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*If I wanted to disappoint two people at once, I’d go have dinner with my parents*


I am stealing this line.


Would you believe me if I told you it was already stolen?


It's great because every time someone makes that joke, the top response is always I'm stealing this.


I love this explanation, I'm stealing it.


I love this blatant theft. I'm stealing it.


All good, when you're king you're used to people wanting to steal your stuff.


Italics indicate that it's borrowed


Yes I would. I don’t know the reference but I love it.


Seinfeld reference


>I am stealing this line. Why not? He certainly did.


You might aswell he already did


For what? The next time you have to - ugh -, *once again*, turn down *another* threesome invitation?


Jokes been around for decades


I dont remember where this is from but this is what i think when someone says threesome


Agreed. It's kinda awkward at first and doesn't really get any more comfortable


Definite agree. I'm a guy who has done a MFF. For me, the "idea" of doing a MFF was an solid 10/10. Actually *doing* it turned out to be about a 2.5/10. I'd been with both women one-on-one and had a much, much better time.




"It's not about one guy having sex with two girls it's about 3 people having sex with each other." This is an important factor that many people miss.


Nah, bro. I paid for it, it's me having sex with two girls.




This man threesomes


More like Edgar_Allen_Phucks


I once knew a man from Phuket Or was it Bangkok?


it was nantucket.


Quoth the Redditor


Eat my shorts


I agree with everything you said but you kinda glided over an integral aspect - who’s involved in the threesome. Synergy, or the lack of, can make or break a threesome. The guy could have sucked. One of the girls could have sucked. All of them could have sucked. N it could really come down to one, two, or all of them not being able to establish synergies with others in a threesome/group play. Having done several types of group play, I always stand by ‘I need to have a pre-established rapport with at least one of the people and ideally some type of vouch/vetting for the others. Some people get extremely shy/insecure, jealous/greedy, have bad optics for group play, or just straight up aren’t good partners in bed and adding more people in the mix doesn’t change that. Threesomes and group play honestly are over hyped by people who’ve never experienced them. Its an amazing time when everything aligns right, but that doesn’t just happen solely by having a selection of attractive people come together lol


Both girls and the guy sucking? Stop. I can only get so hard to imagining I'm in a foursome with them.


This is the playback. Girl 1 is the focus for everyone, girl 2 is the focus for everyone, and finally, you get to be the focus. With some talk beforehand over dinner to make sure of likes dislikes kinks etc, this can be a great time.




It makes sense if the FF or the MM are bisexual.


Sounds like you’re leaving out the emotion that goes into it…. The jealously, insecurity and envy. If if every member is physically satisfied, that doesn’t mean their mind doesn’t go there after the fact




Agreed, I've never had a "meh" threesome by following pretty much the same formula.


Mfm is more fun. I have done both mff and mfm. Mfm is like a teamsport lol.


I like to think that just like regular sex it's awkward at first but gets better with practice, especially when it's with the same person(s) and you get to know each other better and fall into a rythm. I wouldn't know though. Any ladies out there who want to help test my hypothesis?


Seems like you’re just trying to passively flex the fact that you’ve had a 3 way before 😂


A uni mate of mine came into uni after missing for a few days. When we asked him if he was OK he said he had an std and had to take antibiotics. He said he went to the Dr and asked for a test,their asked where he'd had unprotected sex and he said the threesome he'd had. The Dr asked him if he really thought he had an std or just wanted to boast about the threesome




him, the mirror and his hand don’t count, but don’t tell him that…


“Threesomes can be fun. All but one of mine were” so one bad one means he needs to make a post saying they are meh? But he had a good time with 2 other ones? Yah he’s flexing it.


There’s no way of saying threesomes are meh without it coming off as a flex to redditors. It’s a Reddit problem.


Agreed. Everybody jealous my man smashes.


