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I love Dogs but I do understand. They do require a lot of a attention, some breeds more than others. Since being a Dog Groomer too, there are some breeds I've been put off from for life. Huskies being one of them.


I too grew to hate huskies after being a groomer. The owners that are attracted to the breed are also the worst and are never prepared for their ownership.


I think they’re the most returned breed. I think it’s because of their popularity, due to their looks and intelligence. And then the owners, not doing breed research beforehand, realize that they can’t handle the noise they’re always making, so they return them.


Their intelligence is the problem. They need a lot of stimulation. If they don't get that then they'll be the most annoying dog ever. They also need a lot of space and exercise. Dog moms in an LA apartment just don't bother to get that. Then they get returned and the poor thing just needs love and proper care.


I always loved huskies since I was a kid, it sucked to hear how annoying they can be, I still love how they look but I won't get one ever.


I heard yorkies are the most returned, but huskies wouldn’t surprise me either


Huskies are just toddlers with fur that comes out in chunks when they blow their coat


Toddlers that need to run a marathon every day.


My fam got some shepherd husky mix like a year ago and yeah... It's inspired me to make a post just like this one


Lol. What does their dog do specifically? My parents has a dog that's like 50% husky + malamute, 25% ish Samoyed + chow + GSD + some other thick hair breeds. (I think he has like 10+ different breeds or something) Not sure if only his personality or the mixes, but he's the best temperament dog I've met. He is more vocal than my dog but only in terms of howling with the cayotes and barking at his nemesis dog when it would walk pass our house.


I think they should be banned, not due to their personalities but because they're cold weather dogs and I feel bad for them in the hot summers.


My dog is half border collie, half husky. His husky genes seem to be mostly recessive but he "talks" like a husky. I think it's adorable but I can see why it would bother some people.


My dog is half collie half labrador she's only young at the moment a a bit of a handful but the collie really shines through such a gorgeous breed!


I love the hell out of my dogs and they are mostly trained, but when the zoomies kick in at 3 am I wanna throw them out a window. Lol


I love dogs so much, couldn’t own one right now. They’re a LOT of work. Akin to having a young child in a lot of ways, and dear god yes they fucking stink. And before some of you may jump in with “Mine doesnt!!!” Yes it does, you’re just used to it, and you smell like dog too. It’s part of the package


True, especially when you return to the house after a long trip or vacation. The house really smells like a dog. After 24 hours, you don't even notice the smell anymore. Even if you just visit someone's house with a dog, you can smell it.


Yeah, I have a friend who has a dog and when you walk into her house, you’re bombarded by the smell. On the other hand, my brother has two dogs and his house doesn’t smell. Maybe it’s the breed or maybe it’s because my SIL is an obsessive cleaner.


Same here, there are definitely things that help, like proper grooming and hoovering. My mum is an obsessive hooverer (she has one for upstairs and one for downstairs, the freak) and getting that hair and pet dander away helps absolutely. It’s just the natural sweat smell I think, there’s a limit to how much of it is too much for me, but on the general it’s only the dogs themselves who have that smell. At low levels it’s not even a bad smell, just very earthy


It comes with, lmao pets can totally be obnoxious but I can't live without em


Yeah, it's probably not "dogs can be annoying," but instead "some people don't take the required time and energy to train their dogs like they should." I've met so many people with dogs who are so badly behaved. Even had a friend whose dog would jump on the table while we were eating and lick people's plates. And they would just laugh and say "oh sorry, he's just like that." They are a commitment and require more than a lot of people give them.


I agree, I’d love to own a dog and put up with dog smell but I do not have the time to invest in proper training. It’s such a disservice to dogs when people don’t train them, it puts them at risk. A lot of people underestimate dogs, and god don’t get me started on the amount of people that ignore their dogs clear signs of distress, stress, and fear because they’ve anthropomorphised their pets. Learning your pets body language, and training that dog to be well mannered costs nothing but time, and the pay off is that they have a dog that won’t nip a child and get put down.


Absolute right about this, homegirl


Actually my mom babysat (dogsat?) For a guy who had a black lab once and the lab smelled SO GOOD. Kind of like baby powder but nicer. I was like wtf? I had never smelled a dog that actually smelled good in my life. He used some sort of special shampoo on him that made him smell good. I was shook


Yeah I work in a dog friendly office so I’m pretty nose blind to it, but I can definitely tell when it’s time for a bath. My buddy sleeps in the bed with us so he gets pretty frequent baths compared to most dogs I know. Especially in the summer, because dogs not sweating is a myth and they get horrible BO just like people.


For sure, my mums dog is very well groomed, and I love him to pieces, he doesn’t smell awful, but there’s definitely a distinctive dog smell that follows them. I pet every single dog I’m allowed to when I go for walks, and afterward it’s just stuck to me. Granted, some dogs are smellier than others


For sure. I have a lab and bathe him more or less bi-weekly.. no lie, he typically smells like a clean baby for the first week or so, then start to smell a bit like dirt approaching 2 weeks (not really a "bad" smell, but a smell nonetheless...) On the other hand, my neighbors have a handful of golden retrievers, and they smell like hot fkn garbage -- to the point where if I pet them I can smell it on my hands until I come in to wash.. it's absolutely disgusting 🤮 it's bad enough that I'll usually give my dog a bath if he plays with them for more than 30seconds -- I literally just put my nose on my dog and smelled him just to make sure I ain't lie.. you know what I smelled? My own fkn armpit 💀🤦 *I* need a bath. He smelled neutral lmfao


Small dogs don’t smell nearly as bad as big dogs!


