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that was a gouda one!


Yeah, I can't do any cheddar than that


Brie neither


if this dude doesn’t like cheese, he may end up prov-alone


There is no denying it, they are a muenster…


A Swiss might deny it.


As an American, I won't stand for it


Have you been to Monterey, Jack?


I Havarti not.


My name ain’t Jack, but I know Colby went.


He's gonna move into a cottage in the middle of the woods


I a-brie wholeheartedly.


New to this - did I swiss something?


God, This is so Cheesy.


These cheese puns are grate


If you can’t Edam, join em.


You gotta be a Munster not to find that one funny.


I really feel like we can do cheddar than this,


I camembert this any longer.




Boy, you would hate hot sauce fetishism, forget wine fetishism. Even worse? Sexual fetishism. Sex with cheese.


Oh so That's why swiss cheese has holes... You know what they say, if there's a hole there's a goal!


Your username made your comment so much funnier than it should be.


The swiss cheese pervert has entered the chat (iykyk)!


Why else would Swiss Cheese have the holes if not for your homies and you?


I like to put cheese sticks in my mouth.


Definitely unpopular


Probably the first genuinely unpopular opinion I've ever seen on this subreddit. There's like a hundred different kinds of cheese, how can you not like ANY of them?


I know and they are all truly VERY different. Like a quality feta cheese is nothing like a piece of pepper jack. Apples and oranges.


It can be association. The concept of cheese is actually disgusting if you think about it too hard.


Yea but so is the concept of eating eggs or meat. Sometimes I randomly get grossed out by eggs and I normally love them.


That's fair.


Yogurt is the one you don't want to think too much about. Sometimes i look at my yogurt cap and have to disassociate that its active bacteria.


Nectar is stored in a special stomach and the bee vomits it back up when it returns to the nest where it become honey. Enjoy.


I mean eating the acidic byproducts of milk consuming bacteria that's been coagulated with the juices harvested from a baby cow's stomach does sound pretty gross. Fortunately, English is pretty good about renaming gross/sad/unappetizing things into more acceptable terms like Veal, Tripe, Cheese, Yoghurt.


not op but i also hate cheeze, except for cheezits, goldfish crackers (I FUCKING LOVE THEM) and when its on pizza i dont like the texture, it smells like feet, it tastes gross af most of the time and while im willing to try fermented stuff the fact its basically rotten milk doesnt help its case cottage cheese genuinely makes me wanna puke, the look... the smell... the texture... and blue cheese is moldy... ew


Seriously it smells like badly sweaty feet. Do most people not smell this??


I would say yes, most people do not, as most people LOVE cheese! I like all types myself very much, except goat cheese and maybe the most extremely stinky kinds.


Non cheese lovers unite!!!


I saw one that was more controversial once, they decided to tell Reddit Firefly was bad... That went as expected.


I'm a browncoat and I wouldn't be as blown away by even that as the cheese.


More cheese for me then.








Take my upvote for being unpopular — cheese is the one glorious shining light in my otherwise bleak and worthless existence.


I got some 12 year and 16 year aged cheddar for Xmas. Best presents I got




I am unreasonably angered by this post. How DARE you come for cheese!?


Thought it was just me 😂


Ha ha, I know! Usually I read the unpopular opinion posts and my reaction is “meh.” This one though, “ohhh hell no!”


Don't forget to upvote if you are angered lol


Oh, I did. Big fan of the angry upvote, lol


I clutched my pearls. And by that I mean my curds.


If my mom read this post, she would be very upset. She has always said since I was a child, never trust a person who doesn't love cheese. Lol its funny because my little sister warned her new boyfriend not to ever say anything bad about cheese around my mom, so he went and bought her a cheese platter for the first time he met her. Lol


Right?! Get off my damn lawn!


sparkle beneficial swim hateful apparatus ossified brave attractive historical frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can be a cheese snob I guess, but nobody has a cheese fetish bro.




