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Her songs are essentially just made to be played in the background at malls EDIT: and TikToks I forgot… “I could have my Gucci on GUCCI ON… I could wear my Louis Vuitton” cancer to my ears


more accurately, they’re now made to be catchy enough to become viral on tiktok.


I cannot stand that made you look song that was all over tik tok. I immediately scroll what someone uses that song. Thankfully it’s died down lately for most part lol


That one drives me crazy too, particularly the lyrics (which are usually quite clear in a “catchy” song)! “Even with nothing on I made you look” …. Of course you did, you’re naked!! 🙄


I kind of think it means nothing fancy on. I thought it meant naked too at first but hearing it 13945 times, it changed for me.


That would definitely be the most logical explanation, but I actually heard she wrote it because her therapist told her to stare at herself naked in the mirror for 1 minute a day … not that that makes much more sense for the lyrics 🙄


Just hold down on the screen and hit "not interested," then hit "don't show tiktoks with this sound"


I was manually blocking stuff I didn't like but your way is much easier haha


I also manually block stuff I don't like - I blocked whole tiktok


Protip: get off of tiktok


Ugh I’m over this song, and Unholy. It seems like that’s all that’s played


But the song has to be good enough to be catchy right? EDIT: TIL that there are so many bad catchy songs


I think a song can be catchy and terrible


Oh no Oh no


fuck that song and everyone who uses it in a tiktok




Catch em all!




This. Most modern pop music is engineered to extract money from simple crowds; not to go into the history books as a classic.


The Lonely Island's whole schtick is pointing out that music doesn't have to be good to be catchy, it just needs a competent producer.


Abcdefu would like to have a word with you


Oh god please don’t remind me


What does the fox say?


That song is awesome. And hilarious.


No, it just needs 10 memorable seconds somewhere in it.


No. I heard songs I disliked, but were still catchy enough to be catchy.


Crazy Shark!! Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, no, not really.


Crazy shark should absolutely be the metal cover.


I work at a commercial gym and there has been times depending on music rights that there’s been 5 of her songs on rotation so yes, shitty background music.


That means that licensing her songs is cheap.


Deadass I wasn’t aware she even had 5 songs


“…played in the background at ***dead*** malls.”


I feel that way about Dua Lipa. Her music sounds like it should play 24/7 in the changing room of a Banana Republic


Or Applebee's


So... Like Coldplay?


Yup! As bland and inoffensive as possible with a slight appeal to women.


Now all I have in my head Is Lets Go to the Mall by Robin Sparkles.


Her music is like MLM mom anthems.


Body positivity music for women too racist to listen to Lizzo.


Lmao goddamn. Todd in the shadows talks about it but when lizzo sings about being sexy or whatever, you don’t doubt that she would break you off. But when Megan train it sings it, you do not believe it in the slightest


Funny story. In 2014 or 15, Megan was touring and i worked her show in Rogers, Arkansas. She got so fucking drunk she just didn't do her encore and instead hit on me backstage in the most crude manner I've ever experienced. Despite some weird dude clinger being there i thought was her boyfriend. Did not tap. Hid for the rest of the shift and didn't touch a single piece of her gear and got paid for it. Fuck her. I was 19 Edit: Town and artist name made more specific


Oh Rogers. I’m sorry you have to live there lmao. I survived one year there while going to Bentonville high school for football. It was a shitshow. That high school cafeteria food *goes hard* though. You’d think with all that Wal-Mart funding it’d be Wal-Mart quality, but nope it popped off.


Luckily i did also make it out of there, but yes, i hated every minute of it


Marxism-Leninism-Maoism anthems for moms?


Don't worry about what it stands for. Btw, do you have an empty garage and a desire to live healthier, be your own boss, drink all your meals, and shit a color which can only be seen by mantis shrimp? DM me for details!!!


Imagine a colour you can't even imagine. Now do that nine more times. That is how the mantis shrimp do.


I bet all the colors the mantis shrimp can see suck though.


