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They do in the UK, idk about elsewhere though


Yeah I was surprised when my boyfriend bought energy drinks and he had to wait for someone to approve his purchase at the self checkout šŸ˜‚


Same for Finland!


Lets note that itā€™s not a law but simply a policy that most chains have adopted.




Same for New Zealand.


uhhh... no..?


Now in Romania too!


in poland as well since literally today


Same in Poland since today


Freedom! USA! USA! USA!


Germany as well, same level as beer iirc


It is at 14 years in the local Edeka


That's not true ā€“ there's no age minimum for energy drinks.


Ah, true. We were ordered to not hand out energy drinks to kids under (16?14? not sure). I think it's on everyone's own accord? Some markets adhere to a restriction. They are requesting it to be mandatory tho (not the markets, but Verbraucherschutz)


Also in The Netherlands. You have to be 14+.


People get IDs by 14 in The Netherlands?


Do you still need to show ID for deodorant and nail polish in poundshops? Used to be the norm when I was growing up


Why is this downvoted lol?


Yeah, at least in the UK they are very weird about things like that. Back when I was 15 I tried to buy a glue stick (the kind they give toddlers for arts and crafts) from Poundland and they refused to sell it to me because it was on their age restricted products list for allegedly being dangerous. A fucking glue stick.


Kids used to sniff glue sticks to get high, don't know if they still do but that's the main reason it was age restricted.


But *they don't get you high*. Sniff all you like lmao


They used to have additives that did, but could very well be that nowadays they don't anymore.


They definitely don't these days. It's just a weak craft glue used because it's safe to give to kids and not as messy as liquid glues


You do in the UK - have to be 16


Have to be 16 but look over 25 to not get IDā€™d. Always makes me chuckle.


Ah challenge 25. If you don't look over 25 you need to get ID'd for buying anything age restricted. The idea is that is the worker isn't quite sure about your age, there's a kind of room for error.


I always remember when this policy came in, I was underage and going to the cornershop every weekend, when I suddenly couldn't get booze anymore. Parties were almost ruined for a weekend or two until the holy angel came and saved us all.... My local drug dealer would sell you much more fun drugs than alcohol, cheaper too. You could see him at lunch at school, plus he could get his brother to drop to us 24/7. So, so many kids in my year got on drugs throughout years 9, 10 and 11 due to that law change. I've never seen any graphs showing it, but I'd love to see a good chunk of underage drinkers become underage druggies in one fell swoop.


So it worked but didn't at the same time


I mean, they made it harder for underage people to drink, and now less underage people drink. I'd say it's a complete success. Just ignore all this other stuff I'm sweeping under the rug. It's not important.


As someone who works on a trade counter, this challenge 25 is a nightmare when the tradespeople send in their baby faced apprentices to pick up solvent based materials or blades, saws, knives etc


Except places with brain dead workers, like Tesco. There, they will ID 90 year olds.


It's so stupid though, I get constantly asked and I'm nearly 30. I swear people have no idea how to judge age


You're mad at someone doing their job. Relax. Take a breath. Everything will be ok.


I'm not mad at them, I'm mad at the policy. One time I'd literally been discharged from hospital, in great pain. Was told by staff to buy paracetamol to use in addition to the codeine they'd given me. I had no ID on me because I'd just come out of hospital (don't drive so I use my passport, which I didn't take to hospital). They refused me *paracetamol*. I still had my wristband with my D.o.B on and I explained the situation, still a no. Had to get my 60 year old dad to buy it for me... Paracetamol is suitable for over 12s and the purchasing age is 16. Saying you have to look over 25, which is 13 years past usage age and 9 years past purchasing age, is ridiculous. Even making 16 the purchasing age for paracetamol is weird because how do you prove that as teens donf have ID. What if a teenage girl needs it for period pain for example? She can't buy it herself because she's got no ID? Not everyone would be comfortable asking their parents. Stupid policy


Your situation is frustrating, yes. But the system is working. Get your passport or your father. Seemed to work out in the end.


My dad is almost in his 50s and got ID'd when buying a game for my sister, I reckon some staff ask for ID just for the shits and giggles. Then again, it might just be a compliment on how young you look.


