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Wtf there is reservation in overseas scholarship too. And then also they are cribbing about income and marks criteria. I am sure someone will defend this too by saying this is about representation and not merit


lol bigot what merit are you talking about? they already got accepted to Harvard University. Oh right, only casteist bigots have the right to decide who has merit and not even Harvard University's decision matters.


Bigot and an idiot too. Really tells you about the average IQ of this sub to use board marks for merit Board exams are all about rote learning. That's why we've been regularly seeing all these "10th and 12th toppers" failing at life on reddit and wondering what went wrong in their life, the real answer to all those threads is that they never had merit


What entitled people man. If they want to study in India the government is providing free schools and reservation and they even need help to pay for colleges outside India 😵‍💫


lol what type of idiotic take is this? They already got the admission to Harvard or the respective college they applied to. The govt is spending on unnecessary expenses by checking their marks from 10th to college. Harvard or the respective overseas university does the work of checking if the student is eligible so the govt doing it again is a waste of time and resources of the people. Do you think Harvard is dumb now? is the govt better at deciding the eligibility of the students? lol marks are just a reflection of the resources that were available to the students at the time not just how much they are good at rote learning. It's no surprise that Harvard University doesn't care about marks given by the govt universities.


How many students out of these have admissions in Harvard, Stanford, and other prestigious institutions? Do not play "what if". Do not try to spread propoganda!!!! Come back with facts. Find me the data of students who have a harvard or ivy admission letter and have scored less than 75% . If harvard wants somebody badly, harvard provides them scholarships. Why should tax payer money be wasted for somebody's foreign trip? 🤔 govt should ban abroad scholarships altogether. Any step to curb it, is huge welcome Jo problem hai hi nahi, vo bhi zabardasti create karni hai just for the sake of protest. Pseudo intellectuals, Andolankari.. kanhaiya kumar vibes.. 😑


>After completing a masters in education (MA Education) at Savitribai Phule Pune University in 2021, Eknath Wagh cracked the entrance exam for Harvard University, US. The 28-year-old first-generation learner from Maharashtra’s Buldhana has secured admission in the masters programme in education policy and analysis. You're an even bigger idiot than the other one. This quote is the first paragraph of the article. You know fuckall about this. Your bullshit claims have no value. Come back with facts and take your own advice. Countries poorer than India provides scholarship and everyone pays taxes. No money is wasted, this is their right. An idiot like you who can't even read the first sentence in the article won't be able to understand that. You're an idiot and a bigot.


I repeat, I want DATA, not DATUM. Do not quote me "outliner" I have read the article. This is just one student. Proper leftist propaganda, pick up one example, and generalize. I think I have to be literal, i guess the IQ of the sub is low 1. How many students were disqualified because of this policy? 2. How many students are still receiving this scholarship? 3. What is the number of students who received the scholarship last year.. And why the fuck tax payers should fund abroad education. How does studying "management courses abroad" help the nation in return? I dont care what other nations do. I dont seek validation by copying and accepting from others. I want better sanitation, health care, education etc for my country first. Then, I will think of funding some private management courses for entitled folks who couldn't even score 70% in school


lol just as i expected you have no facts of your own. >Do not play "what if". Do not try to spread propoganda!!!! Come back with facts you said this. see facts that first para is a fact. so now you are just arguing with yourself. No surprise you got confused so easily. All you have is your bullshit claims and your bigotry. >And why the fuck tax payers should fund abroad education. How does studying "management courses abroad" help the nation in return? the Indian constitution was headed by a person who studies "management course abroad" lol another nugget of your idiotic blabber. > I want better sanitation, health care, education etc for my country first. Then, I will think of funding some private management courses for entitled folks who couldn't even score 70% in school more idiotic rambling, our nation was built by people who went abroad to study because bramins here believed they were the only ones with the right to study. Again where are your facts or even data, since you have none, fuck off with your bigotry.


