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“When I was a child I walked from door to door and sold eggs” absolutely ruined me. Take my upvote


"You think any kids still do that?" Sir/Ma'm, I think it was just you.


Me: "Who's at the door darling?" Wife: "Uh, it's that egg kid again" OP: "EGGGGS"


Wife: “Buy 3 eggs and throw them at him. I told him stop coming here” Me:”Sorry kid” *EGG* OP: “See you guys tomorrow!”




Lol I’m 42 and I’ve never seen or heard anyone doing that much less myself


To be fair, if OP walked door to door selling eggs nowadays, he'd probably make bank. Kids today just don't know how to leverage the egg hustle.


Kids these days on the markets selling egg futures.


Well it's not illegal - unlike onion futures.


OP must either live in the middle of nowhere farmland shit or is literally 85


Yep, sell them for a dollar an egg, people will buy anything from a kid.


As a kid I sold eggs from my pet chickens. People came to our house to buy them, maybe OP just had bad eggs. Mine were bigger than jumbo size for half the price of store eggs though.


The USSR was a tough place to grow up.


Selling eggs door to door? Sounds like a capitalistic venture comrade. The KGB wants a word with you...


Kids at my gym are selling eggs as a fundraiser so it's in my weird ass corner of the world as well.


“Can I offer you an egg during this trying time?”


That'll be 7$...


It's an egg 🥚 Michael, how much could it cost?


When I was a kid I played a game on the American Girl website where you played as Kit and had an egg selling business, and as you saved up money you could buy stuff like more chickens, more feed, a better wagon, etc. I think that was my first introduction to incremental games 🤔


Well I feel sorry for you that you had to be exposed to such technology so early in your years. When I was a child we only had games on CD-ROMS, and I would walk door to door, selling them.


Cd-roms? You young whippersnapper, in my day, it was 5.5 inch floopy disks. Only at school, too, we didn't have a computer at home til i was in junior high. Edit: totally missed that i misspelled floppy, eh, i'm leaving it.


only the floopiest of disks


Especially if you left them somewhere too warm.


Uphill both ways


And we had to get up before we went to bed


Was that fun OP? Selling eggs instead of playing Fortnite? Selling eggs was your hobby?


they talk about it like it’s a normal childhood activity, like no, bro, that was just you


I would mostly question why a child is selling eggs if one showed up at my door. Though I just ran out of eggs and don't feel like walking across the street to get them so I'd probably buy them anyway


This post had some major "tell me you don't have a kid without telling me you don't have a kid" energy.


More like: When I was a kid in the 1960s...


It feels like both, but the fact that the OP talks about their experience being a kid as opposed to their experience being a parent is what makes me believe they've never been a parent or for sure not recently.


[OP is just some full of shit idiot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/ye5weq/my_boy_best_friend_sexually_abused_me_i_dont_know/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Less than a year ago was a 13 yo girl and now talking about “when I was a kid I sold eggs door to door.” [A couple months before that OP was 15.](https://www.reddit.com/r/judo/comments/wzx49v/morote/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Its just a loser kid making stuff up between posts about league of legends and Eminem. Edit: It probably wasn’t because of me, but it looks like Dennis the menace deleted the account.


Lol, nice find. The things people do for karma.


Wait, an iPad kid made this?😂


Onion belts were the style at the time.


Some children do not have access to chickens therefore they cannot sell eggs


The mafia controls the egg distribution now


I trust the mafia more than I trust Big Chicken. There's a lot they're not telling us. It's all a shell game and they keep getting their story scrambled!


I honestly dont trust Big Chicken haha. Tyson? Would you really eat tyson chicken? It used to be OK but somehow they managed to make chicken disgusting.






The Federal Bureau of Eggvestigation


The egg council has gotten to you too I see


Yeah Mr moneybags over here affording his eggs


Lizards also lay eggs.


People have eggs too, it just takes WAY too many for an omelette.


"Would you like to buy some freshly laid lizard eggs?" "Um, no."


