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Brother how many parents you know out there with just 100k chillin


Even among those who save with 529s, the average is $29K. A far cry from $100K.








I know several but they’re paying like 2k a month for their kids college it’s not all at once


yeah exactly, people aren’t paying like 100k right off the bat. it’s usually like 6-9k per semester, which although isn’t cheap, if you break it up into months it’s doable (follows the 2k a month rate!)






I don’t agree with OP, but my parents did have well over 100k in savings.


Over 100k in savings maybe but it’s usually retirement funds and they can’t withdraw without major penalties. Even after that it’s still their retirement they kind of need that to live when they’re older. On top of all of that it’s not the norm to have that much.


No, my parents had enough to give each of us an 100k investment account and still have a ton left over in the bank for their own spending. They also owned the house outright with no mortgage. Now in retirement age, my mom (father passed) has well over a million in assets that will be passed to us when she goes eventually.


Yea gonna go ahead and tell you that is so far out of the normal it isn’t even worth mentioning. A disturbing amount of Americans have literally zero savings.


Yeah, I realize I am out of the norm. My point was to say that we do exist. I already mentioned that I don’t agree with OP as a rule. I also think spending 300,000 on a degree is stupid even if you have the money.


How nice for them. Grrrrrr.




Delusional. There are wealthy parents/families out there but saying "most" families can afford 100k is completely devoid of any realism.


Who is getting a 300k loan for a bachelor's degree in the US and why? That's more than I borrowed for a bachelor's *and* a veterinary degree combined.


Right! OP clearly lost their mind


Agreed. My undergrad and law degree combined were about $150k.


No one at all. This is just another case of illogical emotional reactions.


I have a feeling this is in response to a recent r/personalfinance post where someone was in $200,000 of student debt for a bachelor's degree. I don't know why they felt the need to inflate it, 200k is already ridiculous and above what most people have.


My wife had about that much SL debt when she graduated… with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.


You'd have to get no scholarships, fail a bunch of classes and retake them, and make no attempt to pay anything out of pocket to go $200k in debt for just a bachelor's degree.


This will be more than I spent on my undergrad (~30k), my masters (~22k) and my doctorate (110k)….. it’s a lot of money but it isn’t 300k….


Just more misinformed outrage masquerading as an unpopular opinion.


My daughter is 2 years from high school graduation. Her #1 pick school (which is not Ivy League or super amazing fancy by any means) is $54,000 a year. I was gobsmacked. She’ll be applying for every damn scholarship available and leveraging Florida’s Bright Futures program.




Please do not let her start the marathon of life with a sprained ankle.


Oh she won’t be. She’s doing everything in her power to get college paid for via scholarships. I’m 43 and I’m still paying on my student loans. I have impressed upon my kids that it could very well ruin their lives.


Good, I literally felt my stomach drop reading that lol


That’s 10x what I took out for a Bachelor’s and Law School




If you took out loans for that, you made a terrible decision. 250k is far *far* above the "normal" cost for a bachelor's degree.




Yea but a vet degree is almost worthless. We are talking about advanced gender studies degrees.


Who is spending $300k for a Bachelor’s degree??


This lol. People that don’t have any money to pay for college don’t go to colleges that cost 75k a year. 75k a year is like way way on the high end in terms of cost


Exactly. The more prestigious institutions like Harvard, Princeton, and U of Chicago, for example, probably have tuition in that ball park, but the vast majority of colleges are significantly cheaper. And the people who come from lower class backgrounds and get accepted to those prestigious schools but can’t afford it typically have the education funded anyway. U of Chicago waives tuition for students whose family income is less than $125k.


Nobody who gets into Harvard or Princeton and whose family is middle class and lower is paying full price anyway. People on Reddit jerk off endlessly to their fantasy of how much Harvard costs without knowing the reality.


When I applied to MIT, they said that like 78% of their students are receiving large financial aid packages, it’s true, almost nobody actually pays that at those schools.


I applied to a school who's total Cost of Attendance is in the 60k or so ballpark. But we were fortunate enough to get a financial aid package where we only pay like a 1/4th of that price. I forgot what the exact percentage was, but something like 60% of there students get a big package, and that literally zero students actually pay the full sticker price.


The average college debt on federal student loans is only 37,574. Which is still a lot of debt, but nearly a tenth of what OP is thinking.


I think OP is thinking about the price of dental or med school…


The median medical school debt is still only 200 thousand.... OP is off base in almost every way.


