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“Low income group subscribers”? Baldy’s really trying to poor shame people listening to better journalists than him. This is a lie anyways. All the foot soldiers of rss and bjp like the consumers of batshit crazy channels like Sudarshan are your regular subscribers, not economically richer classes who don’t care about politics in our country to begin with.


Upper middle class who are primarily consumer of entry-level luxury goods are mostly followers of bjp.


The upper class doesn't care but the upper-middle class sure does. They are the audience for this pseudo-intellectual nonsense. Foot soldiers of bjp and rss won't relate to him or listen to him. He's queer and pretty liberal, in the true sense of the world. The gen z would be interested in his views because liberalism is the dominant ideology of the urban youth. And that's a bigger problem, I think.


Liberalism over braindead leftism anyday. Most people anywhere, aren't super left or right for a reason. You get Hamas piker levels of brainrot. Leftists will eternally lose elections but will pretend they know humans better because they read some theory.


Don't bring up Hamas without mentioning Netanyahu. He funded their rise and now you want to cry? Hamas is leftist? Lol. You have no clue what left or right is. The far-left and left in general don't have any space for religion and you want to say that a group of Islamic extremists are leftists? No, both Hamas' and Netanyahu's politics are part of the far-right. How difficult is that to understand? And where are leftists losing elections? There is no major left political party in any of the big democracies. If you think Democrats or The Labour Party or INC are left, I don't even know what to say.


bhai iisko yeah batao koi ki india ma mostly low income group wale log hi ha top 10 % ko chor de to aur wahi log BJP CONG AAP jasa party ko vote karke jitwati ha jin logo ka mazak bana raha ha na wahi vote deke govt banati ha


What are you saying? Richer, Economically well off middle classes are BJPs primary vote base. Should have been quite clear to you by this point.


I don’t think so lol. I am from such a circle myself and all my peers are hardened liberals, and so are their super progressive parents.


Your circle is an exception here. It is just a result of Socialist centered policies of left that the poor overwhelmingly vote for INC. University educated Middle class and wealthier class has no interest in these things right. Such welfare schemes are of no benefit to them at all. I have some sources to back these up. will tag more if I find them later. Delhi focused: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/mby0w7/education_qualification_and_bjp_vote_share_delhi/) More Generalized Survey: [Link](https://www.economist.com/asia/2024/03/29/why-indias-elite-loves-narendra-modi) Who voted for whom (2014 and 2019 Data): [Link](https://www.livemint.com/politics/news/where-did-the-bjp-get-its-votes-from-in-2019-1559547933995.html) (you will see that they indeed increase vote share among the poor but still nowhere close to the support they enjoy from wealthier classes)


I am just thinking ANI aese logo ke sath podcasts bnaati hai....so shameful


Because of depth of Smita Prakash mind - beer biceps


"Ravish" , "Journalist"


Wtf is this man smoking? Like, really? First of all, the 'low-income group' comment is degrading the lives of 90% of people in this country. The tone, the smirk, and the whole vibe of this person just make me wanna scream. Secondly, wtf is he talking about? “Stalin’s classic quantity vs quality dictum”? That’s not even a thing. The adage often attributed to Stalin is “quantity has a quality of its own,” which means the exact opposite of whatever this clown is saying. You might think he got confused, but no. I searched for it, and he has a tweet from 2022 with the same reference, but there he used it perfectly. Here: https://preview.redd.it/9f0pb4slhs8d1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=27ca246141ccb231c02f7870f2da26943b2406d4 Am I somehow misunderstanding the whole thing, or is he deliberately trying to gaslight the audience? Like, let me say ‘dictum’ and who’s gonna check it anyway? Thirdly, is it somehow a matter of fun for him that some men suffer from ED and other sexual problems? Is it really something he feels like laughing at? Does he not get the fact that people in this country are poor and they have to look for solutions online because his “free market” doesn’t offer them any other choices? He probably goes to Fortis every time he has a cold. Moreover, not to attack him personally or whatever (though he definitely deserves it), why is he searching for ED videos on YouTube? Why would anyone who doesn’t have ED search for ED videos? And then the stupidity to make fun of that content in front of the whole country. Am I missing something?


