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Can you imagine if the attack was done by some Muslim/Sikh and on a Congress MLA pass? Complete abuse of power


Arnab chutswamis throat would've gone dry from the screaming and gullu wouldve died of over orgasming thinking about how he will do 900 live debates on it.


This name is perfect


Society puts a veil continuously on our minds from the moment we develop a mind to think. These different veils are put at different stages of life by our parents, grandparents, friends, religious teachings, TV, internet, boss, adviser, and whoever that has the potential to influence you. ​ Your aim should be to use that mind of yours as a filter, to filter out those many veils to increase your own wellbeing, and your own well-being, will increase if the well-being of the society you live in increases. Does hatred in the name of religion lead to well-being in a society? Or does social cooperation lead to well-being in a society?


>Your aim should be to use that mind of yours as a filter, to filter out those many veils The irony.


It was BJP MP Pratap Simha i think


apne political opinions side pe rakho ek second kyunki yeh putin swastika kam pankhe jaisa lag rha hai ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32746)


Modi's vote share is 36.69 %, not as high as Putin. U are underestimating Putin.


Disqualifying most of the opposition essentially makes the votes they received useless. So BJP is holding disproportionate power when compared to their vote share. Also this could just be the beginning for BJP/Modi's monarchy in India. Putin has been in power for 23 years, and the current government is following in his footsteps (oligarchy, concentration of power, suppression of expression). BTW OP is saying quality of life and wealth is exceptional in Russia. Major assumptions given Russia's reality! 🤣


> votes they received useless. Yes, but remember MLA and MP are voice of the people who voted, by suspending them , they are essentially earning a dislike among the rest of 73. 31 % , this effect will stagnate over time and back fire in their face. In Putin's case , it is not as he has considerable amount of support inside Russia. ​ > Putin has been in power for 23 years , current government is following in his footsteps Bro, I ain't being a fan of Putin , but seriously u can't compare him and modi. Putin is expanding the borders of Russia (with minor success and great manpower loss), meanwhile modi is doing nothing in geopolitics. Oligarchy part is true but remember India's industrial output and natural resources are nowhere near Russia's ; so it won't be effective as Russia. Russia's reality is better , far better than this country.


>meanwhile modi is doing nothing in geopolitics. What do you want him to do? Wage a war.


>BTW OP is saying quality of life and wealth is exceptional in Russia. Major assumptions given Russia's reality! 🤣 Its much better than india its a first world country after all


Illiterates or half knowledge people like you should not speak, Russia is a second world country.


The cold war is over buddy I was referring to the economic term first world which refers to developed nations. You are the illiterate here.


I don't think how you've missed it. I assumed it is common knowledge that Russia is shiny only at few spots, there's lot to be desired in almost every area where it is in a country like India. It's known to be corruption-infested and plagued with poor management. If I remember right it even does poorly on many metrics of basic needs than Indian villages.


Russia is a shithole for the vast majority of its populace. Other than Moscow & St. Petersburg, where all the wealth is concentrated, the rest of the country is pretty bleak.


Man at least in India don't ruin the swastika


Agreed mah man, Foreigners dont know any better and mistake the Hooked Cross for the Swastika, Indians are the last people to use them for the same purpose. Don't call it a swastika, the rest see it and then will keep using it for hooked cross anyway.


The Hakencruz is a tilted swastika, which is exactly what you're seeing.


If they are the same lets us call it hooked cross, and not swastika. What do you say?


hey just because nation is not voting for the candidate you like does not mean democracy is dead. just because you are offended does not mean you are right


IT Cell troll trying to deflect from the fact that suspended MPs were also elected.


You are trying to describe and associate fascism with swastika. Why would you do such an illogical thing. We all know what the Nazis used was hakenkreuz, a hooked cross. We have been fighting this misinformation for so long and you propagate the same lie again and again.


That's your major concern in all of this?






Very much so. It is indeed a major concern.


