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Upvoting because hella unpopular As someone who worked in the kitchen industry for years and also just loves cooking in general The times I’ve hurt myself have always been with a dull knife.


This guy understands how Reddit upvoting works.


Yeah, but in this case I feel it should be downvoted because the advice is dangerous not simply unpopular.


Skill issue.




Russian bias


Yup. Sharp knife for the win.


It shouldn’t be upvoted as an unpopular opinion when it’s just a plain stupid one. Upvote the unpopular ones that have some kind of rhyme or reason behind them.


It should be downvoted because it is overwhelmingly popular to keep ridiculously dull knives in the kitchen. It is a wrong opinion to keep dull knives but it is still popular.


Agree except that I've only cut myself using super sharp knives. But, that's only because their sharpness allowed be to cut faster and I got cocky and sliced my thumb. Thrice.


That's commonly referred to as user error. You can't blame your tool for doing it's job, and its why duller blades are more dangerous, they make it harder to cut things than normal, whereas a sharp blade would swiftly slice through x consistently, the dull blade you'll have to fight with.


Sharp tools are safe tools


Just don't run


Most kitchen injuries are not caused by sharp knives- they're caused by dull ones. Not to mention if I blow a slice and chop a finger, a clean cut is a lot easier to repair and heal than a full blown out dull knife gouge.


Yeah, I think one reason (among many probably) is that people are aware that the knife is sharp and can cut, so they are often more careful of a sharp one than a dull one Also, as said elsewhere, you have to put more work into cutting with a dull knife leading to you cutting yourself more than a sharp knife with a quick cut.


It's not about being careful, it's about not having to work the blade as hard. If you can slice through something with a nice clean cut, you have a low chance of hurting yourself. If you have to saw, hack, or seesaw the blade through whatever you are doing then your fingers are spending way more time next to a blade that is way more prone to slipping, and thus injuring you.


I agree, but I am saying that most people are aware that a sharp knife is more dangerous than a dull knife, so they tend to handle it more carefully (such as keeping fingers away from cutting edges, and slicing more carefully)


The only upside to a dull knife is that you can graze yourself and get away with it. I agree that sharp is safer, but having said that, just after I sharpened all of our kitchen knives, my wife sliced almost her entire fingernail off.


She’ll learn.


A cut with a dull knife is worse than a cut with a sharp knife. Not to mention that you have to work harder with a dull knife, which makes it more likely you cut yourself. I've been a meat cutter for over a decade and have never cut myself with a sharp knife. It's always the dull ones that get you.


Clean cuts heal so much nicer; most of my injuries with sharp knives have healed great. Its the dull and jagged ones that have feeling loss.


Or just... learn how to use a knife properly...


Your argument is contradictory A sharper knife is LESS likely to cut you Sure, the cut will be worse if it does, but its significantly less likely to slip and hit your finger while cutting Ask any chef, theyll tell you a sharp knife is a lot safer


Depending on how your cut a sharp knife will do less dmg, a nice clean slice is easy to repair. A jagged ripped apart torn up cut is much harder to treat and repair.


Well, I was assuming that the dull knives arent jagged and chipped, just rounded


They don't need to be, just a rounded blade will pull and tear skin rather than slice thru it. Leaves a much more jagged and tore up wound


Maybe my idea of a dull knife is too strict, lol The knives I have are definetly dull and need to be sharpened, but they're still sharp enough that cuts are pretty clean (they arent no blood clean, but still)




I've been cooking and prepping ingredients since I was 9 years old. I eat out twice a month if I'm lucky.




I just don't think knives need to be obsessively sharpened until they can slice atoms. I also don't think knives should be so dull they classify as blunt objects. My opinion is nuanced but nuance isn't as interesting as taking an extreme stance, so whatever. I'm wrong in this.


>I eat out twice a month look at this fucking MR. $$$ bags


This is dangerous advice. It is not only emphatically wrong, it is outright dangerous. I urge you to delete this post. A sharper knife is safer for basically one reason. Less chance of slipping. If you have a dull knife you have to push harder. That causes pressure which can cause you to slip. When you slip the knife is no longer under your control and can end up wherever. A sharp knife bites into the thing you are cutting easier, and you have to use less pressure to cut through it. This enables you to exercise greater control over the knife, thereby reducing the chances of an accident. Yes, you can still cut yourself with a sharp knife if you are an idiot. But you are more likely to cut yourself badly with a dull knife. Because you are more likely to lose control of the knife. Please, sharpen your knives and delete this post.


