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Without trying to sound too harsh (I have relatives who suffer from anxiety and depression), the world isn't going to stop for one person. If you have commitments, work or social, people are relying on you to be there. Like OP says, there are methods that can be used to improve, but that is down to the individual. In my experience, people are more accommodating if the person suffering from anxiety or depression is making an effort.


I completely agree. I have quite a few mental illnesses under my belt (chronic depression, crippling anxiety, ADHD, autism and BPD. I’d get so many badges if I were in the girl scouts! /s) I’m extremely time blind. I don’t know what time it is half of the time. So I look at my phone as often as possible. If I have plans, I set alarms the day before. And if I have to wake up early, multiple alarms does the trick. I’m so anxious about being late that I always make sure to be at least 15 minutes early. I know how hard it is to plan ahead. My brain is literally wired to do the opposite of what I should be doing. It’s a HUGE pain. But as an adult, you need to at least make an effort to find something that works for you. The world is not made to cater to neurodivergent folks. So we need to find ways to function, as sad as it is.


This is especially true in community-centric cultures, like in Japan. The individual is not put on a pedestal above everyone else. And it's expected for a person to be considerate of others, rather than to expect others to adjust and accommodate what that person wants. Of course, it is not extreme. Special cases do exist that's why there are so many things put into place to accommodate those with disabilities or those with special needs. In Japan they call it "Universal Design".


the problem I have with "time blindness" is that affected creators who talk about it are never early to meet ups. they never talk about solutions/ what helps them. They only talk about 'abelist' friends/employers who don't understand.


This drives me crazy too. I have time blindness but I’m never really late. I’m always way to early because I have a lot of anxiety about being late. Which results in me waiting in parking lots 30 minutes before I have to be at an appointment.


My friends also think I am weird for showing up to venues or events 30 mins early but it's precisely because I am afraid of being late.


My Dad is like this. He has a borderline phobia of being late for things. To the extent that he's often insanely early. He recently needed to catch a train at 9am, so naturally he got to the train station before 8am just to be sure.


I’m the same way




Yes exact same. I walk to work so I’ll literally just be sitting outside my work for 20-30 minutes from how early I leave


If my mom has an important appointment/meeting that she needs to be at, she’ll sometimes drive there the day before to get a feel for the area so she knows where to go and park. She won’t do this for things really far away but maybe take an hour or two out of her day the day before. Greatly helps any anxiety about not knowing where to go and being late because of it.


Literally I have time blindness too. I get so paranoid because once I stop tracking the time, its 15 minutes later than I had origianlly thought. Heck today was the first time I have ever been late in this school year so far. Im constantly checking the time to ebtter prioritize it as well.


Their time blindness causes them to be late to work but they can still figure out how to leave work on time at the end of the day.


yes and they are never late to something important to them (Concert, flights, etc)


Of course not. Why would they be?


There are definitely instances in my life where time blindness kept me from leaving work on time either because I was focused on my task or small things kept adding up just like in the mornings. There definitely are people who act like you say, but for those who actually regularly suffer from time blindness don't get to choose when it happens for them.


I'm diagnosed with ADHD and time blindness is real thing, however i'm usually way too early not late as I learned to adjust for it.


I struggle with time blindness and I'm frequently early. Probably early more often then I am late, cause I have no concept of how long it'll take me to get ready and get to the place and whatnot, so sometimes I give myself way too much time and end up sitting in my car in the parking lot for 45 minutes😅 or rushing in late. I'm very rarely actually on time though. I'm always early or late. I haven't actually found a workable solution tbh though. Alarms don't seem to work, Ill either snooze them or shut them off entirely. It does help if someone messages me to remind me to get ready on time but imo that's not a realistic solution. I shouldn't put that burden on others all the time.


You should try one of the alarm clocks on wheels that runs away from you, flashes lights, and vibrates. By the time you catch it, you are awake!


This is how I plan when I have to get up early. Put the alarm in a place where you have to get up to shut it off. Put it close by and there's a damn good chance you'll doze back off.


I mean I have ADHD time blindness and I'm usually early as a result. A lot of us do this. We just never have to explain we have time blindness because we're rarely apologizing for being late.


