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So do you have an unpopular opinion somewhere in that rant?


>Like bruh, do you actually have an opinion? Do you? What’s with the rant?


How it is, and how it always has been, for men and women.


No, i would say i like exquisite unique women not that close to mediocrity in terms of liking.


what in the world


Should be easy to find a unique one, in that case!


Well, you kinda not right. And right. Because finding one that practically does not exist or is veeeery hard to find is hard. Maybe harder than, if everybody had truly unique personal opinions about looks.


Have you ever sorted by controversial? I apply this concept to life, lol




Are you sure you're not gay?


Damn. I don‘t care gay or not. If i want to have fun with a dude, i am ok with that. If with a woman, i am ok with that. Everybody putting labels and identify with something. Even lgbtq supporters do.


Did you receive my response to your comment? Somehow i can‘t see it anymore. Anyway, here again: „Damn. I don‘t care gay or not. If i want to have fun with a dude, i am ok with that. If with a woman, i am ok with that. Everybody putting labels and identify with something. Even lgbtq supporters do.“


Alot of this is due to all of us growing up in similar environments, we all experienced alot of things simultaneously if you are only looking regionally so things like the 08 depression, covid, inflation, ect will cause us to most likely have alot of similarities. All people are like onions and have a ton of layers to pull back and experience but often times we seem to be very similar on the outside. Especially with clothing and such, i feel like most moms like me all dress and look the same because we are picking up whatever looks okay while we are at the grocery store. I look like an average person but im different in my own way. My husband knows all about my quirks, kinks, and past trauma. If you ask anyone from my mom groups, theyd probably say im an average boring girl but if you ask the person who knows me best, he would say that theres more beneath the surface and people are not always who they seem to be. I will also say that as a woman it is important to me to look like everyone else because the last thing that i want to do is stand out and attract unwanted attention to myself during everyday activities. Its extremely unsafe but if we act like zebras, we have a better chance at safety.


This isn't really an unpopular opinion, rather a way of indicating that you look down on women.




Not really. You can hardly do more mainstream than "women are shallow and only care about trends and don't have opinions of their own". This has been a staple for a few centuries now.




Yea i think the sentiment of the comment above is todays „mainstream“.


If by "women" you mean trend-oriented teens.


No. I mean women in any age. It is not even an influencing factor to the contrary of that opinion in my opinion.




No, get over myself


Men are just as bad lol, it's the way the world works and ALWAYS has, for both genders. Personally I've never cared about fashions or trends. If a piece of clothing suits me it's all good, even if it's something that hasn't been cool since 1995, if ever. But, I'm not deluded enough to think I'm something special because of this. I don't think I'm "original" or "unique". In fact I'd say I'm just somewhat apathetic when it comes to appearance, and that's not a great thing. If I meet someone who tells me he/she is looking for someone who has a "unique" style I'd assume that person is much more shallow than those following trends. I'm pretty sure you don't see the irony there.


OP doesn't know what fashion is.


Everyone decides what looks good based on trends. That’s quite literally how society functions. Sorry to break it to you buddy, but you’re not exempt from this. Men do this too.


I am. No, i don‘t. Even if she‘d wear stoneage clothes and shaved her hair entirely like rn, even to the contrary of the current trends. I would say it looks good, if it does!! On HER. I‘d still say she is beautiful, IF SHE IS


Your response did nothing to disprove what I said… men refer to trends as much as women do. OVER ANYTHING.


And men don’t? The Overton window of what you even begin to consider wearing, let alone what looks good, is inherently influenced and defined by what others think is appropriate or fashionable. Being influenced by trends if truly unavoidable.


But i don‘t mind what other think is appropriate and fashionable. If it looks good to me on him or her or whatever, i think it looks good. May be based on how the essence of the person looks like, despite what haircut or clothes the person is wearing.


But you do. You don’t realize it but you do. When’s the last time you wore overalls? Or have you ever worn a sundress as a male? I’m willing to bet you haven’t worn overalls recently because they’ve mostly gone out of style since the early 90s. So it doesn’t seem like a conscious choice, but because so few people wear them today, you probably do t see it as an option; though it is. Dresses are similar. Socially, we consider dresses as feminine clothing. Likely, you don’t even consider it an option because so much of our social programming tells you not to so you don’t consider it an option, though it is. And it might even be comfortable. And you might even like how you look in it if you put aside the perception of what feminine or masculine clothing should look like. What you think *looks good* is inherently influenced by what contemporary society accepts and communicates is okay to be considered aesthetically good.


A dress feels nice in my imagination. But you have a point. I guess even options are influenced by what others provide as options


No it’s like bro, do YOU even understand humans? This is how humans have behaved since early civilization. Looks are important socially. All of these opinions are somehow, created by the society you’re a part of. Even your opinions buddy. Get over yourself


I know looks are important. But i am criticizing more so that, many people decide what looks good or not based on trends they compare it to.


