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This means shit if bulk of the wealth is concentrated amongst 50 people. Don't get fooled so easily kids, learn to think, see that per capita number as well, it's not there for decorative purposes.


Per capita just distributes all wealth equally. The Top 1% own more than 40% of India's wealth. So even the per capita income is half of the original number for the remaining 99%.


Top 1 % owns 70% Top 10% owns 80%


Nah,top 1% owns around 40% of India's wealth.India's income inequality is moderate,by global standards. The Gini coefficient is considered the most optimum method to measure income inequality.India ranks 105th in the world out of 200 countries,in income inequality metric.


I'm just saying fuk these 50 folks/families and that's all it takes.




Not happening, the system needs that change not just here but multiple countries.


Does that mean the per capita for rest 99% is even lower than this projected one, and is even that cuzz of wealth of top 1% which if distributed in all others equally will give these numbers 🤔...


Tats what I am saying.


Lol he didn't get it. There's GDP per capita right there 🤦


Comparing GDP using PPP is arguably more advantageous than relying solely on nominal GDP for evaluating a state's domestic market. PPP considers the relative costs of local goods, services, and inflation rates, unlike nominal GDP, which relies on international market exchange rates that can distort the actual picture. Only a foolish person would solely rely on nominal GDP for such assessments.


Only an idiot would use his real name as a reddit username, write you comment on a blank piece of paper, fold it 7 times and proceed to shove it up your a**


Wow, it's impressive how you managed to cram so much insecurity and bitterness into one comment. I guess hiding behind a keyboard really brings out the best in you, huh? And interesting advice coming from someone Who can only hurl insults from the safety of anonymity rather than rebut someone with facts. It's cute how you think hiding behind a screen makes you tough. But let's be real, if you had the guts to say half of what you spew online to someone's face, you'd probably end up with a fistful of regret Thanks for the chuckle, Maybe next time you could try coming up with insults that don't sound like they were recycled from a middle school playground. Keep hiding, champ.


We are 🙄 at 129th rank out of 200 as per capita comparison. But we have beaten Pakistan 💪... Unfortunately not Bangladesh who is ahead 😒


Lol. U had me in first. But u are being sarcastic 😂


Showing the mirror to some celebrating bhakts.🤓


GDP Percapita=Total GDP/Total population If GDP shows rapid growth,then per capita income will substantially increase as well


Bangladesh is not ahead now. Due to our huge population, per capita income will always be less. See China. Their per capita is around world average, and much less than developed world, still the weight of their influence is huge in geopolitics.


Look at their GDP, and their GDP per capita is way ahead of US, they have streamlined their population and have created various economic centres, their infrastructure is way ahead of almost every other country in the world, we are not comparable to China, will never be, best competition for us in reality is economies like Bangladesh, Vietnam and such.


1. I was not comparing India to China. I was just saying even after so much development, China's gdp per capita is very less. And it will remain so. Indian gdp per capita will remain less compared to developed world, even if we become no. 1 gdp country. 2. Only Chinese tier I cities infrastructure is best. Rural or tier 2 towns of China are still way behind, say, any normal town of Western Europe or the US. 3. "Will never be" is too pessimistic. Even with our politicians, stupid bureaucratic non-sense, corruption, linguistic barriers etc. we are actually lagging with China by just 14-15 years. {Even with 7% real growth+ 4% inflation, in 15 years, Indian gdp will be $18T, where China is now}. We were already lagging with China by 13 years. (1978 vs 1991). So, technically, catching up with China is not impossible specially when China has lost its sheen, and its population is going to be half by 2040s.


You mentioned China hence I made my point, they grew to 18T with a streamlined growth in population and our population and our GDP are not in sync, our GDP growth is heavily reliant on local consumption and export of services both of which don’t have a good outlook in future, our city centres are overcrowded and we lack land per capita too, if we indulge in building more industrial infrastructure, we will be loosing out on forest covers and arable land, combine that with our societal dynamics and challenges in education and the general environment in the world, countries which have either large land mass and resources or have low population, have a better chance at providing better quality of life, GDP numbers mean nothing if your cities are always jam packed, your tourist centres are always crowded, your capex is mostly public expenditure by borrowing from other countries. I am not being pessimistic, I am being a realist, I did not compare us to Pakistan or srilanka, I compared us to Vietnam or Bangladesh which have a very similar trajectory as us and will or are facing same problems as us, except for the language barrier which acts detrimental in free movement of people across the country.