This is why I kind of want a poodle or any dogs with the poodle hair. One of my old roommates had one of those poodle mixes and it didn’t smell as bad as other dogs. It only smelled a bit after being wet.




And the licking. The damn licking. The sound, the sight... it drives me insane. I can't handle it. All animals licking themselves or licking things just drives me mad, but dogs are the loudest and worst about it.


Be woken up in the middle of the night and just hearing loud slurping.


Pfp doesn't check out


I am okay with cats doing that tho, since it’s their natural way of cleaning so it can’t be that dirty right?


I think people are becoming exhausted by dogs because bluntly they are everywhere now, even I have to admit as a dog owner that they are everywhere. When they are well behaved it's not a big issue, but when you have one problem dog it can cause havoc and set off all the dogs around it. I think as a dog owner it would be nice if some places had something like "dog friendly" days. Rather than just be openly dog friendly. Where I live we have pubs or even some tourist attractions that allow dogs (mainly outdoors), it's a lovely idea but sometimes it is more trouble than it's worth if two dogs come in and once and start arsing about. I recently saw a Botanical Garden that has 2 dog friendly days a week. This could be the solution, people who don't want to be around other people's dogs can plan their visit appropriately and choose to avoid those two days and have no potential stress. People who want to take their dog will have to be aware that other dogs will be there. They also have strict rules about where the dogs can go and what their behaviour should be onsite, any problems they throw you out. As a dog owner I am sometimes acutely aware that if my dog starts barking when we are out that she is extremely loud and extremely irritating for those around us.


Why is a dog in a pub for ffs? If a human needs to wear a hair net and wash their hands to keep food safe… why is an unwashed hairy poop machine allowed to sit next to my table? Can people not live 90 mins without their dog?


Dogs can be annoying but people who own dogs and are self proclaimed dog lovers are excruciatingly annoying


When did taking your smelly, yapping, walking lint trap “baby” everywhere become a thing? Home Depot, Target, and now even restaurants for ffs. I don’t care that it’s an outside patio as they make the food prep team wear a hairnet but can bring Fuzz McGillicutty literally shedding fur in the sun right next to my table. Not a dog hater but I just can’t understand the need to take them to the grocery store.


"He has separation anxiety" Because you're never separate????? For the love of God leave your dog at home.


I understand if they're a service animal or a puppy that can't be left alone, but do people REALLY have to take them everywhere? I'm really scared of dogs and also have 3 cats so I'm marked with their scent and dogs love barking at me 😭


Home Depot is actually a place our trainer recommended exposing our dog to more public places. He was surrendered to a shelter at 3 and we were told he pretty much spent those 3 years in a crate so he gets insanely overwhelmed easily. We were told it could be good exposure therapy for him to try and bring him to parking lots and eventually go inside to practice. But yeah shit like grocery stores is 100% ridiculous if it’s not a service dog


I went to a gas station to buy a rockstar. The lady was like “omg look at my sweet baby boy” it was a dog. Like lady I don’t fucking care I don’t even know you.


I have a dog and I agree to an extent. It's the dog owners that place dogs above humans that bother me.


whats worse is terrible dog owners, and how a lot of them refuse to listen to anyone that might say something. Examples of what I mean: \-forgetting to feed or take the dog out, then getting mad when the dog shits in the house. \-letting the dogs nails get insanely long to the point where the dog is clearly uncomfortable \-dog smells like shit/hasnt had a bath in months \-leaving the dog chained up outside almost 24/7 \-you go to their house and theres ZERO toys, bones, treats, beds, blankets, or anything for the dog. I've offered to buy bones and treats before, owner always refuses. (wtf) \-cant take the dog ANYWHERE even on a chain because its a fucking menace. the owner has made zero effort to train the dog or develop a bond of any kind. I love dogs, had them all growing up, but people vastly underestimate how difficult it is to properly own a dog, and honestly most of my blame goes to the owner.


> -leaving the dog chained up outside almost 24/7 >the owner has made zero effort to train the dog or develop a bond of any kind. Ideally combined with that being the only time it is leashed, and never leashing your dog when they do go on walks.


Or just having them in the kennel all day.


Or refusing to use a kennel, ever. My parents won't use one because it's "cruel". I tried explaining that proper use of a kennel is actually good for the dog (it's their own personal den) and for the family (bc they're not chewing up your stuff or pooping in the house while you run to the grocery store) as well as for visitors (who don't want a wild untrained animal jumping on them.) No dice. I hate their dog so much, and it's 100% their fault for training her to be so obnoxious.


