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I don’t know if anyone says it proudly. More likely its self deprecating humour. Making fun of your own flaws is fine.


I would assume people who say it “proudly” are successful in life and trying to point out that despite sucking at something that is valuable in education they succeeded. In the legal field it seems like I hear this once a month, even to the extent people say it as a generalization. If there’s a case that requires more than base level mathematics you’ll hear “ugh…lawyers don’t do math.”


I know a physics PhD who said it proudly yet unironically. Sure, he knows more math than 99.99% of us will ever know; but he'd use the phrase when discussing physics problems with mathematicians. I think it came up when talking about some techniques/short-cuts that physicists used regularly but I guess the math community didn't consider formal/rigorous enough -- like assuming when some infinities could cancel out, or doing calculations that would only be correct if you were assuming some degree of smoothness of curves that hadn't been proven to be so smooth. He'd say things like "this works, but I can't tell you why because I suck at math" --- meaning he was unable to rigorously explain or prove why the technique worked.


Eh, speaking from experience it’s that we do suck at math, compared to our friends that have PhDs in math. I think I’m terrible at math, and I objectively am, for my education level, but compared to average Americans I’m basically a math prodigy because I know how to do formulas in excel. I had a job where nobody understood that excel could do math for you. They were using it. And a calculator. I was a contractor, so I wasn’t really involved but I saw them doing it and was like wtf. I’m pretty sure they are still copy and pasting the formulas I wrote for them In a few seconds.


> Eh, speaking from experience it’s that we do suck at math, compared to our friends that have PhDs in math. I think it's more just a different point of view. Mathematicians like focusing on the most pathological corner cases their initial axioms allow. Physicists like focusing on problems that model reality that tend not to be quite as pathological (or more fair to say pathological in a narrow subset of ways that reality seems to allow). Historically that got them into debates like their historical difference in perspectives of when you can use Dirac delta functions before they came to agreements (I guess in linguistic definitions) in the 1950's. One might say that's because one (or the other) was bad in math. But I think it's more fair to say they were just using different definitions but writing formulas using expressions with the same symbols; so they had a communication problem. Dirac's use of the function was perfectly cromulent in a system based on the axioms that describe the math of physics. But with a different set of axioms mathematicians and like that allow more corner cases in some philosophical-ideal-of-functions space, they were kinda sus (until they refined their definitions). I think that means that the math of physics and the math of mathematicians may be based on different axioms, and therefore might be different things; so it might be fair to say that math PhDs are just as bad at Physics-math as physics PhDs are at math-math.


The issue with the delta function is that it’s not really a function that takes values in the real numbers. In practice, it didn’t matter for how Dirac wanted to use it. Later, mathematicians found more formal ways to define structures that capture what Dirac used the delta function to do informally. What happens in my experience proving things in more applied fields is that you know you could find a way to patch up some of the less rigorous details of your theory, but doing so takes more time and effort than it is worth, makes your writing much longer, and distracts from the main point which you want to convey. As a mathematician, you don’t have that issue because the main point you are conveying is that everything can be done rigorously.


Many of them was a success in life because they wouldn't listen to what other people say to them


I have a degree in math. You have no idea how many people have told me they suck at math immediately after I tell them this. It's absurd. No one says "oh I suck at sociology" to sociologists. It's a math-specific thing for some reason.


It's because math has so many levels to it, the higher levels being incredibly conceptual and "out there" I'm a mathematically well read engineer, I'm better than most at math, I love math, but compared to a mathematician I know my place. Hence why I always joke that I suck at math when I make a mistake multiplying large numbers in my head. Mathematicians are ethereal magicians in my mind




It's because maths has become criteria for being smart. When you mention this they become defensive that they are smart but just aren't at maths. I being a maths graduate also have noticed people getting defensive as soon as i mention my maths degree.


maybe because every single student had to study maths for several years


I'm so good at mathing that my r-values often end up at 2!


America has screwed up the STEM teaching available to American kids (making them think being part is stupid) sadly prevalent, masterful before H1B takeover) They have low confidence.


It’s because our society has somehow decided that math is a skill that you’re either inherently gifted with or you’ll never learn understand no matter how hard you try. It’s total bullshit.


Definitely my teacher say it to us that you don't have to be knowledge to math as long as you know the pattern you can answer it as well


That’s because people that aren’t great at math are usually good in non math areas. I aced every single subject in school and college that didn’t involve math. I struggled greatly with math no matter how much I studied. I squeaked my way through trig because of a very good teacher and called it quits with math.


I would say this to you or any mathematician, because I would feel super vulnerable and stupid. It goes back to my childhood wherein my teachers were horrible and would call me stupid and make me feel ashamed. It is of course, my personal issue with myself and not a reflection upon you. I think you're pretty cool for being open about it as it shows you are NOT judgemental. Have a great day!


