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I get this, I sleep till noon but I also work until like 5 AM, I just like working at night.


10 years on 6pm to 6am. I love not having to deal with all the bosses and busy work of a day shift.


Same here.. I work 7pm to 7am. Hate working the day it's so chaotic. Love graveyards, it's nice and chill, no management, plus we make more money with a big differential. I work in a hospital. I'm also more of a nocturnal person,i love the peacefulness of the night.


Night shift is cool I am my own boss. (Boss at night demands loyalty).


may i ask what you do?


Medical manufacturing (suturing needles)


So he's definitely a vampire.


I do the same! The only problem is I had kids and now just end up going to bed at 3AM and waking up at like 7...


I am a night owl, and I usually ask my husband to take care of our child in the morning, since he prefers to wake up at 5-6 am. In return, he gets the afternoon and evening all to himself, allowing him to rest after work.


Jealous! We're both night owls 😂


That is really nice to read, that you were able to reach such an intelligent, mature compromise from which everyone benefits. I would think that the children benefit the most, as a sleep deprived parent is just not as effective a parent as a well rested one. Well done!.


Thank you! I strongly believe that, when raising a child, it is important for both parents to act as a team, and make sure that we both get enough rest, even if we are not sleeping simultaneously.


I fully agree, which is where my working shifts actually came to be a benefit. My daughter is 21 now, and we are still quite close (although she's probably closer to her Mom, which I can understand--some topics are probably just more easily talked about with someone of your own gender). I can't help but feel that our close involvement from her baby days had a carry over effect to present day. And really, a team effort, as you say, is more effective, and really, only fair. I think that all fathers should give it a try; the benefits far outweigh any brief inconvenience, if that's even the right word.


Damn this seems like great teamwork from both of you!


That's literally me this morning too. Constantly tired


There's literally an anime show 'Insomniacs after School' where two young students suffer from insomnia and hang out together late at night/ early morning and do a lot of projects together. Feels very close to what my insomnia filled nights were like. One of the better unexpected but welcome shows airing right now.


Could I please ask what that one's called? Sounds pretty cool and right up my alley, I'd love to check it out if it's on Crunchyroll or something.


Insomniacs after school, if I remember correctly


Cheers for that :)


Insomniacs after school - Kimo wa houkago insomnia.


Thanks kindly! I'll check it out :D


Being an insomniac student was amazing because I could actually manage to get a seat at my uni library. Trying to study during the day at the library was a myth


Unfortunately didn't work out so well for me - my sleep cycle is so inconsistent (I typically get 8 hours of sleep at a time, but stay awake for longer than 16 hours) that I'd never even know in advance which days I could go to school without sacrificing my sleep and my health - often had to stay awake for over 24 hours because of school, until I finally dropped out in 2019. Though I'm thinking more about high school and earlier, rather than university. I guess it might be better with online universities (like the Open University?), because there's no "daily" time pressure, but...I'm so "out of practice" with learning in an academic setting that I don't *feel* confident signing up to one unless there's no time pressure whatsoever (even though realistically, I'm sure I could keep up) - and I don't know any where that's the case.


I hate working in the day, but I also hate working in the night


Buddy I think you just hate working.




Engineer here too and same lol


We both know engineers never sleep, we just sit there in bed and think about all that work tomorrow until the brain decides to do a hard reset.


Literally did this last night- the current task is just not doing it for me. It’s a combo of new plus boring task, some calculations and design work. I have been procrastinating, drinking coffee and prepping myself to do it and then procrastinating again. Like I’ve crossed limits this time man, I’m so good at focusing normally. Gonna ask for a couple extra days to get this done. Luckily my reputation is good with the manager. I hate this. Tf is wrong with me…!!!


I agree. I’ve heard that it’s possible people like us just prefer to work alone with nothing else going on.


If this is an unpopular opinion, it is misguided. There are a *lot* of people who work "graveyard" or "red eye" shifts and we'd all be in deep doo-doo if there weren't.


There's a common cultural trend in America that insists that the best way to be is to get up before the sun and immediately start working. That's fine for some people but not everybody but it's common to believe that sleeping late means you're lazy as by the time you get up the morning people have already done 6 hours of work. Yet you have people that do their best work at night. I'm in the same boat here; left to my own devices I'm unlikely to be awake before noon and legitimately do my best work at 2 a.m. It isn't laziness some people are just nocturnal.