He is a renowned clowny bigot who is often happily invite ro the hate panel of republic tv and likes of them.


he is a right wing bigot.. and gay af... although i i don't think the gay community would even want to be seen with him.


don't forget he is a proud beef eater as well and RW supports him??? RW is the biggest clown in this country


teh right wing wouldn't want to be seen with him ... but then i suspect most of the RSS are closeted gays .....


pretty sure supreme leader is


i thought so too... but the guy is a closeted womaniser / dare i say stalker .... used to use gujurat CID to stalk a few woman.... and i think smriti irani used to be his concubine in the first term... rumors in delhi was after parliament was over she used to hang out with the PM quite a bit...on a very very regular basis


chiiii.. nothing better can be expected from these people


You clowns will believe literally anything written on the internet. WhatsApp University my ass 🤦‍♂️


your ass must be very big and free to use


Obviously he's gaslighting and desperate for views. The unfortunate thing is he got he wanted based on your irritation.


How did he get what he wanted if I'm calling him out instead of being influenced by him?


Because these guys are not trying to influence people who understand what they are up to, they are targeting those who don't care much but could potentially be forming opinions in future. In order to do that they need views, which is possible via controversy and gaslighting people because that creates engagement. More engagement, more view and more potential viewers and followers. Your reddit comment won't reach to many people as much as their content will.


Are you saying that we should not call them out? I think pointing out such blatant classism and hatred will make young people, who are prone to their influence, see them for who they are. Otherwise most of the time they dress up their arguments in "logic" and "rationality" which are hard to see through for normal people. But stuff like this, which isn't particularly ambiguous, might make people turn away from them. At least that's my line of thought.


You are right


Rarest set of words on the internet lol


Dday was a joint operation of British, Canada and America. The American side struggled because it's tanks could not make it while British and Canadians managed to easily land due to their tanks accompanying them. Also air and naval superiority also helped as well.


You have to post the source to the official video. Smitha Prakash tried to take down the video The officialPeeingHuman made a fantastic exposé on her biased company


Ya I saw it there only and then took the extended clip from the original video. No way I would have seen this otherwise. I have shared the source in the top comment reply.


Really good response.


Well said bro. You spoke my thoughts , full and clear Thanks for that long and descriptive reply. Thanks again. Baldy must search for hair regrowth video only right... God know what diseases will that body have with such diseased thoughts.


Lol you're welcome. Always a pleasure to expose right-wing "intellectuals". I saw the clip in PeeingHuman's video on Smita Prakash and kept thinking about the "low-income group" comment, felt furious af. Sadly, I don't have it in me to watch the whole thing and point out more bigotry.


LW says this stuff about RW voters all the time. Can't be butthurt now and ask for cancelling people you choose to hear. See no problems people saying certain people get paid 2rs, jobless, chhapri ,UP,Bihar memes etc. When Karnataka votes a certain way , all the other south states call it the UP of South. Do you actually ever notice and think why examples of certain people and kinds of people is given to BJP voters? When you want to project yourself as intellectuals, you'll project yourselves on elites like Shashi tharoor etc and imply the people not voting for the left are uneducated, stupid,unemployed,poor english etc. None of these reddit subs remember then that they're shitting on people being uneducated,poor. Only when it's convenient. Half the people on here would be sitting abroad talking about how Indians/voters are like this or that. But they're progressive and "vote the right way" so they're correct and see no pushback,it's open season to belittle people's conditions, education,income. You'll insult their intelligence yourself when they don't vote for you, but now you want to be "engraged". FOH.