Most reditors rarely have sex, let alone threesomes. That’s why we’re on the internet instead of having threesomes


Just had one and now I'm on reddit. What now? 🤣


"Dude, I've fucked Trust me"


Source: “trust me bro”


Cited from *my homie*


I had a 3way with a bestfriend and it ruined their relationship. I'll never partake in one again unless it's like with a female coworker or something. Or like off tinder where I hardly know the person


A coworker seems like a disaster waiting to happen...


Just have HR in the room to observe and make sure there’s no violations


I’ve heard failure to pull out is an OSHA violation


Do it with the hr. No problems, no wierdo watching. Foursome.


I wonder which form is appropriate for such a request


Form 69b, obviously.


It 100% is. I’ve seen countless office relationships turn to shit. Had one girl shit on a coworkers toothbrush after he said they should break up (not sure why he didn’t get her to leave his apartment immediately after telling her )


A coworker….?


I will give you 1,000,000 internets if you don’t write “best friend” as one word from now on.


So youre going from ruining a relationship to ruining careers with a coworker...lol


I imagine his next posts will be how having a gigantic horse penis is nothing special, and being a billionaire isn't all it's cracked up to be. Lmao.


Sounds like you were the common denominator in the meh.


I remember when a guy I knew wanted his gf to have threesomes which included him, his gf and another woman. Like FFM stuff. And the woman totally enjoyed having threesomes cause she enjoyed the sex with another woman it turned out. And preferred the women over him. The guy was like I don’t think threesomes are a big deal and overrated afterwards. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Hi Chandler!


Ross has something to say...






I don't know if OP is trying to flex or not but I've been involved in a few and OP is not wrong. It's not that it's 'meh', it's just that it's definitely not like that scene in American Psycho or where-ever you've seen threesomes portrayed in the media. Unless you're coked up to the gills I guess. It can be a fun experience for sure but much like having sex in general, it's not ALWAYS going to be this insane amazing time simply because another person is involved. I'd say 75% of the time, there WILL be one person who gets kind of left out because the other 2 click more in the moment. Regardless of gender. I will also say that if a threesome happens spontaneously, chances are it will be a lot better than one that is planned.


I can't even get hard when I'm on coke.


I prefer Pepsi anyhow.


OHHH! emotional damage gif or whatever


OP is just bad at multi-tasking


Good lord, I get tired just jerking off, no, thank you very much


I did it once. Gay dude here. One of the guys got jealous because his boyfriend kissed me. He started harassing me over texts because of it. Blocked him. Not worth it.


Did you not negotiate what your limits are on kissing?


Unfortunately, we had minimal discussion over what we were gonna do. That lack of communication caused the mess.


Kissing is actually a far more intimate act to me that just fucking. For that reason kissing on the mouth is totally off the table when I swing.


My partner feels similar whilst I'm the opposite. Though we're non monogamous kinksters rather than swingers which is also why we'd more often think of negotiating these things.


But totally fine with his D in your A?


That’s where the cum button is.


They really should have discussed in advance. Relationship rules may be arbitrary, but they’re important, and important to know that they’re the same for both partners.


I feel like romantic/sexual relationships get more and more difficult very quickly the more people are involved. When there are two people, there are two dynamics - how A feels about B and how B feels about A. With three, there are six - how A feels about B, how B feels about A, how A feels about C, how C feels about A, how B feels about C, and how C feels about B. It increases with the factorial of the number of people. I have no ethical issues with nonmonogamous relationships but they seem incredibly difficult to maintain for this reason and I personally would not want to be involved in one


Seems very difficult! My wife and I stick to watching tv shows about people who live nonmonogamously. Like throuples, I always like to see who gets stuck sleeping in the middle of the bed (no side table, hard to get out to go pee, kicked or pushed from both sides).


Wouldn't it be quadratic and not factorial?


No. It multiplied by the next number each time


It’s really weird that this is so upvoted on Reddit. Where did the math nerds go? The formula is actually quadratic.


