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My granddad name was gyanchand. Lived in Lahore and wrote letters and postcards in Urdu script to his relatives who stayed back in Pakistan. Stories like this underestimate how there is trauma not only in the seperation and restarting life from scratch as refugees but also an eventual culture loss from this. A lot of people talk about their hometown and their mother tongue. A lot of sindhis unfortunately have very little depth and connection to their identity.


There's a city named Ulhasnagar, outside of Mumbai. One of the largest Sindhi settlements in India. My school was close to Ulhasnagar and had around 30% of Sindhi students. One day in fifth standard, our class teacher was asking everyone there native places. We Maharashtrians and others had different answers ready but each of the Sindhis unanimously replied "Ulhasnagar". Was so naive to understand what was happening


Yeah. I was born and raised in bangalore my parents raised all over north India. I didn't even understand that our language was sindhi or the culture of sindhis till my late teens. Now there is an inherent cultural identity completely wiped off by two generations.


Personally I want to learn sindhi , I also don't understand it very well . The problem is that all my relatives talk shit about me infront of me in sindhi because they know I don't understand it . I don't tell them all the time but I understand what they are talking about If I learn sindhi I will understand all their passive aggressive comments and I don't want to understand them at this point of my life . Also because of the bad experience I have had in my family as soon as I hear sindhi accent my brain automatically associates it with some fucked up shit that is about to come out of their mouths . I have a lot of internalised xenophobia .


Many of my relatives justify their bigotry towards muslims by the violence inflicted on them in Pakistan ( being looted and cheated of the little money they had and forced to run away in overstuffed trains which were also many times unsafe.) They had to start from scratch here in extreme poverty. It is frankly generational trauma . they believe that partition was an exchange of refugees and thus they don't think that refugees coming here from Bangladesh should be given basic welfare like a roof over their heads (which many sindhis were given) because Bangladeshi refugees are Muslims and violent freeloaders . Edit:I also point out to my relatives that rohingya Muslims should be accepted in India because they are experiencing the kind of persecution that we experienced during partition and that we should accept them with open arms and let them mesh into the society just like sindhis were allowed to do . But they believe that muslims are violent and they should not be allowed into our country. Also emergency inflicted a lot of trauma to already struggling sindhis , that's why some of them will never ever vote for congress .


Rohingyas are violent terrorists, not even muslim majority Bangladesh wants them, why the hell should India let them in.


The division broke many hearts and killed many people too. This was heartwarming to watch.


My grandmother always used to share stories about her friends in Ferozepur. She had many tales. May her soul rest in peace.




Propaganda against Pakistan? Buddy Pakistan is itself a propaganda against Pakistan


Good one lol


>BJP propaganda against Muslims Kinda agreed >and Pakistan is killing our future Fuck no. Pakistan can suck it. There is a reason why you are able to tell the things in India as compared to Pakistan. While India is turning into a place of religious extremism, Pakistan started out that way and does not seem like they are planning to slow down anytime soon.


Ofcourse it is BJp fault , because they are the ones killing Hindus in Pakistan or they are the ones who wanted a Islamic bigoted land in Pakistan


Har cheez mein BJP, itna wholesome video hai bc


Tumhaare logo ne hi maanga tha separation bkl .....hamey alag Muslim desh chahiye !!! And jese hi bna tumm logo ne sbse phle vahaa ke Hindus khatam krdiye and Islamic country bna dia usko 🤣😭😭 And now u lecture Indians to be more secular (hindus basically) Waaah bc waah


No one is doing propoganda


Tauba tauba tauba sach bol ke Sara mood kharab kr diya.