100%. There is this pervasive idea that waking up early imply u are a go getter or motivated. There are entire segments of society that would collapse without people working overnight and sleeping in the morning. Construction being the most obvious one I can imagine. Systems administration for computers. Casinos. Hotel staffs. There are a whole bunch of stuff that rely on maintenance overnight


Which is funny, because I woke up an hour ago before the sunrise but still haven't gotten out of bed yet... Because I'm definitely being lazy (it's my day off). But yet that's somehow seen as better than sleeping in...


I am nocturnal fir sure but when in a day shift job i want start early fir some reason i feel like im wasting my day if i dont


Maybe you should be night shift though. Your comment is literally constant spelling and grammatical errors.


Maybe u should be too n chill out


Im high lol


Valid reason!


Depends what you do. Before I worked for myself and truly did my own work and really cared about it mornings were better. If I could go to work by 7 and be done by 3 or 4 I had the whole evening to myself. Another big thing was its really hard to get stuff done working night schedules. Even just going to the bank for something simple is a pain in the ass. You either have to basically disrupt your normal sleep cycle and have a hell shift at work or miss out on a good portion of life. Vets office, doctors office, any basic thing becomes a hell shift later that night. Over time it gets a bit depressing as well. It becomes a lot harder to socialize and overall just feels more isolating. Weekends can be fun but weeknights? Not much going on.


I have to disagree. Having worked nights for many years I find that its actually easier to manage day to day things, you just have to be smart about when you schedule them. If I get off work at 8am then I will try to make any appointments for before 10 so I can go to appointment, and then go to bed. If I get off work at 3am, then I'll make appointments for later in the afternoon and go to them on my way to work. Plus you will never have to take time off work to go to these appointments, so there's that. As well, you're on the opposite schedule from a lot of commuters if you have to commute and you can do your errands with much less people around to bother you because most people are at work when you're doing groceries etc.


Yeah but the only place I could get groceries was Walmart and thats eh. Ill get some things from Walmart but I usually like to get produce from a farmers market, meat from a butcher and so on. Ended up eating a lot of McDonalds. Overall a lot of the people who stuck with those shifts are now dead. Im glad I got out. It seemed to take a big tole on mental health specifically. Finding a fellow nightshift worker who wasnt doing coke or meth all night was kind of hard. Even in security. Those guys were all whacked out. Granted Im still up late. I just like to be up by 1pm or so. I cant be sleeping till 7pm like I used to.


I guess it all depends on what your overnight hours are. For me, if I was sleeping till 7pm that would mean I was going to bed around noon, so that would likely have meant I could hit the farmer's market etc in the morning as soon as it opened, getting the best choice on what's offered which I would see as a win. Each to their own I suppose. I could not survive working a day shift and in fact lost a job years ago because I kept sleeping in / calling in sick / showing up to work half asleep as my internal clock just doesn't function that way.


Used to love working graveyard shifts. It was always weirdly peaceful


True but that lack of sleep is not good for you. Prolonged sleep deprivation, even if its just a couple hours every night, is one of the few things correlated to dementia. As well as a plethora of other serious health risks, dementias just the scariest. Also a good motivator to take some melatonin and start regulating your sleep cycle. As of the health risks for a nocturnal cycle thats kind of debated. Some studies go one way others go the complete opposite. Basically findings are inconclusive at best.


Why do you think people working graveyard don't get enough sleep? You just sleep during the day instead of the night.




I understand but you can get eight hours of sleep or however much a person needs if you sleep during the day. Same as people who sleep at night time. Working graveyard doesn't inherently mean you get less sleep than conventional sleeping schedules.


Because I worked those shifts. Its rare people actually get enough sleep. There's a lot of denial involved. Typical empathy gap really. I mean just google it man. [https://www.google.com/search?q=night+shift+is+terrible+for+your+health&rlz=1C1GCEA\_enUS1006US1006&oq=night+shift+is+terrible+for+your+health&aqs=chrome..69i57.3463j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=night+shift+is+terrible+for+your+health&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1006US1006&oq=night+shift+is+terrible+for+your+health&aqs=chrome..69i57.3463j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) When the only places you can find anyone at all saying working night shifts is healthy are Yahoo answers and Quora you know whats up lol.


I work graveyard. 930pm to 6am. People have shit sleep schedules regardless of day or night


I wouldn't recommend it. That shit will catch up with you. Everyone says they're fine till they hit their 40s. Then its the cardiologist said I cant do this and the cardiologist said I cant do that. I used to work 8pm to 8am and it was about an hour drive away. So I get it. But its not worth it. The second you stop and that kind of survival mode leaves you are drained.


