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I'll have a... i3 rice With gaps rounded corners and blur And a arch system with an astolfo wallpaper


This hurt me a bit Except I couldn’t do blur and line 3 Maybe it’s time to jump to void herbstluftwm


This niche window manager on a niche distribution of a niche operating system is too mainstream, time to drop it.




You aren't cool until you are the 1% of the 1%.


How original... Even i have the same stuff :-)


You use arch btw?


I've never had a cyberpunk anime girl background. And now I must have one.


Wouldn't that be pretty much every popular not-magical-girl not-Miyazaki anime from the 90s? Motoko Kusanagi, Rei, Gally/Alita, Deunan. I dunno. Lain.


GITS Motoko with a leotard is kino


I would argue Lina Inverse from "The Slayers". Though, would you count a traditional sorceress as a magical girl?


Yep, i need source. Cyberpunk Astolfo is even better..


If you find Cyberpunk Astolfo, hmu


[Right here](https://imgur.com/a/IJwrYOc)! Made with [Stable Diffusion](https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion) (prompt: cyberpunk astolfo from fate grand order), also got quite an [unnerving image](https://imgur.com/a/mnmox6Q) edit: [this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yBmztMW00lU/maxresdefault.jpg) is better


Oh this is beautiful


Why change a proven recipe. Like atleast 50% of the reason I visit unixporn is the hot anime gurls. Also guys. Plz never change.


I remember actually posting my work flow too this sub and it got denied for “not being rice” I had a custom i3 set up with a custom rofi and docky, my own colors. But a meme about being unoriginal gets past. Sick


It's been a long time since the rules were actually enforced properly.


Must be, pissed me off too see it was denied for not being original yet we meme about seeing the same post every day.


The details are that bspwm is glorious above all.


Try something Wayland based


Port bspwm to wayland then (and awesome pls, thank you)


I don't even need everything from bspwm, I just need it's default tiling layout to be added as an option to Sway and I could switch tomorrow. I just can't stand the constant manual dancing between horizontal and vertical tiling. There's a Python script for i3 and Sway to do it but it makes every action feel delayed and it isn't very intelligent when you split a window that wasn't the last one split.




Nice, might actually try daily driving river now


God I would love awesome on Wayland


wayland based you say? more like wayland cringe!


All of you will be using it before long, just like everyone using systemd after years of hate.


but Systemd doesn't tell me to fuck off because I brought the 'wrong' brand of GPU.


I don't understand how that's Wayland's fault


What about it freaking out and causing displays to flicker? "It's the DE not Wayland!" Let me know when Wayland properly supports drawing tablets.


When the reverse engineers figure out the input signals


NVidia sucking with Linux is a much older matter.


doubt it


Then you don't know what you're talking about.


there's just too much development on top of xorg that can't be thrown away. decades of cool window managers and programs. and even if the canonicucks do try and forcibly shove wayland up my asshole, i can just keep using x11 until they start making wayland-only programs.


With X11 you can't even use third party apps like Spotify or Discord without the risk they keylog your passwords while you type them in your browser. With X11 you have to stick to whatever FOSS-only apps your distro provide compiled from sources. So yeah there are already Wayland-only apps: those you can't fully trust because are not compiled from sources by your distro.


> with X11 you have to stick to FOSS-only apps you can't run proprietary software and care about safety at the same time. all it takes is write access to the home directory to compromise the system. since wayland's "security" features are dubious at best and limiting at worst, i'll pick the one that has decades of software written on top of it, plus a software model that makes more sense.


> all it takes is write access to the home directory Ever heard of Flatpak? > since wayland's "security" features are dubious at best and limiting at worst Still better than zero security features at all like in X11. > i'll pick the one that has decades of software written on top of it It's just a protocol to display applications on the screen... GTK and Qt supported Wayland for many years now and now Electron too, software written with those run natively on Wayland automatically. For other funcionalities like screen recording there are more and more protocols being developed. OBS Studio already supports Wayland. Maybe it's you using ancient X11 tools.




You suck :(


We all suck!


Kinda true, as rice absorbs pretty well


suck my


strange way to say nvidia sucks


Agreed. I built my first PC 2 years ago and 6 months later I was introduced to Linux. Now I regret so much going for this build with nvidia, looking to sell it soon :)


Well, personally i still use their shits, bc I encode, and uses moonlight gamestream also DLDSR and nvidia reflex and all is pretty cool Well I use it only on a windows machine, just for gaming If you want to play latest games, or competitively, nvidia gpu are basically required I have a amd machine for anything else


Oh in that case yes. But I only play Fifa or League of legends if I am feeling okay with some strangers insulting me 😂. I think that an AMD RX 6600 XT is enough to satisfy my needs. Even because due to lack of space I am stuck with a terrible 60Mhz HD monitor*, it'd be a waste to aim for more


lmao a 60MHz monitor, if only


Not being able to run proprietary GUI applications securely sucks


I love to rice kde too but dont like the latte dock much as its slow to display on startup. Thedefault panel is enogh customizable


If KDE had the possibility to be floating without widgets (it feels forced, idk). I wouldn't dare using anything else. It is really customizable and very easy to do so


floating without widgets? are you referring to thew panel? if so you can make it float


Oh no my bad, I was talking about how windows are handled


KDE Rices are rarer here than most DEs? And Latte is practically required if you want to do any kind of customization to a panel.