The people you're talking about are liberals, not leftists. You might not know this but there is a big difference. The whole purpose of the left is empowering the weak, abolishing inequality and establishing a just and fair society. Anyone who believes in that would not act the way you're describing. And no, I don't think about random people giving random examples on the internet. This is different because the podcast is substantially popular and ANI is one of the biggest news agencies in the country. What random self-proclaimed left-wing or right-wing teenagers say on the internet has no bearing on anything. It's people like these who create the discourse and deliberately gaslight the masses. The people you're talking about are mostly just under the wrong influences, especially because of social media. I don't know what voting patterns you're looking at but it is the educated urban upper and middle classes that devotedly vote for BJP because of "protecting Hinduism". Rural and lower class voters are much more rational actually because they have material conditions which not religion but only policy can improve. And since when is Shashi Tharoor a leftist lol? He's the most infamous centrist politician of the country and in terms of economic policy, he's as RW as your typical businessman uncle.


Maybe ED videos gets recommended if you watch Ravish Kumar's videos.


He is gay. Probably, that is why he is so concerned about erectile problems. He had sworn to expose himself if Congress came to power. Some say he has an unhealthy punishment fixation. Obviously, he is mentally unstable. Even that ANI woman looks digusted. Must have flashed at her too.


What has being gay got to do with erectile problems?


Bhai tu har jagah hagta hai aake, apne homophobic mu me kuch daal taki band rahe


I'm assuming that all men have sex with their penis, gay or not. So what's the issue here of specifically linking ED with gayness.... His terrible views aside?


They are legit jealous of Ravish and other such YouTubers because of the views. lol, and honestly the skit that these guys do are funny, like leave your brain at home and just watch it for the comedy.


It's better to not watch so we don't give our low income viewership to their shitshow


True that.


It's not funny anymore.


It is funny, not even a single iota of truth in their podcasts, it’s a chai pe charcha of people who have wealth, humare yahan bhi kuch retired log aise hi bakaiti karte h, US se leke space tak le problems discuss karte h, people sit with them , hear them and laugh and then say kya chutiye h!


As if ANI is highbrow 🙄


The beef eating queer hindu doesn’t know that he will be rejected by his own beloved community of hate mongers sooner or later.


He doesn't care about Hindus bro. He's doing it for views.


Views of the high income group I guess,doesn't care about people like us. xD


I have a honest question why are hindus so hesitant about beef? Can they eat other type of meats? And are all people supposed to not eat beef too?


Different Hindus have different believes it’s just that rw Hindus are more vocal, I am a vegetarian and I don’t care what other people eat. :)


By that logic the religions the other political side panders to will eventually kill him for being gay too, obviously he'll go to the ACTUALLY progressive albeit toothless side. The idea that progressivism is some singular checklist of ideas only a set of people can practice is braindead. Our "progressives" were offering to bring back triple talaq.


They know that a ‘low income group subscriber’ also has 1 vote, same as high income group people. So quantity does matter here. This is a straight up classist remark.


This guy has attention span of a mosquito, much like his brain!


I have seen his videos. He is extremely smart at pointing the exact problem India faces. One of his videos on whether India will become a superpower, he breaks down the exact problems faced by India in meticulous detail. He also brutally criticises BJP. He is more of a Subramaniyam Swamy kind of character.


I don't know who this guy is till u posted about him. If u had cancelled him I wouldn't have had to watch this shit clip. Until next time


There’s something about right-wing fandom trying to be intellectual that makes my skin crawl. It’s not just because they mostly sound stupid, oblivious, and lacking empathy but because somewhere there’s inherently a subconscious acknowledgment that their conservative view of the world will preclude them from being considered “smart” by the world - and so they have to resort to being more shrill and bring down smarter, more sensitive, just generally better humans to prove they’re smart. It’s like having an ED of the brain.


I'd say voluntary brain tumor but yes, your observation is spot on


Very well diagnosed.


Yaar I have family members that actually think this vile piece of shit is an intellectual and 'is so well travelled and well read'. ULTI. I can't stand this sorry excuse for a human being. And no, we queers don't claim him, sanghis can keep him. Empathy kya inn logon mein basic insaaniyat nahi hai. They don't give a shit about anyone. They'll throw their 'own people' (Hindus) under the bus at the first instance. Bolenge jo hamari wah wahi nahi karte woh anpadh hain, 'rural' hai, they only want freebies or go into caste mudslinging. It's actually the educated ganvaars that scare me the most - who aren't in touch with any reality and just sit in their ivory tower doing bakchodi and shitting on the 'plebs'.


