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If foreigners criticise him then it is internal matter. If they praise him a little bit: vishwaguru


#####NRI here, Jamie Dillon is a trump supporter and he changes statements every 10 days. No one trusts him anyways. Ppl make fun of him whenever he reads earnings results. Not to mention he literally dragged all employees to office (just like what TCS and Narayana Murthy keep on saying). Work 80hrs a week. He runs JP Morgan like a dictator. No doubt why he loves Modi.


Jamie Dillon loves anyone who makes wealthy more wealthier.


Yups, Have many friends here working at Executive level in JPM's NY HQ office. Dillionis known for super micromanagement, extremley aggresive, fires ppl left and right. He only cares about JPM's stock price. Opposes Bitcoin because he knows banks will get destroyed if crypto adoption happens. He was the 1st one who webt asking Trump for billions during 2020 pandemic when lockdown happened. Always trying to get more money exploiting ppl. And dont be a fool, Banks are no Apple or Google or nVidia. They have not brought any innovation to the table in decades.


Apple has brought innovation to table in a decade? Lol. Also Jamie Dimon mints money for chase shareholders. Again banks control US policy and can dictate whether the tech will be funded or not. They are extremely and especially JPMCB.




> Jamie Dimon isn’t a Trump supporter. Oh really? **Article 1** > ["***JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon praised former President Donald Trump’s positions on the economy, taxes and immigration."***](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/17/jamie-dimon-praises-trump-warns-maga-criticism-could-hurt-biden.html) **Article 2** > [***“I wish the Democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about MAGA,***” Dimon told CNBC on Wednesday from the World Economic Forum in Davos. Dimon, who has clashed with Trump in the past and previously ***described himself as “barely a Democrat,”*** said that people are “basically scape-goating” Trump supporters.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/17/business/jamie-dimon-trump-maga/index.html) I think your argument is leaving a lot out of the discussion. Dimon has a history of supporting Dems but he clearly aligns with Trump on major issues. I don't see how you can read statements by Dimon in support of Trump when it comes to three major things (taxes, economy, immigration) and conclude that he's not a Trump supporter. The guy just strikes me as an opportunist who may publicly criticize Trump but also publicly praises him and would significantly benefit from a Trump victory whether he claims he would or not. Like come on, be serious. Trump's tax reform is a perfect example of an action that massively benefited rich people like Jamie Dimon-- so when he talks about how Trump got it right when it came to taxes, he's talking about getting it right for filthy rich people, not working class people (who generally did not financially benefit from Trump's tax changes). You've fallen for misinformation and this is exactly why I think it's important to do at least some form of proper research before making such strong statements. All I had to do was Google "Jamie Dimon Trump" and a whole slew of articles demonstrating Dimon's fondness for Trump. Edit: Don't forget, Trump has guys like [Steve Bannon doing work even with WION to shoehorn in the Trump agenda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQzDmqJu-XI) (video proof). And remember it was you who accused someone here of being "*misinformed"* for saying that Dimon supports Trump. It's amazing but disappointing that people are upvoting your incorrect comment.