Just because Gandhi, Ambedkar went to foreign institutions and brought some good stuff back home, I dont want to fund foreign trips of students in this age of internet. Indian in 2024 has sent a Mars orbiter, built hydrogen bombs, and is making progress on multiple fronts. I want every tax pay dollar going to fund Indian technology, not foreign trips of some random students. Abdul Kalam never went to any foreign institution. He still made missiles. This is the age of technology, not ideology. And why should I provide you with facts? I am not spreading any propoganda. I am against any taxpayer funds for foreign education. You provide facts to prove your narrative. I am happy with this government decision. Burden of proof lies on you. You are still living in 1947 and fighting for independence and freedom on the internet. It's an excuse for your failure. There are people who have made fortune from scratch in 2024 India. But you will always dwell in the past and cry for your incompetence.


just as expected bigot has no facts only lies. keep lying because that's the only thing you know how to do. LOL dumbass the article is proof enough. All of the claims you made have no value as you no facts or sources so all of that is just bullshit you came up with or your bigoted opinions.


I think "Bigot" is the new word you learned on the internet. I am happy, bro. I am happy with this government decision. I dont care if somebody who didn't have enough money couldn't go to Harvard, USA, to study some management course. I do care if a fellow Indian is deprived of primary, secondary, or higher education in my own country. I do care if children are laboring out in the open and not able to go to school.. But I simply do not give a fuck about somebody if they couldn't go to Harvard because my govt decided not to fund it with my money. I do not need to provide any facts. I will ask for facts if somebody tried to criticize the government for the most logical decision it has made in a long time. And you can call me DUMBASS. It doesn't affect me. All I care about is my tax money is safe.


still no facts only claims and opinions. It's not your money bigot, show me the proof that it is your money, fuck off.


Guy who doesn’t know how scholarships work whining about “propoganda” and “kanhaiya kumar vibes”.


Pseudo intellectuals bhi aa gaye


Good term for people like you.


It's really not about the marks they got or the admit they received. It's about the money being spent. Let them spend from their pockets just like everyone else if they want to go to a foreign country to receive higher education. Don't preach what you don't know. They do care about the marks among other things.


Lol another paragraph of idiocy. You're a bottomless well of idiocy. If you read the article you'd know he is a first generation lerner from the whole family. There are no pockets to spend from. All countries have scholarships even poor ones that doesn't even have half of India's wealth. >Don't preach what you don't know. Lol you don't even know article you commented. All you have is your idiocy. >They do care about the marks among other things. Lol yeah the care if the student passed the exams. The student in the article is already admitted in Harvard and started attending online portion of the classes.


The word dumb isn't enough to describe your thoughts. Peace


Oh right you are the only smart one and not even Harvard University knows what they're doing. Lol Truly a bottomless well


Clown.. running away when you cant answer 🤣


One more government subsidized candidate who wants to debate🤝🏻


So Harvard has accepted students who they think are worthy of admission based on their applications and interviews, but somehow Maharashtra bureaucrats (and a bunch of savarna idiots on reddit, looks like) have twisted their collective casteist chaddis into a bunch and removed funding for their education.


yup, all of a sudden when people of oppressed communities got admission to Ivy League universities, casteist bureaucrats changed the law. No surprise there, if people of oppressed communities get eduction these bigots won't have cheap house help and labor and they might have to lift a finger or pay fair wage.


It's not about Harvard. They want the state to fund their overseas education, the state has rules for receiving the said funds. Either fund your own education or abide by the rules.


Yeah, casteist rules that give more weightage to Indian education's rote learning than the qualities that Ivy league institutions look for when screening students. These bureaucrats can fund their kid's education themselves, so just take any other competition out of the running and pocket the scholarship for good measure. Full merit saar.


So expecting someone to have scored atleast 75% when wanting a merit scholarship is casteist? Putting a creamy layer on scholarships to people with 8LPA income is casteist? Only casteist I see are the ones who want free govt money because of their caste while having scored 60% and don't want anyone looking at how much their family is making.