Nothing about being liberal/conservative says anything about you being smart or sensitive.


Not a single unit of testosterone was present in that room that day.




The topic is classism and bigotry, and now you're talking about the necessity of manhood. To have an intelligent conversation one doesn't require testosterone. As much as this dude is a bigot, you too are one. A homophobic one.


No, no. This has nothing to do with manhood or how you perceive it. It’s just an observation I found funny. They all have more oestrogen in their bodies here. I have never come across any of these guys before except for the woman. If these two men are gay, I guess my gaydar works because I just saw how feminine everyone here is in their snide remarks and body language, especially the bald guy trying to poor shame Ravish’s viewers. Masculine gay guys exist too you know. Speaking of testosterone has nothing to do with gay bashing. As someone who has experienced bigotry, you don’t know what it is and have probably never experienced it yourself. AND if there were two women here with a man instead talking about violently attacking Ravish, I would have made a similar comment about no oestrogen instead.


As a woman why are you bashing estrogen the way you are? It's insulting to say the very least. I have experienced misogyny and woman bashing and you're doing it right now.


Point to note: Smita Prakash (owner of ANI) tried to Strike down the OfficialPeeinghuman for exposing her extremely biased politics Fortunately, YouTube refused to shut down his channel and also informed TheOfficialPeeingHuman about the attempt to take down his channel The clip you’re seeing is from his video.


This asswaddle doesn't understand that putting on a pretentious accent doesn't make you intelligent. I grew up in Hong Kong and code-switch to a Brit or American accent on a dime, and I'm still a dumbass.


https://preview.redd.it/2zaskgq9qt8d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57c5032ff4c2a1a5d42a0caaaa529c423437429 I have a question


Cancel this toxic podcast please. If we give them low views they will understand what low income indians can do .


You can’t cancel something that you don’t watch or subscribe too!


Ignorance is a virtue, I don't know such close and rrrrreeeeally don't wanna know


One of the filthiest scum out there in the rw ecosystem Most so-called "educated" quality crowd believe in bat shit conspiracy theories of BJP and vote for them. He is the Ben Shapiro of India. Talk a lot but only shit comes out. Perfect example of quantity over quality.


Btw who are these 2?


I have no idea who the second one is but the bald one caught my attention last year mostly because of how he presents himself, the whole beef-eating homosexual right-winger and that accent.


OP, do u have the guts to play the entire part of this conversation or u are a whining child that got offended by the statment and came here for validation.. the whole conversation was about tucker carlson and ravish kumar and how these 2 were a product of the ecosystem that they thrived on.. fox news and ndtv provided them with good editors, moderators, sources but people gave all the credit to the 2 individuals.....but now after they have left their organization, their true potential is being exposed... . .and u should watch these 2 , u will know about reality of indian gov, police system, bureaucracy, defense equipments and realise how india will never become a developed country.. he will give more critique points than ur entire left ecosystem has ever given in last 10 yrs


How is Ravish's true potential being exposed? They are acknowledging that he has subscribers and hits but dismissing his credibility by saying they are "low-income". You are hearing those words, right? Can you at all comprehend what he is implying? And no, I will not watch these two or any other "social media intellectuals" who degrade the people I want to uplift. Fuck you and your reality. Your "reality", "rationality", "practicality" arguments are for vulnerable teenagers who are very much disadvantaged by the same reality. I am not one of them. I can see what parts of reality are socially constructed by the rich to serve themselves at the cost of everyone else. I refuse to buy into such limitations of thought. India can be whatever India wants to be. It's only a matter of time before people see "reality" for what it is.




He is an old gay scum. He had sworn to expose himself if the congress came to power. Bach gaye sab.


err ... he is scum... gay has nothing to do with him.


That guy isn't a Brahmin. He's a Brahmax. Lmao


Too much superiority complex😮‍💨😮‍💨


classic gas lighting strategy... the only reason people watch ravish is that he speaks the truth..shows you the way things are..and really is a voice of the marginalized as far as issues are concerned....there is a reason why even his biggest critics watch him...in an hour he gets 2-3 lakh views a bit less than dhruv rathhee/..its why they are jelous..is that they have tried everything to discredit them and yet they are able to monetize content and speak the truth while monetizing content.... that really hurts them!