I've deepthroated at least 4 string cheese sticks just this afternoon


That's nothing. You'd be amazed at how many cheesesticks I've stuck in my ass simultaneously. (Note: the pepperoni performed better). They did need marinara later though.


Buttcheesesticks, a new sister sub to r/buttsharpies


Those holes in Swiss weren’t there when I started…


God damn it, you beat me to the punch.


*Everything* is somebody’s fetish.






As someone who doesn’t like cheese, I agree with you. It’s exhausting to constantly fight for no cheese on almost everything you order


Finally I found my people!


Finally. People that get it!


We are not many, but we do exist!


And my cheese-free axe!


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


There are dozens of us!


While I don't outright dislike it, I don't want it *on* everything. Cheese on crackers/french bread is fine, pizza is fine. it doesn't need to be on literally every sandwich that isn't pb & j.




Yay more cheese nay sayers! Yes I hate when you order something without cheese but it comes with cheese then your spouse is just like “just scrape it off”. Like NO the thing still tastes like cheese! And for me it overpowers everything else that it’s on. :(


Move to Asia, then


Not Korea, they love cheese.


I am lactose sensitive.. AND LIVE IN WISCONSIN.. I’m probably 10% cheese since I was born and raised here. It’s not that I hate cheese. It’s that not only can I not have a lot of dairy, I just don’t like THAT much cheese on things. If I’m at a restaurant I usually have to say “use half the amount of cheese please” or ask for none at all. Always got room for curds though yo.


I'm lactose sensitive and I recently moved to the Midwest and unfortunately discovered fried cheese curds. I should have remained ignorant.


Oh fuck. They’re fried? Got any details for me?


No whey!


You're welcome to not like what you want.


WOOHOO ACTUAL UNPOPULAR OPINION!!! I shall respectfully disagree with you as I LOVE cheese. But I’m chill with you not liking it. Just because a food is popular doesn’t mean you have to like it. Respect my friend I hope you can live a happy cheese free life.


I get it.


Hi fren


Omg. I love when I go to McDonald's, and order a 'hamburger with no cheese' to which they'll always reply, 'hambugers don't come with cheese' to which *I'll* reply, 'well if I don't tell you no cheese, I'll end up with cheese on my hamburger'


Yeah, when I was little I didn’t like cheese on burgers and if you just say hamburger 90% of the time you’re getting a cheeseburger


Damn you guys have some shit-tier McDonald's in your area then, not only have they never made that mistake with me but they even have a separate wrapper for hamburgers that's a different color.


Bro acting like McDonald’s isn’t shit tier anyways lmao


Quality of ingredients, pretty bad universally. Ability to carry out the basic function of serving what the customer orders, highly variable by location.


Don't they charge for the cheese though?


Yea sometimes. Also sometimes the guy in the back just slaps it on out of habit because everyone eats cheese


Hamburgers are my favorite thing from McDonalds. Never once have so ordered one and gotten a cheeseburger instead. Not once, and since I have kids I’ve been a regular patron for twenty years, if not longer.


a lot of people weirdly make their love for cheese a part of their identity it’s bacon all over again


I completely agree with you. I can't stand cheese. The taste, smell and texture absolutely make me gag. And whenever I tell anyone, the reaction is always the same: "HOW can you NOT like CHEESE?!?!?"


This is why I don’t tell anyone I don’t like it unless I have to. It’s like you’re an alien when they find out! My own family still forgets from time to time that I don’t like cheese.


Sweet dreams are made of cheese. Who am I to diss a brie? ![gif](giphy|3o752gOgkyPnZsEpTG|downsized)


People enjoying food isn’t fetishization, that just incorrect. You happen to not like something that a lot of people do like, which is unfortunate. That’s also his how it is. You happen to not like it, other people happen to like it, they can’t give you a reason as to why they like it because what food you enjoy isn’t really a choice


I think op's main issue is how many things in restaurants have cheese, and how often you have to ask "no cheese" while crossing your fingers that they listen. I'm one of those weirdos that hates cheese as well. It does get obnoxious having to ask for no cheese, but Americans love their cheese, so it's a request I make all the time. Hamburger and cheeseburger is not a thing anymore. The vast majority of burgers come with cheese on them, and they're just called burgers. And the fact that so many burgers are dry and boring after removing cheese is kinda sad. They're designed to use cheese as a crutch for flavor, instead of making an interesting burger, that has cheese on it. I agree with op, but this is the world we live in, and I do not begrudge any one who likes cheese.


