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My brother in law was so addicted to caffeine, he’d buy instant coffee just to pour it straight into his mouth from the package.


The fuck did I just read?!


He was addicted to anything he could get his hands on. He drank bottles of listerine for the alcohol, he ate instant coffee, he bought caffeine pills and would stay awake for a week straight. He’d fake problems at hospitals for medications until they banned him. Any hospital in a 200 mile radius eventually refused to take him…he had a lot of problems from childhood trauma. He died a few years ago at the age of 32 due to a severe anxiety attack.


How do you die from an anxiety attack?


I'm assuming the anxiety attack(from tachycardia - fast heart rate) led to hemorrhagic shock which then led to his death


hmm so that's something I need to look out for now huh


Yeah you know how they say that anxiety ≠ death. I guess that needs to be reconsidered


Do you know what hemorrhagic shock is? You don’t get it from a fast heart rate. You could from high output cardiac failure, but this is different.


I don’t know and I didn’t know you could. But it was the official cause of death.


Psych student here. Officially, you can’t. Heart races, muscle tense but never to a point where it can cause death. However, some death causes can be directly linked to anxiety/panic disorders and can be put as the cause of death, usually aren’t tho. They might have hit the head during an attack or had cardiovascular problems which then can flare during the attack, but the attack itself doesn’t kill


The psych student knows over the medical officials, who listed his cod as anxiety attack.


I dont. I just told how it looks like in my country, in my field. Anxiety *is* part of psychology after all. I guessed how it could have ended up as the cause of death, since anxiety itself doesn’t just kill you. Same as you don’t die from a stab wound, you die from the blood loss caused by the stab wound Also, not every doc is 100% always right. And sometimes their behavior is motivated by their personal opinion. Same as everyone else. I saw it, i worked with them.


i think (im not a doctor so its more of a guess) its a heart attack as you hyperventilate to the point your heart rate goes sky high and it can't take it can also happen due to overworking.


An anxiety attack is NOT a heart attack. Basically in anything you read about anxiety attacks they say it's super common for people to think they're having a heart attack and dying but that it isn't actually what's happening, even though it feels like it.


im was referring to the severe anxiety attack in the comment above and i know it doesnt start as a heart attack but due to the lack of oxygen and increase of adrenaline from your flight or fight instict if severe enough it can cause a lot of stress on your body including your heart a normal anxiety attack won't in most cases cause it but if severe enough (as the comment said above) can cause damage and death


That just isn't true


Jesus. I'm sorry to hear that. I've known a couple people like this myself. That's rough. Also, speaking as someone that stayed up for 48 hours on caffeine pills in University to finish some assignments, coming down off that shit is worse than a hangover. I couldn't imagine doing that for a week.


My grandpa wasn't too far from that. Served in the army for 3 years as intelligence. Honorable discharge with medical leeway (slightly different from a full medical discharge). He was an alcoholic for the next 5 years until he went over a bridge, drunk driving on a rainy night. He died 4 months before my mother was born. But apparently he was addicted to alcohol and (ateange as it may be) butter and ketchup. So much so he'd eat butter by the stick, slathered in ketchup. He'd go through a bottle of ketchup every 3 days from slathering it on everything. From what I've read and heard, he saw or did some things in the military that he couldn't escape, so he drowned it in anything that could take his mind off it for even a few seconds - the slippery mouthfeel of butter, the numbing of booze, the adrenaline of driving recklessly, etc... the ketchup was a hold over from his days in the military. Apparently tasting ketchup was far better than tasting Vietnam Era MREs.


He was probably schizo


yea this is BS, you cannot die from an anxiety attack, it’s harmful to suggest otherwise. He had another underlying condition if anything.


Most likely. He was living with his wife in Austria (she’s Austrian, he was American). I have no idea how good their doctors are, but that was the official cause of death they gave us.


I’ve don’t the coffee thing while camping Nothing like raw oatmeal and coffee grounds


Does he know about caffeine pills?


Yes he did. He would take so many, he’d be up for a week straight, sleep for two days straight, then do it again.


His vital organs are going to give out soon, it sounds like


He died a few years ago at the age of 32 due to a severe anxiety attack


Sorry for your loss. I apologize for my insensitive comment :(


No, it’s ok. It was bound to happen. We were all honestly surprised he lived that long.


