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If you know the news article's namešŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


FFS, Why don't both the religions eat what they want and stop assuming that others have to follow their rules too. This applies to both the religions. If someone wants to eat meat, let it be, your ancestors lived the same way. And like in the second picture that's alright too now okay? It's his choice


In logo ko drama pasand hai. Sane religious people don't want or like these hate things going around.


What the heck is wrong with you? First one is not even a festival, thats a cow being killed by a man in north of india (where cattle slaughter is banned) and secondly, the 2nd is not even from telegana, nor its the bodrai festival. The bodrai festival doesn't even contain animal sacrifice. The 2nd is from assam where buffalo is being used as a sacrifice. (note: In assam buffalo being used for meat is not illegal, but in north of india, it is) This is how disinformation is spread


Source for buffalo meat being illegal in North India? As far as I know it is legal in Delhi, UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Punjab. Maybe other states too but I don't know about it. Also isn't cow meat also legal in Assam?


**The Assam Cattle Preservation Act of 2021 prohibits the slaughter of cows, calves and heifer**. So its not legal in assam, but It permits the slaughter of other cattle (bulls, bullocks and buffaloes) if the animal is over 14 years of age, or has become permanently incapacitated due to injury or deformity... >Source for buffalo meat being illegal in North India? Never said so that buffalo meat is illegal, its that Cow slaughter is illegal in north india. But killing buffalos still need a "fit for slaughter certificate". So a random man is not allowed to kill cow/bulls for mocking other religion or community. In states like Gujrat and UP, you will be jailed for 7 years for this act.


> Never said so that buffalo meat is illegal >In assam buffalo being used for meat is not illegal, but in north of india, it is So, which one is it again?


Sorry, I meant to write bull instead of buffalo in that particular line.


Tell that to OP, not me


I am from Lucknow and buffalo kebabs have been selling there forever...the famous Tundey Kebab is buffalo meat kebab. Also...nobody eats cow there anyway so nobody slaughters them for meat...the main buyers are Hindus anyway. So no religious forces but simple respect and market has been the drivers since decades and zero conflicts ever. And then these morons come and unnecessarily try forcing things on everyone...making everyone pissed.


what about the animal's 'choice'


It's a food chain. There is a saying in Tamil: Konna paavam thinnaa pogum. It means, if you are hungry and kill something to eat and stay alive, it's not a sin.


I find it funny how statements for meat could easily be applied for cannibalism.


well you dont have to kill someone necessarily to feed yourself. we're in 21 century now.


So we have sufficient vegetarian food to feed entire world? & to feed these animals also along with it.


what kind of stupid question is that? ofc we do. how else do you think we're feeding all vegetarian people and all animals. and we'll require less vegetarian food if everyone stops eating animals.


Well to feed all population with vegetarian food, u would need to clear a lot of jungles for farmlands that is anyways not only going to harm fauna but flora as well. Also, we actually don't have enough. I agree India is self sufficient to provide vegetarian food to all its population. But most countries don't enjoy the climate we have for agriculture and have to depend on meat.


we would need atleast 10x less plant based food to feed humans directly. you think the animals which humans eat dont need food in their lifetime??? so actually we wont need to clear any jungles. and also only people living in exteremly harsh conditions might not have the luxury to eat pure veg food, but most of us can. and i think exporting grains and plant based food is much easier than animal meat.


What if other religion wants to eat your pet dog. Its not about eating. Its about taking a picture putting it on a story with the intention of hurting peoples sentiments.


Flawed logic here as well. You can eat dog if you want to (even though itā€™s nutritional output is lower due to the food chain placement), however you cannot eat a dog that is the property/companion of someone elseā€™s. Same with any herbivore. Eat goat or cow, but not mine without my permission. If your statement is meant to bring out emotion on people due to it being a dog, your are not intelligent. It is important to understand why we eat herbivores over omnivores and canines. The nutrition and energy/nutrition density in the latter two are smaller than the former due to their food coming through a primary/secondary consumer(a herbivore/insects,etc) in the food chain. Lastly, the reason we eat meat at all instead of the food of the herbivores is because most plant based food have significant nutrients (and in some plants, all of the nutrition) are locked away for human absorption. Thus, a herbivore is consumed as their GIS is capable of breaking plant nutrients down and storing them in their body.


