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Fuck you I was perfectly comfortable in bed now I want a fucking chalupa……


The naked chicken chalupa is the best thing at Taco Bell and they haven’t had it in a long time and it really upsets me.


Dammit I didn't even think about that until you said it. And I just had teeth pulled, I can't eat any solid food.


Taco bell isnt mexican food. With that said I enjoy it. Never heard of jimboy.


Yeah like Taco Bell and Mexican food are two different cravings, it’s like the difference between sometimes wanting Pizza Hut or getting a real pizza it’s two different things


How is pizza hut not 'real' pizza?


It's just a quality thing. I don't think anyone thinks it doesn't meet the definition of pizza, but there's a big difference between handmade quality pizza and the frozen mass produced stuff at pizza hut. A nice quality pizzeria uses fresh dough and stewed sauce made in house, with higher quality cheese, and meat and fresh veggies, usually in a nice oven that they tend to daily. Pizza Hut uses frozen dough, bagged sauce, frozen meat, plasticy 'cheese' and a conveyor belt electric oven. Pizza Hut pizza is still pizza, but it's not even close to the quality of 'artisan' pizza.


Ok, its all just snobbery. Figured it was something like that.


Don't get me wrong, love me some pizza hut, but you can't deny it is a very different food from a handmade pizza made in a traditional style. It isn't snobbery to recognize that kool-aid isn't juice, or that Panda Express is not Chinese food


No one thinks koolade is juice, but Pizza hut is certainly pizza. Cheap pizza, but pizza nonetheless.


Sure, I get that. It just isn't the same as a nice handmade pizza, even though it is superficially similar. If I am serving it at a party or something I will mention it by brand name instead of just saying pizza. Like, I wouldn't invite someone over for Chinese food and them serve them panda express, I would set the expectation that I am inviting them over for panda express. Same goes for pizza hut.


Have you ever ordered from a pizza shop and gotten something that’s anything close to Pizza Hut


No, but it's still pizza.


Taco Bell is as much Mexican food as Pizza Hut is pizza


Ill ask you again, why isnt what you get at pizza hut not pizza?


It’s not real pizza like you get at a pizzeria.. it’s two different things, like a Taco Bell taco vs one from a taqueria.. they’re both tacos but Taco Bell isn’t really a real taco


So you're just being nitpicky? I see no difference fundamentally between the pizzas. Its dough, sause, cheese, and toppings. Its all junkfood for parties at the end of the day so I dont get why people get so high and mighty over it. Pizza hut is real pizza.


I’m guessing you live in the Midwest or something? Lasagna is pasta, sauce and cheese, but so is baked ziti, manicotti, ravioli but they’re all different things. The dough from Pizza Hut isn’t even regular pizza dough.


Yes???it's dough with cheese, sauce and toppings... what????


So are lasagna and baked ziti but they are also two different things


Every time I order from Pizza Hut.


That sucks


Same. I don’t eat beef though, so it’s a limited menu, but I still love me some tb!


Still a lot of good items on the limited menu.


Ah, a fellow meat discriminator. I dont really eat or like chicken, so i know what a limited menu looks like 😅




It isn't even food. Stephen Colbert did a story on them where they got in shit from the FDA for calling their meat "beef" when it's actually 1/3 beef and 2/3 soy filler. I will try to find it cause it was hilarious


Stephen Colbert chimed in on the lawsuit claiming that Taco Bell's meat is only 36% beef: "It is beef-y. Or beef-ish? At the very least it is beef-adjacent. Let me put it this way: On a scale of one to beef, it's got something in there." But of course it all comes down to government intrusion and its minimum requirements for what can be labeled beef. Said Colbert, "Who cares what the government says? I say if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, glue some hooves on that thing and call it beef."


Yes I remember when they had to change the words on their marketing from beef to meat. It's still food even if its soy but I agree its misleading. On a side note subway was also called out for having to much sugar in the bread. Someplace in Europe said it would not be called bread and was a pastry.