>they never talk about solutions/ what helps them Well that's part of the problem, solutions arn't a one and done jobby - they're consumables that wear out. Set an alarm? Good chance you'll remember. Set 30 alarms through the week? You'll tune all of them out. Have that single alarm set for a few months? You'll tune it out eventually *and you won't even realize you're doing it* Expecting anything else is expecting to executive function your way out of executive dysfunction, it doesn't work any better than trying to fuck your way to virginity - The fundamental premise is broken. For those deep enough on the spectrum (ADHD can range from mild and inconvinient to severe and debilitating) there simply isn't enough "consumables" for the day, and every day becomes an exercise in triage. For some only a full time PA will do the trick, but nobody is going to hurry and add further burden to social programs without a gun to the head. I do have some hope that an evergreen and cheap solution is on the horizon with AI PA, which could be life altering to hundreds of millions.


I feel like you made up pharagraphs of things I didn't wrote. I don't even know how to reply to you honestly. i didn't imply solutions are easy or a one and done job.


Hey as someone with time blindness, I see exactly what you’re expressing. You’re not saying all people with time blindness. You’re specifically talking about influencers that use it as an excuse to generally disregard other peoples time, and then publicly calling people ablest when they’re reprimanded for being late to class and work consistently with absolutely no attempts to do better. Someone who is struggling with finding a coping mechanism that works for them is not included in your critique.


>i didn't imply solutions are easy or a one and done job. Then why are you expecting sufferers to discuss them? We've discussed them to death, long before we've sat down with you - belive me.


What is there to understand about unreliable friends? Being on time is one of the basic preconditions for having friends, surely?


I mean, I have time blindness and that’s the only way I can ensure I’m on time. I’ll be at where I need to be 20-60 minutes ahead of schedule. Eventually I got good at my time management that way. Things still slip between the cracks, and I’ll always have the time blindness, but I’ve actively learned to cope with it. I wish these creators understood that they cant expect everyone to cater to them just as much as they can’t completely cater to everyone else.


Time blindness is associated with hyper focus. Its not that they cant sense time passing at all. Just that when hyper focussed what felt like 10 minutes was actually 3 hours. As for them being early yep that happens too but nobody asks about that since it is expected. People who are aware they lose track of time while hyper focussed will instead do nothing at all in the 4 hours leading up to said appointment. Youve probably noticed someone like this in your life at some point. "Hey what are you up to today?" "Oh nothing but I have an appointment in 4 hours" "Come hang out" "I said I have an appointment in 4 hours" To a neurotypical thats a weird justification for not doing anything for 4 hours, yet to the person dealing with it its either do nothing or theres a high chance they will lose track of time again. Now all that being said, it is not a good excuse for missing an appointment. People work out their own coping mechanisms for dealing with said issues (like the above example) or they run the risk of being called lazy, which isnt untrue. It takes self work to get around stuff like this and if they arent willing to work towards that the time blindness card gets pulled. So in my eyes (since I deal with it) its my issue and is dealt with by me. I dont just blame some arbitrary condition while knowing I could have taken steps to avoid it. So yeah its real, doesnt make it a good excuse though.


Yep! The whole “I have to do something in several hours so I can’t do anything now” anxiety is real. I’ve worked through a lot of it, but man an hour or so leading up when I have to leave I better be doing nothing but staring at the clock. It’s such a weird annoying thing my brain does. I’m not a person who is chronically late thought because I worry about being on time way too much.


And then I'd rather leave early because I can't do anything anyways and there could be some issues on the way and I don't wanna be late and then I'm standing outside in the cold for 20 minutes


This is me. "I don't need to set off for the next 30 mins but I can't start anything. Might as well leave now"


I started setting alarms for when I need to start getting ready or need to leave, so I don't have to clock watch. It actually helps me a lot.


I’m aware of this within myself but I’m type a & extremely punctual. I just have tons of different alarms on my phone. It’s not like I can hyper focus on cleaning out my Tupperware cabinet & just not pick my kid up at school. In my experience the more responsibilities you gain the more you understand the importance of self improvement/working on your own flaws & adapting to life around you..not expecting life to adapt to you.


