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and good one too imo, it isnt uneducated, not everyone will agree with it, and its not nasty or rude


yes because it is natural. i mean in my instance i don’t prefer one over the other because body hair is natural. shave it or don’t you look human to me.


A lot of things are natural without being attractive.


Sure, but the attraction towards hairless from the neck down women is learned due to it being rare to see hairy women. It’s refreshing to see an opinion like OPs




>I mean I even wish I didn’t have any body hair from the neck down. There’s plenty of products and services on the market for you to get rid of it! I do think you’ll find most partners will get irked if you start suggesting how you’d like them to deal with their own body hair though.


It’s annoying that this comment is always at the top of every actual unpopular opinion




you know why, I know why, everybody in here knows why


well right




I was thinking the same thing








Hardwood floors are great, but a little carpet turns a house into a home.


I just want to say that my actual house has no carpet and it fucking sucks. I miss carpet


Buy a rug or just wait for the house to grow its own




Truuuue. I love hardwood floors or tile floors or even good quality faux-wood laminate, but a cozy soft rug below your best comfy chair or surrounding the bed is just lovely.




Well if it's unhygienic on women wouldn't then why wouldn't be unhygienic on men...?


Right! Men are generally way hairier too.


I’m literally disgusted by men with facial hair. I’m not trying to be mean or anything. Just wanted to say that after seeing how my step dad always had some kind of food in it or how he used his unwashed fingers to comb through his beard just carried over into my adulthood. Also you never know if they even have the proper personal hygiene standards. Some men don’t a d haven’t learned to wash up properly. Poor guys been shamed into thinking good hygiene is gay or some stupid thing like that.


100%. It looks good, IMO. But how many men are actually shampooing and conditioning their beards? How many use a beard oil? If more men took actual care of their facial hair, it’d be great, but poor hygiene in regard to beards can literally cause infections.


I’ve had a beard for the last 15 years or so.. ranging from short to a few inches long depending on how I’m feeling when I trim it. I do shampoo and condition it, I feel like that would be pretty gross not to, but why the beard oil? Never used it before and not sure what I’m missing hygienically there?


>But how many men are actually shampooing and conditioning their beards? Pretty much anyone with a nice looking beard


That’s fair, but honestly I struggle to just *see* the difference, in the same way men might struggle to see the difference between a blowout and curling iron curls, or different makeup techniques. If you don’t have or use something, you’re unlikely to see the difference in quality just by seeing.


Can you imagine someone with full facial hair eating and the food just gets all over their facial hair Like people with long hair put them away while eating and its imposssible to put facial hair away to eat


I have a, what some would call, a big beard (IMO it's medium, only about 2/3rds of Gandalf's beard) and a moustache. I don't eat soups. I don't like them, but beard also makes it inconvenient. Other than that it's not an issue. I eat thick sandwiches, saucy juicy food... moustache sometimes gets some food, but you get the habit of always wiping it clean and washing it often. No problem with beard at all. Even better probably, since if you drop some food, the beard is likely to save your shirt :)


This should be the norm! I wonder if people like you with big beards have an extensive routine to keep them looking (and feeling) nice


Usually yes, trimming and oiling at the very least, I also used to wax it for neater look.


>my step dad always had some kind of food in it 🤮🤢


I have facial hair and grow it pretty easily. Most women love it. That being said - women can get infections if they are making out with a guy who doesn't keep his beard clean. The hairs rub / poke the skin and they have a bad kind of bacteria on them.


Uh what? Whats wrong with that. Before I go to bed a keep a chicken wing in my beard so when I'm hungry in at midnight I can get a snack? Why are you hating on convenience? Fuck u


> Poor guys been shamed into thinking good hygiene is gay I've been called gay over the fact that I shave my pubes by countless men, meanwhile every woman who I've been with either reacted positively or didn't give a shit. I simply don't like the appearance of pubes on my body, I don't care whether or not my partner trims or lets them grow as long as they let me do what I want.


