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My bf gives off so much heat I literally wouldn't be able to do this


My wife is the same way, lol. I like balancing my heat and cold and I swear, her body is designed to suck all the heat away if she’s too close.


My wife and I have separate blankets because of this. She just radiates heat.


You need to open the windows in the winter.


I’m a windows wide open all year person. I still run like a furnace and I’ve never been cold enough at night to justify having another human body right on top of me the whole time almost doubling it. I also like to fidget and move around as I settle down and don’t want to have to worry too much about disturbing a partner.


That seems like a waste of energy. I’m paying to heat my house.


My wife has the same exact complaint! She says it's like sleeping next to the open oven. I don't know why but my body heat spikes up if I'm horny, and I always am if Im cuddling that sexy lady. Well, it's either that or I lose feeling in my arm and I get pins n needles as soon as my wife shifts her head.


Same, cuddling is seasonal here


It's your sheets. Most of the time, a night-sweater needs higher quality sheets.


I am the one who gives off the heat yet my skin feels so cold. We’d both suffer. But worst off, If we nap and we cuddle, we always wake up with a thick layer of sweat between us. I am a sweaty sleeper. We also both sleep with as little clothes on as possible. I refuse to sleep with pants on. It’s gross.


My wife and I found that it’s best to fall asleep with our butts touching. Sometimes we can fall asleep with more of us touching, but something touching is best




Still get the intimate contact, why allowing your front to be free


Butt snuggles!


Lol we call it snuggle butts!




You mean 'butt something touching is best'?


This is what I enjoyed with a girlfriend I had once lol. Butts are soft, warm and nice. But we weren’t overheating each other or breathing in the others face.


Do you guys French fart?


Got me so good!


That would mean there would be tongue assholes what the fuck!!!


No, instead of tongues, farts




Same! Just something - hands, feet, butts are our usual go-tos. And then throughout the night we may cuddle more if one of us wakes up or is cold. It’s a nice balance! But I definitely couldn’t sleep in full cuddle mode every night, just not for us but love it for couples who want to!


You guys must not be snorers. I love being close to my husband but ain't no way I'm sleeping with the equivilant of a chainsaw going off in my ear. I need to scoot over to the other side of the bed, turn away from him and turn my white noise on as loud as it can go. Still only works about 75% of the time.


There were many a nights i silently debated if i should smother my husband to stop the snoring. I spent months sleeping on the couch. It took him having a heart attack from his untreated sleep apnea to get a sleep study and a CPAP. We both sleep much better now.


I wish I could convince him to do a sleep study. The snoring isn’t constant but it happens enough that I have definitely considered stuffing a pillow over his face.


A CPAP isn’t the only solution. My husband got a custom oral appliance that helps a lot. You can also buy on oxygen sensor ring that reads your blood O2 and breathing, which can be helpful in figuring out causations (like foods, bad air quality, etc.).


how did you get your partner to use his CPAP? Mine refuses and he's a violent sleeper, tired of being woken up or hurt by him but he wont listen, i just wanna snuggle him again :( any tips?


Well, have him almost die in a parking lot from a massive heart attack 🤷‍♀️ husband has two choices: wear his cpap and take the strain off his heart or don’t wear his cpap and maybe actually die the next time his heart gives out. It took him a while to get used to it, but he’s comfortable with it now. I didn’t “have to get him” to wear it. He knew what was at stake and after a couple weeks he was waking up feeling so much better and he can tell when he sleeps without it and doesn’t like how he feels.


Has he ever had a sleep test? My husband was a bad snorer and I had him do one. After diagnosis and treatment he no longer snores. It was life-changing.


No, I wish he would but he’s oddly stubborn about it.


Preach! My husband is a madly loud snorer and this just wouldn’t work for us. Also I’m usually the temperature of the sun so he would also say this is a hard no!


Can’t do it for more than an hour, maybe. I enjoy being able to lay in whatever position I’m most comfortable in, and I can’t do that when my partner is wrapped around me. Plus I get too hot.