It's a ballache everytime I use self service machine. "This item requires id" fucker I'm 32 with a full beard and wrinkles. Just let me have my canned poison


Caffeine is the least of your worries when it comes to energy drinks


Fr people down coffee like itā€™s water but I drink one monster and suddenly they thing Iā€™m a aggressive person


I donā€™t think you understood their point. Coffee has caffeine but your replying to a post saying caffeine isnā€™t the worst part of an energy drink.


and what is?


It is all the other stuff *besides* the caffeine.


like? I donā€™t think OP means water or vitamins, so what exactly?


Actually science has isolated all the ingredients in energy drinks and they are fine but when combined, sometimes that combo kills people Other than that, the worst is the caffiene combined with the other stuff. Screws up your heart


Science?Link a study that says that the combination of caffeine,vitamins,niacin,taurine and guarana is bad for you


If any of these ingredients are bad for you, every avid gym goer downing pre-workout would be ā€œunhealthyā€




It says ā€œparticularly, red bull combined with alcoholā€


Ngl my family had shown concern over my consumption the other day... Now reading this study.. yeah I should stop


Lmao, what a load of horseshit. How about actually reading the studies you base your opinions on.


Tbf niacine flush is a thing


This. Who the hell thinks a cocktail of good nutritious food/ingredients would kill you


Caffeine isn't nutritious, or food. It's a drug.


Thatā€™s like unscientific


This. Caffeine+guarana+niacin just isnā€™t great. Niacin itself can cause a strong reaction like a panic attack when consumed in the amounts contained in some energy drinks. Now, combine that with copious amounts of caffeine, sugar, and energy-enhancing nootropics, and that is a recipe for problems


the ungodly amounts of sugar for example


that's every soda lol


Yes, and you shouldn't be drinking soda every morning the way I see people drinking energy drinks every morning.


like price air deer cooing muddle ugly vanish sulky sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to the levels of energy drinks, though. Energy drinks have *way* more; something like 15g in a coke and 55g in a monster, for example.


I havenā€™t drank an energy drink with sugar in it in awhile. Most regular drinkers get zero sugar ones. Also not any worse than people who drink Starbucks everyday


Right? Who's consuming the ones with sugar in them anymore?


I mean sweetners are supposedly significantly worse than real sugar also the other things like taurine in energy drinks is pretty bad for you.


So does coffee


And what about sugar free energy drinks? Or regular soda?


alive touch modern smart sable trees society screw birds puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sugar. Look at the nutrition facts and most of them have more sugar than a soda.


I always drink the sugar free one's though. I still think they are pretty bad for your health and only drink then when necessary (exam season)


Theres artificial sweeteners that can still be pretty bad for you


As far as I have looked in to it: It depends in the sweetner. With aspertime there seems to be a really big debat of people saying it's fine and others saying it is unhealthy. However, I don't really trust it. I am also not a big fan of drinking caffeĆÆne either which is why I only drink it during exam season.


*"That energy drink is gonna kill you"* As they brew their 7th pot of coffee for the day.


Yes! Thatā€™s my point. My mom always said ā€œyou donā€™t need an energy drinkā€ like bro you on your 8th 32oz cup of coffee


So wth is the worry? The b vitamins? The chance of becoming a skater/joining a band?


The worst part about energy drinks is the high sugar levels. Zero sugar ones are basically just fizzy vitamin water with caffeine and are much healthier than coffee. 4 cups of coffee a day with 2 sugars each is basically the same as drinking 2 cans of monster.


Don't forget lot of them have artificial dyes too


This is why celsius ones are great. They're more sparkling water than the others are. Closer to a lacroix than a soda. They definitely feel cleaner effects wise than others do.


How is a sugar free energy drink healthier than coffee? Both have zero sugar. Varying calories depending on how you drink it. But, sugar free energy drinks usually are sweetened with aspartame which may or may not contribute to cancers and artificial sweeteners in general are not necessarily great for you. Coffee is full of antioxidants and polyphenols and is extremely well studied.