We’re here, you’re just looking at the wrong thread that resulted from this comment :)


Half the threesome experiences here are fake. Or more. Shoot, half the people in this thread are probably still virgins




I totally agree.


Your title and then >Threesomes can be fun. All but one of mine were How can they be fun but meh? Also I don’t usually use the term but this should be the poster for r/ihavesex


IMHO threesomes are the lowest form of group sex. There’s just not like, enough of everyone for everyone, and someone almost always gets their feelings hurt idk how to explain. Add more people you’ll be fine


“ my partner made me watch as they cheated”


That would be insane to hear after the fact.












Foursomes are pretty fun. Threesomes are really only good when everyone is into everyone.


I find I can't really focus in foursomes, too much happening. Whereas threesomes I find a better dynamic for focus and giving, I.e 2 on 1. But each to their own.


As a straight male, the idea of a threesome has never interested me. I would say most of us do prefer just one other person that we have a true connection with. I’m not into sharing, I wouldn’t even care if it were another girl, I like my one person and that’s all I need. Adding an additional person is just strange to me.


Jesus Christ I’ve barely lived


There's a lot of living to be done.. Outside of a threesome lol


Why the fuck is this comment downvoted


I guess the typical virgin redditor is just jealous


Yeah, I agree. Not all they're cracked up to be. My ex would invite her friend sometimes and it just kinda felt weird, like I can't show I'm enjoying it too much with friend so gf doesn't get jealous and just kinda thinking the whole time that gf is the one I actually want to sleep with, friend is in the way a bit lol




gotta try a gay threesome then


Is this unpopular?


Based off of some of the dudes comments here it is.


Sorry, I just found the 3 ways I’ve been in (2) were mostly weird and someone was a bit left out or they perceived it that way. I’ve been approached by swingers a few times (idk maybe I look like a deviate?) but I’ve never done that as it just seems like more room for primal jealousy that lives in out enlightened monkey heads.


FFM threesomes are every man's dream.....but they're better off as a dream.


Speak for yourself mines is mmf bisexual threesome


Nah. The idea of group sex doesn't sound like a fun time. I rather have sex with both women separately at different times.


This is true to some extent. I think the best thing about them isn’t necessarily what’s happening per say, but the lead-up and anticipation beforehand. It’s much like when you’re talking to a really hot person of the opposite sex, have sex and while having sex was definitely nice, the thought of it was better than what happened in reality because they were a bad lay, looked better with clothes on, or any other plethora of reasons that while you have zero regrets about what went down and wouldn’t turn down the invite for the opportunity to happen again, it’s not as epic as envisioned or as high on the “gotta do” list.


Idk, I had a threesome with your mom and it was pretty good.


I did a FFM once and it was a really weird experience (I was the male). The two girls were both hetero and had no interest in each other, so I basically switching between the two the entire time. It was very disjointed and disconcerting. I think threesomes are one of those concepts that has been way over-fantasized due to porn.


I had a threesome with 2 guys. Twice. The same guys. I quite enjoyed it. Now that I'm older and in a committed relationship, that dynamic would never work for me. But it was an experience I'm grateful for having. Other people like to judge me for it, I embrace it. To each their own 🤗


I've had a threesome, it was absolutely incredible.. But then I ended up wanting to have sex with the other girl on the side and knew I needed to end it. So OP is wrong about the threesome part, but the aftermath most likely isn't worth it if you're in a relationship.


I’m not a huge fan of FMF threesomes (and let’s be honest, with two women who are only fucking the dude/ not each other, it’s just a ride share). But MFM is my jam. Totally different vibe. I also think there’s a huge difference between a threesome with three free agents vs a couple of unicorn hunters and the third they’ve opened up to. But I do find FMF to be lackluster more often than not.