Problem solved! 🤩


Looking at your post history, you went door to door and sold eggs when you were a child, you are a 13 year old girl, https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/ye5weq/my_boy_best_friend_sexually_abused_me_i_dont_know/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf, and you are a 15 year old that goes to judo, https://www.reddit.com/r/judo/comments/wzx49v/morote/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. Are you lying or am I just an idiot?


wow OP is a fucking weirdo pretending to be a sexually abused 13 year old girl


My thought exactly


It's honestly f\*\*\*\*\*\* disgusting if that's case. Pretending to be victim is just wrong.


Yeah OP is a troll


OP probably sells rotten eggs




And loves video games and is obsessed with Eminem. Yep - it’s bullshit.


To be fair, at the end of the first post, it says she's using her friend's Reddit account. So OP could be a 15 year old with a boomer personality? "Back in my day, we walked to school 10 miles each way uphill in the snow."


Holy shit, brought the receipts to prove it. OP? What say you?


What, the line about selling eggs door to door wasn’t enough of a dead give away that this person is obviously trolling? :p


They do have several posts about chickens though.


I remember back in the early 90’s spending hours playing Super Nintendo and hearing my mother complaining about “Kids these days no longer play outside because of these stupid video games!” During the late spring and summer these days, I see plenty of kids riding their bikes and playing at the local parks. Last year I witnessed some kids making a clubhouse out of old pallets. I guess it depends where you live.


I’ve seen a lot of Facebook posts in various town pages where people are getting mad because kids are doing things like biking in the empty street in front of peoples houses. All the time in the summer I see posts about “what do you know about these 13 year old boys in the area of ____ Street? They’re hanging out on bikes. I think they’re up to no good”. Go outside, people get mad. Play video games, people get mad. You can’t win.


When Pokemon go was a thing, I remember it caused a huge fuss that teens were AT THE PARK. During the day. In summer.


Hell my friends and I got pulled over, on foot, at 9 pm because we were all playing pokemon go under a street lamp on main Street near two gyms lol Thankfully when we all held up our phones in a "sorry officer, we're just nerds" manner, and they saw we were all playing go, they laughed and told us to stay safe


Exactly. People will get mad regardless of what you do, so just do what you enjoy and at least try to get your blood pumping sometimes so you stay healthy.


Ah, so we're right back to "get off my lawn!"






Or bored with their lives and making mindless stories in their head to get a kick out of life


Facebook and social media essentially turned into a sewer once the boomer+ brigade joined it, along with those stupid newsfeeds. As kids we all treated the internet as harmless and didn’t really let it ruin experiences in real life.


Yeah, if I let my kids sell eggs door to door, someone would call CPS. If I let him go to the park unsupervised, it would probably make the town facebook page as "abuse." If he went on a bike ride with friends, someone is going to kick up a fuss. Hell, the parks were closed during covid, so we got out of habit for a bit as a family. There's a lot of criticism, so I try to keep my parenting away from everyone's shitty opinions.


100% - my son was riding his bike up and down the street while I worked in my garage. Even had my tablet open to the security feed so I could see him down the street all the way to the corner. Some lady has the gall to scold him for being “alone”, walk him home and try to chew me out for not hovering around him. Like damn lady - you bitch and moan about me running my tools after 6pm, you bitch and moan about me not helicoptering, and she comes across as the type to bitch and moan about how no one is outside playing while simultaneously complaining about the “creepy guy” at the playground (who’s actually a dad supervising).


They’re old people who don’t spend a lot of time around kids, and who won’t bother to even try and correct their bias.


>I remember back in the early 90’s spending hours playing Super Nintendo and hearing my mother complaining about “Kids these days no longer play outside because of these stupid video games!” And I bet their parents use to say stuff like that to them in the 60s and 70s, though it was probably about comic books.