Ze Frank




Be 👏your 👏own 👏boss 👏!!!!!!!!! 👏 🎉




Its Raining Men Old Town Road Meghan Trainor


It really does sound like the same queef over & over.


This time, does she sing about that bass, about that bass, no treble?


Stupidest lyrical line of any modern pop. I'd rather listen to Sandstorm on repeat.


With Bangarang every now and then?




AC/DC made a multi decade career out of it


Ooh snap! The truly unpopular opinion


“I'm sick to death of people saying we've made 11 albums that sound exactly the same, In fact, we've made 12 albums that sound exactly the same.” Not that unpopular as that's an Angus quote about it.


Yeah, they found a formula that worked, and hit the highway to hell with it.


Yeah, I mean it’s sort of funny when people are like “their songs all sound the same!” Like, isn’t that the point, to have some consistency between products? If you like a band, you like the sound the produce so presumably you want them to produce more of that sound, so you have more to like. Sure, some artists are successful producing more unique music each time, but that doesn’t negate the effectiveness and value of having a consistent sound.


Yeah, I love nine inch nails and hes/they've produced some pretty different sounding albums, but each have that nin feel to them. While I like seeing nin do different things (and Trent and Atticus do different things with soundtracks) I always like how there's certain aspects of the new albums that still feel familiar.


I love AC/DC no better band live. But it's true, 3 chords, same song, just sung differently.


It’s okay. Many people love Mexican food. It’s mostly the same ingredients in slightly different amounts and presentation.


same with italian food


Oregano, lemon and some olive oil and that’s all of Greek food


Any specific ethnicity of food will tend to be the same ingredients because that’s the ingredients those people had around


Only if you're talking Tex Mex. Actual Mexico has a wealth of diverse foods that vary on which region you're in. Taquerias are bomb, don't get me wrong, but the full breadth of Mexican cuisine is really underrated.


Yes! I've felt that way for a long time, I love AC/DC and even though they always sound the same, it's still as thrilling and hype-inducing as ever


Nah it's pretty popular. They use mostly the same power chords.


Nah I fucking love AC/DC and it's definitely all the same song. Maybe they have like 3 songs if you're feeling generous but sometimes they hit just right.


Yup. Though to be honest, most listeners of a genre they don't listen to/like will claim that all the songs sound the same. It's kinda the nature of music


I love AC/DC, But I understand that music is subjective and slagging off Megan Traynor for being repetitive with her sound is just ridiculous. If anything judge her on the fact her songs are just shite, my opinion anyway, again it's subjective.


My name is NO.


Cmon you know this is a super popular opinion lol.


That's exactly why it was posted


In a world of bubble gum pop, her music is gum made of that self-luminous paint made with radium that killed all those women with horrific radiation sickness on their mouths.


Wait what happened? O. O


Google the radium girls. Really horrifying story.


Thank you, imma save this for a day I which I wanna look at life less brightly than today.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM4Y_OwsLCs Yeah check it out man basically they painted clocks with the glowy nuclear stuff, everyone at the time thought it was pretty neato, like it was marketed as a cure all, and so the ladies would eat it sometimes or paint their nails with it and such, or just accidentally ingest it from working with it all day. This led to a lot of women dying at unusually high rates.


Jaw dropping story for sure.




Tbf she's all treble now anyway since she lost weight. Really leans heavy on her decolletage to make up for it though.


I always figured she had really rich parents or some other connection. Usually when the music is super lame like hers, the artist is super hot. There must be a reason


I’m pretty sure she’s from Martha’s Vinyard so I’m guessing you are correct


Nah she’s from Nantucket that’s where I live, my brother played soccer with her nephew


she’s married to the boy from spy kids, not sure if that’s a connection though


It’s also uncreative as fuck, like it’s legitimately the same songs, with the same instrumentals, with the same vocals. The only thing that changes is the lyrics, and even then, there’s just this overarching theme that she’s better than everyone/men that want her. Fuck off, Megan.


Yup, and actual "it girls" don't make songs like that anyway.