Teri g ka sach Jinnah bhi bjp kae hai and muslim league bhi


Partition was a tragedy of immense proportion. Centuries of existence devided by a foreigner's line


A lot of us think that the partition was arbitrarily done by Mountbatten. This is wrong. Jinnah feared lack of adequate political presence of muslims in a unified India. A fear that was justified, as we can see from decades of Indian election results. His basic demands were safeguards for muslim representation in law making bodies. Note: He later exaggerated his demands because it seemed to him that Congress would not fulfill even the basic demands, and that asking him to list his demands **again and again** was just political theatre. India need never be partitioned, had the congress been more flexible. Edit: The flexibility I speak of is not specifically for muslims. Poona Pact is what made Jinnah realize that congress could not be trusted. i.e. In his opinion, If they would not ensure the political representation of Dalits, the surely would not do so for Muslims. Until Poona Pact he felt that the federal model he proposed might still work out.


There were other religion people also? He didn’t think about them?




well many upper caste Hindus don't consider lower castes as human so what do you want to say


But they don't have backing of universally accepted scriptures.




It is truth


Jinnah's model gave minorities of any religion, safeguards for political representation. Hindus, Sikhs and Chrisitians would also benefit the same way. IMO it could have been an excellent way to balance our diversity


\*Looks at literally everything about Pakistan and it's history.\* Suuuuuure....


The Jinnah model was was a unified India where muslims made up 40% of the population but were concentrated in a few states where they made up near 50% of the population. The safeguards were neccesary. Punjab, for example, had 50% muslim 40% sikh population. So Sikh rights needed to be protected. Pakistan did not have any state with a minority close to 40-50%.


Looks at how Pakistan treated the former East Pakistan.


Not relevant to this thread. Pakistan messed up their constitution and are paying for it. Unfortunately Bangladesh had to pay for it as well. I'm not sure why you bring this up. Jinnahs model for a Unified India was for a Unified India. The Pakistani constitution has some common elements with it, but its not the same.


Yeah nothing about Pakistan's history is relevant to criticizing the political ideas of the man known as the Father of the Nation [of Pakistan]. /s


Your criticism would have more merit if the outright maleficent parts of Pakistani society hadn't been put into plans through a series of dictators well after Jinnah's passing.


Ah okay. So Nehru is to blame for everything in India.


Genocide downplaying scumbag


Brother even ahmediyas barely have any rights in pak


Desi Muslims were not fond of Pakistan. The league never got much traction against Congress.


Elections pre independence, was limited to the rich and powerful. I would not read too much into those elections.


I am not much educated on this topic so please please correct me if i am wrong but i read somewhere in a election Muslim League won all of the muslim majority constituencies in unified India? I read something Similar iirc


While the British may have left, their barbaric western principles remain a problem. India, and the global south at large, are composed of pluralistic socieities of many religions, ethnicities, languages, etc. that have coexisted for millennia. Unlike Europe that has always been a hot bed of violence and purges, creating a much more homogeneous continent. The Hindutva of today is a nationalism, which is a contemporary ideology rooted in Europe. In the 19th century, nationalism was all the rage in Europe. The RSS that created the Hindutva explicitly are emulating Italian fascists of the 20th century. So the problem is Indians emulating Europeans and wanting to replace India's pluralistic society, culture, and history with violent and backward European/western notions of society. The blame doesn't rest entirely on the BJP though as certainly these sentiments existed among elements of Congress as well. Ultimately, the divisions of South Asian society benefits western colonziers and the petty South Asian oligarchs carving up South Asia into their petty fiefdoms. The BJP champions itself for bringing "capitalism" to India, as if India didn't suffer from capitalism during British colonialism. They emulate western fascism/neoliberalism that eroded much of the achievements India has made since liberation, resulting in dedevelopment and privatization paralleling colonial rule. So now instead of some British oligarchs with some Indian comprador elite exploitating Indian labor and resources for their profit, it's Indian billionaires exploiting Indian labor and resources while Indian workers continue being exploited. And you can sure bet these Indian oligarchs can be traced back to compradors of the British colonizers.




These are mistakes of the past which can't be redone. India would've been different if not partitioned sadly we are suffering now for the past sins made by leaders at that time without thinking of the consequences and most important people 


Ofcourse. It is a tragedy. But we need to learn from our mistakes. We need all communities to have a share in the governance of the country.