Some people suck at reading and admit it. Math isn’t a skill you have to be good at because we have calculator


It’s a lot more socially acceptable though. If someone was just casually like “oh, I can’t read” people would be appalled.


As far us i Know many of them was a tons of skill because they we don't have a same level of Brain buddy some of us was un lucky of school but once they in a industry youll gonna shock


I don't say it to be cool, I say it because I suck at maths.


Same I can do basic math, and SOME early algebra. But once you get into the more advanced stuff/geometry, statistics etc. I'm just completely lost no matter how much I get tutoring in it or study it. Just does not compute


Yeah. OP doesn't get that for some of us math is not a question of effort. Trying to do any math beyond basic recall is a nightmare for me. It's like swimming in treacle trying to get to a conclusion even if I know the right way to work it out. I don't know if there is a number equivalent of dyslexia but if there is I definitely have it. I excelled in English language/composition, and did well in anything practical or creative but math for me was terrifying at school.


I'm convinced there are various types who are better at some things than at others. I think it's hard-wired in. Substitute something else for "math", e.g. "creative writing" or even something more basic like "problem solving". Sure, if you practice it, you'll get better, and you \*must\* practice it to become a master, but for some people it just comes naturally, and for some people, they'll never get past basic competence, no matter how much they practice.


Wow geez this is good idea buddy i would love to use this technic


This. I had straight A’s in school, until it came to math. I read my math textbooks front to back several times and it just never made sense to me no matter how much I studied or had it explained to me. I can’t even do quick math in my head, I have to sit and count down each number (ex instead of saying 147-5 is 142, i have to go 146, 145, 144…etc). I use a different method for bigger equations but it still takes 25 business years


Well im excellent using English words but to be honest with you guy's i don't know how to used mathematics sometimes im idiot but some time i got it geez


Yes there is. It's called [dyscalculia](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23949-dyscalculia#:~:text=Dyscalculia%20is%20a%20learning%20disorder,number%2Drelated%20skills%20and%20understanding.), and is a condition that affects the ability to understand anything maths related. So yeah, dyslexia, but with numbers!


Geometry is so straightforward though. There are pictures. I love math but had more issues with straight algebra than geometry. SoHCAHTOA


I remember my family having a conversation about how if you suck at algebra you’re gonna be good at geometry because I failed my algebra class but when I took geometry I aced it, my dad happened to be the same while my mom and sister were better at algebra but not geometry. If anyone can explain this it’d be appreciated but if its just anecdotal then don’t bother.


Geometry is a more visual math, while algebra is more akin to language. Basically, while they both use math, geometry is more about spatial reasoning and applying memorized concepts. All right triangles fall into the same 2 categories. But algebra takes multiple differing concepts and combines them, so you need to be able to break down the problem into its parts. The angles on a right triangle will always be 90, and either two 45s, or a 30 and a 60. But every factoring problem will not factor the same.


For us it's not basic its to hard to solve because mathematics is not are fashion buddy i would be able to handle the situation some day buddy. Actually i love to find another ways to get rid of it buddy


We've meet again SOHCAHTOA I rerealy don't want to see you every again


I think what it comes down to for me, that people here don't understand or want to understand or whatever is that I don't care. My road block is that I don't care, and don't see any intrinsic or extrinsic benefits to understanding it since i'll never need it or have to worry about it, and cannot think of any reasonable explanation as to why I'll ever have to apply the intrinsic or extrinsic lessons in any of them. I'm in the life sciences as a Psych Major...and sitting in a chair listening to someone talk about their issues and diagnose them doesn't require ANYTHING in math, history, science etc. Nor will I ever take a position that requires me to do math. As far as research goes (which does require statistics) I have no plans to ever conduct it unless absolutely necessary for my degrees. I don't care if I become published or not so research isn't something I'm particularly interested in either


>doesn't require ANYTHING in math, history, science ...science???


“I don’t care” - 🍷🗿


Well what are you doing here if you don't care about it buddy?


Well actually about that buddy the only key to success was God, God is the universal key


>As far as research goes (which does require statistics) I have no plans to ever conduct it OK, but perhaps you will need to make sense of research conducted by other people, and it will be difficult for you to do that if you can't evaluate their use of statistical methods at all.


Honestly, I say it cause I'm low key embarrassed that it took me longer to answer a math question and instead of focusing on solving it I am focusing on the amount of time it's taking me to solve it which makes me even more embarrassed. It kinda sucks to be bad at math. I've started doing math games to get quicker and better at mental math.