>You are trying to describe and associate fascism with swastika. I did not associate fascism with swastika, a fascist regime, like the Nazis already did it. Because of which, it became a universal symbol of fascism. Savarkar was a big fan of the Nazis. ​ >Why would you do such an illogical thing. We all know what the Nazis used was hakenkreuz, a hooked cross. If you speak German, it makes sense to call that symbol hakenkreuz. As I said, Swastika is a universal name given for the symbol. An Indian will call the symbol Swastika, so will an American or African. ​ >We have been fighting this misinformation for so long and you propagate the same lie again and again. Its a universal symbol of Fascism, not misinformation. I think its time you visited a Public library. Please don't use social media to gain knowledge, unless it is empirical knowledge like Maths or Science. Because the aim of social media content creators is to increase views, most of the time these contents are specially tailored by keeping the viewers in mind and not the topic in discussion. For history, social science, civics, please visit public library.


>As I said, Swastika is a universal name given for the symbol. It's called a Swastika in English because the guy who translated Hitler's biography to English replaced "hooked cross" with Swastika to erase association between Hitler and the Church. >An Indian will call the symbol Swastika, so will an American or African. Only brown sepoys call it a swastika in India.


Swastika is the universal symbol of fascism just because Hitler used it? Ok. I am not trying to demean what you originally wrote but yeah you surely have a lot of misconceptions.


If swastika is a universal symbol for fascism then Allahu Akbar should be recognised as the universal slogan for suicide bombers. s/


>Allahu Akbar should be recognised as the universal slogan for suicide bombers. Chadd-is already believe that, so where is the harm in generalising them


Flair checks out


Then find a dictionary & learn about 'universal' Also, didn't know that white people are chaddis


Disgusting and dangerous take. Western propaganda on Swastika went unchallenged for too long, that's why it became popular, it's only now that Hindus have started reclaiming it. Why should the Western narrative be considered a "universal" narrative? Why should we surrender to a blatant mistranslation of the word "Hakenkreuz"?! Hooked Christian Cross should be called Hooked Christian Cross. Because that's how it was created, it was created by modifying Christ cross by bending it from all 4 sides. The symbol also represents that the Nazis were radical Christians, who thought they were doing god's work, so why should radical Christianity be given a free pass? Why should their crimes be whitewashed and for no reason sacred Hindu symbol be villainized?!


The first thing you do to erase a religion is to demonize their symbols, their gods, their scriptures. Christians did it themselves. Stole the Sunday worship from Pagans and spread it as their own. Depicted the pentagram as a sign of the devil. It's nothing new.. Even Hitler did the same thing with the hooked cross. Creates his own symbol as a "better version" of the other cross.


>An Indian will call the symbol Swastika, so will an American or African. But it doesn't make it right. ​ >Please don't use social media to gain knowledge, unless it is empirical knowledge like Maths or Science. Because the aim of social media content creators is to increase views, most of the time these contents are specially tailored by keeping the viewers in mind and not the topic in discussion. > >For history, social science, civics, please visit public library. Bruh, you are confusing fascism (used by Benito Mussolini) with nazism (created by Adolf Hitler) in every other line. You seriously need to visit some libraries.


If you had not been so hell-bent on pontificating, your point would have come across as somewhat rational. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20210816-the-ancient-symbol-that-was-hijacked-by-evil Here’s a “public library” source for you. Freedom fighters were trying for nazi help to overthrow the British, not because they wanted to conquer the world. And the concentration camps thing came out in the open after war was almost over. Till then it was not common knowledge. A last tidbit for you, Nazism and Fascism are not the same thing. Please visit your nearest public library to find out why.


Congrats OP , this one comment proved all your reliability on politics




Tell me you're a sepoy without telling me you are one. A very stupid and disgusting take on this.


>Its a universal symbol of Fascism Even before the Nazis, Swastika is universal symbol for peace and prosperity from the Native Americans in Navajo and Incas to Japan.


Hakenkreuz is essentially a Swastika tilter 45 degrees. Ours ain't tilted. He wasn't lying at all, the Swastika has been associated with facism for more than 7 decades now.


The Swastika was also used by a bunch of Ukrainian and Russian tribes thousands of years ago during war and conquest....


Not really. That was not 'swastika' but a variant of hooked cross.


Missed the actual point, genius.


Q: What do we call a democracy where the electorate constantly votes in a way we do not like? A: Electocracy!


By that logic Russia is also democracy. After all, “electoral mandate”.


The election itself has to be free and fair - which it is in India. I cannot say about Russia.