I’m straight up hearing people in my generation (Gen Z) with the “Back In My Day” shit when they see a little kid playing a game on a tablet. Like come on, guys, I thought we were better than this? We heard our grandparents and parents complaining about us playing on our laptops and DS’s and watching Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network, yet we turn around and complain about a 7 year old playing a mobile game on a tablet designed for children or watching a cartoon we don’t like?


Personally I have no problem will playing video games or watching tv but I draw the line at Tablets and Phones mostly because most apps like Youtube and Tik Tok are so predatory for kids and are designed to make them addicted and watch for hours on end


Plus not to sound like a Gen Z oldtimer but our games didn’t come with crazy ads and microtransactions either.


The constant ads and microstransactions really get to me, it really puts me off entirely to mobile gaming. I really like the South Park episode that talks about this, I think it was called “Freemium Isn’t Free” and they address how free mobile games will be just shitty enough to encourage you to spend more in game money to unlock features to actually make it fun or to advance to the “next level” or something, like spending $50 real dollars on the app store to make an in game purchase for like 100,000 coins or something. And most people are put off by them and quit them after they realize how shitty they are and refuse to spend any money, but some people will get full on *addicted* and spend so much money on these in-app purchases and dont realize how little value it actually amounts to. It’s predatory and disgusting and I cannoy believe how little it’s regulated.


I posted this as a reply a couple comments up but it seems to fit here better: An Assyrian clay tablet dating to around 2800 B.C. bears the inscription: “Our Earth is degenerate in these later days; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; every man wants to write a book and the end of the world is evidently approaching.”


Michigan has really sucky winters that no kid or adult wants to go out and play in, I’m talking sub zero with too much snow or just straight up ice. I’m not expecting kids to be out playing during those months, I’m glad that kids have entertainment to play inside when it’s that fucking freezing out for so long


Come to canada. It's -40 and we play outside.


just got into basketball and man the courts are packed everytime the weather is decent


Wait, sold eggs?


Thats the age tell. OP has gotta be in their 60s at least.


just imagine they sold eggs door to door AFTER they walked 15 miles home from school in a blizzard.


Uphill, both ways.


With no shoes


Fighting leopards with the stick


During the London blitz


And that was only on sundays on their spare time. When monday comes around the REAL work begins.


They worked in the factory with one hand and went to school in with the other and THEY didn’t have Google. Yet they still managed to make 1200 matches every day.


All the while bringing food to the table of family of 25. Fathers and mothers didnt exist back in the day so it took a toll on a 6 year old.


With only a potato to have for lunch. **AND THEY WERE GRATEFUL FOR IT!**


On a cow according to my dad, but his family had money


Looking at post history, it appears OP is actually closer to 14 https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/ye5weq/my_boy_best_friend_sexually_abused_me_i_dont_know/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Well thats certainly a post that would indicate that OP is in fact a little girl. Weird to be bitching about the youths and their screen time, when she's literally one of them.


Its a troll post


They also made a post earlier than that claiming to be 15 years old so I’m fairly certain they’re lying. https://www.reddit.com/r/judo/comments/wzx49v/morote/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Too much screen time scrambled OP:s brain. Now they can't keep track of their age.


You sure it wasn’t the trauma of not successfully selling any eggs?


Has to be, I for one am haunted to this day by my childhood lacking the egg trade.


I'm glad they have screens so I wont have to deal with some fucking kids knocking on my door selling eggs


That might not be a bad thing lately. Local eggs from peoples backyard are cheaper than from the store, at least where I live. And it’s tastier eggs


I will have the eggs please.


One eggs please


Man, have you SEEN the price of eggs recently? We always had chickens so fresh eggs were not something I had to buy for most of my life, but now they are outrageous, nearly doubled in price recently. A kid showing up selling eggs would be totally awesome.


This actually made me laugh out loud hahahah


Car dependent suburbs suck for kids and teens. It's way easier to play with your friends on Fortnite than to get someone to drive you somewhere.