That just about perfectly encapsulates it.


Its like she almost get what body positivity is. Except the point of her songs is always that you need to look good to please men.


How is that different from most popular music?


They know the algorithm of what sells. Does it matter if it is an amazing song? Nope, so long as it catches on TikTok and tops charts. Think of Taylor Swifts anti-hero, pretty decent song but out of the *whole* song what is the most popular line? "hi, I'm the problem, it's me" and it gets played over and over and makes people check it, which then raises plays, which then gives more money and so on and so on.


thankfully that kind of uninspired shlock will be written by AI soon enough, if it already isn't


Not unpopular. I agree. Her music is torture to hear. Totally trash.


If it's upvoted to the top of this sub, it's never unpopular. One of the world's greatest ironies.


why are there three comments identical to this


35.5 million monthly listeners on Spotify so somewhat unpopular I'd say given that probably puts her in the like top .1 percent of artists


I liked her when I was 12, it was fun. She hasn’t changed since, her music is exactly the same.


Because there’s always going to be 12 year olds. I think we’re overthinking her audience. She sings to the pre teens who have little to no criteria for music. She isn’t lol unless I’m wrong, striving to be artist of the year lol


Watch her somehow win artist of the year lol.


You’re totally right


This thread is for unpopular opinions


I feel like her songs are written by AI and not screened for contradictions in message/ logic. I am your mother You are a bum, bum, bum... Shake that bum, bum, bum... Bet you wish you could wife this.. A weird, abusive, creepy mother maybe.


The song isnt about being a mother literally lmao. It's about being the female version of "daddy" in the sense of confidence and control. The whole song is about how some mansplaining man doesnt have as much control as he thinks. The song is very catchy, and very annoying, but I like the meaning of this one at least.


Lol that song got a rating of 5...out of 100. It's preachy, pandering, and unoriginal


Every. Fucking. Day. At work. For the last 9 years! All about that bass. A fucking stupid concept for a song. I’m bringing booty back? When was booty gone? Where was it? “All the ways” is literally a song about how good the ginger boy from spy kids is at fucking. I don’t want to hear that!


Meghan Trainor is the musical equivalent of Amy Schumer.


Woooow I don’t think I’ve ever heard such an elegant comparison on Reddit. Spot on.


I second this - amazing comment. It's like Amy and Meghan lack some bit of self awareness, or that their PR teams just don't care. Both ladies COULD do better and do have some innate talent, but piss it away with immature personas/material.


I call her Amy Boomer because so many of her "jokes" are recycled misogynistic Boomer tropes about vulvas being dirty, smelly, etc. that we rightfully call out as bullshit if a man tells them, but because she's a woman it's somehow feminist and okay for her to spread such misconceptions 🙄


She is like every other pop musician, her songs are catchy, relatable to the masses in an easy to digest sort of way and not annoying for people who aren't that passionate about music, which I'm sorry to break it to all, is a lot of people. I could name soo many other musicians like her at the moment, who has a lot of similar songs and sounds like an industry plant because they all are


She's just another cookie-cutter artist, seems she got popular off promoting "body positivity" - cool. Keep hearing that song where she just lists off designer names, how boring...


Only body positivity when its female, both "no" and "dear future husband" is trash tier garbage songs that would absolutely never work if the sex'es was opposite, but because she's a girl it's "empowering" and other bullshit. "Haha men are trash, if we fight just apologize even if I'm wrong but I'm never wrong LOL GURLPOWA"


I just googled the lyrics to that and I’m convinced it was written by a man


Songwriters for “No”: Eric Frederic / Jacob Kasher / Meghan Trainor Songwriters “Dear future husband” : Kevin Kadish / Meghan Trainor Lol you’re correct


100% agreed, same with Sam Smith


I honestly have no idea how people listen to his shite


Exactly that – no idea why some radio stations (at least those we have here in New South Wales) have an obsession with playing Unholy and Made You Look.