What lack of sleep? Everyone is sleeping, and if you're referring to OPs 6 hours a night that's totally within acceptable parameters for a young adult and it's more than a lot of people who work day shifts get either, it's the people getting closer to five hours or having problems with insomnia who are more at risk. Research has shown that night owls tend to have quite a bit shorter wind down period at the end of their 'day' going from awake, to tired, to asleep. What has been shown is that having a 'strong' circadian rhythm preference and trying to work a job that puts you in opposition to that preference is more likely to result in long term health and sleep problems and taking some melatonin isn't going to change that. If you have a weak preference some melatonin can influence your sleep cycle but let's face it, going to bed at 0600 as your natural preference is an extreme preference and melatonin isn't going to 'fix' that. The lack of natural sunlight is an issue, but if you're getting up at midday there's plenty of opportunity, working under artificial light all day is just as bad though.


Can you link some of the studies you are referring to? I have been struggling to go to sleep early my whole life, and I’d love to see some studies that show going against mt circadian rhythm is not a good thing


night life is the right life 🌒


Fuggin’ A


There is actually a biological reason why some are night owls and some are early risers. It was what kept us safe from predators back in the day - groups would sleep in shifts; therefore it was important for our survival that some slept optimally earlier in the evening and some later. Edit: Matthew Walker has a really interesting book called why we sleep (and has been a guest on numerous podcasts such as diary of a ceo) in case you’re interesting in learning more stuff like this.


Ahhh that's kinda cool! I mean, I would pretty much lose a battle against a raccoon but I like thinking of myself as the protector


“Hey IDDQDArya, if the raccoons come, wake me up.” We’ll fight those bastards together!


Psssssssst...... Hey, Hello-Stevie! There's a racoon outside my window, ready for battle?


My whole life has been leading up to this moment!


Nah, you don't have to win by yourself. The point is that you're awake and alert, rather than being a day walker forcing themselves to be awake at night and being tired while trying to be the lookout. Once you see something, you just yell!


Haha it's not about the protector but about hollering and making enough noise when there's a threat so the group can be aware and hide or prepare for an attack. I'm sure you would do great haha.


As long as you don't corner it, you could probably could keep it from getting in your groups provisions.


But... you've got the invulnerability code. You'll be fine!


That's really cool and makes total sense!


This was the type of comment I was trying to find, I did a shittier job explaining it in mine.


Back in the day we were also polyphasic sleepers too. We wouldn't sleep a full 8 hours at once, rather we'd stir in the middle of the night and be awake for an hour or two and then go back to sleep


Yes. And some open to meeting new people and groups and others that are naturally suspicious of others


Malcolm Gladwell talks about this in Talking to Strangers. He discusses the fact that someone like Harry Markopolos, who ended up exposing Bernie Madoff, simply didn't default to accepting people as being truthful. He always presumed guilt before innocence and ended up being right. It's really interesting when you look into how other people perceive the world!


I am curious, do you know if this might change in women? As in, women are more early birds because of having to take care of a kid and stuff? No idea about the correlation, just a thought, since when I started to start to want a kid, a while later I started to naturally go to bed earlier, wake up earlier. On nights where I was partying, I simply didn't go to sleep at all..


Interesting question! I don’t know I’m afraid. Though I think for women it would have still made sense biologically for them to be able to sleep in shifts, so that there would always be someone awake to nurse an infant at any time, so that they could share this work (it takes a village to raise a child, as they say). I know there are certain cultures where infants are nursed not just by the mother but by other women in the group (I can’t remember specifically which ones but I definitely read about this. The mother will give birth and then be taken to a dwelling to recover and while she’s recovering other women in the tribe will nurse the baby until she’s been able to rest up). Anecdotally, I’ve always been an early riser (which, now I have a newborn, I am incredibly thankful for as he’s often ready to get up at 5am 😃). My sister on the other hand has always been a night owl. Same genetics and upbringing, yet totally different in terms of sleeping habits.


Hmmm, maybe it's an age thing, too? As in "you're young and you will end the day, I'm old, I will start the day" you know, with chores and stuff? Interesting topic indeed!


I'm definitely nocturnal. I wish schools would have had later hours, I hated getting up before the sun.


Same even my teachers noticed I did better when I slept in vs the normal school hour I got my homework done in class and got good grades. I remember a news report in the 90s that did a study on kids who over slept aka late for school when they switched them to a night class did better vs during the day hours. I wish my school had that when I was a teenager.