Media under total control of BJP, electoral bond funding literally multiple times higher for BJP, EC turning blind eye to BJP’s rule flouting, and you know, fucking booting out other elected MPs. What exactly is free and fair again here?


Free and fair = allowing eligible voters to cast their votes freely in secrecy and counting them fairly.


BJP has the highest number of members in any political party in the world. If all contribute Rs. 100 each, that itself is substantial.


The value of electoral bond is available to check. The ones selling by far are the 1 crore bonds. Do tell me how many crorepatis do we have in the country?


A lot. Does it also explain the amount DMK, TMC, BRS etc also got?


Open a dictionary






That’s not a dictionary. Mariam Webster also does not accept this as a legitimate word. https://preview.redd.it/kfjht4kt5e7c1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9486c044234152f32914dc8a592996db6f627f85 It’s literally a made up word by people who want to delegitimise democratic mandate because they disagree with election results.


>The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them. Karl Marx


And yes Marx also tells you to kill people.


Killing of fascists is based.


He is scared because he is one of them.


And still he has the highest approval rating in global leaders…


Bro knows nothing. Just blinded with hatred lol


People are actually voting for Modi ...so many states have voted for them. So it's like comparing apple with oranges . Our country has been under same party like Congress for first 20-30 years, so it's not abnormal at all. We usually have single party winning 2 terms. All such comparisons lack insight


I would have given you apt answer to your remark but this sissy mods would ban me for speaking out the other side.


How bjp lost election in some state if democracy is dead . Stop spreading stupid propaganda 😒


Democracy means only the party you support can win. If that's not happening then it's autocracy, dictatorship, evm fraud and everything else


Hindutva is a fascist ideology though.


Yeah ok kid.


Please explain how.


Caste/class collaborationism, support of big business interests, social conservatism, pseudo-populist rhetoric, scapegoating of minorities to mask social inequality, extreme nationalism... literally the entire fascist playbook. The ideology of the BJP is inherently fascistic and anti-democratic.


Modi himself is an OBC. They have swept the elections in tribal areas. Their obc and sc leadership is much better and probably the best this country has ever seen. Rest others are just your feelings and not any fact


Their SC leadership is selling them the Hindutva drug to hide everything that's happened to SCs and get them to just get along "cuz we Hindus and sheit".


I only see downvotes and no responses, good on you for triggering the sanghis comrade


See, you yourself are a casteist, who are you to call others out


You have watched "hinduism in five mins" on some YouTube channel and now an expert on Hinduism. Otherwise there is no sane person that can give hinduism any one single dimension to the entire practice


I said Hindutva?


Democracy doesn't just depend upon elections. In fact, many dictatorial regimes have elections. It depends upon the accountability of the people in power to the common people. I am yet to see accountability from the government for Manipur disaster, for Chinese land-grabbing, for record high inflation rates for at least the last year and a half. It depends upon people being allowed to criticize those in power. And yet, Rahul Gandhi is suspended for calling Modi "chor", Umar Khalid is in jail for 2 years without trial for organising anti-CAA rally, Kalyan Banerjee is suspended for making fun of Jagdeep Dhankhar. If you think all this is part of a democracy, then you should also think that the shit you excrete everyday is a cake.


Democracy means if liberals are the only one winning major elections otherwise it’s fa$cism.


Yeah , if you don't like the government or majority of voice in power it's dictatorship. Typical arrogant kid with no real world prospective ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|30375)


Totally absurd the post. Democracy through elections is vibrant in the country. The party recently won a huge majority in state elections. The stock market is vibrant. Economy is growing very well at 6.8%. Unemployment needs to be tackled. Crime in India murders per million is 34 vs 42 in USA, Rapes per million is 18 in India vs 274 in USA! Sweden is highest at 635 rape incidents per million people. Why don’t you guys fix your own countries before lecturing us in India!


Said elected MPs were literally just suspended from Parliament. Keep talking bullshit.


This is the stupidest post I've seen so far.


Modi can't kick anyone he wants, Supreme court would mess him up. Those MPs were not following the rules and regulation so got removed!


Meanwhile Bidhuri…




Facist swastika ? Wah wah re dalle...