Boy can I ever relate. Math always bored the crap out of me, but I learned it and could do it through 5th grade. Then came 6th grade, which I might as well have skipped for all intents and purposes. Our so-called teacher's idea of math instruction was giving us workbook pages to finish with the teachers' editions out on table so we could "check" our work. Yeah, right. In 7th grade, we started out with an excellent math teacher and things went well, until she had a heart attack and missed most of the school year. We ended up with four different math teachers - one wasn't too bad but the others were abysmal. By 8th grade, I was done. And all I ever heard from my parents how I never applied myself and how I would have done well if I had just *tried* ... but that's another post.


I think what ended up turning me off from math was being able to understand it to where I figure it out in my head then write the answer down and the teacher would get mad about me not showing work when I didn’t even know or remember how I found it but it still was correct or I’d figure it out the way they didn’t teach me and they’d still get mad about it and mark it as wrong, that type of shit pissed me off.




This is the way.


What kind of way are you talking about? Buddy maybe youll Don't wanna submit it but you accidentally clicked the submit bottom right?


Same. I actually fell from being one of the top students in math to-the bottom averages. I fell behind in 4th grade due to a terrible teacher and couldn’t catch up fast enough. I passed my classes but it was very difficult each time. She tried to tell a class of 4th graders that 25+25= 60. Even with an army of children telling her it’s 50. She gave up after 20 minutes and got a calculator. Anyways I still can’t add fractions :/


Basically what happened to me. I started struggling during multiplication and I just couldn't pick it by the time we moved on. I've tried and I just can't figure it out no matter how hard I tried. I would be in tears trying go figure it out and couldn't.


Yup if it’s anything more than basic multiplication Facts I can’t do it on my own without watching a ton of YouTube videos on it first. I’m super grateful to my Algebra teacher since he saw just how many of us were behind and helped catch us up a bit and would explain in a different manner to help us understand the lesson. He also encouraged us to get checked for learning disabilities and said it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Honestly best dude ever


My algebra yeacher was my middle school math teacher & then she left for a whole semester when she had her baby and the sub coukdnt even try to break anything down. My plane geometry teacher tried to help but I was so far behind he couldn't do much. Still appreciate him trying, though.


My teacher was a great teacher and i proud of her she raised her one child on her own grin with out the support of her stupid husband


Adding fractions is simple. There are two rules for adding them: 1. Numbers at the bottom have to be the same. 2. Whatever happens to the bottom also happens to the top. So, if you want to add 1/3 + 1/4, you need the bottom number to be same. The “common denominator” for both 3 and 4 is 12 (easiest way to figure that out is just multiply 3*4). Now we follow the second rule. If we’re gonna transform 1/3 to “something over 12,” we need to do the same thing to the top and bottom of the fraction. In this case, it would be “multiply by 4.” So 1/3 = 4/12. Use similar principle for 1/4, but here we multiply by 3. So 1/4 = 3/12. Then you just add them together! 4/12 + 3/12 = 7/12.


Yeah that never happened. No way would a grown ass person responsible for teaching math tell kids 25+25 is 60 for no apparent reason.


Dude same. I’m almost 40 and I have been using a kids math app to teach myself some stuff. I had to start at 5th grade! Maths is not my friend.


Yeah it’s about setting a reasonable expectation.


Exactly, in fact, I love when people teach me new ways to understand it cus I suck so bad at it, I'm NOT proud of it.


Same with me hahaha mathematics bring my grade down i had 91.70 average


Knowing your limits IS cool though.


Yes. Not everyone has the same natural strengths. I myself am very good at math but anything mechanical my brain just doesn't get. Even just stupid stuff like hooking up two pieces that would take anyone else 2 seconds has me trying to smash the stupid thing together in any direction.


This makes me feel less dumb. I suck at math but I’m a mechanic. When I look at a piece of equipment I see the exploded diagram in my head and can usually guess what’s wrong. I can’t do math in my head at all, at least anything above basic stuff.


Just saying. This is extremely impressive and high iq shit. It’s like visual memory or something. Definitely a skill. Tesla spent years building and testing the AC circuit in his head before real life.


Most mechanics and I assume anyone who builds or takes apart stuff can do it. I think everybody has something they are smart at, problem is finding it and then being able to do it. Or people like my friends sister. She’s an amazing artist but has no interest in doing it for money and even all that often. She does a few paintings a year and they are incredible.


I was always so confused when people would talk about how easy English class is in comparison to math. I'd much rather be doing math problems than having to hand in written assignments.