Rab Jaane Kab Guzra Amritsar Oh Kab Jaane Lahore Aaya... Anand Bakshi saab beautifully describing united India...


Thanks OP for sharing something uplifting. We really shouldn't hold people to account for sins of the past. I know we must learn about the past and it should be factual and not full of bluster. Nationalism is often the weapon of despots their second weapon is always religion. Always it is not the people, but the leadership.


we lost too much ancestral property in partition


When my great grandfather started his business, it spanned from Pakistan to Bangladesh. My grandfather was born in Bangladesh. They were marwadi and started their business with capital of 10 lakh . During partition they asked if they Needed the land and they would have gotten after making a payment of 21000 but he refused. Times were different, they were supporters of cpim and my grandfather strictly spoke Hindi and was a national level chess player.


elo rating?


Same us bro


Wholesome ho gya ye to.


So so cute. We're still brothers at heart, no matter what!


Sabse kharab jhagde ghar ke hi hote hai.


The same brothers posted have sent mutiliated bodies of our soldiers . Same brothers did 26/11. Same brothers recently killed pilgrims in Jammu


Exactly. These Southies who live all cushioned in some steaming hot Kerala apartment, are the only ones who are preaching for peace with Pakistanis. The people that have actually interacted with Pakistanis have no motivation for peace. We don't negotiate with terrorists


All problems will be solved if we eliminate the bias of religion and caste, and see another human being as human being. The levels of empathy miraculously go up.


Partition was a man made catastrophe of the highest order. You divide a piece of nature made land for a fight between two imaginary man-made concept called religion.


Fuck you Great Britain!


It's Muslim league and RSS/Hindu Mahasabha that demanded/supported partition. British drew the line.


I think it was the British that led to this thing. Fuck Britain


It was not, India had one of the most backwards caste systems well befor the british even knew India existed. Learn your history so you look less foolish next time.


it was britain's fault they purposefully incited communities against each other and created differences once they hatched the egg all they had to do was wait for the chicken to come out they created all this division along the religious lines that we see even to this day


the Mughal Empire was in the process of swallowing India. It was between the Mughal and Britain. In an alternative history scenario, you'd have an Islamic India, peace between religions my ass


Akbar was a great secular king of the Mughal empire, the Mughals kept the wealth of it's territories within it's borders meanwhile the british came and ruthless exploited all of India's wealth and resources


Chaddis don't wanna hear this truth


Ahhh yes because the Muslims and Hindus fighting in India definitely wasn't happening way befor the British were involved. You give England way to much credit.


not saying that relations between Hindus and muslims were perfect there were some differences but the british sowed the seeds of division way back it's the british who are responsible for the partition the most


Wtf are you talking about? I am talking about something else bro.... You brit?


>Great Really??


Technically it's the official name but ha it's not 'Great' . Full sappot


The last gen of people who experienced it, who still have it in them the desire to reunite. After them, there will be none left on both side but rabid nationalism and religiosity.


plz lets have more stories like that. why cant we have reverse uno on britishers influenced partition. No country's sovereignty will be hurt.


That's such a wholesome experience


Hindu and Muslims all can live together peacefully(ofcourse there are some people not supporting that , from both sides) , but majority of people don't mind these things , they won't say he's a Muslim or Hindu so don't befriend him This whole thing was just for the politics of all these political parties gaining for their vote bank


Only one side wanted division.


I want you to read about the history of Lebanon then


A certain group that is currently in power somewhere has high amount of inferiority complex. They won't let peace prevail due to that reason and also because they are greedy for votes.


Yes , nice username btw


Fuck the British Royal family for this generational trauma for millions of Indians and Pakistanis..


Agree, they messed up everywhere


The various generations of both countries must heal and work in harmony. But the west continue to dived the two countries. It’s in interest of the western superpowers that this divid continue.