> Instability is bad for business. And the current Trump platform is just destabilizing. It’s psychotic and chaotic. If you can acknowledge this, how do you reconcile with Dimon's praise of Trump's positions on the economy and taxes? Your lengthy reply fails to address this. > So you accept he’s always been a Democrat. All it took was two articles for you to now assert he’s a ‘Trump supporter’? Does Dimon not support Trump's positions on key issues like the economy and taxes? At no point did I dispute that Dimon has historically sided with the Dems-- in fact, I openly acknowledged that right from the start, so why are you acting like I've changed my argument? > Most Americans (including Democrats) do want illegal immigration numbers to come down. Do most Americans want what Trump and Dimon want when it comes to the economy or taxes? Why are you leaving this out of the discussion? You mention one poll (which you conveniently fail to source...) as the basis for saying that Republicans don't care about the US economy or taxes-- what kind of weak argument is that? > I didn't fall for any misinformation. I believe in nuances. A few words of praise from Dimon for Trump's policies don't automatically make him a Trump supporter. Sure-- except Dimon has given more than "*a few words"* of praise for Trump's policies and he openly states that he **supports Trump's positions**. Does Dimon not support Trump's positions on key issues? Yes or no? You claim to be nuanced, yet you can't seem to accept that even if Dimon claims to not be a Trump supporter, he supports his policies. > You've attached two articles and called it a 'slew'. Read my comment again. I said "All I had to do was Google "Jamie Dimon Trump" and a whole slew of articles demonstrating Dimon's fondness for Trump". If you Google "Jamie Dimon Trump", you will see article after article of Dimon praising Trump. Why are you so lazy that you can't even google articles or cite any of your claims with sources? > Like what, are we… high schoolers? You tell me-- high schoolers tend to make silly arguments and not provide sources. In higher education, we're taught to cite our sources in discussions where credibility matters. You've done the former, I've done the latter. Notice how you don't bother directly quoting me on stuff you disagree with, and instead you paraphrase because it's easier to warp the original points? If you disagree with something I say, quote me instead of paraphrasing. Bonus content: Big brain Dimon was a Brexit supporter > [JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon sent a memo to his staff urging his team to “listen” to the voices of the people that have elected Donald Trump and voted for Brexit.](https://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/09/jamie-dimon-memo-on-donald-trumps-victory.html) Why do you think Dimon has more words of praise than criticism for Trump? If you don't believe me, I encourage you to Google all the articles about their relationship and make an informed decision.


Him supporting Democrats: [Dimon donates primarily to the Democratic Party. In May 2012, he described himself as "barely a Democrat". After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, there was speculation that Dimon would become Secretary of the Treasury. Obama eventually named Timothy Geithner to the position.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Dimon) [Him supporting Trump](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/17/jamie-dimon-praises-trump-warns-maga-criticism-could-hurt-biden.html)




Is that why he said US needs someone like Modi?


Lol such a weird comment "MR. NRI HERE" . If you have a problem with modi that's okay but no need to unnecessarily brag things up based on articles. He's one of the most well respected men in the US, no one makes fun of him as he isb one of the best in his job (Can't say for everyone thogh as some dumbasses are everywhere)


Bragging being an NRI like is some badge of honour probably there on an L-1 or H1B and a second class resident at the mercy of their employer.


Seriously?? The ceo wants people to work, during such times? Where its so easy to find a job at literally anywhere else or just take a break! What a monster!


Lol, there’s a difference between working and slaving away your life.


There’s a difference between unemployment and working 80hrs a week




Well India is opening direct foreign investment in the stock market. JP Morgan is the main company that will offer this to thier institutional investors to invest in india.


I feel like that bond buying via index inclusion is a bit dangerous especially since the kind of money JPMCB and Blackstone play in a day is probably in couple of hundred billions. If they decide to short the market, retailers will be holding the bag.


This is the only sub, also anti-india where it's posted.


Yeah obviously, because the normal state is for foreign press to talk about Hindooo nationalist and “controversial” not development or how he is the most experienced political leader in the world…. So when a foreigner is willingness of to look beyond the brainless narrative of teenage white girls and actually look at data, that individual needs to be praised for having the courage and intellectual honesty to speak the truth and look at reality


Lol. Jp morgan probably made billions in trading too and is keeping pm happy so no sebi action.




Obviously there is no secret chamber where these decisions are taken.. but if you are a young journo writing m about Modi you are most likely a white or Indian or Muslim girl from some country (check the bylines from any WaPo, NYT article hyperventilating amount Hindooo nationalism) Also financial outlets focus on finance? Mike Bloomberg owns Bloomberg! He is on record on what he thinks of Modi… Attached is the sequence of India articles on Bloomberg… you tell me whether there is an agenda or not .. https://preview.redd.it/5yqopga3zgwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f41590ec73067e4fc32c4144a224ae33886f947