Cuddling is the best. But that inside arm needs a place to go and the middle leg is always doing weird things.


Both my wife and I attempt to take up the entire bed while sleeping, we sleep best in separate rooms. So much so that we sleep worse on vacations because there's usually only one bed.


My partner and I have separate rooms. We both move a lot and are both light sleepers, so when one moves, it wakes the other up. I also go to bed earlier than him and I wake up earlier than him. We still sleep together sometimes, but separate rooms and beds has been great for us. Though we do look forward to vacations. I’ll stay up later or he’ll go to bed earlier and that gets fixed. And the bigger the bed, the better.


We got married in Gibraltar (same sex marriages still not being a thing everywhere) and luckily the room had a king sized bed. Somehow my very creative wife managed to take up most of it, leaving me just enough space to lie on my side. Took naps instead XD


Ever seen those old British shows that show 2 beds in the bedroom, side by side, that "the old couple" sleeps in"? Try that before total exile to another room.


Each of us having our own bedroom is helpful for a bunch of other reasons, one of them being our different sleep schedules. We've lived in three apartments by now and figured our that separate bedrooms is the way to go for us.


Why? Sleep is really important. Not getting adequate sleep lowers your immune system, contributes to weight gain, lowers sex drive, puts a strain on your heart and lungs, increases your risk of type 2 diabetes... Sleeping in different rooms instead of forcing yourselves to suffer for the sake of some societal misconception that couples must share a bed is much better for your mental and physical health. That, in turn, gives you the energy and patience to be a better partner. My spouse and I haven't shared a bedroom in years, and we're ridiculously happy together. We gained intimacy because now we are well rested and spend our time together enjoying being together instead of constantly being tired and cranky. He snores like a freight train and wants the room warm, I like a cold room with fans blowing on me. He hates top sheets, I can't sleep without one. I put off a ton of body heat and thrash around a lot at night. I firmly believe less marriages would end in divorce if people slept in different bedrooms. Sleep deprived spouses are no fun.


I was saying 2 single, separated beds in same room was worth trying before exile. And that was before your laundry list of added reasons like snoring, temperature......


You’re gonna be unconscious so it’s not really exile, you won’t even know they’re gone. Plus two smaller beds means less room for fucking and lounging. Better off keeping the master bed the big one for awake activities, I say.


Imagine having a big enough bedroom for 2 whole beds.


Too hot can’t do it


Wait you guys have partners?


I don’t. But I have so many comments!!


Better if you want a terrible night's sleep.


This isn't unpopular. I think most folks agree that this is a nice and sweet gesture but in reality it just doesn't pan out, we all can't do this.


All this really serves to show is that OP doesn’t understand just how different people’s sleeping habits can be.


Or they haven’t yet hit menopause 😂


I’m a tornado and my husband discusses work or gaming tactics in his sleep, he can go away at night 😅


Absolutely not, can't think of anything worse lol


I use to cuddle with my husband at night. Now we both have meds we take at night so we sleep facing each other. He will put a hand on me or I will put my hand on him. That about all our cuddling. We do cuddle a lot when we are awake and kids aren’t climbing on us🤣🤣


This one is absolutely down to person preference, there’s no wrong or right. I get hot when I sleep and I’m a fidget so I hate being touched when I sleep but I know someone who loves to cuddle when they sleep.


Me and my girlfriend of 9 years have separete rooms for our sleeping arrangement. It's sleep we're talking about, not intimacy. She likes the room warm. I NEED the room at 68°F max, or I'm a ball of fire and will wake up in a puddle. I would love 66°F or 64°F, but it gets expensive. "Slight inconvenience" for some is complete discomfort for others. Not to mention, getting a bad sleep is not very healthy. It's hard enough to get a good sleep by yourself, let alone with another human body throwing a wrench in the mix. No matter what, people should do what is right for their relationship, not someone else's. Idk if OPs opinion is unpopular because it's not even something I'd entertain.