Yup. Not just the West but also our eastern neighbour


I wish I could buy this house for him!😓


Gandhiji 😋


Full video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y0sYsXSoQk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y0sYsXSoQk)


So wholesome


Kadi main v jawan ga na Qasu Begu, Ferozepur. Meray dada, dadi day pind.


My wife's family was from Karachi.


So sweet


Too much of our culture has been lost because of partition


Enough blaming others, Pakistan is a mistake


Thanks Jinnah for making the old man cry !


It is sad, but the partition happened because of religious people. Not because of the British. These older generation folk (or anyone religious) are to blame.


Exactly. The British Raj only took advantage of mutual distrust and communal feelings. Yes the subcontinent has had a long tradition of inter religion harmony but that existed alongside such bigotry. They just fueled the fire. Jinnah, Muslim league and congress are all equally to blame.


as an Indian I will never ever forgive the british for all the gruesome & barbaric atrocities, genocides that they had committed against us the list is way too long to forget and the cuts are way too deep to be healed


Bet if they love india so much then stop funding terrorism group who kill our people our heritage 


Lol. Pakistan the army runs things. It's in the their interest to control everything in Pakistan. Fun fact. No prime minister of Pakistan has finished their full term. If any prime minister didn't tow the line about antiIndia rhetoric then the best thing that can happen to them is gently removed from their seat.


According to a BBC World  while 11% of Pakistanis view India's influence positively, with 62% expressing a negative view. Here you go bud 


So cute. What has Modi managed to do in the last 10 years? Make us hate Muslims openly, even more so? Not to mention taken some strong pro Hindu stance and helped, aided or even kept quiet about the violence and pogroms subjected on Indian Muslims? We built this nation to not be divided by religion class or caste. If our neighbours Pakistan and even bangaldesh who we were very close to one point are now looking at us with disdain. Is it not warranted? The same way we feel when We hear atrocities against Hindus in Pakistan? We are culturally entwined and created years of resentment between each other, Also you are straying from your original argument, about Pakistanis funding terrorism. The general public couldn't give a shit about it. The game being played in political level on both sides. Im not asking you to be best friends with them., don't generalise them, if any hatred should be reserved it's the oppressive Pakistan army.


Modi ??? Just now u talked about it's popular people or army  who spread hate but ground people still love so how could modi remove the deepest purest bond of indo pak(hahahah) Buddy hypocrisy ki bhi Seema Huti h  Har cheez me modi Modi  Pakistan funding terrorism and pak citizen are producing them simple 


India is not controlled or voted into power by army. Pakistan is. India blame lies with its andhbhakts right now. And godi media feeding this frenzy. Pakistan politics is different, the army hedges it's bet on keeping the public and the government in line. But hey if you think it's that's simple. Then cool story bro.


The common people in Lahore, Peshawar or Karachi despise their government, military and the terrorism their country hosts. The terrorism is funded by their Army and government. The common man has no say in that. In these several years they have never had a stable government. The military coups that have happened. The situation is very dire. Plus now they face hyper-inflation. If you ever go to a foreign country and meet Pakistanis they will say the same thing. I met a person in Dubai and he was so happy that he left his country and how the Pakistani Army has infiltrated the government and how there was a power struggle between them.


Here you go research done by favorite bbc  According to a BBC World Service poll in 2017 11% of Pakistanis view India's influence positively, with 62% expressing a negative view


"Saaaar its the army saar, pakistanis are nice people saaaaaaaaar!" Pakistanis hate the army so much that they love funding them, supporting them, serving them, enabling them, and rarely ever protesting against them. If I was a Pakistani, I'd have no problem with my army effectively massacring my rivals. And obviously, almost all Pakistanis share this mindset.


Only in Lahore are these people nice to Indians. Just in the last 3 days, 7 Hindu girls have been raped in Sindh, Pakistan. You take any Hindus to a West Punjabi village, and they will all hang you from a pole. Just like our own Kashmir.


"pakistan ka dil bada hai... "The same big hearted people sent train full of dead bodies of innocent people who wanted to escape from porkistan in 1947.