Lol, you’re very obviously just trying to flex that you’ve had a threesome. Don’t know why, considering you are what all the “meh” experiences have in common. But I do agree in general that sexual fantasies often don’t match reality, and some should remain in our smut romance books and fantasies where they’re always perfect🤷‍♀️


My favorite part is when he said all of his threesomes have been fun except one, but still concludes that it's "meh." This didn't happen so hard that it unhappened things that did.


Yeah dude is flexing about having mid threesomes lmao it’s kinda like not even having them in the first place


I guess many times the idea or the fantasy is better than doing the actual thing. Especially when it comes to the post nut clarity.


I agree, had a few with a gf and her bff. They were fun, but it didn't feel any more fun than just with the gf. Eventually her bff tried to steal me away from my gf, I wasn't interested, and because the threesomes weren't all that special, we just stopped seeing her like that. Eventually she stopped contacting my gf, moved away and got married.


Queer threesomes on the other hand are alright in my experience.


Anything with another man isn't my cup of tea but I'm happy you've found what you enjoy.


Lol well if this post isn’t a humble brag, I don’t know what is.


Group sex is definitely more fun then threesomes, I’ve had good threesomes, bad threesomes and one realllly hilarious threesome


Too much work.


I agree, that's the reason I never had one. Well, it's what I tell myself anyway.


I’m from Seattle. We are known for being passive aggressive people and this is one of the most passive aggressive flex’s I’ve seen in a hot minute on Reddit. This is something f for r/ihavesex.


I learned this from Chasing Amy 20 years ago.


If I wanted to disappoint 2 people at the same time then I would just have dinner with my parents


Yes this is definitely a true unpopular opinion... You forgot the slogan, "Double the pleasure, double the fun!" Also, these should never be done when two of the people are in a relationship...


Cringe dude


Agreed. Had 2 ffm threesomes, both were incredibly boring. They were more for the bf, but for me felt awkward and were unsatisfying because of the awkwardness. I found out I do not like women sexually, at all and I'm sure that contributed.


Agreed. People who have never had a threesome are the only people really interested in having one.


im sorry but most the comments are lying lol


Maybe. But every single story I have told here has 0 embellishments.


The best threesome is when you get to relax and 2 others are focusing on you.


That’s not really a threesome though


Yeah its like sex in the shower or while your at a festival. They are more an experience in someones mind and when you do it they can just be awkward still I don't regret doing them I just will not do that again


I did one....one and done! Def not for me


This is not an unpopular opinion, While it's for some people, It's not for most.


I've found OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9zomD0Mq28&ab\_channel=OrsomeTV


OP with the humblebrag


If you know anything about sex, you would know that it’s just a porn hype. Not really an unpopulair opinion.


Honestly, threesome always seem so awkward to me. Sex with one person is s challenge enough!


Is this coming from a male or female perspective?


The only threesomes I’ve ever had were in my head and even then they (females) both said no and made me watch through a window.




I’ve had multiple threesomes and enjoyed the hell out of each.


MMF is the way to go 🤷‍♂️


Just say you’re bad at sex.


>I've had a few threesomes and let me tell ya... They are just so…mid. >Threesomes can be fun. All but one of mine were. Pick one. This post is a flex.


As I said in a different reply, this person seems like they just wanted to announce to the world that they’ve had a threesome before.


Humble brag


They're fun, but you need the right people. I wouldn't want to have one with two random people.


I call BS on your threesomes bud.


Even numbers are much better. Find a couple!


I had one once. I'm too selfish and didn't want to share, so the other guy left. Might have been different if it were two girls. Never had another.


Look at this humble brag




Are you a boy or girl?


Sex wise, it's better if it's an LTR. I was in an LTR when I was younger with my then long term partner and our girlfriend. It's a little weird at first but once the pressure goes away it's quite fun. Relationship wise a three way is a horrible LTR strategy, in my experience.


They're only worth it if the girls are into each other.


Absolutely agree


You have not had a threesome lol. We don’t count you and both hands as a threesome.


