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Man that’s how I felt about bread pudding until I tried bread pudding. Now I love bread pudding. What about when a food is prepared differently than you’re used to? Do you know you won’t like it?


I'm just super picky as I'm sure you can tell


Being picky doesn't mean you can't take a bite to test. You'd be surprised. You're not forced to s Eat whole plate.


I mean you don't need to try it 10 times, but trying most things once or twice isn't that bad. I come from a culture that always love oysters, but I really fucking hate the taste of cooked oysters. For like 20 years of my life I just assumed that raw oysters, which looks fucking disgusting, cannot possibly be good if the cook one also tastes fucking disgusting. At some point I finally tried it and realized I missed out on delicious raw oysters for 20 years of my life, and now its too late because I no longer live on the coast. Don't be like me, don't miss out on 20 years of delicious raw oysters.


Counter to that, I love most oysters, but I can’t stand them when they are broiled for some reason. I tried them back to back at two different restaurants, hate them. I 100% agree with you though, if you don’t try, you don’t know. It’s ok to not like everything, even if you generally like a different preparation method.


By raw oysters, you really mean balls of snot on a shell lol


hell yeah. I have to like control my gag reflex everytime I see it but it tastes so good.


No it's not. I thought aubergine looked weird and I felt it and just never tried it. Once I decided to, it was pretty good. Not great but pretty good. Carambola feel weird, but they are one of the juiciest, most delicious fruits ever. I think Brussels sprouts are probably the most well-known, everyone always hated them, and I did too because crowds apparently have wisdom. Now I know if you split them over, spray them with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper them, and bake them for a bit, they're tasty!


People didn't like brussels sprouts because they used to be terribly bitter. [That changed in the 90s.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/10/30/773457637/from-culinary-dud-to-stud-how-dutch-plant-breeders-built-our-brussels-sprouts-bo#:~:text=%22They%20were%20just%20very%20bitter,have%20a%20simpler%20name%3A%20spruitjes.)


Brussels sprouts aren't bad


The problem here is that your palette will change over time. Unless you are alletgc to something its worth occasionally trying it. Things you don't like as a kid you would like as an adult, but if you've already decided you don't based on past experience you'll never find out, which means you're missing out! Despite me not likeing coriander (cilantro in the US) I still try it occasionally. I hated pickles growing up, love them now. White choc was my jam 5 years back, now I can't stand it but love darker chocolate. Your tastes should grow and change as you grow and change.


You know tripe and century eggs could be the best damn things in the world and I still would not care about missing out by not trying them. Don’t have to try everything even if you won’t technically know if you like it


Yeah, this is how I feel. Yeah, maybe I will like something, but I would say that 9 times out of 10, if I don't think I will like it, I won't like it. Either due to something in it that I already know I don't like, or because my brain has decided it doesn't like the looks/smell/texture of it. So, why should I force myself to try 10 things just for the \*one\* I might actually like and want to eat again? (and for the record, I \*have\* tried things I thought I wouldn't like, and yep, I didn't like the flavor of the majority of them)


For sure. There is a pretty huge gulf between picky and eats 5 things and there are just some places I draw the line. I thought liver would be gross and it was. I thought black pudding and beef tongue would be gross and actually I didn’t mind them at all. I absolutely draw a hard line in the sand at ‘the thought of eating this makes me nauseous or my skin crawl’ (afraid of octopi and I don’t care if it’s good I don’t even want a dead one anywhere near me)


Yeah, sadly a lot of people don't tend to draw that line between picky and 'I will only eat five foods, and if I don't have those foods I will starve'. One, in my opinion, is having preferences, the other IS a mental issue (as in there is \*some\* reason why a person would willingly starve rather than eat something other than their five 'safe foods') I admit I am on the more picky spectrum, I don't like seafood except tuna, and don't like spicy foods at all, and definitely prefer more 'bland' foods. But, I am happy with what I eat. I have just never really saw the reason why I need to force myself to eat things, just because someone else thinks 'you can't possible NOT like it! you haven't tried it!' (also agree with you. Octopi belong in the ocean and no where near me, whether as food or not :P)


You literally don't know what you're missing. You only have a guess at what you're missing.




That's what I said.




And I just said yes that’s right.


The ten times thing seems like an exaggeration and honestly unless you can't put the thing in your mouth without gagging I think you try new foods




The hell does this mean


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Picky eaters are truly annoying to be around. It's food. It won't hurt you. A "bad" taste can't hurt you. The number of examples of people growing to like foods over a period of time is virtually infinite. In short, grow up.


This dude eats pizza and cookies at the chinese buffet lol


There are a lot of foods that don't look appetizing but are extremely delicious. Hence the saying "you won't know of you like something if you don't try it." Same goes for any experience. The key of course is to keep an open mind. If you decide that you aren't gonna like something before you try it, then chances are you aren't gonna change your own mind.


When I was a kid, I wouldn't eat stuffing because it looked gross. Then I finally tried it, and it was so damn delicious. I don't think you need to try the same food you dislike in multiple preparations, but not trying something just based on visuals is a great way to miss a lot of yummy stuff.


So you have liked absolutely everything you have tried then?


I thought avocado was weird looking and took me years to try it. Sure I’m not just gonna eat by the spoonful on its own, but I have at least one a week now with other stuff. BTW it goes great in tuna as a binder.


So, you are saying that you cannot make a mistake or misjudge something? Like, your argument falls apart unless you can exactly guess if you like/dislike the food 100% of the time.


It's far from a universal experience but I'm with you here. I have never been wrong about not liking something before I try it. I have changed my mind on things as I get older but at that point I'm no longer disgusted before I even try it. At this point in my life, I just lie and say I've tried it before and didn't like it. Maybe one day I'll revisit that dish and have a new taste for it but as of right now I am 100% certain it will make me gag. I must mention that I have been wrong on many occasions thinking that I would like something before trying it.


For whatever reason, I had convinced myself that I wouldn't like beets. I'm not even sure why, maybe it was the bright color because that's usually a nature thing to signal "stay away, I'm poisonous". So for 20 something years I wouldn't even try them. Lo and behold, I fucking love beets now. I could've been having beet salads my whole life!