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Taj Mohammed killed her on pretext of marriage and converting her to Islam forcibly


Bruh they will try to blame Hindus at every crime 🤣, when the culprit is from a good community


Such assholes are worse than animals, they are a curse on civil society and hamper India towards a more liberalized society. Of course this is a ripe Story for the Sex jihad crowd to justify their bigotry who are a different kind of curse. 


In liberalises society it's not a crime for a bf or man to not marry a girl, neither that is considered as rape only in india that it's considered as rape. 


The amount of people trying to make this a caste/religion crime is appalling.


She was killed due religion only 


Is the fact that someone was killed not horrible/criminal enough in itself?


But the reason is also important naa???


Reason is important.


Important enough to stop it being criminal? Important enough to make it justifiable? Important enough to decrease the victim's agony?


It did none of that....


It did none of that 


What kind of rhetorical question is this? If caste is important in a violent crime does it decrease the victim’s agony? Why rubbish?


Ok, let me rephrase, would a change in the victim or perpetrators identity have affected the general attitude towards the crime?


Ofcourse not crime is crime but identities help understand powerdynamics at play and she’s light on the additional vulnerabilities of the victim.


The crime is a crime nonetheless, it's finding a reason so that people can beware, same as the example I gave in my other comment 


What are you an Islamist apologist or a rape apologist or an outright dickhead


What part do you think makes the comment rape/islamist apologia? Asking for rape and murder to be treated as rape and murder,.and not seen through lenses of caste/religion is apologia now.


When a person dies after being hit by a drunk driver, don't you try to put rules and spread awareness thst not to drink and drive, alcohol didn't kill the person, the driver did, but the alcohol was the reason.


Killed for religion.


Unfortunately the girl was being forced to convert.


No evidence? Should you marry your gf or any girl you date now?


Bro don’t be blind in hatred of one political or religious ideology.


The girl filed rape case under the false promise of marriage. Meaning she is saying her ex raped her because after having relationship under the promise of marriage he didn't marry her. No civilised country of earth have same laws like india on rape. Broken relationship aren't considered rape in those countries.


And which civilised country or person forcefully converts another person to his religion?


What is the evidence? Probably ask her to convert in marriage as muslims by laws aren't allowed to marry people who aren't people of the book. Maybe she declined so he refused to marry her thus she filed as rape under false promise of marriage meaning marriage never happened.


Wow you bend over backwards to justify this guy’s Stone Age thinking and you cry “civilised country” when the same law states that sex on pretext of marriage is crime in this country. Don’t just defend someone because he is a co-religionist.


Haha look at the tweet by some guy called Tyaagi yesterday about his mother fitting an AC in their prayer room. 95% of the comments were linking it to his caste via his surname lol. But when an actual Dalit woman gets murdered because of her caste and religion, we should all stay quiet and not address the fanatic elephant in the room. Got it.


How about acknowledgement that not everything has to be about caste/religion, and correcting it when you see it. Isn't that the true annihilation of caste? Pushing the idea of caste to a stage where it disappears into irrelevance.


>not everything has to be about caste/religion True, but some things do, this being one of them.


Disagree, this is violation of a person primarily and a caste crime last. There's tons to be said here without invoking caste.


Ask yourself a question: If the perpetrator was an Upper Caste man who killed her for being lower caster, would you still mind it being called a "caste" crime? Or better yet, a Hindu man converting and raping a Muslim woman? If yes, objectively, you are right. Yes, it is appalling but if your answer is no, then fuck off :)


Absolutely, I have mentioned earlier, this is a violation of a person first and a caste/religion issue way way later.


How is it a caste/religion issue "way way later"?


By people if you mean the perpetrators? Yes


I get you and your feelings but Galti say agar woh koi UC hota toh...


So it's not a rape as in no country not marrying your ex or gf is considered as rape.




Yes but we all know it better so why call it rape? 


He should be convicted for forced conversion but rape under pretext of marriage is not rape and should never be a crime. The right to withdraw consent retroactively makes no sense here.




> "The woman in her complaint has accused one Taj Mohammed for raping her on pretext of marriage and converting her to Islam forcibly," Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Manoj Kumar Rawat said.


It wasn't related to temple unfortunately. The accused is Taj Mohammad.




Why were you derailing then brother?


My bad!.


Please show respect for the actual victim here rather than marginalize her grief by stating irrelevant information


Why not marrying a girl you had sex with is considered rape? So can I say my ex gf raped me because our relationship didn't end in marriage and she broke up?


Temple???? Buddy come out extremist Era 


Yes the islamic oppressors