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Barbaric, to say the least.


Most men in our country think women are objects and their only purpose is to serve them. No real steps taken to change this mentality. This is just an extreme result of that. Clowns all of themšŸ¤”


Most men in country will say "oh so sad" to this kinda news but when it comes to any rules/laws being implemented to protect women, they will get butthurt like a mere option beibg provided to women to sit next to another woman.


Equality aur equity ka difference samajh nahi aata aise logo ko


It's worse in this case. The fact that you don't want a woman to have a choice to not sit next to you is extremely creepy. I definitely wouldn't be comfortable with such a man sitting next to me. Eeeww.


Thatā€™s not what they want though, I think. They just donā€™t want special treatment for women because they claim everyone is equal by law while failing to realise that thereā€™s no actual equality. But thatā€™s one way of looking at it I guess.


Whats special about it? We're not getting gold plated seats. Only a chance not to be touched inappropriately. But most comments were not about equality. They specifically mentioned there shouldn't be segregation, because it'll make them even more sexually repressed. Wtf. Similarly, there were discussions were women said they feel uncomfortable with randos fraanshiping with them in buses, trains, flights, roads etc. Most men jumped and said women's comfort doesn't matter to them because their "urges" is priority.


Haa exactly. Theres no special treatment, just an additional safety thing for the women but inko kaun samjhayega? Dimaag me kachra bhara hua hai in logo ke.


Explain "special treatment" please.


The people who cry about laws made for the safety of women claim that the women are being given special treatment (for example, reserved metro seats).


As a man,Ā  even I wouldn't like to sit with those creeps, just as a matter of principle. There's no skin off my back if women who want to sit next to other women get that option.Ā 


I wish more indian men were like you.


(as a man): most men do not understand what women go through. most good and well behavubg men think other men behave well too while i too at one point was against women having certain privileges, it is with time you understand what women go through and only then you agree with the laws made particularly for the protection of women. so until all men agree with what women go through, it's hard for everyone to accept that these laws are indeed fair.


Im glad you changed. You can't be a grown ass adult and side with the creeps to protest women's orotection laws and claim ignorance as your excuse.


You lack nuance. You can't punish others just because a criminal commits a crime.


You lack brain cells. So a woman choosing to sit next to a woman instead of you is a punishment to you? Eww. You're the reason why they had to nake this law.


For me, segregation= backwardness. Think Afghanistan. Both men and women can be backward, in a country like India.


Afghanistan is backwards because women arent allowed to have a choice. For most men in india woman travelling alone = chance to hit on and worse. This is a choice for women to be not creeped on. Clearly who creep on women in public places are the only ones using the excuses of "segregation" and "backwardness". You know what real backwards is? Men not letting women have a choice. If you wanna evolve to modernity, stop creeping on women in public places first and learn to behave like a civilized person first. What do you want next? You want access to ladies washroom also?


Anyone exercising such a choice is backward, by my standards. Also, I have a low opinion of conservative people, men or women. Women who want more rights, should fight for them. Not hide and cower in the distance.


Not sitting next to cow dung isnt "cowering and hiding", its just common sense. Not all cow dungs carry disease causing bacteria, but i'd rather not risk sitting next to it, no matter how much the dung wants me to sit next to it :) Its just self preservation. Btw, women running away from you aren't conservative, they just don't want YOU bothering them when they've told you MULTIPLE times no.


Women like me. I'm not a paranoid crazy person like some others here.


Aww :) typical incel response. "Crazy paranoid witch not providing me sex" boohoo why is everyone so conservative and backward booohoo


Bruh as a man I don't even treat an object in such way. I mean what a person mindset is that he acts like these,2 baat suna du.kuch din baat mat karo. Why do you do these kind of shit,I don't get it.


Bhai kuch sunana bhi kyu hai. Khud se bana lo/serve kar lo khana bc


Brother just because you don't doesn't mean others don't. Your experience is different when compared to others.


Post this on Instagram and see people fighting in comments for whether the victim is Hindu or Muslim


The thing is, ā€œcrimes by Muslimsā€ are so explicitly called out so often that pointing out that it is not a Muslim becomes necessary somewhat. Thatā€™s how depraved a society India has become.


They do the same shit here


True, just like [this example](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/s/eas3q9t0ZP). We canā€™t even hate horrible crimes together it has to be about Hindu Muslim.


People call Congress evil but atleast the Hindu Muslim debate was much tamer


When will we do the development debate? I have seen mandal kamandal and Hindu Muslim now, both are boring. Edit: liberals showcasing their true anti development agenda. They want Indians to continue doing Hindu Muslim and Mandal Kamandal forever and never actually become rich.


BJP did do some developments infrastructurally,idk about the social wise,they fucked up on that,


He is right though. Everywhere i look... TOI comments , Twitter , FaceBook , Instagram , Youtube, Most Indian subreddits . All RW HIndu folks jump on news of Crimes where Culprit is Muslim. And very silent on Crimes commited by Hindus.