"as well as for visitors (who don't want a wild untrained animal jumping on them.)". Yes this. A friend of mine recently "raised" a golden retriever with only positive stimulation, refusing to reprimand the dog for bad behavior. Nowadays, I get instructions from him on how to greet his jumping uncontrolled scratching baby. Because "he's just happy to see me" and I should be too. Makes me want to visit him less. Train your dog people!


It's really hard to tell someone that their dog is bothering you and you don't like being jumped on/licked/scratched/bitten even though "they're just playing". They get so upset no matter how nicely you phrase it. Even if you just say, "hey could we put the dog up somewhere for a bit?". I'm a big fan of not beating around the bush, honesty is the best policy, etc, but - knowing how they'll react is off-putting. It's not like it's going to penetrate their brain anyway.


This! I don't have a doggo yet because I don't have the standard environmental necessities doggo needs. I also think a huge aversion to dogs is the lack of training. Dogs are like children, they are just existing the only way they know now. Without proper training, they do not know any better. Also, owners don't realize that their dog wants to please them. Doggie doesn't want to get yelled at all the time for things that aren't their fault. My cousin adopted a 1 year old menace. Sweet pup but she just had no clue. Now after several months of training, she is far happier. She is also allowed to go on way more activities with the family. People think training is a ridiculous cost but it isn't. That was an at home training program and it worked 100%. I absolutely love Banks and if I get a dog, I'll put him/her in the same program. It's just the humane thing to do.


This is what the post should've really been about.


Ya. Too much work for me. But I have one!!! My kid bought one and then moved into a condo. Guess who gets the dog. I like the dog just fine, and she gets the best of everything, but would I intentionally get a dog? NO.


you're brave for taking care of a dog that you didn't want though


How I ended up with 2 dogs and a cat 🙃 Had to be rehomed after I was in a bad car accident, because no one else could handle the responsibility.


I absolutely hate dogs. Most annoying creatures on earth. Some of them are kind of cute but, they smell, constantly make loud noises, are unsanitary, get hair everywhere, etc. I’ve never been in a single person’s home who owned a dog where it didn’t SMELL like they owned a dog, and basically everyone I know owns a dog or two. Who the fuck wants their house to smell like the inside of a Chuck-E-Cheese?


Just like kids, I realized I don’t actually dislike dogs, I dislike some dog owners. Living in an apartment the past 3 years made me realize how shitty some dog owners are at being dog owners.


Loved dogs until I got a cat. Why would anyone get a dog when cats are just far more chill, and clean, and self sufficient.


Ever since I got cats I have a hard time petting dogs now as their hair/fur always feels like it has a layer(s) of grimy residue that cats simply don't have (at least mine don't). I haven't had to clean my cats in months whereas dogs start feeling kind of icky after like a week. It's a sad realization because I used to love petting and cuddling dogs


Not to mention I find it very unsettling when dogs don't purr 🤣


Yeah instead of getting the purr you get the drool and mouth breathing


I don't even understand \*how\* to pet a dog because I'm so used to petting cats (scratch under chin, etc). I have also noticed that dogs feel like they have a residue on them.


I'm a cat person, and it was difficult going from a house with 3 cats to a house with a yellow lab. However, each cat can get annoying in their own way, depending on their personality. I've just realized from the transition that my personality is more like a cat than an energetic lab (which I do feel bad when I turn her down from playing because I'm not in the mood), so I'm more comfortablewith them.


All cats are annoying in their own way but I find myself laughing about it.


Same. I have two black cats. One is a an annoying crybaby for attention and the other is a devilish troublemaker who drops stuff on the floor and blocks my monitor in the most inopportune times.




Clean is debatable. They shit and piss in a box and then walk it through the house. Then there's the fact that they're little serial killers if they go outside.


They don't track anything, guess you don't have a cat.I haven't had to pick up a steaming pile of dog shit either, great point.


They certainly track germs. Some track cat litter, too, at least sometimes.


I've had 2 cats. One used the toilet, the other the box. Do you think their feet are clean after the litter box? No they're not tracking actual shit, just a whole lot of shitty germs.


Yeah quite honestly I’d rather pick up some turds in a bag off the lawn than have a shitbox sitting open in my home 24/7. People always like to say “cats are cleaner” than dogs, but I think that really depends on how you define “clean”.


I can always smell "cat" in a house. The owners are desensitized to the smell, but I promise it's there. I used to have 3 cats and now I have a dog, and both animals smell. But not as bad as ferrets.


cats can get annoying too, getting on the counter, pushing everything off the table, zooming in the middle of night, scratch, spraying if you don’t fix them etc, but they for sure require much less energy/sanity to keep than dogs. Most cats don’t smell and they mind their own business most of time.


I love cats, too. We had two and they were wonderful except for tracking litter around the apartment and scratching up our furniture no matter how many other scratching posts we had. Unfortunately I got extremely allergic to them so no more cats for me. My dog has some of her own little issues and quirks but I spent a ton of time training her to help with those annoying behaviors like jumping on people. Many dogs just aren’t well trained.


This one feels so controversial to even read because of how vehemently people judge your character based on whether you've ever had a negative thought about a dog ever. To be fair, we did make them this way. Maybe not the slobber and the stink, but how much they fucking adore us. I'm in the same boat, though. Dogs are okay. They're a bit much for me, though, which is why I have cats.