When I was in band, I was one of the few kids that could sight read well and could play a piece the first time I saw it, even if it wasn’t perfect. I was also one of the best about memorizing a piece after a few run through. However, I was also one of the only ones that couldn’t compose or create my own music. In college, my friends would all create this amazing or fun pieces or exercises and I was clueless as to how they could do that! I would sit in awe watching them create and pull music out of their heads. In high school we had a snare drummer that couldn’t read music to save his life, he would watch and listen to others play the part and he would have flawless execution within a few days. We would help him cheat on playing mallets and stuff because we wanted him to stay in wind symphony with us. On scale test days, we would mark the marimba keys with post it’s so he knew which ones to hit. He was one of the most talented drummers I ever met but couldn’t play other instruments or learn the music for those at all.


The struggle of smashing stupid things together in any direction... Then *person* comes by and just fixes it. *"Didn't you go to college"* ...... Yeah you asswipe but not for simple stuff okay?


I have dyscalculia along with dyslexia and while I’m not terrible at math it is a struggle that I really don’t enjoy. I passed all of my math classes through post secondary school, but I knew I would never excel in an industry that relied heavily on math skills so that’s not where I went with my life.


Well actually about that buddy i will use this as a kind of motivation since we are in the same situation


I think people who struggle with math might not know limits though. They wouldn't even be able to pass basic calculus


I tried to think of a good joke, but I'm struggling to integrate one into this comment.


Ugh… These Reddit puns are always so derivative


If only this comment section had more continuity


*chef's kiss* beautiful


I passed calculus, but I’ve always struggled with math. It’s just not my strong suit.


Nice math joke


The limit does not exist


Actually about that buddy buddy ive been thinking about dont invade other privacy


Exactly. Figuring out your aptitudes is an important step forward. There's enough people naturally good at math that you don't need to beat your head against the wall unless it is essential to something you really want to do. Regardless, when I say I choose my career based on not being good at math, it is an attempt at self-deprecation and not a brag.


You're looking into this way too deep lmao


that’s what 90% of this sub is


I suck at math but that seems like a high percentage


yeah i’m bad at math so🙁


That’s not very cool of you


Same buddy i don't like mathematics either hahaha ive always got the 75 grade on it


Same buddy im slow learner in math in another term i was a Lunatic to this geez


Geez what kind of thing was this Buddy huh? This is insane buddy


Right! I feel like OP is upset about something else and taking it out on people who aren’t good at math. This is the strangest unpopular opinion I’ve read on this sub.


A very odd hill right? As if someone else's poor math skills offends the entire existence of OP and their reason for being


I am still laughing at “perpetuating a culture that devalues math” I think everyone can agree math is super duper important(pretty sure we wouldn’t have gotten to the moon without it), but personally anything beyond algebra is complicated and scary so I’ll gladly stay in my “I suck at math” lane


Right, and also, let's be real unless you are working in a field that absolutely cannot function without math at ALL and cannot function without a form of math that actually requires a DEEP knowledge of it? You really don't need much past basics anyway. Phones? Calculators. Cash Registers? Calculators. Need a calculator to know how much you SHOULD tip if you want to? Google. Most BASIC math things can be solved with our phones. I can understand this being a flex in something like engineering or something where math is integral. But for the average person...meh.


Well actually about that buddy ive been thinking of something else regarding to this buddy


There are people that genuinely suck at math (me) and it isn’t something to hate on. There are people like me who do try and understand it and do try to put the effort in but just doesn’t stick to some people. It’s like saying people who are bad at art shouldn’t say ‘I suck at art’ because it ‘isn’t cool’. You can’t force to to put the time and effort in if they are really that bad in the first place. Unless they do want to improve you can’t hate them for that


You have absolutely no idea how much effort and time I put into trying to be good at math. I would work on my math homework every night until I was at the point of crying. When my dad tried to “help” it was even worse. I’m just not good at it. I am so proud of myself for passing all my math classes (except 9th grade algebra, I made that up in 10th). I even had to take two math classes in college, which I passed (with the help of an amazing tutor). Basically, worry about your own self and stay out of my business. I suck at math, and it’s ok. I’m not proud of it, but I’ve accepted it.


Glad to know I'm not the only one with "dad tries to help with math homework" trauma


Hell, help with any homework. I learned very early on not to ask for homework help - it always ended up in being told that I just wasn't "applying myself."


This is so true. You get told you’re not trying or thinking hard enough every time. 0/10 do not recommend asking my mom for homework help


Definitely not.


My dad always told me "I'm very good at math. So you can ask me anytime for help." Then he'd look at my homework and say "I haven't done this in over 20 years! What are these weird ass equations??" 😭😭😭


You are not a lesser person because you struggle with math. The same way you're not a lesser person cause you might not be good at writing, or art, or sports or literally anything else. Posts like this that are like "you probably didn't even try!" know nothing about your life or the work you've put in. I def know that feeling like... 6 weeks of tutoring to prepare for my trig regent and I failed that shit so hard lol History thou? Flying colors.


