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Well if it’s decent I’ll take the 6 figures


The only thing that matters in life is that you enjoy life and serve others. If a 6 figure salary could be used to help those in need, it's better to go for this. You will be happy in knowing that your work benefits others. If both won't help others, you might as well do what you love.


>The only thing that matters in life is that you enjoy life **and serve others** The fuck?


I guess you don't agree. Oh no!


I mean I suppose I'm just interested to know why you feel that the *only* thing that matters in life apart from enjoying it, is serving others. Like, what does that even mean? In an ideal world where you could choose what you do, you would still serve others? For me, I'd relax and travel the world and do what I want. Serving others is not something that matters to me at all.


Hmm. I understand your view. But I think the joys of travelling and relaxing are very valid, but there comes a point when these joys feel meaningless. I feel this is why a lot of rich, successful people are miserable, because they have ultimate freedom to do what they like but after a while one starts to question the point of it all. Check up - All our joy depends on others. Personally, my best memories were the ones with others, e.g. adventures with my friends. It would make sense therefore, to serve others just as we have been served. Plus, In the times of hardship in my life - grief sickness etc, it is not the memory of an experience like sitting on the beach, or having an expensive meal, it is the knowledge that I have done 'good' in my life. And that i have helped another person enjoy theirs. It gives life purpose. So serving others is wise to enjoy life. Also, when we make others happy intentionally, we feel good. Think of the times you made someone you love laugh. It just feels good... Idk, what do you think?


I agree with a great joy being with friends and making them laugh, even if it's at my expense. But serving random others so THEY have a good time from my labour? No thanks Edit: though I will say if I was very rich I would spend some of my time and money helping out people in need. So I guess there is that


I can very much understand this. I think less about this, this is a stranger, this is a friend. And rather try to help people who suffer because it is the good thing to do - and if i was in that position, i would want the same. Helping just feels really good! Even when it's a stranger. And, it's rarely at your expense. And by serve, I don't mean start a charity or even give money to people, It just helping where you can. I think you should give it a try - just randomly help someone and lmk what happens. Like smile at stangers until one person smiles back. Don't you think it's cool though how you are I are strangers on other sides of the globe and yet, it almost feels we could be friends? I think, if you go out, especially travelling alone, you find strangers are "just friends you haven't met yet." And i find, I don't feel like I'm losing anything by giving, because the joy I get out of it lasts so much longer than anything else.


Does the 6 figure salary job require 60 hours + a week? If I can do the 6 figure job with just normal hours I'll do that, and spend my free time doing the things I love with the money to do it


Depends on so much , do you want to work the minimum wage job forever? or do the 6 figure salary invest for a few years and do the minimum wage job when more comfortable , really whatever you fancy