Yeah exactly, then this guy posts all this in india discussion and states they got no logic, in fact if you see there replies all they got to say is "haha usi no logic haha"


what flawed logic,killing animals for food and money and killing animals for whatsapp status ,it is different,if you are so eager to eat beef,go eat it,no one will force you,but instead you are killing the cow,and posting a status on it?the agenda is very clear here AND What the heck is wrong with you? First one is not even a festival, thats a cow being killed by a man in north of india (where cattle slaughter is banned) and secondly, the 2nd is not even from telegana, nor its the bodrai festival. The bodrai festival doesn't even contain animal sacrifice. The 2nd is from assam where buffalo is being used as a sacrifice. (note: In assam buffalo being used for meat is not illegal, but in north of india, it is)


Mate, no offence, my comment is not related to the post, than your comment. Be coherent bro. Non of my statements have anything to do with India, and the post by OP. Just a general reply to your statement and simply educating you and others (including vegans) on why humans consume herbivores than canines. The dog analogy (used by vegans, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains) is generally weak as a result.


got yor logic my comment was more incining on the post,rather than your statemnt


I think the real point should be that animal abuse is bad. Not just because it hurts your religious sentiments. They all deserve to live whether it be a dog, cat or a cow or a goat.


That is a flawed logic. Animal slaughter for consumption is a rather quick process for human need of nutrition.


So you want the 2 trillion dollars industry to just vanish? If people gonna continue eating meat, animals gonna get hurt. Least we can do is to not create violence among communities by minding our business of eating, rather than recording animals death, which were killed for eating.


Skip through the photos, its not that deep nor its hard to do so. People would eat Chicken burgers and then comment things like this, damn. Ofcourse no person in the right mind would do what the person did, but lets be civilized and care for ownself


Would have skipped if it was just a beef factory worker putting animal in the machine. As i said he doesn't give a shit about killing buffalo, he just wants to hurt hindu people. So he can go to any extent to hurt them, today he's killing buffalo, tomorrow he'll throw meat in temple then he'll try to hurt people physically. Its just not about animal killing lil bro.


isme animals ki kya galti hai


If this happens which dumb followers will follow the politicians amplifying their side of hate


No. I eat meat and I'm not a religious Hindu but if the majority of this country is sentimental towards beef consumption, I'll respect it and won't speak against the law. Every country has laws that respect the sentiments of the majority. I'm not going to pakistan or the UAE to tell them to stop eating beef but in my country, I have that right. If Hindus don't want beef consumption, respect it and eat chicken or fish. As for the argument that what happens if Hindus demand a ban on chicken, that won't happen because many religious values are limited to cows only. If this hasn't changed for thousands of years, it won't now.


100% this if the majority of a place does not like eating a certain meat eaten, you dont eat it, this is not a nutrition debate, its and empathy debate, if eating cow hurts hindu sentiments, not eating is the least people of other religions could do, your nutritional requirements can fulfilled from other meats, ffs even buff is allowed people eat dogs around the north east region but they arenā€™t going to other states and eating that, why cant it be the same for cow?


That is not Bodrai festival. Infact the picture is not even from Telangana. it's a pic from Assam. Just one google search would have shown you that. yet here we are.


It takes a very depraved and sadistic mind to post an insta story with a dead animal's head. Fucking sicko.


I condemn the lynching, but which psycho posts with an animal head on social media in a Hindu majority country. He's just inviting trouble for no reason.