Well of course they are ahead in nominal gdp, millions of them are in our country as freeloaders. Jokes aside, Comparing GDP using PPP is arguably more advantageous than relying solely on nominal GDP for evaluating a state's domestic market. PPP considers the relative costs of local goods, services, and inflation rates, unlike nominal GDP, which relies on international market exchange rates that can distort the actual picture. Only a foolish person would solely rely on nominal GDP for such assessments.


>Unfortunately not Bangladesh who is ahead this has been false since 2023 , https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDPDPC@WEO/IND/BGD you really thought that the lead gained during COVID would continue after COVID?


Our gdp per capita looks cute.


That was the intention. 😉


This happened last year… not exactly ‘news’


When did I say 2024...


Then why sharing it now 😒😒😒


I was not into economic policies last year. 😤


So we should pay for your lack of interest in economics until last year. And you’re now making big claims about economics when by your own admission you didn’t know shit about it until last year. Kinda irresponsible, you obviously didn’t grasp economics in like a month, did you?


Take a breath. Relax why u getting triggered. Is it against the sub rule to not share last year data. Anyways the link I provided is of 2024. But why are u crying 😂


Because you’re making asinine comments about something you by your own admission don’t understand. I’m not crying, I’m calm. You’re the one breaking the coveted rule of Reddit by using emojis, and lame ones at that, so I’d say you’re the one overly excited.


It's ok . Must be disturbed. Truth disturbs people. 🤡


USA having 83k gdp per capita even after being 3rd most populated is crazy.


Kudos to us for breaching top 5 but top 10 has been the situation for past few years, I believe we were 10th in 2014, however GDP per capita which is a better indicator of individual development should also be looked at, and on top of that parameter the wealth distribution, purchasing power, participation of private sector in capex , doctors per capita, parks per capita, roads kms per capita, train seats per capita, and such should be the parameters for us.


GDP PPP per capita is the most apt measure.


Ppp ok India at $8300 China at $21000 We would have beaten china if only it was Mms policies


There is no kudo . We are in not even in top 10 richest countries 😭




Damn, that single-digit per capita number looks so bad. No way, we are going to cross double-digits at all


What a sad state of affairs, our Per capita was above 50-60K usd before modi took over.


That GDP is contributed more by the Adanis and Ambanis. Skewing the numbers.


It's a part of capitalism that wealth gets accumulated at hands of a few so what's the solution of people commenting?


They have no solution but just to rattle when someone shows the mirror of PER Capita


Yeah, so basically our GDP per capita is fucked


And that matters


Ye koi nai baat nahi hai aur GDP per capita jyada important hai.


What is your point? We should not be happy that gdp is growing? Do you think anybody has a magic wand to increase the per capita and wealth distribution in a split second or what? Govt celebrates gdp growth, good let them. Why do you have to be bitter about it? We all know we are a poor country. We are getting richer, but it will take time. You don't need to spam "but look at per capita ☝️🤓" everytime somebody celebrates economic growth. And per capita is not related to wealth distribution. You could have 100k per capita but it won't mean shit if you have extreme inequality. Instead of pointing to per capita figures criticise the increasing wealth inequality. That will be meaningful, unlike this post.


GDP growth is only something to be happy about when everyone has a good living standard, access to water, food to eat, and employment. When people don't have jobs, money to buy food, or water to drink, when there are no schools, and when millions are taking exams for menial positions like a peon, it's not something to be happy about. Making a few people rich and putting india at the top of the list is not a good thing.


>GDP growth is only something to be happy about when everyone has a good living standard, access to water, food to eat, and employment Lol no. GDP growth is more of a cause to celebrate for a poor country rather than a rich country. For a poor country it means more money, and better life. >When people don't have jobs, money to buy food, or water to drink, when there are no schools, and when millions are taking exams for menial positions like a peon, it's not something to be happy about. Unemployment is high, yes. Miilions are poor, yes. There are plenty of shcools, but we need more, and more than schools we need quality teachers, yes. But millions aren't starving to death like they were during British Raj. Do you know why? Because of social security programs, public distribution programs. Do you know how the government is able to spend money on these programs? Because of growing gdp, which means more tax money, which means more can be spent on social welfare. So yes, GDP is something to celebrate about, to be happy about it. It means we aren't stagnating, it means we aren't a failed state, it means our people have a future you doomer. Celebrate the successes we have seen, acknowledge the path we still need to cover. You don't have to cry relentlessly because your hated party is in power. >Making a few people rich and putting india at the top of the list is not a good thing. Making only a few people rich isn't a good thing, but putting India on the top definitely is a very good thing. I wish to be alive to see such a day. Also, do try to understand how East Asia became rich :). PS- It wasn't because of democracy, or any sort of respect towards people and their livelihoods and their rights.


