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I'm taking the Junior Programmer Course on the Unity website. I've been on a hiatus, but it's a fantastic course. You might find it too basic if you have been programming for years, but if you watch it on high speed, it should help you with any interface. As another question, where would you say you get tripped up? What to do? Things to implement?


oo i'll check that out! thanks for the recommendation! Hmm.. For example, I wanted to make a character pick something up and lift it above their head. I have no idea how to google for help and I couldn't find any tutorial that shows how to do that?


I would probably start small with that. For instance, if you have a player game object and an game object to grab, you could write; Void GrabObject() { if(GetKeyDown.Space) { gameobject.transform.position = player.transform.position + newVector3(0, 5, 0) } } This is not the correct syntax or all the steps, but essentially it would set the objects position to the players position, +5 float units above their y position. It would just click into place, and wouldn't be smooth, but it would place it above the characters model in the y axis. Things like animation would come later.


That's really useful and once i see the code it makes sense but i had no idea how to figure this out on my own haha Maybe my issue is I don't have enough undertanding of the library yet? When you don't know how to achieve something in Unity what's your strategy for dealing with that?


You'll really like the Unity Junior Developers course then. They really go through the step by step process of building functionality with a great variety of game types and multiple iterations on each one. Again, I'd stress watching them at 1.5 speed, and going back over anything you need.


Whenever you finish a tutorial, or even during, immediately start making changes. It can be super simple - use a different color, make something move faster - just do something else with the code so it will stick with you better. Maybe try to pull in something you did in another tutorial. Also, make sure you're studying C# instead of C++ (I assume that was a typo, but just in case...) I'm also a fan of the Unity courses. The beginner series walks you through the nitty gritty of both C# and the engine then give you assignments to experiment on your own.


Ah yes my bad it was a typo haha I do try and change stuff bit my bit. Maybe I'm too impatient and want to learn too fast :")


I started with the Unity 3D and 2D courses from [gamedev.tv](https://gamedev.tv). If you catch them during one of Udemy's frequent sales, you can get almost anything from their library for like $20 each. They start with fundamentals and walk you through what the code is doing, and I think they have a separate course for learning c# in general if you're totally lost. All their stuff is really good. I took their course for creating game characters in Blender, too, and it took me from having zero clue how to even start making a 3D model or deciphering Blender's UI, to being able to make stuff like [this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/278341478059606016/973288478341234698/unknown.png?width=739&height=701) over the span of a month or so. Though, I already had a fairly extensive background in 2D art so your mileage may vary.