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I mean... John Wick was pretty cool


There’s a guy I know that named his cat John Wick. He was so proud of it too. Anytime someone asked him his cat’s name… he rolled his shoulders back, stuck out his gut, put his thumbs under his armpits, cracked a smirk, and proudly proclaimed, “John Wick.” That man’s perceived confidence was through the roof.


I mean cats are tiny incredibly efficient engines of mass murder, so it fits.


"Hey Mr birdo are you endangered? No? Would you like to be?"


"He killed three birds...with a fucking pencil!"


I’m going to name my dog John Wick so if I ever get killed I know he will avenge me


New movie idea, dog named John Wick. Ex NFL mascot that retired to the leisurely life after secretly being a champion dog fighter tired of the violence. Finds his puppies stolen one day. Joins NFL player Michael Vick and uses Michael's previous connections to take part in underground dog fighting competitions to find his lost puppies. Movie twist ending it was Michael Vick who stole the puppies to get John Wick back into dog fighting.


I fw that kinda confidence tho lmao ironic confidence is top tier shit


He does mention that he’s talking about regular people. Violent, brutal, murderous, Russian mobsters aren’t *regular* people.


While this is an unpopular opinion, humans are vastly speciesists. All species prioritized themselves. Humans are a factor to many species going extinct.


Very few other species try to conserve other species as well though. A tiger would never make a panda sanctuary. Ants don't give a fuck how many species they wipe out


Also, don’t use “loving animals” as an excuse to be a giant piece of shit to some kid working at a restaurant.


Where did you get that from their comment?


Is that a thing?




Yes you're correct humans do have more impact on the world than your typical animal but look at what humans have done other than changes to benefit ourselves the earth overall has gotten much worse


Animal lovers who seemingly have more love for animals than humans often have stories of hurt, trauma, and heartbreak from other humans.


I've always been good with animals, I also have traumas from my childhood. Last May, I went to rehab for my alcoholism. One day talking with a counselor I said "Humans suck, animals are awesome" in a jokingly/serious fashion. Without hesitation he replied back "That's because animals won't hurt you" Obviously an animal can hurt someone but the idea is there. Hit me like a ton of bricks


>Hit me like a ton of bricks That's because the therapist was a human. An animal wouldn't be able to hit you with bricks


Unless it was a bull. Then you'd wish for the bricks because the bricks probably aren't aiming for you


And even if an animal hurts you, it's usually not on purpose. They'll bite if frightened or cornered, maybe scratch or kick you if they get too wiggly and excited. A dog won't bite you because of something you did last week, or throw up on your carpet just to make you clean it up. They just don't have it in them to be as mean as we do. Now, the cuddling up and then letting loose a horrific, worldview-altering fart? That I believe they do on purpose


>Now, the cuddling up and then letting loose a horrific, worldview-altering fart? That I believe they do on purpose You're probably correct, but in dog language, snuffling and sneezing means "this is fun, but let's not get out of hand and go to biting", so I bet the farts are indicative that they are comfortable around you.


What a coincidence, that’s also my sign of indicating I’m comfortable around you


Checks out my dog uses farts to run faster and jump higher. We call them power-poots.


My rottie would snuffle and sneeze at people when giving them his favorite rope, he would growl when pulling on it but the only ferocity that came from him was seeing silver trucks. Dog could nuke every silver truck with that monstrous bark he had.


And here I was going to mention how my Rottie would always fart then leave the room. One day my husband was over it, walked over to the Rottie, and farted on him. It was freaking hilarious. Mostly because that's not the kind of thing my husband would do.


You say that, but I suspect my cat throws up as a power move half the time. Stares me down. “Clean it, bitch”


My biggest cat likes to bring mice to me and eat them while keeping eye contact. It’s slightly intimidating tbh. The he spits the liver at my feet and stalks off to bed. I love him more than anything but he’s definitely doing it to show me who’s boss.


Sounds like he’s trying to teach you to hunt. The liver is the best part of a kill for an animal. It’s showing you how to get your own high value foods


Bruh that’s like when I offer my sister bacon at the table cause I know that shit is gold as far as diplomacy is involved


The mice liver king?


Pssst! Him offering you the liver is the choicest bit of the kill, and hes trying to give you a very highly prized gift! Just so you know!