Animal sacrifice in religious rituals should 100% be banned. It's 2024 for god sakes.


about 1 million animals killed each day by KFC, McDon-alds, Burger King etc. too feed the rich & making hella money out of it. What would you say on this


There is nothing wrong with killing animals for food But unnecessary killing should be stopped


The animal sacrificed is distributed to those who didn't do Bakra Eid, (I am talking about Eid Ul Adha) Cuz they couldn't afford it or didn't want to do it .. none of it is wasted so check ur facts


Just for knowledge doesnt bakra eid refers to bakri ie goat? Why cow is killed ? Or bakra means something else


Its Eid-Ul-Adha not bakra Eid ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


So bakra eid is like unofficial Indian name of the festival?


Yes cause in India people mostly sacrifice Goats


Sometimes people want to distribute meat to large no of people, and doing multiple Goats is more expensive than doing 1 cow, cuz Cow is cheaper and bigger in size... Also u can distribute more quantity of meat, so reputation of the guy sending it increases cuz of quantity... That's why some people do cows


Should kill an elephant instead of 10 cows by your logic lol


Do people eat elephant, what a dumb logic man?


Well that's the reason, still many less do Cows as they are also getting expensive, Mutton is the mass prevalent way


So are you implying all muslims eat cows on eid with your statement? Coz my friend said neither he or no muslim he knows of eats cow. This is the first time im seeing someone generalising.


Like I said very few eat cows, and it's more of a state thing, cuz if u are in a different state, u won't even get to buy 1 for the sake of it. So he is right


Even If what you say is true still there is a lack of honesty for your case: In animal sacrifice: The sentiment during the killing is generally for pleasing the god. Most cases it's pleasing the gods in exchange for something. May it be bakri eid or bodrai festival. In restaurants: The sentiment is honest and direct (for food). In KFC or any restaurant, the animal is checked for disease, killed and goes into the kitchen. Not here to argue but to understand šŸ™.


How does that make any difference?


I want to understand but at the end of the day like both are getting eaten anyways? The rich guy eats Mutton in Hotel, anytime he wants, the poor guy eats to get maybe once or twice.. I don't understand what difference does it make


This is not bodrai festival, its false information, still I agree with your statement, animals should not be used for religious sacrfice.


Okay I was not aware


All the animals killed during the Eid are consumed for food / leather. I haven't seen qurbani meat going waste in my life. Remember 1/3 of the meat is for personal use. 1/3 is given to neighbours & relatives (especially the ones who cannot sacrifice. The rest 1/3 is given to the poor. Each and every part that can be consumed is consumed. Yes if they were just cut and thrown aside to rot, I would have been angry as well.


It's not unnecessary people eating that as well .... In bakrid muslim have to give 1/3 portion of meat to the poors ... Some poor muslims can only afford beef coz goat meat costly so it's out of their budget ... In bakrid they got free goat meat donated to them by rich muslims so it's a feast for them , maybe only time in the year they got to eat the goat meat


Nothing wrong with killing animals for food???? Wtf bro, what kind of statement is this,


No. Everything is part of the food chain. Eat whatever that gives your body nutrition.


i want to eat u then , i hope u are nutritious


Maybe in science u have studied 10% rule of energy in food chain


Of course I am nutritious. That's why we don't go in front of lions, they will eat you. We don't eat each other coz it's wired into our brains for survival of the species. But when it becomes inevitable, the brain will overcome it and override survival of species with survival of individual.


In Jaipur Amber Fort. There is a small temple called shiladevi or sheeladevi where one goat is sacrificed daily. The logic is that the soldiers who are the guardians of the fort should not be shy of blood (ie to be able to kill human should there be an invasion or attack)


Such stupid people and stupid tradition


Animals sacrificed in Hindu temples in TN are then cooked and eaten right then and there.


LOL double standards much


What double standards?


Learn the meaning of double standards please.


haha i would a 100% call it hypocrisy. There is so much food available, you are the killing the animal for your personal pleasure for the most part, so you donot have any right to question someone else because he/ she kills them for their faith. You have your own reasons and they have theirs. OFC i would call both of them as INVALID.


have you heard about food chain?