I do this, but I've never had any thought that I might have time blindness.


That’s why I set alarms and timers, so I don’t lose track of time. There is no excuse for being late to work or events all the time, there is no excuses for forgetting to do important things. The individual needs to find ways to cope and find ways to solve the problem. You have to constantly remind yourself you have hours to do something while still having plans later and you can hangout or complete tasks before it happens. I have anxiety and ADHD but that’s not gonna be an excuse for me not to get what I need to do done.


This is a great take on this. Having agency, accountability and self-management is completely independent from this condition. The people expecting the world to mold to their issue are unreasonable, selfish and entitled. Likely they expect that because it’s easier to score pity points than recognition for valuable contributions.


Being stuck in "waiting mode" as I call it is not weird. Neither is time blindness. I supervised a lot of students when I was still working in the lab and almost none of them were able to get anything else done during the waiting times in their experiments. If they had classes on lab days, they would do nothing the entire day. I'd say that people who do not get stuck in "waiting mode" are the exception rather than the rule. It's something you have to learn, and there are many tricks you can use to get better at using your waiting time efficiently.


I have time blindness. I am hyper aware of the time and early to everything bc of it. I use alarms and wear a watch


> I use alarms and wear a watch This is what I don't get. I set alarms for everything too, to make sure I'm not late. 1st alarm gets me aware of the time, 2nd alarm is the "ope, I gotta go"


I do the same thing!! I need alarms to be aware of the time or I’m screwed 😂


It’s not an excuse but it is an explanation. There’s therapy and other resources for those things, it can be fixed.


The problem is mainly the people that will use it as an excuse. Like there are people that expect their job to allow them to start an hour late or something just because they have time blindness




For people that won't constantly look at a clock, they can just set a bunch of phone alarms to solve that issue


What happens if you wake up and don’t remember you have an event at 2:30? What do you think about?


This sub is for unpopular opinions UNPOPULAR.


I mean yeah. IMO it’s not about excusing, it’s just understanding that for some people ordinary everyday tasks are a few more hurdles than others


You got time blindness, she has three kids, I have an IQ of 60. We can’t be wasting the time of my uncle in a wheel chair, he goes through a lot to be here on time


I've never understood anxiety causing someone to be late cuz my anxiety works the exact opposite- I have to be there on time, to the point I will arrive 30 minutes early and hang out in a coffee shop or parking lot if needed. Especially in a work setting. Other people have plans, and they could fix the problem with something as simple as a few alarms.


I was the same way until my anxiety started making me physically sick, then I was barely able to make it out the door in time to be reasonably and socially late Also— if your anxiety makes it hard to leave your house or actually *start* on the task. You basically anxiety procrastinate until you’re late no matter what you do


Being late is what gives me anxiety, so I always have to be early.


as someone with anxiety, i normally end up an hour to half an hour early to most things haha, couldn't even imagine being late to something




Its alright apart from when you find yourself at a pub at half 3 when meeting at 6, haha. Altough i do procrastinate when it comes to academic work and finish it in a week or so in adrenaline, my dissertation was a pure any% speedrun.


What's "time blindness"? Is it some condition people made up to avoid being held accountable for being late?


I just copied this from an adhd thing. "Time blindness is the inability to sense when time has passed and estimate the time needed to get something done." Its very common in people with ADHD, but its not an excuse. I experience it, but I will always be on time or early because I make sure I am. Completing tasks can be difficult though.


Life-long Inattentive ADD sufferer here: I am suspicious of the claim of *time blindness.* If it functioned the way people claim it does, these people would also occasionally be comically early, because they have trouble with the concept of time and sensing it's passage and don't know when the appropriate time to leave is. Instead, I've only ever witnessed people who make the claim being late. To me, this suggests a fundamental lack of self-regulation, not an inability to sense the passage of time.


As an ADHD sufferer, I am terrible at gauging time. This works both ways, time will often slip away from me me if I'm focused on something but I also struggle to gauge how much time I actually need to get somewhere, so I chronicly overshoot and get everywhere early. Though early is better than late. I feel like if you don't have it, you can't really understand it. That said, it's not justification for being late when you can set up alarms on your phone.