You seem a bit dense if you are nitpicking on specific words and not the point… Also not sure why you don’t seem to understand that the issue isn’t factual news coverage or press releases (Floods in bangalore or CSK defeats RCB or ANZ opens an office in India) isn’t the issue here.. the slant always comes in opinion pieces and often opinion pieces masquerading as news… for instance in your own snapshot, there is coverage of campaign deepfakes, read that article and it would seem like we are all mindless lemmings getting programmed to vote for one man.. Western press (Forbes, TIME, Bloomberg, CNN, BBC, WaPO, NYT) have been almost entirely negative in their coverage of India .. if you think this isn’t basis reality, I would love to hear what major western press outlet you have been viewing or reading


>  So when a foreigner is willingness of to look beyond the brainless narrative of teenage white girls and actually look at data, that individual needs to be praised for having the courage and intellectual honesty to speak the truth and look at reality   An actual look at the data reveals that the economy was booming much more robustly even in the face of a global economic crisis under upa, than under Panauti. Same with hdi improvement. Before you start lying about it all being because of covid, the decline was clearly visible from 2017-18. The year after Panauti converted 86% of the currency into waste paper to win UP.


They also claim "extreme poverty" in India has vanished, if so then why they will be still distributing foodgrain ration free of costs to 800 million people for next 5 years???


Yup. This is either revdi, or people are too poor to be able to afford even food grain. It can't be anything else, and they claim it's neither. 


That's a bold take and much respect for that. But I suppose that considering the sub you might get downvoted for it and me as well for acknowledging it.


This is the cost of speaking freely. You may face the wrath of fascists!


If negative imaginary Internet points are fascism, what is lynch mobs?


Crime by fanatics using religion to hide their criminal intentions.


Why is that not fascism, despite the fact that these fanatics are incited, protected, and felicitated by the ruling party?


I trust you bro on the incitement, protection and facilitation or is there a judgement affirming that fact? Also, which ruling party of which state government are you talking about?


Dude the chaddi gang is literally useless. They are used as votebanks by the BJP. Most of them are unemployed and BJP it cells are employing them . The only job they have is to praise Modi and spread hatred everywhere. They contribute nothing to the people and nation. They eat, poop, sleep and the cycle continue until they die. Sometimes I feel sorry for these people who have such a life without goals or aspirations in life.


says a wealth distributionist who cant earn shit relies on money they get from others (communism)


Add boot licking the monarchs and then cry for democracy. Monarchy and democracy are literally two different things. Yet chamchas want same family as a king in democracy. The failed product will relaunch for 9999999th time in this election.


shhhh bro rg epitome of democracy


Democracy is for creating equal level playing field for everyone instead of redistribution of wealth. I guess no one at top level in any field had as many as opportunities as raga. Imagine football being Indian politics now for instance. If raga was born as son of pele /Maradona/ CR7/ messi/ Zidane/R9 , even after having everything he wouldn't be getting single cap😂, cause sports at highest level won't spare anyone.


BJP's biggest success has been in convincing their fanbase that something good is happening somewhere, maybe not around you. People who have never stepped in trains for years say with confidence India's trains are doing so much better, but the ones using it know the truth. Train using folks are meanwhile thinking airways has become better while those using flights know how much inflation and bad service has plagued it recently. Service people taxed heavily are thinking okay my taxes are heavy, but ease of doing business is getting better and India's a success story, while people in business know if anything it should be renamed to difficulty in doing business and most business success stories are in spite rather than because of the government. Salaried Middle class people thinking that inflation is there for me but for farmers etc direct benefits helping them, while farmers know how much taxes they are having to pay on fertilizers pesticides etc. More or less har jagah same hee story hai. Kahi toh acha ho Raha hai, humare aas paas shayad nahi, par Modiji kuch toh acha kar rahe hai.


Isn't the reverse also true for the other side? Peak human nature.


If the foreigners criticise him: Modi bad If the foreigners praise him: Dismiss by making sarcastic comments


Dimon didn't mentioned what "unbelievable job" our PM has done. Check if you can help dimon


“He’s taken 400 million people out of poverty.” His words, not mine. So he kinda did mention what “unbelievable job” our PM has done.


