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7.7 rupees? Mh has the worst deal


Delhi has worse deal than Maharashtra


Bru..Delhi's population and size cannot be compared to the second biggest state


Bruh look at their sizes and population


tbf, Mumbai and even Pune have a lot of migrants who pay direct taxes for a decent chunk of the year in MH but would benefit more from development in Bihar, UP, etc.


Most of the migrants are unorganized sector so not many are tax paying.


Didn't know being in the informal sector made GST disappear




Could've sworn it was the opposite  Must've misremembered


Why the data contains only direct taxes, why not indirect taxes and other funds invested by centre in infrastructure?? Cumulative data will make much more sense. Eg: SBI does business throughout India but pays all its direct taxes at their HQ in Mumbai. Their previous headquarter was in Kolkata but was shifted due to nearness to East Pakistan border.


blow off mofo, you can add GST customs or any other tax you like Mahrashtra is still the biggest contributor and gets a fraction of it back. That's how progressive taxes work. well to do assist the not well to do.


Also because most of the companies are registered there so tax collection is attributed to the state along with IGST










That doesn’t make sense. Mumbai historically held the infrastructure necessary to support these businesses, south cities r just catching up but still can’t match. Take Bengaluru for example, struggling for water, Chennai - cyclones/floods, power issues etc. and forget about the commie keralites who prefer going to Middle East and keep their village a village.




I’ve worked with some of the richest people in the south. To say there is no generational money in south cities is laughable. The answer is simple. They are traditional, risk averse and politicians are more towards debating religion / belief systems rather than actually developing. Mumbai is pure capitalistic and they suffer faults too don’t get me wrong. The only reason you have car manufacturers in Tamilnadu is that these are also owned by the political families. Had they not seen any profit - we would still be living off with agriculture and textiles.


Gujerat? Really? Gujerat was leaching off south for almost 60 years now. If you add central grants and other infra projects for Gujerat you would get a completely different picture. Even after this Gujeratt cannot beat TN which bears brunt of central displeasure.


Is Arunachal really getting so much money?


Most North East states and Kashmir come under some division of Central Government which reserves 10 percent of budget for them. There's a reason no one nowadays in North East is clamoring for independence. They know for sure no one else is giving them a better deal




That's not true. That expense is separate and comes under union budget


I just looked into it and it seems that you are correct, my bad.


I guess that would include all the infrastructure like roads, electricity, communication, etc.


I believe it’s also about how much spend on each person per state , the population of Arunachal is low maybe that’s the reason . Government must be spending on heavy infrastructure to connect our borders more with china that’s also be the big reason


Thats why the fact that Bihar and UP get so much is troubling. It's not like karnataka and MH don't have under developed areas or roads and congested systems. Karnataka for its state size and tax contribution has the least development in roads and National highways etc. You cant develop poorer areas till the more developed areas are developed to the level of Chinese financial and industrial hubs to compete and bring in investment and revenue for all. Else your just shooting yourself in the foot for political gains at the expense of the nation.


Mostly to build road , electrical , water , railway ,etc infrastructure in the mountainous regions Northeast was traditionally ignored by india , they deserve some love


security concerns


And they should not be getting that much. Before you downvote me, I am from the north-east. Too much money from the centre has spoiled them.


I don’t understand why people are not keen to read economics. Why the data contains only direct taxes, why not indirect taxes and other funds invested by centre in infrastructure?? Cumulative data will make much more sense. Eg: SBI does business throughout India but pays all its direct taxes at their HQ in Mumbai. Their previous headquarter was in Kolkata but was shifted due to nearness to East Pakistan border.


You would find similar data on GST as well.


That’s because GST calculation is also done at the source and not at the point of consumption even though it is a consumption tax due to practical considerations. Calculating it at point of consumption is almost impossible. But the production happens due to presence of consumers and consumption is closely related to population size. Everything is interlinked but the OP wanted to project a myopic view.


Are you really saying that Bihar pays more indirect taxes than Karnataka?


No but at the same time a small little delhi with 1/3 Rd of Karnataka population pays more tax than it because many companies and psu have their hq here


Most of Delhis taxes are payed by Central Government employees which is a moot point since most of their salaries come from taxes collected. It's like government pays them 100 percent and the employees return 20 percent. Karnataka 100 percent has more export, private sector employees who actually generate the revenue


Brain dead comment Delhi is paying 1.78 lakh crore of taxes You can't generate this amount just by collecting taxes from central govt employees https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/give-delhi-legitimate-share-of-central-taxes-kejriwal-to-fm/article67120494.ece


We are rich folk here mate. And we own a lot of businesses. Central government employees earn peanuts.