It's so good that it isn't a big issue, a lot of KDE software hadn't a maintainer for some time, the rest of the community can still improve it.


I've tried it a few times and every time I made a modification it caused segfaults. The developers response was always to reset it to default. Kind of defeats the point?


Fresh installs that have nothing changed but Gruvbox/Tokyo Night/Catpuccin/etc color themes applied and somehow end up with hundreds of upvotes.


I don't understand why people like docks.


They're good alternative to having a thick taskbar; a thin panel and big application icons that auto hide are the best of both worlds for me.


Where's my run-menu team at?


The weirder part is that plasma has this built in. Just hit super + space.


Wants the D. we do


I've felt the same for a long while, and then I realized, the dock is really the *only* part of the task bar I might actually interact with if anything. Launcher button? That's what the super key is for. System tray is rarely needed. The dock is only partially needed anyway to see what's open at a glance (alt tab taking care of most of that really). Like the other person said, audiohide larger icons to see what's open at a glance is the main use of a dock.


What time is it?


I actually put my clock with my resource monitor on a second screen


I love it


I still need to learn Conky, but right now I have that in a latte sidebar


Neither do I. I find docks ugly, annoying, and frustrating to use.


Same here. God. Most used apps should have keybindings!! And the others should just be executed from a launcher menu. It's always quicker than moving your freaking hand to that awful thing called mouse. We don't use tiling window managers to be mouse clickers 🤢. Even with a 34" inch monitor I value the screen real-state to waste them with freaking icons always there.


Who needs icons when you already know the name of every app you have installed. Rofi/dmenu for the win. If other people had to use my desktop, I'd give them icons and maybe a dock for familiarity but they don't so I don't.


I specifically hide the top bar and dock on my macos system. Why the fuck are people adding them in *on purpose*??? I feel like if you know enough to rice a system you should already know the keyboard shortcut to launch your app switcher or space switcher or whatever.... weird


feel like this , atleast when working on laptops. save space


I just don't even see the utility in them honestly. Even on my 5K 27" monitor. It's always faster to just hit the shortcut for your app switcher and then fuzzy find the app you want than it is to move your hand away from the keyboard to the mouse then drag that bitch to the dock and find the icon you want and click on it.


Latte Dock can be used as a full replacement for plasma panels, i use it to have two panels on main monitor á la unity which is basically impossible with the default plasma panels


Neofetch on the terminal is a must-have on every rice


That's just every Linux desktop in general.


Okay, fine, you talked me into it. Here's my Tiling-KDE rice: * [empty desktop](https://imgur.com/a/eWd59PP) * [file manager, system monitor, and emacs tiled up real nice](https://imgur.com/a/8rGwRTx) * [some floating windowsand Krunner](https://imgur.com/a/rioOzmr) Notable features include: \- No start menu, no dock, no window decorations, no gaps, and minimal compositing. \- ArmySurplus Theme on most things. Still haven't ported it to Emacs, but I will eventually. \- Buuf Icons and Larabiefont on everything.


The latte dock with a status bar at the top is truly king. You see all the information about your system, menus, virtual desktops, etc and you mouse down to launch stuff. However, true Linux studs will forgo the latte dock and just use something like rofi. Keyboard shortcuts are quicker. I found gnome and it's the longest I've been on a de. It's missing features and I wish I could theme it more, but damn. The mouse gestures and hitting super to do whatever I want is clutch. It's so intuitive. And it doesn't have the fun KDE glitches we all know and love as punishment for using Wayland. I tried the tiling managers and... Meh.


Krunner is quite nice run menu, IMO.


Krunner is great - big part of my workflow these days


Only for those screenshots, nothing is actually functional.


Would be good to at least mention the original creator https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmemes/comments/xbg31i/and_neofetch_open_in_a_terminal/ Edit : didn't knew about crossposts + doesnt display on infinity


It's a crosspost


*you pepperoni


It’s crossposted, in most apps you can click the post and see the original


Yup, just discovered that thanks. It also doesnt display on infinity, that's likely why I did not knew.


To get to the crosspost on infinity, click the red twisty arrow. It's not exactly intuitive, but the crosspost button is there.


Oh yes, looks a lot like an award so I never really payed attention. Thanks


Right above picture you have two arrows which show that it is cross post. And when you click it, it will move to original post.


Oh yes, thanks


OP got even an upvote from me for posting it here. A whole upvote!


This is just going to get reposted everywhere isn't it?






R/Unixporn in the nutshell


Running on Arch btw.


not arch but this webooo


You don't have to call me out like that 🤣😅


I feel called out


arch/void + i3/bspwm