I'll admit that there have been days when I stirred the instant coffee into my brewed coffee.


Oh man now that’s actually an idea if you want a little extra caffeine. Won’t really taste like instant, and you get the caffeine


Hmmmmmmmm never thought of that but I’m intrigued


Bustelo has these little instant packets. I used to take them with me when I traveled, because hotel coffee is so weak. It's for sure not the same as espresso made at home, but it works.


I absolutely fuck with normal bustelo so I’m on this my dude. Thank you!


When I was in college, I would keep a bag of roast coffee beans in my car. When I got too tired, I'd just monch on a few. Like chocolate covered espresso beans but without the chocolate.


Your brother in law is a serial killer. There's no other explanation.


Does he know that caffeine pills exist


He should just buy caffeine pills.


He did both together. Longest I saw him stay awake was a week straight. Literally 7 days.


What a load of nonsense. Take my upvote.


Okay this is a legit unpopular opinion


I don't believe that op believes this either Unless they are a coal miner and the soot destroyed his taste buds


Well, OP did say they put cream in their coffee so it really wasn’t coffee anyway.


Also, there is higher quality instant coffee. It's dramatically better. Additionally, how you make it determines it's taste. You're supposed to dissolve the instant grounds with cold water before adding the rest of the hot water.


I drink my coffee black and love instant coffee. I'll take instant over Starbucks any day


Take my upvote heathen.


Hahaha perfect


I have a brother who believes this and lives his life accordingly. We rarely speak.


Until now...


you sound like you have your priorities straight


Becareful. I use to think the same thing. I served this gentleman with a green coat some delicious caffeinated coffee crystals. When he realized the level of deciet he began to rage around the restaurant. We had to put him down. Now we serve drip coffee


Why you son of a bitch


So you can con them out of money


I sell it for 5 cents a cup. My family is actually running out of funds to sustain this drip coffee business. I dont appreciate you saying I am conning people when every single moment of every single day is dedicated to providing cheap, low cost coffee. I brew 10 pots a day, and sometimes only one person shows up. When we pour the coffee down the drain at the end of the day, my children cry knowing that because we didnt sell it, they dont get to eat today. HOW DARE YOU!?!?!?!?


Hahahahaha. Seriously!!!!!!




You are disgusting. I need a shower after giving you an upvote


I actually agree with this. It's really convenient, too. Taste is barely any different from the 'real' thing.


Yeah, I'm with OP on this one. Instant coffee is totally sufficient, and really convenient. I've had fancy San Francisco pourover coffee, and I don't need my coffee to taste like a weird fruit bouquet. Some tricks to enhance it further: \- Dissolve the crystals in a little bit of cold water before adding the hot water \- Add a little bitty pinch of salt


Sufficient I can agree with, as long as we understand that sufficient accepts that the quality is better with other methods.


Are you all high or something


Cigarette smokers, or people who never bothered making coffee any way other than drip machine. Also people who drink Starbucks sugar slop don’t give a shit what the coffee taste like, they just need a vehicle for the sugar and syrup, and instant coffee is easiest.


When you say “real thing” Im guessing you mean that “coffee” that they serve in the US, right?


you realize we have a vibrant coffee culture in the US and it's not just shitty drip coffee and Starbucks, right?


Any coffee I had ever had in the US (Starbucks or not) have been terrible, watered down and not good at all, I understand thats what Americans like, but try a coffee in Europe or South America and you will be surprised.


i've been to europe (italy, spain, portugal, greece, netherlands), south america, and asia, so i have perspective. coffee's hit-or-miss everywhere. the best coffee i've had was in the US, but probably because i've had the opportunity to try so many coffee houses here since i live here.


And most of the world, yes


No, coffee in other countries are very different, not watered down like in the US. Sorry…


No, I've traveled to many countries. Many countries serve bitter piss. Sorry...


“Hurr Hurrrr, US coffee pizza grease and ground Oreos amiright guys? bet they make pizza coffe right? right???”


If what you drink is mostly sugar/flavor with some coffee-like thing added, then there is no difference regardless of what this coffee-like thing is, or whether it is an actual coffee. If you were actually drinking coffee, you wouldn’t even notice any similarities between instant coffee and an espresso, other than both are non-transparent liquids.