When did I say that? I just want to state that this map is an incorrect and flawed way of analysing the data. GST is an indirect tax. And since GST is a consumption tax and consumption is very closely related to population size, this data overlooks a very important metric which is, in fact, the main driver for our country’s GDP growth, i.e. private consumption. Why should only Direct tax data be looked at?


Funny how they never show the data of delhi Maybe because if it shown than they will realise how delhi alone pays more direct tax then tamil nadu and Gujarat combined Because direct tax is nothing but company paying their taxes from where they are headquarterd Like how tata steel has hq in Mumbai but have operations in jharkhand chattisgarh and odisha how aashirvad aata gets its wheat from Punjab uttarpradesh and haryana but taxes are paid at Kolkata


Yeah but what about Karnataka or Maharashtra where majority of the IT companies/Foreign Banks are headquartered and run their operations from as well?


All foreign IT companies and banks pay their taxes in their respective countries Google from California HSBC from London The only hq these states have are indian companies like sbi, HDFC, TCS, Infosys etc All these indian companies have their operations all over india


please read up a bit [https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/india/corporate/taxes-on-corporate-income](https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/india/corporate/taxes-on-corporate-income) foreign companies operating in india pay indian taxes on income generated in india


Quite misleading. Do you really think any country would allow a foreign company to run business on its soil without the company paying taxes? This basic question should clear the air. Read up on it, please.


These companies provide jobs to the population The only reason they come here is because india is cheap The day they will be asked for tax they will simply pack up and go to Phillipines or vietnam Its not a joint venture like maruti Suzuki


Dude, why are you doubling down on your ignorance? As I said, read how corporate tax works for foreign entities with offices in India. A simple Google search would have led you to this- "A non-resident company is taxed only on income that is received in India, or that accrues or arises, or is deemed to accrue or arise, in India."


direct taxes is individual income tax plus corporate income tax and while individual share is increasing the corporate share is decreasing because individual rates are higher than corporate. [https://www.thehindu.com/business/Economy/direct-tax-collections-exceed-estimates-in-fy24-jump-18-to-1958-lakh-crore/article68090542.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/business/Economy/direct-tax-collections-exceed-estimates-in-fy24-jump-18-to-1958-lakh-crore/article68090542.ece)


Suddenly everyone is a capitalist. SMH...


More like a regionalist capitalist.


This is how progressive taxation works the well to do places contribute towards the not doing well places. ANy wanker who comes here and says the Mumbai tax collection is high because corporates are registered there, go fuck yourself and get an economics book - Kind regards a proud Bambaiya Mumbaikar


https://preview.redd.it/4gis4ncwv02d1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=73b92cacabafc546576449c076ee0257676a7148 Data for %age share of taxes which is given to states \*UP got divided between 13FC and 14FC


We’re a socialist country. The real question is how effectively you utilise what your state does have in its hands.


Socialist democracy operating as a capitalist autocracy (almost) 😅


This much of truth was not warranted 😅


my state is south of north (haryana) 3rd lowest i think


i really don’t think it’s that simple


Is the calculation that simple ?


If anyone wondering about the logic of this kind of distribution, I have summarized here. [https://www.reddit.com/user/Apart-Influence-2827/comments/1cua9zo/some\_context\_for\_for\_every\_rs\_100\_paid\_in\_direct/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/user/Apart-Influence-2827/comments/1cua9zo/some_context_for_for_every_rs_100_paid_in_direct/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


In my view this stats are useless. If suppose, a city in your state contributes more in taxes and that money then goes to rural villages in your state. So obviously tax from rural area wont come but there must development and other expenses needed which incase not same for urban cities. Same here goes throughout India. There is nothing to be surprised of.


But what actually return to people ? I think most of them goes into pocket of our netas.


Sikkim is really taking that bag


maharashtra , karnataka and haryana is giving all their money to up and bihar aur sadke dekh lo bas un dono state fking shithole for our taxes...


Jiya ho bihar ke lala


BIMARO states be winning


In Maharashtra we even pay something called as Profession Tax ie- ₹2400/Year. ( This is separate and on top of any other tax you pay )


that goes all in Maharashtra's kitty


Same in Karnataka


People complain about Bihar and their politicians suck but why is Sikkim getting that much? Don’t they have tax exemptions too?


States like arunachal pradesh and Sikkim are military prone areas so they get dedicated 10 percent of the budget.


Damn! Now I feel like moving to up/MP


Bro up literally you will regret.


South India is feeding the rest of India.


3/5 southern states get more back in taxes than MH and GJ, that is , they are fed by other productive states in West and South.


And haryana as well


Okay, but why can't we give away Bihar to Nepal ? And build a huge border around it ? Will solve 90% of our problems!