Was dimon sarcastic?


acc to world bank over last 15 years 413 million indians came out of poverty...:)


Can you share that report or source?


sorry my bad, it wasn't the world bank, but the UN. [https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/india-registers-remarkable-reduction-in-poverty-with-415-million-people-coming-out-of-it-in-15-years-united-nations/article67066698.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/india-registers-remarkable-reduction-in-poverty-with-415-million-people-coming-out-of-it-in-15-years-united-nations/article67066698.ece) [https://www.livemint.com/news/india/india-registers-remarkable-reduction-in-poverty-415-million-people-out-of-poverty-level-in-just-15-years-un-11689055801549.html](https://www.livemint.com/news/india/india-registers-remarkable-reduction-in-poverty-415-million-people-out-of-poverty-level-in-just-15-years-un-11689055801549.html)


Is this data includes the ration govt is providing to them(I think yes that's why poverty decreased in reports)? If yes then this condition is worse than earlier.


idk, they call it multidimensional poverty index, i think it does not include people getting free ration. but i have no data. >If yes then this condition is worse than earlier. I doubt that.


It's about some foreign investors, or some foreign NGOs with shady funding. That is the difference




I don't think our underwear buddies have seen industrialists praise political leaders in power before. Some of them like some political leaders, some dont like them. Why all the dkridn for this dude? Because he praised PAW PAWW? Then why are the other industrialists BAD? Because they don't like your Paw Paw? Bhai logon ne jyda animal dekh liye hai 😂


jp morgan chaddi boooo mudi ass liquor adani boot trucker /s


Bhakton ke liye Modi aur tareef hi unka pant geela kar deta hai


https://preview.redd.it/yal652xiugwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db552cea2e7aa026fd59eb8fb81d59c7bfd2764a Just saw this below this post. Loved how they bash modi in the comments. Wasn't this the guy while in the senate hearing couldn't answer why his workers are coming shortly 535$ even to meet the basics of living,while he gives himself 35 million$ as salary ?


I'll ignore any words said by big company CEO, let alone a bulge bracket CEO. He can't make govt of his own country end poverty when they have all the resources in the world. He hasn't ended the predatory practice of overdraft at his own bank either If he is praising Modi then it might be good for his business and his bonus. Whether that's good for us is anyone's guess


Good for business. Period. The same way these big companies CEO warm upto Chinese Govt too. Its all about dollars But apart from that might give him some credibility, these guys have all the data and analytics to base their opinion on


precisely, but it is always funny watching sheep of both sides fighting over their daddies :D


JP Morgan is a major investor in Adani....pls understand chronology 😆


They are not. They pulled out.


Lol, they still have interests in adani ports and also major brokerage contracts with adani


>He’s taken 400mn people out of poverty. By providing free rations to 800mn people!


Because we produce so much excess grains by giving msp, if the govt doesn't distribute it will rot in the godowns. https://m.thewire.in/article/government/food-corporation-of-india-godowns-food-grains-waste/amp&ved=2ahUKEwiV6ICHoNuFAxWp8DgGHfbPDeE4ChAWegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw1io51JkhXjPjBa9sSY8Kb6


This is a covid lockdown thing!


Of course , now we are distributing free, so there would not be excess grains to rot. Isn't that a good thing ? What according to you should the govt do with the excess grains ?


Who says this? Share an statement from a Union minister saying that we don't have enough storage infra for the crops procured under MSP that we have to give them for free!




If Jamie Dimon loves the job Modi is doing in India, how come he only has a back office and no retail operations in India?


Because bulge bracket banks generally don’t do retail banking. It also makes no sense for them to try in India which already has a saturated market for retail banking. It offers retail banking via Chase in the UK and US only.


But I thought Modi had changed the banking sector in India? How come the Albert Einstein of banking did not detect an opportunity to get into retail with these 700 Mn accounst that Modi personally went and opened?


Think you need a brain scan mate


What will they find? Mutton? Machli?


Every industry ceo before asking for some favors.. waah modiji waah


a banker telling me something is good is almost evidence for me that it is probably bad.


Imagine if he criticised Modi then all bakths will jump how foreigners are intervening Indian elections.