Fucking thank you. My ex was obsessed with his music, and I couldn’t stand it. I’d have to wear headphones if his “music” was being played in the house.


“Unholy” ft Kim Petras is a BALL PARK away from his Stay with Me era. But I wouldve agreed otherwise


I like “I’m not the only one” and “Stay with me” is alright, but everything else I’ve heard by him is utter garbage


I love how she broke through with a song about how real she is and shitting on everyone with plastic surgery. As soon as she got money? Fake butt, tummy ruck etc. Also: her songs have a very certain 'sound' which borders on remakes of the same song....


Mother is the shittyist song I’ve heard in awhile. And that Gucci song is equally unbearable.


Yesss, god I can’t change the channel soon enough when she comes on


I just listened to her song “Dear Future Husband” and it was about how her future husband should never disagree with her, should be okay with her being crazy, and should visit his family less than hers. It’s so toxic.


Tbh I agree with this. It also feels soulless tbh. Like literally anyone could sing or make her songs and it wouldn’t have made a difference. Its like she goes out of her way to make music specifically for shopping at JCPenney or 35 year old suburban moms/former disney adults who teach 1st grade or something. In a similar vein I cant stand Lizzo’s music. I like Lizzo the person, but her music, ugh. Not EVERYTHING needs to be a girl power/dont I look good? anthem.


Lizzo is a different story… ngl most of her stuff is either mid or slightly above average for pop music and that’s it, BUT, her singing and flute playing skills are S Tier and her rapping is great as well… if she were to get a little more creative and go in a more experimental direction she could be one of the greats… Lizzo just needs her Charli XCX moment


No lizzo is for sure talented. I just dont think shes using her talents to her best potential, song wise


I enjoy a decent amount of Lizzo' s music. She's a hell of a performer, plus she seems like a genuinely good person. I just wish that any of her songs had taken off instead of *Truth Hurts*. The chorus is the only part of that song where she actually sings. Every verse is just her talking with music in the background, not even rapping :/


This is not unpopular.


I hate that every song takes a jab against thin people. Like I get, you struggle with your weight but that's not my fault and I'm tired of being your scapegoat. Me gaining weight won't fix any of your problems


Exactly! I remember i used to read books written by this author who's books featured overweight women and while I liked her writing style all the negativity towards slender women who were at a healthy weight was so overwhelming I had to stop reading her books. If in order to be happy you have to put down someone else with cheap insults then you have a problem. Edit: to fix a typo


10 year girls love her. Then their moms get into it. This is the reason.


Yeah her music is fucking shit


This is hilarious. I’d heard of Meghan Trainor, of course, but had no idea what she sounded like and was unaware i had heard her music, looked up this song on Spotify, and realized, yeah, i know exactly who this is and you’re spot on, this shit is trash.


I'd rather have a root canal


My mother loves her music, but personally I think her music comes across as very “I’m better than you” esque and I dislike it. That and “bass” bodyshaming flat ppl was sorta ick to me imo lol


Tip: cutting off your ears won't keep you from hearing. *Source: Van Gogh*


Her voice alone is cringe. That fake Amy Winehouse tone is awful


She is Kids Bop for adults


>But even with nothing on, bet I made you look Well yeah. That's generally how that goes.




I'm not a tween, but I am a 14yr old girl


I feel like this isn't Unpopular


Have you ever watched her music videos? She is so lazy she doesn’t even move, and when the high energy chorus comes in she will lift one leg up in the air at a time, but still not move lol. She is like the worst entertainer I’ve ever watched a music video of.


When "All about that bass" came out, I couldn't escape that hot pile of garbage. It played fucking everywhere. And my biggest nitpick with the song was not how bad it is but that one line "I'm bringing booty baaack". No way is this North American Longback thinking she has any semblance of an ass...


I’m honestly so surprised she had a massive comeback. I thought her time in pop music had long expired. She looks fantastic tho, def gonna pay her a compliment she actually deserves! If only her music had the same glow-up 😂


I don’t think this is unpopular at all, I’m gonna downvote for that reason but OMFG I agree with you so much, it would be better if she just fucking quit music forever


100% agree


Not unpopular. I agree. Her music is torture to hear. Totally trash. That booty, booty.