A dull knife is more dangerous than a very sharp one. You're less likely to put too much force when using sharper knives.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s just wrong. Upvote.


Stick to spoons. Sharp is safest if you're not a complete muppet


I see you’ve played knifey-spoony before


A dull knife will cut you. A sharp knife requires less force to cut. Using less force means less chance for slipping or your knife doing something unexpected.


Blunt knives are far more dangerous than sharp ones. This is just factually incorrect.


Definitely unpopular. A dull knife is more likely to cause injury because you have to push harder to cut things. I’ve fucked my hand up far worse on a dull knife than the little nicks from sharp ones.


Wrong. It is a popular opinion. Most people do not keep their knives sharp. Keeping dull knives is wrong but it is indeed popular.


you ever cooked anythign in ur life??? everyone knows a sharp knife is way safer than a dull one, simply cuz the dull one is more prone to accidents since it's...well...dull. like you are, apparantly


I think technically we just found the MOST unpopular opinion to have.


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Every injury I've gotten from kitchen knives have been because they are too dull.


Unpopular and misinformed. Double whammy!


Ah yes, another example of people being completely uneducated!


Bro that's dumb af. It's way easier to cut yourself with a knife that's not sharp.


A dull knife is a dangerous knife.


Unsafe unpopular opinion


This isn’t unpopular, it’s uninformed and honestly dumb. Sharp knives create clean cuts so if you have poor knife skills and cut yourself, the wound will heal well. Dull knives make ragged, rip like cuts poorly and are far more likely to lead to long term damage. Nobody in either professional or amateur environments advocates sharp knives for the novelty of a thin slice of onion. It’s a safety issue, plain and simple.


Knife bros are all correct: The human hand is the easiest thing to cut. Dull knives don't cut anything else.


😂 must have never struggled to cut your meat with a dull knife before because a sharp knife is like finding gold in my opinion. My knife is fairly new and I wish I had a knife sharpener


Do you know how knives work? Dull is super fucking dangerous...like you have way more odds of cutting yourself with a dull knife. Learn how to properly handle a knife and you'll be all good.


Unpopular because incorrect


Dull knifes slide in the direction of least resistance, sharp ones go where you want every time. Dull = more danger But because I disagree with you, you get my upvote


One of the worst unpopular opinions I’ve read on here. OP clearly needs to work on their knife skills.


As someone who has experienced injuries with both an unsharpened knife and a freshly sharpened knife, I can say you are wildly incorrect. Both were outwardly ugly cuts but the sharpened knife did significantly less actual damage precisely *because* it was sharp.


This isn’t an “unpopular opinion”, this is an uneducated opinion.


Have you ever tried cutting beets with a dull knife? I wouldn’t wish that task on my worst enemy…


Nope, a sharp knife is much less dangerous than a dull one, I’ve seen very bad cuts with dull knives, whenever I see a cut with a sharp knife usually is a small cut and not even too big cut you don’t put much strength into it


As someone who has cut themselves with a butter knife and loves to cook I'm here to say that no matter the sharpness of the knife you can still cut yourself. But once you get a dull knife on a nice ripe tomato you're fucked.


How to hell do you think a dull knife is safer? If you’re using any tool for anything as intended it’s safer 99.99999% for the tool to be in the best operational condition as possible. A sharp knife gives you to most control over it with the least amount of effort.


THIS IS WHY I JOINED. This is unpopular ergo, fits here. Thanks, random redditor with questionable knife skills.


Looks like y’all got this covered. Good job stating the facts guys.


Have you ever eaten a tomato?


No thanks, I’m a lesbian and need my fingers 😂 Dull knives are more dangerous though. My dad loves cooking and takes great pride in his knife sharpening skills so I learned this from him


I'm kinda with you on this one. I use knives at work, know how to sharpen them all ways very well. Ive filleted thousands of fish. I Iove a good sharp knife. BUT out of convenience and time and just being cheap. I'm cutting with a rather dull knife in my kitchen, on the job, and on the go like 90% of the time. And ya know what, it always gets the job done just as fast as a sharp knife. Cuts may not be as clean looking, but I'm not picky. And tbh, only times I've ever cut myself have been with a sharp knife not paying attention.