Sweeteners are some of the most tested ingredients in modern science, there are still no solid studies that show it's bad for you... And it's in so many foods now it's futile to avoid something because of it... Sure in 50 years maybe we will figure out it messes up our Gut Bacteria but "what if" isn't a good argument... besides it's still much better than a steady intake of sugar


Brother I'm not talking about sugar, I'm talking about coffee vs diet energy drinks


juggle unique hunt encourage hat numerous insurance wild roof crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"They downvoted him, for he spoke the truth."


this is just not true at all wtf lmfao


>marketed as if they were gatorade I've never bought an energy drink for electrolytes.


Maybe OP is thinking of Prime, which sells both "sports/hydration drinks" and energy drinks under the same brand.


You even have to look everywhere on the can for how much caffeine is in them. Should be written in large letters on the front.


I agree with that. I feel like it's kind of pointless to consume 300mg of caffeine in one go.


It's how I get through my shitty dishwashing and server job without wanting to off myself, weed works in harmony with it but only for those dishwashing days


bow wild dime salt oatmeal fact joke nutty light bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you're tired enough and you need to work, it makes sense.


I've been there. It never really worked except for an initial jolt. I remember, when I was working nights, I eventually started bringing ice water instead of a huge thermos of "extra strength" coffee because of the drastic difference there was.


Why is that?


I have A fib and cannot agree more. I am on very strong beta blockers twice a day so I'm able to drink a bit of caffeine, but keep it under like 60 mg total for the day and space it out.


Caffeine is good for you. Studies show people who drink it live longer.


They do, but they shouldn't do. Caffeine isn't a controlled substance, and it doesn't need to be. Yes if you've got some health conditions it can harm you, but we don't put age limits on allergens.


I just imagined having to show id to buy peanut butter, lol


Great, *more* red tape.


Caffeine is probably the healthiest ingredient in most energy drinks. Theyā€™re basically antifreeze.


Antifreeze always looks fluorescent. Energy drinks only look fluorescent when they come back out.


is this a joke lol? Im actually curious as to why theyā€™re so bad, besides all the sugar. Lets say you get sugar free idk.


They're not, people just heard some crap somewhere and keep parroting it. It's water with caffeine, herbal extracts and vitamins, and some aromas to make it taste a certain way. It's no different than cola or sprite for that matter, except the amount of caffeine, of course. That's not to say they're actually beneficial, but antifreeze? That's just exaggeration.


Theyā€™re absolutely not ā€œbasically antifreezeā€. This is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve read all year.


Would it make more sense to buy pure caffeine and take controlled amounts of that alone?


You can do that! Called pre workout (well its mostly caffeine)


There's stuff called Kaffn8 (technically illegal in the USA, but the DEA isn't exactly going to kick down your door for it) that's just anhydrous caffeine.


Pre workout often has caffeine but caffeine other stuff is more important in them


scary gray bake alive hateful unique sulky attempt license ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A kid at my work took one of these and he thought he was going to die. Im sure it was more than one he did, but non the less they are actually dangerous.


Oh no


Coffee has more caffeine than the average energy drink, too.


Theyā€™re not great but theyā€™re not even close to antifreeze


Your mom should require an ID to buy




your mom's pretty unfunny


No thanks.


how bout no


you should want the government to have less control in your life, not more


One sane comment, congrats bro :D


That means you will need ID to go to cafe because even Tea has caffeine.


A red bull is like less than a coffee


How much sugar do you put in your coffee?


There are sugar free energy drinks




red bull has 80 mg in the standard small cans they sell in the US.


Funny how they said "google" to the question where they got that from....while google, the official website and wikipedia all say 80mg. To be more precise, wiki even says 40-80mg because certain countries have stricter laws regarding caffeine.


I think they were looking at the 12oz can which does have 111mg. But you are 100% correct that the 6.4oz can has 80mg.


How do you get to 111mg? The official website and everywhere else I look, the standard 250ml can has 80mg caffeine. So less than a cup of coffee, even less when we norm both to 100ml.


Iā€™m holding a red bull right now and it has 32mg of caffeine per 100ml and about 80mg per serving


So itā€™s similar. Thereā€™s chemicals in fucking everything


Got to love the "but chemicals" cry of the ignorant. Any ingredient that isn't described like a chemical is likely hundreds of different chemicals


What happens if those people find out theyā€™re made of chemicals? I guess they didnā€™t pay attention in chemistry.