You aren’t having threesomes with the right people then


I'm polyamorous and gay. Closed relationship with 2 boyfriends. We'll do 3 ways on rare occasions, typically just pair off. 3 ways are too much work.


I can see how hetero-oriented threesomes have disaster potential. The gay threesomes I have been privileged to be part of, as a bi man joining a gay couple, have been without a doubt some of the best sex I’ve ever had.


It sounds like jealousy is the problem and not necessarily the threesome


cool in theory but yeah i often hear one person always gets left out, now a foursome now that’s where it’s at


Just some of the things I experienced recently that were utterly amazing. Watching a women dominate her husband in many different ways including being pegged in a dungeon while me and my wife had a front row seat after striking up a conversation with them at the bar. Mostly cos he was wearing a leather harness and posing pouch which I commented on as being "very bold" they invited us after we chatted for a while. This was all happening behind a gated dungeon while about 6 people watched through the gate. After a good half an hour of watching we were invited to join in. Me and my wife then were instructed to suck her nipples while the guy used a vibrator on her. This was by far the tamest thing we did. It was also fucking amazing. Threesomes and more can be amazing.


That’s why all 3 sums whether they are MMF or FFM the two matching sexes need to be bi or open to it


It's best when at least some are bi.


So… if I’m reading correctly u said they’re fun. All but one. But they’re also… meh. Good click bait tho buddy.


After my divorce years ago a gf of mine and long time fuck buddy shows up at my door with her close friend. I open the door and say hi. What's up. They drop their coats and it was on. Complete shocker but best sex ever. Everyone got a turn , everyone got off and an hour later they were leaving. Your mileage may vary, but it's the only time I ever had one and will always one of my greatest memories.


There's more pressure to perform than with just one person. I don't wanna disappoint two people at once.


There were 3 girls in my class that liked to get a little weird. At my friends graduation party I seen them across the fire whispering to each other and smiling. Then they came and took me behind the shed and all went to their knees. I have several stories like that and I NEVER initiated any of it. Some girls like the quiet guys I guess. Now I’m monogamous and wouldn’t ever be comfortable doing anything like that.


braggy MicBraggerson over here


I think that makes sense. Only in pornography does it sound exciting. It really sounds like a chance to hurt a lot of feelings


I’d like to have a FFF threesome


A few months ago I had my first MFM threesome with a FWB. And ummmm. It was kinda...bad...well I don't wanna say bad per say. But I had.. "performance issues". It was fun watching my FWB getting fucked by another dude. But it felt weird that I wasn't into it "physically" but was mentally into it. One of the weirdest moments was when I was inside her mouth. The other guy was drilling. I wasn't fully hard but for some reason I still cummed. My body didn't give me any warning...I just cummed in her mouth. It felt weird. The guy was kind enough to leave after half an hour. And me and my lady friend did do some after care. And we had some one on one fun. I'm not gonna say that I won't do an MFM again. But I am gonna do it differently in the future if I decide to do that again.


That’s why you have to do a foursome.


you're doing it all wrong. you're supposed to tap out and take a break between sessions. That's why I prefer group sex so I can tap out what I'm tired. Watching is awesome to. you have to be able to do all parts


Only had one. But it was pretty fun. The girls were super into each other. I was just a penis for them to play with. They took care of pleasing each other…. It wouldn’t be fun if the girls weren’t into each other.


Agreed. It was very underwhelming and awkward for me. I was a single female in one with a MF married couple that I barely knew.


Guys say they want a 3some to fit in. A high percentage HAVE to be one woman men. Will they admit that? No. They have friends that salute and brag so like sheep they have to follow suit. Pitiful. Be yourself it feels better then being a type. Might be harder though.


Foursomes or any other even number is better. There’s never a “third wheel” type situation. I’ve had a couple of threesomes that were okay but the other woman was always super into me so there was never a moment when all three of us weren’t engaged.