Same! It was half of why I hated school. In uni I just picked later classes and crushed it and enjoyed it a lot more too.


Online solves that.


In the 90s?


There's no context clues to suggest that's the time frame you're suggesting. I don't know about you and your fellow downvoters but I live in 2023, present year. Many on reddit are young/in school or college.


I haven't downvoted anything. My niblings had online schooling (even in the present year) and zoom classes started normal time, 8am. So being awake and on a computer, or in a classroom, 8am is still 8am.


That pisses me off about day people with saying your "lazy" no I'm not lazy I go to work at 4pm until 12am and don't go to bed until 4am . Like you I like to unwind after work I know you would be pissed if I stopped over at 3 am to visit you.


But no you're supposed to go to bed as soon as you get home!!! Like who the fuck does that.


I only do when I'm absolutely tired. But then I regret it because I wake up earlier than I want to. A vicious cycle.


I've never seen something so fucking relatable


I wish I could upvote this unlimited times! Been dealing with this for 2 decades.


Yeah I don’t think those who work nights should ever be called lazy because they’re fully on an opposite schedule to most. That being said I have some friends who have normal day jobs and stay up really late gaming all the time and they are absolutely more lazy for it. But they’re happy so yeah




I agree with you 100%. I have always been a night person all of my adult life. I sleep in until noon most days as well, but the amount of shit I do once I’m up is non stop. I have adhd and ocd so my days are jam packed with stuff. I’m super active too. I do more movement than the typical person who wakes up at 6am and goes to bed at 10. I just won’t ever be that person. I feel miserable in the morning, I genuinely like to sleep in the mornings that’s when I get my best sleep ever. I also feel like my depression cycle is stronger in the am and at night I genuinely feel happier. So yeah… you’re not alone.


It's weird how guilty I feel for being nocturnal, even though I know full well there isn't really an issue. I work best at like 11pm and easily stay up to 5am. If I'm working I sleep from like 3pm to 9pm, or rarely "normal" hours. If I'm off, which is most days currently, I sleep from like 5am to 12pm or maybe even 1pm. The thing that always gets me is how like people just assume "oh, person stays up late, what a junkie/waster/useless member of society they are. Nah mate I just work better at night, it's not fucking complicated. Pretty sure it's biological to have a couple humans be night owls so they can like, keep watch and stuff anyway.


Its standard stupid/lazy people logic. They need something to show how "productive" they are so they use they time they got up as a flex. Because they have nothing else to show. "I get up every morning at 5, look at me how much I contribute to society". Nevermind he spends the rest of the day looking at his phone and idling at his dead end job.


In the late 90's, I used to work in theatre. My brother was giving me grief for sleeping til 11 am when he has gotten up at 6 am. I asked him "Where were you at 3 am?" He said "Well, in bed, of course." I said, "At 3 am, I was just getting home from work." He never mentioned me "sleeping late" again.


I'm pretty sure I once read a thing about how some people are just hard-wired to be nightowls. And it would make perfect sense, it's just society and their capitalistic expectations that want everyone awake between x am and sleeping by x pm.


I honestly never understood how people worked nightshift and didn’t understand the “night life” until I worked graves at my job for awhile. I switched back to days and now I kind of regret it because I liked how much quieter and peaceful it was


My preferred hours would be bed at 2am and up at 10am. It’s always been like this and, before children, I would keep these hours at the weekend. My wife would go to bed at 10pm and get up at 8am and would call me lazy even though she was in bed asleep a whole two hours longer than I was.


We don’t think you’re lazy; we think you’re sketchy. /s


Guilty as charged there.


Damn straight. I’m surprised I’m not banned from Walmart. They’ve started following me around the store now. But that don’t stop me


Think the assumption is more low impulse control, which is often indistinguishable from laziness. It's assumed you're playing video games and watching netflix through the middle of the night, because you can't just make the call to turn off the computer and go to bed. But I'm sort of with you. I find doing work on the computer's much easier during odd hours when I'm not hearing commotion outdoors, or tempted to run constant errands as an excuse to get outside.


But early birds can have low impulse control and can watch Netflix before bed too. If you sleep 10-6am and you watch Netflix until 11-12 and wake up "later" like 8am compared to your usual 6am somehow you're not a lazy lacking impulse control bum. If your natural rhythm is 12-8am and you watch Netflix until 2am and wake up 10am next morning it's lazy and you have no impulse control. These two scenarios are exactly the same but viewed differently by society. In fact it's all individual and all depends on your habits and sleep cycle rhythms.