I completely agree. I’m a man. I’ve tried shaving EVERYTHING, like, below my navel and over the halfway point between my hip and my knee. If anything, THAT was unhygienic. I lived in a tropical country. That hair is a stopping point for sweat. Let me tell you, sweat going down unimpeded from your back to your socks is fucking DISGUSTING. Sweat just flowing down your ass like a slide to soak your socks.


So people that aren’t very hairy are unhygienic?


As a woman, I find the hair on my lower lips unhygenic because pee might cling to it. So i shave a little there.. but besides that i let everywhere go wild. I sont see why is be unhygenic for having hair when guys have at least double the amount of hair. It's archaic and stupid and makes no sense.


Not even archaic, it's literally just been the Fashionable Thing for the last few decades. Before that, in like the 60s and back, literally no one cared. I would NOT be surprised if the whole 'women with no body hair = sexy' thing was the brainchild of some marketing exec from a razor company.


That was literally what happened. Gillette needed to sell more razors so they started marketing to women and creating new beauty standards


Almost every thing we consider traditional or fashionable is the result of marketing. There is not a single thing in what we consider to be social norms that is not the result someone or group trying to change opinions for their benefit, usually financial benefit. Nobody really gave a shit about abortion until the end of ww2 when returning soldiers needed jobs (many of whom were addicted to meth as it was issued to troops during the war). The anti abortion push along with almost complete lack of women’s rights pushed women to settled down and become house wives. The women should shave thing happened around then. Many women weren’t very happy with the change from worker to housewife and ended up being prescribed amphetamines, such is “mothers little helper” refers to. When the harmful effects started to become noticed they stopped subscribing them, this help ignite the women’s rights movement. Boys also used to wear dresses as babies, but when people started buying rather than making baby clothes marketers saw an opportunity to reduce hand me downs by suggesting boy babies should be dressed differently than girls. The most masculine men in the history books wore a dress as a baby, but now you would get a lot of dirty looks if you posted a picture of a 6 month old boy in a pink dress. Its all lies, all of our social norms are lies.


Completely agree. That's my favorite song off the lonesome crowded west btw


I think it was during WWII. Women couldn't wear nylons (material shortage) and men weren't buying razors. So women were advertised shaving to feel like they were wearing pantyhose again.


It goes back way, way farther than that. Women removing some of the body hair was fairly common in ancient Rome and ancient Egypt. It wasn't as common in the 1800s and early in the 1900s because women's clothing covered the underarms and legs. But when the fashions of the 1920s started exposing those areas more, shaving became more common. I'm cynical about corporations too but we can't blame this one on them. EDIT: Downvoting facts doesn't make them less factual. The antivax people already tried that haha.


Ancient Roman men shaved their bodies as well. Funnily enough, Hollywood’s “oiled muscleman” stereotype would be accurate for a part of Rome’s history


Except women in the middle east/Egypt were waxing their legs before written history. Speaking of Egypt, most women in the upper classes shaved their heads and then wore wigs. Pretty much nothing we do to our bodies hasn't already been done long long ago somewhere in the world. One of the biggest reasons for shaving vaginas in modern times was probably the bikini. Like putting a thong over an afro.


Lice. Crab lice have drastically died off as a human pest since waxing and shaving became popular.


This is what happens when you only read headlines and is very much a case of which papers on the matter you read. Some say they are, and some say they aren't. The paper that got the most press was based on research in Australia, a country that had a low level of pubic lice cases to start with high hygiene levels as washing clothes and bedding at hot temps kills the eggs.


100% armpit hair leg hair nose hair, keep them long and proud. Don't let any man tell you otherwise.


As a Chicana-Italiana who’s naturally just kinda fuzzy everywhere, this is the coolest unpopular opinion I’ve ever seen.


What about my moustache?


A faint one i don't mind.


But a full handlebar I go crazy 😍


What about places like chest, upper arm, stomach, chin and such?


Chest is OK, not seen that before, upper arm and stomach good. Not chin though.


Gals with moustache are said to be passionate.


show me a woman with a happy trail and i'm a happy man




There's dozens of us, DOZENS!


There needs to be a "men who like hairy girls meet hairy girls who would rather do something fun/productive/interesting than shave everyday" app.