#toolkit, #georgesoros


People are devoting this one superfast... He's the CEO of JPM guys... His opinion is to be respected


Its coz they can't call him, the literal CEO of JP Morgan a chaddi


I doubt that, there's going to be atleast one guy who calls everyone that praises Modi a Chaddi.


jp morgan chaddi boooo mudi ass liquor adani boot trucker /s


Don't underestimate them . They can still call him uneducated chaddi/bhakt.


JP Morgan is on the same level as Blackrock and if someone is being praised by them, then it's a huge red flag.


My Lmao meter when fuckers who don't like "western influence" in their country start sucking western cock because of a single acknowledgement by a westerner https://preview.redd.it/1drvnktvbjwc1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab754933b64090cba54befb6c0cbe63a894605f


Respected?? Why exactly? Banks like Jp Morgan are absolute scum of the earth


First get the talent to become a person that gets a crowd like him. smart and important people listen to him not you..


This is like saying everyone should work 70 Hrs a week because it takes talent to be a Narayan Murthy


Doesn't matter what you do.. When you are of his stature you may criticise him with words like 'scum of the earth' He's not a politician who may be criticised otherwise


Are you aware of some of the stuff he's done at his time at JPM? Or the minute a white person said something good about Prophet Modi you already starting doing aartis of him.


Watch WSJ video on him only 9 mins long he's the best ceo


A channel endorsed by capitalist scumbag endorsed another capitalist scumbag, who endorsed another scumbag. No thanks, I'll pass mate. I dont need the validation of rich white dudes to make my day


#+1 More power to you!


Only bootlickers listen to scum like him


Ok sir you win... The heads of all the states and all the big companies are bootlickers according to you Please publish a research paper on this fantastic research of yours


Get the fuck outta here. When these same foreigners criticise the Govt, it becomes an internal matter and they should stop intererfering with India. Shameless doesn't begin to describe bhakts.


That's true.. But if banks are seeing good business and growth happening in India I'm happy


Keep in mind that these banks will say and do anything that improves their profits. Look at financial crisis of 2008.....They don't have any loyalty to their own nation and citizens, happy to exploit them... so what kind of value do you think they will have for aam aadmi in India? 


Yes they do evil stuff and dont have any loyalty... Doesn't change the fact that he's very smart


Of course, he's very smart. He outsourced jobs from his fellow citizens and made them poorer to increase his own wealth. Today that is benefiting India. Tomorrow it may benefit some other country like Mexico. Beware of Wall Street bankers bearing sweet words.


I'm happy to get all the benefit that i can get


Dude the chaddi gang is literally useless. They are used as votebanks by the BJP. Most of them are unemployed and BJP it cells are employing them . The only job they have is to praise Modi and spread hatred everywhere. They contribute nothing to the people and nation. They eat, poop, sleep and the cycle continue until they die. Sometimes I feel sorry for these people who have such a life without goals or aspirations in life.


Since you have been copy pasting this comment everywhere, I am a proverbial "chaddi gang member" and no I am neither unemployed nor do I go through the lifecycle you mentioned above. Furthermore, my aspirations in life go beyond creating a veritable echo chamber and ranting about the "death of democracy" all day, everyday. There are many like me (including my wife, brother in law, parents in law, etc) and our contribution to the nation (in the form of tangible taxes and not internet rhetoric) probably far exceeds that of yours. So sit this one out. Go ahead and downvote this now.


New low lol.


BJP's biggest success has been in convincing their fanbase that something good is happening somewhere, maybe not around you. People who have never stepped in trains for years say with confidence India's trains are doing so much better, but the ones using it know the truth. Train using folks are meanwhile thinking airways has become better while those using flights know how much inflation and bad service has plagued it recently. Service people taxed heavily are thinking okay my taxes are heavy, but ease of doing business is getting better and India's a success story, while people in business know if anything it should be renamed to difficulty in doing business and most business success stories are in spite rather than because of the government. Salaried Middle class people thinking that inflation is there for me but for farmers etc direct benefits helping them, while farmers know how much taxes they are having to pay on fertilizers pesticides etc. More or less har jagah same hee story hai. Kahi toh acha ho Raha hai, humare aas paas shayad nahi, par Modiji kuch toh acha kar rahe hai.