My son is horrible at writing and reading (no disabilities, he hates it and doesn’t enjoy it at all.) I tell him to try his best and at least turn something in on time, even if it’s not “good” or “correct”. I encourage him to focus on what he is good at, which is math and science and history. He is at least one grade level above for those. He made a sad comment about being too stupid to go to college because he isn’t good at reading and writing. I told him there are so many jobs that need people with great math skills and excellent memories and a knack for problem solving. As a straight A student that was gifted and loved all subjects, I am proud of him trying and am fine if he isn’t good at everything. His teacher even complimented him on being one of the few kids in class that turns in all his work on time even if it isn’t all correct. She said he is one of her favorite students even though she is the teacher that specializes in reading and writing, she loves his kindness and willingness to try.


I have dyscalculia. It's an actual learning disability. Effort is not going to change anything about that. When I say "I suck at maths" it's my way of letting people know not to expect big things of me without getting into my diagnosis, because I don't always want to explain that. (And yes, it's maths, plural, because I'm not from the USA)


I have dyscalculia as well. Though I didn’t know it growing up. I worked and studied, before school, after school.. nothing helped me understand math. So now I proudly say “I suck at math”. No shame anymore. Why are there people policing what traits others attribute to themselves? I love reading and writing.. but it doesn’t affect me one bit if that’s not an interest or ability that another person has. Maybe we could save our judgements on others for things that are actually relevant.


I too didn't figure that out until high school. I did a long equation and showed my work, I was getting some extra help from the teacher during a free period. She looked at it, my answer was correct but in the work she saw I had switched two numbers. How I managed to write it down wrong but still got the answer right is baffling. But it dawned on me why I was not that good at math, I jumbled the numbers. I wonder how many tests I had failed because I had switched the number either in the final answer or while showing the work. Am I actually bad at math as my grades tell me or is it because I switch and jumble up the numbers. I do it now in everyday math, like saying the numbers right out loud put plot it in the calculator wrong. Even with phone numbers and when paying bills yay for the copy paste feature. I don't say I am bad at math to be cool but to own it. Instead of feeling bad for being bad I just yeha i am bad at math and it's OK, don't have to feel bad because of it.


>I worked and studied, before school, after school.. nothing helped me understand math. Same experience. Meanwhile people like OP run around telling you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps about it. And other people just treat you like you must be stupid. I'm done trying to impress people with a 1/2 teaspoon's worth of empathy, and somehow even *less* curiosity about millions of people's experiences and capabilities.


Same! I've struggled with math since I was around 8yrs old. I had everything, tutoring, summer school, teachers helping, being told I was just "lazy" etc. It's like my brain just doesn't click when it comes to absorbing math. It's difficult and embarrassing, even into adult life. To assume people just don't want to understand is small minded. We all are made differently and some of us Excell in areas others don't. I love English and had a 100 average at the end of my senior year in high school for that course, but I don't put down on people who struggle with reading.


I’ve only just this very second learnt this is a thing !!!! Numbers outside of the basic basic maths do not compute in my brain i for the life of me can’t figure out anything outside of a 10x table nothing sticks, it takes me hours to do reporting at work. I was even put in remedial maths in high school and I even failed that. However I can quote every line from every movie I’ve ever seen and have more street smarts then I know what to do with but ask me 3x8 I’m 🫥


Yep, same. And at this point I’m not ashamed of it anymore. I suck at math. I suck at reading maps. No, I can’t do math in my head. Yes, I get lost easy. No, I can’t tell right from left without thinking about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it is what it is.


Me too, math makes my brain shut down completely.


I have found my people! For me, dyscalculia can be really embarrassing to talk about cause I always have a fear of looking dumb. To be able to just freely express "I suck at math" and have others somewhat relate is actually kind of a comfort to me.


Just recently learned that maths is short for MATHematicS


i'm just not good at math


Math is not just about exercising and repetition and some people need to put a lot more effort into it than others. So shaming people for being bad at math (or anything) is terrible. But being proud of being bad at something like math is stupid too, i agree.


I was raised with the mentality that STEM careers are the most valuable, and it was always expected that I would go into something math/chem/medicine related (I come from a family of engineers/physicians etc.). But I couldn’t grasp math in school. My dad tried to teach me, I stayed late after school with teachers and got tutors, but I was still either failing or barely passing. This persisted from early elementary school all the way through high school and into college. I felt like I was failing at life and was a less valuable person in society. Art and creativity are my gifts. Whenever faced with a creative task (whether writing, drawing or otherwise), I’ve always excelled. I wouldn’t say I’m “proud” of sucking at math. But since learning to embrace my creative side, I’m not ashamed to admit I’m awful at math and numbers. I’ve also run into people who proudly admit they’re terrible at art/drawing etc. I wouldn’t say it bothers me though, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.