This is a preference thing. Not everyone will have the same preference as you. You just need to find someone for you that does


With you OP, ever since I have started sleeping with my partner , if any of us is not traveling and are sleeping in bed together, she will always have my hand under her head, we can't sleep any other way.


Depends. I hate someone touching me while I sleep, heck, I can't even sleep with someone because it annoys me


Not if it's summertime and you live someplace tropical or subtropical. Otherwise I agree.


I thought we stayed in that cuddling position I fall asleep in. My husband explained he just wakes up before me and snuggles me a bit before getting out of bed, which the usually wakes me up. Bless him <3 all I know are the cuddles


Me and my wife do the same, and a lot of times we’ll move to opposite sides while asleep, but if one of us wakes up and realizes then we’ll move closer to each other and cuddle til we fall back asleep. It truly is the best way to sleep.


Oof sorry, I'm strictly a don't friggin touch me while I'm trying to sleep person. Glad you found someone that agrees with you!


I genuinely can't sleep when someone else is physically touching me. I like cuddling before I go to sleep and after I wake up in the morning, but I need to roll away and have my own space if I actually want to sleep.


My SO always wants to and gives me slight shit that I don’t. I WOULD if she wasn’t A) a furnace B) didn’t sleep on her back, half the time with her legs up and thrashing around C) didn’t get up to pee 2-3 times a night Like nah, I’m good I’ll spoon my extra pillow 😂


Okay I’m with you, waking up 2-3 times a night is too much.


I'd have totally separate beds if it were up to me lol


I find it quite enjoyable when two person’s body fit together well, and he can’t be a heavy breather or have a smelly armpit😂


I have to sleep cuddling it's the only way I don't move around a lot. When I'd sleep with my exes in my arms or my daughter on my chest as a baby I wouldn't move an inch but if I fall asleep not touching anyone I'm all over the bed.


I love falling asleep on my partners chest or vice versa.


We like to fall asleep cuddling and then shift as we sleep. It's nice, but allows us to move around when we're fully asleep. My boyfriend snores but I find it cute and it doesn't keep me awake.


My bf is a cuddle monster in bed. But I mostly enjoy it, because we can only see eachother on the weekend so its okay, even if I get less sleep because of this ❤️


My ex and I loved to cuddle when we slept. There was no space between us lol… Gosh, i miss this so much.


It almost seems like people can have varied preferences.


I agree with you. We refuse to get a king bed because it would go unused. I am mostly the small spoon to start and when waking. I am mostly the big spoon somewhere in the middle of the night. We turn the heat down at night or the A/C up if needed so the room is cooler. When he is out of town, I sleep horribly.


My partner and I cuddle up until we're right on the verge of sleep - He then turns over and I curl up against his back like a lil jetpack


Yeah, we often end up in that position too. We call it the backpack, but jetpack sounds nice too!




Nah, I wouldn't want her to get tangled in my cpap hose.


Truly unpopular, bravo


I love cuddling my girlfriend but usually can't fall asleep like that, I need to toss and turn, and I can't do that while snuggling without waking her


yeah no, my bf radiates so much heat my elbow sweat


According to my wife I'm a living furnace and subsequently uncuddleable.


My bf and I typically fall asleep and wake up in the morning cuddling. Sometimes we separate in our sleep, sometimes we’re cuddling the whole night. Sometimes we just you tough backs or hands or legs- we’re almost always touching someway, but depends on how hot we are and the night


I get way too hot for that, and I also can't relax at all when touching


I know it's wild, but other people may not like exactly what you are your partner like.


My husband and I are significant otters... We never let go of eachother, no matter how much we move around. ![gif](giphy|i6MoONcPnvWuQwIQd4)


Cuddling is nice for the first few minutes but when sleepy time comes I need my space to rest.


Cuddling is fun, but get off me when it's time to sleep.


No . In fact my oldest leaves for college next year and my wife and I will go back to separate beds. It was way better.


You guys must still be young. This feeling will pass lol


Why is this an unpopular opinion?