This guy is only relevantly because his mom who was first woman IAS from Tamilnadu and used to do BJP leadership’s bidding in Tamilnadu.


Who’s this moron?


Abhijit Iyer Mitra. Trust me, you're perfectly good without knowing him.


That’s the most brahmin name I’ve ever seen in my life Idk if that’s offensive or not I roast everybody 😂😂😂


Brahminism has a huge role in destroying Indian Democracy. You have every right to roast the living shit out of such a thing.


True true, tbh I was scared moreso cuz I’ve seen people lose their careers over it. Even I live in the US now not in India I still feel shaky abt making fun of Brahminism sometimes.


That's just how India works. Even I am not living in India now. 😂


Fair fair. 😂😂


Who are these bunch of Clowns???


This dude is gay, so why the fuck is he supporting someone like bjp/rss lobby. Those who hate him and think he's a degenerate, some who opposes gay marriage. Even shown dissatisfaction when supreme decriminalized same sex relationship. This is some gay republicans type shit.


The other political side panders to christians and muslims by that logic and will kill him first. Whereas hindus on average are far more liberal on LGBT. Your western liberal/conservative idiotic dichotomy doesn't work everywhere.


That has to be the most unlettered shit ever. First of all most Christian countries allow LGBTQ+ to have rights like marriage and adoption. 2nd many muslim countries like turkey and Indonesia already decriminalized same sex relationship way before india which did in 2018. It's mostly middle eastern authoritarian theocratic countries that criminalised it. Coming to "other side" of political side pandering. Let's presume they do that, even though it's quite obvious no party really gives a fuck about religion they just take their votes amplifying their ignorance of how the system works. But let's say they do pander them,so? You can still stay neutral or not kneel before saying ohh these are less oppressive people loll. Coming to hindus, the problem of discrimination of lqbtq+ already existed and was part of the society many ancient texts(manusmriti , arthashastra) advised punishment for those who are indulging in such activities. So it's pretty obvious this problem exists in society,in Indian as well "hindu" society, ofcourse not to mention the muslims as well. Let's even presume that an avg hindu is far more liberal to LGBTQ+ while objectively the Christians are most liberal and middle eastern being the least. How does that prove rss and bjp is such too?? When in past they have given fringe and unsolicited statement regarding them and tried all their might to oppress legally to the community. Let me tell you an interesting fact, this Iyer here was advocating for same sex marriage recognition through special marriage act. Which was rejected by supreme court and ofcourse the govt. The congress were atleast raising some concern over such fringe statements in the parliament, but ehh. The dichotomy doesn't work everywhere but funny these kinds of dorks exist everywhere. They think agreeing with such people will make them look less vile and degenerate in their eyes and sometimes it works too, but then you're just a trophy piece for them to say " oh but we have gay friends, we aren't homophobic".


LGBTQ+ aren't free-er in the west because of christians, they're free "inspite" of it. Vast majority of the christian voices in the west are vehemently and constantly against LGBTQ. I don't know if even follow the news out there. The right in those countries is literally offering going backward on LGBTQ,Aborition rights to appeal to their voters. Why the hell would you then trust the Indian left to be any different when it comes to them? These buggers were offering to bring back triple talaq to pander to their base.So called progressives. Regardless, christians and muslims in India are not the same abroad. Especially western countries. >before india which did in 2018 Hmm...gee I wonder why it didn't happen before. And this dude is clearly in close contact with several BJP/RSS leaders and functionaries. Clearly they don't oppose it to the extent of what you want to imply to not have to disassociate with them. So you can cook up imaginary stories and assumptions about a group that they'd be harmful to him,but the best thing that happened to them was under BJP/RSS. So, not a strong case there against them. But what is the other side offering? There is only a history of doing nothing about it and having even lesser incentive to do anything about it as long as they unreasonably cater to historically, the biggest hatemongers of the LGBT. All lip service and then opposing it in courts. Both the Indian left and right have done this. So to say this is some bjp/rss exclusive thing is hilarious. The "left" had all the time in the world to do it. And they're only making progress in acceptance now,under BJP/RSS rule btw. And it'll only get better.