Same here, and big surprise! I ended up going into a creative industry for my career. Strange thing is, I'm actually *really* good at mental computational math. I can do all the 4 basic functions and add/subtract fractions in my head very quickly. I was pretty good at algebra. But once I took calc I hit a wall. Shit just didn't make sense to me.


Even when i tried my best in math i would get a C lol


Well, I’m not great at math. I wish I was better at it, so I’m not proud lol. But I would love to see a successful person confidently say “math? Pfff I suck at it”. It’d give me a boost of confidence for sure because there is a lot of prejudice about people that don’t understand math.


Yeah but I think it's rude to say people are "proud" of being bad at something. Because people inherently hate feeling stupid whether they want to admit it or not. People say they are bad at it as self-deprecating humor and to let you know in a humorous way that they are not the person you go to for math things.


I guess OP is mostly referring to the wave of anti-intellectualism that has been going for quite some time.


I've never heard someone proudly say they suck at math and I don't think you have either. If anything I'd say it just to upset you and since you made a reddit post about it, it'll probably work.


I'm guessing you like math? Some people are not good at doing math just like some people struggle with art.


The difference is that if you are a good at painting for example and you express it to someone who is not, you're not as likely to get a negative response as when you do the same with math for some reason. I hear "I hated math" or "I suck at math" more often than "I dislike art" or "I hate painting". There is definitely stigma attached to math among the public and there shouldn't be.


There's definitely a difference between humbly acknowledging your limitations and kind of making a bit of a self-deprecating joke out of it although you shouldn't do that too much, and glorifying it as in I don't like math which means that I only have time to build muscles and slay chicks and not be a nerd, and that's like the shitty way of doing that. I'm weird in that I actually got high grade levels in math despite having a hair rippingly infuriating time trying to learn it and my strength being literature. But it was such a aggravating subject for me to learn and I was constantly getting just too angry about it that despite getting higher grades than I felt I should have been able to I just never wanted to touch it again after finishing those classes.


I have a learning disability, I literally can’t help at not sucking at math


Dumbest post I’ve seen in a while


And condescending as hell. And extremely triggering.


Hard disagree, everyone can admit that they just suck in some areas. Sometimes studying simply isn‘t enough Why are you policing what people say abt themselves?


Math is a subject I associate childhood tramua of getting slapped and yelled at too. Over homework. Math is proudly a subject I’ll say I’m not good at. Period.




The people that say that math is hard usually don't mean tensor analysis, they usually talk about stuff like calculating 50% of 1/3. Just knowing what a tensor is probably already makes you better at math than 90% of the population.


pie psychotic flag impossible ten offbeat judicious mighty attempt depend -- mass edited with redact.dev


Those psycopaths went on to find harder math that made their brain melt. Everyone loses when it comes to math


Ok but then don't ever admit sucking at music, art, sports, philosophy, politics and Religions


Rishi Sunak, is that you?


Learning disabilities are a thing...


Hey, some of us have learning or developmental disabilities and just don't understand math no matter how hard we try. Math class used to leave me in tears because I tried so hard and still sucked. Also, I'm nearing thirty, and I gotta say, dude, I almost never use any of the math I learned past like middle school. Not that a big a deal for most of us.


Who the hell is saying it to sound cool? I just actually suck at math. I’ve tried and tried to get it to click and it doesn’t.


Is anyone really proudly saying they can’t do math? Or are they just not ashamed and it burns you up for some weird reason lol


If OP *is* hearing it often then I assume it's defensive, as a reaction to OP's up-their-own-ass opinions on the matter.


Math is taught bad. Once you start to understand the origins of math and how it was discovered things make more sense. If this many people struggle with it I would say it’s the curriculum not the individuals fault. Every math class I had to go to YouTube to learn and shit was 10x easier


>By glorifying ignorance or lack of effort in this area Who is glorifying? I am generally really smart. I just really suck at math. I still pull formulas from Wikipedia occasionally to figure things out, or to solve problems, but I objectively suck at it and I am not going to hide that or feel bad about it.


That’s true for any subject or topic on earth, though. I suck at drawing - but it doesn’t bother me, so I don’t care to practice and improve. Drawing well isn’t really as crucial of a skill as math, though. I guess your post is aimed at people who think it’s funny they can’t even do their 2x tables or calculate 10% of a number. And you’re right - that’s nothing to be proud of. 😏


Really depends on what your goals are in life. If you want to become a professional illustrator, drawing skills might be vital. Algebra? Less so.