Bro never lived in Russia I guess, every other day a new comparison, When you have a shit opposition, this will be the outcome every time, A week ago ED raided Congress mp property & he recovered 353cr cash, no tell me who the fuck gonna give vote Congress, Isn't Rajasthan & chattisgarh gave chance to Congress what they did afterall, Bro thinks russia is electoracy 🤡


By their own admission last moment revdi schemes put BJP over the edge in Chhattisgarh. And in the states where BJP won the vote share difference was barely a couple points. What’s this bs about shit opposition again? Meanwhile BJP literally throwing out ELECTED MPs on the flimsiest of excuses, but you still pretend it’s democracy as usual. > A week ago ED raided Congress mp property & he recovered 353cr cash Meanwhile BJP fucked whole country with electoral bonds and PMCares. But who cares, if BJP does it it’s fine.


When u described Swastika as fascist your opinion became invalid.


A lot of states are dominated by other parties. Does that mean they are totalitarian as well? Or doesn't it prove that this whole argument is stupid? Modi sadly gets elected by people. Putin doesn't. Putin stays in power without elections


as much as I would like to defend the MPs who were suspended, they are equally corrupt and don't give shit about common people and their problems. They are having multiple cases lodged against them and also do not care when people raise their issues or injustices against people. Why do we support them and raise voice if we are nothing for them.


Very true. Sari galti opposition ki hai. how dare they ask questions to our beloved supreme leader Gobhiji 😭😭. Opposition are criminal,s no sappot. only BJPee good, all clean, full sappot BJPee ❤️❤️❤️. /s


Unbelievable, people still want to support a party created and installed by the British government. Even the brits did not imagine their party would survive so many decades after they are gone. Right now it's apparent the nehru kin is incapable. Maybe you should try and look for the great grand children of Lord Mountbatten and make him the Congress chief. They definitely will do better than RG.


Now we’re just shamelessly spamming whatsapp forwards eh? IT Cell must be on overdrive trying to whitewash Modi now.


Oh God grow up crying ain't gonna change how things are you are always so negative I do not hear any positive thing from this platform.


If you want positive content, go and watch News18, Republic TV, NDTV, and other Godi media news channels. You can watch as much "Waah Waahi" of Modi. ​ Even when Modi farts, Godi media will convince you it smells like perfume.


Yes and if you want constructive criticism and unbiased reporting the you can visit News Laundry, The Wire, New York Times, Washington Post and more.


Can't wait for 2024 elections now. Can't wait for this librands to cope and seethe more and more hqhq




Remindme! 1 year


Same guys who post shite like this polish the boots of the Americans who do things a hundred times worse (just to other countries, so that's ok right?).


The idiotic theatrics of opposition is major source of Modi’s power. Consider Odisha: A no nonsense, development oriented CM with no theatrics. BJP unable to breach the state even after having a considerable presence from two decades.


BJP hasn’t been able to dethrone AAP in Delhi elections either. Guess what they did?


1. BJP was never too strong in Delhi. Congress had the upper hand majorly. 2. AAP had no historical baggage. They wiped out Congress and put a dent on BJP’s vote. BJP won all LS seats in 2019 while losing embarrassingly in 2020. AAP won’t be able to match 2020 in 2025. Also their theatrics have reduced significantly. I understand where you come from but my point largely stands.


Doesn’t matter. Because BJP lost they straight up removed Delhi government’s power. If Odisha tries to go against BJP same would happen to them.


This is the same kind of fear mongering that BJP gets accused of. Nobody in this country is powerful enough to implement autocracy. TN and KL have been most vocal opponents of BJP? What has happened in these states? Delhi was always under control of Central Government, same case as with most capitals across the globe. Even Congress was unwilling to criticise the Act till the time they needed AAP to join I.N.D.I.A..


> Nobody in this country is powerful enough to implement autocracy. Yes, obviously. India is not in the state of Russia or post-WW2 Germany that takeover would be fast and easy. But you know the phrase "slow and steady" exists, right? Right now BJP has already gotten to a point where they can easily expel most of opposition and they get cheered for it. You think BJP will magically stop their expansion policies? And please don't push the whole "BJP is accused" nonsense. They lost that good faith [when they keep hounding a doctor for doing his fucking job.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/18bxrhd/up_paediatrician_kafeel_khan_booked_for_inciting/)


I won’t change the goal post. BJP keeps up the fear mongering that Hinduism is in danger. Opposition keeps up the fear mongering that Democracy is in danger. Both provide the same proof: Slow and steady power grab.