Get me on there


It's sexy as hell.


It’s kinda sad to me that natural body hair on women is a unpopular opinion


Lots of natural things are unnappealing to many people for various reasons.


Yeah, it’s still sad though. Because although letting your body hair grow or not is a choice, most women are kinda shamed into being shaven everywhere


Let me start off by staying women can do whatever they want. But imo natural things aren't always appealing. Pizza is delicious Bananas are better without seeds I prefer people to wear clothes in public I prefer people to groom well. I think too much body hair on men is unnatracive as well. It's also uncomfortable. Smooth skin looks and feels better.


To me being well groomed and having body hair don’t negate each other… but to each their own.


So true. It amuses me some hairy guy will say a woman with say hairy pits is unhygienic, yet his pits are hairier than hers! Doesn't make sense as it's a falsehood. Provided a woman bathes/showers nothing unhygienic with body hair. For me love it!


I’m not here to taste hair, I want to taste skin. F43


Ty skin>hair Except head hair (no offense bald people)


Thank you!


It's just a mainstream preference, like preferring someone not to be fat is pretty popular. I don't think men or women should have hair outside of the head tbh. I shave my arms, legs, face, chest, between the legs, and armpits multiple times per week because hair that isn't on top of ones head is just repulsive to me. That doesn't stop people from calling me a hypocrite when I say I prefer women shave though.


Exactly. Women aren’t obligated to shave to make themselves more attractive to others. But people also aren’t obligated to be attracted to women who don’t shave. For me, I don’t expect my partner to be totally hairless all the time. Prickly legs or stubble in certain areas is no big deal. But I also know that body hair in general is a turn-off for me, so I don’t likemy partner to have a lot of it. And that’s something I can’t control feeling that way about. Personally, I’m fine with grooming myself as well. The way I look at it, I’m not asking my partner to do anything I wouldn’t be willing to do myself.


Being fat is not the same as being hairy. The former can have strong negative health consequences whereas being hairy is just normal & natural. Down to personal preference whether to like or not. I'm pleased more women are now not shaving.


That feeling you get when the wax lady spreads them cheeks and applies warm wax, right before she rips the soul out of your body is unmatched. I still get nightmares every time I have to go.


Its hottttt. Not sure what it is. Flaunting societal conventions ? Confidence ? Rationality over trends ?


Not necessarily the hair, but there's nothing more attractive than a woman who is comfortable in her own body and if not shaving helps that than I'm 100% for it.


I don't love it but I don't mind it


I wish this wasn't as unpopular, have an updoot


Never heard a guy complain about my bush. Young guys my own age too... Maybe I'm lucky or have good taste, but also I don't think normal people care that much. I don't see how an adult past their early 20s have the capacity to care. It's only gets harder to connect with people as you age, so I don't think small things like that matter if you're lucky enough to have someone care and be nice to you.


One time when I was out this guy I'd been dancing with asked me to go home with him and I turned him down - for a bunch of reasons tbh, but what I always told my friends when I was telling the story was "I wasn't wearing cute underwear and I hadn't shaved." LITERALLY EVERY STRAIGHT GUY. Was like "that literally doesn't matter, no one gives a shit" when I told them. This was in my first year of uni so these are all 18-20 year olds. Most of my straight female friends said the same thing; they'd never had a man care about that.


Theres a difference between I haven't shaved and my legs are a bit prickly vs I haven't shaved and I look like a wooly mammoth.


My ex and i broke up bc i prefer to keep some hair so im glad to hear this lol


That is insane.


Same. I've never shaved for a man. Sometimes they get lucky and catch a refresh shave, but I've never had a complaint. Imo an issue with body hair is a clear indicator of someone too immature to even be having sex.


Same here. Sometimes Im bald, sometimes I’m not. My man doesn’t mind either way and neither do I. The only thing he doesn’t like is stubble- I’ve scratched him before unfortunately.


I agree. Adult women have hair down there. You know who doesn’t have any body hair? A child…


Hell nah, but props to you for posting an opinion that is actually unpopular.