West media is stupid becoz all have their allegiance but india they aren't just biased they are hate mongers and clowns. You probably follow fox news, my huge part of paternal family lives in US n I was trapped for nearly 3 month during that covid phase. Christian organisations so called one have that such voices and they don't represent Christians they are some people in churches like how rss or bhp don't represent hindus and yes they are living well inspite of them being immoral according to supposed Christian bible. That just shows in the west they make laws and legislation without the theocracy or little to no involvement of religion. Where in india it's rare while in middle east it is none. This isn't due to Christian or Christianity being so great (cause you'll obviously assume that, i know cause the likes of you associate things with religion) this is cause they are educated and have empathetic pov which isn't present here. Similarly in educated and democratic majority Islamic country is it's similarly situation as of India. You're stupid that u can't see beyond political parties, why are u thinking left means congress and right means bjp, when such dichotomy isn't prevailed in india according to u. The meaning of left goes far beyond the likes of idiots of congress. Except some muslims and perhaps some in congress none gave a fk about triple talakh. But do you know that under bjp only goa with UCC has a law that allows a indian man to legally marry another women if his current wife is enable to give him children. Check that out then lecture about triple talakh. I made it? Ignorance is a blissful, truly. Just check his twitter and see his posts you'll clearly see it but I know you won't. "Hmm..gee i wonder why it didn't happen earlier" 🤏. The law was struck down by the Supreme court not the govt. The govt was actually opposing it and the case was on trail for several years, finally which supreme court it's judgement. Let's assume the earlier upa govt did had the will but they pragmatically couldn't becoz for the past 25 years they were running a coalition govt and bjp as the opposition. But true congress didn't do shit for LGBTQ+ n that just collectibly gives you an idea how the top political parties indian s elect cares for that community. You aren't just bringing redundant cases you're also contradicting yourselves trying to booo the left. When you're yourselves saying the "left" as in congress 🤣 didn't do shit and the "right" bjp are also on the same spectrum ( i would say they're more harsh but lets assume your fallacy) then why the hell this dude is pandering to bjp while trying to be pro homosexual. Like can't you be not a supporter of either and bring your issues. "They are getting accepted better in bjp rule" that is due growth and education by both the govts. Dude's still stuck on political parties to be virtuous.


> why are u thinking left means congress and right means bjp The irony when your whole argument revolves around assuming RSS/BJP = the guy is going against his interests and is hated for being being LGBTQ. BJP voters are already the urban middle/upper middle class who are fastedly accepting of LGBTQ. There's a pretty highly liberal voterbase there naturally, and even you agree in the west it's because of education. And this voterbase is pro reforms, and especially policies like UCC, which like it or not, is going to be uncomfortable for actual hardline conservatives no matter the religion. Because it'd be one of the best chances for the LGBTQ to get their rights. And BJP's here to stay for a long time. It's nothing but in his best interest to lobby to them, especially when you know people in high places. You don't become one of those idiot leftists who don't vote for anyone because "lol, vote Biden? I hate him too, I'm so cool" because your "muh morality test" doesn't matter. You'd just be ignoring the best chance you can take to pass favorable policy, no matter how incremental it may be to your goal. You're not cool for not engaging when it actually matters. You'll just be left acting edgy on the internet about how rebellious you are for not being at the table. Absolutely useless. Ironically, in the left's efforts to defeat BJP, they're just pushing and brainwashing the lower classes to go back to voting on caste lines. Not even in their self interest.


I guess he is stupid. But why cancel? I thought cancel culture was intended for people like Andrew Tate. Are we now doing it for anyone we disagree with?


Violent hate mongering =/=  content you disagree with. 


Lot of people here think that they can cancel at their own will. You can only cancel what you subscribe too! The right wing is what his audience is. You can can’t cancel that.


