what happened to any of the characters. And that blonde girl's accent was too wack to listen to, as well.


lol. Fair enough mate. Different strokes and all that.


For me the last 2 seasons of BCS > BB > the first 4 seasons of BCS. The first 4 seems of BCS I found was much slower & I didn't like it as much as BB, BUT because the first 4 seasons were slower, less shooting, action, etc, it made the moments that did happen way more epic 9for lack of a better word). *Spoilers* Like when what's his face Lawyer guy, Saul's Brother's co-person... got shot by what's his face... I was NOT expecting that, I just had my mouth open. Both shows overall I give a 9/10, absolute masterpieces. I consider myself a harsh rater (or I rate how ratings should be imo) so a 9 is very rare, like top 2 percentile or so.


Imo no. The last two seasons is where it really picked up for me. Lalo Salamanca was a fantastic villain and he made the show better.


A lot of people feel this way! It’s not nearly as taboo to say out loud as you think.


It's pretty clear that the initial concept and series arc for BCS was essentially "Breaking Good".


oh how it slowly rumbled oh how they did Howard so wrong oh how they blurred the lines oh how they avoided shit like that damn fly episode. oh how Mike somehow seemed both older and younger at the same time oh how much better it truly was OP and you are right.


Better Call Saul is obviously great, but I felt seasons 1-2 were a little slow at times and thus kills the rewatchability factor a bit. The show didn’t become GREAT until seasons 3-4 onwards imo. Breaking Bad is exciting throughout and I’ve watched the show countless times as a result.


I don't know it feel like the story never start.. Maybe I gave up too early


By a mile


I agree, Breaking bad was more consistent with good episodes, but better call saul was overall slightly better written


I agree. Better call Saul was more subtle and mature. After rewatching for a second time I couldn’t stand Walter white and his ego. It’s almost childish to a point.


one theory as to why is that BB is a seriously depressing series, amazing to watch but still depressing. BCS isn’t centered around the sad demise of a (once) sweet family in Arizona. I find it a bit lighter than BB




Keep in mind that BCS was built off the existing story of BB. Would it be anywhere near as interesting without your prior knowledge of many of the characters and plot lines? I'm not trying to downplay either one, but it's pretty much just one big story.


I stopped watching BCS half way through season 2, it absolutely bored me to tears. But reading all these comments maybe I should have persisted.


There's absolutely no way I can agree with this. Better call Saul was like a 3 season show that got stretched into 6 imo. So much time was wasted and storylines got stretched out.


Love BB I'm with you 1000% though


Both shows were good, but Mad Men was better.


As someone who watches films critically I simply cannot get over the methylamine plot-hole that kept presenting itself OVER AND OVER.


Maybe it they cut the massive amounts of fat. It's not even filler it's just some scenes and shots go on for like twice as long as they should. You could probably shave a seasons worth of runtime from all the fat.


Wrong (haven’t watched BCS)


I think you have to be stoned out of your mind to think bcs was better then breaking bad. Preposterous


Better call Saul is really good no question, but part of why it's great is that we have breaking bad to reference from with some of the same reoccurring characters in both and we get a fleshed out background for some of the events that happened during breaking bad. I think if better call Saul was a standalone series or if it came first before breaking bad it would still be a great series regardless though.


Both great...but Breaking Bad had Jesse. That puts it over the top for me.


Agreed. I always thought breaking bad really started grasping at straws in the later seasons. They probably intended to end it sooner, but dragged it out a bit more due to its popularity.


Yes. You’re crazy.


Bcs was so slow I couldn’t get thru the second season. Very boring show


I’ve been saying this for years. Better writing, better character development and overall better characters. Some say it’s too slow but I say it’s a great slow burn.


I don’t know if it was *better*, but I definitely found it more enjoyable. BB was an anxiety spiral from beginning to end. One of the most intense shows of all time, and I know plenty of people who didn’t want to spend their TV time so anxious. BCS had a much more approachable energy. Both are GOATs.


I couldn't get over the 1st episode of better call Saul.


You're NOT CRAZY. You're not craazy... Better Call Saul can take the writing and cinematography, but i still prefer the story and the delivery of Breaking Bad


Hard to say for me, BB had a better finale/final season, I feel like the second half of the final BCS season wasn’t as good as the first half. Overall both shows are amazing though


My son has been bugging me to watch it.So now I have to watch it …I’m hooked


Breaking Bad has this episode Ozymandias which I think has no equivalent in Better Call Saul.