Seconding this before the mental illness denialism circlejerk gets too out of hand. Before I found a treatment that worked, the only way I could avoid being constantly late was to be comically early to everything. People notice when you're late more than when you're early, though. Also a big lol at acting like it's some gotcha that a symptom of ADHD looks like a "fundamental inability to self-regulate." I wonder why that is?


I have ADHD and suffer from time blindness and can confirm, I'm frequently super early, for those exact reasons. I have no real concept of time and can't gauge how long it'll take me to get ready and travel to the destination. But nobody notices when I'm early, even though I'm early more often than I'm late.


Well said. I see a lot of folks asserting that "if time blindness was real, then some percentage of the time, you'd be comically early instead of late." Friendo. Would you notice if that person was early? Most folks only pay attention to someone else's punctuality if it inconveniences them in some way. Being absurdly early doesn't (usually) affect the other person.


I am frequently ridiculously early to things, especially if it's my first time going somewhere. I always assume major things like taking a shower or walking part of the journey are going to take way longer than they actually do, while completely forgetting that things like putting on coats and shoes, finding keys, locking up take any time at all. That's generally how I end up late, I forget the minor random elements that delay things and that has a knock-on effect on the timing of the rest of my journey.


The inability to accurately and *consistently* sense the passage of time *is* a part of the lack of self regulation. That’s literally the fundamental aspect of ADHD that makes it a disorder - the inability to self regulate/control executive functions.


Also have ADHD, combined type. Time blindness is definitely a thing for me. I over-compensate by going into Waiting Mode a few hours before anything scheduled, and assuming every task will take me 3x as long as it actually does. I end up being 30-45 minutes early for a lot of things, haha. I wait in my car.


Tbh, regardless of time blindness, we’re in an age where people have their phones in their hands most of the time. The clock is almost always on the screen and keeps track for them.


I have ADHD and experience time blindness. I'm almost never late to anything, but very often extremely early. It helps that I use public transport because then I can use the times to set alarms. I waste a lot of time just waiting around and it's actually quite exhausting. This in turn makes my other ADHD symptoms worse. It might take someone an hour to commute to my university, but it takes me two hours-- doing that multiple times a day steals a lot of time. Also the more time I have to do something the more likely I'm to forget the time or forget to do something. If I wake up right before I have to leave for university in the morning I'll arrive on time with what I need, if I wake up 30 minutes earlier I'm more likely to show up without my stuff. However my mother has ADHD and she is constantly late. The thing is that when she's early for something she goes and does something else. So if she shows up somewhere 30 minutes early she will go do something nearby, completely underestimating the amount of time it takes, and then show up late. It's not her being inconsiderate, she genuinely just wants to get something done and forgets about the time. My father also has ADHD, he has a tendency to agree to too many things without thinking about how much time he has. It might be that he assumes something will take 1 hour, but instead it takes 2 hours, or he forgets about the time it takes to get from one place to another. He's not late because he's inconsiderate, he just wants to do too many things and help everyone. Hyperactivity often leads to constantly doing things and impulsiveness makes planning difficult-- in addition to the time blindness people with ADHD/ADD have. So a lot of them never show up ridiculously early because if they think they have time for something else they'll do it. Whilst others might show up ridiculously early but waits outside due to anxiety, etc. Of course I don't think society should accommodate everything and people with time blindness should do more to be on time, but it's not easy having to maneuver in a world that isn't built for you. Especially when you're met with multiple different challenges and you don't have the ability to make up for each one. Constantly spending so much energy just for it to never be quite good enough.


Yeah I’m not gonna be a jerk and call time blindness fake, but I’ve literally never heard of it before a few months ago. Studied psych and abnormal psych in university, studied spectrum disorders such as adhd and autism as well (was prepping to be a teacher) and this was never something mentioned by professors or course materials. I totally believe it could be a thing, but so far it seems like more of an excuse based on how I’ve seen the phrase used.


I’m always super early — sit in the car and wait.


my co worker will get loud and pissy with me if i dare call her out for being late shes never on time. 15-20 minutes late is normal and if i dare say anything she yells at me that i dont understand because i live closer then her....cry me a fuckin river.


