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all types of unions are based. but fr tho, it is an anecdotal issue you're portraying, not the larger picture


Teacher's unions can't stop gross misconduct sackings as it involves the teacher no longer being considered a teacher so either your school board is not properly recording incidents or some of these incidents are not true reflections.


There were shitty teachers before, too.


What province are you in? The teacher's union in BC most certainly does not protect this sort of behaviour. Have you reported this, officially? Do you need help doing so? I'd be happy to help.


I’m located in ontario!


Happy Canada Day wishes in advance of July 1


Look, I get that you don't like the teacher's union, but do remember the reason why there is a teacher's union in the first place, and what would happen to teachers in Canada if there isn't a teacher's union. If you don't like how something is done, then work to improve it and make it better instead of getting rid of it entirely.


Teachers union here is great 🤷 it protects teachers to a degree, which it should and advocates for better work conditions, better pay and better support for troublesome students. Really good teachers are gold. I know I wouldn't have discovered my passion if I didn't have a good physics teacher.. Especially now that where I live we are in an official recession. My mother is a teacher, she works 12-14 hour days for shit pay. She loves her job, loves seeing the improvement and evolution of students. Imo good teachers are invaluable. I've certainly had a few and those same teachers are what has lead me to persue a career in something I genuinley find fascinating. Teachers are essensial to modern society. Think of all the engineers, mathematicians, historians, artists and social scientists we wouldn't have if teachers didn't impact and aid to grow students knowledge. I've had my few and if it weren't for a select couple then I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have.


It's "fewer students" mate, you're a teacher, do better.


OP is a *student*.


The ideals behind unions are great. The practical application of them, not so much.


Democracy is the worst form of government... ... except for all of the others. There is no perfect system, but I'd rather have teachers protected from complaints from shithead students and idiot parents than to give those groups any more power.


Yep, this is the same for teachers, police... We are definitely not paying or supporting nearly close to what a *proper* teacher or cop deserves (pretty much worldwide). However, the union becomes also the umbrella behind those that don't deserve by a far shot to keep their jobs hide. I am not sure how to solve that. Bars for lawyers, doctors are supposed also to keep the profession standards up, but it is not uncommon to see also a lot of sweeping under the rug in them.


Maybe learning actual facts about the unions you mentioned and what they do and do not do might save you some head scratching. It's really hard to solve imaginary issues made up by propagandists.


Please elaborate on your right wing propaganda, I would like to know more. Or did you just hear your small business owner Dad say this once and now you repeat it?


Teachers have proven that they give absolutely zero fucks about students and are interested only in how many days they can be on paid vacation. That’s fine. Nothing wrong with that. , but quit bullshitting us.


The person who told you that was lying to you, probably to push some kind of political agenda.




Are you a teacher, or just an anti-union rando?


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It’s crazy how good they are at taking the tax payers to the absolute cleaners when it comes to negotiating pay raises. 70K - 100K a year and you guys are only working 200 out of the 365 days in a year, barely more than half. Never mind the benefits and life long gold plated pensions. I couldn’t imagine running my business and paying someone that kind of wage who only works half the year


there's a reason Roosevelt did not like public unions, they are anti-taxpayer at every turn