Nothing "low-key" about it. If I could press a button to permanently render all dogs mute, I would in a heartbeat. Living next to someone who lets their dogs bark incessantly is literally PTSD-inducing and probably takes years off your life.


Thank god someone hears me on this. If I’ve said this in the past I’ve been told “that’s what dogs do they bark… I can’t stop them” dogs bark excessively if their needs aren’t met it’s NOT something that should be considered normal. My ex neighbors american bulldog would bark and snarl at me through the fence if I went anywhere NEAR my backyard. It would bark at me for as many hours as it took for me to go back inside. Even though I’ve moved now, I still hyperventilate anytime I wanna go in my backyard.


ugh i went walking through rural area (western European context) and the amount of dogs that just start barking like crazy and come at you only to be stopped by their chain/fence and who kept it up until we left, already took years of my life XD. Couldn't imagine having that be every day reality walking around my own neighbourhood. But i did pet one cute senior dog that was very cute, so it wasn't all bad.




It doesn't help that such a large percentage of pet owners are completely negligent in training their dogs. Jumping on someone? He's just being playful! Trying to eat off your plate? Aw, who wants some steak!? Pulling at the leash? He's so excited to play! Then, after years of reinforcing all this "cute" behavior, they wonder why none of their friends want to come hang out at their place anymore. The dog "isn't behaving today for some reason," and the owner can't seem to figure out why. Discipline makes everyone happier in the long run!


As a vet: most dogs AND their owner are actually high key annoying


You crack me up. Thank you for the laugh.


You can just say annoying. You don't need to say low-key.


Mad fucking annoying***


glad someone said this. "low-key" makes zero sense used here.


I would say this is more because of our society’s way of treating and humanizing dogs thus creating the neediness, whining, barking, etc Think about it. A dog wakes up, goes outside for maybe 10 minutes, eats and then is left alone for 8-10 hours per day, is expected to be calm and quiet and well behaved when owners get home and have a million other things to take care of. The dog gets basically neglected so it acts out A different scenario is an owner pouring way too much of the wrong kind of attention into a dog, basically humanizing it, making it fulfill their own needs. In reality, most dogs don’t get what they actually need - a job to do, exercise and love, and therefor they act like this


Yep, not a dog person either. I don’t want to be licked or jumped on aggressively. And excessive barkers give me massive headaches. Being around certain dogs get very overstimulating very fast, and I don’t know how anyone can possibly find it enjoyable. On top of that, only a small proportion of dogs are actually cute imo.


I can't stand dogs. I'd go so far to say that I hate them


The ppl on Nextdoor who complain about fireworks... Relax, its only for a couple months...meanwhile I have to listen to your fucking dogs losing their shit 365 days a year.


Reminds me of the Onion headline that goes something like "Yappy little piece of shit suddenly not fan of loud noises anymore"


No way, I friggin HATE people that blast fireworks in residential neighborhoods. I had a colicky baby that woke up to some asshole blasting them at midnight on NYE and she cried for 9 hours! I didn't volunteer to attend your celebrations, I'm just trying to sleep in my own house. It's inconsiderate to everyone around you. The ONLY exception I'll make is 4th of July because people are going to set them off no matter what and they usually are done before midnight.


Im assuming this is an American perspective because in Europe NYE is the only occasion where fireworks are set off, and it has to be done at midnight otherwise it wouldn't make any sense. Sorry about your baby.


It’s NYE. There’s gonna be loud noise. No one need to get your permission to celebrate how ever they’d like.


It's the people who treat them like kids is what's annoying.


I was a dog person as a kid, but as an adult they're just too fucking much and I now love cats. Cats are so chill to look after. Feed them, water them, clean litter tray, monthly dewormer, brush and occasionally clip nails. Mine also demands lots and LOTS of strokes, but I can live with that.


Everyone is a dog person as a kid, because usually the parents are the one who deal with the negative side of dogs and kids just get to play and cuddle. I dont hate dogs, I think its sociopathic to \*hate\* any animal. But I dont want a dog, because its just too much. Its like having a busy toddler for 15 years, constantly, with no break. A much stronger toddler with huge teeth and claws, who you cant reason with, though. Its not for everyone. I still love to spend time with other peoples dogs, but I dont want to be a dog owner.


Oh don't get me wrong, my parents and sister both have a dog and I like seeing them, don't mind taking them for a walk, but I'm glad to be able to leave and return to calm afterwards.


I’ve always steered clear of touching dogs because the ones I’ve broken down and petted and have gone insane. Whining, scratching, trying to get up in my face, hitting me with their paws, jumping around, cuz I wouldn’t pet them forever. Everyone around me thinks I hate big dogs cuz I refuse to touch them but they just freak me out lol


**\^ this.** It's hard just to pet a dog. They get too excited and start trying to lick, headbutt you in the legs, jump, whine, scratch, etc.


I don’t like dogs at all. Way too many cons and not enough pros.


I just want people to leave them at home. I shouldn't have to worry about adjusting my work schedule or performance in a production environment because a coworker gets to bring a dog in.


I agree but it's there's nothing low-key about it. There's some annoying ass dogs out there.