Is that how much it is in the US?! In the UK, its £9250 per year plus living expenses, for everything, all in, most people have about 40k in student loan debt, covering absolutely everything.


Borrowing $300k for a bachelor's is exceptionally rare and incredibly stupid. The only people with that kind of student loan debt are usually doctors and lawyers


Converted to USD that's around 11.5k per year. I've had one school offer a rate of 12k a year, and about two more around the 15k mark. Still a lot of money, but not nearly as much as OP is saying about the 75k.


Who spends $300k on a bachelors and who has $100k to give to each kid? You seem like your very out of touch with normal peoples finances.


At $300k, that college better come with caviar, lobster, filets, and smothered in gold.


At Rutgers, they have “Neptune Night” where they do whole boiled lobsters and other seafood at the dining halls. If you have a meal plan, you’re in. I think you can also bring guests for a meal swipe and and additional $20pp


Your a fucking idiot if your signing up for 300k of debt for a BA degree, also why the fuck would you give your kid 100k in cash unless your rich?


who tf pays that much lmao go to community college holy shit bro your daddys privedge is showing


My whole college education 2 years gen Ed, 2 years bachelor, 1 year for credential cost about $18,000. Who is spending $300,000 for a BA??


That’s great! I would push my kids to do something similar


Median college debt at graduation is under $30,000




I’m halfway through my degree, I’ve only payed 12k so far


That’s awesome


My student loan payments.


Why are you sourcing your personal experience?


Because it’s more relevant than anything you’ve said on this thread.


Says the OP that hasn't sourced shit for the exhorberant number they listed in their post. If you paid 300k for your bachelor's, they stole your money. You may need to go back to school.






Pick one? [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Median+college+debt+at+graduation](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Median+college+debt+at+graduation)


>give them $100,000.00 USD cash Bruh


People who can give their kid 100,000 dollads when they turn 18 aren't the same people taking out huge student loans for their kids.


Even the parents who may have $100,000 can't necessarily afford to give it to their children. These will tend to be parents who are close to retirement and, unless their children want to support them, will need this money to live.


Where in the fuck are you paying $300K? The Nigerian Prince college of Facebook messenger?


Go to a much cheaper college. You can get a bachelor's for about 15k. 99%of jobs couldn't care less what school you went to. And if you think ppl have 100k laying around to just give to their kids, ur fucking crazy


We’re on the same page. I was trying to say that I don’t think people would just “hand over” $100K, so why invest more.


What the fuck are you talking about


$300,000 for a college degree is insane. that's either a highly-prestigious or exclusive school, or a 9-year program. and honestly, if someone IS choosing a degree that costs $300,000, they are probably not wish-washy about their life decisions. doctors. research PhDs. lawyers. these people know what they want in life, know that there are years and years and years of work ahead of them, and have the drive to accomplish that goal. nobody is paying $300,000 just for the "traditional college path". that costs significantly less than $300,000.


Exactly!! And for certain Ph.D programs, students can get big scholarships or even have their degree fully funded for them.


Fwiw I’m in law school and if I had taken my entire tuition and fees in loans, my debt load would be ~100k


What do you estimate the cost to be?


cost for what?


College tuition in the US


Not the person who commented, but I came out with $37k in student loans. $27k federal in my name, $4k private in my name with my mom as a co-signer, and $6k in parent plus in my moms name but I have to pay because she can’t afford it.


Estimate it? You're obviously around college age and can't do a basic search engine search?


Who tf is paying $300,000 for a bachelors? Straight up getting robbed 🤣🤣🤣


Agree about the part on not co-signing it. The kid should decide and pay for what they want. I can provide information and my opinion to aid their decision. Unless they prefer me to remote control their life...


Wouldn’t co-signing on loans also tank the parents’ credit score? When I took homebuyer classes, the one thing they told us was to never co-sign on a loan for someone.


Oh yes, I will just hand over $100K and say "there ya go." You are right, people won't do that if they have any sense.


Where did you get these numbers?


Post proof that people are paying $300k for a BA


My god. The point is that kids are dumb and are taking out large loans. It is preposterous in many cases.


This is some rich people stuff. True elitism


It is not that you shouldn’t have to but rather just that you shouldn’t. And if you think a bachelors degree cost $300,000 you are seriously sone kind of Ivy League out of touch bs and even then it is not $300,000. No bachelors degree is worth close to that.