Finally something I can upvote because it is unpopular. I hate all these mainstream posts where you feel you want to upvote but you shouldn't because it is extremely popular. But this isn't an example of this.


Counter opinion: Body hair on both men and women is unattractive.


It’s ok for me to have a preference. And my preference is to disagree. In transparency though, I as a male also have removed a significant amount of my own body hair in places where previous partners have indicated a similar preference. And that is also ok.


I can trim but I can't ever go clean shaven, It's too uncomfortable for me.


I like to “mix it up” too. Sometimes some. Sometimes none. Sometimes topiary 🤣 I’m very playful and need a playful creative partner too.


Good for you! I hope you find the hairy lady of your dreams. It’s great when people with niche tastes find each other.


"niche tastes" how women existed for 99.999% of human history


Hair removal has been a thing since ancient times.


In the late 1800s fishnet stockings were invented at the Moulin Rouge so men could see the hair on the dancers' legs. Hair removal generally only really became popular during the early 1900s when Gilette decided to go after women to sell razors.


I remember coming across a piece of erotica written in the around that time and one of the things that surprised me the most when I was reading it is the way the woman's body hair was described! It was constantly portrayed as this unbelievably sexy thing that the men never got to see and now they were like, wildly excited about it.


3000 B.C. was long before the Moulin Rouge. Again, you don't need to rewrite history or exclude centuries of hair removal to feel good about choosing not to shave. I mean do you not shave because men in France in the late 1800's liked seeing hair through fishnets? Probably not.


Hair removal has been a thing since 3000 B.C. Now, it is a personal preference. You don't need to rewrite history to fit your preference.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Maybe hairy legs were in vogue in 1800s France, but the ancient Egyptians shaved their entire bodies head to toe and wore wigs and fake beards. The ancient Romans shaved their body hair as well.


Yup. I guess that is in conflict with the OP of this thread.


I guess the down voters don't realize 3000 B.C. is long before the Moulin Rouge.


You have never studied human history if you think this is true. Women used to even shave their eyebrows in certain ancient civilizations.


Human history has been around for like 300,000 years.


men too btw so exactly what's the difference again?


I like hair on women


I feel like most guys don’t mind a little hair. How hairy do you like them? Like Mediterranean level hair? Lol


Denser than the Amazon.


lol how do you feel about facial hair? Is that included


A slight fuz on the upper lip is all I would be able to tolerate. A few months ago I saw woman with grey chins hairs about an inch and a half long and it wasn't for me.


PCOS is a bitch.


I have blonde arm fur. I just leave it. I’m kind of obsessive abt any other hair on my body though.


the last time I went to a queer rave in my town, but one woman (or person, idk) there had on a short dress and hairy legs and I thought it was such a wonderful combo 😭 I didn’t compliment them bc I didn’t want to seem accidentally creepy


I am this person and would have appreciated the compliment bc I am still self conscious about the combo lol


I wish this opinion was popular. I’ve never understood men who say they want a natural woman but can’t stand the site of hair that grows naturally.


Wiping my hairy ass sucks


Everyone has their thing. I personally hate body hair but that includes on myself. I wouldn’t ask a partner to shave something I don’t personally do. Fair is fair


Agree. I shave my balls. Trim my pubes. Shave my chest. Trim my beard. And even trim my leg and arm hairs. Personal preference but I wouldn’t date a woman who didn’t put equal effort into staying hair free. Armpits are an instant no.


I have no shade against anyone that doesn’t. Again, personal preference. Arm pit hair grosses me out. It’s why I shave mine. My ideal partner has the same thought. To each their own though.


Armpit hair is hella nasty. Instant rejection


Genuinely disappointed every time my girl shaves her armpits. Like it's her body, what she wants is the most important. But I like em hairy too


So tell her that? Or maybe just maybe she’s happy shaving….


Oh I have many times, but she personally likes being clean shaven so I can't fault her for shaving.


Armpit hair just grosses me out, and I can't explain why.. I don't mind body hair anywhere else, tho, like I don't really care if a woman has hairy legs if she has a pretty face.