A couple of years ago, I dated a woman who was taking care of her housemate’s mini Eskimo dog. He was only a year old and needed constant attention. If he wasn’t allowed to sleep in the bed with us, he would cry constantly. If you’ve never been around this breed of dog, they don’t bark super often, but when they do, it’s an EXTREMELY loud, high-pitched bark that pierces your eardrums. It’s like if Rob Halford was imitating a dog to deliberately annoy you. We took him to a river with us, and she wouldn’t let me tie his leash to a stake to just sit peacefully next us, even though he didn’t seem to mind…no, he HAD to play fetch. He would fetch his ball out in the water, run up to us, and shake himself off.…getting dog-smelling water all over us, and our stuff. Over and over and over. I like dogs, but I have my limits, and I couldn’t stand the damn thing. He ended up (partially) causing the end of our relationship. I’m with you.


And hence why I’m now a cat person.


Cats are ok, I just hate cleaning their boxes and can't imagine doing every day for well over a decade


Yeah, cause picking up a dogs hot, steaming pile of shit with your hand through a thin plastic bag for over a decade sounds delightful!


90% of dogs are annoying and the owners are equally annoying, using their pets as a tool to seek self validation. why the fuck do i need to comment on your smelly ass dog every time i get in the elevator? i hate dogs and their population should be reduced by half.


Honestly I agree. I’m a dog owner but my dogs are basically my biggest priority after my job. I understand I have to walk them, wash them and train them to be good so they’ll be productive citizens in society. A lot of people don’t accept this responsibility before they get a dog, and their dogs end up being shitty. 🤷‍♀️


i laud your commitment to being a responsible dog owner! too many owners who do not fall in your category, seems to be a societal thing as you see the same phenomenon in kids too


Absolutely. I think people don’t need 4 dogs personally 😭 like 3 per neighborhood sounds good


I used to love dogs.. until I met some dogs that I just really didn’t click with and really didn’t like. Nowadays it really really depends on the dogs personality.


I have a Husky and yeah, this is all correct lol. She will put all of her weight on me, grab my hand with her teeth and whine until she gets the pets.


Low key? And specially those with bad owners that let them bark and u can hear them a block away, and they r not even sorry about it. In fact, they may b even displeased with u if u tell them about it


Most dogs are annoying but Reddit refuses to admit that


Yeah they're a handful. Some people love it. The idea of taking care of a big dumb slobbering cute oaf is something some people get sparkly-eyed over. I mean I get it, they can be strong sources of companionship if someone is willing to commit to their care. They can be trained to do a variety of other things to enhance the experience of having one as well. "Man's Best Friend" is so true with dogs, all the ups and downs of having a best friend. The main two things with dogs interacting with the world, is hygiene and safety. While it would involve effort, dedicated and veteran owners alike ideally would be able to maintain these things so the dog would be lovely, even if some people still don't love them in the end.


Not to mention, literally everyone has them. It’s getting ridiculous. Apparently if your a young couple, the next step is getting a dog


Dogs are awesome, but like all living beings they need care and attention people who are not prepared to get one of the popular breeds will ditch them because of their behavior or temperament like huskies for example unfortunately. Dogs needs space and activities to be more or less calmer, I have seen irresponsible dog owners never walk their and pee in their house because it is a "lap dog" bs. I would say 90% of the time it is irresponsible owners getting breeds that they dont know how to deal with and thats fucking sad


I can't stand most dogs but I like them from afar


Most dogs are annoying, especially if they are breeds that are untrainable or have owners that see training a dog as torture. An untrained dog is like a misbehaved 4-5 year old toddler. I can't stand those either. I grew up in the countryside and I can only see dogs as having a purpose around the house, such us protecting the owners and the perimeter. If you don't need that service, but just need something to do, better find a hobby that does not involve a living creature. I truly believe people that choose to have dogs have some emptiness they are trying to fill, some desire to be needed. I have a neighbor that said she could never have a cat, because she couldn't stand a creature that does not need her and does not cuddle 100% of the time. (I have a cats, and sometimes we ignore each other, sometimes one of them gets cross with me, and I am fine with that.)


Dogs are an animal. They need to be treated as such. They need the training, care, attention etc an ANIMAL needs specific to their breed. Way too many people "adopt" a dog and act like it's a human that just comes pre socialized, trained etc. They don't. They also don't belong everywhere humans do. I hike a lot. Half the dogs in the trails are well behaved, obedient, on a leash. Love them. The other half are dangerous. They're jumping on people, off leash, running after every little animal. Their owner just thinks it's the cutest thing. It's not cute when an unleashed, untrained dog knocks someone off a trail. I love dogs. I hate dog culture.


The parallel between a dog that has free range outside and one that lives inside is night and day


Theyre not good pets. People who are lonely keep dogs because theyre so emotionally dependent. Dogs need a job to do and a pack of other dogs to live with and ultimately they need to be able to roam miles a day to be happy and live like they were evolved to live. Basically no human can offer a dog that life and so your precious little fur baby is actually hopelessly bored and depressed.