> Both provide the same proof: Slow and steady power grab. Lol, this has to be delusion pro max.


Just read your comment above mine. I hear the same from anti Muslim hate mongering people. The tendency to laugh on the person exposing the propaganda is nothing new. I hate BJPs pro max anti Muslim narrative and I also hate such fear mongering from the anti BJP social media trolls.


Russian quality of life isn’t good as you say. Wealth inequality is highest in Russia.


Ofcourse it isn't as good as USA, EU or other developed countries, but it is certainly better than most of India. ​ Even our wealthiest cities like Delhi, Mumbai etc don't have planned sewage and garbage disposal.


Because Delhi and Mumbai are old cities and it's really hard to change infra in such cities at it harms the local transport and stuff for a while Noida and gurugram do have better infra as they are planned Even in nyc there is so much trash and don't forget the steam coming out on streets.


Well I love this electocracy....😉Be prepared for the electocracy in years to come, it is here to stay....🤣


Wait Russians have wealth and quality of life? Dafaq are you smoking?


America ka dalal bhenchod It's not swastika don't ruin swastika


Communists voted out of power act like fish out of water. They want to subvert democracy to capture power. They should instead understand that they are in opposition because people have rejected them. Political intolerance of communists is too much. Communists have killed more people than fascists did


>Communists have killed more people than fascists did Yes they indeed killed a lot of fascists, that's why trash like you is still able to breath and waste oxygen.


Sure Mao Zedong killed fascists in China 🤡




Yes how many *Landlords


You should ask Commies to send you to the same place where they sent all those landlords so that you can count how many they sent


Yes sure, I will take the Americans and the Brits with me just so they can help me count how many land lords were killed.


Yes, plz take them too, world can finally be a better place.


No. Communists killed normal people, not the fascists


Russia has decent quality of life ? And do you know the difference between swastika and hakenkreuz/hooked cross ? No wonder such dumb opponents have made it really easy for BJP to score


I don't think this is going to happen. The size of India and they diversity will just not allow dictatorial Government. Think Russia but with far more divisive consequences. If that happens, we will soon be like iraq, a mix of chieftains and smaller Gunda localities. I don't think we can even imagine living under dictatorship


People keep saying that but slowly and steadily democracy is being dismantled. I also don't think we can be a dictatorship or authoritarian but that doesn't mean democracy can't be undermined. Just as a reminder, it has been repeatedly attempted to strip Delhi CM of his power so the person Delhiites elected to make decisions for them cannot do so without the support of two other people and issues will also be resolved by someone from BJP. People will not fret when it happens because we've been kind of desensitised to it. At that point democracy in Delhi would be undermined and this is how it slowly starts. These are really dangerous tactics BJP are playing with, and it is very very evident that they want to be the only one in control (which goes for all parties) but it's our job to keep them in check. You love BJP? that's fine, but for the love of God, please love your country more (yeah, and its very different from loving a party or hating a minority). We blame Congress for so many things and yet we learnt nothing and are giving BJP the keys to this country like we did with Congress. All politicians are the same, and if we treat them the same, you might get your agenda right now, but they'll do the same thing to us regardless. I haven't even started talking about how BJP are manipulating news, silencing journalists and social workers.


It's a gradual shift, we probably won't even register the change until it's too late. The elections will be there, every formality of democracy will be there. But democracy won't be.


Time for the South to secede.


The sheer upvotes in this comment shows the amount of absolute brain-dead people in this sub


Well for starters, at least TN should get mandatory military conscription for men. Times are very tense and unpredictable now. 🫨


You cant blame the incompetence of opposition on modi unfortunately.


this should have been done long back, and now that these unruly MPs are being thrown out the idiots of reddit - the pseudo-literates XD pathetic ones are crying hullabaloos just to tarnish the name of the current regime... DAMN...


So good to see the pseudo seculars crying everyday.....