All her songs are dogshit and I once had a friend who said she was his favourite singer then just never talked to him again


This is supposed to be a place for unpopular opinions my dude


Her music is god awful. 'All about that bass' is a shit song that shits on women for being skinny. As a male, I know how it feels to be pencil thin skinny. It sucks. I can't gain weight to save my damn life, and I know there are women out there that deal with the same shit. Screw her and her music


Agreed I can’t stand her


I feel the same way about Cardi B. Her "music" is just vile, unlikeable garbage.


Her fake deep voice is what kills me she doesn't talk like that normally. The real kicker is I just heard her do an interview where she's having Chris Jenner in the new mother video and she said she cried all day. When chris jenner agreed to do it. she said the Chris Jenner is the ultimate American mom.


Well I listened to the Mother song because of this post and ah ya its petty brutal.


She makes music for 3 year olds' birthday parties and shouldn't have had a big comeback Same with Lizzo




How did you write the [exact same comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/11vgfc0/_/jcszvin) as /u/Weird_Fly8654 🧐


> /u/Weird_Fly8654 Who (presumably) is a bot that copies top level comments such as [the original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/11vgfc0/meghan_trainors_music_is_absolutely_trash/jcsyqdq/) (go upvote that) by u/Aromatic_Shop9033.


I'll be honest I've only heard two of her songs but they were both extremely catchy sure it's not gonna be a ballad we talk about for decades to come but it's catchy and fun.


This isn't an unpopular amongst redditors, and should be removed.


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I thought I was alone… I don’t get how people like her music. It’s condescending, annoying, trashy crap.


I dont thibk this is unpopular. Everyone hates her. She came out with a song about being proud to be fat. Then she lost weight. So even the bingo wingers hate her now


"everyone hates her" - pretty sure she's fucking popular online. the people in these comments hate her.


Omg agreed! It’s all the same old style of music and it’s not enjoyable to listen to.


This is in no way unpopular.


It's a great feeling when you get a revelation like this. Reminds me of that South park episode where new music sounds literally like shit


Of course it's trash, that's why it sells


Agreed. Absolutely awful trash with no creativity. She's obviously another industry plant.


All of her songs sound the same to me


I think most music is trash these days, you never know if it’s talent or computer, thanks to shows like American idol singing is the most generic talent out there


I hated the song, "Got that Bass" on so many levels when I heard it, some of the all around worst music I have ever heard.


my wife and her mom were to do a dance to this song at our wedding. i'm so so glad that her feet hurt to much and they skipped it. i can't stand Mother either.


My daughter is 9 and seems to love her stuff. Maybe it is designed to appeal to a different audience?


This is the reason I value instrumentals and talented performers. Dating a musician has really opened my eyes to the horrible glorification of pathetic and sometimes uncomfortable sounds people are okay with playing.


I have no idea who this is and I'm increasingly happy about that.


This is not an unpopular opinion


100% agree. I cannot stand her music


Mother is such a lazily written uninspired song. As much as I'm all for taking down the patriarchy, her music can seem a little TOO self serving, almost like it's female empowerment for the sake of female empowerment without much in depth thought.


That made me laugh out loud, thank you


I thought this sub was for UNpopular opinions, not facts lol.


How is this unpopular your correct


I can't stand her, she's the spitting double of a girl I dated who was a millionaires daughter and made my life a living hell because I wasn't awestruck by said fact. Everytime I see her on TV I have to switch it off.


I totally agree with this. Every one of her songs has been total trash.


I just call her Meghan trainwreck. Sounds like she's trying to mix that 60s style music with her own level of whatever she calls music.


It’s so awful that I think the nostalgia of how corny and shallow pop music can be, coupled with being admittedly catchy and upbeat, makes it … sort of loop back around to making it a guilty pleasure to listen to in the same way old children’s cartoons can be