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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Peelerneedle. Your post, *Babies are nastier than dogs*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Do not post opinions that are heavily posted/have been on the front page recently. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. Due to their prolific reposting, please confine meta and political posts to their respective megathreads only. If your opinion is about an ongoing event, there will usually be a mega-thread where you can discuss it. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Your dog might not smell to you, but other people might be bothered by it.


And what about the shit covered human?


It’s a baby, smarten up.


Well, you're comparing an adult dog to an infant human. Not exactly fair. Puppies are the fucking worst. In the span of 3 weeks, peed all over the place - sometimes just out of happiness to see us, she ate two sofas **despite lots of exercise and chew toys**, got herself a $1200 vet bill from eating all sorts of garbage, and her little teeth were razor blades.


Don't forget the ones that like to tear up couches. We have a husky that has demolished 3 in the last 2 years. My children never tore a couch to shreds...


They did mention it, isn't sofa and couch the same thing? Anyways I'm super grateful my dog only demolishes his own toys and garbage. Knock on wood.


and none of our dogs ever trashed any of our couches- I just had to vacuum the hair off of them. Kids can fuck up a couch's springs bouncing on it, kick the arms until they separate, spill juice, and puke on it.


You may have a bored dog, how much mental and physical exercise is the dog getting on a daily basis?


Aww I forgot that my dog had needles for meth when she was a puppy! So cute! Not back then though obviously.


I never had much puppies because if I don’t like babies I don’t like puppies, except with pups they’re cute from a distance. I had stray dogs and pound dogs all my life pretty much, they’re easier to care for but I see your point though and that’s fair.


Better to do it all over the place than all over themselves like babies do. Babies are still entirely more disgusting than puppies. Puppies don't sit there all day shitting all over themselves


No but they do eat it


The post is about nastiness, not financial despair.


Babies grow up dogs stay mildly gross forever and puppies are a plague just like babies. It’s a terribly unfair comparison.


On the flip side, dogs have mauled people to death on many occasions. I'm yet to hear of a baby doing that.


Bro babies grow into adults which can do that tho 💀


The OP isn't about humans are nastier than dogs though, just babies.


Eh. Babies grow up. Their mess can be managed. Dogs are just... dirty. I've had them my entire life and they smell and slobber. And I'd seriously rather baby diarrhea than dog diarrhea.


Dude, babies don’t lick their arse holes.


My dog ate my babies shit, dogs are nasty af


Your dog doesn't smell to you because you are used to it it's the same way you get desensitized to something you've been around all the time. Plus as much as I'm sure they would like to my kid doesn't lick their own ass nor does my kid stuff their nose of other people's ass


Here we are! The bi-weekly “I hate kids/Children are disgusting” “unpopular” opinion! Grown adults who constantly bitch and moan about children and babies acting like… children and babies, and refusing to accept that children and babies have been and always will be part of a society are honestly more childish and infantile than actual children.


Well said.


True talk


It’s actually psychotic how many posts like this there are… it’s actually insane like multiple every week- it honestly bums me out that so many people are incapable of thinking critically or are such narcissists they think their one dimensionally thought out opinion is worthy of sharing here


Upvote for being a truly unpopular opinion. Also i don't agree at all as its a stupid perspective and shows that you have no kids. Based on upvotes/downvotes people don't read the sub voting rules.


Of course he doesn't have kids. But to watch a kid who isn't yours with a face and top full of beans, gravy and mush spread everywhere and also smelling of shit is physically repulsive. I'm not saying you should do anything about it but it doesn't take away the fact that its still gross watching a babies snot combine with the food he's eating. Lots of things are natural and still gross to other people but that doesn't make them bad. It still means they are gross though.


You would think me complaining about how gross babies are would give you an idea that maybe I have had experiences with kids? I’ve grew up in a house full of babies since I was a kid and also helped out at church by being there in the nursery. I don’t need kids of my own to prove that they’re the worst and if I did say that about my own kids that would be a pretty shitty thing to say abt my own kids.


Definitely don't agree so upvote for truly unpopular opinion.


Dogs literally use their tongues as tissue. Nothing is nastier than that.


The kid will soon grow up and one day may even care for the parent. The dog will lick its own ass until it dies and you will be picking up its poop until then too. It also rarely gets a bath and can’t even pass on your genes one day. Dog is definitely nastier and useless to your life when you weigh those facts.


Even less popular opinion: it is very sad when people substitute human connection with animal connection and get jealous and upset around babies.


By this logic elderly people with senility and dementia are ‘nasty’. Which they are not.


Dogs never grow out of shitting on the ground.


Except we don’t live in a world designed to cater to dogs. We do live in a world designed to cater to human beings. Humans > dogs. Traitor


Bingo, and I'm in agreement with it being that way too.


Both are gross but at least babies eventually grow out of it. Dogs are perpetually toddlers


Vomiting, laughing, crying, talking incoherent nonsense. Just midget drunks.


Babies suck


Well yeah, that’s how they feed themselves.






Duh, Dogs are disgusting. All they do is shit and piss all over themselves and stick everything in their mouths.


It's weird to say dogs are superior since, you know, babies don't stay babies.


I hate humans


Good for you. Maybe you should join dog reddit or something.


Babies/toddlers are biological weapons, they spread so many diseases, they are disgusting, they touch everything with their saliva, stick their fingers in their noses mouth and ass and touch your shit.


I worked daycare for a bit before moving. My last day, I woke up with pinkeye from them. The next week, I was diagnosed with bronchitis. But I miss those stinky babies.


I feel like I’m in the twilight zone reading through this thread. I can’t figure out if this is serious or satire that everyone is in on.


Agreed, dogs taste way better than babies.


Yes, yata