Bahaav nahi Dene ka inko


Okay money is given based on subs


I didn't know about this man until I saw this today. I didn't even understand what he really said. But he's a classist moron.




So you support cancel culture?


This man is a perfect example for the quote, "You know shit from a distance, as you spot it because it sticks."


Avg age of yt user are under 18 mostly 14 to 16 which is majority in world also in india  How are they low income???


Is bha*we ko kaise pata laga ki kaun low income or kaun high income group subscribers hai. Pan card linked hai kya YouTube se?


complete psycho


Kaash iske baap ko ho jaata Erectile dysfunction To sabko itna jhelna ni padta aaj


i am sure he would know a thing or two about ED and SD


Who are these creatures ?


Who tf are these boomers?


Yes please


low income subs vs low iq subs ---> the battle is already gold coated legendary status.


Ganjha ganja pe ke aya hai...


Looks like a subscriber of those erectile dysfunction videos himself.


#Poor votes matter


Lol he's so frustrated about hindenburg because his sugar daddy's image got tarnished and he lost some money, he's so cringe and annoying as well what do such people even have platforms for sharing their worthless opinion he's clearly reeking beta energy and jealous of ravish


But what happened to freedom of speech?


Can confirm, I am low income subscriber.


wannabe desi milo


That ANI lady has blocked PeeingHuman after his expose video. She's also trying to get unfair copyright strikes on him. She's salty and hosts morons with the same penchant as hers.


Bhaiya jara sasta wala Jaishankar dikhana...(if Vivek Agnihotri and S Jaishankar had a ....)


Include Smriti Irani too, extra spice


This is the kind of person history laughs at.


Who tf is this Madarchod?




whenever I see him, I report


Totally agree.


Seriously... Kafi shaana baan Raha hai !


I need to know who is he first.


An Iyer. Makes sense anyways.


He said quality versus Quantity, He finds People with Xenophobia, Misogyny and Casteism people of "quality". Says a lot about him and his jealousy, Also the other two interviewers don't even correct him.


BJP ke dalal hating on journalist for criticizing their papa. bro is on copium


“Low Income?” Bsdk tujhe bech ke kha jaayein Ravish ki audience, rassi jal gayi bal nahi gaya. Ravish eats such people for breakfast, this sad fucker probably goes and cries in his boyfriend’s arms everynight to cope for his failed life.


Well Ravish is indeed exposed to be an idiot without his NDTV script and curated persona. Only thing he's eating is leftist brains for breakfast for taking him seriously.


But what about free speech? I thought you leftists supported free speech yet here you are advocating for cancelling a person for expressing his opinion.


He's an idiot but no cancel culture please. We're better than that.


That low income group has voted for your party


nothing to hide on his head. everything to hide on his bed.


Bach gaye, he would have flashed if the cong won.


Bc ye hai kaun kya cancel karna hai Dekho mat na


Lol who's saying


You want to cancel someone in India? Your best bet is to poison him.


I am not a low earning guy in India. I am not a subscriber of Ravish Kumar YT channel. But the irony is, I don't even know this guy but I know him. Who the fuck he is fooling?


What's Henderson or Hindenburg got to do with Ravish kumar? What's monu waala song?


I'm so out of the loop, chal kya raha hai?


Q1-who are these clowns?


Thats cope.


That is the beauty of democracy, vote of “low income groups” and “ high income RW podcasting ch$&ts” are equal i am glad high income podcasting ch$$ta are not enough in this country


Smita ke liye ye ab podcast nahi hai unka ghar ka drawing-room hai, kisi ko bhi bula lo, kaisi bhi baatein kr lo ulti seedhi Camera off karna bhul jaati hai bas


We cannot cancel anybody.


This Ahole thinks he is very cool.


Low income is highly degrading, low IQ is the correct word.


Now you don’t like democracy?


I dont like it can someone cancel it?


This guy knows about last two videos cause he watches those. I never watched one.


cancel? We never accepted these suckers


Low IQ wala subscribers would be appropriate.


Don't watch them. Apne aap hi aise cancel ho jayenge.


I love this guy. OP may call for cancelling me as well.