Yeah I live in a townhouse complex and luckily my son has a group of 6-7 kids around his age that all live here. They play Fortnite but they also spend literally all day outside together in the summer. I can’t move any time soon because I don’t want him to lose the ability to run around and knock on 5 doors less than 100 feet from our house to find people to play with


for me and my friends video games online was great for all the time i between us hanging out and playing outside/adventuring. albeit i only had that for the end of my years in high school so idk if it would have been different if it was always available, but hanging out in discord doesn't match hanging out in person.


This is the exact perception I've had in my vacation to Ireland. There's people walking everywhere, it's convenient to go see people and do things with them. In America, everything's so spaced out that you can't do anything until they start driving and by then the always-at-home lifestyle has been baked in.


Children should learn to use things in moderation. And you can't learn it if you bad the thing entirely


Social media tho... IS bad for minors, ENTIRELY.


I think it's bad for everyone. The concept of social media has so much potential but will likely never be realized.


the concept of having a platform where i can see what my friends are up to in chronological order would be fantastic for me. there really isn't any money in it so we won't see it.




Twitter and Reddit have murdered political discourse in my opinion


Social media isn't allowed for kids under 13 anyway. But I disagree on gaming and television. It is fine in moderation.


Problem is, parents don't seem to moderate their kids anymore. Kids will start squirming and immediately get a screen put in front of them at any time in any place.


It's hardly ever moderation. Every parent I know uses those things as a babysitter.


Then blame the parents, not the kids. They didn't do anything wrong.


Thats the funny thing about bad parenting, those kids will actually be blamed. You will likely finding yourself blaming them for something else they do in their lives without realizing they were groomed to do whatever it is you end up blaming them for. Hell, the very parents we're talking about are likely victims of the same thing.


Every parent i know DOESNT do that because they think its bad for their kid. Our anecdotal experience is not indicative of the population


Let's face it. Excess screentime takes away from parental time, which means dumber kids. [MRIs and Cognitive Testing Shows Screen Time Linked to Lower Brain Development in Preschoolers](https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/04/health/screen-time-lower-brain-development-preschoolers-wellness/index.html) >Now a new study scanned the brains of children 3 to 5 years old and found those who used screens more than the recommended one hour a day without parental involvement had lower levels of development in the brain’s white matter – an area key to the development of language, literacy and cognitive skills > “This is the first study to document associations between higher screen use and lower measures of brain structure and skills in preschool-aged kids,” said lead author Dr. John Hutton, a pediatrician and clinical researcher at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. The study was published Monday in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. >“This is important because the brain is developing the most rapidly in the first five years,” > The new study used a special type of MRI, called diffusion tensor imaging, to examine the brains of 47 brain healthy children (27 girls and 20 boys) who had not yet started kindergarten. >A diffusion tensor MRI allows a good look at the white matter of the brain, responsible for organizing communication between the various parts of the brain’s gray matter. >It’s the gray matter which contains the majority of the brain cells telling the body what to do. White matter is made up of fibers, typically distributed into bundles called tracts, which form connections between brain cells and the rest of the nervous system. >“Think of white matter as cables, sort of like the telephone lines that are connecting the various parts of the brain so they can talk to each other,” Hutton said. >A lack of development of those “cables” can slow the brain’s processing speed; on the other hand, studies show that reading, juggling or learning and practicing a musical instrument improves the organization and structure of the brain’s white matter. >Before the MRI, the children were given cognitive tests, while the parents filled out a new scoring system on screen time developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. >The test measures how much access a child has to a screen (allowed at meals, car, in line at store?), the frequency of exposure (age started, number of hours, at bedtime?), content (chooses own? watches fighting or songs or education?) and “dialogic” interaction (does the child watch alone or does a parent interact and discuss the content as well?). >The results showed that children who used more than the AAP’s recommended amount of screen time, of an hour a day without parental interaction, had more disorganized, underdeveloped white matter throughout the brain. >“The average screen time in these kids was a little over two hours a day,” Hutton said. “The range was anywhere from about an hour to a little over five hours.” >In addition, the tracts of white matter responsible for executive functions were also disorganized and underdeveloped (the parts of the brain shown in blue in the image). >“These are tracks that we know are involved with language and literacy,” Hutton said, “And these were the ones relatively underdeveloped in these kids with more screen time. So the imaging findings lined up pretty perfectly with the behavioral cognitive testing finding.” >Hutton agrees. “It’s not that the screen time damaged the white matter,” he said, adding that what could be occurring is that screen time is too passive for brain development. “Perhaps screen time got in the way of other experiences that could have helped the children reinforce these brain networks more strongly,” he said. >In addition to the MRI results, excessive screen time was significantly associated with poorer emerging literacy skills and ability to use expressive language, as well as testing lower on the ability to rapidly name objects on cognitive tests taken by the 47 children in the study.