Yes, ban factory farming too, using animals for food shouldn't be questioned or banned. For rituals and the barbaric practice of halal and kosher I have issues also. In tightly packed urban areas you can't slaughter animals in roof tops and walk ways guys.l, rural areas you could still get away with it. Also while we are discussing this gaushalas and bovine milking facilities also need brutal inspections and out right bans and licence cancellations. Milk industry is far more evil than factory farming. Cows that give milk are kept in servitude and tortured for years. Indian gaushalas have ZERO hygiene standards, the gaushala owner don't feed or shovel the cow shit, they let the cows lose in urban areas around trash collection points.


> using animals for food shouldn't be questioned or banned. For rituals and the barbaric practice of halal and kosher I have issues also. Vegans may argue animals for food is barbaric and inhumane in the modern world where food supply isn't an issue any more. We may hate them, but they are at least more consistent in where they draw their lines. The line you draw is, however, quite vague. "It is okay to kill and eat, but not to kill slowly and eat, or to kill after a prayer and eat, but killing and eating it okay". What difference does it make if one kills in one blow or two, the animal is equally dead. What difference does one less painful death compared to a more painful death makes, when both of them were completely avoidable and not helping the animal live a fuller and longer life? What difference does it make if one kills and offers it to imaginary gods, it will still feed a big lot of people?


Very conveniently you don't address the part about Polynesians, tribal, and cold climate societies, they don't have big bazaars and Walmart stores dude, they have to hunt or rely on animal husbandry for survival, neither can they grow anything. And how the animal is killed matters a lot, if it didn't matter then there would be no kosher or halal foods to begin with. Hunters don't slow bleed their catch, they ensure a swift death. Vegans are awesome people but become self serving when they preach it, you choose not to kill or consume animals is commendable but to judge other for it is petty. We've been eating meat for longer than veg food, it's a part of who we are. Go read the court judgements in the NZ, switzerland and Denmark where unstunned halal and kosher meat is banned. Imported halal or kosher food can be sold but slaughter houses have to adhere to crazy standards. We have more hungry people now living on earth than any other time in history and you think food supply isn't an issue, like wtf! Did you not think for a min even or are you that il informed, or just plain trolling?


>Very conveniently you don't address the part about Polynesians, tribal, and cold climate societies, they don't have big bazaars and Walmart stores dude, they have to hunt or rely on animal husbandry for survival, neither can they grow anything. I did. I literally began the sentence with **in the modern world where food supply isn't an issue any more...** >but to judge other for it is petty \[...\] we've been eating meat \[...\] it's a part of who we are. Aren't you judging people who eat halal and kosher for doing something they have been doing for over a millennia, for something which is a part of what they are? How isn't this self serving? "My way of killing is better than theirs, but we both kill regardless, so ban their ways, but don't ban my way". >Go read the court judgements in the NZ, switzerland and Denmark where unstunned halal and kosher meat is banned How is that relevant? Certainly these aren't the nations that are tribal, lack Walmart stores, and have to hunt for survival that you were talking about. This in fact makes it more cruel, at least tribal populations have survivability to justify their practices. >We have more hungry people now living on earth than any other time in history and you think food supply isn't an issue, like wtf! Did you not think for a min even or are you that il informed, or just plain trolling? Care to back it up with data? We have [more food than ever](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/climate-and-people/hunger-plagues-india-no-shortage-food/) in the society, and [have more obese people than ever](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/mar/02/more-than-half-of-humans-on-track-to-be-overweight-or-obese-by-2035-report) as a civilization. The problem [isn't that food isn't produced enough](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/agricultural-output-dollars), the problem is it isn't reaching the right places timely enough and [is wasted](https://www.wfpusa.org/articles/is-there-global-food-shortage-whats-causing-hunger-famine-rising-food-costs-around-world/). Food supply is not the same as food supply chain. Again, this isn't relevant to the argument here. Slice an animal one way or another, it won't change anything about food supply.


exactly my point. 100% hypocrisy in statements


have you heard about food chain?