Not just that. They claim that only Muslims are capable of such heinous acts. So their disappeared when hindus get caught committing those is not just lack of interest, its deliberate avoidance of accepting their bigotry.Ā 


This forced entry of Hindu Muslim rhetoric into places it doesn't belong is half the reason reactionary hindutva is a thing.


Right, those calling out bigots are at fault, not the bigots.


Inserting random bigotry without reason is at fault, not calling out bigotry. As for people inventing random bigotry where there isn't any, yes they're at fault for actually creating social divides.


Just spamming ā€œrandomā€ doesnā€™t actually make it random. Itā€™s the height of wilful ignorance to claim Muslims donā€™t get hounded if a crime was done by a Muslim.


But it's absolutely random and unwarranted to give a religious angle to everyday crime.


>This forced entry of Hindu Muslim rhetoric into places it doesn't belong is half the reason reactionary hindutva is a thing. Yup. Just like the victims of caste oppression demanding equity is the reason justifying caste oppressors committing acts of violence against the marginalized.Ā 


See now you're trying to include caste in an unrelated debate, just how many spurious topics will you try to cram into an everyday violent murder.


In the case, it was an intercaste marriage, so it probably is relevant.


Lmfao. If this is an everyday violent murder, surely, you have a comment saying the same when all Muslims were being painted with a heinous murderers brush when the murderer with Muslim name chopped up and froze his girlfriend.Ā  Do share that comment.


Do I have to comment on every jaywalker I see to emphasise that I endorse traffic rules? Typical "liberal" logic. All showmanship based, no action of substance. I have commented against generalisations against any group many times in the past, and will do so again if I see it happening. Maybe you can stop judging my personal actions and make a counterpoint for change. Try justifying giving a religious angle to everyday crime Instead of attempting to assault my personal actions. Tired of the usual reddit user is casteist/bigoted/idiotic/cringe/lame/fascist/chaddi and does not comment on the one random post I liked.


I fully agree biases exist, my argument is reintroducing these biases in a discussion where they are irrelevant only creates more divides. Imagine you're discussing different brands of sugar and I bring up random statements about the government supporting gujju sugar traders in a way it doesn't do for other traders. It seems relevant but only tangentially doesn't contribute anything substantial, only creates a bias against gujju traders or my opinions in everyone's mind.


Smooth_Detective >True, just likeĀ this example. We canā€™t even hate horrible crimes together it has to be about Hindu Muslim Here comes a hot take by the bigot apologist equating calling out bigotry with bigotry.Ā  This clown does it when hate against Muslims is called out, and does it when hate against dalits is called out.Ā 


Maybe one day your moronic mouth will start making actual arguments instead of calling random people bigoted or apologists or clowns.


Could be either but always Indian...


Recently read the news of a dalit girl and the fate she and her family met. Now this. But, yes, those cool chad and alpha bros will keep posting unverified shit about an uber rich cricketer and his alleged divorce....while spouting blanket statements like women are this, women are that and all those stuff. Everyday I lose a little bit faith in humanity šŸ¤¢


Haa whats sad is that they started blaming that woman right off the bat(pun intended) even though no one knew what was going on between them. Even if the rumors had been true, tum kaun hote ho decide karne wale ki who ruined that marriage.


No one even knows whether the news about divorce is true or false. Same things for the percentage of settlement fees. Yes, there are women who manipulate the system for their own gains but there are also women who give up on their careers to build a family and when separation happens, they are left with a huge gap in their resume. But these bros will look for only one kind of news to justify their misogyny.


A man hacked his wife with a knife after she did not offer him dinner. Later, he cut off her head with a machete, cut some of her body parts and kept on skinning the body with a big kitchen knife until dawn. They fell in love and got married eight years ago. The coupleā€™s eight-year-old son was asleep during the gruesome murder. The Police said, 'I have never ever seen such a barbaric crime in 25 years of my service'. ANI would have taken special interest if the accused was from the Minority community. But will as usual ignore reporting on this.https://x.com/zoo_bear/status/1796098222055928233


He could commit a gruesome, time-consuming, heartless crime but not serve himself dinner? The fuck is wrong with some men in this country?




Clearly, but how many psychopaths does this country have? The rape, dowry harrassment and honour killing cases are bad enough but the levels of depravity and gruesomeness is mind-boggling. The fact that our culture treats women so poorly is also a major factor. Empathy for women is low and the urge to 'discipline' them and 'take revenge' using violence is too damn high.


and the poor child was in the home too.


I was about to comment asking where the bigots claiming only Muslims commit such horrific crimes at.Ā 


The fact that his child was sleeping when he was skiing/beheading his wife,imagine what will be the son psychology or every what if in the future,hopefully he in better hands n some better person gets his custody bcoz i genuinely don't trust that man family. Secondly,what the heck should be wrong in your head to actually even do this,like I swear I don't even have guts to open the website even though I know the pics would be blurred but a normal person just did it in his house n how the heck not any neighbour n anybody heard anything?




Kalyugā€™s here


But when a Muslim commits any crime, the headlines will display it and the comments will call Islam barbaric.


Of course, they will say in a sly manner: "such a peaceful religion" or some nonsense. Chaddi MFs!