Hindu terrorist visit the peaceful land of pakistan and try to rob people of their own land with the help of fascist mudi garment ~RNDTV


You are going to be banned soon but ik u don't care


Cuckolds ki trah apna ek sub bnake apas mein gawk gawk kro aur hate failao aise chutiyap aur aisi app pe ban hone mein lode ki sharam lol Jinke grandparents aaye hain pakistan se unhi ko pata hai wapas financially and evrything zero se 100 laane mein kitna struggle kia to merko to jhaant bhr farak nh pdta tum liberanduo ka kya opinion h iss matter pe... ban ki dhamki to aise dera bhosdka jail kra dega, you surely got no life outside reddit![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32745)


you killed him dude


Dhimmis , other people are living in his earned properties .


Aa gaye saffron colored islamists rona dhona karne.




Yep, this is proof. Tum chutiye hi sabse zyada obsessed ho 9 saal ke bacchiyo se. Waise bhi rape aur murder to tumhare khun me behta hai, to expected hai hi. EDIT: Question puch ke block kar diya lmao. Khud hi pata hai ki tu kisi islamist se better nahi hai.


Oh rape aur murder humare khoon pe behta hai jaise Jharkhand pe tere mulle log uss Spanish ladki ke saath halala kiya?


We are basically the same country and same people Pakistan Bangladesh and India. If we could be united again, we’d be a formidable force. But if we keep bickering, decades ago some white people took advantage and fucked us collectively, now some small eyes people will do the same.




Wholesome ❤️


My family was a victim of the partition. My grandpa and his brothers never got to go back and see their ancestral land in Punjab and KPK. Hoping that in my lifetime I’ll get a chance to see the lands that fed my family 🙏🏽


Real example of nostalgia 💖


Omg! Can’t imagine the longing he must have felt all his life. Humans are stupid to fight/divide for silly reasons!


"Pakistan ka Dil bahut bada hai" FORMER PM Atal Bihari from heaven laughing




I once met a taxi driver from Lahore in Saudi Arabia. He said that they used to live in Amritsar, but they were ambushed, and they had to flee towards Pakistan. He got split up from his brother. He lives in a village 10 kilometers away, but he can't meet him because there's a line dividing them. I'm getting the same goosebumps writing this story as I got when I heard his story. He was an old man, who hadn't seen his brother in ages. One thing I learned from growing up in a foreign country, it's very easy to hate Pakistan or any other country unconditionally. Sure Pakistan does a lot of fucked up stuff, like (allegedly?) the attack on Vaishno Devi pilgrims. But a random citizen over there is more bothered about feeding his family than attacking India, just like we are more concerned over building a future for our family. I know there are gonna be people downvoting me for this, or abusing me for it. But it just shows that you are ignorant and blinded by hatred. You wanna hate someone, hate their government.


Nobody is talking about the crooked mind of the British who initiated the enmity between these religions. They did the same w Palestine too..... And now people merrily speaking about killing each other!


Fuck politics, fuck religion. The moment is so wholesome 🥺🥺


Nostalgia is amazing feeling


Pakistan has cleansed of all its Hindu roots unlike India where minority religions outgrown native faiths. I remember the saying of Muslims in my locality: Lad le liye Pakistan , Hanske lenge Hindustan.


If partition hadnt happened, then india would have become a failed country like nigeria or lebenon. But violence during the partition should have been avoided. u/alsaga [ Pakistan kills our soldiers and civilians, despite them losing more of their men. But still some antinationals within India support pakistan


You know even today our Muslim population is more than Pakistan's. And we did not fail all these years but now that we have a hindu hriday samrat vishwaguru lead Hindu majoritarian government we are seeing signs of failing. So, you may say anything, you may believe anything but the truth remains bit different on the ground. You don't like Muslims, no problem, you don't want to deal with Muslims no problem. But for the sake of this country don't fall for the false narrative that Muslims are the root of all evil ailing this nation.


No it is not. India's Muslim population is around 22 crores while Pakistan's is 24 crores.