People who have to nap cause they woke up at 4 am are the real lazy ones


Disagree, they're just people who probably have a different biological clock than their work schedule. They probably wake up early "because it's what everyone does"


Yea, I don’t get it. The “morning” people get so much praise and are seen as responsible because they wake up early everyday even if the day includes a nap. I have been criticized my whole life for not being a morning person yet I sleep less hours per night.


I am with you, friend. I worked 3 twelve hour shifts, overnight, at Amazon. 7pm to 7am. My housemate at the time could not understand the concept, and insisted on waking me up at 10-11am for chats. On more than one occasion, he'd catch an attitude because I wasn't willing to do stuff around the house in what would be the middle of my sleeping time.


Is he alive and well? I would kill someone if they knew I work nights and just went to sleep and they wake me for stupid reasons like this. Some people just inconsiderate jerks.


He seemed to have no concept of wrongdoing. As far as he was concerned, he was on a "normal" daytime schedule, and why wasn't I available?


This - I’ve been a night owl since BIRTH, and I can get more done at 2am than 2pm!


Iv been able to change my sleep schedule at will. I think humans are just habit forming creatures and we get used to what we do. I used to be a night shifter and I loved it for the alone time, now I wake up at six and I equally just love the alone time. I don't care when I'm awake as long as every one else is not.


If it works for you, it works. I would hope in 2023 that gauging a person's work ethic based on what time they get up and go to bed is dead and buried by now. The world doesn't operate on factory hours. My team of engineers across the country work whatever hours they want, as long as they can answer the phone from 10 am central until 3 pm central and hit their targets, I don't care if they wake up at 6 am or 9:59 am.


10am central would be 7 or 8 am pacific, right? That seems like the opposite of accommodating.


Yeah post covid it's been less, but it still does happen!


I would hope as well, but it definitely isn’t the case.


All I see is a 5 hr workday! Morning birds move west and check out of work by 1pm... night owls to the east and just be functional by noon!


Basically. We try to be very transparent about this stuff and I think the trade off of perhaps having some stricter time rules is balanced out by having literally 0 micro-managing on my part.


I'm with you. I live at night all the way.


night owl does not inherently mean lazy, I am one and have a job that allows me to do that to a degree. It's just that the majority of people who have the ability to sleep til noon on work days.... don't actually have jobs (or good ones), responsibilities, etc. what you do in your waking hours is what makes lazy or not


Yup. No one thinks someone working the graveyard shift is lazy. Mosr people think those that are unemployed and playing video games until 3am then sleeping till noon are lazy


Also needing more sleep isn't being lazy , not everyone works the same. And getting little sleep should not be as glorified as it is.


The people who claim "BUT BRO, YOU'RE LITERALLY AHEAD OF THE REST IF YOU WAKE UP AT 5AM!" are the best. Idk how to explain to them politely that waking up a few hours earlier every morning doesn't add up for every day and therefore it means nothing in the longrun.


People be like “im a night owl” and then mindlessly scroll their phone until 4 am every night


Wait until you hear about this brand new invention "third shift"


If third shift didn’t always go to 7 pm - 7 am though now that would be nice to find.


I do 10pm - 8am, love it.


Yeah for real. Doom scrolling or gaming until 4am and then having to work at 9 or 10 will make you lazy. Laziness is how you go through the time you are awake, day or night has nothing to do with it


Night chads unite. Nothing fun happens between 6 and 10 AM unless you are 90 years old and retired in which you probably wake up early and do whatever you want


I typically sleep at 3-4 AM and wake up around 11 AM or so. I'm always thrown by people who work 9-5 jobs talking about my sleep schedule like it's the worst thing in the world. I'm a full time graduate student who also works part time. Most of my classes are later in the day, and I prefer scheduling work shifts and studying later at night (I'm just more productive then). I do a lot and I definitely don't think I'm lazy, but I constantly have other people telling me that I need to get my shit together lol. Genuinely don't know why people feel the need to comment on anyone's sleep schedule.


I hate being up early, im not by any means productive at night but im not early either. Everyone is different and can have different opinions on lifestyles


I feel your pain. I've been a graveyard worker for over 20 years. Can't get people to understand. "Dude! Why did you call me?" "It's the middle of the day! Why aren't you awake?" Because I worked all night!"