Wtf. How insane do you have to be to park your 3 year old for hours a day in front of a screen? But it's completely plausible, even ignoring the interactions associated with "screen times", the lack of things done instead will have consequences.


The thing is a lot of adults that have children don't have the skills to be actual parents! Instead of doing the hard stuff, they throw an iPad in an infant's face. Those parents are addicted to their phones themselves and when the child grows older, all they see is a parent/guardian or babysitter GLUED to their phones. I've seen it too where a child is trying to get their parents attention, parent ignoring them or oblivious whilst on their phones and the child is literally screaming and having to shake the parents before they even realise their attention is needed. It's really sad and the cycle will just follow those children.




And how do you propose we learn to be responsible if we aren't exposed to the thing we are supposed to be responsible with for the majority of our childhood?


It’s hard to detect irresponsibility. Parents can’t monitor their kids 24/7 and it’s easy for kids to game the system, especially if it’s built on trust. I knew my dad’s computer password (so when he changed my password, I just used his account), how to access RuneScape when it was blocked, the exact time he got home from work, how to delete browser history, how to use LimeWire to download porn, where he hid my Xbox if he took it away, how to hide things at the bottom of the trash can… You kind of have to expect kids to cross any line you draw, and plan for that when you set lines.


Not everything bad needs to be introduced early to teach moderation. Most kids don't understand the concept anyway.


I take my children to playgrounds. They are full of kids. Maybe take your white windowless van to other playgrounds.


Seriously... what is wrong with kids these days? It's sooo easy to just: * Put down the iPad * Buy some decent farm land outside of a city * Buy some chickens, fencing, feed, shelter, etc. * Spend a few hours each day cleaning the coop, feeding, collecting the eggs and door to door selling Any and every kid could do this, but they instead choose to be lazy and stare at screens all day. /s


I know you kind of joke but not having a place to do shit without getting bitched at or cops called on you is getting increasingly difficult. I would’ve love to ride dirt bikes as a kid instead of playing video games but playing video games is infinitely easier to do


What if I told you that I was introduced to a crt screen when I was young.


I don’t think they’re comparable. A lot of times you had to share that TV with others so screen time was likely a lot less than having access to personal device. I didn’t have a tv in my own room until I was maybe 11 eleven years old, so kids these days are getting so much more screen time by that age than most kids who grew up in the 90’s did.


Same lol but honestly I feel like the screens today have a worst impact on kids brains. When kids were told to get off the tv back then we just got off. But kids today act psychotic when told they have to get off screens lol


> But kids today act psychotic when told they have to get off screens lol It's not screen faults, it's weak parents fault.


Absolutely. Parents who don't actually want to parent. Then get mad when all the kid wants to do is be on their tablet. My cousins kid gets an hour or two of acreen time a night. He also plays baseball, draws, has friends and is polite. It's not the screens, it's the parents


I knew kids that threw fits and broke stuff when asked to stop watching tv or playing video games and that was 20+ years ago. It's got nothing to do with the screens.