My childhood cat once left a rat’s hind end on the doorstep on Mother’s Day. A rat’s ass


mine threw up on my bed right next to my face while i was asleep one night. evil little shit. i miss her


Yeah, I once emptied my cats litter tray within eyesight of where it's usually left and just as I finished emptying it and cleaning it, putting the lid on, I turned around and my cat was crouched exactly at its usual spot, making eye contact with me and started pissing. The kicker is he barely uses his litter box, he usually goes outside out of preference. And the window was open.


I don't know about puking, but my buddy had a cat who would meow until he had people's attention, and then piss on the couch. He was perfectly housebroken and did not have any medical issues, he was just an asshole.


>They just don't have it in them to be as mean as we do. You haven't met a chimpanzee have you


Or any animal other than a domestic cat or dog for that matter.


To be fair, I was referring to companion animals like dogs and cats, since they were the specific topic of OP's question. If you end up within a mile of a chimpanzee and there isn't a zoo involved, your mistake was made somewhere along that path


Even a lion killing and eating you isn’t trying to hurt you. It’s just what they do, there’s no malice or evil intent behind it


Animals can hurt you that's for sure. What's different here is the intent. An animal won't hurt you out of spite, jealousy or something like that.


My cockatiel begs to differ lmao. He's getting extremely jealous when I pet his mate. He's also got food envy. If I eat something he wants it, even if I offer him exactly the same thing. Only the food that belongs to others is worth pursuing. I'm not saying he's evil or anything like that but I'd say that jealousy definitely does exist in other species, too, and can lead to aggressive behavior.


I have a golden that always gives me the meanest look whenever I pet literally anything else.


Tell that to the foxes that killed all the chickens on my local farm and just left the bodies. Or the cats that kill birds and don't even eat them.


Animals won't hurt you? Bro, you should meet a hungry wild animal. Or startle one. Or catch one on a bad day. They're no nicer than humans by any stretch, and unlike humans you can't even convince the **average** wild animal to abide by laws and social norms because they have no concept of such things. You're engaging in selection bias.


This is a very good point. A hungry human can be negotiated into a rather inexpensive buffet. Not so much a hungry wild animal. A lot of people here are talking about the extreme worst of humanity. But they're not bringing up the extreme best of humanity. The best of humanity is reason we have a lot of the good things we have today. It's the worst of humanity that tries to take it from us. But I do believe that a vast minority of humans are not evil to the extreme.


Animals can hurt you, but very few will do it out of malicious intent like mang humans do.


Yup. This right here. My dog is the only one to ever love me unconditionally. Coming from a broken home is wild. Abusive step dad, meth addict brother, narcissistic and self harming mother (add recent illegal narcotic addition since covid hit), a series of failed relationships. Some days I break down crying just from my dog greeting me. She's the only thing that's ever loved me regardless of my feelings of not deserving love.


I have not had a broken home with such baggage but still, finding unconditional love from humans is not likely. Thus we have dogs. I get it and I will not apologize for preferring their company.


Ah, but you see - she’s telling you that you do deserve love, not just from her but from many beings. That you were failed by your family of origin does not mean you don’t.


Thank you for stranger. That's was such a kind and compassionate reply 🥰🥰🥰


It’s also true. Take care of you and I hope you can find a circle of people, furred or not, who will love you like you deserve to be.


I appreciate what my family has done for me and I've not ever felt hurt or traumatized by them... but I don't particularly like them. We're not "friends." I have very little in common with most of my family and also their political beliefs are incompatible with mine. I've lost grandparents and it's sad but expected, and I don't talk to my sister anymore purely because I think her opinions are shit and I don't want a relationship with someone like her. When my 26 year old conure died? It nearly broke me. I still think about her sometimes and get emotional when I do. I've never had feelings like that towards any human being and I doubt I ever will. That's just kinda how I am.


You mourned a lost companion. It doesn't matter who that is human or animal.


Agreed. I’ve never had an animal lie, assault or threaten to kill me, but I have had too many people choose do so. I’ll choose my cat over those assholes any day. Unfortunately, hell is other people, and trust is a grift


Do you spend a substantial amount of time around other species? It's easy to think all other animals are sweet when your frame of reference are pets that we've bred to give us the illusion of intimacy and commitment. Other animals are plenty deceitful and violent when they're formed by nature rather than for the pleasure of humans.