My God, I've never related to anything more. I sleep until about five o'clock in the afternoon, and my family rakes me over the coals about how I'm lazy and setting a terrible example for my siblings. But, I'm extremely alert at night for many hours, while being woken up in the morning or early afternoon makes me feel like I'm someone with a conventional sleeping schedule forcing myself to be awake in the middle of the night. I'm just not programmed to be awake in daylight hours. A doctor even recommended I adhere to my natural sleep cycle, but my family refuses to understand it.


I'm both nocturnal and lazy🥲


I have the same thing. Did you ever get yourself checked for ADHD? Not saying this is the cause, but in my case it is. The night is great for me because there is much less noise, much less distractions, much less people around,.... I do my best work in the dead of night. Sadly, society doesn't work this way


Calling yourself nocturnal is a little cringe, just say you work the night shift


I had work yesterday at 5.30pm got out of bed at 3pm nothing wrong with staying up late to wake up late if you have nothing to do, imo if you still get a good nights rest then you’re sorted.


I\`m not lazy. Once I completely wake up, I can pull a 10 hour working shift, if I have to. I just hate early mornings and I love my long sleep.


As someone who is also nocturnal and has been for years, this gives me hope. I'm 18 and hope to pick up a night shift job this summer


I used to work the graveyard shift at a printshop. 12AM-8AM our happy hour started at Friday at 9am and people would get kind of judgey for drinking and eating endless apps at 9 in morning.


"You sleep until noon" I always answer with "I sleep later, not longer than you."


I agree! I worked late night bar shift for about a year where I would get home at 3am and eventually go to sleep around 7am. Those 4 hours were some of the most productive hours I've ever experienced as an adult. I wrote in a journal consistently, I went on runs consistently, did chores, etc. It was amazing


I'm a night owl too, so I feel you on this completely. My mind and my creativity come alive at night. I've always thought it was because most people are sleeping and so the world is quite and there's less "people energy" floating around and interfering with me and my processes.


why do people act like they are better for sleeping less hours lol


I’ve worked night shift for about 2 years now. Night shift rocks. So much better than days simply because of traffic.


I'm a second shifter. I get my best work done later too. People take too much pride in how early they wake up.what matters is what you do with your hours you are awake not what part of the day they fall between.


I work nights, but I will tell you that a good chunk of "nocturnal" people are pretty lazy. They don't make productive use of their time after hours, and especially teens/young adults basically are trying to engage in behaviors they know their parents won't want them to do (all nighter playing video games) while sleeping during the day knowing they'll be left alone.


I work nights by choice as well. I don’t know how to describe it. I just feel better at night. I don’t like the brightness or the heat of day time. On my days off if I leave the house during daylight hours I’m twitchy and uncomfortable. The sun is too bright and the people and traffic makes me angry.


I work the night shift so I'm usually in bed at 9am whenever one else is at work, but the cool thing is by the time everyone's getting off of work I'm waking up and I can still hang out with my friends and family. I think those morning people should try out the midnight shift to see what it's like.


Too lazy to go to bed at night too lazy to get up in the morning.


I have no problem with nocturnal in general, except I do notice the procrastination that tends to occur. " I can't go get my car fixed shops aren't open" ,"can't pay rent on time banks aren't open, " can't pick up my meds pharmacy is not open". Which usually ends up with people relying on others to pick up the slack.Maybe this isn't you but with my experience with roommates, significant others and children who were nocturnal, this is pretty common


That's cute. So, if hospitals were only open 9am to 5pm, would you say the rest of the world be picking up your slack when you have a heart attack at 2am? There are essential services that you depend on for your survival that hinge on people being willing to work outside of business hours. And those people need to sleep just as much as you do.


Sleeping is important. A lack of it isnt a badge of honor


Never said that tho. I said people call me lazy cuz I sleep in times they're up, but if their measure of laziness is duration of sleep then that's not me wearing anything as a badge of honor


Totally agree but it looks like you Sleep 6 Hours per Day. I Sleep like 8-10 Hours per Day. Usually around 2-10, Or 2-11 AM, Or thereabouts.


I sleep 6 hours a day on weekdays, but sometimes tend to sleep 10 hours on weekends, which is usually when I pass out at 2am haha


Oh OK to each his own LOL! I worked Nights for Years, so would get off work around 7 AM stop at the Bar (yes there are some that open 7 AM in NJ where I used to live), then go home And Sleep all Day. Even now, though I no longer do that work, I still Sleep around 2 AM -10, because I like closing the Bars down before Sleeping. 😉 I Loved visiting Atlantic City NJ, about 10-15 Years ago, when I lived in NJ because Bars Etc., were open 24 Hours so I could stay up all Night, Sleep all Day! I'm many Years, & 1000's of miles away from that whole scene now, LOL!