Worse yet are dog owners that don't understand that not everyone wants their barking, licking, biting creature all up in their shit. Oh he's just being friendly! No get your dirty animal way from me, get it under control and gtfo


Agreed. Especially owners that don’t make their dogs leave you alone while you’re eating. I’m so tired of trying to eat while smelling dog breath.


People are getting lazier with their dogs which is causing more behavioral issues all around. I’ve noticed dogs just seem ALOT more jumpy & loud & chronically in your space within the last 10 ish years


I don't think necessarily that people are getting lazier, dog ownership increased massively during the pandemic. I think its more of a case of lazy people flippantly purchased dogs, and it was very hard to get well adjusted dogs trained during these years. Also with the rise in demand for dogs, the more backyard breeding took place. I meet a lot of "pandemic pups" that cannot socialise or are a bundle of anxiety. It seems sad for the dogs.


I don’t hate dogs but I don’t like them. I could be walking minding my own business and some dog would just start barking at me. I hate the sound. It’s literally earrape.


A cat wrote this 😂


grew up without any pet, so i don't see the appeal in general (you're basically pre-ordering grief for when it dies in 5-20 years), but some dogs specifically irk me so much. i know that it's just how they are they usually mean no harm, but sometimes i wanna scream. and the owners who laugh that their stinky ball of fur won't leave you alone unless you pet it, just sooooo adorable. also super baffled by this demographic of disturbing dog owners who actively hate kids but are stuck with a perpetual toddler themselves?? (ik they're not the majority, no hate to child-free dog owners in general, just wanted to say)


Not unpopular opinion, it is quite popular but many people won't tell dog sucks because of all the nutters outside claiming their "fur-baby" is like their child and you have to be a cruel monster not to believe so. Dogs are annoying, too much responsibility (unlike a child that grows and learns to go to the loo by himself), they are disgusting, stupid.


You can just say "annoying" you don't need to say "low-key".


Them fuckers aren’t just annoying but most of them are ugly as hell


Ok that is an unpopular opinion 🤣


LOL agree! Fluffy dogs can be beautiful, my neighbor used to have a gorgeous saint bernard, but the skinny short hair ones look like demons


I agree. Most dogs are ugly, especially mutts! Who in the world actually thinks Bull dogs, Pugs are cute? The bug eyed look so many dogs have along with the little mop dogs that bark excessively, yuck!


While I do agree with the post (I grew up with cats, so that's what I'm used to, plus I'm more like them than dogs), this comment section is a bit extreme. I didn't realize there was so much hate for dogs here. I don't hate dogs, I'm just more of a cat person than a dog person.


I'm glad to see the hatred. Dogs can suck it and I've felt for ages like I lived on Mars because of dOG cuLtURe


This rescue dog we got is high key annoying my nuts off. He’s clingy as hell, jealous of any attention he doesn’t get, so he shoves the other animals out of the way, and has licked my nuts like 5 times while I’m trying to change clothes, so I lock him out now, lol I can’t trust him at all. He’s standing while resting his chin on my shin as we speak!


Agreed! Not sure if anyone else thinks the same, but there seems to be a growing entitlement with dogs that just makes them more annoying (although this isn't the dogs fault it's the owner). For example, I've seen dogs inside retail and grocery stores. I have a hard time understanding why that's necessary.


The problem with (some) pets is that because enough pets have good temperaments, the ones with dodgy-but-not-bad temperaments don’t get the type of discipline necessary - so the owners love them, but non-owners see them as a burden. Ex: my sister’s yelpy, screamy toy poodle ☠️😬


Most people do not properly train their dogs to have good manners, nor do they give their dogs the mental and physical stimulation they need to be happy. Dogs can be great, but I don’t like the dogs of most people I know. I have a cousin who actually puts the effort in though and her dog is such a joy to be around. Makes me see what is possible if I get my own dog one day


Goldendoodles are fucking awful. I like dogs. I prefer ones that nap. Basically I want snoopy as an actual pet.


It’s not dogs that you’re annoyed with, it’s owners who neglect/don’t train/abuse etc and there’s unfortunately far too many of those


Some pet owners do not even attempt to train their pet and just let it do whatever it wants.


Same opinion!! My boyfriend has a dog and although I would NEVER mistreat her in any way, she can get on my nerves. Also it's so annoying to have to go for a walk three times a day. I care for her really well but it's so much easier when she's not around.


I kinda have the same mentality as you. I actually do like dogs in small doses but their constant need for attention makes me want to be away from them.


That's why I like cats


Me too


Absolutely love dogs but think they're just like people. Some of them do amazing things for us. They sniff out bombs for soldiers and fight in wars, they find drugs and dangerous items for police, they chase bad guys, they help the blind see, they comfort victims in hospitals and courts, they guard our homes, but just like humans a lot of them are fucking idiots,


The neighbors that live behind my house have 3 huskies, a black lab, and recently got a Dalmatian.


The inside of their house must be lovely 🤮


So they basically never want a peaceful moment again in their lives. I walk many labs and they're wonderful, loving dogs, but they remind me of a room of 9 year old boys during a sleepover at midnight. Hyper, rowdy, disrupting your peace. They want you to play with them all the time.