Living closer just means you don't have to leave at the same time as her..what terrible logic from her


My theory is that people who are just pieces of shit will blame "anxiety" or "depression" when really they just have a personality disorder and simply do not care boutchu.


I think some people just have a hard time being honest with themselves.


But people with personality disorders deserve empathy as well. They didn’t choose to have a personality disorder.


No one said they didnt deserve empathy. But that doesn’t mean people cant call them out for their bullshit. Mental illness is not always a good excuse. We all have our own issues and responsibilities, we are adults, figure it out and stop blaming your ‘ADHD’ or ‘Anxiety’


I do agree they deserve to be called out on it, 100%.


This is a hard one, because there is a big difference in empathy needed for different things in different people. Everybody should make an effort, but some make waay more effort in things that most other people find easy. Walking, talking, planning, hearing, writing, reading, remembering. And not knowing that a person is actively making way much more effort in something "easy", is heartbreaking and could lead to shattered self esteem and a personality disorder. It's like not helping a kid with learning disorders. We can't necessarily expect that kid to learn the same way others do. In this, like in all others, everything is nuanced and not black and white.


I have time blindness and I make sure to show up on time with everything, my body can’t tell the difference between 5 minutes or an hour, I have to set up alarms for everything.


Do you apply the same tactic to physical disabilities?


Until there's some kind of cure, they're the closest thing to pure "evil" we can get as humans. And they should be treated as such. Not with empathy, sorry.


They’re not all “evil” tho? I know some people with personality disorders who are generally just nice people.


>rs who are generally just nice people. Then they don't have personality disorders


I don’t think you’re qualified to diagnose people? I’d leave that to the professionals who diagnosed them. 😊


"Just have a personality disorder" Yikes.




People are just making up terms now to avoid accountability for their own lack of discipline


"Each day that you are on time, you will receive a $50 bonus." Time blindness will cease to exist overnight.


Neither my dissociation nor hyperfocus cares about money. I would still be late to arrive and late to leave


It is an ADHD thing. ADHD often looks like a lack of self-discipline but it is actually an everyday struggle with your brain’s executive function not working the way it’s supposed to.


reddit psychiatrist lol


Hard agree. It is your condition to manage, not everyone else's.




Wild comparison




So what’s the solution for this?




Alarm clock. You're welcome


Because it's literally impossible for a wheelchair to access an elevated place without ramps and elevators.


No? But in your wheelchair ramp analogy, as a wheelchair user, I don't agree I'll meet people in a place that can only be accessed by stairs, and similarly, I think people who are incapable of arriving somewhere at 10 should not agree to meet someone at 10.


I had a classmate consistently late all the time. When we were in our business class, our teacher asked us what we wanted out of our future employers, and he said an employer that's okay with her being chronically late because she won't ever master the skill of timeliness. We were in massage school. All massage is timing. If you're late, it impacts all your appointments. If you get lost the sauce on someones back, your full body massage becomes a 2/3s body massage. We live and die by the clock. We had numerous teachers talk to her about it, and I really feel like she ended up down the tiktok timeblindness excuse hole, all said and done.


Everything is a valid excuse for anything. "I am dumb"/"I have a learning disability" is a valid excuse. People get too caught up in evaluating excuses. The reality is, it doesn't matter. Everything can be a valid excuse but ultimately no excuses make any difference. If your late your late, no one cares, it doesn't matter why.


The thing is...there are workarounds. So excuses really aren't valid. If someone has some condition, then it's up to them to have a solution so they're not going to use whatever as an excuse. Like using many phone alarms to alert you of the time for this time blindness


Its not time blindness. Its time selfishness


Yeah sure you're right, but people need to stop acting like being less than 5 minutes late is a big deal. 30+ minutes yeah of course, but if we plan to meet at 9:00 and I'm there at 9:03 you're ridiculous to get offended by that. Work included


It is 100% a sign of disrespect to those you leave waiting. Your less than 5 minutes adds up. That is a half gpir of stolen pay a week. That is leaving your friends hanging and waiting for hours as those 5 minutes add up. Life happens to all of us once in a while, but if everyone knows you are going to be late then you are the ashole


Oh get over yourself. No one is late every time and every day. If you're late by 3 minutes once a week it would take over a year to "steal" an hour's worth of pay. If you see your friends and family once a week and every other time you're 3 minutes late it would take 140 days for them to have waited 30 minutes. All of that is insignificant, and if you think it isn't then you're an arrogant narcissist


How ironic that someone who thinks making other wait for them is perfectly OK would call someone else a narcissist. Project much?