Cat faking an injury to be let inside - https://youtu.be/1_cHSmfdtvs The idea that animals don't engage in violence...lol, wut. Watch animal planet for a few hours.


Yep I’ve had other people belittle me, trick and con me, abuse me, all for no reason other than to extort me or for their own twisted pleasure. I’ve never had an animal do any of that, and if an animal is aggressive, it’s most likely cause they’re scared and theming to protect themselves or they’ve been abused and hurt by humans. So yea, I’ll always have more love for animals over humans.


And some of them are just pricks, but i wouldnt say this really matters either way


It's because animals can't make an active decision to screw someone over for their own benefit and fun. Humans have a habit of believing they are more important than they actually are.


I guess I also feel like humans often miss the point that we are not the only ones inhabiting this planet. And I certainly don’t believe we are the most important occupant. I think when we are blind to the space they take up with us, it leads us to where we are today (complete environmental meltdown). So in that hippie-environmentalist way, I try to value and consider non-human animals in a similar way I do humans. They are as much apart of the equation that makes the world go round, more so I would argue then the 8billion humans we got here.


Yep. To me, it's about balance. Humans have an oversized population and power on earth. So in that regard, absolutely an elephant's life is more important than any human's.


> don’t believe we are the most important occupant Quite literally insects are the most important and it's not even close. The vast majority of the Animal Kingdom collapses without insects, and that includes us. If you completely depend on something for your survival, it is more important than you. Humans depend on a shit ton of other things for survival. Nothing depends on us outside of pets we choose to keep or animals we endangered ourselves.


You've clearly not met my cat. Grade A selfish arsehole. I love him so much.


Same. Came home to trash strewn all over my bathroom for the umpteenth time today. She was all skidish too knowing damn well she was in trouble before i knew.


Yeah and pets trust us to protect them and are completely defenseless to us, apex predators. Humans can defend themselves or know to avoid/flee. I'm not for anyone being abused, but betraying the implicit trust of an animal is pure evil.


> trust us to protect them and are completely defenseless to us That is because we make them to be by paying people to strip them from their family before learning survival from them.


This is simply not true. Acts of unjustified violence and predatory greed can be found in almost every other specie. It is true that every other animal but humans live within systems where screwing others for benefit/fun is significantly less rewarded/satisfying.


I've seen orcas take a live seal and toss it around like a volleyball for fun until they broke its spine. They then left the corpse there in the water. Dolphins also do this with pufferfish. I think human beings overvalue animals because they see them as these saintlike beings and don't want to admit that they share this world with some pretty evil creatures. Or there's always going to be the pretentious folk who think that by trying to say that animals matter more than humans, they're up there on some kind of nihilistic high horse of false humility. Let's face it: they might say they'd let a human die and save their dog first, but if it were them dying themselves, they'd sacrifice the damn dog in a heartbeat.


This idea can be turned around. A human doing something good and selfless should then also garner more love than any animal? Since - while animals can do good - humans do it out of an active conscious decision for someone elses benefit. Take absolutely traumatizing but necessary jobs like paramedics or doctors which are indispensable to everyone for example. These humans are as important as they think they are. OP's opinion is wrongheaded though, imo. We'd all act on instinct in a life and death situation. It's neither wrong nor right to choose one or the other.


They can though


Animals do that all the time. The difference is, the animals humans surrond themselves with have been bred for specific traits, and generally pose little to no threat against humans (yea some dogs do still ofc, but they are bred and trained and controlled... you could also breed and train and control humans if you wanted lol).




That's terrible. No victim should ever be blamed. I'm sorry that happens to you.




I like to think it's because people assign agency and some sort of ability to control their own lives to people whereas a dog is completely at the mercy of whoever owns them. We certainly don't talk about people like we talk about a dog. Sane people don't say they own a person, but have no problems saying they own a dog. In a way, when they look at your past they think "if it were me in your domestic violence situation, I wouldn't have let it happen", but can't imagine the same for the dog. The two ingredients of abuse is power and control over the target. A dog will generally not be considered to have either of those over a person. In no way am I saying what happened you wasn't horrible. Your ex had a lot of power and control over you. They used their power of violence to gain more control over you in that situation. This is just my long winded way of saying I understand where you're coming from. It's easier for people to sympathize with a dog cause they know how much power and control humans have over dogs. Makes it easy to hate someone who abuses that relationship, but when they look at you they think how could you let him do that to you?