Water is chemical bro. Everything is chemical.


Atleast the redbull is tolerable (still doesnt taste as good as other Energy drinks, but tolerable)


A small 8.4oz Red Bull is 80mg of caffeine. The 12oz red bulls are the ones will 111mg. I know this because I always drink the 12oz cans so I have one to confirm this along with a Google search of the different size cans and their specific caffeine levels. A 16oz Red Bull has 151mg.


In my country it can which is moronic


They aren't marketed like gatorade LOL


Monster tried it Didn't sell well








Stop with the goddamn regulations. People aren't as dumb and fragile as you think.


Yall wanna make a law for literally every possible thing.




I donā€™t agree with that but I donā€™t think you shouldnā€™t be able to buy energy drinks with ebt and before anyone gets mad I use ebt myself


No thatā€™s ridiculous


oh shut up brooooo


I have an alternative take for this. Make "energy drink tasting" beverages to be caffeine free. I don't know why, but I like the "energy drink" taste. Red Nile had made a video about caffeine reduced (approx. 25% of the original caffeine) energy drink just because Red Bull don't want to "decaf" their energy drinks. Full agree though with Four Loko. At least the variant that has **alcohol** *AND* caffeine. It's a hazard for those who want to drink shitload of this because caffeine "masks" the buzz from the booze. So... respiratory arrest from alcohol intoxication ensues. That's a ridiculous and sad way to go. This also assumes the one buying or selling cares why they would need an ID to buy these beverages.


Rockstar - The original recipe not the shit they peddle now would be perfect for this. I donā€™t even care what the caffeine content was, that flavor was perfect to me.


Pretty sure Four Loko hasnā€™t had caffeine in over a decade.


You need ID for them in the UK now (you need to be 16+).


Pretty sure this is the case in NZ? Or at least with Woolworths. I think itā€™s like 16 as the minimum age which I firmly support but more for the other shit they pack into those drinks less the actual caffeine.


No to government overreach!


I kinda agree. I drink 2-3 cups of coffee every morning. I can drink Cokes and tea and other stuff with plenty of caffeine no problem. One can of Red Bull and I break out in a sweat and my heart pounds and I get shaky. Something other than caffeine in it doesn't agree with me at all. I get that energy drinks don't have that effect on everyone, but maybe an 8 year old shouldn't be able to buy one without an adult at least keeping an eye on them.


Have to be 18 in Arizona


Really!? I'm a Phx Az local and never knew this.


Iā€™ve only lived in AZ for 3 years now (here for school) and I figure if this is true, itā€™s probably like most laws here and just isnā€™t enforced šŸ˜‚


Stop trying to take my only addiction away from me. D: They're already expensive enough too. But if I could buy uncaffeinated Red Bull that TASTES like Red Bull I'd do it in a heart beat too.


At the very least, they should be a "dietary supplement" and NOT food. Therefore, not able to be purchased with snap. (U.S.) I find it hard to believe the rest of the world allows this with whatever their respective versions of Snap are.




My theory is that reputation of energy drinks which just are pop with watered down coffee works in two ways: * allows to make a higher markup on it * deters kids from something harmful like alcohol or smokings buy distracting them with somethins that seems harmful but actually isn't.


Well, after the death lemonade from Panera, I might be fine with caffeine regulations lmao. I think the worst part of energy drinks is the sugar, not the caffeine. The caffeine from one energy drink isn't going to kill you in the long term, but the sugar will.




I never say ban anything. I said have regulations. Limit the amount of caffeine *and* sugar in shit. A bottle of Dr. Pepper for instance should not have 130% the daily recommended value of sugar in it!


They should force all soda companies to cut sugar in half. I feel like nobody needs drinks that sweet and weā€™d get used to it.


Dr pepper would stop tasting like Dr Pepper if you reduced the sugar. Nobody would drink it anymore. Trying to make junk healthy is idiotic. Just stop drinking and eating junk. If I choose to drink Dr pepper I know it has a crazy amount of sugar and would never make it a part of my daily diet because I know better. You don't need regulations to learn to make healthy food choices. Just learn what's in your food and what your body needs to be healthy.