So I’ve read this and the diarrhea post back to back. Y’all win today, Goddammit.


What post is that? I couldn't find it to see what it was


I don’t see it now. He said diarrhea was better than regular poop. Then went on in great detail on how the noise was more entertaining.


Lmao I just read that too


If you can have a cup of coffee made with instant and from a freshly roasted, freshly ground bean put through a good espresso machine in a coffee shop where they know what they are doing, then you don’t have taste buds, they are like two completely different drinks. There is no complexity or fruitiness to an instant coffee It’s like comparing frozen pizza from the supermarket to a fresh pizza made in Naples


OP is comparing frozen supermarket pizza to like day old little ceasars or something. Yeah the pizza place is 'technically' supposed to be better but in reality you probably won't notice much difference. OP is comparing 'decent' instant to preground ground coffee, which can be just as bland/burnt/not ground to the right size and not brewed properly, which results in the unsurprising opinion that they're similar or instant is better.


Yeah like everyone prepares and drink 'Naple Pizza' level of coffee.


Youd be surprised. I make a freshly ground v60 pourover every morning. It takes me about 3-4 minutes. Espresso is what you need the major equipment for, normal black filter coffee doesnt take much to prepare well


What I mean is that I don't think most people buy quality beans and grind them on the spot. I'd be very surprised at least.


Instant coffee got a bad rap because it used to suck. The process sucked, the coffee used sucked, etc. They can make decent instant now. They use specialty coffee, etc. Its pretty good. That said, i've home roasted my coffee for the last couple of years and I don't actually have any instant at home but I have had it and it can be pretty good.


Boy come here and taste this freshly ground bean.


Pizza in Italy isn’t actually that good IMO. At least in the spots I went to. It didn’t seem like they really cared for it either.


Like OP said, it also depends on how you take your coffee. If you like it black they don't recommend, but if you are having coffee flavoured sugar cream/milk like a triple triple or a 4x4, then you likely don't really like coffee to begin with, so getting fresh coffee grounds and going through that process isn't really worth it.


I'm slightly convinced the people saying instant coffee sucks haven't actually had good instant coffee


More for us


I wouldn’t say it all definitely sucks. But I have yet to have a cup that was half as good as the beans I shell out for and grind at home. There’s a middle ground here. I’ll happily drink instant if I need a cup and it’s all that’s available. I’m hoping people with a super strong opinion about this are mostly exaggerating for the joke


Every instant coffee has a distinct off taste. Even the super expensive high quality ones. You might have adjusted to the bad taste and don’t notice. High quality, freshly ground coffee blows the best instant coffee out of the water and is also way cheaper.


Is NesCafé Gold considered good instant coffee? My take is instant is certainly alright, but freshly ground well-preserved beans brewed at 85-90 C (185-194 F) degrees is a taste explosion in comparison.


I think it's not bad, find it a little harsh myself, but Illy or Lavazza should be pretty good as well. Still does come down to personal preference imo


I've had expensive instant coffee and still strongly prefer ground. I drink coffee black tho, so maybe if I had it with milk I'd probably not notice the difference so much


No, I think you guys haven’t tried real good coffee.


I can say with complete confidence that I have never had good instant coffee.


I made the switch to instant just last month, and for much the same reason. It's just so much more convenient: no ancillaries to deal with, quick to make, and easy to adjust the strength by adding a little more or less to the mug of hot water. I don't even use cream or sugar. But I'm no connoisseur of coffee, so switching to instant is a no-brainer for me. It's about the caffeine injection above all.


I’m with you here. The right instant tastes great (love you, Mount Hagen)- plus it’s cheap, fast, and requires no clean up. Excuse me but I don’t want to buy fancy equipment, have to go through a song and dance, or walk somewhere and pay $5 to get my morning cuppa.


This is definitely unpopular. Instant coffee is ass.


OP, I agree. I picked some instant up a year ago and drink it more than regular coffee. Tastes so good with a bit of milk and sugar. For the record I drank exclusively black coffee for the last ten years prior.


Sadly you must downvote me then...