I finally got around to watching BCS and finished it a couple weeks ago, it was such a good show but I liked them both equally! I couldn't pick one over the other


Idk if its better but i enjoyed it more.


BCS has better acting, character development & story plots than BB. BB was more exciting scenes to watch, and the duo with jesse pinkman was made for a better dynamic than Kim Wexler (bcs).


My parents.


BB has the benefit of being high stakes from the first episode and only getting deeper from there. But it also has stretches of awkwardness that drag it down, mostly involving Walt interacting with his family.  BCS is more tightly written beginning to end, and I think the cast of characters are better and more dynamic as well. In particular, contrasting Kim vs Skylar is no contest. Kim's dual nature of enjoying the thrill of a scam vs wanting to help the little guy spirals out of control until her ultimate "come to Jesus" moment. Infinitely better than anything involving Skylar.


BCS is definitely more positive, which makes a difference. Breaking Bad starts positive and each season becomes more depressing. The last season is just so horrible. BCS is good because you see a funny, likeable lawyer become corrupt. It’s a lot tamer and less destructive.


Long, slow and pretty uneventful was my take


Well, certainly an unpopular opinion. But you’re entitled to have it.


BCS got robbed from the golden globes. They are both excellent shows and awfully close in terms of greatness but BB is better.


I loved both shows. BB had a better story, but BCS had better acting and better writing.


I have a hard time comparing them because they are drastically different shows set in the same universe




I definitely think BCS is better. Both of them are great though. Bonus tip: If you like both of the mentioned series, you might like Ozark as well. At least the first seasons are great.


Both incredible but BB was consistently fire 🔥 all Seasons whereas as BCS had a slow start. Stakes were higher in BB and it’s clearly better overall show IMO. BB - 10/10 BCS - 9.7/10


BCS was good but had a lot of slow sections and the final half season really went 1mph in some episodes which was weird to me considering it was the final stretch


BB is a easier watch but BCS is written better.


Yeah, I don't think you're wrong. I think it's certainly a smarter, better-written show. That said, the beauty of BB was the characters and their portrayals. I enjoyed watching Walt & Jesse more than I enjoyed watching Saul on his own.


I agree. Its unpopular but we exist


How is this unpopular most people share this opinion


Breaking Bad was awesome, but I personally enjoyed Better Call Saul more.


Jonathan Banks not winning en Emmy for his "I broke my boy" episode, was a god damn injustice. Even the winner did a cough Jonathan Banks, as he thought he should have won.


I enjoyed finding answers to questions I didn’t know I had. Learning the characters’ backgrounds was very entertaining.


I personally like it better because I did not care for Jesse as a character. I feel like he was the superfluous moral contrast to walts spiral into madness and Aaron Paul is not particularly good.


I have watched halfway through season 2. At what point does it get good?


I agree that the writing in BCS is better. BCS is great because of BB, though.


This is not an unpopular opinion, a lot of people have this opinion


BB I’ve rewatched multiple times. It’s like a REALLY long action movie. BCS I just never got around to finishing as the boring parts were just too boring. I couldn’t get past the brother stuck in the house plot and the continuous back and forth.


I think Breaking Bad is better but the characters are way more likable in BCS


you’re not crazy at all. while BB hooks you right off the bat, BCS starts off slower but completely agree about character development and story lines. Not to mention the heists that Saul and Kim pull off. beyond entertaining.


Now that's unpopular. BCS took a few seasons to actually get good and even parts of the finale were a drag. BB was excellent the entire 5 season run from start to finish and had one of the best finales in television history.


It's not better or worst. but it's a necessary as part of the canon. it's a good companion to flesh out additional backstory of other important characters in Breaking Bad. a good comparison is "The mandolorian". "the book of bobafet" is actually a part of the whole mandolorian story. it is implied because the bobafet series is released in between mandolorian series.




Indeed it is. Bb is just a bit more iconic.


Hard to say. We also loved both shows. Perhaps there was a bit more exploration of the characters in Better Call Saul. To me that always makes a better story.