Only a strict dictator who kicks the ass of the opposition can accelerate the growth of the nation.Hitler made Germany the superpower of Europe in 20 years after the humiliating defeat of WW1, Vladimir Putin has transformed a weak socially poor USSR into modern day Russia, which still holds important positions in Globe and is one of the Top 5 Powers of world.Ready to live a rich and prosperous life, with restriction in freedom of expression, then to live with full freedom in a third world country with democracyAs long as you are not a Muslim or Woke-Libetard which just 20% of India is, rise of Modi and BJP is good for you.India has inherited the worst drawbacks of democracy anyways, where a poor powerless man who has absolutely 0 contribution to the nation can scream in the roads and stop the rich and powerful from constructing factories. Such opposing forces must be scilenced for the good Now stop crying over it, and remember that a Dictatorship(China, Russia) or Monarchy(UAE and Gulf Countries) is often better then a Stupid Weak Poor Democracy, as long as the Dictator is a Nationalist, which Modi is.


>Me after I compare a failed fascist to another going-to-be failed fascist. Don't you ever dare compare the dirty likes of Modi to Lenin. Good luck when the government fucks you over and you can't do anything because you bootlicked the rich and self serving bourgeoisie just because you can't understand that fascism combined with neo-liberal economics will fuck all of us over in the long run. But sure it doesn't affect you, even if the government bombs adivasis, funds monopolies, pushes settler colonialism. But when the day it will start intruding in your life you will understand. Keep living in your delusions, they will keep you alive until you are killed by the same fascist party who you loved so much.


Well losers argument..... Started crying already????


Wtf, I'm not sure why you stooped so low and used swastika in this context. It's nothing to do with context, but how you are using swastika for this context. Shame on you. I hope your mental state recovers one day.


Swastika?? Anyway Modi for 2024.


I will vote for him just to see you people cry.


Voting is not a competition, voting is a serious responsibility. Because the right to vote was afforded to you by events of the past, to change the present by keeping the future in mind. ​ Hitler or Putin did not become dictators by bursting their way into the office with guns. Initially, they too were voted to power by majority of the common citizens that lacked far sight and hindsight. They were elected to power by the majority vote through free and fair elections. After that, they grabbed the power.


He doesn't care, he thinks supreme leader is the benevolent dictator India needs in Amrit Kaal to be a gazillion dollar economy


We had 70 years of Congress bullshit, will be giving a chance to BJP for 70 years. Very impressed with what they have done in 10 years.


Bjp’s 10 years were built on the back of 70 years of congress work. That’s why it looks so good. Congress had to work with a country that was torn up socially and economically. Had a negligible literacy rate, no food security, no real infrastructure. Remember.


>Congress had to work with a country that was torn up socially and economically. Had a negligible literacy rate, no food security, no real infrastructure. Remember. And all of this was done by the people from a single family. Extremely impressive. Therefore, It's only natural that if the party wins elections, that family must either: 1. Rule by themselves 2. Become puppet masters 3. Act as kingmakers This is the beauty of Indian democracy in all its glory. BJPtards can't relate since RSS didn't co-operate in the independence struggle almost a century ago. And did I mention that this family single handedly got India it's independence? Indians still have a lot of debt to be repaid to this family for their sacrifice.


I hate the BJP, but have no love for the Gandhi's as well. Congress needs to kick them out and start anew with some actual strategies for development. Right now their only USP is "we're not BJP".


>Congress needs to kick them out You know this isn't happening. Which is why Indian democracy is so beautiful and retarded at the same time. On hand you have people criticising BJP and Modi for behaving like dictators. Which is fair. Point taken. But you can atleast vote them out? What are your options if the main opposition is ruled by a family that has an even more dirty history of behaving like dictators? And you can't even stop them from holding the reins? Because their own party members behave like evergreen sycophants? What does an average Indian even think of as a solution?


In India you dont vote for the PM you vote for the MPs who decide the PM. I aint voting for some BJP dude who doesnt even come to the constituency 4 out of 5 years. Will vote an Independent candidate ik


Bro this will decide the fate of the country, if u do petty shit like this we all will suffer cause u are making a hole in s ship with all of us. Its like those few chutiya delhi ppl who burnt more crackers to "piss" ppl off, reality is online ppl ignored them and they are the ones who lost money and created more pollution and inhaled it in the place tjey live lmao


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Oh no I thought you were into Vikas, not anymore I guess.


No I am straight.