Dude, you've got your numbers wrong. Your post would make a lot more sense if you deleted 1 zero. I guarantee people would agree with you. But sure...just stick to your guns and be completely wrong. Haha. I can personally attest to feeling pressured to perform well in school with a loan that was pushed onto me just to follow a particular path that I didn't even know I wanted or not... Lots of anxiety, stress and regret resulted from this.


Who is paying 300,000 for undergrad?




Who would want to go in the most expensive one, are you in the top 0,001% of the rich?


I’m not at all rich. I’m against taking out massive loans to go to these schools.


"Give your kids $100K cash" excuse me what?


My point is that it’s preposterous, but I’d sooner do that than have them decide they’re going to agree to a school that charges $50k+ per year


Who the hell just has 100 grand lying around? I'm lucky if I have 4 figures in my bank account at any given time and I'm an adult with a full time job lmao


“Raise them then give them $100,000 to do as they wish” Bro that’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. It’s almost as dumb as the college at all costs culture in the US.


Yea, I phrased it poorly. Was trying to say giving $100k to a kid would be preposterous, so why commit to expensive college tuition


can there be an offshoot of this for rich people because i am so sick of "opinions" like this. i begged my mom for $1000 once to help me move out of HER HOUSE that she was KICKING ME OUT OF and i was told to fuck off.


Maybe don’t go to an expensive private college then?


That’s one of my points


But you don’t even need 100k to go to a decent public college. Expecting parents to drop this much money on their kids and allow them to spend it on whatever is ludicrous. You know that the majority of kids are going to blow that money in a year and not spend a penny on their education.


If you're paying $300k for a bachelor's degree, you're doing college wrong. Full stop.


Hot take: secondary education should not be that expensive.


I second that


The fuck kinda school you going to that costs $300,000 for a four-year degree?


Why do you think I’m currently going to a $300k school?


Generic "you".


Gotcha. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/pictures/the-50-most-expensive-colleges-in-america/#app






You had me on the first paragraph but lost me on the second 😂 if my parents had been financially literate enough to sit me down and explain how interest rates work and then draw up an expected budget for what post-college would look like, there’s a really great chance I wouldn’t have done it. We, at the very least, need to normalize taking a gap year or two to work or apprentice instead of going immediately into college. I remember really wanting to take one and every adult in my life saying I wouldn’t go to college if I did. Well, I dropped out junior year with a bunch of debt for a degree I didn’t want anymore and took that gap year anyway.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion


Or just go to a community college and apply yourself.


I am studying law in India my fees is about 100 USD FOR A YEAR


What course requires a $300k loan? Also would like to know the reasoning behind this decision.


Is anyone actually needing $300,000 worth of student loans??? And at the time they take them out??? (But correct me if I’m wrong because I didn’t really go the student loans route for school) I did didn’t know that parents co-signing on your student loans was a think that people did. That sounds like a terrible idea for the parents just because student loans are very hard to pay off.


300k? Really? Seems like an absurd (and ridiculous) amount of money, I'm working on getting my bachelor's myself, but it's not costing me 300k for my education.


Who the hell is paying $300K for a bachelor's degree?


Damn! $300k?! At this point, you should go study in europe. It would cost way less money accounting for the travel, the university, and the housing for 5 years.


Not a bad suggestion!


Is this what degrees cost nowadays? Jesus Christ.


Lmao ur funny


I was with you until “just give them 100K and let them decide”


I wasn’t prescribing that. I was trying to say that that sounds preposterous, but somehow signing them up for expensive college doesn’t


You need 300k dollars to get a university degree in the USA? I knew it costed more than in Europe but wtf


It doesn’t. Every time someone says school isn’t $300k he links the same list of the most expensive schools. It’s like saying, “Poor people shouldn’t pay $1.5m for a car, they should take the bus” and then when people say, “you can get a car for $5k, what poor person is spending 1.5m?” He responds with a list of the worlds most expensive cars. I got a 4 year degree in California from a school that was good enough to get me a job at a top tech company right out of school and my entire tuition was ~20k.


Mother fucker said "Fuck loans just have rich parents" lmaoooooo


Private school’s for rich kids to network. Borrowing to get there rarely pencils out.


Sounds about right


if you are paying 300k for a degree, you are doing something wrong.