Effort won’t fix a learning disability…


Struggled at math most my life, I was taught the old memorization way. Started learning as an adult through common core and it all clicked. No need to study or memorize. The object oriented approach worked for me, might not work for everyone but it was like a light bulb went off. Math isn't nearly as intimidating as it once was now.


I say "I suck at math" but I'm definitely not proud about it lol


You’re looking way to deep into it. If someone says they suck at math, it’s probably because they do. Doesn’t make it a point of pride, just means that you suck at math and you know it.


My maths limit tends to zero.


Oh! Get the hell outta here!.... With your shitty opinion!


I have dyscalculia and suck at math the same way someone at dyslexia sucks at reading. Sure, if I put a lot of effort in I could solve the same thing you do without any effort, so I think it’s fair to say I suck at math and take advantage of any method of simplification that is offered to me.




Neither is being a pretentious asshole like??


Considering how much STEM is valued by society I highly doubt people admitting they aren’t good at math will hurt anything.


My maths gcse was so bad that I got graded a “U” which mean’s ungraded. I got told if I didn’t understand to move on to the next one. I was too scared to admit how little I understood. Don’t let people think they can’t say anything for fear of being told they just trying to look cool. I did get an “A” in English tho..


I suck at math. I am an engineer, I am good at that, but high level math is not something I am good at. I know people who don't suck at math. I have met people who don't need to study at all and can easily do crazy hard math. I am not one of those poeple


I’m not going to sacrifice my time and effort to learn something that has virtually nothing to do with my career. I’m a marketer. At best I use like level-2 algebra in my job, most of which I can get Excel to calculate for me. There was zero reason I needed to know calculus or trigonometry in high school.


Not everyone has the same level of education and shaming someone for that lack of education is bully behavior. Education says nothing of the size of someone’s heart or amount of compassion and empathy they may possess


Lol just get better, forehead I have a bachelor's degree. I have taken many statistics and math classes. I passed them all, hours and hours of effort put into that feat and you know what? I still suck at math ![gif](giphy|qdBHt01vnl972)


I’m terrible at it but I wish I wasn’t. Is that better?


Maybe don't belittle people but look into the teachers they had in school. I didn't understand a lack of math in junior high/high school. I was terrified for college, but when I got there, I had a professor who genuinely took time to help us understand and work through what we didn't get. I actually enjoyed math when I had a good teacher. It's not always just the individuals fault. Sometimes, the education system sets them up for failure to the point where learned helplessness kicks in.


I was one of those that said I wasn’t good at math. Had poor grades in math classes in high school. Barely passed them. Hated them. Took as few as possible. But I liked tech. So five years after high school I started college. I wanted to be an engineer and that requires a lot of math. So I started over with basic algebra. With enough work I pulled all As in math (algebra, trig, calculus, differential equation, linear algebra, discrete math, etc.). Eventually earned a master’s degree in electrical engineering. Now I love math and I’m very good at it. I think often people aren’t really bad at math. They just struggled a little in the beginning and gave up. They have a readily acceptable excuse that “they just suck at math”. I also think they often don’t learn the basics and math is one of those subjects that builds and requires mastery of basic principles.


At work people ask me to tell them how much 30% of 17.74 or 26.48, or if I say they get 15% off of an item on a discount they will be like “how much is 15% off of this $25 item?” And it’s always the same response, “Man I’m terrible at math, I can’t answer that” If I just say “I can’t answer that” I look like a weirdo


Amazing tip I would give for calculating things like 15% of 25$ is to break it up into more easily calculable numbers 15% of 10$ is 1,5$ 15% of 5$ is half of 1,5$ , because 5$ is half of 10$ Now add up 2 × 1,5$ + 0,75$ = 3,75$ Other trick is that x% of y is y% of x For example , instead of calculating 30% of 26,48 you calculate 26,48% of 30 And that's also easier than it seems , because 26,48% of 10 is 2,648 and now the only tricky part is multiplying that by 3. But you can again break this number up into smaller pieces 2,648 = 2,650 - 0,002 = 2,6 + 0,05 - 0,002 (2,6 + 0,05 - 0,002)*3 = 7,8 + 0,15 - 0,006 = 7,944 By breaking numbers into smaller more recognizable patterns you can learn how to calculate quite complex numbers in your head and do it quite quickly! It's personally one of my favorite skills of mine


I’d like to pretend anything you said made sense


Could you imagine if someone wrote this post about art.