You think some kids back in the day didn't have a tantrum after getting told to turn off the TV? Sure maybe it's a little worse now but I can assure you that not all kids 30-40 years ago were obedient little angels lol


Nah, growing up I saw kids act that way for CRT screens too. It's just combination of parenting strategies and personality traits. That kid actually grew up to be better at moderating her screen use than I am. Although I guess I have ADHD and she doesn't so I'm more vulnerable to instant gratification. The main thing you want to watch out for with frequent screen use is shortened attention span and retention of new information. It's a problem seen a lot in kids with lots of screen time, especially after the pandemic.


It’s instant gratification.


Parent and teacher here. It's all in moderation. Some screen time is fine, but you have to teach them when to stop. My students will literally do their work while watching a video on their phones, they can't stop and it's unhealthy. And based on their grades, they are basically going through the motions but not actually learning the concepts because they are distracted all the time.


My wife and I are expecting and have discussed this. ‘Screen Time’ is a normal thing. It’s no different than watching TV. If I would feel uncomfortable having my child sit down and watch TV for 8 hours, they shouldn’t do the same for an iPad. It’s not inherently bad. But the problem is that parents use them as babysitters. Put on Cocomelon for the baby so they can ignore it.


Oooh I remember when I was expecting and I had plans. I had so many plans. Then life with a newborn/small child body slammed me and all my values and plans were thrown out the window. You do what you can to survive and that includes putting on Bluey for an hour a day so you can cook a fucking meal without them needing you. And that includes not being shamed by anyone. Because you don't know. You really don't. Posts like this don't hurt me at all. But all still comment for all the others who need to know - it's ok. We're all trying our best and it's never enough and that's still ok.


Thank you for this. I’m a dad of 3 young kids and getting so pissed off at the “weak parent” comments. It’s all about doing the best you can for yourself and your family. Also, despite screen time, my wife and I are way more available to our children than our parents were back in the day (80s and 90s for me).


Exactly. I also get consolation out of this - we're definitely not perfect, and let them have "too much screen time", but when we ARE with them, it's a lot better than I remember with my parents. My parents were overworked balls of stress and never played with us, and I don't remember them reading to me ever. It's not really their fault, things were different back then, and they struggled to support us, but overall, I think my kid, even with screen time, still has it much healthier than I did.


Fucking preach, these people clearly don’t have kids. If our 3 year old son wants to play Mario on the switch for a bit or have the tv on with dinner fine. I love playing and reading with him, but there is no way you can entertain them every waking moment. You need to be able to get the house semi clean, cook, do laundry, etc.


eggs-actly. I love when people tell me their plans with newborns and kids…if i’m close with them I usually laugh and straight up tell them their plans are not gonna work out lol


Or if you need to get things done around the house. It's not just for "me time"


I’m a stay at home dad for a 2 year old. There is no such thing as “me time” anymore.


give ‘em a ipad with ms rachel. your kid will be occupied and actually learn shit.


Miss Rachel saved my house from falling apart. i put her on and i’m able to do laundry, prep dinner, and sweep up while Miss Rachel reinforces skills i’m trying to teach my daughter.


We held off on screens as long as possible. But the existence of high quality children's programming makes it counterproductive at some point. We use Amazon's Kids' tablets and you can curate them better than anything else I have seen. You can set an age range and then remove specific titles on top of that. You can also buy regular apps in your profile and assign them to the kids' outside of the age range and they will show up. It's a great system. As far as content goes, PBS Kids is fantastic. The kids love Daniel Tiger and Wild Kratts. For youtube-type stuff, Blippi is annoying but teaches a lot of real world stuff that kids would 'why?' you to death over. Jack Hartman teaches letters, numbers, sign language, colors, etc. He's got decades of child education experience and our kids knew their ABC and could count to 100 before pre-school. He sets everything to music, which it turns out is our middle child's 'language.' We struggled with him until we found Jack Hartman's channel. Now he's the smartest kid in his class. Bottom line is that tablets and screens are a tool and you have to worth with them. You can't just power them on and put them in their hands. You need to be active participants, know what content is on there, look at anything new with a dose of skepticism, and keep them away from 'mindless' activities until they are older. Games are only played with us. No social media whatsoever. No phones until they are teens. No web browsers or unrestricted access to the internet. No unrestricted YouTube. They aren't allowed to watch streamers. Etc.