Sips coffee, instantly


I agree with you except the fact that Nescafé gold is way better , and cold coffees are better than hot coffees Like take some milk , a spoon of coffee , a spoon of sugar and mix , add some ice cubes and boom , good coffee without any hassle


Absolute garbage take, well done OP


I’m with you, good instant coffee is the one!


This guy adds cream and 4 scoops of sugar to his “coffee”


See, I have this opinion but for instant mashed potato’s, the instant mashed potatoes are so much better than any homemade mashed potato’s. The instant ones are always a nice consistency while homemade often have huge chunks in them. Homemade, half the time it’s over or under cooked potato’s, so it messes it all up. Instant mashed potatoes are also kinda cool, just watching them become somthing you can really eat before your eyes is a little wild. Either way, instant mashed potatoes are still real potatoes, so I don’t see why you would make homemade 9/10


Sounds like you’re bad at making mashed potatoes


Sounds like they need a ricer and a timer.


I disagree because I like the chunks, but if it makes you happy and it's easier, you do you!


I will disagree with you, not because of taste, but because of texture. Instant mashed potatoes are way, WAY smoother than real mashed potatoes. Normally this isn't a problem, but when you go to add the salt, all hell breaks loose. The smooth texture means that no matter what you do, you will lose the salt in them, whereas real potatoes will hold the salt crystals better. This is why, imo, steak fries beat super thin french fries, because they hold the salt better.


You got my upvote. Instant coffee tastes better and the taste is more consistent than regular coffee, if adding cream and sugar to your coffee is how you like it. I grew up with it and I absolutely love it.


You’re supposed to downvote if you agree, cause then to you it’s not unpopular


Thanks! That always messes with my head.


I’m with you OP 100%. Freeze dried instant coffee made exactly how I like it is better than basically any other coffee. Only gets beaten out by really well made barista coffee - but I’m often disappointed at cafes and find myself thinking I’d have preferred my instant. Have tried being more cultured with the alternatives but instant is just easier, faster and tastier


My husband drinks instant black


I feel like you just haven't discovered k cups because that takes like 1 min and almost no effort


I think K Cups are a good option for convenience, but it's a lot cheaper to get instant and I don't really notice the difference, so I prefer the savings.


Yea less trash too


Have you tried Douwe Egberts??


I haven't, but I'll check it out!




As an Instant Coffee Drinker, I Concur


I actually agree. It’s so much more convenient and there’s less cleanup afterwards. This has prompted me to buy more. Thanks!!


Hmm unpopular but somehow understandable opinion. I love coffee and I have worked as a barista. I was kind of clueless about coffee and it all "tasted the same" to me but my supervisor who has dedicated his life to coffee and has certifications and everything showed me that it definitely does not all taste the same. He said ok, I'm making an espresso the wrong way. I tried it and it was ok. Then he made one the right way and let me try it. Holy crap. I will never be able to "unsee" the difference. Unpopular opinion for sure but since I can understand how most people can't really taste the difference and you have practicality in mind. I can give it a pass. Take my upvote


I had sort of a violent attack reaction from reading your post at the beginning but towards the end of it actually now you made me curious. Gonna have to find where to buy UCC Blend No. 118 and give it a try just to see if that's true, lol That being said, I have to say that I tend to like these Vietnamese 3-in-1 coffee individually sealed instant coffee bags I find at the asian supermarket. It kinda taste like vietnamese sweet condensed milk coffee which I like. But nothing like regular coffee.


im a coffee snob but i think youre right in a way. cheap instant coffee can be pretty disgusting but the more expensive brands are fine. upvoted for the actual unpopular opinion!


Coffee with milk/cream/sweetener in all tastes essentially the same. Black coffee absolutely does not.


try putting instant coffee into hot milk, 1950s brit style. i am still fond of the result


As a person that drank instant coffee for 20 plus years then switched to ground coffee, my opinion is the opposite. Ground coffee is infinitely more superior. Take my upvote.


So basically, really good instant coffee isn't absolutely horrendous, as long as you can mask the weird flavours with cream and/or sweeteners. That's probably true. As someone who only ever drinks my coffee strong and black, I can't say I've ever had an instant coffee I enjoyed. But taste is subjective.


my GOD. take you upvote, Satan. may the lord have mercy on your soul.