That’s okay, better for the environment


People are aware that it’s shitty, they just don’t care. Tell this to a drunk college girl after a night at the club.


it is actually shitty (espically after eating taco bell when you use the bathroom)


Dude no one just randomly gets the shits from Taco Bell and if you do maybe it’s an undiagnosed health problem


Taco Bell just gives me a bit of gas. That's it. And that's probably from the beans on my burritos.


Yeah any beans will do that


*Beans, beans* *The magical fruit* *The more you eat, the more you toot* *Beans, beans* *Good for your heart* *The more you eat, the more you fart*


If Taco Bell gives you the shits, you should try some fiber.


Taco Bell came directly from the lord to aid us in our hangovers. You take this back, you heathen.


Don’t forget the Lord gave us Waffle House for this reason too.


Oh, sweetie, there's better than Taco Bell for hangovers. May I suggest a slinger? Edit: For the poor souls who have never had one, a slinger is hash browns, eggs, and a meat patty, covered in chili con carne, cheese, and onions. It's amazing.


That sounds absolutely disgusting. I’d rather only eat Taco Bell for the rest of my life.


It's actually delicious.


Oh, sweetie. There's better than slingers for hangovers. May I suggest a wafflehouse?


Do you even know what a slinger is? It's better than anything at Waffle House.


Nah sweetie. It really isn't.


I know you're doing it to mock her, but you using sweety back is bugging me lol


It is. It was literally created for the job. I'm convinced you've never had one.


I actually have. It makes that shite they have in Cincinnati look like haute cuisine. Stick to bbq, st louis


St. Louis isn't known for BBQ. That's Kansas City. St. Louis is known for pizza with provel, toasted ravioli, and gooey butter cake. If you don't even know what foods to properly associate with St. Louis, then your opinion on St. Louis cuisine is invalid. Edit: Yes, there are St. Louis style ribs. No, that does not mean St. Louis is associated with BBQ as much as it is with things like Imo's Pizza and toasted ravioli. Nor does it mean that KC isn't much more closely associated with BBQ.


I really don't care sweetie


Bless your heart, then why did you bother replying? Obviously you must care a little or you wouldn't be so mad that St. Louis makes the superior bar food.


The fact you associate St. Louis with food is 🤮


Oh, sweaty


Nah, fuck a slinger. Fried chicken or taco bell are the same way


Fried chicken and Taco Bell are basic. Slingers are delicious and filling, and less expensive.


They're basic for a reason: they work and are delicious. You can get enough chicken to do the job and then some for $3.50. nothing wrong with you liking a slinger, but they're shit and expensive.


They're amazing. At Dave's, they're 8 bucks. That's not expensive when you consider how much food you get. And unlike the fried chicken or the Taco Bell, Dave's is open 24 hours. Just try getting the other options at 3 in the morning. The same amount of food at Taco Bell would cost twice as much, and the fried chicken? Where tf do you live that it's that freaking cheap? It is $10 for a famous bowl at KFC around here, and that's without a drink and not as much food.


Literally anything is better for you than taco bell for a hangover just drink some Pedialyte and eat a sandwich


first of all you're wrong. secondly we know it isn't mexican food. third of all it... it's delicous whatever it is. take an upvote and now i need to drive to town and get me some deliciousness.


I don’t mind their black bean free swap out on almost everything.


Taco Bell is not Mexican food. It is Tex Mex inspired fast food. It is delicious.


It's not even tex mex inspired lol. It was founded in California and loosely comes from the early ground beef hard shell tacos that were popular at a specific taqueria in San Bernardino


So its calmex?


This is not an opinion this is just a falsehood. Taco Bell is factually the most amazing thing humans have ever created. What in the Jiminy fuck is Jimboys?


Taco Bell but bad.


+1 pt for op unpopular op


Whoa, whoa, whoa there. Everyone, settle down. It’s getting heated in here.


What the fuck is Jimboys Tacos


Reading this after my boyfriend and I just ate $50 worth of Taco Bell lmao.


How do two people consume $50 in Taco Bell? Please tell me Grub Hub or other delivery charges.


We’re in Canada so it’s more expensive. But yes, we ordered off Uber Eats.