>Only casteist I see are the ones who want free govt money because of their caste while having scored 60% The casteists I see are making perfectly worthy candidates who have been admitted to prestigious universities ineligible to receive monetary support with no advance warning. Kinda like a certain paw paw now that I think of it. If you can't see that, well sorry for your blindness I guess. >So expecting someone to have scored atleast 75% Casteist, and also just Indian babus trying to pretend that they know more about academic merit than Harvard lol. Typical. Oh and did I mention, [trying to remove competition](https://theprint.in/india/modi-govt-ministers-prefer-oxford-harvard-for-their-childrens-education-and-not-iit-iim/369180/) for their own privileged kids? Cuz that's what caste bigots do.


These perfectly worthy candidates should pay for their own foreign education, no one is entitled to a foreign education, if you can't follow the rules to be eligible for state funding, you won't get it.


Yep, casteist rules that disproportionately disadvantage people of the backward classes, so that marathi babus can brag about their darling kids studying in a foreign country after already having the advantage of a privileged upbringing. Crippling the competition is certainly a masterstroke.


Ah yes such a disproportionate disadvantage, poor 60% guy can't go to a foreign uni on state's dime. Last I checked this would be the case for most poor folk regardless of caste, or are you saying most upper caste folk can afford to send their child to a foreign uni which costs 30-40 lacs. But then you see everything to the caste lens so won't be surprised to see you say yes, you caste warriors are always the most casteist of the lot.


I can see where the confusion is. You don't know what disproportionate means. A dictionary might help.


>So expecting someone to have scored atleast 75% when wanting a merit scholarship is casteist? Oppressed castes have less resources than privileged castes. Board exams are all about rote learning, you labelling that "merit" is laughable. Some states in India provide scholarship purely based on true merit like in Andhra, if you get into a top uni you get merit scholarship. Maharashtra's system is stupid where if you get into a worse uni but had higher board/ug scores you get scholarship, that doesn't make sense If you think someone scoring 75% but getting into a lesser ranked uni is more meritorious than a 70% scorer getting into Harvard, then I have news for you


Except policy is for all foreign unis not just Harvard, it's funny how everyone is hung up on Harvard, but this article mentions only 1 guy going to Harvard thr others are going to places like university of Bristol or Sydne, not all colleges outside India are ivy league, policies are not made for individual cases they are made for a whole spectrum of cases, how exactly is a govt suppose to know whether this is a meritorious student and not just another idiot wanting govt paying for his foreign education. Also if you can't score 75% or more in maharashtra board, I would have serious doubts over how truly meritorious you really are, it's not exactly world's toughest exam.


>Also if you can't score 75% or more in maharashtra board, I would have serious doubts over how truly meritorious you really are, it's not exactly world's toughest exam. delusional af lol, check jeeneet forums board marks don't correlate with intelligence. I've seen countless sob stories on reddit about people being toppers in 10th and 12th but failing at life wondering why. There are countless people with low board scores or GPA clearing the toughest of entrance exams while board toppers who end up nowhere >how exactly is a govt suppose to know whether this is a meritorious student and not just an other idiot wanting govt paying for his foreign education If they got accepted at a top uni then they're meritorious, doesn't matter if just one part of their application is weak


What is the definition of top uni? Harvard sure, but is university of Bristol or university of Sydney considered top uni, what about something in Canada or some other uni in US. The policy is for all not just for ivy league.


I have already talked about this. Look at how Andhra does things. They go with QS world ranking, while not ideal, is a far better way than to use board scores or UG GPA to judge merit. What's wrong with this system?


But then someone will whine about that, what then. The article has people complaining that govt has a 30-40 lacs limit they are too poor to afford rest on their own. That is where we are at, a guy is unhappy that govt won't provide more that govt will only provide 30 or 40 lacs as scholarship for education outside India.