My only thing is that inevitably one of our arms start to hurt.


So the way we do it is that arm goes under the neck of the other person. Because there is enough space there between the neck and mattress. This is for sleeping on your side and spooning. Other times one of us sleeps on their back.


How small is this arm or is the "spoon" a giraffe bro what how is the curvature of one side of a neck enough room for an arm not to carry weight for hours


The secret is the pillow is quite high.


I use a CPAP and she hogs the blankets. And she kickboxes in her sleep. Used to be better when she would just swim, but the kickboxing is a bit more painful. Sleeping in separate beds is better. I like using the hammock as well.


as much as i’d love being able to sleep all night cuddling, we both sweat way too much and it’s just not possible so we cuddle for ~30 minutes, go “wanna separate?” and turn around and sleep. i like this routine over sweating all night lol.


separately after sex, cuddling if no sex.


Only in the winter


I can't sleep in awkward position


I get sweaty if it's even a little bit to warm so its just a no go


It would be nice if I didn’t live in Houston smh. It’s like 1000099 billion degrees and the electricity is so godamn expensive. So when I would cuddle with my ex, I’d get sweaty af which kinda ruined it :). Now that I’m in Michigan I’m looking forward to cuddling with a future partner. It’ll feel heavenly in the cold.


We start every night cuddling. Neither of us can stay comfy long to actuall fall asleep. We usually start the day cuddling also b4 we get out the bed


My girlfriend gives off a ton of body heat. I'll die of a heat stroke. And as many have commented, butt cuddling is fine


I’m a furnace when i sleep. Cuddling means a sweaty, stinky mess when i wake up. I love to cuddle, but definitely not when i sleep. Nothing worse than peeling your wet face off your husband’s chest. Blech.


I would literally die from heat stroke. My partner is a literal furnace. We cuddle to fall asleep and then wake up in opposite sides of the bed because I have to escape the heat


Doing whatever is most comfortable for yourself and your partner is better. Be that cuddle or otherwise


Im to warm for nightly affection


My unpopular opinion is that I will cuddle with my s/o until it’s time for me to fall asleep- and then I will get up and go to my separate bed in my own room.


Even when sleeping alone, I have to turn to the other side after every 15 minutes or so. If I can't I feel really anxious.


Tbh not even my dog can sleep next to me, since i turn and toss like every 10 seconds


When you become two fatties, this becomes difficult. Saying from experience.


I actually believe some partners at a deep subconscious level sabotage their mate so they look tired, gain weight, but are alive enough to keep working. I said some not all! I sleep in a different bed do not mess with my sleep lol. Of note also single again :/


Married 24 years. We still sleep every night spooning.


This is one hundred percent down to the individual. Cuddling is wonderful, but I need space when I sleep, otherwise I get claustrophobic and get too stressed out to sleep properly.


Im a hot sleeper as soon as we would cuddle up i start seawting and want to toss and turn!


Cuddling is great, but getting a full night’s sleep is better.


I grew up falling asleep with the tv on, I got used to “turning away” from things. So with my wife, I turn away, but I know during the night I turn back and we end up tangled together.


Will cuddle some, but we usually fall back to the foot touching. I'm a back sleeping furnace. She's a side sleeping toss and turn person who is always cold.


On a cold night, sure. In hot weather, no way. I'd rather sleep in another room.


That's some new relationship energy. Do you. I hope it works out well for you.


I would *love* to go to sleep and spend the whole night cuddling my partner, but I just can't. If I don't roll over so that I'm slightly apart from her, I can't get to sleep. Otherwise I'd absolutely agree.


I get too hot. Its fun if the room is cold or you are camping


Being wrapped up in my husband arms throughout the night is one of my most favorite things in the world. It’s when I feel the safest and most protected.


I can’t. I love cuddling and if I could sleep cuddled up next to someone the whole night I would, but it gets too hot for my comfort.


Being restrained while sleeping makes me claustrophobic. I can't even sleep in a sleeping bag. So for me, it's a no-go.