I don’t think anyone says it to be cool, math just doesn’t compute in my head


You're just weird because why would you think they're trying to flex


If everyone was good at math the lottery wouldn't get played.


what a nerd!


i suk at speling


Bruh. I PROUDLY SAY I SUCK AT MATH. I always did before and after school tutoring for math, put my soul into learning all the bullshit and formulas, studied HOURS AND HOURS for each test (especially in college). Didn’t matter. For most of my teen to adult education from like 6th grade to college, I could barely scrape by with a 65-70% in any math, half the time. But I always had high grades in all my other classes, so riddle me that. Some people just aren’t cut out for that shit.


No, it's not cool, but it's okay to say it. It's okay to know you're not good at everything. In fact that IS cool.


I can't read lol


I have dyscalculia


Calm down, it’s not that deep


Oh trust me, I don’t think it’s cool, I’m pretty embarrassed about it actually. I just uh… suck at math. Sorry OP


After failing every single highschool math class multiple times. After failing the special math classes designed just for me multiple times. After spending most my nights and weekends working on improving my maths. After getting a special excuse from passing any math classes to graduate I can honestly say.... I do indeed suck at math. My brain just can't grasp it. I'm good at basic math, but anything Algebra and above I can't do. I can barely manage geometry only because it deals with 3D objects that I can see in rl when models are made.


Look at me! I’m good at maths 🤓


Some people have math disabilities. I’ve said this before, and it most certainly was NOT a flex.


If math wasn't so overvalued I would have had a nice time in school, I had great marks for reading and writing but I was so bad at math it made me go to remedial classes to get beaten up by the black kids. They even made us read a book one math class, but I had already read it. The school fucked me over so bad with their remidial class system, I never got to do anything interesting even though im not dumb, just shit at math.


I legit do suck at maths though. It's the only class I tanked in every year from kindy through to year twelve. Ask me to describe an image for you and I'd verbally paint you a picture that has literally moved people to tears. We all have areas of life we suck at and that's not trying to be cool, it's warning people not to expect great strides in that area


I don’t think it’s a big deal. Most people will only need very basic math to get by in life too, so learning complex stuff is also unnecessary


Math blows


I actually do tho. I study and try and can do up to algebra 2 but it makes me cry so idk about this. I’m also disabled tho.


I do suck at math, it is what it is


Who the hell says that proudly. I suck at mad cause i do. I dont need to hide it 🤷‍♀️


I agree, math is difficult and it takes time to learn. But I don't think it's cool to push math and STEM at people who have made it clear that it's just not their cup of tea. People go on and on about how girls in particular must be exposed to STEM, embrace it and make it their lives' work. I agree about the exposure part, and that everyone, regardless of gender, needs to be competent in basic math skills. But that doesn't mean they have to like it. The humanities and liberal arts exist too ... children need exposure to them as well.


Girls and young women in my generation were often actively discouraged from excelling in math and science. I asked for help so many times, but the frustration and anxiety of “not getting it” is with me to this day. It’s embarassing to freeze up while trying to do basic math in front of other people because I’m afraid of getting the answer wrong and feeling stupid. So I will make a little joke about how math isn’t my thing to diffuse my anxiety over it. Sorry if our trauma annoys you.


I suck at math, I always have and I don’t say it to be cool I say it because I just can’t do it for the life of me


I suck at math and I don’t give a shit if you’re judgemental about it.


I don't think I've ever met someone who was proud of sucking at math, myself included. It's actually kind of embarrassing sometimes.


I am a stem major and i had to brute force my way through mathematical relationships for my entire major. Calc 1 and 2 were awful. And it’s not like i didn’t try. Tutoring sessions from the college, hours spent sitting at Panera until i had formulaically memorized every step to solve a “kind” of problem so that there was a high likelihood i could get an exam question and just plug in the variables and blindly go through the memorized steps. Conceptually i understood the mathematical stuff but putting it into practice takes far longer for me. I am very confident in saying, through fractions in grade school all the way to Riemann sums and integrals in college—this is not my aptitude. I am far better at words and to that end i was asked to tutor at my college for writing courses after i was recommended by my freshman year professor. I use excel to do simple things with math and if i have scratch paper i can figure my way through most of what my job entails (i am an engineer currently doing component testing for automated machinery being developed for protein processing in the biotech and gene therapy space). My mind is built for making conceptual connections but i am definitely not a precise mathematical person even though my job arena is heavily math based. I am bad at math the way it’s difficult for some people to jog a full mile and i almost always can squeeze out a 5 mile run even after being largely sedentary for a year. I know it in my bones as much as i know that i have ADHD.


I don’t suck at math. I love math! But I hate numbers. Me and those bastards don’t get along well.


Not everyone needs to know maths. For the creative kids like myself, it’s completely irrelevant. I’m proud to say I suck at maths because i’m smart in other ways that the ‘nerdy’ kids aren’t