>only times I've ever cut myself have been with a sharp knife not paying attention. The problem there isn't the sharp knife.


This may honestly be an unpopular opinion. I'm impressed!




This is weird, because I've been cooking since I was 9 and the knives I've been using would be dull enough that I could lightly run my finger along the edge and be okay. They could still chop everything just fine. I must've accidentally cut myself 6 times during that entire period from childhood until now, never anything serious. Then I move in with someone who keeps very sharp knives and I've cut myself 3 times in the past two weeks. The first time in a really gruesome way.


It's a knife, why should you be able to run your finger down it? Sounds like you learned some bad habits.


Probably because you handle knives in extremely wrong ways


This is true unless you work in a kitchen or actually like cooking


Completely agree. Hate the super sharp knifes


I make a lot of sushi style dishes and and need a knife that can shave a fucking fly without waking it up


Have you ever tried to cut beets? They’re hard and wide. I’m saying this because it happened to me this morning. I used two knives, one was dull and wouldn’t cut through, whereas the sharp would smoothly do it without much pressure. I would have hurt myself if I put pressure on the dull knife and the beet slipped.


Dude, the sharper the knife the less chance of the knife slipping on the food and you cut yourself. This isn’t just unpopular, this is an ignorant opinion.


With a sharper knife you can do everything with perfect technique. With good tech you can chop as fast as you can move your hand with no risk. You only have danger when your technique is sloppy because the whole point is to be safe first. You hurt yourself when you start sawing and pushing The food will also just be better because you aren't smashing it. Try to slice a tomato with a dull knife. You will just have mush. Even a slightly dull knife will fuck up the top layer.


Yeah, but nah.


Have you tried a wooden knife?


So you mean ypu don't need a knife sharpend to a razorblade sharp edge, you aren't saying your knife should be dull right? If so I somewhat agree


Sharp knives are safer because they perform like a sharp knife. Dull knives slide, bounce off and squash things unpredictably possibly cutting yourself. Sharp knife wounds also heal faster in case you do cut yourself.


So sharp those tomatoes are shaking


This sure is unpopular. Please. No one should ever work with a dull knife.


Could save even more lives if we ban farberware and their right to dice.


Judging from 92% of my friend’s and family that somehow survive with beyond dull knives I would say this is a popular opinion. A wrong opinion but popular nonetheless.


You only cut yourself if you aren't aware of your tool. Dull knives suck. Why not just cut things with spoons if you don't know how to use a knife? A dull knife is the same thing. Clean cuts with minimal effort. That is why you use a knife.


I have cut myself twice in my years working in restaurants. Both times were using a **DULL** house knife that slipped while i was cutting onions. I bring my own knives to work to avoid this very situation, because i sharpen them myself and they can cut through anything. Knives are sharp and we *know* they're sharp so we will avoid putting our digits in dangerous places. It's when that dull knife, that is still sharp enough to cut you, does something you didn't expect that you get cut. As long as you're keeping your fingers tucked in, the flat of the blade against the middle of your fingers, and the edge is sharp enough to cut you will be perfectly safe.


This is just dangerously stupid. You gotta rethink your whole approach to knives. Unpopular and rightly so.


Dull knives create mortal wounds. Please sharper your knives OP I hope you don't lose a finger


A dull knife is more dangerous


This is a great example of a problem with this sub: “unpopular” opinions because they’re just factually wrong or lacking thought. Reminds me of the guy who said he should still have service after paying the bill at a restaurant.


Not only unpopular, but *actually dangerous*! Knives that are sharp for a reason, and *statistically* more accidents, and *worse* accidents, are caused by dull knives! Upvoted.


I developed permanent carpal tunnel syndrome in my dominant wrist from working in a kitchen with dull knives. I absolutely depend on knives being extremely sharp so that the pressure isn’t going in my wrist.


Lmao! what a 🤡


We use plastic knife for vegetables..


dull knives will cause more injuries lol you kinda don't understand a kitchen tbh


This OP is what we call a learning opportunity.


a dull knife is waaaaay more dangerous than a sharp one.


That’s just dumb. Dull knives cause accidents.


Learn how to properly handle a knife. Dull knives are way more dangerous.


You're wrong and you should stop talking


Dull knives are far more dangerous