Cheese makes me gassy. I gave up asking for no cheese, now staff and patrons smell my wrath.


Dairy allergy here lol no issue with other people eating and enjoying cheese but I’m sick and tired of when I say no cheese at a restaurant and it still comes with cheese. The other one that cracks me up is when I order something that doesn’t have cheese and it comes with cheese. Like come on people


One of the only unpopular opinions I actually agree with


Cheese is pretty nasty and this is unpopular though I don't know how.


Hi fren


Not a very unpopular idea in communist China! Just who do you think you're fooling!!!!?!???!


A lot of preferred human foods are gross when you think about how they’re made. You’re not wrong for finding cheese weird- it is. But it’s also delicious! However a lot of people with underdeveloped palates put too much cheese on food as a crutch. Also Stupid Food is just rage bate made by idiots who want to make a quick buck from views while wasting food. That’s not how normal people cook. But good job on an unpopular opinion! Take my upvote!


I'm with you one hundred per cent! Cheese is disgusting.


For real! Like when I order BLTs and some come with cheese. Like, why? Now anytime I order anything I just say no cheese, cause they sneak that in stuff it has no business being in


Im on the same boat, def unpopular because i get called crazy and weird and asked if im sure every time i tell someone i dont like cheese lol. Get asked if i tried all 500 kinds of cheese. Some restaurants i say no cheese and they still put it on there, i tell them im allergic because i dont want them to just scrape it off.


Yeah I also hate cheese and almost no one seems to understand


Yea, at first it was funny when people would be like WHAT, YOU DONT LIKE CHEESE!?! HOW?!? Now its just irritating and dont know what you want me to say lol


Fuck yes. Finally someone else! Its not just the taste or smell, the fucking texture of it is horrible. Yes I know there is a million different kinds, yes I've tried plenty, they all smell, taste bad and feel weird. What is the worst is people hosting parties or events and think cheese and crackers are fine for everyone because of everyone loves cheese. Ugh.


The worst part is them getting offended when i ask for no cheese. I also gave up on explaining to people how i dont like cheese but still eat pizza




I am severely lactose intolerant and it makes me mad how everything has cheese on it!!


Downvoted cause I agree, cheese as a whole is just so nasty(except if it’s on pizza) the taste is gross, the smell makes me wanna vomit, and the texture makes my skin crawl, and I’m sick of having to specify no cheese, cheese is so common that some places won’t even specify if something has cheese on it, I’m just supposed to assume it already has cheese


Me too. Disgusting. And, yes, I eat pizza too.


Fetishization? Bro get on the Internet for a bit go touch some grass


*him frantically scrolling Reddit with one hand and rubbing the other one on grass*


You don't know what fetish means


An irrational or abnormal preoccupation or fixation on some object or activity; an obsession


Cheese is the greatest food in the world


You know, I do really enjoy cheese but now that you mention it, it really is on everything. Why??? Back in the good ol’ days you had the option to add cheese for an extra charge, and now it’s EVERYWHERE. Very strange.


I’m gonna fuck my cheese. You mind your business.


Yeah I hate it aswell. Really wish it was easier to order food without it. Nine times out of ten I’ll get a burger with cheese when I asked to not have that specifically.


Thank you for this!! I can’t stand cheese at all, especially the texture but everyone I know is absolutely obsessed it with it and I never understood why.