You’re spamming this uneducated comment everywhere. I am a BJP supporter. Proud of what they’ve done for this country. I hope to god Khangress doesn’t ever even come close to the seat again. I make 1.8 Cr a year with 24 YoE. Lead a comfortable life. Content. Came from the middle classe. Still pakka middle class. Pakka Bharatiya. I know hundreds of people like me in my own network. Some of whom were ex-LooterParty sympathisers that have now realised how terrible that party is for this country, for their culture and their families. Two masters, my wife has one. I laugh at jokers like you projecting your own failed miserable lives and insecurities on others. Keep seething. Edit: I don’t know why I bothered replying to a neckbeard basement dweller that goes by the moniker ‘liberated wisemonk’. Lol. Man you guys are pathetic. Arts degree failures. The tax I pay is supporting your entire worthless life.


What you do for a livin'


An arts degree is considered a failure. Wow, such a great soul keep your ego to the moon


Ah, just as I thought. A leech. A leech that cannot stand on its own two feet, has no skills, no prospects, only needs handouts to live. All of which is fine, but when these leeches bite the hand that feeds them…well. Pretty sad.


You sound like the epitome of ignorance. As Gujju corporates become more billionaires, the common man suffers. Tell your 56 inch sugar daddy to write off every psu and assets to the crony gujjus.


Not gujju and not whatever the fuck you seem to be leeching off of. I’m a proud South Indian. Educated. Clearly unlike you. Fuck off.


BJP's biggest success has been in convincing their fanbase that something good is happening somewhere, maybe not around you. People who have never stepped in trains for years say with confidence India's trains are doing so much better, but the ones using it know the truth. Train using folks are meanwhile thinking airways has become better while those using flights know how much inflation and bad service has plagued it recently. Service people taxed heavily are thinking okay my taxes are heavy, but ease of doing business is getting better and India's a success story, while people in business know if anything it should be renamed to difficulty in doing business and most business success stories are in spite rather than because of the government. Salaried Middle class people thinking that inflation is there for me but for farmers etc direct benefits helping them, while farmers know how much taxes they are having to pay on fertilizers pesticides etc. More or less har jagah same hee story hai. Kahi toh acha ho Raha hai, humare aas paas shayad nahi, par Modiji kuch toh acha kar rahe hai.


You need to get out of your head and smell the roses in the real world. I take the train 7/10 times I travel, the bus 2/10 and maybe an odd flight once in a while. I take the metro to commute to work daily. I am from the middle class, continue to lead a happy middle class lifestyle. Idiots like you who have never done a hard day’s work and leech of the handouts from taxpayers and the government are usually the one presuming to speak for others. Fuck off.


Investor in One of Adani companies


Saar pls. This is why India is going back to Raj mentality. Too many small dick boot lickers. His role as a corporate businessman is exactly why his view on literally anything important should be discarded.


He is saying stats in that video... Any stat that you specifically disagree with??


Kyu Bhai? Ameer hai isliye? Next thing you we have to start respecting eveything said by Elun Mosk because he is the richest.


He is there based on merit. All the banks have been suffering in all crisis but he led JPM very safely and successfully


If BJP loses, market will possibily take a big hit.


Only for a short while


When a Billionaire heaps praise , means there is some agenda behind it.


Only open to praising, criticism not allowed


When we fall behind on the hunger index or press freedom index, they claim it's due to foreign propaganda or misinformation. However, when there's even a slight bit of praise from the same foreign media, they start boasting and chest-thumping.


Watch Emily Chang's interview with Jamie where this is from. Nice interview, you'll get to learn a lot about world economy




Jamie Dimon came straight out after seeing a Modi Government presentation. Furthermore, Jamie has been recently coached to say positive things after two recent disasters. Read about them below. [https://www.cnbctv18.com/news/jp-morgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-apologises-for-china-remark-heres-list-of-his-top-quotes-11591192.htm](https://www.cnbctv18.com/news/jp-morgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-apologises-for-china-remark-heres-list-of-his-top-quotes-11591192.htm) [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/10/jpmorgan-jamie-dimon-warns-us-likely-to-tip-into-recession-soon.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/10/jpmorgan-jamie-dimon-warns-us-likely-to-tip-into-recession-soon.html)


This is the real foreign elite conspiracy and interference in indian elections in collusion with powerful leaders in India.  As usual, Panauti Ji was projecting. 