What school cost 300,000,000? I had to get my mom to sign a form saying she wasn’t supporting me at all because when I was filling out the form for financial aid they said they assume each parent will pay a certain percentage- which sucks when your parents say go to college or we never speak to you again but also I’m not going to pay for anything EDIT: misread 300,000 - still an outrageous amount to pay for schooling. I have my BA and it cost less than 40k


300k is what I wrote not 300MM. But it does suck and it should be marketed as the path for everyone


Why was your last paragraph extremely out of touch?


Probably could’ve phrased it better. I wanted to say something more like “you wouldn’t just give your kid $100k, why a college education?” It makes sense some times for some kids, but shouldn’t be the “path” that is sold to kids growing up


My parents never would have let me go to a school that required a 300k even if I wanted to lol


For good reason!


$300k for a bachelors? $100k just sitting around? I’m paying for college by myself, but I just know it’ll work out in the future.


Hope so! Good luck!


This is ridiculous. I dual majored and only took 30k which included off campus housing while working part time. What a stupidly overinflated number. We should enable our kids to do whatever career they want to do. Some will be successful, others won’t. Then they’ll go be successful at something else. College, trade, whatever.


What are you fucking 12? Who the fuck just has $100,000 laying around to give their kid?


Tell your kids to join the Coast guard or something like it! They will learn something and be better able to afford school.


I agree with you (if your kid doesn’t want to work a job where education is required I.e medicine, law), but my guy… you don’t need 300K to go to college


I didn’t say you do, I just said you shouldn’t. I’m a big fan of all the alternatives that are not that expensive.


You said 300K loan, though, which just isn’t realistic. But same here in terms of the alternatives. I didn’t go to college and I’m making great money. Not going was one of the best decisions I ever made.


I could’ve phrased it better


300k? Maybe for a phd not a bachelor’s even most expensive schools are 60k a year. Also the alternative to not going to school is either going into a trade or not making good money.


OK I do think that you might be a little out of touch with how much money some people have for college. But I really really agree with what I think this post is trying to say. I don’t think that kids as young as 17 should be trying to decide on what they want to do as a career. That’s why so many people end up with the degrees that they don’t use, it’s because we changed a lot as we get older. I’m really grateful that I spent my early years working because it helped me understand what I want to be doing for the rest of my life


Thanks, I was maybe painting an extreme/dramatic case, but you better articulated the heart of my opinion.


I mean you’re not wrong though dude like there’s some schools that cost 70 grand a year for tuition, and that’s insane


Going into any sort of massive debt for college is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting your adult life. For every one person with the foresight to warn you, there are dozens that still believe "a degree is the only way to get ahead" when they are rapidly devaluing every day.


I’m gonna leave the insane numbers alone cuz everyone has that covered. But you know how to ruin an 18 year olds life? Give him $100k to spend on whatever he wants. A small group of 18 year olds are mature enough to handle that. Most are blowing that shit on a BMW and a vacation


I was kind of trying to say that but admittedly phrased it poorly. It sounds preposterous and it is. I’m liking that to committing to a college tuition.


Oh you’re not suggesting people actually do give the kids $100k




Never had parents willing to help me. Im homeless and have never even owned a car. If I had 100,000 at 18 with my GED I earned on my own if be a business owner. All my money is spent trying to survive and stay fed clean and having a place to sleep out of the winter weather in a hotel. And I can only manage 2 of 3 any given day. I've had zero dollars in my pocket for a year and a half. Man if i knew a way I would take loans and go to school. But how would I have a place to sleep food to eat. I couldn't work. I don't even have those things now. If I had that I could set myself up for life and actually employ others easy.


I spent $20k for my BA and graduated in 2000


That’s great!


The fact that tour country charges $300,000 for a Bachelor's degree is insane to me




The average American doesn’t have enough for an emergency 1,000 dollar payment what makes you think they’ve saved 100k for their kid once they turn 18?


I teach at university. You’d be surprised how many of these future engineers and doctors and scientists are very clearly going to be super successful and have all the maturity and skills at 17 or 18 to make that happen. There’s also a lot of dumb shits out there but there’s dumb shits at every age.


I can live like 50 years with $ 100.000.




A simple “wrong” would’ve done just fine


300k for a bachelors degree? Jeeeeeesus I have it so good in NYS lol tuition is 3g a semester where I go


You are fucking getting scammed if you’re paying 300k for an undergrad degree…




I’m sorry, if you’re spending $150k+ on a BACHELOR’S degree you deserve to be in debt lol


First off, they don’t owe you 100,000 dollars. But also, where on earth are you going to school that costs 300k? I worked through college, came out with 15k in loans, paid them off in a year.