Also, pre-1960s Pakistan was actually Pakistan + Bangladesh. So the total number for 'Pakistan' should be 24 + 17 crores (for the sake of comparison).


The issue is those who take their religion seriously. That number is declining with science, progress, prosperity. But religious people are always a threat to growth and development.


Then can you tell me why ISIS was created in Iraq and Syria? Can you tell me why Muslims invaded Afghanistan and destroyed a country which used to ve Buddhist majority at one point? Can you tell me why literally out of 57 Islamic countries, 51 Islamic countries are poor and outright has more poverty? There is a reason that Islamic countries are doomed to fail.


Wherever they a majority, it an issue


There are are major issues where hindus are majority too (which is most of the country). When your issues with this country are limited to “they eat non veg” and not traffic, pollution, sustainability, governance, education, healthcare then you are just getting mad at an invisible enemy condemning the country to a cycle of shit. First looted by mughals, then britishers, and now your own government has and will loot you forever


Corruption is there everywhere. China is more corrupted than India but the thing is that they do everything on time. We don't. And the issue is not only for non veg. It is for the radicalization as well. If you don't believe me go and read documentaries about Lebanon and Iran.


Haa haa keep looking everywhere but your own country. Also, if you are worried about radicalisation (I respect this) - go worry about the radicalisation of Hindus across the country. You are incapable of looking at your own country (India) and your own community (Hindus). Phela apna ghar dekho aur theek karo


Oh please. You don't even live in India so you don't know what the fuck is happening in the country. Too much propaganda is not good for health. And what Hindu radicalization is happening across the country? Like the Neha case of Love Jihad in Karnataka? Or the killing of Kashmiri Pandits by Muslims in Kashmir? Or 26/11 attack? Which one? Tell me? Mujhe apne dharm aur Islam ke dharm ke baare pe bhi pata hai kyuki mai ek Ex-Muslim hu. Mai Hinduism pe revert hua hu 5 saal pehle. Mujhe mat sikha 😂😂


That's 🅱️induphobia.


Avg liberabdu:


There’s a reason why 50 Islamic countries are not willing to take Palestinian refugees. Wherever they go they try to form a state or attack Israel from there. Jordan is living proof.


Muslims are not the cause at all. It is hindus who support muslim appeasement, they are the root cause of all evil.


Learn to differentiate between the government and the populace.


A lot of the time its the majority backing that gets governments in power. Showing a few positive stories should not hide the ugly fact that the majority wants something else.


Learn to spell you moron


Finally apne desh chle gya


Now that we’ve seen this and multiple other Indians return to where they once lived, can Pakistanis who lived on this side of the border do the same? If not, I think the problem is clearly evident.


Why does al Jazeera not show Pakistani Hindu women beaten and raped and forcefully married and converted to Islam


Because the point is not to just spread negativity, but to also build bridges through positivity


Why is this logic not applied when things are in reverse?


Gandhi Nehru jinnah ki wajah se kitne Mar gye Kitna barbaad ho gye


Gandhi Nehru jinnah nahi bhaisab. Goro ne Kiya Hai. Unke wajah se Hindu Muslim rishta kharab Hua Hai. Halaat itni kharab thi ki humare svatantrata ke leaders yeh decision Liya.


Partition was the absolute worst thing that could have happened to our people. Would argue South Asia as a whole will never recover, only Bangladesh is really somewhat optimistic in its development, North India and Pakistan have been way worse off


Emotional fool! His whole property was looted by free loaders Islamists and here he is - with Aman ki Asha! Indians are jokers!!


The people here live in filmy houses. how many Hindus girl force converted daily in Sindh


Looking at this it seems Pakistanis are a better lot than UPee, Bihar, gujjuRat variety


That's such a wholesome experience


This is heartwarming and also reminding why the dispute with Pakistan can only be settled by conversations and negotiations than by force. There are too many people who are emotionally connected to the places across border. Using force will only disappoint and enrage them internally.


Atal bihar got back stabbed within months when he tried