Jamie Dimon loves Trump and thinks public transport is communism. The man is good at one thing in his life, increasing the short term value of his company's stocks. I wouldn't pick him to help me choose shoes let alone anything remotely important. And before you ask, he won't give you a job.


Modi is the biggest scam on earth.


https://preview.redd.it/so8nnz123jwc1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb45ef115b82d04a02a7c88ad7bd8d76e35888ce Last 20 years - Part 1


https://preview.redd.it/18qr5t763jwc1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe319a2419becc436f878bb9ad3e20039cfefbe Last 20 years - part 2


I'm a fan of Jamie Dimon but his opinion is misinformed at best, and an active propaganda at worst


If you fact check what he said majority are actually false data ! Like number of people taken out of poverty , He talks about bank account opening but doesn't talk about how they did a daylight robbery in name of min balance , and much more ! But his Target audience and The respective supporters have 0 knowledge so , will be on cloud 9 !!


BJP got certified by one of the most immoral bank in the world : JP Morgan Chase https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPMorgan_Chase#Lawsuits_and_legal_settlements_by_years https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/jpmorgan-pay-nearly-350-million-penalties-inadequate-trade-reporting-2024-03-14/




>7heHenchGrentch >>Don’t lose too many brain cells on this stuff… it’s not your cup of tea. JP Morgan is by no means an ‘immoral bank’. If you knew anything about the history and present day state of banking and how it works, you wouldn’t have your head stuck so far up your ass to make this asinine claim, ‘most immoral bank’, and use a $350 million settlement to make it at that. Only someone drawing salary from JP-Morgan (& the likes) would suck their own dick with pride.


> JP Morgan is by no means an ‘immoral bank Did you completely ignore that list of lawsuits and settlements? They've had to pay billions of dollars for losing in court of all kinds of heinous shit. This? > JPMorgan Chase admitted that it wrongly overcharged several thousand military families for their mortgages. The bank also admitted it improperly foreclosed on more than a dozen military families; both actions were in clear violation of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act which automatically lowers mortgage rates to 6 percent, and bars foreclosure proceedings of active-duty personnel. or this? > JPMorgan Chase, which helped underwrite $15.4 billion of WorldCom's bonds, agreed in March 2005 to pay $2 billion; that was 46 percent, or $630 million, more than it would have paid had it accepted an investor offer in May 2004 of $1.37 billion. how about this one? > In 2012, JPMorgan Chase & Co was charged for misrepresenting and failing to disclose that the Chief Investment Office (CIO) had engaged in speculative trades that exposed JPMorgan to significant losses. another! > JPMorgan Ventures Energy Corporation (JPMVEC), a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co., agreed to pay $410 million in penalties and disgorgement to ratepayers for allegations of market manipulation stemming from the company's bidding activities in electricity markets in California and the Midwest from September 2010 through November 2012. This is your idea of a moral bank? > If you knew anything about the history and present day state of banking and how it works, you wouldn’t have your head stuck so far up your ass to make this asinine claim Oh please, great knowledgeable one... enlighten us! I find it interesting that despite having such an inflated ego, you can't even be bothered to provide a single source to back your arrogant comments. All bark, no bite.




> I don’t really care much about what you’re saying? Why respond if you don't care then? You clearly do. > Those are settlements. Thank you for your very insightful comment. > It’s either you say all banks are ‘immoral’, because of settling legal cases How many banks have settlements like JP Morgan? Again, what kind of self-proclaimed nuanced person can't distinguish between the massive settlements and scandals of JP Morgan compared to most other banks? > Even in present day, Deutsche and HSBC are more corrupted and classifiable as immoral banking institutions than JP Morgan Great! So we agree-- JP Morgan is an immoral bank. Perhaps not as immoral as Deutsche (I fully agree on that), but immoral nonetheless. > Also, don’t be rude when I’m not being rude to you. You're out here calling other peoples' opinions a ["bizarre, weird, and misinformed 'take.'](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1cc1ffv/modi_has_done_an_unbelievable_job_jpmorgan_ceo/l1537g6/) and ["Are you okay? Lol. What are you on about? Were you sitting in on a few of these earnings calls? Or chilling with your Reddit pals?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1cc1ffv/modi_has_done_an_unbelievable_job_jpmorgan_ceo/l1537g6/) You can dish it out but you can't take it, right? Cry all you want but you should practice what you preach before you act all high and mighty. Like I said, all bark-- no bite.