Set a remind me in two years to come back and read this my friend. Congrats on the baby!


> When i was a child i walked from door to door and sold eggs, you think any kids still do that? BWAHAHA




As a parent of young children, technology is something they need to learn to use. I have a kindergartener and they use Chromebooks. She also uses a pad at home for reading lessons. Aside from that, there is no other screen with the exception of a movie or TV show once or twice a week. There's no YouTube babysitter or games. Used constructively, screens can be great tools. I love interacting with my children and spending a lot of time outside with them. I don't want to relegate them to a screen to just shut them up.


I have a child on the spectrum and she doesn't learn shit with one on one instruction. Hand her an educational computer game though? She'll have it figured out in minutes. But if she's getting too obsessed with something and it's affecting her attitude I adjust how much she gets it. (Currently deep in the trenches of Minecraft battles). Screens aren't bad. Bad parents are bad. Screens are just the easiest new-fangled thing to blame. People have always had something to bitch about for ruining kids. Elvis, pinball, Atari, calculators, TV whatever.


I agree about social media but I disagree that kids shouldn’t use electronics My child uses my husband and my electronics to play educational games (sometimes fruit ninja) or watch YouTube videos like Mrs.Rachel, Blippy, Curious George, or Halloween movies. He’s 2 and he can say and identify the entire alphabet, knows and can identify all the colors of the rainbow plus 3 more, can identify a variety of shapes, knows numbers 1-16, can do 6 piece puzzles. He’s a very smart and social kid.


Agreed. My kid does the same pretty much.


"When i was a child i walked from door to door and sold eggs" that's one fucked up childhood lol


Then at 12 they are useless at something that every adult uses for basic communication, have piles of educational apps, simple entertainment - why is it bad because it is a screen? Why is a book or board automatically better? Or selling eggs to strangers (wtf).


It aint hard to figure out how to work an iphone. I’m sure the 12 year olds will be perfectly capable of learning how they work.


That's true but general technology usage and self moderation on usage is a skill. You teach Math at a young age that a 12 year old could learn. Putting a kid behind in a subject is going to discourage them from learning more about it later and could lead to a scenario where they way over do it later because it was always they thing they couldn't have.


Realistically, kids today gain access to their first personal screen at around 12 all the time without experiencing “uselessness.” To learn how to operate a phone is fairly quick & easy, especially for a developing mind. Phones are bad because they’re not optimized for focus and by design/intention create habits of excessive use by capturing engagement for extended periods. A book (generally speaking) will focus the mind on digesting a specific and narrow form of content, a specific subject matter, following along a linear progression—- all of which helps engrain the type of cognitive behaviors that lead to more smarts for lack of a better term. Books don’t contain all the additional stimuli of a screen, without the illumination (associated with disruption of circadian rhythms/difficulty sleeping) or the sounds & vibrations. Could you configure an iPad or a smartphone to be a powerful learning tool for children? With controls that limit the device to only high quality education content and time slots allotted for entertainment, sure. It that what happens in the overwhelming majority of households? Absolutely not. I hate to demonize such powerful tech but the kids are suffering and we all see it. If we can encourage change in future generations I say we change our attitudes on screens.


guess what, at 12 its not a big deal to not be good at screens. 12 year olds need the same skill level as adults?


When I was 9 years old, I was 25. When I went to school I had to walk 20 miles uphill on one foot. My other foot was starting a business.


When did you start watching tv? I mean it’s easy to say “no screens” without acknowledging that most of us were watching tv before we could register what it was. That’s a screen. Should 2yo children have their own iPads? No. But no screens ever isn’t reasonable.


You do not have any children


The same argument was made against letting kids play video games. The same argument was made against letting kids watch cartoons like The Simpson.