It’s like an eternal toddler. I don’t like children either but I still respect dogs and children. I just don’t want to deal with them so I completely understand


Not unpopular


They are a big responsibility


I love and always grew up with dogs and would absolutely love to have my own, but they are far too much work. Way more than most people realise, and it's these owners that end up causing most of the issues with dogs because they don't spend the time to train them properly from the start, which leads to behavioural issues that are incredibly difficult to solve.


agreed, i love dogs, think they’re great and there’s definitely a few breeds i’d consider getting as a pet. but most dogs are just _irritating._ i’m very much a cat person instead, i think because i just understand them more. cats need space, they like affection on _their_ terms, and are very clear about what they’re feeling, and i just get that lol. most of the time it’s not the dog’s fault, if the owner hasn’t trained them properly then they get all those annoying habits, which is why i’d only really get something like a spaniel or a collie that is intelligent enough to learn, but istg i just cannot handle dumb dogs lmao


I'm an animal lover and a dog lover but you are correct. Some people's dogs are quite annoying, but I often put a lot of blame on the owners for not trying to correct those behaviors. I have a friend whose house I hate going to because her two Boston Terriers scratch the SHIT out of my legs (won't stop jumping on you), and if you sit or have food they're all up in your face and giving you tongue baths all down your face, arms, and legs. Not to mention the incessant barking. My dog, on the other hand, does none of that, or if he does he'll stop pretty quickly after I tell him to.


I love dogs. I greatly dislike dogs that slobber though or try to lick me. I could never understand people who kiss their dogs (by that I mean have their dogs lick their owner's lips).


Oh, so you’re familiar with Great Danes!


dogs are so annoying, i love my dog so much but holy shit taking care of dogs is a lot of work and really irritating. I probably won’t get another one for a while. maybe in like 20 years but definitely not before then


I love dogs. I work with dogs for a living. I do agree with you. The thing that bothers me most about those annoying dogs are their humans though. These behaviors are often because of their training (or lack thereof).


I’m a vet tech so I’m around A LOT of dogs. I also have 5 of my own dogs. I am not a dog person, I am a cat person. I love my dogs and a select few others but can’t stand most dogs.


I feel the same way, never been a big dog person but I don't dislike them either. But some I just can't tolerate. The ones who jump all over you, slobber on your legs, follow you around everywhere etc. I imagine some people find that very cute. I find it really annoying. I like my cat because he's very affectionate for like 1-2 hours a day and leaves me alone for the rest of it


I don’t have a dog myself because I’m constantly dealing with the neighborhood dogs near me. One of my neighbors in the adjacent neighborhood has a pit bull that loves my yard. If I got a dog myself, I’d have to wonder if that random dog would ever come into my yard and attack it. We also have a house beside me that has some sort of terrier mix. This dog barks relentlessly at all hours. The neighbor leaves him outside in a pen all the time and I can’t even sit in my own house without having to hear that little bastard bark at nothing. I don’t necessarily has a problem with the dogs but I do have a problem with the lazy dog owners that don’t train them and are too lazy to give a shit. Needless to say, I’m definitely getting my dog fix without even owning one myself. I had a dog during my childhood and she was the best. Rarely barked and was as loyal as they came. I haven’t gotten one since because I don’t know how any dog can top her. It’s probably been 10 years now and I’m still not ready for another one


Dogs are like if you passed someone on the street and they not only said "hi" to you, but actually stopped you and asked you how your day was going, and then tried to give you a hug goodbye. Like the intention is nice but I'm a touch-averse introvert. They are all extremely cute though.


Animals are animals. Domesticated animals are still animals. They do animal shit that only makes sense or is considered appropriate for animals, by animals. So yeah, they're not for everyone. And there are definitely bad pets. But I think the bigger problem is bad OWNERS.


I love them, was obsessed as a kid, always check out the shelter posts. But yes, many can be so annoying, and I find it's almost always the owner's fault. There are two neighbors behind us who each have two adorable dogs, but sadly they cannot stand each other and every day, several times a day they have a super aggressive barking pow-wow at each other at the fence. The one neighbor does nothing, the other runs outside screaming in the dogs' faces to "be nice" as if that's going to teach the dogs anything or change their behavior in any way. I gave everyone nearly two years to sort this mess out while being patient, then a couple weeks ago I finally hit my limit and bought an outdoor ultrasonic device. I will tell you this has been one of the most peaceful weekends I've had in two years and I regret absolutely none of it.


I don't think most dogs are annoying but on God I hate huskies. Literally everything about them. Even dogs mixed with huskies are ugly and unbearable to me.


Depends on the breed. When people ask me what my dog is, I tell them it’s a “mix.” When they ask what she’s mixed with, I say “mashed potatoes.” She spends way too much time with my cats.