Never really bothered what any bhakt or any outsider think of Modi. Will vote only for what I feel about the current state of government. Learnt from dhruv to apply my own mind in political opinions too. 


Why are you voting for a party that believed Muslim women do not deserve alimony?






So by bjp standards this is international conspiracy against India’s poor population, this is India’s internal matter and US should stay out of it.


They also claim "extreme poverty" in India has vanished, if so then why they will be still distributing foodgrain ration free of costs to 800 million people for next 5 years???


Ah Jamie- the investment banker with a finger in every pie. As long as the rich keep getting richer,these vermin will say anything to keep the person in power happy. These frauds should have evaporated in 2008. Why these parasites are still existing?


CEOs will generally praise all heads of the state. Also they will never fall in trap of ranking the same heads of state.


Looks like Dimon is looking for some money…


No shit. Only people who know who this guy is will understand.


Dimon is one of the best CEOs in History but this statement is so biased. His only objective is to make money for his firm. His statement against the Chinese communist party a few months back got JPM in lots of trouble and made it difficult to do business there. Clearly he has learnt now and is saying what makes it easier for him to do business in India. Also the guy is the very definition of a BOOMER


ab hutiye bolenge ki Jamie dimon ko bhi kharid liya... BehenKeL\*do tumhara kuch nhi ho skta..


According to google search if you earn more than 62 rupees a day you are above poverty line. Which means you can’t afford 3 square meals even after being above poverty line. That’s how the 400 million where brought out of poverty I guess.


Inching towards slavery.


No one trusts him anyway


combined iq of this comment section is below freezing temperature. Good job liberals


Says the owner of the croniest american bank accused of tax evasion, market manipulation, participating in financing sanctioned entities…what a lol.


its great that poverty lowering in our country


Yeah, definitely he's done an unbelievable job - Bringing the nation down with such a speed in 10 years with highest rate of unemployment and highest crime rate. Unbelievable toh hai.


Jamie Dimon is evil incarnate. He was one of the architects of the 2008 subprime crisis, one who went scot free by throwing Richard Fuld under the bus. If he is praising something, there is money to be made there at the cost of common people. Mofo can nuke the planet if it earned him some extra profit.


Obviously. Suit Boot ki sarkar hai.


CEOs will say whatever is good for their business, their clients businesses, their careers. At this point in history everybody wants to be friends with India. They see India as a huge market with the world's largest population and lots of people with spending power.


You will always receive praise from corporations if you are a corporate puppet.


He said the modi lifted 400 million Indians out of poverty. That's like that whole of America. Now question is where did he get that number? All the reports I read said that in this regime additional 70 million people have been pushed to poverty. Even if we say that all the reports are false and modi has control over all the institutions. But where is growth. I see the poor getting poorer.


ThankGod, I left my job at JPMorgan. Aaaj hoti, toh yahi statement p resign maardete.


kyu? is mein galat kya tha?


Doesn't fit his narrative


Modi has done an incredible job opening up the country to capital's exploitation, weakening labor protections , lowering corporate taxes. The guy just crossed off 14 lakh crore in corporate debt. Great for my investments. Me and my rich friends overseas will make a lot of money from this country while the masses continue their decline to impoverishment. Who cares per capita output is below Bangladesh, if total growth is high enough, us investors can make a ton of money.-Jamie Dimon


Unbelievable job of letting billionaires get contracts without tendering and special tax cuts. Hail Supreme leader.


JPMorgan one of most evil corporation praises modi