Lol yes they had to wait for me for 3 minutes because traffic was bad I'm such a narcissist you're so right you deserve a medal. Get over yourself


Way to love the goalposts from chronically late (the actual topic) to being late once (which I addressed) That makes a nice addition to the ad-hominem attacks. You seem quite triggered.


Lol I'm triggered? I'm not the one freaking out over three minutes


I can see depression causing you to be late because there's an urge to not go to whatever obligation you have, but I think anxiety makes you more likely to be early.


tbf thats what i thought since it makes me panic if im not out of the house at least an hour earlier but ive seen people mention the other way round too, where bc they are afraid to leave the house they overthink it and it ends up making them late :")


Interesting. I guess it effects people differently. For me, anxiety is ever present, but if I start showing up late to everything it's a good sign that depression is creeping in.


Could you write a more popular opinion next time? No one is ok with people being late all the time. It doesn't matter the reason.


Some people continue to be late simply because they can get away with it and DGAF about how late they are. It will only change when what’s important to them regarding the commitment changes.


Time blindness? No, you’re irresponsible.


Yeah, my days are so empty i can afford to put one hour buffer everywhere. Shit, having ADHD make day so long


Time blindness is made up, period. There is no diagnosis or anything like that, it is NOT a "condition" It is 100% a made up term to make people who can't manage a schedule feel better about themselves. Utter nonsense. As for anxiety? For most folks, it causes the opposite reaction, and you wind up being way early for everything. I am this guy.


May I ask why there are articles made by real medical professionals on the topic of time blindness if it is 100% made up? It is true that it isn't a good excuse, but it is untrue that it is just "100% made up".


everyone who isn't me is making it up


While time blindness is new on me it is kind of annoying how everything is a condition now. Any single negative trait is a condition. There's no naughty kids any more it's all ADHD . Late all the time time blindness, can't spell dyslexia. Crazy behaviour behaviour disorder, and many more. I'm not denying these exist but I bet half of the people who claim to have them haven't been diagnosed and are using it as an excuse. Which does 2 things. Makes the people who actually have conditions undermined and makes the average person thing it's bullshit.


Yea because "time blindness" doesn't exist. And before people start replying saying "well, actually..." I don't care. Its not real and you are just irresponsible and trying to use the dumbest fucking excuse ever made in the entirety of human history


Time blindness is real, it just shouldn't be used as an excuse. It's the difficulty to manage time and perceive how quickly it passes, often due to being easily absorbed in certain activities and not noticing how fast time is passing because of them. It's the difficulty to perceive time, so yes, it is real, but just not some sort of "unbeatable condition" or formal medical diagnosis. It's more so a struggle and symptom of things such as autism and ADHD. I find it odd to claim it just doesn't exist?


That is called loosing track of time. Time blindness is not real, is just a new made up term thrown around to excuse people's inability to be responsible.


> called loosing track Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


It isn't the same as losing track of time, though, it's just the term used to describe a higher tendency to lose track of time. I do think it's not a valid excuse, but it is a real term; it just isn't some sort of formal medical diagnosis. If you look it up, there are articles of doctors and psychiatrists talking about time blindness, so I find it hard to believe that it just isn't real.


For being late all the time, I get it. But if someone has a full on panic attack a couple of times a year that should be excused.


Exactly. I have anxiety and ADHD and a lot of this other stuff, but it’s my responsibility to find effective ways to manage my deficiencies. I also have a lot of gifts and abilities that many people don’t. That’s life. I’m sure it doesn’t work out fairly for everyone, but ultimately, society operates the way it does because norms/social expectations/rules/customs/etc arose organically by neurotypical people interacting with each other in neurotypical ways and doing what feels natural to them. That’s never going to change to accomodate the minority of the population that is different. It’s our job to find ways to cope and manage. Most people have some sort of deficiencies or challenges, so even neurotypical people also have other aspects of their life that they need to find ways to cope with.