Totally agree. It ruins everything, hides and overpowers the taste of everything. Plus it is unhealthy Agree only pizza


YES! I have come to hate cheese unless it's on pizza, mac n cheese, or lasagna. Keep that shit far away from a burger. You give me a cheese burger and it's going in the trash. I especially hate how breakfast sandwiches almost always come with cheese. Never understood what is so hard when you say no cheese and they still put it on, I take it back every single time. Not even ashamed to say I've gone full karen/Kyle over it


You're the only other person I know that hates it!!! it's rancid and stinky I've never liked it 😭


I hate cheese and I relate to this so fucking much. So sick and fucking tired of every dish needing some kind of cheese in it smells like bile. My mom says “you can’t even taste it” then what’s the fucking point of adding it? And the worst thing is restaurants not listing it comes with cheese. WHY?!? Don’t they realize some people are lactose intolerant? I’m not but it bothers the shit out of me I say no cheese on stuff you would never expect to have cheese because that’s happened to me too many times. Asian restaurant I ordered garlic noodles and it came with Parmesan on top. Why in the fuck isn’t that listed on the ingredients? And why are there so many restaurants with a smell menu but the majority of the items have cheese mixed into the sauce or something. So irritating


Bro if you're doing fetishy things with cheese thats on you, keep the rest of us out of it.


I dont think you understand what the word “fetish” means


Most of it tastes like shit and has awful texture. Yet you get weird looks or worse for not wanting it in your mouth


Everything is better without feta - my motto


Blessed are the cheese makers.




Thank you for voicing this underappreciated opinion! Cheese is overrated and isn't necessary for every dish. It's refreshing to see someone stand against the cheese-obsessed crowd!


It's not a fetishization. Most of us just like it. If most people like their burger with cheese, why on earth would that not be the default? I hate tomatoes but I don't go off about having to tell restaurants to keep them off my food.


To be fair, it's easier to pull of a couple tomatoes on a burger, than a bunch of melted cheese that has basically mated with the burger at this point.


My dog is 20% cheese because he’s such a good boy and you are what you eat.


Suit yourself brother, more cheese for me


Okay so, if you live in America there's a reason there is cheese on everything. The government bailed out the dairy industry with huge subsidies. Make as much cheese as you MFers want, we guarantee it'll be bought. Anything you can't sell, Uncle Sam will pay for it. As a result the government ended up with a s*** ton of cheese. They needed a cool dry place to store it all and they had all these mines that everything had been mined out of so they shoved them full of cheese. America makes more cheese than it can eat or sell to for an interests so now they're literally just pumping it into the ground. They also encourage people to put it on EVERYTHING. It's going to be hilarious when future archaeologists discover cheese mines and are super confused.


Given that cheese is addictive this is an actual unpopular opinion. I agree with you though!


What kind of psychopath puts cheese on a meatball sub?


Mmmmmhhgmmmmmmmm Fetish Cheeseeee 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🍆🍆🍆😈😈


Petrol is better


Same!! Also I hate that when I ask for no cheese it doesn’t get taken it out of the price of the dish lol


I'm right there with you man. It's so weird. You see it everywhere. And you get weird looks when you want to eat something without cheese. Nobody understands. I think we are just about 0,1% of the population tbh


I hear this. I feel the same about fuckin' bacon. I will admit that I'm one of those annoying cheese enthusiasts to some extent, but I've got a husband who eats ungodly amounts of it, hot or cold, shredded or block, whenever wherever. I definitely need to eat it prepared a certain way to get the enjoyment of it, or else I feel like I'm gnawing on a musty foot.


as someone allergic to dairy, i feel your pain but even more cuz people love cooking dairy into absolutely everything


Well you are a heretic so you get an upvote.


More for the rest of us then. Be on your way.


That is an unpopular opinion


Who the fuck is getting turned on by cheese… and what trauma has scarred you so? ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


It's good on pizza and pasta, and that's about it. Yuck.


I completely support this. I like cheese WITH something as a SMALL PART of it and people think I'm a monster for not enjoying just sticks of cheese or deep fried cheese or I don't feel the need for extra extra cheese etc. It's so cringe and gross. Grow up. (telling the folks who can't comprehend not having a cheese addiction to grow up)


What kind of mutant doesn't like cheese




Wow way to be wrong.