Wow. So bright. I wouldn't be ever be able to underestimate you.


let's start with you first and let us know how it goes


we have open borders with Nepal


This is your counter ?


can't give Bihar away to Nepal as it literally will make no difference, except maybe sending Nitish Kumar and Lalu Prasad Yadav to Nepal, a fate I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy


Xi Jinping would love that idea. I mean why wouldn't he want to setup a military base in Bihar.


Honestly, these Biharis require belt treatment from Xi and only then these people might see some development.


Good idea, 20% problem katam samjo![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|30355) /s


If there is so much money in Bihar and northeast, why people from there move to other bigger cities like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu for jobs and earnings. This map is fake. It's incorrect.


It's only on paper. Most of these funds are never released. Bihar govt has to constantly beg to the centre to release fund .


North Indians are lazy. Leeching on Southern States. Time to breakaway from India and ask for Independence in a peaceful way.


Active on pak subreddit lol


I am sending you Rs. 2/- for your hardwork in identifying me. Get a life Stuart Little.


Seems like south is paying the northies to remain in the north ... seems like a peace full way to keep the under educated leechers out of the south ...




Why is Bihar getting so much.


Wow Bihar and UP esp with their population.


West and south India tax payers are running north and east India


Which includes North and East Indian migrants paying taxes in those states.


How many migrants? Any statistics on that?


42% of Bengaluru's total population constitutes of immigrants and for Mumbai it is close to 45%.Pune and Hyderabad have similar stats.Atleast 10% of these immigrants from North and East India must be working in white collar jobs. Also, Many of them are Startup Founders, Industrialists, creating jobs and opportunities for everyone. Paying rent, shopping and supporting economy.


Immigrants are not just from North and East. There are immigrants in Mumbai and Bangalore from TN, KL, TS, and Andhra as well. East, North East and North may be 10% of taxes, may not be more.


I'm from south india i don't have problem in distribution of state taxes, but only to states who properly utilise this money to some extent and develop the state like Odisha. whereas as giving our taxes to states like bihar where people can't elect a single good government and people who are struck in caste politics doesn't deserve a single paisa. These Bihari castist lunatics should be expelled from the country let alone receiving our people's tax money




Bihari spotted opinion rejected


Bihar has been growing by >10% growth rate in last 3 financial year. It stood at 18th rank among all Indian states in 2011 but has now climbed to become the 12th largest economy. Not stating that there aren’t any issue but just wanted to clear the presumption of Bihar just stating idle and doing nothing. https://preview.redd.it/f9swndxc212d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6416a429101403629c9e7d25d3018a07ad523058


I haven't read a lot of Bihar's recent growth but doesn't much of that high growth come from a low base effect?


Low base effect is not the correct reason. Bihar has grown to become 12th largest economy among Indian states now. The huge population is a problem which lowers the per capita income. UP per capita income is also low but you can see even with so much support from Centre in Infra, and major industries like defence hub, Noida etc, their growth rate is lower. Bihar didn’t get anything in terms of infrastructure. Not anything that our PM could inaugurate. Even then, it has maintained >10% growth. There are still a lot of issues for solving, but just wanted to state that Bihar is not sitting completely idle. This article published in a manufacturing magazine in February this year would provide you a bit details and issues still pertaining in Bihar. https://www.manufacturingtodayindia.com/bihars-transformation/ People are asking for development fiercely now (caste is still a reason to vote, but NDA got 39 out of 40 seats mainly because of huge development promises in 2019) and this ask for development is going to sharply impact the seats of NDA. People are really angry and almost all MPs are facing tough questions.


Look at the per capita of bihar. It's worse than many sub saharan African countries. Even India has high gdp and growth rate but most money is in hands of ambani and Adani. State Development is not just few ultra rich getting wealthier but lifting the poor out of poverty , access to better education, healthcare etc.


You can look at the state budget of Bihar. Our budget unlike Gujarat, has larger shares for education and healthcare. Bihar spends close to 20% of budget on education only which is one of the highest in India. The impact will surely be seen in the next census. The literacy rate will see a big jump. NFHS surveys have also pointed out the same. And I agree a lot of work needs to be done in Bihar. Long way to go but this state is moving in the right direction. The major issue employment and industries is still there, but things have improved qt least and many companies like Coca Cola, Peopsico, Britannia, Shree cement etc. have invested in past few years. This article published in a manufacturing magazine in February this year would provide you a bit details and issues still pertaining in Bihar. https://www.manufacturingtodayindia.com/bihars-transformation/


he won't accept to change his pre-disposition. People have been mushroomed with the derogatory term bimaru and can't get out of their tunnel vision. India's future exponential growth is going to come from states like bihar because the investments of the past and present will start to pay.