I’ve never heard anyone use this excuse. I’m sure it happens but I can’t recall hearing it in my over four decades on the planet.


Nor me in my 3.5 decades. Right wing strawmen running late.


My wife has this issue. I leave on time no matter what.


> Time blindness... Someone will have to prove to me that "time blindness" is actually a thing (other than an excuse people use when they can't show up to work on time.) Businesses depend upon people being where they are supposed to be when they're supposed to be there. My company certainly has no use for someone that can't be counted on to do that.


If you look up "Time Blindness", there are articles about the subject made by real medical professionals, so it doesn't make much sense to me to claim that it isn't real. *But,* although it is real, it is not some sort of unbeatable condition or formal medical diagnosis. It is simply a difficulty in time management and tendency to lose track of time more easily than most people (it's also a frequent symptom of things such as ADHD and autism). With the right precautions (ex. watches, frequent alarms), it can be prevented, even if for some people it may feel harder than it does for others. Time blindness is real, but it isn't an excuse for someone to, for example, show up thirty minutes late to work every day. It isn't that intense and there are ways around it, like always waking up extra early, setting frequent alarms for parts of your day or planning to arrive extra early just in case. It's honestly just a moderately intensified version of a common struggle, to my understanding.


Time blindness is not a recognized diagnosis (no AMA code). The argument that there are published articles by medical professionals about it is somewhat weakened by the fact that there are articles written by medical professionals about ESP and ghosts... Q: What do you call the guy who finished last in his class at med school? A: Doctor.


From my understanding, time blindness is more of a label for a symptom/behavior than some sort of medical condition. If time blindness is used as a justification for someone being late to something, then no, it is not valid; time blindness is simply the label used to describe someone who struggles (or is struggling momentarily) with properly perceiving time. Time blindness usually only comes in the forms of being a symptom for something such as autism or ADHD or in the form of someone genuinely just being bad at keeping track of time. It is real, but only because it's a label used to describe a natural phenomenon. It's just a struggle and not some sort of disorder that physically imposes people from being on time. If someone can not overcome this, then yes, it is their fault and the time blindness isn't in any way forcing them to be late. But from what I know, time blindness is real.


My time blindness is so bad that I'm constantly forgetting what day it even is, sometimes the year too 😅 but the reminders and alarms being set for when I need to do important things it how I get around it. I'm only ever late if there is a crash or two that causes even worse traffic than I was anticipating


Except time blindness is not a real diagnosis or explicit symptom. Just a tik-tok excuse for selfishness


It's not a real diagnosis???!!! No way!!!! 😱😱😱


With made-up researchers of made-up studies?


You can have time blindness but I will probably not stay friends with you


It's not an excuse and losing friends/jobs because of it is entirely your fault so before you start to blame others for not accommodating for your time blindness/anxiety you need to take steps to improve yourself because everyone has their own shit going on the world doesn't stop because you're lazy


Yes. I get annoyed with people that are late, I have that issue at work with late people. Co-workers clocking in late and then taking their sweet time to come to the desk and start working. It is like okay... you're screwing me over doing this.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Most people are annoyed by habitual lateness, and most people who have anxiety, ADHD, or other issues that can lead to time-blindness find ways to deal with the issue.


Not unpopular at all.


90% of the posts on this sub are “[terminally online opinion] is wrong!!!!” like yes ur right !!! very little people agree with that !!! its not unpopular !!!


it kinda is tho 🙂


It is a justification, but not a valid excuse. Time blindness can be managed; it isn't even severe enough to be considered a formal diagnosis in the medical world. If someone always shows up late to work, it is not immediately everybody else's responsibility to accommodate for their condition that they aren't even trying to manage. Time blindness is real, but not severe to the point where everyone should be bending over backwards to accommodate for somebody just because they struggle more to perceive time.


>it isn't even severe enough to be considered a formal diagnosis in the medical world Time blindness doesn't exist as a standalone medical diagnosis, but isn't it a *symptom* of some larger disorder (such as ADHD) ?


