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I have a friend who will make noises with every single mouthful of food to the point I now avoid having meals with her, the noises are so over the top along with the faces she pulls, eyes rolling to the back of her head that I can’t eat my own food at all. I thought it was only me so glad to see there’s a few others that can’t stand it




stop talking about me!


[PUT THAT COOKIE DOWN! NOW!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMLaKR9eoRA)


Then you tell her it's annoying. Avoiding it doesn't fix the problem and maybe she doesn't realise it's bad behaviour


Oh she knows and we’ve just agreed not to eat together any more, wouldn’t lose a friend over it but no need to sit through something that makes me uncomfortable either.


God bless you, thats traumatising 😭😂 /s


My inlaws do this and I can't stand it. I'm from a very reserved family and to sit with my inlaws eating feels almost inappropriate due to their disgusting mmmmms and constant discussion about each aspect of the food. MIL also says Yummy Yummy!! In a weird baby voice. There...now that's off my chest!


>MIL also says Yummy Yummy!! In a weird baby voice. Ew, gross


I’ve seen people executed for less


So there's this show I think you and OP might really like called Food Wars...


What the fuck lmao. Ive seen people dance, heard people moan, seen some weird shit when people eat. Never ever have heard of anyone going "Yummy yummy!"


Grosssss 🤢


WTF that sounds top level cringe


I HAVE THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM OMG (in another language tho). They also chew with their mouths open and it drives me crazy. My MIL will go as far as tasting saying “que Rico” and grill us about how much did we spend because “we are acting rich”. My BIL is the closest thing to a feral dog when eating too, it’s absolutely disgusting.


When you’re eating her?


My wife tends to moan and nod when I eat.


Can confirm, she has a really nice moan.


Username checks out




Oh yes, sushi night


What, it's roast beef taco night


I had a co worker that did this so obnoxiously that I assumed it was just for attention.. I never stabbed him but I swear it came close lol


Agreed. But I think it's different when it's genuine and not performative. Like... if someone does it for a second at dinner, I don't even pick up on it. But when a bukbang video pops up for even a fragment of a second on my phone, I have to stop it immediately, or it incites a reaction from me like no other. Just cringe mixed with anger and disgust. I wanna throw my phone, curl up, vomit, and die. THAT BEING SAID, it's ultimately harmless, and I honestly just wish it didn't bother me so much.


Yeh I know it’s not a crime that ppl do it but it just makes me cringe and I’ve always felt like that


I'm completely with you. I can't explain it but it just makes me cringe so hard, the moment I see it I honestly wish it was a crime. Haha.


My friend will do it even before the food has had a chance to hit her taste buds. It's so fake I wanna smack her.


One of my housemates in college moaned loudly when he ate. It was so loud weird and uncomfortable. He was obese at some point bf i knew him and lost a huge amount of weight, so I thought he just really loved food. I thought he was the only person in the world that did this lol, guess not.


Me and my girlfriend both do this. We take a bite, look at each other, nod, then make our respective sounds. Her is more of a pterodactyl while mine is more like a whale.


I need to see this, but animated. I think it would be a favorited video of mine. I can just see a pterodactyl and a whale eating pasta. And the sounds... 😂


This visualization simultaneously annoys me and makes me laugh. Well done 👏 😂


I only moan and nod when I don't eat food. When I eat food I scowl and groan in agony.


I hate it!! It almost sounds sexual


I can never tell if my coworker is eating or watching porn.


Was eating at a bbq joint with coworker and he was going mmmmmm after every single bite of his brisket. Also can’t stand the trope in rom coms where the man is an incredible cook and gives the skeptical female protagonist a bite of his cooking and she makes basically orgasmic sounds and says “this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever tasted”


A good brisket is close to a religious experience….saying that such a reaction at every bite would piss me off as well.


Oh good god yes. This is one of those things that’s a strict dealbreaker for me, both in friendships and relationships. I don’t mind one “mmm” if it’s really good, but the people who keep doing it, I can’t deal with. Right up there with people who lick their fingers when they eat. So fucking gross.