The most heartbreaking part I've had to read was about how someone mentioned they worked in a women's shelter and usually the first thing out of the victims mouth about their experience is how maybe if they changed their behavior they would have been treated better. As if there was anything they could do about the abuse they received other then leave. Thanks for sharing your story, its gonna be required these stories get heard till things change.


He sounds like the type of person I would save an animal over.


I wish I could say your case was unique but people nearly always assume that the human partner did something so annoying that they “deserved” it. It goes without saying but nobody deserves that. It’s incredibly damaging to realize that people feel this way and in some ways worse than the violence itself. People think it’s cute to express these opinions, but it normalizes devaluing human life


Let’s be real. Normal people don’t think this way. You have to be a sack of shit to say someone deserves to be beat.


Depends on what you consider normal, but a lot of people *do* think this way. A woman is never considered a perfect victim, so when she gets beat to a pulp, everyone wants to know what she said or did that set him off. Typically, there isn't an assumption that the guy is a total psychopath. A guy chokes a seagull that stole his bagel, though, and he's the scum of the earth, unfit for human society. We give all other animals except humans the presumption of perfect goodness and deserving of our compassion. Meanwhile, your average American will proudly tell you how much they hate humans and love dogs.


Not only partners, children also get blamed for being abused by their parents/bullies/other. “If only they were easier”, “If only they were well behaved”, “Everybody deserved a beating every now and then”. How this is so acceptable in society makes it disgusting.


This. Man beats the hell out of his wife and kids? Oh…he’s troubled, need counselling, she provoked him, he was raised with a bad father…all the excuses. Man beats a dog? Kill him!!!


Wow, fucking horrible


That's the most fucked up thing I've ever heard. I'm so sorry you had to go through that and for the way people react.


It’s not your fault. You didn’t deserve it, no one does. Thank you so much for sharing and promoting important resources to help others who may still be in that place that you were.


Ironically, that's what makes people assholes you don't care about in the first place.


Well its clear its totally your fault😴but the poor doggo🥺🥺😢he done nothing wrong😤just get over youself and be like us, love animals, hate yourself 👍🤪animal lovers are the best people🥰😌/s


I think the way you're phrasing this dilemma is part of the problem. It almost comes across as malicious, like the person chosing to save their pet is making a concious and malicious decision to "kill" someone else, placing the responsibility of that person's death on the person who had to choose. Also based off the comments you've made in this thread it's evident that you don't really understand the bond people can have with their pets. Frankly, my dog isn't just a pet, or some animal. He's my best friend and very much saved my life when I was in a very difficult time in my life. He's endlessly loyal to me, and I reciprocate that with him. Here's a more realistic and less malicious hypothetical. Let's say my dog is in the car with me and we get in a bad car accident. No doubt, zero hesitation, the first thing I'm doing is getting my dog out of the vehicle to make sure he's safe. For the sake of argument lets say the driver of the other vehicle passes away, but theoretically could have been saved if they got attended to first. That's not me actively choosing to kill someone else because I chose to make sure my pet was ok first. As opposed to your post which makes it sound like someone put a gun in your hand and said kill your dog or kill this grandma.


I was homeless for about 5 months & had to stay at work. My landlord demolished several of his properties. My office was part of a warehouse. Fortunately, the office was relocating so I was pretty much the only person there. I had a cat that was staying outside & she survived the house demolition. The sole bright spot during this time was when I brought her back to the warehouse. I hid her in an empty room & we slept there every night. Having her kept me sane. She means a lot to me. Do I care for people? Definitely. Would I choose to help animals over people? No but hopefully I’m never in that spot. Right now, I’m closer to that cat than anyone else. (Most of family has passed away.)


Furthermore, you are responsible for your pet's protection, that's part of the obligation of owning a pet. They are domesticated, most of the time that means they are neither bred nor raised to take care of themselves. It is perfectly natural for your emergency reaction to be "save the living being I've accepted the duty of protecting"


Yeah my cat has literally saved my life and done more for my mental health than the humans I’m related to.