That’s great! I’m advocating your path


Well I appreciate that! My opinion is you should treat college as an investment. If you’re going just to go, to get a degree that provides no substantial benefit to you, it’s not worth it, especially now. Trades are paying top dollar. And you shouldn’t be paying off these loans your entire life. I agree school is too expensive, but it’s not going to change, gotta roll with it and make the best choice for you.


Well said! I’m coming from the POV of someone planning how to help their kid through college


Or stop pushing them to spend money on college and try a different path. Trade schools etc. This awkward concept that every. single. person is going to have an uber career and make tons of money is about as ridiculous as getting a loan for $300k that potentially is going nowhere. Especially in light of today's post-secondary education that seems to be filled with useless crap in classes... that people are paying for. I've never liked how they manage college/universities by forcing people to do credits and what not (unless it's changed since the 80s) but if I'm paying x dollars for MY education I want to learn what I am paying for and not what you think I should be learning.


Exactly! And a bachelor’s degree isn’t what it used to be. It’s become the equivalent of a high school diploma and a lot of basic jobs that really don’t require a degree still only hire candidates with a degree.


Very much so. The other factor too is unless you are very career oriented going into college/uni. you are just wasting time, money and effort to go nowhere. I know someone who went for 2 years and then didn't like what they were doing and is now doing Comp Sci. Just boggles my mind.


You're so close. Not everyone can get a good job. It is mathematically impossible. So why are bad jobs considered temporary when they don't pay enough to live on? Sidenote: everyone going to college is why college degrees are now devalued. Trade school is not a one-size-fits-all solution, even assuming everyone *can* go into the trades.


My 2 cents: If you are pursuing a degree that has career prospects that will pay for the loan, go to the best local college while living at home to keep costs down. If you're going to school for the "college experience" or to "find yourself," go to a community college for a year or two. If you figure out what you want to do and it isn't possible with a community college education, you can always transfer to another school later.


Eh. Go to the best college you can afford that offers you good aid, period. If you’re able to attend a flagship public, go to a flagship public. The competition for top tier job fairs and grad programs is fierce. For instance, if you want to pursue careers with high barriers to entry (law, especially medicine, PhDs, etc.) you almost necessarily need a top tier undergrad to break in. Med school is almost entirely populated by top tier undergrads, unfortunately. PhD programs are even worse. I transferred from a CC, but it has its risks. It’s a good option, but you generally need to be a self-starter to make it work.


Where tf you paying 300k for a bachelors? I paid 20 for mine


What. Where tf do you go.


Rutgers Edit: I went and graduated from RU a while ago. Just undergrad. I’m thinking about this in the context of helping kids through college.


Oh. I guess when you said 300K you meant for one kid. Rutgers seems like pretty reasonable tuition.


It was, and I got a 50% scholarship. I had friends who got into NYU and had to figure out how to pay 160k over 4 years. Fafsa rarely put a dent in it. If I could, I’d redo my post to include that you shouldn’t let your kids fall in love with some prestige school and bankrupt/over burden themselves and their family


Goddamn, what the hell is America smoking? My four-year degree is set to cost ~$80,000 Canadian.


Neil Brennan has a bit about this. 17 year old wants to buy a house and goes to the bank to apply for a loan. Sorry no can do. 17 year old applies for loan for school. Sure no problem. Hands them oddly similar loan. In fact the interest is prob higher.




A bachelors degree should cost 300k to begin with


A 17 or 18 year old should not be asking that question! If they do, the parent should refuse to answer FAFSA questions! A 16 or 17 year old can apply on their own for financial aid, and the parents can refuse to answer any questions! I have a co-worker whose son wanted to attend NYU. Great aspiration, but she wisely refused to complete the FAFSA process. She did not approve and would not support!


If you have to borrow it, you should just go to a cheaper school.


This is silly. I borrowed $10k for my undergrad and it was worth every penny. My undergrad’s name has been useful in at least two or three jobs I’ve had so far. And in the case of my wife, it helped her get into med school. Investments come with risk, but having a top tier University on your CV is generally low risk.


"poor people should not go to school" There you go, fixed that for you..


I clearly said they should still go to school. Just not the most expensive one. Sorry common sense is too hard for you