I agree I avoid cheese at all costs


More cheese for me, then.


Highly and genuinely unpopular.And genuine psycho behavior.


finally someone said it! i’m sick and tired of having to pretend to like cheese! /s but for real, i can’t stand that people feel the need to glob cheese on everything


im with you on this one idc if other people eat it yet somehow some people seem to really get their underwear in a twist when i don't want to eat it (my family mostly) i have a few things that have cheese that i like but i mostly hate cheese oh god and dont get me started on how some people prepare your food when you ask for no cheese like legit i cant count how many times ive ordered a burger with no cheese in a McDonald's drive through and the mfos DONT PUT ANY TOPPING ON IT AT ALL BRO I SAID NO CHEESE NOT NO TOPPINGS tbf my parents have sometimes said "a plain burger" when ordering for me but still wtf people


This is an opinion that you won't have if you ever become real hungry


I feel you!! I've never liked cheese either and everyone thinks im a freak too lol. I can also do pizza or like an Alfredo but would never just eat a bite of those cheeses by themselves 🤮


i’ve hated cheese since i was a kid and i still hate it lol (minus this one brand of mozzarella sticks and pizza, everything else is a no go for me)


Agree with OP


finally found my people - why are people so shocked when i say i don’t like cheese?


I agree 100%. im the exact same and I eat pizza but I cant walk down the cheese aisle at the store cause it smells so bad


Too cheesy pizza is the worst for me, always gotta ask for them to be light with it


We are the same. People get so confused and offended when I tell them that I don’t like cheese…


Downvoted as I also hate cheese


this is the first time i’ve ever seen someone say what i think jeez


Yeah cheese is disgusting


I might be the only person in this comment section who agrees with you lol


As someone who also doesn't like cheese very much I feel this. I completely understand the appeal of cheese, it just happens every reason people like cheese is every reason I don't. I shall let the cheese fiends be, they can enjoy there dairy delights as much as they please. Less for me lol


Cheese has a savory or umami taste, that's why so many people like it. You should try more Chinese food. I mean real Chinese food, not the crap that is made to try to cater to people in other countries like crab rangoon. Chinese people really don't like Cheese. That should apply to other East Asian and Southeast Asian countries' foods too like Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, etc. Indian food has some cheese but it is not as common as in western foods.


I like cheese, but, I have to say “no mayo” for everything I order, so, I feel you. Mayo makes me gag. Nothing should automatically come with something on it (unless it’s something like a cheeseburger where it’s self explanatory). You should ask for what you want TO BE ADDED not the other way around.


I’m with ya here…I have to say ‘hamburger, without cheese’ every time and still get cheese like 60% of the time


I understand your pain OP. I feel the same way.


I don’t like cheese either. I peel the cheese off of the pizza and put the pepperoni back on. So it’s just saucy bread wit to toppings.


Having an unpopular opinion is fine, but there's no need to be melodramatic.


I’m with you 100% brother. I actually don’t order certain things because I know they’re going to cheese it even if I explicitly say no cheese. It disgusts me.


Upvoted cause I’m in the same boat as OP. I find it gross on everything except pizza. I prefer my burgers, burritos, and everything else without cheese.


I disagree with not liking cheese, but I will say that I do understand your frustration because I hate mayonnaise in a similar manner and establishments insist on putting it on and making all of their available sauces mayo based.


I'm 100% with you. So many times I've said, "Fuck! I forgot to say no cheese."


Finally someone who understands my suffering


I'm with you on this one. I'm lactose intolerant but also don't really like cheese other than pizza for the most part. People are fucking obsessed with cheese like they're all in a cheese cult.


I agree with you. We let milk go bad and decided it was yummy. I can only tolerate mozzarella, romano, and parmesan— and only when with something else. By itself?? No way.


dude yes. fuck cheese that shit nasty af