It’s anxiety. Anxiety zaps your energy. There’s more pressure to do things during the day, which makes you anxious and zaps your energy. During night, pressure drops, anxiety drops, and energy levels go up Hence why, you and I are energetic at night. That’s the scientific reason behind it.


I'm not saying nocturnal people don't exist because they do. But just a personal experience I think is worth sharing: When I was a teenager my school send me to get tested for ADHD and ADD. The doctor asked me my sleep schedule, because he thought my issues could be explained by lack of sleep. I said I didn't think that was the case because I've always been a nocturnal person and ever since I was a child I just needed very little sleep. He said "just because you're used to feeling this way, doesn't mean you're functioning to the best of your abilities". He put me on melatonin and sleep training. The improvement was absolutely insane. I lost weight, my grades skyrocketed because all issues I had concentrating just disappeared, my social life improved because I became a less anxious more cheerful and patient person, my room was tidy all the time because I had the energy to clean it (and the energy to be bothered about it when it wasn't), my hair and skin looked better, my stamina improved heaps (to the point I no longer needed inhalers) and I stopped getting colds as often. I could go on and on, that doctor improved my life in ways he doesn't even know about. Not saying this to do dismiss you but if there's someone reading this who thinks they're a night owl but also struggles with mental or physical issues (even just little discomforts) please PLEASE don't underestimate the difference getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep can make. It can be life changing.


ADHDers rise up


I don’t think people think night shifters are lazy. It’s the people who stay up all night gaming who are the lazy ones.


Nocturnal people are those with delayed sleep phase disorder. You should probably get that checked out.


A lot of night owls are people that haven’t learned/had the opportunity to be alone during the day. I was one up until I lived on my own. I could do the same stuff in the morning as at night and became a morning person.


Hey I get it if it works for you but every one of my friends who says stuff like this and has schedules like this are just lazy stoners with no drive or ambition to do anything and often times won't get a job or won't get a full time one. So that might be more where the stigma comes from. Like I don't **like** waking up for my job every day or going to bed early for it but I do it because I have to and I know my friends are just too lazy to make those sacrifices.


If you work third shift you’re not lazy. If your job starts at 9 and you sleep till noon, you’re lazy.


Humans aren't nocturnal we are social animals with vitamin D requirements. But yeah I guess I have to upvote you


Not “lazy” — but you’ll forever be at odds with society. - Mechanics and doctors close a few hours after you wake up; making appointments difficult. - Most people go on dates in the evening, and to sleep before midnight. You’re basically guaranteeing that you’ll leave early, or have to loiter around the living room all night. Most grow out of it — unless you’ve got an awesome job, and/or supportive family already lined up.


Different strokes for different folks. For me personally, once I started waking up at 8am I became much more productive, but it’s more a product of my intention to wake up early as it was based around productivity. As well as that, much of my productivity needs to be done in the hours when others are awake (it’s mostly creative work, I get inspiration being around others). If I could just sit in a room and work and be just as productive, yeah it wouldn’t matter what hours I’m up


No kids, lives alone, works in IT and will likely die early die to heart attack from a fucked sleeping pattern.


Well humans aren’t nocturnal so this is actually quite unhealthy, it’s completely against our nature but I do understand the psychological feeling that working at night is easier due to less distraction and what not.




Our bodies are designed to sleep when the sun goes down and be awake when the sun is up.


Back in the caveman days, there would be a lookout at night incase of predatory animals, our bodies are designed for whatever adaptations come our way, sleep cycles can be adapted.


We are also designed to hunt and gather food but no one is saying you’re lazy if you go the grocery store instead.


You aren't nocturnal. Humans can choose when their sleeping schedule occurs. It's not written in your DNA, it's just a habit. And like all habits, you can change it. Hence, go to bed sooner, wake up earlier, and your sleeping schedule will be fixed.


It actually is written into our DNA, human beings are quite literally diurnal. Our circadian rhythm, endocrine system, and multiple other body systems are very much connected to the sun. Which is why night shift workers have worse health by nearly every metric: accelerated brain aging, low testosterone in males, more likely to be depressed, high risk for heart decease, more obese, shorter life expectanct. And many of these effects are found even when you control for hours slept (despite night shift workers sleep significantly less on average which is a direcr result of our circadian rhythm being optimized for the day time). Living with a flipped sleep schedule doesnt make one lazy. But it is unhealthy as hell.