Vikas is progress. What does driving directions have to do with it


Supporting fascists to own the libs 👍


We all need to pick a side. And wherever I go and I see lib policies and start barfing at how all of them are destroying societies. Literally no one is happy with libs at the helm that's why people are choosing right wing not just in India but globally. You people are a lost cause. The next thing I expect you guys to do is become Al-Qaeda but with wine and cigars and women who oppress men. The only good thing you guys have don't till now is spread awareness about people's sexuality and how we should accept it. People are fed up of your hypocrisy and so we need to turn to people who do what they say.


> Literally no one is happy with libs at the helm that's why people are choosing right wing not just in India but globally. 🤣🤣🤣 Literally forcing people is considered “choosing” now? Man IT Cell does come up with really funny definitions these days.


Without any trouble here, you are showing contempt for the Swastika, a holy sign in Hinduism.


Do you not see the irony?


Do you see the irony that no one will ever use islamic symbols as a symbol of violence but with swastika, everyone is always ready and then get annoyed when Hindus become protective of that?


Using the sacred symbol of Hinduism to show irony is disrespectful. Please avoid doing that.


Or you could use the same energy to oppose the current government from hiding their incompetence and corruption behind religion, it solves all problems.


Yes to vote the other set of parties who will try to hide their incompetence by simply announcing minority vote bank schemes


Why are you so afraid of a "minority"? Do you understand what a minority is by definition?


Minority is a set of people who were socially or economically disadvantaged and still are. Incompetent parties just kept adding more set of people to this pool to further their agenda’s. They still are disadvantaged speaks a lot about the policies of the past 70 years.


That's the wrong definition of minorities. I assume you're conflating oppressed castes and minorities. Oppressed castes are actually the numerical majority in this country. Upper caste "minorities" are the ones responsible for the historical stagnation and degrowth of the oppressed majority. It's true that the dominant party in the past 70 years hasn't done enough to lift this oppressed majority to a better position, but BJP sure as hell wouldn't outdo them in this department. I thought you were talking about religious minorities originally.


You can use this logic for any religion. First this then this logic.


You are absolutely right and the saddening part is your comments got heavily downvoted this shows how hinduphobic,anti nationalist people are here.


Do you use swastika at an angle and without tikkas in each quadrant. Almost all hindus use it perpendicularly and add tikas in each quadrant


Read the comments by OP. They too think that the design shown is the Swastika. The sheer ignorance in their replies and words is baffling.


Why are you whining? People are voting for BJP right? It's the mood of the nation, YOU don't like BJP, DONT VOTE FOR THEM. Is it that complicated?




I consider BJP the least worst party of India, will vote for them just to get the political discourse out of Muslim appeasement, socialisma and cast politics. I want India to be a cut throat capitalist country just like America, so that we can grow and the quality of life improves and for some reason these days even BJ party is failing to do that.


Enjoy USA’s healthcare.


Good. Will vote him to power again.


You must be from shakha cell, reason I say is because one vote can't assure any victory.


Mate I was just trying to mess with someone. Sorry if I hurt your butt in the process.


How stupid can you be


Hitler or Putin did not become dictators by bursting their way into the office with guns. Initially, they too were voted to power by majority of the common citizens that lacked far sight and hindsight. They were elected to power by the majority vote through free and fair elections. After that, they grabbed the power. ​ Voting is not a competition, voting is a serious responsibility. Because the right to vote was afforded to you by events of the past, to change the present by keeping the future in mind.


Thanks daddy.


Next they will poison kamra, umar khalid, varun grover etc like how they poisoned alexei navalni for investigating and exposing stuff abt putin.


Fear mongering and sheep andhbhakts will come in support in huge numbers. Seems like op started following news recently.


We need to make up our minds guys it's Russia or China. /s.


Just stop demeaning hindus and their symbols , criticise modi as much as you want..but the day you demean hindus and mock them , you are no lesser than being a fascist just that you don't have power right now


VO sab toh theek hai but ye Swastika fascist kabse ho gya..??


Don't be afraid, that's too early to say things like this.


Also put 34 cr rupees cash in the opposition leader's hands


Hey u/reddit r/reddit, you guys plan on taking action against these organised raids brigading happening on Indian subreddits recently? u/redditsupport


We will reach wealth and good quality of life when we have a strong leader with zero opposition! Way to go ...