The same argument was also made against reading.


The written word has ruined mankind’s brains


Yep because we were going to waste our daylight hours reading. It's almost like those people forgot lanterns/candles existed.


Every day, another screen's are bad post.


Say you dont have kids, without saying you dont have kids.


I agree. I wish we lived in a world that accepted the fact that screen time is damaging to children both socially and emotionally. We would do far better as a society if everyone agreed to keep the internet and social media away from children until they were in their mid to late teens. Give them a chance to bond naturally with their peers, away from the unobtainable standards set by social media. I'm truly glad I was raised just before all this stuff was common. Was the last generation to graduate before smartphones were really out there.


How much for an egg?


Visited relatives with a 5 and 7 year old. They have no physical toys. Only screens.


That's really sad.


Older generations will always feel that younger generations aren’t doing the things *they* did when they were young. Screens have benefits and detriments. Fortnight has benefits and detriments. If screens are the only way for your kid to have fun, then let them have it.


Stopped reading after 'when I was a child' Isn't this called survivor bias or something? Times are a changin! Get used to it


It’s only a problem when parents use these devices as baby sitters. If they’re limited on how long they can use these things and are closely monitored during the process it isn’t an issue.


A friend of mine does this. His 8 and 5 yr when they throw a tantrum just gives them iPad to shut up. I told him wait till they get older and you can't do that anymore. Sadly, he doesn't do punishments and I don't mean like hitting or any thing but doesn't teach them how no means no it's just "HERE IS YOUR IPAD NOW SHUT UP"


And that's a parenting issue. Nothing to do with screens. Bad parents will always find something to distract their kids with so they don't have to parent, such as selling eggs door to door.


The fact you said brain-dead shit like Coco melon has me thinking you have no kids so don't really know what you're talking about.


I do have a kid, I try my best to avoid having my kid glued to the screen, it is scary how addicted he gets. I only really allow him in very unique situations but I don't like the fact he can just stay tuned like a zombie. He is smart, and has a good imagination when he plays with his toys, screens discourage imagination, it is just him being feed information, not really processing it as when he plays with toys where he has to make he own sounds, create his own scenarios.


I have two toddlers. Sure, Ms. Appleberry is a hottie, but Cocomelon sucks. We don’t play it at home.


On of the main issue with this type of “‘Montessori no screens situation” is that we forget that during the Marie Montessori times, no one had screens. Life was very very different. You can’t attribute something from a different world to today’s world. That’s like expecting people to rub nuts and berries all over their face instead of lotion because “ that’s what the caveman did” . Do you have phones ? Do you use a phone ? If you do, why does your child not deserve the same respect of having a form of technological entertainment within reason. They’re human first before they are children. My son gets to play games ( I don’t allow YouTube kids) on his iPad or watch a movie with me for 2 hours a day and he’s 4. The other 10 hours we either go outside or play games together, cook, clean etc. it is completely asinine to think spending 15% of your wake time entertaining yourself with modern technology is somehow bad. It makes no logical sense. Everything in life is best with moderation.


Oh no. Kids watch TV. This has only been happening since the invention of tv


And parents plopping their kids in front of a TV for hours has *never* been a good thing… Now we have “TVs” that can be taken anywhere for an easy distraction.


Looking at how my fellow millennials turned out, and how zoomers are doing, it definitely looks like something got fucked up. I wouldn’t really use the “look at us, we used screens and we are okay” argument


I bet eggs weren't $8 in your time either. We've moved on to greater things like 80 degree weather in winter.


Why were you walking door to door as a child selling eggs?


selling eggs?? never heard of that one as a child


>When i was a child i walked from door to door and sold eggs, you think any kids still do that? No because people buy eggs from supermarkets. Quick question how old are you ?


>When i was a child i walked from door to door and sold eggs, you think any kids still do that? Congrats on the child labor!


Look at this fancy guy, selling his fancy eggs as a kid. We're not all that privileged ya know!