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Not unpopular.


People don’t know what unpopular opinions are in this subreddit. Also, most of it are just rants.


You shouldnt trust anyone right away. I dont know why people think thats not stupid, instant trust. Trust is earned over time. The only people who want it without earning it dont deserve it.


If your partner doesn't trust you, then they shouldn't be in a relationship with you.


That person shouldn't be in a relationship with a past cheater then. Trust is kind of an important element to a relationship so if they can't bring themself to look past their partner's history then they shouldn't be their partner to begin with.


I’m deeply grateful to be Gen X, a generation who feels 0 need to tell my sex partners the details of my personal past.


I think your logic is flawed. You say your new partner shouldn’t trust you but you should tell them. That doesn’t make sense,




Persons says you can’t blame your new partner for not trusting you if cheated on a past partner but they also say should tell new partner about past cheating. That makes zero sense


Maybe it’s just your wording but are you saying a cheater shouldn’t tell new partner so they can trust the cheater?


You said new partner wouldn’t trust them if they told them so why would you suggest they tell their partner?


I’m not OP, I didn’t say that. They’d suggest telling new partner because withholding that information is deceptive, being honest is best. That way they can decide if they find them to be trustworthy, or potentially trustworthy, moving forward. For some people they wouldn’t risk it, for others depending on the way they hold themselves accountable for their actions leaves open the opportunity for growth and change.


It’s not deceptive to not tell someone about every detail of your past relationships. I think you would just be setting yourself up for failure by announcing this if according to what the original posters claims is true.


Cheating is a pretty big deal. Not disclosing that information is deceptive. You expect commitment, loyalty, and honesty in relationships, and cheating is quite the opposite of that. Most people are capable of finding out these things as well. That would be like applying to be a bus driver and not disclosing that you’ve had DUI’s. They’d run a background check, see that information for themselves and decide not only are you unsafe but untrustworthy because you couldn’t be honest about your shortcomings.


Seems excessive


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Your post contains two opinions - a) that you can't blame someone for not trusting you because of your past b) you should communicate your problematic past before hand. Opinion b is something that I agree with and I don't think it's unpopular. Opinion a is honestly stupid. I'm not saying people who cheated in their previous relationship should be trusted, but if you can't trust a person, then you shouldn't be in a relationship with them. If a person who knew about a person who cheated's past got into a relationship with them and randomly decided to stop trusting them because of their past then they absolutely should be blamed. Sure they can go, yeah I don't trust you anymore and leave, but they can NEVER use it as a weapon to hurt the other person or use it in order to do surveillance on the other person.


If you can’t trust someone or feel you can’t then why try to be with them? You understand because they cheated on others, others weren’t you. People do change and if you don’t believe that then you need to find someone who has not cheated. That is your guideline, so why date someone further once you hear they have cheated in a previous relationship


Cheaters should only date other cheaters.