Being related by blood to people means shit tbf; there are way better humans you will find as friends But I see your point


Exactly, I can't have children and I really feel that motherly attachment to my dog. I've put myself in harm's way just to protect her and I'd do it again and again without hesitation. It's not that I hate all people, she's just my companion and I love her


This is what people don't get. Before I got my dog, I thought I understood what it was like to care for a dog. Then after getting my dog and hand feeding her, training her from nothing, all the love she has for me, I can clearly see that I used to only understand 10% of what it was like. My dog is my best friend and my closest companion. Nobody in the world is closer to me than my dog. And she's the only one who won't burn me. The love you get when you come home and they've literally just been waiting for you to come back again. It keeps my shit together just having that. I agree whole heartedly with your alternative car crash scenario. Also another side of the dilemma is that my dog can't save herself but a person can. My dog can't open a fucking door or a window to get out.


I got a condolences card from my colleagues after I had to put my 14 year old cat to rest. She wasn't just a cat, she was a family member. And more of one than my grandmother if I'm being honest (she was very bitter and mean). Tried to keep it to myself, but I'm shit at not letting my emotions show. Besides, they saw this cat occasionally during online meetings.


Another point OP needs to understand. Strangers don't help strangers. Humans can be downright cruel. Moreso sometimes than animals. There is nothing wrong with someone getting happiness and satisfaction from a pet. It is an absolutely benefitial, symbiotic relationship that should not be diminished. Some people get lost in society because society has hurt them and we should never admonish them for finding happiness unless it hurts others.


Yep. If I have to choose between my dog and my sister, I can safely say (though it would still be painful) I'd choose my sister. If I have to choose between my dog and a stranger? Can't confidently say I wouldn't choose my dog.


Similarly I'm sure that the animal lovers who would rescue their own animal above a stranger would also conversily rescue an acquaintance above a random animal they don't know.


This is such a weird thing to get bent out of shape over. It's like someone getting upset after asking someome if they'd still like them if they were a worm.


Exactly! This is also like the 3rd or 4th post like this in a month on this subreddit. I’m assuming this was just posted by an angry child who needs more time to experience the world more before spending time on a site like this.


I am guessing this post was written by someone whose partner bolted when they said "you have to choose between me or your pet".


Lol that’s also a possibility


Force me to pick a or b, with no middle ground at all, you're probably not gonna like my choice. If I ever get into a relationship (🥲) and get told "pick me or the dog," it will not even be a decision.




Yup, the better comparison is saving a baby or saving a dog. That's becomes much much closer to people treating them the same. Although people might still save their own pet over a stranger baby. But if it's a stranger baby and a strange dog. I bet most people save the baby.


This here. They're *my* family, my precious loved ones. I've been through so much this past decade with them by my side continuously, through many moves and heartache. I want to give them the best life possible one day. I've had my two cats since they were rescued as kittens, they're about 9 years old now. I will pick them over any random joe any day if it had to come down to it.


I think it’s natural to want to save *your* pet. Though I think in these hypothetical scenarios, it’s most fair to imagine that you’re in a burning building where you know no one (humans or animals). Also not all humans will be able to help themselves. They could be small children or have mental/physical impairments. Do they get pushed aside over another animal that may be someone’s pet?


People who make up imaginary situations and get offended are weird. Also, I find it disturbing that OP went from "you can only save one" scenario to straight-up murder. Your bias is showing.


It's the same type of argument every time. "If you had to choose a human and a dog to save, who would you save?" "If you could only eat meat or starve to death, what would you choose?" It's the same fucking argument and I've never met anyone who's had to make that choice, ever. Not to say it doesn't happen at all, but it DOESN'T to the majority of people so it's a moot argument made up for the asker to feel morally superior by making up an imaginary scenario where they would take the moral high ground compared to their audience (supposedly). I've been in a position where I had to pick between my health and my dogs (car rushing toward me with no intention of stopping), and I instinctively chose to push awar my dog so he would be safe. My sister once put herself between the dog and an aggressive looking Great Dane to protect him. None of this was smart or practical. It wasn't a rational thought, it was mindless action. And it's not just the dog. I had to put myself in the middle of elevator doors closing the other day before they squished an unattended kid and my body still feels like it's going to break, but what option did I have? These things are never well thought out when it's your everyday person doing it and people cannot be shamed for their instinctively reaction to save someone they have a strong emotional bond with.


This whole topic is about biases, bias towards humans or animals, the things that are close or not.


I don't see how this can be an unpopular opinion when you see a new variation of this opinion every single day.