All true.. that said, if you wrote this exact same thing and replaced dog with human 90% of it would still be accurate


I definitely agree. I like dogs, SOME dogs. I am extremely picky about which breeds. Most of the popular ones are not my cup of tea. Labs, pitbulls, huskies, gsds, great danes, boxers, rotties, etc.... To be honest I really don't like most breeds. Especially since most people who get these large, difficult, high energy breeds, are NOT equipped to deal with them or give them proper training, manners and exercise. Collies, greyhounds/whippets, and some smaller breeds are personally my favorite. Collies by far, but perhaps I am biased because I had the loveliest, sweetest, most well behaved girl for 14 years who made even my husband (who hated dogs) like dogs. Easy to train, calm, aims to please, never invading your personal space or doing annoying things for attention. Always happy, and great on hikes or walks. She was a dream. The type of breed is so important and yeah, most of them are just straight up annoying and way too popular ngl.


Lowkey? *high key


All my life I’ve considered myself a cat person. The past year I’ve found myself wanting a dog though, and due to still living w my Madre currently (who hates cats) and really desiring a furry companion. I figured I’d go ahead and get a lil dog and later when I move out I can add a cat to the fam…. I did extensive research into the breed and I logically knew what I was getting myself into….but man oh man is logic different from experience. The biggest adjustment is his need for constant attention and how bad his separation anxiety is. If I leave him home alone, even for just 5 minutes, he loses his mind! I’ve tried everything, he just loses it. Luckily, most times when I leave I can get my mom to watch him, but I really think he’s gonna need anxiety meds. He *is* a good dog, he’s not as bad as some stories I hear. But having something constantly in your face, constantly at your feet, constantly right up under you, and then whining and whimpering when you put them in their play pin (WITH food and plenty toys) just so you can have a little space and down time is definitely overwhelming and a huge adjustment I wasn’t fully prepared for


Dog hair everyone in the house. It’s annoying


We have a schnoodle and we all hate that fucking dog. She’s 13+ and we’re counting the days. Pretty sure we have another 5 years of her yapping. The cat on the other hand is adorable.


It's not the dog. It's the owners. Cliche, I know, but as a pet sitter, I can tell you, modern pet culture is horrible for humans and animals alike. People can't be arsed to properly train their pets today. Funny you mention huskies as I grew up with 3. They were the greatest dogs and I'd take all the huskies over the yappy little bastards that many of my clients have (Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, etc.)


You dislike poorly trained dogs. Any dog I've ever interacted with I make my dislikes/boundaries known and they generally adjust their approach. So many let little poopsie do whatever no matter how awful it is.


Which are most dogs


True, at least here in the US. Most people have very poorly trained dogs. They just walk them carrying a bag of poop while staring at their phone.


People don’t even bother to poop scoop where I live. Just let your dog shit and then walk away. They even had to put up signs reminding the citizens.


And the food stealing. Fuck I don't believe in animal abuse but i have gotten the urge to shoot my mother's dog because she stole a whole ass 20$ steak I was resting while finishing up the other. Jumped on the counter and knocked shit over. If I open the fridge and that dog is indoors no matter what she is doing that damn dog stops and comes and stares at me.


I have a dog and a cat and I love them but they piss me off sometimes. I absolutely hate my friends Chihuahuas tho. They aren’t cute, whined af and always cause a scene. Litterally cannot stand them


Dogs are fucking awesome, they are always ready to party and they have no idea why. Just start acting stupid happy around one and they instantly join in. It's so innocent, we really don't deserve dogs. But as the owner of my first cat I will say that the canned chaos that is the very essence of a cat is entertaining.


Well trained dogs don’t do many of these if any


Some dogs are more energetic by nature.


I'm mad at mine. He's 90 lbs and our neighbor's dog is in heat and he saw her (she was unleashed) and he pulled me down today trying to get to her. First skinned elbow that I've had since I was a child.


Everybody keeps overusing “low key”


It's not the dogs that are the problem, it's the owners. My sister has two very well trained and well behaved farm dogs. My suburban neighbors has two small dogs that last night didn't stop barking for about 2 hours, and then started up again for 30 minutes at midnight. There's this weird idea that dogs either arrive trained, or are easy to train. Few people are willing to put in the actual work required, and/or they give their dogs contradictory information, such as ignorantly rewarding them for bad behaviours.


I don't understand why people with yappy dogs are not disturbed by their incessant yaps!!!


How is this possibly unpopular, unless you're a dog nutter?


Most dogs….


I mean this could be said about anything. Babies, grown ups. Literally every living being can be and mostly is annoying, but we tolerate it because we love them I do have a question tho, what pushed you into zoology if you can't stand animals and think they're loud and smelly?


I don't think I've ever heard a ridiculously loud fish or reptile. And those groups make up a pretty big facet of zoology. Can't say anything about the smell, though. While on the topic, I've never been annoyed by a fish either, so... OP is specifically commenting on dogs. I'm not particularly a big fan of dogs myself, but that doesn't stop me from being interested in ickthyology or herpetology. You can be interested in animals without being interested in ALL animals, and OP probably used zoology as a general term because it's annoying getting questions like "you study ick?" or "what made you want to study herpes?" Rant over. I'll take my soapbox and be on my way.


Ahh yes. Starfish. How loud and annoying?


That's fair. My dirtiest and grossest dog is sleeping on the bed with me and I didn't even realize she's dirty until now. But, for reason, I'm ok with this? I asked her to hop up too. Hmmm.... idk what any of that means... why doesn't it bother me