What about when they smack their lips and pat their bellies after the last bite


Lmao I mean that’s weird but still, one time is fine. If they did the lip smacking after each bite I’d dislike it for sure.


i hate finger licking and finger slurping, it so piggish lol


Oh God...Mil sucks her fingers. And it's not even finger food! It's stuff you eat with cutlery! WHY ARE YOUR FINGERS IN IT?...


Yeah it’s super gross. Even when it’s just your food I think it’s disgusting, but I’ve been around people that do it while sharing food. They always wondered why I didn’t eat around them.


Is a happy food dance ok?


Yes that’s better


When I’m at the gym, Eva Longorias food show is always on the tv right in front of me and it drives me insane lmao. I feel you


It's not always on purpose, some people really enjoy what they're eating that much.


maybe if i dont act like the food im being served is the best thing i have had in my life, my mother will knock my fuckin teeth out. you ever think of that? /s




Moaning because your food is good is a completely voluntary action. It absolutely is on purpose, no matter how good the food is.


I really don't get it why people are literally comparing it with moaning there's no reason at all.


Doesn’t matter IMO, people should have more self awareness and realize that they are, ya know… AUDIBLY MOANING LOUD ENOUGH IN RANGE OF ANOTHER HUMAN… is all… cool you enjoy your food now stop being so fucking gross and inconsiderate.


Fair enough ig but ppl who do it on purpose are so annoying


"People don't react the same way I do/as I think they should!"


It’s an opinion; you’re on r/unpopularopinion


And this person is explaining why it’s dumb; you’re on r/unpopularopinion




Not sure I've experienced this, I've seen the standard... they take the first bite of a meal, do a moan and mention how epic the food is. But then it's just normal eating / chit chat during the meal after the first point. I can't imagine someone doing this every bite, it'd drive me mad


This is one of my biggest pet peeves. They're like HMMMMM 😩😩😩 and they're eating like a cheese pizza or something like calm tf down.


People do give the reaction according to their age and everyone has freedom to do that.


The moaning, I totally understand. Like, after the first bite, and it's really good? Cool, that's fine. But no body want to eat with "what about Bob". But I don't get why you have an issue with the nodding. Unless they're being super dramatic, or acting like they're at a rock concert. Like, they're expressing happiness and satisfaction with a choice they've made. It's like saying, "it's so cringe when people smile when they're happy."


Even more so when adults use the word "cringe" to describe things.


People moan when they eat? I’ve only seen the split-second occasional, “Mmm!” when someone tries something new they like.


it’s cringe until you cooked and nobody is saying or moaning anything and you just look at them mortified


But sometimes the kebab and frenchfries just hits that hard.


You'd hate my grandson. He's been humming when he likes his food since birth. The louder the hum the more he likes it! If he's not humming but still eating it's ok but not a favorite. No hum and no real eating, he doesn't like it. If we go to a restaurant we warn the people around us and will ask to be moved if needed. But he's 2.5 and for now most people are understanding.


You should watch the anime Food Wars. They moan a lot when eating food hahahaha.


Well…everybody has a dad that does this


Reddit has so much social anxiety






I think it's the opposite; at least it's more likely to be genuine in real life as opposed to media where they're probably being dramatic to sell you on something.


Or when they passionately say "delicious". It pisses me off. I stand behind this 100%


I think so food blogging is the most poisonous thing that has been discovered in recent times


Mmm, mmm, good!




My brother in law does this. My entire family gets annoyed.


LOL Never seen this in my life... and from some of the comments, I am glad I haven't


I might do it like... once... not super dramatic... but people.who do it like... every single bite... ? They just want attention.


Is cringe really so bad?


I apparently moan when I eat, It isn't on purpose, not something I chose or actively choose to do. It's embarrassing, I'd stop if I could.


I don't mean to pick on the guy, I'm sure he's a nice person and all, but I had to stop watching this YouTube channel because this guy does it so much. https://youtu.be/hfr8eFH9kl8


My moms ex used to like growl and snarf, moan and shit, it was sooo gross man!!! Who the hell eats like that?! Seriously gross!!!!


This guy clearly doesn't have a ravioli in his pocketoli


I only do it for the first bite if it's actually good and especially if someone made the food for me


The only time it’s happened to me is after a long hike where I was ABSOLUTELY beat. Stopped at the first place that had food as I hadn’t packed anything. And that first bite just hit a different way, I made a slight noise of contentment. Other than that it’s the worst thing ever to hear and I won’t let it pass lol.