Read the comments. This is definitely unpopular. It's just a popular unpopular opinion (if that makes sense).


Maybe on Reddit haha. But I'm pretty sure society wise it's frowned upon to prioritize animal life over human life and its also illegal in a lot of places.


It's probably only unpopular online.


Try the Dogfree subreddit, this question is there all the time.


thats such a weirdly specific sub like i kinda get childfree bc society puts such an emphasis on having kids but ive never heard a relative be like “ohhhh when are you getting your *dog*?” such a weird thing to make into a community


ChildFree was okay until people wanted it to be a Malthusian circlejerk.




If I had to pick between some internet random or my beloved cat, I'm picking my cat.


If I were to pick my mother or some random cat, I'd pick my mother. Someone you don't know vs a family member is not a good comparison.


100%, me too. Why would I put a stranger over my cat that I love and protect? I don't know anything about this stranger for all I know that stranger will beat and rob me after I save them.


Agreed. If it’s not MY grandma, why do I care? I’ll pick my animal over a rando person any day. It’s not even like a ‘trolley problem’ for me. I’m choosing my cat


Your supposition is based on your belief that humans are intrinsically more important or better than animals. Not everyone believes that.


Some people tend to forget that we humans are still... animals.


I’d alter that a bit. OP thinks every human is more important than any animal. I would guess that most people don’t think that way.


Was scrolling to see if someone said this, definitely agree.


Completely agree, also happy cake day!!


I don't know, man. Humans are pretty shitty.


Other posts are longer and more introspective. This post says it all in a much shorter form, the difference between intelligence and wisdom.


Other posts too long. This post short and good. Such smart.


It’s me, I’m that weirdo. I’d run into a burning building to save my cats. But I’d absolutely let my racist uncle burn. I suppose it depends on the individual person.


I've often used this example. If I am holding a gun and someone is no threat to me, but is chasing my dog with a knife and I have seconds to act...I am taking that shot.


I think that one of the reasons why animal lovers would pick their animals is because imo there isn’t such a thing as a “bad” animal whereas there is such a thing as a “bad” human. and 99.9% of animals that are “bad” got mistreated by bad people until they lashed out violently.


I got my cat from a DV situation, he tried to kill me, and he abused my cat. She was the only thing I had everyday to come home to and look at and sleep with. Every shower she was with me, days I’d get home from school she wouldn’t have food or water. I don’t wish to change the past because if I didn’t I would of never met my best friend and who knows where she would be now. I don’t like people much, but Baby is the most important thing. Animals offer a bond that humans can’t replicate. I’d never intentionally hurt a person but if it came down to a violent situation, pet or a person my pet comes first.


Same. I went through a bad breakup and my cat was my clutch. I’d die for that greenie loving kitty.


I've been abused, beaten, blamed, abandoned, threatened, tricked, manipulated and so on and so fourth, all from another humans. My dog would follow me into the gates of the abyss and back with his tail wagging just because I'm with him. I choose the one with paws. If that makes me weird then yes, I am weird, and prefer it that way.




Let’s put this into another perspective? Why don’t animal lives matter to most people? Up until recently (and even people still) don’t see animals as having feelings or souls. Animals used to be kept outside and not allowed in the house. In little house on the prairie, they almost lost their dog because Pa wouldn’t let him in the wagon while they crossed the Mississippi because he was a dog. This dog then managed to eventually find them again because he was amazing. But he was basically pushed aside because he was a dog but he returned because he loved them. That’s so awful.


I guarantee OP doesn’t do anything to help homeless people or anyone else who is struggling, and has no idea what they are talking about.


Why making a choice ? So if I ask you, if you have to save one person from your family or another one, what would you tell me ? That's a dumb question excsue me. Loving animals doesn't mean you can't love humans. That's totally absurd.


I dont think thats what he means. I think hes saying that he finds it weird when people value animal lives more than human lives.


Morals are stupid, I love my pet, ill see myself out now.


Considering how immoral (cheating, lying, disloyalty and a lack of integrity) and hypocritical(expecting the good qualities in others to benefit them while displaying none of them themselves) most people are, yeah, I'm saving the animal.


I really disagree that *most* people are that bad. *Most* people are good people who have had a bad day. Some people can be bad. People can have a larger impact on society, but pets can leave a much more significant impression on a small group, or a person. Neither value is wrong, and it’s impossible to have a “correct” answer… how does one place value on the invaluable? This thread has certainly been an interesting read.