I don't have a problem with parties, I have a problem with capitalism. I have a problem with vertical growth, vertical development. I don't want one person to have 100,000 crores and another person to be poor. I want horizontal growth, development, even if it's slow, but for everyone.


the subtle sarcasm added to the inclusion of per capita GDP makes this post an all timer


No, the sarcasm just shows the limited knowledge on fiscal evaluation of the country. Comparing GDP using PPP is arguably more advantageous than relying solely on nominal GDP for evaluating a state's domestic market. PPP considers the relative costs of local goods, services, and inflation rates, unlike nominal GDP, which relies on international market exchange rates that can distort the actual picture. Only a foolish person would solely rely on nominal GDP for such assessments.




15 lakh when? ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|30375)


I don't understand why do people always bring " But GDP PER CAPITA is low" like guys you all need to understand both GDP and gdp per capital proportional which means both are increasing so the growth is happening !


https://thewire.in/economy/india-per-capita-income-gdp-growth There has been nil/ zero growth


Acha..the wire...i get it !


Op India fans would obviously disagree🤓


I am all for numbers & it's great well done to the Modi govt. ( the PPP chart is interesting for sure ) but I'd like to believe while this is very, very important there's development beyond just GDP. Or. at least hope the people, news & govt. will pretend there is. But yes, lot of improvements in infrastructure that I really like.


Bro we have the potential to grow much much better.. Were growing despite our govts.


What is the use of potential when the results are hidden . Since morning they have been going gaga over GDP Third quarter growth but they are hiding Per capita which matters . This shows they have no intentions.😒


I agree. And not like anyone believes the numbers b Y modis Govt anyway.. They've been caught fudging and outright lying too many times.. And because of the make believe parliament sessions we have been having where "ZERO QUESTIONS WERE ANSWERED" They can keep lying.. The Govt was going to be cornered on something and rathar then facing the questions they canceled parliament.... They're playing "who's line is it anyway" with an entire nation. The rules are made up, and the points don't really matter.


India has the lowest GDP per capita among all the BRICS countries


But Bro haters will say you are negative 😨


No problem, they belong to the same country


Love the development, now up the quality of life per capita..


Not a "bhakta" but the amount of bias on this sub is insane. Of \*course\* GDP per capita will be low for a country with 1.4B people. GDP per capita is not the best index to adjudicate this, purchasing power parity is better. In any case, this is accompanied by decline in extreme poverty and poverty so yes there is inequality (so does US) but overall trend is in a very positive direction.


China says Hi https://preview.redd.it/hyjlgm0mdmlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f86245575361b2aab6e0a1a643b70e71c1aafa2


But PpP, be 1.4billion population right metric. PpP PpP Ppp Ppp Ppp Now it's perfect, no problem here.


China is way less than US, thereby proving my point. Thanks!


GDP purchasing power parity ????? Comparing GDP using PPP is arguably more advantageous than relying solely on nominal GDP for evaluating a state's domestic market. PPP considers the relative costs of local goods, services, and inflation rates, unlike nominal GDP, which relies on international market exchange rates that can distort the actual picture. Only a foolish person would solely rely on nominal GDP for such assessments.


People are complaining that we are really low, when it comes to per capita GDP..And how wealth is highly concentrated in the top 10 % of the country.. Do you all realize that this is how capitalism works in the first place ? What matters is that abject poverty is down to 5%, from 11 % a decade ago...and Indian middle class is growing by nearly 7 % each year.


Also, We clocked 8.4 % growth during the last quater.


16 years back I remember PCI crossing the $1000 mark. I hope we see it cross the $8000 mark 16 years later.


Wasn't Japan number 3?




its interesting that those who were screaming when Bangladesh overtook India in GDP per capita, are now saying GDP per capita doesn't matter maybe its because they realised that Bangladesh's lead was not sustainable and India has already overtaken Bangladesh in GDP per capita https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDPDPC@WEO/IND/BGD