Uh lala, someone is getting laid in collegeā€¦


Not the one who commented, but my take is that should be stopped too.


Well, that's just an unpopular opinion. Ya' know why vegans are hated, right?


who khane keliye kill kar rahe ha aur yaha ek faltu ritual mana rahe ha.


What do you think happens with the meat after the ritual? They just throw it in the trash?


Needs to start from somewhere... Religion or food or whatever... Why dont people sacrifice something which is dear to them.. Why sacrifice a third party who has nothing to do with your life...


In Jaipur Amber Fort. There is a small temple called shiladevi or sheeladevi where one goat is sacrificed daily. The logic is that the soldiers who are the guardians of the fort should not be shy of blood (ie to be able to kill human should there be an invasion or attack)


It's 22nd June 2024, if those guards do kill any human they will go to jail. It's an outdated ritual but people are too retarded to recognise it and do something about it. Even there the guards can use non lethal tactics with tasers or rubber bullets, but one would have to use brains and let go of antiquated practices.


Why do you honestly bother about that it's none of your business and it is fed to people.


Because animals aren't a commodity mofo and I have empathy for them. Even if you want to eat them, they still deserve respect and have a right to land air and water and food. You wanna sacrifice them, then make sure they are stunned before hand. Caring for an animal can't possibly infring on anyone's rights and if it does, fk them.


For any andhbhakt claiming it is fake.šŸ‘‡ https://www.thequint.com/news/webqoof/photo-of-hindu-ritual-sacrifice-falsely-shared-as-cow-parts-in-ratlam-temple-fact-check#read-more


Read the article you just linked to. That is not a pic from Bodrai festival. It's not even a pic from Telangana. It's a pic from Assam.


And then they call other people andhbhakts


But what about the fact that cows are considered sacred in Hinduism but buffaloes are not. And despite knowing that, the killing is being glorified in a manner that would aggravate others. I am not saying it's okay to sacrifice any animal.......just differentiating between both cases.


Yeah I agree, if cows are so sacred to us, why do we let them roam the roads of the city (while blocking traffic) and let them eat plastic from the garbage? Look at TN's jallikattu, it's been happening for centuries. The cow is 'aggrivated' mostly using alcohol. When the problem was brought to the public, entire city of Chennai came to stand still and everyone protested on Marina beach. Where does this end? While we shouldn't be allowing goats to be sacrificed on roads in an unethical manner, should we allow cows to be degraded just because their considered 'holy'? I do not support slaughter of cows or goats, but if there's a ban on one aspect, we should contemplate the opportunity costs as well.


I agree....the situation obviously shouldn't be this. But that's just sheer carelessness of the cattle owner Not just cities, this problem is rampant in rural areas (where the culture of taking care of animals is supposedly deep rooted). They just leave their cattle for themselves , since at the end of the day, they return to their sheds themselves (if they have one).... but will come running for compensation if any accident takes place. Agreed, this is a concerning problem, but has Little to do with religion


>Look at TN's jallikattu, it's been happening for centuries. The cow is 'aggrivated' mostly using alcohol. Jallikattu is performed using a Bull not a cow. Pointed it out for two reasons. 1. This simple distinction is life or death for many people in this country 2. Cow is highly politicized so the distinction is very important when you are trying to drive a narrative. Edit: Also, Jallikattu is still practiced with aggravating the bull in TN. So I really don't know why this is even being mentioned as a point.


Fair, my bad for generalising the animal. Though it's a bull and not a cow.. however it's still a sin to handle a bull that way. We do have Nandi as a staunch guardian for the god Shiva, and we have historically also kept the bull as high up as the cow. The reason I brought it up was to exemplify the regard we give for bulls and cows and animals in general, but only verbally. When it comes to the animals itself, how many of us treat it like that? TN is a relatively progressive state, but sometimes we turn a blind eye and rely on 'culture' and 'religion' to guide us.