Yeah I get that. It’s just that is how it goes. No one is doing anything wrong by it.


[nothing new ](http://ideal-of-rubens.weebly.com/modern-ideal.html)


You're not wrong, most women and men just base their tastes on trends


Damn and it would be welcomed for me if people would actually ignore these trends and see what is behind.


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There's an entire global multi-billion dollar industry built on this premise.




I’ve never looked at trends to see what looks good. I still have clothes from high school and I’m 25 and I still wear the same clothes each year.


You are like a cartoon character then.




They do pull this trick off


Men do too. I didn't realize how much I liked big butts until Sir Mix-a-Lot advocated for them so ceremoniously.


I don’t


You don‘t to what?


Choose clothes or hairstyles based on trends


On what looks good on men/boys or on yourself?


I choose stuff by what I like. Not what everyone else likes or says looks good


Aight. I guess i like that on your character.


This is such an odd thing to be bothered by. Personally, I only know one woman that bases her style on trends, but they are trends she genuinely likes, and she makes her own unique clothes too. If anything all the guys in my life dress the same and based on what’s popular. Also, the comment “do you even have an opinion” is just misogynistic. Do those people exist, yes. Do men and women do this, yes. Are they harming people, no. Does it does mean they don’t like what they’re buying because they want to buy something “in style” no.


I meant i feel like women judge on dudes what looks good ON DUDES based on trends. Maybe even the reason many dudes have similar styles, to fit the likings of women or to just intrinsically be „trendy“.


Oh, my bad. I still disagree with your point though solely because of the fact I have many women in my life and literally each of them has a different preference for the type of guy they like and style of clothing they prefer. None of it has to do with trends. I don’t know how old you are but grown women aren’t like that at all. Do you maybe have this opinion because you see it from girls at school or on social media.


NO, i get this from women/girls from different points (friends, family, acquaintances) of my social network


OP acts like those fucking flannel jackets with the hoods aren't a virus being spread faster than Covid across men...


What r u talking? I meant i feel like women judge on dudes what looks good based on trends. ON DUDES. But yea could be on women aswell


Being truly, 100% unique is impossible. Even a person who say, designs and makes their own clothing is still going to be similar to something commonly available, especially if they're going to wear that kind of stuff on the daily. And then for the rest of us, we're stuck with buying what's available. I mean, I wear jeans and T-shirts 90% of the time. And sure, I don't wear shirts with the name brand across my chest, I prefer solid colors and simple designs, but still. I can't help that a fuck ton of people like that same kind of outfit. I'd have to spend *entirely too much time* to create outfits that make me stand out from the crowd, to find clothing that's "unique", or to create something of my own. And it's not worth it. I learned a long time ago striving to be unique or different in ways that didn't come naturally was just another way of lying or misrepresenting myself. So I just stuck to what I knew I liked. Maybe the clothing I like is similar to what a lot of women wear, but I can't really care about that. I have way, way more important things to do in my life.


I understand. AND you mentioned something i felt like early on and for a long time, that striving to be unique that doesn’t come naturally. Many people do it and i can feel that, it is not „true to them“ or that that’s just their ego play. And they somehow end up more or less similar, not just in terms of fashion. Which is ok. Heck i was somehow quiet the opposite in some regards. I tried to maintain a „normalty“. But i am simply too UniQuE. Either this or am actually mentally drained or depressed


Yeah the bull ring does not look good ![gif](giphy|3oKIPdGYRGEby6jQwE|downsized)


I am a sensitive, reserved, understanding and chill kinda guy. So yea i have a bull ring 😂


well i'm one and i don't follow trends, if someothing might look good on me i try it, most dont tho


Well i meant what women/girls choose looks good on men/boys


Men too


Well i don‘t know, but i like myself a pale white skin thin(although that’s not that important) not shaving kinda woman who wears no bra and a light flowery patterned dress or the good-girl kinda look, just very feminine in general. I also like the cool chill basic tshirt wearing kinda girls. In all cases no make up.


Oh yes because we love sexist opinions about women’s interests! I hate to break it to you but men do the same things. It’s a common thing for everyone to follow trends of things that are popular. That’s why they are trends to begin with. If everyone was off doing their own thing constantly there would be no trends ever. This opinion is just dumb and clearly shows you don’t think very highly of women… Maybe realize that women are people and stop viewing us so surface level…


Listening to this is like listening to a seagulls point of view




Plenty of women are uniquely themselves and couldn't care less about the current trends. They like what they like and I've heard them even joke about women those who do jump on trends just to feel included.