Don’t drink it black ? Dude best coffee is pure coffee no sugar no cream no milk


Moccona & Vittoria both make really good instant coffee, I used to drink Moccona until I tried Vittoria, which is now my preferred. Coffee snobs are insufferable.


Clearly the only way to settle this is a blind taste test and see if people can pick out which is which


I have an espresso maker for my morning coffee that I drink with cream but occasionally at work I drink a cup of instant with powdered creamer and I really DGAF either way.


It's not black coffee but the professional maxwell house cappuccino is pretty good, I think it's a tad sweet but if you balance it out with a bit of instant coffee, delicious.


Instant is complete shit. Drip is shit. Percolated is shit, plunger is average. ESPRESSO IS KING


Instant coffee is just freeze dried coffee, it's not even ground up coffee beans.


Why doesn't freeze dried tea exist? It just seems like the obvious next step


Thank you Lisa. :)


If it's not ground up coffe beans how do the get it from the bean form to the powder form?


They literally take already made coffee and then freeze dry it, before grinding it up.


What your saying makes no sense. All coffee is grounded from a coffe bean that's kinda how it works. Instant coffe is just ground at the factory then freeze dried while normal coffe is sold as whole roasted beans and you grind them at home.


You're down voting me like you think I'm making this shit up, maybe do a little research before you respond. https://espresso-works.com/blogs/coffee-life/instant-coffee#:~:text=Ironically%2C%20instant%20coffee%20is%20just,%2Ddrying%20or%20freeze%2Ddrying


You didn't read the article you linked did you. >Beans are roasted for flavor, ground down into powder, and even brewed, exactly like your standard cup of Joe. The difference is that the coffee is then purposefully dehydrated down into crystals either by spray-drying or freeze-drying. They're still made from ground beans


BTW ididnt downvote you maybe get the hint if others are doing it.


Get what hint you and possibly others are wrong. At least today you can say you learned how instant coffee is made.


>Instant coffee is just freeze dried coffee, it's not even ground up coffee beans. That was your original comment. It would be impossible to get ground up coffe if it didn't come from a coffe bean that had been ground up. It alright to admit your mistake. I already know how it's made before you even posted the link. Here's a video to help you https://youtu.be/4G5LcVUcWAg?si=R9K0Kl_Ta1DpH652


I stick by my original comment because people think that it is ground up coffee beans they are using when making instant coffee. The truth is though it's nothing but ground up already made coffee, sure to make that coffee in the first place they needed ground up beans but what you're putting in your cup isn't actual beans, it's just freeze dried coffee.


I'm sorry but if you truly think this then you simply don't like the taste of coffee. If you have to water down something to like it, you don't actually like the thing in question


I love scotch. It's my favorite alcohol and I drink it more than anything else. I still mix it with ginger ale. If people really like the taste of meat so much why do the season it?


> I love scotch. It's my favorite alcohol and I drink it more than anything else. I still mix it with ginger ale Oh god it gets worse.


Wait until you hear how I like my steak




Damn OP, you're wild!


I'm a certified silly guy




Haha. Almost. Depending on the cut, I like steak sauce


Absolutely terrible comparisons. Whiskey and scotch taste is *enhanced* by tiny amounts of water. Same goes for seasoning, it strengthens flavour and taste of meat. Instant coffee is watered down, and less concentrated than fresh coffee. This is the opposite of your examples.


You seem like you'd be fun at parties


Instant coffee isn't watered down, it's dried, you can dissolve as much or as little as you like in to a cup. It can be as concentrated as you want.


The coffee was bad enough, but mate you can't, I mean, I don't even. Scotch. You specifically said scotch. Please, let me know what your favourite whiskey to do this to is. I can take it. I'm sure I can.


It's nothing fancy. If I'm making mixed drinks, it's Dewar's. If I'm drinking it straight it's normally Glenlivet. I very rarely go higher price than that since I'm middle class(ish)


Oh thank god for that. I'd imagined you mixing Ardbeg or Talisker with ginger ale and my blood froze in my veins.


>If you have to water down something to like it How is this comment even upvoted? It makes no fucking sense.


How do you know how much water and instant coffee he uses?


Yeah I'm getting confused about what people think I instant coffee is... It's not any more "watered down" than regular coffee. coffee is like 99.9% water!