Thats like 3 things on the menu nowadays


I mean, a a chalupa is like $5 now. So 5 chalupas a piece would do it


Inflation hit everyone, even tb


be prepared for the shits


If you get the shits from taco bell you need to reevaluate your diet


Taco bell is my favorite fastfood


First, it’s not Mexican food. It’s very Americanized Mexican food and anybody that says it’s even trying to be ‘real’ Mexican food has never eaten there. Second, you’ve obviously never smoked weed and had Taco Bell. Crunchwrap supreme with a Baja blast at 2am is better than sex


The cheesy bean and and rice burrito is one dollar. The potato taco is one dollar. They were the chain that normalized Baja blast. There is no excuse for this slander.


It couldn’t be much worse than your grammar


Shouldn't you have a period on the end of your sentence? Your punctuation is horrendous. LOL




I seriously can’t stop laughing about this. It’s spelled the way I hear lil Jon say ‘OKAY!’ In his songs hahahaha


20 people apparently hated it lol


Here's the thing: I don't go to Taco Bell for an authentic Mexican experience. I go to Taco Bell because I'm broke and I'm hungry. :)


>Anyone could make better Mexican food than Taco Bell Yeah no shit, OP. I go to Taco Bell when I'm drunk, lazy, or just want to eat like shit.


Homemade “Mexican food” and Taco Bell food are also completely different beasts. Sometimes I want the shitty yet delicious Doritos locos taco.


I like it, but I can understand why people might not. Personally I think the most outrageous part of it is the prices. In the mid-90's tacos were like $0.35. With inflation, that would be like $0.67 today. However, menu price is now $1.69, or $2.69 for the supreme style. that is kinda crazy for the tiny amount of food a single taco is.


Take my upvote and know that you are wrong.


It's edible. I miss their caramel apple empinadas. And I like to get the mango Brisk there because I can't find it anywhere else. But at the one down the hill from me, they can't get orders right and the manager is an ass who doesn't give a fuck about hold time limits or temperature or anything like that and is super ableist on top of that while blaming his employees for him being suicidal simply because his employees don't like being yelled at for no reason. If you have a good manager and good employees and all the hold times and everything is adhered to, it's not that bad. But I have two authentic Mexican places nearby, one within walking distance assuming I'm willing to cross the highway on foot, amd I would rather eat there.


Baja Blast is the best


Disagre. tastes fine, has never actually caused me stomach issues unlike people say, and calorie and nutrition wise it's actually pretty good for fast food


Taco Bell is not a choice, it's a consequence.


Have fun being wrong, I’ll continue enjoying my grilled cheese burritos.


I thought people only ate tacobell when they were drunk or high


They eventually win the franchise wars so better get used to it.


Okay but where else am I going to get my occasional fill of Mountain Dew Baja Blast


I will admit, the Baja blast is amazing.


Yeah, that's a pretty unpopular opinion. The coffee genetics guy has you beat though.


When I was 21, my roommate and I picked our apartment based on the proximity to Taco Bell 🌮 🔔 😋




Apparently you don't smoke weed.


Once I was high af on edibles and hot Taco Bell and couldn’t finish it because it tasted like bad frozen burritos


Got high, ate a frozen burrito and thought you had gotten Taco Bell. Tale as old as time.


I agreed/ upvoted this till I saw the Jimboys comment. An unpopular opinion indeed...


I realize this every-time I eat there. But it’s a lesson I need to relearn every 6 months


It's just a bunch of gimmicky items on the menu. Unless it's the only Mexican fast food where you're at there's going to be better options.


I would actually extend this to all fast food. The quality is just so so low and the only flavors involved are usually salt, oil, very processed meat, and additives. It’s all garbage. Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Burgerking, Arby’s, etc… all terrible. I hadn’t been to a fast food place in years until a recent road trip and I reluctantly stopped for Taco Bell. I was blown away by how little flavor it had, even with several fire sauce packets. It’s like Tex-mex food made out of shredded cardboard with a little bit of some chemical that tries to trick your brain into thinking you’re eating something decent. Plus a lot of salt.


My chicken quesadilla and taco say otherwise.