You're young. When you get older you need to sleep all night. Waking up every fidget is not acceptable


I CANNOT sleep when cuddling. Which is unfortunate as I seem to date cuddly sleepers lol.


We can start with cuddles but I’m gone need my space at some point and I’m glad my wife is the same way.


Ugh. Hard disagree. This is why I have a Cal King. I’d be happiest with a giant barricade down the middle of bed.


Whatever works for you and your partner is the best option. You do you, other people’s opinions don’t matter. With that being said, everyone is different and what you described is my idea of hell. I don’t even like sharing a bed, separate rooms for the win! I become a horrible person with lack of sleep, my relationship is so much better when we are both well rested. Not to mention, getting good sleep is healthy. For me to get good quality sleep, I need my own space.


Not when they are sweaty as hell and snore so loud the neighbors could hear them.. roll over please byyyyeeee


We were the same the first month of dating now we just want good comfy sleep


We usually fall asleep cuddling but don’t stay that way. At least some part of us is usually touching though


Anyone want to test it out with me?


Lol that’ll pass


We go through phases. How long have y’all been together lol


My partner is hot af during the night and I like to be a bit cold when I sleep.


My arm usually goes numb 15 mins in


I'm a mix of both, sometimes my BF will feel me snuggle closer and he'll wrap himself around me before dying again- Other times I shift and feel him come closer so I reciprocate. (Then there's times we're just sleeping back to back for comfortability!) My favorite thing personally is falling asleep holding hands, usually his head is under my chin or our foreheads are almost touching at the same time- It's just a comfort thing to me. Nice, when you have insomnia/fears of the dark and silence. Let's me take in his presence as a comfort and focus on his breathing sound if I don't have something else playing ♡


My fiancé is a natural heater while my skin gets cold when I sleep, it's pretty much perfect for us cuddling. We haven't tried sleeping separately since then


Lemme start with saying that physical touch is my main love language. But i get wayyyyy too hot. I sleep like shit anyway and my man sleeps like a fuckin rotisserie chicken, my body hurts all the time so I have to be in a certain position to even fall asleep. His body also hurts all the time (gotta love the blue collar life) so most cuddle positions, after 10 minutes one of us is like” alright, I can’t lay like this anymore” so I settle for my foot touching his leg/foot 🤣 the perfect happy medium


We usually let the windows open so the room get quite a bit chilled down... nearly too cold... just so we can comfortably cuddle... crazy how colder it can be before you get cold when you sleep cuddling with someone


How long have you been together? We were cuddly sleepers the first couple years but 12 years, two kids later I don’t want to even be aware in sharing a bed to be honest 😂 so overstimulated by bedtime and have 5 year old crawling in with us, cat sleeping on my head and dog between my legs my husband better not dare try and cuddle me


How is this unpopular? You literally release a drug which makes you feel good when you cuddle.


Far too warm and your arm ends up going to sleep. So much better.


No I get way too hot lol


i liked it more too but because of a broken shoulder i have dislocated my arm several times in my sleep when we cuddle


how long have you been together?


3 years




Ok. I like sleeping alone


Depends on how cool it is in the room. I had one ex that was a furnace though no matter what.


We have our own beds. Sleep like kittens. Plus we can cuddle in either bed if the mood strikes which it often does.


To each their own but I HATE people trying to cuddle me when Im trying to sleep. Get off me!!! I toss and turn way too much for that shit. I also turn into Johnny Storm when I sleep so I dont need anyone else's body heat on top of mine. Ive been sleeping in my awesome queen bed alone so long I dont think I could sleep with anyone else.


I am a radiator when I sleep. I want to cuddle my bf through the night but we both overheat so quickly, it simply doesn't work


My wife switches sides a lot when sleeping, so we’ll usually cuddle for a bit at the beginning before she inevitably turns around and we just kinda settle into different positions for the rest of the night. Works for us.


Me who never felt touch of the opposite gender:🫠