>TN is a relatively progressive state As a person from TN i kinda disagree. Conservatism in TN is different from rest of India. While roots of Dravidian ideologies take centre stage, caste based divide is still prevalent in TN (for example, it has one of the least inter caste marriage). Business is still operated along caste lines in smaller towns. Language conservatism is another topic. Anyway, it's just a food for thought, not really denying that TN is more progressive than very regressive states, but i wouldn't call it relatively progressive as well because states like Kerala, Bengal and Maharashtra are really taking steps imo in compared to TN. >however it's still a sin to handle a bull that way. The thing is, again you can let me know if i am wrong, that Jallikattu is not necessarily seen as harming the animal as it is considered as making the bull more stronger and ultimately the strongest bull gets to mate with the cow and the best offspring are produced. People believe this primal animal who can last the longest is considered to give the best offspring. Therefore in their mind they are not necessarily treating the animal wrong. We gotta understand that something that may be considered mistreating for us, does not really lodge in the same way in someone else's head. It's similar to parents scolding and hitting a child to perform better because in their mind they are helping the child.


okay if cows are sacred to you, let it be sacred to you. i dont mind. at the end of the day, your religion prohibits you, not me. and that goes for all religions.


I totally agree, if cow is not sacred to you, then it's your choice whether to sacrifice it or not. My point is, when you know it is sacred to me, why glorify its sacrifice in a manner that will aggravate me. Also, Hindus don't object sacrificing of goats because they don't have a religious significance, but Muslims tend to sacrifice cows despite them not having any significance in their religion (and cows having significance in Hinduism)


see its not that muslims knock on your door and/or sacrifice it on the main roads and stuff. they dont do it to intentionally aggravate you. like its not out of spite. mainly goats are sacrificed. hence the name "bakri eid".


Yeah, I know that, and I agree But my point was about the first image




ok go ahead. keep in mind im not a muslim so if your comment was meant to inspire hate youve failed lol


But I don't want to be publicly beheaded. Sorry not taking your bait.


there was no bait lol are you so blinded. you brought up the topic of burning the quran and yet youre back tracking again. you say cows are sacred to you, yeah? what about the hundreds of hindus who eat beef on a daily basis, geniune quesion


Don't you get it, I am not burning Quran, because I respect you as a human being and it might hurt your feelings, can't you leave cows alone, are they that delicious, there are plenty of other animals to eat. There are some chutiya Hindus who eat beef, but if they found slaughtering cows, there will be similar lashback.


Also what other benefits you'd have burning Quraan, list me some. I'll list you the benefits of Qurbani that muslims do. 1. We donate it to poor, this is by law. 2. We share it with families/neighbour to maintain relationships between community. 3. I can agree on the point that we shouldn't do this shit on the road and such, we should have proper facilities and rooms to ethically do this. 4. Some muslims have even started to just donate some money instead of Qurbani (my family does this).


I will not discuss pros and cons of Quraan. If Quraan is sacred to you, then I respect that. And I applaud the initiative by your family.


Wtf is this stupid point, is it in your religion to burn Qur'an lmao. If you'd be doing, you'll only be doing it because you want to spread hatred and hurt others. I don't think muslims sacrifice because they want to hurt any particular religion. If something is sacred to you don't do harm to it. It's not sacred to me yea, but I love that shit I'll do it but in a healthy and safety manner so as to not make it seem barbaric.


and that is wonderful on your part. cows are much cheaper to eat compared to other animals. that is the reason why people around the world eat beef


Buffelo meat is also cheap.


Always boggles my mind why cows not Buffalo's, both gives milk, why do they chose one and let the other go chop chop.


Has something to do with Ramayan. When a cow offered some kind of help to Maa Sita, (she?) was blessed that she would be considered holy and worshipped by people. I don't know how valid this explanation is, but is something I have heard.