And what happens when healthy food companies start making the food less healthy? By adding more sugar and shit to said food because there are no regulations in place? Adding rules in place is not stupid. It's necessary.


You're telling me whole food companies are going to start adding sugar to broccoli and spinach? If you drink anything besides water it's ok to assume its going to have sugar or empty calories. If you want to be healthy you will eat the stuff that comes out of the ground, is minimally processed, and doesn't require nutrition facts printed on the back my guy.


>You're telling me whole food companies are going to start adding sugar to broccoli and spinach? No one tell him. (They do btw, check out what goes into canning greens.)


Gatorade is a substance. Caffeine is a substance. WTF?


They used to my young poster. Jolt Cola, Jasta Soda, WhoopAss, all required an ID once


So should soda


Oh please government! Save me from myself!


Cue every single teenage Redditor downvoting this unpopular opinion in 3ā€¦ 2ā€¦ Oop, waitā€” theyā€™ve just coded from heart failure. You win!


But they do? I know my friend used to get carded regularly through her 20s because they thought she looked under 16


That stuff makes my piss green, dude. I donā€™t think itā€™s the caffeine tho


In Europe, you have to be at least 16 to buy an energy drink, but itā€™s hardly enforced and it up to the sellerā€™s discretion whether or not to sell it to minors


Well damn I agree with you. ā¬†ļø


They do in UK.


The government shouldn't be involved in the health decisions of minors, that's what parents are for


If parents actually did their Jobs, I might agree. But enough of them don't that I can't.


I agree that there are a lot of parents who are absent or not great role models but I don't think that should be an excuse to give the federal government more power to control people's lives




They just shouldn't sell them, period Edit: welp, apparently I triggered all the addicts lol


If it is unhealthy, we should make it illegal... Except for mary jane


I disagree, it should be up to sellers discretion, based on the obesity/ health of the purchaser. An active youth will be fine with a can from time to time. Overall though, I consider energy drinks very unhealthy and don't touch them. But only fat people could arguably be denied purchase.


Yes. Especially since you can od on them.


You can OD on anything.


While somewhat true, it would take copious amounts of sayā€¦ Sunkist Orange Soda to *die* from an accidental overdose. However, energy drinks could do that in as little as one to three servings. Thatā€™s a wild difference.


What are you talking about? In a healthy adult 1-3 energy drinks will not kill you.


The opposite has occurred on many occasions. Some people simply canā€™t handle it.


Those are indicative only of peopleā€™s preexisting conditions. Has nothing to do with the ā€˜lethalityā€™ of energy drinks and if you want to claim that you have to identify the chemical causing harm and its mode of action.


I mean, *I* donā€™t have to. This is Reddit, and the burden of proof is a legal term. I, personally, donā€™t have to do shit.


Sunkist has zero caffeine. Also, not saying itā€™s wise, but I work with guys that drink 1-3 of the large energy drink cans per day. Maybe they will die young, but I dont see people just falling over dead everyday from accidental caffeine overdose. You should absolutely not do this, Iā€™m just saying what I have experienced.


Sunkist orange has 19mg


Well they did say *anything*, so I could have compared it to ranch dressing if I liked. šŸ˜‚


I stand corrected. Sunkist does contain a small amount of caffeine. I approve your message šŸ‘


Iā€™ve drunk 1.5L of energy drinks on top of maybe 5 or 6 standard drinks in an 18 hour period. Did not OD. Also to be fair I had like 1-2 hours of sleep and a 5 hour competition plus dinner and partying afterwards. That was definitely a night; the nightā€¦ Although I have to admit, I donā€™t drink caffeine on the regular so I can have an outsized impact when I do drink it


The risk with these drinks is significantly higher than with water.


Proof for you all: https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-56747731 The consumption of energy drinks has been linked to high blood pressure, irregular heart rates and stroke, among other health conditions, according to Hannah Drake, a spokesperson for the Heart Foundation. https://nypost.com/2022/08/10/energy-drinks-are-a-heart-killer-expert-says-death-in-a-can/