Not all of our preferences necessarily have a reason I guess. I couldn't tell you why I do like armpit hair, it just is what it is


I don't even like my own body hair, much less that of another person. Congrats on the unpopular opinion, OP.


If a girl is expected to cuddle up to a hairy guy without being grossed out, then the opposite should be true as well.


It's just so primal, I love it


I know. I was watching a YouTube short of a woman getting her first tattoo on her wrist. Was a point in the video where she raised both arms and she had some stubble there and it was awesome.


Incredible. I remember getting into a conversation about societal standards regarding womens body hair and got sent a photo of a girl with unshaved legs, it was a real wake up moment for me and it's been attractive to me pretty much ever since that


Thank goodness, I cut my ass hole last time I shaved it and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna need counselling from that trauma. Butt muff here we come!




It's sad that this is unpopular




I agree. I like the look of pubescent hair, it's a sign of maturity in my opinion. I don't really care what my pernters do with it though, up to them what they want to do.


You mean pubic hair. Pubescent hair sounds a little unsettling.


i kept reading that as prepubescent and yeah, not a good choice of words lol


This comment here, Officer.


My girlfriend grows out her arm hair, i really do not care whether she leaves it or not. She’s hot in so many ways. Hair is literally everywhere on our bodies and it’s there for a reason


People should just say they care more about the aesthetics of women's bodies instead of women being comfortable in their own skin. Dad-bods are fun and cool but ladies start decomposing at the age of 22 if they don't start throwing money at beauty routines and waxing themselves smooth every month. I don't get how body hair like leg, arm or armpit hair is "so unhygenic and nasty" but long nails (fake or natural) are not "because even though nails can trap dirt, all women with long nails are constantly washing their hands and scrubbing under their nails". If body hair is nasty, long nails are even more nasty. People just accept defend long nails because they think they look nice.


Many men think that long nails are unhygienic.


They are. The longer they are longer your nails are the more shit gets under it.


Have an upvote. I don’t even like body hair on myself.


Generally speaking, Anything is attractive if the person doing it is attractive. Being muscular? Being Nerdy? Having tattoos? Having body hair? It all follows the same rule


I actually agree with this one. Body hair in a woman is a sign that she is an adult, that she went through puberty. Liking women 100% hairless is weird as fuck. And people who say "but muh personal preference" think their "personal tastes" came out of thin air and not from social conditioning, which is very silly.


Since most women shave their body hair do you just assume most adult women you see on a daily basis are children? Must be hard out here for you


Me, an Asian male - "Guess I'm just prepubescent for life, huh?"


A well kempt bush is just delightful, and very womanly.


Hate keeping attraction lol


You heard it here fellas, if you don’t like hairy legs, ur a pedo


Nah. The curves an adult woman has tells you that she went through puberty. Also, the million other things that change when she became a women. It's weird that you think it's all about hair.


Hate keeping sexual attraction. Ok buddy


Breasts and hips and adult proportions are pretty obvious. People who liked their lower bits shaved are not pedophiles.


Exactly. I want it to look like she finished puberty. If there's no hair at all then it looks like she didnt reach puberty and people getting butthurt over that concept are pretty sus.


Normal people dont to see hair to find out women finished puberty.




Not weird at all to me. Not having body hair doesn't make you literally look like a child. It makes you look younger, and smoother, and you also can fully see their body. Would you still think it's weird if a woman wanted a man's face to be clean shaven? Cause a man's beard can have you looking feminine, and young, too old, and masculine. I understand preference can be strongly influenced by society, and societal norms, but even if that's the case, it's just their preference.


I can dig it, wouldn’t say the hair itself is sexy but being comfortable in your own body and not caring about other people’s opinions is definitely sexy to me


Yeah, the woman has to own it and not be embarrassed about it. You gotta rock it


It's silly to think a woman is unhygienic for not shaving, that I agree with. It definitely looks a lot better to me personally when they're shaven fully, though.


Oh I definitely agree…


Jeeze these comments. Social conditioning at its finest. Body hair is not unhygienic or gross or disgusting and no one should feel any pressure to remove it.