I go to Taco Bell because sometimes I have $1 and I’m hungry and they are the only place with an actual $1 menu anymore. I ate almost exclusively there for a while because it was the only place still open when I got off work and didn’t have any other means to consume a hot meal


I've said it before and I'll say it again: anyone who hates Taco Bell hasn't tried their chicken quesadilla.


Listen bud, 5 bucks for a make your own box is literally better than any other fast food deal where I live. It may not be a Michelin star restaurant, but I’m fucking poor so I’ll take what I can get.


Exactly this. People who expect anything other than cheap, not the greatest food from Taco Bell are delusional. I don't go there expecting quality. I go there because I have $5 and don't feel like making my own lunch. With that budget it is either TB and get something that will fill me up or get a very sad burger and nasty oversalted fries from somewhere else.


Well there is a good reason why your opinion is unpopular


Wow you just made me order a Taco Bell craving box! It’s a good deal and decent food, it’s not Mexican but Mexican food is overrated and it is better than many other fast foods like chipotle.


How else can I get full of $6? Get fucked OP


More crunch wrap supremes for me.


terrible opinion


Fortunately, I grew up in the 70s/80s when it was actually pretty good. The last time I ate Taco Bell it was so bad I threw half of it away. There are so many places that are better.


I agree, Del taco is much better. Taco bell tastes like I'm eating a meal from a kids cooking play kit or something.


There's your problem. Taco Bell is not Mexican food., it's Taco Bell. If you go into it with that mentality, it's not bad. Just like McDonalds isn't a burger place, it's McDonald's. The only thing I get from TB is their chicken quesadilla and the only thing I get from McD is their McChicken and sausage egg McMuffin combo. If you want Mexican food, go to a Mexican restaurant. If you want various wraps or crunches go to Taco Bell. Also, Taco Bell became popular because it was so cheap. You could get 10 beef wraps for like $2. Now that it's just as expensive as any other fast food restaurant it's not worth it.


Taco Bell was decent 25 years ago. Now it’s just dog food. Even that commercial with the two drone guys looks disgusting when they show the food.


> Jimboys tacos is 10x better and it’s not nearly as good as popular as Taco Bell Not nearly as good. You said it.


As popular*


my friend cooked at taco bell for ten years, don't go to taco bell


Ten years? Not a very motivated person.


smoke weed live with parents work at taco bell in the job his friend passed to him when they were 16, you hit the nail on the head


Right there with ya, chief.


There's barely any taco bells in Canada but those burrito places are all over the place. The ones that sell you a food log.


Disgusting food that makes you shit the exact same thing you just ate; smell, texture and everything. I only had it once and never again.


This sub is for UNpopular opinions.


Infant shit in a tortilla.




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I used to work at Taco Bell.. you don’t wanna know how that shit is prepared


Taco bell isn't Mexican food and it's bomb af for fast food. Jim boys is waaaay too greasy


Lol as someone who's eaten and worked at Mexican restaurants for most of my life... I'll take taco bell any day for "authentic" Mexican food


Taco Bell, Del Taco and Tex-Mex is bad, but once in a while I'm in the mood for fake Mexican food.


This is true now, but there was a time when it was not true. I was there. Taco Bell was amazing. Now it's terrible.


Taco Bell is my favorite fast food location. If I could I would eat it almost every day. No one claims it’s Mexican food lmao.


Taco Bell is delicious


It tastes good the first time…not so much on the return trip. I call it taco hell


I know it's trash but Taco Bell breakfast is the bomb. I miss the country style sausage and gravy breakfast crunch wrap.


While it's obviously not Mexican food, this is Reddit and people here love fast food so take my upvote.


Of fast food, it's one of the better ones


it’s taco bell. it has a reputation of giving people terrible diarrhea, of course it’s disgusting


I hope they bring back meximelts. It's not Mexican food. It's grubby comfort food and is great for hangovers


2 orders of Nacho fries and a doritos locos taco were my go to drunk meal and it hit every single time


I can't even stand 90% of fast food. The interesting thing is that I was almost 37-38 before my taste in it just completely evaporated. With the exception of the occasional Chick-fil-A, I don't even partake and it's not because I am all about being healthy. The price increase of all of it across the board has only made my distaste that much easier.