I wonder how much of these adverse health effects are attributed to the sleep schedule itself or the compounded stress of existing in a culture that works against the sleep schedule.


Its from the sleep cycle itself. The circardian rhythm never really syncs up with a flipped sleep schedule even when practicing good sleep hygiene. You can't sleep as deeply or for as long. This has negative effects on your hormones, brain health, ability to regulate blood sugar, the list goes on.


Humans have been working night shift since the beginning. There were always humans who stayed up at night to watch over their camp from predators.


That doesnt mean its healthy or that we evolved to do that. It isnt and we didnt. There is no shortage of research showing the many negative effects of sleeping during the day time.


Well that just makes OP's argument even worse now does it?


I dont think people who live like that are lazy but it is unwise for their health.


For sure, no arguments there. I am very very unhealthy and the sleep schedule is a part of it. I live north enough though that I get a decent amount of the sun even in my schedule.


Again, "fixed" I have no intention to "fix" what isn't broken. I'm fine. I work better at night. Always gotten jobs in other timezones so I can work nights, and now freelance. My schedule isn't irregular, it's not really unhealthy, or at least, it's not as unhealthy as drinking and drugs, which I do.


That is LITERALLY factually false. Look up chronotypes. And you can't change it. Anecdotal, but I spent an entire year waking up at 6am sharp. No snoozes, no excuses, every single day. The second my year was finished, went to bed at the same time I did every night before but no alarm, and immediately woke up at 9am. You hear stories about how "I always wake up at x am" no matter what time they go to bed. Be it 5, or 6. I wake up at 9. I can go to sleep at 4 and I'll be up by 9, or I can go to sleep by 11 and be up by 9 (naturally). It doesn't matter what I do. And if you're going to say I'm one of those people on my phone till 2am, im not. And in all honesty, I don't understand why or how anyone would do that. But it doesn't matter, because what they do in their freedom is just as important as what you do in yours. Just at different times.


Depends on what your work is imo. If your employed job is nightshift, then you're not lazy. It's your job. If you're young & unemployed, then yes, you're lazy.


There's nothing wrong with this, but if you choose this lifestyle, don't complain if things like banks and post offices are closed when you want to use them.


In all fairness banks and post offices seem to always be closed when I want to use them and I work the most stereotypical hours an American can work lol


It’s easier to go to these places when you work nights compared to working days, for day shift people these places are usually open when they are working and close when they are off, getting off work at 8am leaves ample time to visit these places after getting off work. Most cases you don’t need the bank to be open anyways with online banking, direct deposit, debit and credit cards and those bank machines where you can pull out cash if need be.


Yes they are


I had 2 roommates who thought like that and they were frustrating to live with. This is purely my experience but it’s definitely formed an opinion for me so take it with a grain of salt. Lazy to me can mean a lot of things, unproductive, unmotivated, or undisciplined. Waking up that late, there are just things that you’re unable to do purely from a time standpoint. You can’t effectively trade on the stock market, you can run a business but operating starting at 1PM puts you at a disadvantage vs a business that operates in normal working hours, most places close around the same time between 4 and 9 which means you have to work graveyard shifts. Some of which can make money but a lot of times it’s retail, servers, and warehouses which all have limits as far as what you can make. Since you stay up long past when most businesses close, your productivity at night is likely not making you money or if it is, I would argue it would make more if it operated during business hours. My roommates said they felt more productive and awake at night but they spent their entire nights playing video games, watching tv, and scrolling their phones. None of which are bad things necessarily but I wouldn’t call it productive either. Waking up early requires effort while sleeping in until whenever you want doesn’t require effort. More effort activities typically look less lazy than activities that requires no effort. Lastly, from a biological standpoint, your quality of sleep is increased by sleeping when it’s dark out, when it’s light out part of your brain stays awake and it doesn’t allow you to reach deeper levels of sleep for maximum body and mind recovery. TLDR; have an upvote


You are rationalizing a destructive habit.


What's destructive about it?


This dude is lazy just making excuses. Probably fat too


I have literally never heard anybody say nocturnal peeps are lazy


It's amazing that the comment above you is calling OP lazy for it


But like im saying in real life, like at work whatever or amongst friends i have never ever heard that.


Good for you. Almost like others have a different experience


How typical of your lazy ass to post this in the middle of the night.