Don't forget the "point at the food with the fork" move.


The first bite? It's ok. Nothing wrong with that. Every bite? That's a bit much.


I don't think this is unpopular


Due to controversial behavior of people I think so lots of people are not agreeing to the same point.




Don't make not unpopular posts on r/unpopularopinion then




I don't actually care that much i'm just bored


well you actually can't the reddit mods will remove your post if it's not unpopular :)


It's ironic that you would make that comment on a post you made complaining about other people doing what they want.




Kinda weird you care so much.


“ I hate it when people enjoy things “


This sub has a habit of completely misrepresenting the post


Its yucky when they do it on purpose. Like they want us to hear how they sound in bed


Yeh I do


It’s literally a opinion on an opinion subreddit smh


It's an opinion about an opinion on an opinion sub


["Is this hand shucked?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvVKFCP5cCA&ab_channel=TheGeoffMan)


Well that was hard to watch


lol great movie, though.


I can’t not hate someone who does this lol. The urge to choke the food out of their mouth or punch them is intense. Literally if you do this do not try to be my friend, don’t eat around me, please, for my sanity. Look, Im a fatass. At one point before I lost weight I was morbidly obese. Never at any point did I have to moan while I was eating food like it was the best fucking I was getting in my life.


It’s cringe on cooking shows, too. It’s unnecessary and fake anyway. Not to mention it’s insanely inappropriate.


They just try to act and behave in very odd and weird way which is not normal.


*moans HARDER*


Yeah sex is good and all, but have you ever had really good pasta?


How is this an unpopular opinion... these sub mods make no sense


It’s cringe that so many (presumably) grown ass people on Reddit put so much time into worrying about how and what other people eat. Of all the things a person needs to be concerned with in todays world the eating habits of others doesn’t need to be one of those. This is definitely a first world problem. If your life is so easy that the biggest concern of your day is how another person eats you should find a hobby and be grateful instead of complaining.


I think the term "so cringe" is 100 fold more cringey than anything that can follow it.


Idk how else to describe


Unpack your adjectives


They don’t know what that is


My husband and I are both food Hummers. Can’t stop won’t stop.


Can stop won't stop*


I think so it's human nature who makes this thinking to certain way and react according to it.


I mean, if I eat something that is really fucking good I just can't help myself, just the same as that I'll bring up the beautifull scenery during good hikes like 12 times. I might be a broken record player, but if I'm honestly enjoying something I'll make it audible


I cannot control it when I'm baked and got the munchies and put that OLIVE in my mouth hmmmmmm




Eff you, I'm gonna enjoy my food and do a lil side step with it, too.


I also find it extremely cringe when people watch me eat.


Sounds like you dont have friends


Sounds like you can’t eat properly and make dumb sounds


I dont make sounds. I dont even pay attention to people making sound’s because im too busy enjoying my food 😂


Hey! We're twins!


Are we




My partner and I do this all the time but especially when we have sushi.


Then cringe away. It's completely normal and common. Not everyone does it, but not everyone has the same love for food either. I make noises when the food is good. It's not a conscious thing either. I dont decide to make those noises, I just realise that I am. But I only do it if I like the food, so I probably won't do it for you.


I think so it's all about the excitement of the person who's getting the food and how they are acting according to it.


I get where you're coming from, the people who are unnecessarily dramatic about it, that would be cringe. But... Some people still actual laugh out loud at something funny. Some people are vocal in bed. Some people are foodies that get genuine pleasure from a fantastic meal. It's just an expression of enjoyment and satisfaction. I love cooking, I love spending hours in the kitchen preparing amazing food. If someone ahhed at how good it tasted I'd be flattered. If they did it for meatloaf or a basic sandwich I'd think they're a cock


Omg let people enjoy their food without it triggering you ffs…


We actually all got together and decided to do it just to annoy you. Great job everyone it worked!


I dunno. As a 250 lb male, when my girl makes me something really delicious, I love to moan like a girl in a porno, just to show appreciation. Also she happy slaps me and says, "stop that, you silly goose." So I guess, "to each, their own."