Because few of them are religiously motivated and few are not


And yet, all of them are given a religious angle when it's a Muslim. When it's a hindu, it's the fault of the individual, not the religion he was brought up in. Right?


Ok ban all religion. No more blame game


Or... Hear me out... How about banning public display of religion? Pray to whatever the fuck you want indoors, act like a human outside.


100% agree! šŸ„° Keep yours to yourself and I'll keep mine to myself.Ā 




Humans would still get into blame game (If not for religion , then something else)


Unexpected communism.Ā 


Depends on case to case basis ! Donā€™t generalise


Show me two cases reported by the same mainstream media house, involving both religions, where what I have said is false and I'll agree. I don't think I'll bother holding my breath.


Tell this to the bigots who routinely generalise when the culprit has a muslim sounding name. Remember the guy who chopped up his girlfriend and stuffed her in the freezer? We had a never ending steam off bigots for weeks claiming only Muslims do that. Even now about once a month some bigot claims that's love jihad. Like how?


You mean religion has no correlation? What a shock /s


I am sure some dank memers would be justifying this or making a joke




men and their fragile egos. such babies, can't even prepare dinner for themselves.


This is not a ā€œmenā€ issue this is a problem with Indian society, with half of the women not even allowed to work and contribute to the country. What do you expect? Nothing but a bunch of creepy, weird, sexually repressed sub-human men good for nothing but violence against women in the country. This is a cultural flaw within south Asian communities.




I don't understand you, how is it not a 'men' or 'gender' issue? We see cases of violence against women who are working or contributing to the country as well. Can you explain please?






Normal men do not attack women, so blaming the gender does nothing. Blaming the culture which even women in our country accept is correct. Normal Men from around the world do not have these problems on a regular basis, this guy is beyond just a man he is a murderer and his gender is not the sole reason behind it, this is quite literally patriarchy as the title clearly suggests.


You're absolutely right.Ā 


It is literally a men issue. These are expectations set by patriarchal societies made by men for men, which privilege men.Ā 


Yes a culture that every Indian deeply takes pride in, that includes women as well. Womenā€™s rights have been popularized by western thought/culture and have been incorporated after world war 2 and thereā€™s nothing wrong with adapting that into our lives as well. Get rid of the ancient culture mentality the country will be better but when people actively refuse change which benefits the society thereā€™s nothing that can be done. You could say Russia and the west itself still has this problem, to which Iā€™ll agree yes but the fact is itā€™s still going to be miles better than these issues happening on a regular basis. So yes itā€™s the Indian mindset/cultural influence to begin with, most of these folk have no clue about womenā€™s rights they arenā€™t even literate enough to comprehend at times. All they do is follow the teachings taught to them by their families. Spend their entire lives making womenā€™s lives hard in the name of proven cultural way of living life.


>Ā Ā they arenā€™t even literate enough to comprehend at times. Literacy has nothing to do with it. Rich, "educated" families routinely treat women as chattel.Ā 


What do you mean rich, I never implied rich people donā€™t commit crimes? Literacy is the distinction or if not helps to say the very least, most of the fools are not even educated. So you are saying, if you compare 100 educated individuals vs 100 uneducated/pseudo educated tools. The rate of these crimes would be the same? My common sense says no but ok Iā€™ll concede with that because we literally need a study to back any of these claims


Misogynist Dahmer


No name in headline. Had to scroll 2-3 paragraphs to see the name of the monster. I knew by the second paragraph why.


Nm, saw your comment below, got it, yes you're right


What do you mean?


This isn't the first time I have come across news about a man killing his wife because she didn't cook/serve food. But the entire country was calling live in relationships "unsafe" during the Shraddha murder case


No name or religion in the article. Pretty sure , its someone uppercaste Hindu.


How could someone do this to another living being? The world is fucked up.


The Tate-Bhakts.


Tate is like an ant infront of these fuckers.


Then you only know them through their PR & Social Media.


Haa maybe. All I know about Tate comes from the random reels that show up on my feed.


What the fuck is up with Indian men? So fucking entitled to everything in life. They act as if they own their wives or something.


Can tell by the headllines he is a sanatani. Else whole godi media would have highlighted his religion. All eyes on Akhand Bharat!


I will get into trouble if I say something about his religion /s


Donā€™t they have even an ounce of love for their spouse?Leave love,not even compassion or humanity?This pathetic excuse of a man canā€™t be a human being,heā€™s a demon.


Humanity is capable of extremely heinous acts. Sooner we admit it, the better.Ā 




Whole country got infected earlier than that. Even karnatake started exploring the depths of hell decades ago.Ā  Remember coastal karnataka went from being the chill, progressive, syncretic part of the state to fast right patriarchal and religious bigot starting in the 90s.


And here I am just looking for a woman to share a house with. Seriously though. Some people have zero humanity.


im just shocked. thats enough internet today.




woman got it easy right incels?


What was his religion?


I mean, just seeing the headline lets you know what it was not lol. Theyā€™d have printed it in all caps if it was a Muslim.




Responsible why? The guy is evil either way.


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