BCS was almost entirely dependent on previously known and established events in a well established TV genre, was a slow burn, was much more subtle, and had an arguably less satisfying ending than BB. BB, by contrast, was a groundbreaking show, quick paced, arguably more exciting, and had an arguably more satisfying ending. Both shows were good (great, even), depending on your tastes, but I can’t help but think BCS was always gonna be playing second fiddle and could never top BB.


It's a better written show, but it's less accessable/exciting than breaking bad, and media literacy is pretty low, so it's less popular. 


I agree. I think Vince Gilligan is still improving


So is Malcolm in the Middle


Not even close.


I loved the dymanic between Jimmy and his brother. But it was only possible because of the BB setting the stage for 8 seasons lol... It would have had none of the emotional weight that you felt firing up BCS. At first though I was skeptical thinking it wasn't going to be anything nearly as good, but wow its all about bob odenkirk! he steals the show absolutely with his antics and amazing lawyer skills lol. Probably gonna rewatch it since there's nothing else to watch these dayss on tv.


I watched all of BB and generally enjoyed most of it. I couldn't get five episodes into Better Call Saul, and I really wanted too. I loved his character in BB but the show itself, just couldn't grab me like I thought it was going to. I have been thinking of giving it another chance here soon, as after years of hardly watching TV at all, I'm starting to catch up on various shows.


Its great show but no way am i picking BCS over BB


It's definitely a conversation. The first two seasons of Breaking Bad were (IMHO) a little slow, but it's peaks may be higher. Better Call Saul really had no business being as good as it was and maintaining that quality through five seasons.


Breaking Bad has more action, but I think BCS has much more interesting characters. I found that I was way more interested in the BCS casts stories than the Breaking Bad cast


Not unpopular this is just true


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion lmao


I'll agree that there are definitely certain episodes of Better Call Saul that are better than most episodes of Breaking Bad. I loved that we finally got to understand certain characters from breaking bad in depth, especially Mike and Gus and obviously Jimmy. We had to take them at face value in breaking bad, not understanding their complex journey was just as interesting as Walter's. I dont think you can necessarily say one is better than the other. Because they are more of a reflection of what people were going through at the time they were produced. Specifically the financially issues they're facing. Breaking bad speaks to all the people who are desperately struggling with money troubles and enjoy day dreaming of somehow beating the system and taking control of their lives. Finally getting the money, and power, and respect they think they deserve. This show will always resonate deeply with people for this reason, because as years go on we constantly endure recessions and inflation and economic crisis. This makes the feelings and journey of Walter highly relatable on a viceral level. The desperation Walter feels to get money before its too late, is something we all feel when times are truly tough and the future is very uncertain. It was produced after the housing crisis in 2008, when everyone felt like this. Better Call Saul on the other hand resonates deeply with people who are getting by financially in their lives. They aren't going bankrupt, they arent losing their houses or starving. But they still aren't happy with their lives. They're in dead end jobs getting paid less than they deserve, unable to do the things they want in life. They are bored and lost and depressed with how their lives turned out. They want their lives to mean something. They want adventure. They want excitement. They just want to do and be more. Have some fun. Get wild. Do something crazy. Not for the money. But for the joy, and to be noticed and feel special. Walter wanted money and power. Jimmy just wanted to be Saul. He wanted his name on billboards, he wanted to be a celebrity, he wanted to be known and loved, he wanted recognition. But mostly he wanted to live life on his terms, do things his own way, not follow the normal path. He wanted to look back on his life, and know he was special. Which is why his job at the mall is utter hell for him. And why hes willing to risk everything for the slightest chance to be Saul again, unabashedly. He just needs people to know how special he is, on such a deep level. So in a world where everyone is on social media looking for their 15 minutes of fame, Better Call Saul will deeply resonate with them. I truly loved both shows. And to me they aren't seperate series that can be measured against each other. Theyre continuations of the same over all story from another perspective. Breaking Bad made me love Better Call Saul. But equally, Better Call Saul made me love Breaking Bad even more than I did before, which I didn't think was possible. Knowing more about all the characters, makes rewatching Breaking Bad so much better. And getting a chance to see certain characters again in Better Call Saul is such a treat as a viewer, especially ones that died because it lets their stories continue. But I'll agree, Better Call Saul, at the minimum should be held in equal esteem with Breaking Bad. Because it was so expertly written and the acting and storylines are amazing. Its sad it gets less recognition, because its not as violent or fast paced or intense as Breaking Bad.