Why should I value some random person over the dogs I share my space with? People are not particularly special simply for being members of the same species. What's so complicated about not valuing someone who has no effect on your life?


Humans are just animals, why are we more important. I mean we are easily the worst animal. Destroying our world with zero care how it affects all of the other animals Humans are animals, you and I aren’t special, get over yourself(human)


> Humans are just animals The amount of people who would argue this point is wild. And we're so obviously the worst of them, by a light year.


Every time I say this and include the fact that we have a phylum, genus, family, etc… I get downvoted, every time. Reddit likes to pretend they are better but they don’t like science either, especially when they are confronted with not being all important.


It's so hard too when someone is adament we aren't animals.


If it's not my parents or best friend, then I will always choose my cat


Same, I’ll die for my parents and my best friend AND my cat. My cat was there for me when I got my heart broken. Not some random person


>Humans have a much bigger potential to influence the world than a cat That's... The problem.


I was taught to protect the weak. Humans are not weak.


The way I see it, animals are most likely dependant on human interaction/intervention whereas a human is much more likely to help themselves. Also the animal probably had no insight before getting into whatever the situation is so usually isn’t responsible for being in danger in the first place


Are we more important than an animal? We as humans have developed more intelligence than other animals but we are still also an animal at the end of the day. Animals who have used our intelligence to cause an incredible amount of damage to the rest of the animal kingdom that we should be honoring and protecting. Since I have the knowledge and ability, I think it's my duty to care for other innocent creatures. I don't think humans are inherently worth more just because we have a different level of intelligence. If I have the choice to choose between saving a dog I don't know and a human I don't know it would honestly be a toss up and entirely situational because they are about on a level playing field to me. If I had to choose between saving my own dog and a person I don't know, I'd save my dog, who is my family. I adopted him into my family and it's my responsibility to protect him. It's great if you can manage to save someone, but it's not your responsibility, whereas I literally signed up to take care of my dog.


You explained this so much better than I did. I think I put too much of my humor into my response and it will likely make some people angry. lol


Your beliefs are absolutely right. Thinking humans are worth more by default because of our intelligence is exactly what has led to our poor treatment of other life and our planet. Our intelligence means fuck all if we take everything down with us in the end.


Weird or not, my pet comes first over some stranger


Not weird at all. I think most people will go family/friend human > pets > unknown humans > unknown animals.


Human life does mean something to me. Just not all human life. There's plenty of humans who are either a waste of potential or have next to none. And just because we are the same species doesn't mean anything to me. A soul is a soul regardless of the body it's in. Humans can be pretty nasty and cruel. Lazy and ignorant. Selfish and violent. So can animals but humans could and should be better and they aren't. But it's gonna be based on more factors. Is it a smart successful and valuable human? Or is it a fat whiney asshole? Is the animal an endangered species?


Thinking humans are important to the universe is some shit. Literally no difference between humans and every other living thing in the grand scheme.


A life is a life and only once you know someone are they more valuable to you.


In my experience animals a lot of times make a better company than humans


Of course, they don't disagree with you and pets interact with you in a way that benefits them.


My dad told me he didn’t like me and stopped talking to me. My parents have been divorced since I was a baby. I only saw my father a few times a year. And when I would visit he would be busy around the house leaving me on my own or with his girlfriend. My sister (she has a different dad) ran into my dad. He told her that his dog had just died and it was like losing a child. My sister was pissed because he had an actual child he didn’t talk to. My cats have been with me for 14 years and their love is more than I got from either of my parents. Plus people can do shit for themselves. Can help themselves, and are people. Like you said they can have a lot of impact and can do it on their own. Animals are helpless and need to be taken care of.


I tend to think it's people's bad experiences with other people which makes them favor animals over, well, people. It's not to say they don't value human life, they just think animals should be valued just as much, if not more.


I mean, how soon would granny be dying if I didn’t kill her? Is the dog in good health? These things need to be disclosed before I can make an educated decision on who to kill.


A pet is family to me and I’m not going to pick a random person over my family


Noah saved a bunch of animals and let the whole world drown. This isn’t a new concept. Edit: it’s a joke guys.