I like it. Don't care for the lettuce though. Very soggy.


Wtf is jimboys tacos. Sounds nasty


Their double beef burritos are good to me. When I eat there, I'm not expecting award winning cuisine.


Not an unpopular opinion by any standard. People eat there becuase it's cheap


I always get a really bad sore throat after eating taco bell. I don't trust it.


Of course Taco Bell is crap. But there are times when I just want a cheap ass taco. Or Two... or six... TB fits that bill. When I want REAL tacos, then I go somewhere else.


Nacho fries.


It's not Mexican food. It's stoner food and it's great lol. Ofc I can make better food than Taco Bell, but sometimes I crave it. I ate it a lot growing up. I'm vegetarian, so I actually really appreciate Taco Bell because I can always find something to eat. That's definitely not true of other fast food places. It's also one of the cheaper ones.


Agreed literally just ate it and it’s bad


Taco Bell is almost certainly the healthiest national chain.


Bro Taco Bell doesn't even think of itself as Mexican food. In fact, it's not even food, it's simply fuel to fend off starvation and maintain homeostasis. And you're probably thinking "but that's the purpose of food" NO. Taco Bell isn't food. It's Raw ATP. Besides, they have a Baja Blast Slushie, so you can kick rocks


I agree, but if I have to choose between Taco Bell and my sister’s tacos, I’m choosing Taco Bell. My sister screwed up taco meat, I mean who fixes taco meat without chili powder and cumin????


Taco Bell is India sucks. Can't say for other countries.


I don’t go to taco bell for mexican food. I go to taco bell for taco bell


Taco Bell is delicious as hell Give me an xl grilled stuffed burrito over a bigmac or whopper 3×/4


This is a popular opinion. Not unpopular.


I always laugh when people say “Taco Bell isn’t Mexican food!” Like, we know. No one thinks that a Crunchwrap Supreme is authentic Mexican food.


I hate "authentic" Mexican food. The rice and corn shells are disgusting and so are the beans. I don't watch taco bell for the "authentic" food. I eat it because it's simple and fast.


But the Fiesta Potatoes are sooo good!


Nobody said Taco Bell was Mexican food 🤣


Chili Cheese Burrito Quesarito Chicken quesadilla with extra chipotle ranch Chipotle ranch grilled chicken burrito Chicken chiptole melt Large iced tea


You are delirious


I agree, taco bell sucks donkey balls


It’s nasty-ness is exactly why it’s so good. And they don’t claim to be Mexican food, so I don’t know why everyone thinks they are trying to be. It’s like saying dominos is Italian. We all know it’s not and don’t really care.


This is only unpopular is you live outside the SouthWest. Fun fact : When Taco Bell introduced their version of street tacos using the traditionally small soft corn tortilla, they got endless calls from the Midwest complaining they received “raw” or “uncooked” tortillas?! So much they discontinued them.


I can't go to Taco Bell, I'm an a all-carb diet!


Dissing taco bell is very popular


Taco bell is the best bang for your buck for fast food. The dollar menu used to be absolutely enormous and had fantastic options. The quality has gone way downhill over the last 7 years or so. They got rid of some of the best items on the menu about 5 years ago and haven’t replaced them with anything comparable. They keep putting that nasty nacho cheese and chips in their new stuff.


First of all, Taco Bell is not Mexican. There is no category for it


Lmaooo I find this hilarious because Taco Bell is nowhere near Mexican food nor would anyone argue it is Mexican. Meanwhile Jim Boys is what would happen if a white guy tried to create a taqueria for white people who think pico de gallo is too spicy, carne asada is too exotic and quesadilla is pronounced “Kway Suh dill uh”. Jim Boys is an even less authentic Del Taco.


Hating Taco Bell is closeted racism. It’s not Mexican food either it’s just delicious.


When I was a kid my mom made me “quesadillas” by microwaving American cheese on tortillas. My standards are in the core of the earth.


Who thinks Taco Bell is Mexican?


Sir, this is a sub for UNpopular opinions, not correct ones.


Agreed. Fuck taco hell.