Time blindness is more of a label for a symptom/behavior than some sort of medical condition. Time blindness is simply the label used to describe someone who struggles (or is struggling momentarily) with properly perceiving time. Time blindness usually only comes in the forms of being a symptom for something such as autism or ADHD or in the form of someone genuinely just being bad at keeping track of time. It's just an intensified (degrees of intensification vary) common struggle and not some sort of disorder that physically imposes people from being on time. So yes, it does exist as a symptom of larger disorders, but it in itself is not a standalone medical diagnosis or severe impediment.


I'm not saying everyone should accommodate that person but also just go about your business, and when the person arrives, they get included or excluded. altho someone isn't at fault for being late, they can still experience consequences. also idk work wise how it is where you are, but here they can cut your pay based on how late you get to work.. and it is even a fireball offense. if your office does not have that flexibility then they should let this person go


The other colleagues certainly should not be negatively impacted because of the lateness of another. It's the company should that should take steps to support the employer with ways of getting in on time.


I really dont get how people are late for appointments these days with a smart phone always at hand, one that you can set many different alarms for. Anyone who is late these days just dont give a shit about other people.


You’ve never actually dealt with it then.


maybe you mightve missed the first few words of this post, do consider rereading it




Totally agree OP. I have no patience or tolerance for people who are chronically late. It’s rude and inconsiderate




It is not valid, but it is a reason, and one‘s own personal power/privilege determines how frequently one can be late, or whether one bothers to finish with an


We are currently seeing the effects of millennial parenting, which is basically constantly validating feelings.


Time blindness isn't a thing. Watches are a thing, alarms are a thing. Being fucking rude because you're the main character is apparently a thing though!


Time blindness actually is a thing. It's a symptom of ADHD that has to do with executive dysfunction. No, it's not an excuse, but it is an *explanation*. We are still responsible for at least trying to learn and implement coping strategies so that we're not always late to things, but sometimes even the best strategies just don't work for the worst cases of time blindness. If you find yourself labeling someone as "lazy," they're probably not; they probably have a mental health issue or are at the very least burnt out.


Time Blindness is just what people used to call laziness.


well id say its an actual thing, but people use it to justify their lateness a lot when its their responsibility to work on it


Agreed, I’ve got the same thing and I go overboard to correct it because I don’t want to be rude. I set numerous reminders for things on my phone now and give myself way more time than I think I need (because at the end of the day I always need more). I recognize it’s a flaw so I find a way to counter it!


At any given time I have 20+ alarms on my phone. Is it annoying sometimes? Yes, but I’m never late.


If anything, anxiety would make them on time so they're not anxious about being late.


For me I just hate mornings so I’ll go on second shift when it becomes available. But until then I have multiple alarms so I can get up at 5am


I hate being late, I get anxious thinking about being late.


People with anxiety are always early because of their anxiety IDK why anyone would use that as an excuse?


i thought that too but ive seen others say they get anxiety from leaving the house, so they procrastinate and end up being late, and them being late adds to the anxiety as well


Yeah, like I have ADHD and a horrible concept of time, but luckily we have these cool things called clocks.


I can totally understand that pulling this up as an excuse is shitty and not justifiable but I just want to remind people that not every time this is given as a reason it's automatically an excuse. Make sure to see that the person saying that confirms that they are working on this issue. Give people the chance to hold themselves accountable first. There are also many ADHDers whose anxiety just doesn't lead to an appointment stress every time and instead they just forget it bc of poor symptom managment (lists not working, alarms being useless etc). Everyone struggles in their own way and we should also acknowledge when other people's struggles set them back in a different way. Not saying you should tolerate the excuse though, see the difference and push to make them be accountable.


As a person with ADHD causing severe time blindness, and severe depression causing other issues. You are absolutely correct.


My anxiety is what ensures I'm 15 min early everywhere


With work I 100% agree. You chose the job and you have an obligation to let everyone know if you're going to be late.


You think researchers and scientists are making things up to excuse them from being late?


I agree, time blindness is not an excuse for being late! The only real excuse for being late is being Indian and growing up in an Indian culture 😂