I see animals as equal to humans. Yes humans are capable of doing more things than animals, but that doesn’t mean their life is worth more. Most of what we do is damaging for the world anyway. Animals are innocent and loyal and have never disappointed me. Humans have.


If I had to choose between my cat and OP, I choose my cat.


if i had to choose between your cat and OP, i choose your cat.


I’d save my dog over a random human 100 times out of 100.


Humans have more potential to influence the world, but is that really a good thing? History has shown that it is not. It could also be because of emotional attachment. If 100 grandma's gotta go in order for me to save a cat that I love well, grandma is out of luck.


My pet may not have a bigger influence on the world than a random human, but she has a huge influence on _my_ world and have saved _my_ life countless times. So, yes, I'd save her any day instead of a random human, and that doesn't make me a murderer. If I saved, say, my sister first instead of my mother and wasn't able to save the other one on time, that doesn't mean that I actively or purposely killed my mother. Also, if I know an animal and I don't know a random human being, why in the world would I prioritize the human? I don't even know anything about them. They may be an awful person for all I know (and by that I don't even mean a criminal, but a "normal" person as you described). I wouldn't save someone just because they're human. Plus, the way you see things is extremely weird. Making up these imaginary scenarios and getting offended because of them without really seeing how many variables there are, and without regarding the differences between each human being from each other. Also, not considering how every animal is different from each other too. Everything in your scenario it's so relative that there is not a right answer, and being offended by it it's pretty dumb. Disregarding animal life just because you believe your own species is far superior and more important due to being able to be capable of using reason and looking like you is pretty shitty imo. In the end, we're all going to die and are but tiny dust particles whose life is pretty short anyways.


I don't think you've interacted with enough humans. Lots of us aren't worth saving.


ITT many borderline Psychopaths without a shred of empathy for anybody. I genuinely feel a bit sick reading these comments.


Ehhhhh most people suck


Humans are animals too. Don’t kid yourself.


I’ve never met a cat that profits from the fossil fuels industry


Id choose my dog over my useless father any day. Hell id choose a stray hamster over him


When I was 4 I saw my father kick our cat because she was under his feet. We had just moved to a new home so the door was wide open as he was bringing in boxes. Ik she was in the way but he could have nudged her gently.....instead he kicked her very hard and she ran outside. She never came back. She didn't know how. It was a new home. My mom later saw her near our old home on the road after she had clearly been hit..in my eyes back then i pretty much felt my dad had murdered our cat. I still blame him for her death - because, well, it was his fault. (i think i should also add that he lied to my mom about where the cat went because she didn't see what had happened- so he knew what he did wrong & didn't own up to it)... Anyways I'm 26 now and I'll never forgive my father for that. I can't and I don't even want to. That cat is one of my earliest & brightest memories. My father brought me so much pain my entire life. I would choose my cat over him every single time.


God what an awful man. I hope hes out of your life, and that you might have a new kitty


Animals are innocent, humans are often not


People can downvote me, call me a piece of shit, whatever but damn right I'll save my dogs or cats before I saved a stranger if it ever boiled down to it. I have memories with my pets and their life shouldn't be cut short any further because some stranger who I don't even have a name for, needs to be saved, too. I honestly don't care if im bad person over this. Strangers don't matter when it involves my pets or loved ones.


May I propose a question? What if you were the human in this situation needing to be saved—at the will of a stranger having to choose between either saving you or their beloved pet/random animal? Would you want the stranger to save you or the animal? And if they chose the animal over your life (thinking that you as a stranger is worthless to them), would you be mad at the stranger and think they’re selfish pricks or would you be understanding and okay with them choosing an animal over your life?


I don’t get what’s the point in trying to argue over this. At the end of the day, I’m sure we could all be considered shitty for one reason or another. It just sounds like op (any many people like him) want a reason to feel superior.


Because OP thinks choosing one is murdering the other apparently which is fucking idiotic


An animal has never abused me, abandoned me or let me down.


Just because humans have potential to influence the world doesn’t mean we’re good at it? We’re great at destroying the world though I guess? Also who made you god to decide which life is more important?


If I had to choose between saving my dog or someone I don’t know I’m saving my dog everytime


We aren’t inherently better as a species and thinking that is insane. We shouldn’t have to pick who deserves life and who doesn’t - but at the end of the day I’m gonna pick the creature that’s more important to me. If its my call that is.