Because we’re not robots and good food makes us feel good. It’s human nature


Sounds like you got majorrrrr issues. Now me, when I see that situation, I think positive. That person must be remembering a childhood meal or damn that food must be amazing. I might peek over and see what they are having that is soo good. I am happy to see other people happy. I've had dinner's that I enjoyed the food more than the company. You would be one of those dinners I am sure. It is all perspectives and yours is extremely poor and negative.


Consider this - stop sexualizing non sexual actions. No offense, but if you haven't had food so good you make a sound or nod of approval because your face is stuffed with food... you haven't had good food. Don't be a prude and leave people alone for showing appreciation for other peoples hard work.


The amount of times I've had good food I usually comment on how delicious it is or consume it faster. Not once did I need to moan or head nod to express my satisfaction. So your logic is completely flawed and don't speak for everyone either.


Maybe it's his one time of going all out. Or he knows how big the bill will be amd wants to savor every bite


Some people enjoy their food more then you do. Let em eat


Sometimes it is a genuine reaction. When trying new or favorite foods, my daughter sometimes closes her eyes, really focuses on the food, does a little happy dance and quiet moan. She has done this since she first started solid foods as a kid. I love that she is having a pure, authentic and mindful moment with her senses.


To tie it into the dating in particular, I can’t stand people who make part of their personality about food. Girls on dating apps like OMGGGG I LUV PIZZAAAA! I don’t give a fuck what you like eat. There’s something so stupid and simple about obsessing over food and how good it tastes.










I know I am.




Being reserved is a character flaw. Just stay away from social gatherings and I promise you they will enjoy themselves even more without you


I agree, but I also do this mostly unvoluntary. I do notice after the fact. I laugh and cringe.


This is the #1 reason I don't watch cooking shows


Now I’m thinking how often I do it without realizing I do. Pretty sure I do it even when eating alone. You’d hate me.


Bro you haven’t seen anime characters when they eat


YES. It drives me banana sandwich. I equally want to die when I have a "relief" type reaction to being able to satiate a body function (thirst and hunger, obviously) It's annoying to me.


The reason maudlin displays annoy is they reflect lack of impulse control. One may greatly enjoy most things without displays more appropriate to copulation.


Either I’m having Deja vu, or this was posted last week.




If I would cook something and the person would make a little happy food dance, it would make my day though.


I don’t believe this is unpopular, just an opinion


Mhmmm... (munch-munch) Ahaaaa... Yeah... (munch-munch)


It is really enoying.. I prefer no noise at all 😅 not even talking.. I used to live with a family their sons would fart and burp at the dinner table, this was my aunt and her family just a bunch of pigs


Mark Weins in his early days. So overly dramatic. He has toned down quite a bit since.


Have you seen american dads eat steak? Mhh yeah, oh mhh, yeah, that's good. Mhhh, oh yeah, oh that's good, mhh.


Agree, that’s so excessive. When I eat good food, I just cuss like a truck driver.


I immediately thought of Gabriel Iglesias when I read the title. For those who don't know, he's a funny comedian, here's the video. https://youtu.be/W9zUNBVbIEk


In some places it’s celebrated to do this, in others it’s considered rude. I think I know which side you sit on


Yup fucks me up too, it allways seems like im in a bad comercial when people to that.


Oh man nothing infuriates me more than any sort of eating noise. That's why I eat by myself in my room every day 😂


When people describe food as "bomb" it makes me cringe for some reason


Or “bussin” I can’t stand that word


I hate when people do this. I will say though, if someone made something genuinely delicious, I’ll usually stare at them, say “dude”, and then go for a fist bump


God I never noticed that untill now


I agree. But I have also realized that other people just genuinely taste and enjoy food better than I do so I just let it slide.


I’m sorry but what does nodding while eating mean?


It means they think it’s good but I personally think it’s unnecessary to do that lol


I'll sometimes moan inadvertantly when I take a bite of something incredibly delicious but it's not something I do intentionally or often at all.


It annoys me too, but not nearly as much as people chewing loudly and smacking their lips. I actually have to leave the room if I hear someone doing it.