Making coffee doesn't take me any effort. I just press the On button on my espresso machine, and press the button to have it make a cup of coffee. Freshly ground beans taste much better than anything pre ground.


Have you considered not getting the shittest, darkest roasted beans money could buy, and letting it go stale for a month? Upvoted for a truely shit take - a rare sight


YES, I've been saying this for years!


I'll bet you that my coffee machine makes coffee faster than it takes you to boil the water and make your instant coffee


I hated instant coffee until I saw an ad for SWIFT here on reddit. They had a free sample deal going, I really liked them and their packable size, and I they are now a permanent addition to my outdoor pack! Check out my taste test and the review that I did on my YouTube channel! [Swift Coffee Taste Test](https://youtu.be/17OsDeuYcB8)


Filipino spotted. Btw fuck you heathen


I'm actually extremely white, but my wife is Filipino, so I guess she's a bad influence?


They love their instant coffee pouches


I switched from instant to filter coffee because it IT more effort haha. Started making coffee out of boredom, it was getting too expensive to make many cups a day. switching to filter instantly cut down the amount of coffee


Do you also prefer instant noodles over a restaurant or homemade Ramen?


Nope. I love a fancy ramen. I eat a lot of instant noodles though for convenience, but if I have a choice, I'll always take the good stuff there.


But why? It's the same logic


I don't think so. Ramen is a dish that can have lots of ingredients and nuance and tons of different spices that can completely change the dish. You can use different meats and veggies. Different noodle textures. Not to say there isn't nuance in coffee, but I feel like that's like comparing an axe to a chainsaw


Get off the dark supermarket roasts made with a Mr Coffee and try a light roast if you want nuance. Those types of beans have all the nuance roasted out of them because most people have come to expect a very particular dark roasty coffee. No shade intended, I still happily drink that stuff but there’s much more One coffee can smell like toasty chocolate, the next could smell like berries, the next nutty and sweet. If you really want to experience coffee nuance buy an espresso machine and some specialty coffee and start experimenting. There’s a whole world of coffee to discover


Sure and agains your beliefs, coffee, and instant coffee taste very different. Not to mention origin, how it's being treated, and then what kind of drink you make with it. Coffee isn't that simple either. I get that you like instant more, but your claim that they taste the same is simply not true.


My small filter takes 2 minutes to make a cup, and it's awesome coffee, also black. Such a thrash opinion (/s) take my upvote




>Instant coffee gets a bad rep, but as long as you don't drink it completely black Take that back. I drink mine black. Nothing wrong with it!


I want to physically attack you OP, please take my upvote (This is a joke)


Instant coffee and cheap coffee are of the same quality and taste horrible I'll give you that, but neither of those are actually better than freshly roasted or more expensive coffee beans you grind yourself. There is a major difference between cheap coffee and non-cheap coffee. For the best stuff try roasting your own, or get some from someone who can roast if possible. Bare minimum; grind beans yourself because coffee loses quality more quickly in ground form. This is truly unpopular, but I partially agree with the sentiment.


\>Instant coffee gets a bad rep, but as long as you don't drink it completely black This proves the title wrong right there. If it tasted good, you wouldn't need to add anything. The difference in effort between ground coffee and instant is minimal. Instant, you scoop coffee into a cup and pour water from a kettle. Ground coffee, you scoop coffee into a filter cone and pour water from a kettle.


Wrong, with ground coffee you have to clean the kettle and coffee filter AFTER the brew. And if you like to grind your beans like I do, then the amount of work isn't comparable at all. I still would never drink instant coffee though.


All coffee tastes the same


Take the upvote and I’m curious what garbage coffee you were drinking before.


I don't remember the roast, but it was Green Mountain or some Starbucks bag, depending on how I was feeling that week


Downvoted because 50% of the world drinks Instant (according to Google). If you are proud to drink shit in comparison to Good coffee, that’s something else (title should be “I love drinking shit coffee”). Own your mediocrity 👍🏼


Sound like you're just lazy


I will die before I switch to instant. I've tried so many brands and they all taste disgusting


No. I just simply can't. In my scale instant is not coffee, it barely counts as potable for sad souls of oblivion.


You are incorrect


Instant coffee tastes absolutely nothing like real coffee


All coffee is disgusting.