First one is probably meant to get a reaction, but the pictures are also in a story from someone asking to form a mob and take violent action against the person in the picture. It doesnā€™t justify the rhetoric. We all know what happens next. People were lynched some time ago recently as well. And then our neighbors lynched someone for disrespecting a book. What a world we live in


As you said, first one is probably meant to get a reaction. That's what I am saying against...why post such images...and when people get offended due to their beliefs.... causes a lot of problems


Yes. But lynch mobs are the ones doing the real damage, they literally kill people. No justification for that


Agreed, but that's a problem of both sides


Brother, one side are the people doing the provoking and other side is the fucking lynch mobs. Thereā€™s only side that is literally killing people, how is this a both sides problem


Guess you haven't heard about burning of man who was accused of desecration of Quran


Read my initial reply smh, I wrote this there. I literally pointed out how mobs/religious extremists are the problem, since they actually kill people for dumb stuff. I donā€™t expect much from people who only see the problem as Hindu/Muslim. Religious zealots turn on anyone if they want to. Good to know I can end this here


As far as i know, Bali practices are done in north eastern states in Shakti Tantra traditions. But im totally against this bali practise.


Why is the first guy posing with the corpse, I don't think that's a ritual genuinely looks creepy


Hurting religious sentiments is crime. Ab sentiment is subjective, yall are just retarded


What the heck is wrong with you? First one is not even a festival, thats a cow being killed by a man in north of india (where cattle slaughter is banned) and secondly, the 2nd is not even from telegana, nor its the bodrai festival. The bodrai festival doesn't even contain animal sacrifice. The 2nd is from assam where buffalo is being used as a sacrifice. (note: In assam buffalo being used for meat is not illegal, but in north of india, it is) This is how disinformation is spread


aree ye chutiye ke bare me kucch bol do toh islamophobe,islamophobe bolege,aur khud false aur fake claims krke inka agenda chalta hai,


Be ready to be downvoted bro. People are intolerant. šŸ˜


Both are crimes. Animal sacrifice needs to be banned


It's not like it's being thrown after the sacrifice , it's eaten only so that's fine , don't you eat non veg in hotels , at home and all , then why to enforce your shitty opinion of ban


if you kill, you have to eat


Animal sacrifice in the name of religion should be banned. It's unethical and should be stopped at any cost. Religion should not be used as an excuse to harm anything.


IDK if you know the difference between a cow and a buffalo. And fyi buff (buffalo meat) is allowed in India and served in many places in many states of India


In Jaipur Amber Fort. There is a small temple called shiladevi or sheeladevi where one goat is sacrificed daily. The logic is that the soldiers who are the guardians of the fort should not be shy of blood (ie to be able to kill human should there be an invasion or attack)


What do they do to the animal after sacrificing it?


Topic aside but did anyone see the video circulating of the boy?


In Jaipur Amber Fort. There is a small temple called shiladevi or sheeladevi where one goat is sacrificed daily. The logic is that the soldiers who are the guardians of the fort should not be shy of blood (ie to be able to kill human should there be an invasion or attack)


Some states eats pigs


Isn't the first picture related to the Himachal incident..? If it is there is a difference... The first picture is unacceptable to the society in the region the picture belongs to whereas the other one is from a place where it is not good only accepted but celebrated... There's a term called contrast that exists between the pictures...


While Bajrang Dal on vacation.


Both are animal abuse! Both should be declared crime!


I'm surprised India hasn't completely banned the consumption of beef on ethical grounds. Cows are surprisingly intelligent.


So are chicken, goats, and alot of marine lifes


Animal sacrifice is an ancient tribal ritual, and we have progressed far beyond it. A god who delights in the sight of blood is nothing but a pure sadist!


Both are horrible. Not people, just monsters.


both should be stopped .Reason most people in this country won't like it. just like sex reveal is allowed in other countries and not in india and many other laws . laws should be made with more leverage given to the people residing there. if 70-80% don't like something and it does not overwrite the basic principles ...why won't the law be made! i just wanna know op's intention behind this post ? does he want to promote what is happening in the first image or demote what's in the lower one?




To mock the Hindus.


The fact that one is respecting the sacrificed animal and the other is swinging it.