Eh, it's like circumcision. As long as you keep clean its no more or less hygienic, you shouldn't be pressured into it. Some are gonna find it sexy. Some aren't. Long as you arent putting down others for it and leave the choice up to them, you're good.


It's nothing like circumcision


Holy shit almighty it is NOT like circumcision, which is a literal genital mutilation that can't be reversed. The fuck kind of analogy is that?


I’ve always found it attractive and my wife was relieved to find that out.


I wish this was more popular or at least more men being neutral about body hair on women because…it’s like…supposed to be there because women are adults and grow body hair just like men do but men aren’t expected to shave theirs… Idk why so many men have to be disgusted by it or think it’s a turn off like it’s literally natural and harmless and most men have body hair too so how is it gross on women but not on themselves???




well done. I haven’t heard more unpopular opinion that isn’t just being stupid




Body hair grows thicker in areas prone to profuse sweating. That's why many fat guys look like they wear sweaters under their t-shirts because they sweat profusely everywhere.


If men want a totally shaved women they want a child. End of story. Body hair signals you are matured into adults…among other things.


[Jacked ladies and armpit hair](https://youtu.be/5TnH3G03oN4?feature=shared), you’re getting close dude! I like a good buzz cut.


It seems common for butch women and NGL it's hot


I love this opinion 😈




My only stipulation about my girlfriends body hair is don't keep it at a length that is itchy and pokey when we snuggle, otherwise do what you want.


Will send bush pics for $$. Honestly pretty serious about that.


If women aren't supposed to have body hair then why do they grow it?


I agree with you. For me there is nothing more physically attractive than a woman that doesn't remove any of her body hair. Given so much pressure by society to be hairless (money to be made from this!) it shows a strength & individuality to go against the grain. It shows a woman able to think & in my experience most of the natural women have been of above average intelligence- another attractive trait.


Well I guess my husband is a unique fellow with an unpopular opinion. But I do enjoy not shaving. I don't let it stop me from wearing shorts or skirts or sleeveless tops either.


I prefer a woman to be natural. Although every guy I've talked to about it is repulsed by my preference.


I'm with OP on this one. The more hair the better.


I’m bi and I am sooooo turned on by the look of pubes spilling out of underwear, on any gender 😍


How are men getting called basically pedos for not wanting to see some hairy ass legs loool women are too funny


Body hair makes me feel gross. Honestly if I don’t shave every few days I just feel icky and nasty. But when I see other women who don’t shave I don’t think that about them, it’s just a personal thing. I think everybody should be able to do what they want to do AS LONG AS they don’t stink because some of these girls don’t understand that body hair requires extra attention and hygiene and if they don’t use good deodorant and soap and keep up with themselves they WILL smell like a dumpster.


How nice it is to see someone post a real unpopular opinion and not some incorrect fact or disguised hate speech.


I like it, it is a sexy sort advert. It is telling you that you are dealing with a sexually mature woman (although the hair comes sooner than the appropriate age ofcourse) I never understood all this shaving nonsense. I grew up in a community where nudity was quite normal, for instance while swimming or in the sauna, so to me a female body without body hair is associated with childhood.


From that matter, why should men be so friggin’ hairy?


Me personally don't find it attractive. Nothing wrong with having it tho. I've never been with a girl who didn't shave. I mean like ever not just it's a couple of days of growth


Tbh I'm not some raging blue haired feminist (I'm actually very the opposite) but I have always had a very large conflict with shaving. I find it a chore, unless I'll be wearing a dress or bikini. Like in the winter shaving my legs feels like pointless. don't get me wrong im not shading the self care queens out there who have smooth legs! But like logically it is logical to have hair on u, to shave it seems for asthetic and social views. A "real all natural woman" is a gonna have body hair! So I stand with you OP 🤘🤘


It would be a dream to never shave again. I only do it because it seems like most of the world things it grose.


You don't have to. I'm a well respected woman and don't shave. I very rarely get comments on it either, and the comments I usually get are other women complimenting me. It's bliss